1 Introduction

In this era of multimedia communication, the latest wireless standards target higher data rate to meet the requirement of various service demands of customers. Turbo code ensures reliable communication in many of these recent standards and is used by forward error correction unit in their physical layer [2]. Near-optimal error-rate performance delivered by an iterative process of turbo code is the reason for its supremacy over other channel coding techniques [26, 27] and makes it acceptable by wireless communication standards such as digital video broadcasting–satellite services to handhelds (DVB-SH), high-speed downlink packet access (HSDPA), IEEE 802.16e, IEEE 802.16m, third-generation partnership project long-term evolution (3GPP-LTE) and evolving LTE-Advanced [19]. Integral parts of turbo decoder are maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) decoder and pseudorandom interleaver [20, 30]. However, the conventional turbo decoder with non-parallel architecture is unable to achieve higher data rates over 300 Mbps and 1 Gbps of 3G (such as 3GPP-LTE) and 4G (such as LTE-Advanced) wireless communication standards, respectively [3, 6]. On the other hand, turbo decoder with parallel architecture of multiple MAP decoders can achieve such data rates [7], and various contributions have been reported for the design of such decoders [12, 28, 3638]. Figure 1 shows a conventional turbo decoder with parallel architecture for higher data-rate application. Soft-demodulated input soft values of received bits, at the receiver side of communication system, are stored in the stack of memories (MEM) at the decoder input. As shown in Fig. 1, outputs of these memories are linked with multiple MAP decoders via inter-connecting networks (ICNWs) which route input soft values from memories, either sequentially or pseudorandomly based on the interleaved addresses, to their respective MAP decoders. After processing the input soft values, the extrinsic information produced by these decoders is stored in MEM. Finally, the extrinsic information outputs from these memories are fed back to MAP decoders via ICNW and they are used as a priori probabilities in the iterative process of decoding, as shown in Fig. 1. Though the parallel turbo decoder can achieve higher data rate, it demands huge amount of hardware resources. Reduction in hardware requirement in parallel turbo decoder has been a motivation for our work presented in this paper. Specifically, an objective of this work is to improve the hardware savings in parallel turbo decoders by reducing the memory required for storing forward-recursion factors and branch metrics in each MAP decoders used in such parallel architectures. Some of the works with similar motivation have been reported in [13, 17, 24, 31, 33, 34]. A memory reduction technique based on metric compression using non-uniform quantization and Walsh-Hadamard transform is presented in [24]. Another approach [17] is based on low-power traceback of MAP-based duo-binary turbo decoders. Reduction in branch-metric memory and scheduling the back trace of MAP algorithm are performed in [34] and [33], respectively. Our contributions in the design of memory-reduced architecture for parallel turbo decoder are as follows.

Fig. 1
figure 1

A conventional parallel architecture of turbo decoder which iteratively processes input soft values to produce decoded bits

  • New method of estimating the values of backward-recursion factors which initiate back trace in the sliding-window Bahl–Cocke–Jelinek–Raviv (SWBCJR) algorithm [5] for MAP decoder is presented, and it is referred as the reduced sliding window maximum a posteriori probability (RSWMAP) algorithm. Furthermore, a branch-metric-reformulation technique is provided to reduce the memory requirement.

  • An architecture of MAP decoder based on RSWMAP algorithm and branch-metric reformulation is presented. Scheduling of this new MAP decoder and a comparative analysis of memory consumption by the proposed and conventional MAP-decoder-based parallel turbo decoders are carried out.

  • Simulations for the BER performances of MAP and parallel turbo decoders are accomplished. An overall hardware saving of the turbo decoder with parallel architecture, based on RSWMAP algorithm and branch-metric reformulation, is estimated. Finally, the savings of hardware resources due to reduced-memory architecture of this work are compared with the reported contributions.

Outline The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, brief discussion on the mathematical background of Bahl–Cocke–Jelinek–Raviv (BCJR) algorithm is carried out. Sect. 3 presents detail explanation of the suggested RSWMAP algorithm and branch-metric-reformulation technique. In Sect. 4, architectural and scheduling details of the MAP decoder architecture are included. Section 5 presents BER performance evaluation of the MAP and turbo decoders, implementation details and comparison with the reported works. Finally, this paper is concluded in Sect. 6.

