1 Preliminaries

We assume some basic familiarity with combinatorial designs and algebraic coding theory (cf. e.g. [1, 7, 12]).

Given integers \(v\ge k \ge 2 \), \(\lambda > 0\), a 2-\((v,k,\lambda )\) design is a pair \(\mathcal {D}=(X, \mathcal {B})\) of a set \(X=\{ x_i \}_{i=1}^v\) of v points, and a collection \(\mathcal {B}=\{ B_j \}_{j=1}^b\) of k-subsets \(B_j \subseteq X\), called blocks such that every two points appear together in exactly \(\lambda \) blocks.

The points by blocks incidence matrix \(A=( a_{i,j})\) of a design \(\mathcal {D}\) with v points and b blocks is a \(v\times b\) (0, 1)-matrix with \(a_{i,j}=1\) if the ith point belongs to the jth block, and \(a_{i,j}=0\) otherwise. The transposed matrix \(A^T\) is called the blocks by points incidence matrix of \(\mathcal {D}\). The dual design \(\mathcal {D}^*\) of \(\mathcal {D}\) is the design with incidence matrix \(A^T\).

The derived design \({\mathcal {D}}^{x}\) of a 2-\((v,k,\lambda )\) design \(\mathcal {D}=(X, \mathcal {B})\) with respect to a point \(x\in X\) is a 1-\((v-1,k-1,\lambda )\) design with point set \(X{\setminus } \{ x \}\), and blocks \( B{\setminus } \{ x \}\), \( B\in {\mathcal {B}}, x\in B \). If a given 1-\((v-1,k-1,\lambda )\) design \(\mathcal {D}'\) is a derived design of a 2-\((v,k,\lambda )\) design, we call \(\mathcal {D}'\) extendable. The residual design \({\mathcal {D}}_{x}\) with respect to \(x\in X\) is a 1-\((v-1,k,r-\lambda )\) design with point set \(X{\setminus } \{ x \}\), and blocks \(B\in {\mathcal {B}}, x\notin B\), where \(r =\lambda (v-1)/(k-1)\) is the number of blocks that contain x.

If \(\mathcal {D}\) is a 2-\((v,k,\lambda )\) design with \(v>k>0\), the number of blocks \(b=v(v-1)\lambda /(k(k-1))\) satisfies the Fisher inequality

$$\begin{aligned} b \ge v, \end{aligned}$$

and the equality \(b=v\) holds if and only if every two blocks share exactly \(\lambda \) points. A 2-\((v,k,\lambda )\) design D with \(b=v\) is called symmetric.

A 2-\((v,k,\lambda )\) design D with \(b>v\) is quasi-symmetric with intersection numbers xy (\(0\le x < y\)) if every two blocks share either x or y points. Quasi-symmetric designs were introduced by Shrikhande and Bhagwandas [11].

A strongly regular graph with parameters \(\bar{n}, \bar{k}, \bar{\lambda }, \bar{\mu }\) is an undirected graph with \(\bar{n}\) vertices, having no multiple edges or loops, such that: every vertex has exactly \(\bar{k}\) neighbors, every two adjacent vertices have exactly \(\bar{\lambda }\) common neighbors, and every two non-adjacent vertices have exactly \(\bar{\mu }\) common neighbors. Strongly regular graphs were introduced by Bose [3]. It was proved by Shrikhande and Bhagwandas [11] that if \(\mathcal {D}\) is a quasi-symmetric 2-\((v,k,\lambda )\) design with intersection numbers x, y, (\(0\le x < y\)), then the graph \(\Gamma \) having as vertices the blocks of \(\mathcal {D}\), where two blocks are adjacent in \(\Gamma \) if they share exactly x points, is strongly regular.

A 2-\((v,k,\lambda )\) design is called strongly resolvable with intersection numbers xy (\(0\le x < y)\) if its set of blocks can be partitioned into disjoint subsets in such a way that every two blocks which belong to the same subset intersect each other in exactly x points, while every two blocks that belong to different subsets intersect each other in y points. An example of a strongly resolvable design with \(x=0, y=q^{n-2}\) is the design \(AG_{n-1}(n,q)\) with parameters 2-\((q^n, q^{n-1}, (q^{n-1}-1)/(q-1))\) having as points and blocks the points and hyperplanes in the n-dimensional finite affine geometry AG(nq) over a finite field of order q. The block graph of a strongly resolvable design is a union of disjoint complete graphs.

Some instant examples of quasi-symmetric designs are the following:

  1. 1.

    the union of several identical copies of a symmetric 2-\((v,k,\lambda )\) design (\(x=\lambda \), \(y=k\));

  2. 2.

    any non-symmetric 2-(vk, 1) design (\(x=0\), \(y=1\));

  3. 3.

    any strongly resolvable design;

  4. 4.

    any 2-\(((k+1)k/2,k,2)\) design (\(x=1\), \(y=2\)).

A quasi-symmetric 2-\((v,k,\lambda )\) design with \(k \le v/2\) is called exceptional if it does not belong to any of the above four categories [9]. A table of admissible parameters for exceptional quasi-symmetric designs with number of points \(v\le 70\) is given in [10]. There are 73 feasible parameter sets for exceptional quasi-symmetric designs with \(v\le 70\) points [10, Table 48.25]. Currently, the existence (or nonexistence) question has been resolved for 40 out of the 73 feasible parameter sets, while the existence of a quasi-symmetric design in each of the remaining 33 cases is an open question. In 26 of the 40 resolved cases, linear codes, and self-dual codes in particular, have played a crucial role in establishing the existence, nonexistence or the classification up to isomorphism of the quasi-symmetric designs with the given parameters.

The existence of a quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9), (\(x=1\), \(y=3\)) is an open question. This is one of the 33 remaining open cases for plausible exceptional quasi-symmetric designs with \(v\le 70\) points. In this paper, we prove that a cyclic quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design does not exist, and if \(p<41\) is a prime number being the order of an automorphism of a quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design, then \(p\le 5\). We also prove the nonexistence of a quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design with an automorphism \(\phi \) of order 5 with exactly one fixed point such that the binary code of the derived design is contained in a doubly-even self-dual [40, 20] code invariant under \(\phi \). This may be considered as a first step to prove the nonexistence of a quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design with block intersection numbers 1 and 3, and an analogue of the previous work [4, 5] for quasi-symmetric 2-(37, 9, 8) designs with block intersection numbers 1 and 3.

The organization of this paper is as follows. In Sect. 2, we investigate automorphisms of 2-designs in general. It is shown that (not necessarily quasi-symmetric) 2-(41, 9, 9) design can admit an automorphism of prime order p only if \(p=41\) or \(p\le 7\). In Sect. 3, we show that \(p=41\) and \(p=7\) cannot occur as the order of an automorphism of a quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design. In Sect. 4, we show that \(p=5\) cannot occur as the order of an automorphism of a quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design, under mild conditions (see Theorem 4.5 for the exact assumption).

2 Automorphisms of 2-(41, 9, 9) designs

In this section we investigate the spectrum of prime numbers that could be the order of an automorphism of a 2-(41, 9, 9) design.

Definition 2.1

A 2-\((v_0,k,\lambda )\) design \({\mathcal {D}}_0=(X_0, {{\mathcal {B}}}_0)\) is a subdesign of a 2-\((v,k,\lambda )\) design \(\mathcal {D}=(X, {\mathcal {B}})\) if \(X_0 \subseteq X\) and \({{\mathcal {B}}}_0\subseteq {\mathcal {B}}\).

The following statement is given without a proof in [8, II.1.4, page 25].

Lemma 2.2

If a 2-\((v,k,\lambda )\) design \(\mathcal {D}\) with \(k\ge 2\) contains a 2-\((v_0, k,\lambda )\) subdesign \({\mathcal {D}}_0\) then either \(v_0 =v\) or

$$\begin{aligned} v_0 \le \frac{v-1}{k-1}. \end{aligned}$$


Every point of \(\mathcal {D}_0\) is contained in \(r-r_0\) blocks of \(\mathcal {D}\) that are not blocks of \(\mathcal {D}_0\). If xy are two distinct points of \(\mathcal {D}_0\) then the set \(S_x\) of \(r-r_0\) blocks of \(\mathcal {D}\) that are not blocks of \(\mathcal {D}_0\) and contain x, and the set \(S_y\) of \(r-r_0\) blocks of \(\mathcal {D}\) that are not blocks of \(\mathcal {D}_0\) and contain y, are disjoint: \(S_x \cap S_y =\emptyset \). Thus, we have