2 Theoretical Background

The BCJR algorithm determines probability, which is represented as P(\(U_{t}|y\)), that the transmitted bit \(U_{t}\) is 1/0 provided the sequence y of corrupted soft values is received [4]. This is equivalent to the a posteriori logarithmic likelihood ratio \(\varGamma (U_{t}|y)\), which is obtained by the logarithmic transformation of probability ratio as

$$\begin{aligned} \varGamma (U_{t}|y)=\ln \left\{ \frac{P(U_{t}=1|y)}{P(U_{t}=0|y)}\right\} , \end{aligned}$$

for hardware-efficient implementation of conventional BCJR algorithm [11]. The sign of \(\varGamma (U_{t}|y)\) indicates whether the transmitted bit is 1/0, and its magnitude indicates the likelihood of determining a correct value of the transmitted bit. If (\(s'\), s)\(\rightarrow 1\) and \((s', s)\rightarrow 0\) represent the sets of state transitions for the transmitted bit \(U_{t}=1\) and \(U_{t}=0\), respectively, then \(\varGamma (U_{t}|y)\) can be expressed as [39]

$$\begin{aligned} \varGamma (U_{t}|y) = {\mathrm{ln}}\left\{ {\frac{{\sum \nolimits _{(s',s)\rightarrow {1}} {P(s',s,y)} }}{{\sum \nolimits _{(s',s)\rightarrow {0}} {P(s',s,y)} }}} \right\} . \end{aligned}$$

The corrupted-received sequence y can be partitioned into three subparts: \(y_{i<t-1}\), \(y_{i=t}\) and \(y_{i>t+1}\). Such that \(y_{i=t}\) represents the part of y received at an instant t and the other two parts of y received before and after this instant are \(y_{i<t-1}\) and \(y_{i>t+1}\), respectively. Thereby, the probability \(P(s',s,y)\) from (2) can be expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} P\left( s',s,y\right) =P\left( s',s,y_{i<t-1},y_{i=t},y_{i>t+1}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

Applying Bayes’ rule and assuming that the channel is memory less and discrete [39], an expression for \(P(s',s,y)\) from (3) can be rewritten as

$$\begin{aligned} P\left( s',s,y\right)= & {} P\left( y_{i>t+1}|s\right) \times P\left( y_{i=t},s|s'\right) \times P\left( y_{i<t-1}|s\right) \nonumber \\= & {} \beta _{t}\left( s\right) \times \gamma _{t}\left( s',s\right) \times \alpha _{t-1}\left( s'\right) \end{aligned}$$

where \(\alpha _{t-1}(s')\), \(\beta _{t}(s)\) and \(\gamma _{t}(s',s)\) are forward-recursion factor, backward-recursion factor and branch metric, respectively. These entities are involved in the computation of \(\varGamma (U_{t}|y)\) for successive trellis stages. Thereby, expression for \(\varGamma (U_{t}|y)\) can be formulated by substituting the value of \(P(s',s,y)\) from (4) in (2) as

$$\begin{aligned} \varGamma (U_{t}|y) = {{\ln }}\left\{ {\frac{{\sum \nolimits _{\left( {s',s} \right) \rightarrow {1}} {{\alpha _{t - 1}}(s') \times {\gamma _t}\left( {s',s} \right) \times {\beta _t}(s)} }}{{\sum \nolimits _{\left( {s',s} \right) \rightarrow {0}} {{\alpha _{t - 1}}(s') \times {\gamma _t}\left( {s',s} \right) \times {\beta _t}(s)} }}} \right\} \,\,\ \forall \,\,\,\,\ t=\{1, 2, 3{\ldots } N\} \end{aligned}$$