$$\begin{aligned} v_{0}(r-r_0) \le b-b_0. \end{aligned}$$

After the substitutions \(r=\lambda (v-1)/(k-1)\), \(r_0 =\lambda (v_0-1)/(k-1)\), \(b=\lambda v(v-1)/(k(k-1))\), \(b_0=\lambda v_0(v_0-1)/(k(k-1))\), the inequality (3) simplifies to

$$\begin{aligned} (k-1)v_{0}^2 + (1-vk)v_0 + v^2 -v \ge 0. \end{aligned}$$

The roots of the quadratic polynomial \(f(v_0)=(k-1)v_{0}^2 + (1-vk)v_0 + v^2 -v\) are \(v_0=v\) and \(v_0=(v-1)/(k-1)\), and the statement of the lemma follows. \(\square \)

A trivial lower bound on the number of points of a 2-\((v_0,k,\lambda )\) subdesign is \(v_0 \ge k\), which, combined with (2) gives

$$\begin{aligned} k \le v_0 \le \frac{v-1}{k-1}. \end{aligned}$$

The inequalities (4) imply the following.

Corollary 2.3

A necessary condition for a 2-\((v,k,\lambda )\) design to have a subdesign with \(v_0 < v\) points is that \(k(k-1)+1 \le v\).

Lemma 2.4

Let \(\mathcal {D}=(X, \mathcal {B})\) be a 2-\((v,k,\lambda )\) design with an automorphism \(\phi \) of prime order p, such that p does not divide v and \(p>\lambda \).

(i) If a block B contains two distinct points xy which are fixed by \(\phi \), then B is fixed by \(\phi \).

(ii) Let \(X_0 =\{ x\in X \ | \ x^\phi =x \}\). Assume that \(v_0 =|X_0|\ge 2\) and \(p>k\). Then \(X_0\) is the point set of a 2-\((v_0,k,\lambda )\) subdesign of \(\mathcal {D}\) with \(v_0 < v\).


  1. (i)

    If we assume that B is not fixed by \(\phi \), then x and y must appear together in every of the p distinct blocks from the orbit of B under the cyclic group \(<\phi>\), which is impossible because \(p > \lambda \).

  2. (ii)

    Since \(p>k\), every block that is fixed by \(\phi \) must consist entirely of fixed points. Now by part (i), if a block B contains two points from \(X_0\) then \(B \subseteq X_0\), hence the set of all blocks of \(\mathcal {D}\) that are fixed by \(\phi \) form a 2-\((v_0,k,\lambda )\) subdesign. \(\square \)

Theorem 2.5

  1. (i)

    If \(\mathcal {D}\) is a 2-(41, 9, 9) design that admits an automorphism of prime order p then either \(p=41\) or \(p\le 7\).

  2. (ii)

    There exists a 2-(41, 9, 9) design with automorphism of order 41.


(i) Assume that \(\mathcal {D}\) is a 2-(41, 9, 9) design with an automorphism \(\phi \) of a prime order \(p<41\). Since the number of blocks of \(\mathcal {D}\) is \(205=5\cdot 41\), if p is in the range \(7< p < 41\) then \(\phi \) must fix at least one block and at least two points. By Lemma 2.4, part (ii) the set \(X_0\) of all points that are fixed by \(\phi \) is the point set of a 2-\((v_0,9,9)\) subdesign with \(v_0 < 41\). On the other hand, since \(9\cdot 8 +1 =73 > 41\), a 2-(41, 9, 9) design \(\mathcal {D}\) cannot have any subdesign with \(v_0 < 41\) by Corollary 2.3, a contradiction.

(ii) Let \(G=AGL(1,41)\) be the group of order \(41\cdot 40 =1640\), being the semidirect product of the additive and the multiplicative groups of the finite field of order 41, \(Z_{41}=\{0, 1, 2,\ldots , 40 \}\). The group G acts as a 2-transitive permutation group on \(Z_{41}\) as the set of transformations

$$\begin{aligned} \{ g=(a,b): \ g(x)=ax+b\pmod {41}, \ x\in Z_{41}, \ a,b\in Z_{41}, \ a\ne 0 \}. \end{aligned}$$

Since G is 2-transitive, the orbit \(B^G\) of any k-subset \(B \subset Z_{41}\) with \(k\ge 2\) is a 2-\((41,k,\lambda )\) design with \(b=|G|/|G_B|\) blocks, where \(G_B\) is the setwise stabilizer of B in G, and \(\lambda =bk(k-1)/(v(v-1))\). If we choose B to be a 9-subset which is fixed by the subgroup \(H=<(3,0)>\) of order 8, for example, \(B=\{ 0, 1, 3, 9, 27, 40, 38, 32, 14 \}\), then \(|G_B|=|H|=8\) and the orbit of B under G is a cyclic 2-(41, 9, 9) design. \(\square \)

3 Automorphisms of quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) designs

In this section we investigate the spectrum of prime numbers that can be the order of an automorphism of a putative quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design with intersection numbers \(x=1, y=3\).

Theorem 3.1

A quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design with an automorphism of order 41 does not exist.


Let A be the \(205\times 41\) blocks by points incidence matrix of a quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design \(\mathcal {D}=(X, \mathcal {B})\), and let \(A^+\) be the \(205 \times 42\) matrix obtained by adding to A one all-one column. The matrix \(A^+\) has constant row sum 10, and the inner product of every two rows of \(A^+\) is an even number (2 or 4). Thus, the rows of \(A^+\) span a binary self-orthogonal code of length 42, hence the rank of A over the binary field, \(rank_{2}A\), satisfies the inequality

$$\begin{aligned} rank_{2}A \le 21. \end{aligned}$$

On the other hand, since A has \(205 > 2^7 \) rows, we have

$$\begin{aligned} rank_{2}A > 7. \end{aligned}$$

Assume now that \(\mathcal {D}\) is invariant under the cyclic group of order 41 acting regularly on the point set X, hence the binary linear code L spanned by the rows of A is a cyclic code (for the fundamentals of cyclic codes, see, e.g. [7, Chapter 4]). There are exactly three cyclotomic cosets of 2 modulo 41, namely \(\{ 0 \}\), the set Q of the 20 quadratic residues modulo 41, and the set N of the 20 quadratic non-residues modulo 41. Since

$$\begin{aligned} 7 < rank_{2}A \le 21, \end{aligned}$$

it follows that L is equivalent to the quadratic residue code \(QR_{41}\) (see [7, Sec. 6.6]) of length 41 and dimension 21, having a generator polynomial

$$\begin{aligned} g(x)= x^{20} + x^{18} + x^{17} + x^{16} + x^{15} + x^{14} + x^{11} + x^{10} + x^9 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + 1. \end{aligned}$$

The minimum weight of \(QR_{41}\) is 9, and the set of all 410 codewords of weight 9 spans the code, hence the full automorphism group of the code coincides with the automorphism group G of the 1-(41, 9, 90) design D having as blocks the supports of the codewords of weight 9. It turns out that D is also a 2-(41, 9, 18) design. The collection of blocks of the 2-(41, 9, 9) design \(\mathcal {D}\) gives rise to a bipartition of 410 codewords of weight 9 into two equal parts, where in each part, the supports intersect pairwise in either one or three positions. We define a graph \(\Gamma \) having as vertices the 410 codewords of \(QR_{41}\) of minimum weight, where two codewords are adjacent in \(\Gamma \) if their supports share either one or three positions. A quick check by computer shows that the complement of \(\Gamma \) has a 3-cycle, hence is not bipartite. Therefore, a cyclic quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design with intersection numbers \(x=1\), \(y=3\) does not exist. \(\square \)