where N represents the block length of code. This logarithmic value of \(\varGamma (U_{t}|y)\) is computed for each trellis stage using forward-recursion and backward-recursion factors of all trellis states and branch metrics associated with all state transitions. Assuming that \(\delta \) represents trellis transition where \(s^\mathrm{st}\)(\(\delta \)) and \(s^\mathrm{en}\)(\(\delta \)) correspond to start and end states, the logarithmic version of BCJR algorithm computes \(\varGamma (U_{t}|y)\) value for \(t\mathrm{th}\) trellis stage as

$$\begin{aligned} \varGamma (U_{t}|y)=\widehat{\hbox {max}}_{{{\delta :\left( {{s'},s} \right) \Rightarrow 1}}}\{f(\delta )\} - \widehat{\hbox {max}}_{{{\delta :\left( {{s'},s}\right) \Rightarrow 0}}}\{f(\delta )\} \end{aligned}$$

based on the approximation using Jacobian logarithm [39] and the function f(\(\delta \)) is expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} f(\delta )=A_{t-1}\left\{ s^\mathrm{st}(\delta )\right\} + Y_{t}(\delta ) + B_{t}\left\{ s^\mathrm{en}(\delta )\right\} \end{aligned}$$

where \(A_{t-1}(s)\), \(B_{t}(s)\) and \(Y_{t}(s',s)\) are the logarithmic forms of forward-recursion factor, backward-recursion factor and branch metric, respectively, and their details are presented in Sect. 3.

3 Algorithmic Contributions

This section presents RSWMAP algorithm, with suggested method of estimating backward-recursion factors during the back trace, and mathematical reformulation of branch-metric equations.

3.1 RSWMAP Algorithm

In the conventional BCJR algorithm [4], computations of forward-recursion factors, backward-recursion factors and branch metrics for the entire trellis stages result in huge memory requirement and large decoding delay. Unlike this algorithm, the SWBCJR algorithm is a decoding strategy in which the entire trellis structure is segmented into number of sliding windows [5], and each window covers M trellis stages which is referred as sliding window size. This value of M affects memory requirement as well as decoding delay of the decoder, and its magnitude must be designed cautiously for the SWBCJR algorithm to achieve adequate error-rate performance. Simultaneously, initialization of backward-recursion factors while back tracing the trellis stages is an important factor responsible for the BER performance. The RSWMAP algorithm focusses on the estimation of backward-recursion factor values, which initiates the back trace, and aims to deliver better performance. On the other hand, forward-recursion factors and \(\varGamma (U_{t}|y)\) values are computed by conventional methods in this algorithm. The major steps involved in the RSWMAP algorithm are presented as follows.

Initialization Assuming that the encoder is reset, the forward-recursion factors in the logarithmic version of SWBCJR algorithm are initialized as

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} A_{t=0}(s_{k})=ln\{\alpha _{t=0}(s_{k})\}=ln(1)=0 \,\,\,\ \forall \,\,\,\ k=0.\\ A_{t=0}(s_{k})=ln\{\alpha _{t=0}(s_{k})\}=ln(0)=-\infty \,\,\,\ \forall \,\,\,\ k\ne 0. \end{array}\ \end{aligned}$$

Forward recursion The forward-recursion factor of each state for successive trellis stages is computed as

$$\begin{aligned} \alpha _{t}\left( s_{k}\right) =P\left( y_{i<t-1}|s_{k}\right) =\mathop \sum \limits _{\psi :all{ \ }s_{k}'}{\alpha _{t-1}\left( s_{k}'\right) }\times \gamma _{t}\left( s_{k}',s_{k}\right) \,\,\ \forall \,\,\ k {\in } S_{N} \end{aligned}$$

based on (2) where the function \(\psi \) represents the transitions from all the previous states of (t \(-\)1)th trellis stage associated with the state \(s_{k}\) of \(t\mathrm{th}\) trellis state, \(S_{N}\) is the total number of states in each trellis stage and \(\gamma _{t}(s',s)\) is the branch metric which is expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{t}(s_{k}',s_{k})=\exp \left\{ U_t \times L(U_t)/2\right\} \times \exp \left( \frac{Lc}{2}\mathop \sum \limits _{l=1}^n {y_{tl}} \times {x_{tl}}\right) \end{aligned}$$