Note 1

The automorphism group G of \(QR_{41}\) is of order 820, and acts as a transitive permutation group of rank 3 on the set of 41 code coordinates. The group G can be viewed also as the automorphism group of the Paley graph P(41) with vertex set \(X=\{ 0, 1, \ldots 40 \}\), with vertices corresponding to the code coordinates, where two vertices ij are adjacent in P(41) if \(i-j\) is a quadratic residue modulo 41. The graph P(41) is a strongly regular graph with parameters \(\bar{n}=41\), \(\bar{k}=20\), \(\bar{\lambda }=9\), \(\bar{\mu }=10\). The group G partitions the collection of all unordered 2-subsets of vertices in two orbits: one orbit consists of the edges of P(41), and the second orbit consists of all on-edges. The stabilizer of a minimum weight codeword in G is of order 2, hence all 410 codewords of weight 9 are in one orbit under the action of G. Thus, all blocks of the 1-(41, 9, 90) design D having as blocks the supports of the codewords of weight 9 in the code \(QR_{41}\) are in one orbit under the action of G. It is easy to show that D is actually a 2-(41, 9, 18) design. Indeed, any block of D can be considered as subgraph of the Paley graph P(41). For example, \(B=\{ 1, 3, 9, 15, 17, 18, 21, 38, 41 \}\) is a block corresponding to a codeword of \(QR_{41}\) with nonzero positions \(1, 3, 9, \ldots , 41 \). Considered as a subgraph of P(41), B contains exactly 18 edges, that is, there are 18 pairs \(i, j \in B\), \(i<j\) such that \(j-i\) is a quadratic residue modulo 41. Now applying Theorem 3.5.1 from [12, p. 166], it follows that D is a 2-\((41,9,\lambda )\) design with

$$\begin{aligned} \lambda =\frac{410\cdot 9\cdot 8}{41\cdot 40}=18. \end{aligned}$$

Theorem 3.2

A quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design with intersection numbers \(x=1\), \(y=3\) and an automorphism of order 7 does not exist.


Assume the contrary, and let \(\phi \) be an automorphism of order 7 of a quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design with intersection numbers \(x=1\), \(y=3\). Since the number of points is \(41\equiv 6 \pmod 7\), \(\phi \) fixes at least 6 points. Pick two points \(p,p'\) fixed by \(\phi \). Since there are 9 blocks containing both p and \(p'\), \(\phi \) fixes at least two blocks \(B,B'\) containing the points \(p,p'\). Since \(x=1\) and \(y=3\), there is another point in \(B\cap B'\) which must be fixed by \(\phi \). Then the remaining six points of B are also fixed by \(\phi \).

Now let \(B''\) be an arbitrary block sharing three points \(q,q',q''\) with B. If \(\phi \) does not fix \(B''\), then the orbit of \(B''\) under \(\phi \) consists of 7 blocks all of which contain \(q,q',q''\). These blocks are disjoint outside \(q,q',q''\), so we need \(7\cdot (9-3)=42\) points outside B. Since this is impossible, we conclude that \(\phi \) fixes \(B''\), and hence also all the points of \(B''\).

We have shown that, every block sharing three points with a block fixed by \(\phi \) pointwise is also fixed by \(\phi \) pointwise. Since the block graph is a connected strongly regular graph, this implies that \(\phi \) fixes every block pointwise. Thus, \(\phi \) fixes every point, which contradicts the fact that \(\phi \) has order 7.

Theorems 2.53.1 and  3.2 imply the following. \(\square \)

Theorem 3.3

If p is a prime number being the order of an automorphism of a quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design, then \(p\le 5\).

4 Quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) designs and doubly-even self-dual codes of length 40

Suppose that \(\mathcal {D}=(X, \mathcal {B})\) is a quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design with intersection numbers \(x=1, y=3\). If \(z\in X\), the derived 1-(40, 8, 9) design \({\mathcal {D}}^{z}\) is a quasi-symmetric design with block intersection numbers \(x' =0, y'=2\), and the \(40\times 45\) points by blocks incidence matrix M of \({\mathcal {D}}^{z}\) has the following properties:

  1. 1.

    M has constant row sum 9.

  2. 2.

    M has constant column sum 8.

  3. 3.

    The inner product of any two columns of M is either 0 or 2.

Properties 2 and 3 imply that the binary linear code spanned by the columns of M is a self-orthogonal code L of length 40 with all weights divisible by 4, hence L is contained in some binary doubly-even self-dual code C of length 40. Thus, the column set of M is a set of 45 codewords of C of weight 8, such that properties 1 and 3 hold. Motivated by Theorem 3.3 and to reduce the search, we will assume that the column set of M is a union of orbits of codewords of weight 8 under an automorphism group of C of order 5.

All binary doubly-even self-dual codes of length 40 were classified up to equivalence by Betsumiya et al. [2]. Among the 16,470 doubly even [40, 20, 8] codes, there are 45 codes with an automorphism of order 5 [2]: 44 codes have a full automorphism group of order not divisible by 25 that contains one conjugacy class of fixed-point-free automorphisms of order 5, and there is a unique code with a full automorphism group of order divisible by 25. The automorphism group of the latter code contains fixed-point-free automorphisms of order 5, as well as automorphisms of order 5 with 20 fixed points. With respect to this automorphism \(\phi \) of order 5 with 20 fixed points, the codewords of weight 8 are classified into three types:

  1. 1.

    codewords whose support is contained in the set of 20 fixed points (hence these codewords are fixed by \(\phi \));

  2. 2.

    codewords whose support is disjoint from the set of 20 fixed points;

  3. 3.

    codewords whose support consists of 4 fixed points and 4 points that are not fixed by \(\phi \).

If there is a 1-(40, 8, 9) design with intersection numbers \(x'=0\) and \(y'=2\) invariant under \(\phi \), then its set of blocks contains no blocks of type 3, hence every block is of type 1 or 2. Since the points covered by 1 and 2 are disjoint, this would result in a 1-(20, 8, 9) design. However, such a design does not exist because \(20\cdot 9/8\) is not an integer.

Any doubly-even self-dual [40, 20, 8] code C contains exactly 285 codewords of weight 8 (see, e.g. [6, Subsec. 2.3]), and if the code is invariant under an automorphism \(\phi \) of order 5 without fixed points, the set of 285 codewords of weight 8 is partitioned into 57 orbits of length 5 under the action of \(<\phi>\). Any quasi-symmetric 1-(40, 8, 9) design which is invariant under \(<\phi>\) and whose blocks are supports of codewords of C, has a \(40\times 45\) incidence matrix with column set comprising of nine orbits of codewords of weight 8 under the action of \(<\phi>\).

Example 4.1

The following nine 8-sets

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rrrrrrrr} 8 &{} 11&{} 12 &{}15&{} 21 &{}26 &{}36&{} 38 \\ 1 &{}3 &{} 15&{} 19 &{}21 &{}24 &{}30 &{} 34\\ 7 &{}12&{} 13 &{}20&{} 24 &{}26 &{}30&{} 31 \\ 6 &{}14 &{}19 &{}20 &{}21 &{}25 &{}31 &{}38\\ 1 &{} 5 &{}7 &{}10&{} 21 &{}25 &{}26&{} 28\\ 2 &{}8 &{}14 &{}17&{} 24 &{}30 &{}35 &{}38\\ 1 &{} 4 &{}6 &{}10 &{}34 &{}35 &{}36 &{}38\\ 7 &{} 17&{} 19 &{}20 &{}28 &{}34 &{}35 &{}40\\ 4 &{} 5 &{} 14 &{}17 &{}26&{} 31 &{}36 &{}40 \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

are the base blocks (that is, block orbit representatives) of a quasi-symmetric 1-(40, 8, 9) design \({\mathcal {D}}'\) with point set \(X'=\{ 1, 2,\ldots , 40 \}\) and an automorphism \(\phi \) of order 5,

$$\begin{aligned} \phi =(1,2,\ldots ,5)(5,\ldots ,10) \cdots (36,\ldots 40), \end{aligned}$$

obtained from a doubly-even [40, 20, 8] self-dual code invariant under \(\phi \).

The \(8 \times 9\) orbit matrix \(M=(m_{i,j})\) of \({\mathcal {D}}'\) under the action of \(<\phi>\), where \(m_{i,j}\) is the number of blocks from the jth block orbit that contain a single point from the ith point orbit, is given in (5).

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{r} 0 2 0 0 2 1 2 0 2\\ 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 0\\ 3 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 1\\ 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 3 1\\ 1 2 1 2 2 1 0 0 0\\ 1 1 2 0 2 1 0 1 1\\ 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 2 1\\ 2 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

In order to extend the quasi-symmetric 1-(40, 8, 9) design \({\mathcal {D}}'\) from Example 4.1 to a quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design with intersection numbers 1 and 3, we need to find a matching residual 1-(40, 9, 36) design such that each of its 160 blocks meets every block of \({\mathcal {D}}'\) in either 1 or 3 points. Surprisingly, an exhaustive computer search shows that there is no 9-subset of X that meets every block of \({\mathcal {D}}'\) in either 1 or 3 points. This phenomenon can be explained by the following theorem.