where Lc and n represent channel-reliability measure and code length, respectively. Similarly, \(L(U_t)\) is the a priori probability of the transmitted information bit, \(x_{tl}\) and \(y_{tl}\) are transmitted bit and its received soft value, respectively. On the other hand, logarithmic versions of forward-recursion factor and branch metric are expressed as \(A_{t}(s_{k})={\hbox {ln}}\{\alpha _{t}(s_{k})\}\) and \(Y_{t}(s_{k}',s_{k})={\hbox {ln}}\{\gamma _{t}(s_{k}',s_{k})\}\), respectively, as discussed in Sect. 2. Thereby, this logarithmic version of forward-recursion factor is obtained by substituting the value of \(\alpha _{t}(s_{k})\) from (9) in the expression \(A_{t}(s_{k})\) and is given as

$$\begin{aligned} A_{t}\left( s_{k}\right)= & {} {\hbox {ln}}\left[ \mathop \sum \limits _{\psi :all{ \ }s_{k}'}{\exp \left\{ A_{t-1}\left( s_{k}'\right) \right\} }\times \exp \left\{ Y_{t}\left( s_{k}',s_{k}\right) \right\} \right] \nonumber \\= & {} {\hbox {ln}}\left[ \mathop \sum \limits _{\psi :all{ \ }s_{k}'}\exp \left\{ A_{t-1}\left( s_{k}'\right) +Y_{t}\left( s_{k}',s_{k}\right) \right\} \right] . \end{aligned}$$

Thereby, based on Jacobian logarithmic approximation, which states that \(\ln ({\hbox {e}}^{x}+{\hbox {e}}^{y}) {\approx } \max (x,y)+\ln (1+{\hbox {e}}^{-|x-y|})=\widehat{\hbox {max}}(x,y)\), the forward state metric can be approximated as

$$\begin{aligned} A_{t}(s_{k})\approx \widehat{\hbox {max}}_{\psi :all s_{k}'}\left\{ A_{t-1}(s_{k})+Y_{t}\left( s_{k}',s_{k}\right) \right\} . \end{aligned}$$

Similarly, the branch metric computation by the logarithmic version of SWBCJR algorithm is carried out as

$$\begin{aligned} Y_{t}(s_{k}',s_{k})= & {} \ln \{\gamma _{t}(s_{k}',s_{k})\}=\ln \left[ \exp (U_t \times L(U_t)/2) \times \exp \left( \frac{Lc}{2}\mathop \sum \limits _{l=1}^n {y_{tl}} \times {x_{tl}}\right) \right] \nonumber \\ Y_{t}(s_{k}',s_{k})= & {} U_{t}\times L(U_{t})/2 + \frac{Lc}{2} \mathop \sum \limits _{l = 1}^n {y_{tl}} \times {x_{tl}}. \end{aligned}$$

Back trace and estimation of backward recursion factor Conventional SWBCJR algorithm estimates backward-recursion factors based on border-metric initialization techniques [5] where if M represents sliding window size, then for \(t \ge M\), that is t={M, \(2{\cdot }M\), \(3{\cdot }M\), \(4{\cdot }M\) ......}, the border backward-recursion factors are initialized as \(\beta _{t}(s_{k})=1/S_{N} \forall ~k=\{1, 2, 3 \ \ldots \ S_{N}\}\) during the back trace. Thereby, the backward-recursion factors for successive trellis stages are computed from t-1 to t-M as

$$\begin{aligned} {{\beta _{t}(s_{k})}=\mathop \sum \limits _{{\lambda }:all \,\ s_{k}''} {\beta _{t+1}(s_{k})} \times {\gamma _{t+1}\left( s_{k}'',s\right) } \,\,\ \forall \,\,\ k{\in }S_{N}} \end{aligned}$$

where the function \(\lambda \) represents the transitions from all the states of (t+1)th trellis stage associated with the state \(s_{k}\) of \(t\mathrm{th}\) trellis state. Analogous to the logarithmic computation of forward-recursion metrics, the logarithmic version of backward-recursion factor is computed as

$$\begin{aligned} B_{t}(s_{k})\approx \widehat{\hbox {max}}_{\lambda :all s_{k}''}\left\{ B_{t+1}\left( s_{k}''\right) +Y_{t}\left( s_{k}'',s_{k}\right) \right\} . \end{aligned}$$

based on Jacobian logarithm, and the border backward-recursion factors are initialized as \(B_{t}(s_{k})=\ln (1/S_{N})\) \(\forall \) \(k=\{1, 2, 3 \ \ldots \ S_{N}\}\) & \(t \ge M\).

This paper suggests a new method of initializing the border backward-recursion factors which initializes the back traces in SWBCJR algorithm. Consider a trellis graph that relates present, past and future trellis states at an instant t. This relation can be mathematically expressed by the a posteriori transition probability from (4) where the backward-recursion factor has been expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} {{\beta _{t}(s_{k})}=P(y_{i>t+1}|s_{k}).} \end{aligned}$$

It represents the probability that the received sequence after an instant t+1 is \(y_{i>t+1}\) at \(s_{k}\) state. At t=M and using the above equation, the initial value of border backward-recursion factor responsible for initiating the back traces can be expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} \beta _{M}(s_{k})=P\left( y_{i>M+1}|s_{k}\right) =\mathop \sum \limits _{\lambda :all{ \ }s_{k}''} {P\left\{ \left( y_{i>M+1},s_{k}''\right) |s_{k}\right\} } \end{aligned}$$

where \(s_{k}''\) represents a set of trellis states at \(t=M\)+1 and they are associated with the transitions to state \(s_{k}\), during back trace. The probability from (17) can be further expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} {\beta _{M}\left( s_{k}\right) }= & {} \mathop \sum \limits _{\lambda :all{ \,\ }s_{k}''} {P\{\left( y_{i=M},y_{i>M},s_{k}''\right) |s_{k}\}}=\mathop \sum \limits _{\lambda :all{ \,\ }s_{k}''} {P\left[ \{\left( y_{i>M}\right) ,\left( y_{i=M},s_{k}''\right) \}|s_{k}\right] }\nonumber \\= & {} \mathop \sum \limits _{\lambda :all{ \,\ }s_{k}''} {P\{\left( y_{i>M}\right) |\left( y_{i=M},s_{k}'',s_{k}\right) \} \times P\{\left( y_{i=M},s_{k}''\right) |s_{k}\}} \end{aligned}$$

based on the Bayes’ rule which states that \(P[(X,Y)|Z] = P[X|(Y,Z)] \times P(Y|Z)\). Applying conditions of discrete memoryless channel in (18), the mathematical expression for \(\beta _{M}(s_{k})\) is given as

$$\begin{aligned} {\beta _{M}(s_{k})}=\mathop \sum \limits _{\lambda :all{ \,\ }s_{k}''} {P(y_{i>M}|s_{k}) \times P\{(y_{i=M},s_{k}'')|s_{k}\}}. \end{aligned}$$

Referring (4), the probabilities \(P(y_{i>M}|s_{k})\) & \(P\{(y_{i=M},s_{k}'')|s_{k}\}\) from (19) can be expressed as \(\beta _{M + 1}(s_{k}'')\) and \(\gamma _{M}(s_{k}'',s_{k})\), respectively. Finally, the value of estimated backward-recursion factor is

$$\begin{aligned} {\beta _{M}(s_{k})}=\mathop \sum \limits _{\lambda :all{ \,\ }s_{k}''} {{\beta _{M + 1}\left( s_{k}''\right) } \times {\gamma _{M}\left( s_{k}'',s_{k}\right) }} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\beta _{M+1}(s_{k}'')\) represents the probability of encoder state at an instant t = M+1 provided that the received sequence is \(y_{i>M+1}\). This expression can be replaced by 1/\(S_{N}\) which is a probability that the encoder can attain one of the \(S_{N}\) states. Thereby, an expression for \(\beta _{M}(s_{k})\) from (20) can be restated as

$$\begin{aligned} {\beta _{M}(s_{k})}=\frac{1}{S_{N}}\mathop \sum \limits _{\lambda :all{ \,\ }s''} {{\gamma _{M}\left( s_{k}'',s_{k}\right) }}. \end{aligned}$$