Theorem 4.2

Suppose that \(\mathcal {D}=(X, \mathcal {B})\) is a quasi-symmetric 2-\((v,k,\lambda )\) design with odd intersection numbers xy. Let \({\mathcal {D}}^{z}\) be a derived 1-\((v-1,k-1,\lambda )\) design of \(\mathcal {D}\) with respect to a point \(z\in X\). Let M be the points by blocks incidence matrix of \({\mathcal {D}}^{z}\), and let \(\bar{M}\) be the matrix obtained by adding one all-one row to M:

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{M}=\left( \begin{array}{ccc} &{} M &{}\\ 1 &{} \cdots &{} 1 \end{array}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

Let \(\bar{C}\) be the binary linear code spanned by the columns of \(\bar{M}\). If \(c\in \bar{C}\) is a codeword with nonzero last position, then

$$\begin{aligned} wt(c)\ge 1+\frac{b-r}{r-\lambda }, \end{aligned}$$

where \(b=|\mathcal {B}|\) and \(r=bk/v\).


Let \({\mathcal {D}}_{z}\) be the residual 1-\((v-1,k,r-\lambda )\) design of \(\mathcal {D}\) with respect to z, and let N be the \((v-1)\times (b-r)\) points by blocks incidence matrix of \({\mathcal {D}}_{z}\). Let \(\bar{N}\) be the matrix obtained by adding one all-one row to N:

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{N}=\left( \begin{array}{ccc} &{} N &{}\\ 1 &{} \cdots &{} 1 \end{array}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

Since the scalar product of every column of M with every column of N is either x or y and both x and y are odd, the scalar product of every column of \(\bar{M}\) with every column of \(\bar{N}\) is an even number (\(x+1\) or \(y+1\)). This implies that every column of \(\bar{N}\) is orthogonal to \(\bar{C}\) over the binary field. In particular, \(c^\top \bar{N}\equiv 0\pmod {2}\), and hence \(wt(c)\ne 1\).

Let \(c'\) be the vector indexed by X obtained from c by deleting the last coordinate. Then \({c'}^\top N\) is the all-one vector modulo 2. In particular, every block of \(\mathcal {D}_z\) meets the support of \(c'\). Since every point of \(\mathcal {D}_z\) is contained in exactly \(r-\lambda \) blocks of \(\mathcal {D}_z\), the number of blocks of \(\mathcal {D}_z\) is at most \(wt(c')(r-\lambda )\). This implies \(b-r\le wt(c')(r-\lambda )\), proving the desired inequality. \(\square \)

Theorem 4.2 implies the following.

Theorem 4.3

A necessary condition for an 1-\((v-1,k-1,\lambda )\) design \({\mathcal {D}}'\) with even block intersection numbers \(x', y'\) to be extendable to a quasi-symmetric 2-\((v,k,\lambda )\) design with odd intersection numbers \(x=x'+1\), \(y=y'+1\) is that the binary linear code spanned by the rows of its points by blocks incidence matrix contains the all-one vector.


Assuming that \(\mathcal {D}'=\mathcal {D}^z\) for some quasi-symmetric 2-\((v,k,\lambda )\) design \(\mathcal {D}\), we use the same notation as Theorem 4.2. Let C be the binary code of length r spanned by the rows of M. The condition that C contains the all-one vector \(\bar{1}=(1,\ldots ,1)\) is equivalent to the condition that all codewords in its dual code \(C^\perp \) have even weights. Thus, \(\bar{1} \notin C\) if and only if there is a set S of an odd number of columns of M whose sum over the binary field is the zero column. If S is such a set, then the modulo 2 sum of the corresponding columns of \(\bar{M}\) is a vector of weight 1 with nonzero last position. This violates the inequality in Theorem 4.2. \(\square \)

Note 2

The modulo 2 sum of the first three columns of the orbit matrix (5) is the zero column. Hence, the dual code \(C^\perp \) of binary code C of length 45 spanned by the incidence matrix of the 1-(40, 8, 9) design \({\mathcal {D}}'\) from Example 4.1 contains a codeword of odd weight 15. It follows that C does not contain the all-one vector, thus, by Theorem 4.3, \({\mathcal {D}}'\) is not extendable to a quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design.

Example 4.4

The following matrix

$$\begin{aligned} \left( \begin{array}{ccccc} &{}&{}&{}&{}1\\ I_{20} &{} &{} J-B &{}&{} \vdots \\ &{}&{}&{}&{} 1\\ &{} &{}1 \ldots 1 &{}&{} 0 \end{array}\right) , \end{aligned}$$

where \(I_{20}\) is the identity matrix of order 20, B is the square circulant (0, 1)-matrix of order 19 with nine nonzero entries in its first row indexed by the quadratic residues modulo 19, and J is the \(19\times 19\) all-one matrix, is the generator matrix of a doubly even self-dual [40, 20, 8] code C, known as the double circulant code with these parameters. The full automorphism group of C is of order \(6840 = 2^{3}\cdot 3^{2}\cdot 5 \cdot 19\), and contains an automorphism \(\phi \) of order 5 without fixed points that partitions the 285 codewords of weight 8 in 57 orbits. A short computer search shows that there are exactly 1787 distinct 1-(40, 8, 9) designs with block intersection numbers 0 and 2, whose \(40\times 45\) incidence matrices comprise of 9 orbits of codewords of weight 8 under the action of \(\phi \). None of the 1787 binary codes of length 45 spanned by these incidence matrices contains the all-one vector, hence, according to Theorem 4.3, all 1-(40, 8, 9) designs that arise from C and admit \(\phi \) as an automorphism, are not extendable to a quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design.

Theorem 4.5

There is no quasi-symmetric 2-(41, 9, 9) design with an automorphism \(\phi \) of order 5 with exactly one fixed point such that the incidence matrix of a derived design with respect to the point fixed by \(\phi \) is obtainable as a collection of codewords in a doubly-even self-dual [40, 20] code invariant under \(\phi \).

The proof of Theorem 4.5 is computational. Table 1 gives a summary of the computational results. From the database of doubly even self-dual [40, 20] codes, we first extract those with automorphism \(\phi \) of order 5 without fixed points. There are 45 (resp. 32) doubly even self-dual [40, 20, 8] (resp. [40, 20, 4]) codes. For each such [40, 20] code C, we decompose the set of codewords of weight 8 into orbits under \(<\phi>\), and enumerate all possible union of nine orbits which can form the set of blocks of a quasi-symmetric 1-(40, 8, 9) design with intersection numbers \(x' =0\), \(y'=2\). The designs are then tested to see if the necessary condition given in Theorem 4.3 is satisfied. In this way, we obtain two designs from [40, 20, 8] codes, and 130 designs from [40, 20, 4] codes. It turns out that none of the latter 130 designs is extendable by Theorem 4.2. This is because the code \(\bar{C}\) contains a codeword of weight \(5<1+(b-r)/(r-\lambda )=49/9\).

Table 1 Designs from doubly even self-dual [40, 20] codes

For each of the remaining two 1-(40, 8, 9) designs coming from [40, 20, 8] codes, we construct the points by blocks incidence matrix M. Using the notation of the proof of Theorem 4.2, we see that the extendability implies the existence of a \(40\times 160\) matrix N which is the points by blocks incidence matrix of the corresponding residual 1-(40, 9, 36) design. The matrix N has row sum 36, so for each \(i\in \{1,\dots ,40\}\), there are at least 36 codewords of weight 10 whose support contains \(\{i,41\}\) in \(\bar{C}^\perp \). Let \(\Gamma _i=(X_i,E_i)\) denote the graph, where the vertex set \(X_i\) is the set of codewords of weight 10 whose support contains \(\{i,41\}\) in \(\bar{C}^\perp \). The edge set \(E_i\) consists of pairs of codewords whose support intersect at 1 or 3 positions. Since N is the points by blocks incidence matrix of the residual design, the maximum clique size \(\omega (\Gamma _i)\) of the graph \(\Gamma _i\) must be at least 36. We have verified by computer that for each of the two designs,

$$\begin{aligned} \min \left\{ \omega (\Gamma _i):1\le i\le 40\right\} <36. \end{aligned}$$

This shows that none of the 1-(40, 8, 9) designs we found is extendable.