Subsequently, the logarithmic version of this suggested border backward-recursion factor can be expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} B_{M}(s_{k})= & {} \ln \left( \frac{1}{S_{N}}\right) +\ln \left[ \mathop \sum \limits _{\lambda :all{ \,\ }s''} {{\gamma _{M}\left( s_{k}'',s_{k}\right) }}\right] \nonumber \\= & {} \ln \left( \frac{1}{S_{N}}\right) + \widehat{\hbox {max}}_{\lambda :all s''}\left\{ \gamma _{M}\left( s_{k}'',s_{k}\right) \right\} . \end{aligned}$$

Unlike the conventional SWBCJR algorithm [5], which is based on border initialization method, dummy-backward-recursion-based SWBCJR algorithms perform an extra backward recursion for \(L_{\partial }\) trellis stages to estimate the value of backward-recursion factors at \(t=M\) from the trellis stage \(t=M+L_{\partial }\) [42]. Thereafter, the actual back trace commences from \(t=M\) using the estimated backward-recursion factors from dummy back trace. Comparatively, this method has better coding performance in comparison with the conventional SWBCJR algorithm [5]. Thereby, the suggested method for initialization of backward-recursion factor from (22) can be extended for such SWBCJR algorithm based on dummy backward recursion as

$$\begin{aligned} B_{M+L_{\partial }}(s_{k})=\ln \left( \frac{1}{S_{N}}\right) + \widehat{\hbox {max}}_{\lambda :all s''}\left\{ \gamma _{M+L_{\partial }}\left( s_{k}'',s_{k}\right) \right\} . \end{aligned}$$

Computation of \(\varGamma (U_{t}|y)\) Eventually, the logarithmic value of the a posteriori probability ratio \(\varGamma (U_{t}|y)\) for \(t\mathrm{th}\) trellis stage is computed using (6) and (7), as discussed earlier in Sect. 2, and is expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} \varGamma \left( U_{t}|y\right)= & {} \widehat{\hbox {max}}_{\delta : \left( s_{k}',s_{k}\right) {\Rightarrow }1}\left[ A_{t-1}\left( s_{k}'\right) +Y_{t}\left( s_{k}',s_{k}\right) +B_{t}\left( s_{k}\right) \right] \nonumber \\&-\widehat{\hbox {max}}_{\delta : \left( s_{k}',s_{k}\right) {\Rightarrow }0}\left[ A_{t-1}\left( s_{k}'\right) +Y_{t}\left( s_{k}',s_{k}\right) +B_{t}\left( s_{k}\right) \right] . \end{aligned}$$

Thereby, the decoded bit \(V_{t}\) is determined based on the magnitude of \(\varGamma (U_{t}|y)\) such that

$$\begin{aligned} V_{t}=1 \,\,\ \forall \,\,\ \varGamma (U_{t}|y){\ge }0; \,\,\ \,\,\ V_{t}=0 \,\,\ \forall \,\,\ \varGamma (U_{t}|y){<}0. \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 2
figure 2

A trellis stage of trellis graph with \(S_{N}\,=\,8\), n \(=\) 2 and transfer function {1,\((1+D+D^{3})/(1+D^{2}+D^{3})\)}

3.2 Mathematical Reformulation of Branch-Metric Equations

Mathematical reformulation of branch-metric expression has been suggested in this paper to lower the memory requirement of MAP decoder. Considering a trellis graph for decoding the code generated by convolutional encoder with a transfer function of {1,\((1+D+D^{3})/(1+D^{2}+D^{3})\)} for \(n=2\), the branch-metric expression from (13) is expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} Y_{t}\left( s_{k}',s_{k}\right) =\frac{1}{2}\times {U_t}\times {L(U_t)} + \frac{Lc}{2}\left( {x_{t1}}\times {y_{t1}} + {x_{t2}}\times {y_{t2}}\right) \end{aligned}$$

where \(x_{t1}\) and \(x_{t2}\) are the systematic and parity bits, respectively, such that \(x_{t1} \in \{+1,-1\}\) and \(x_{t2} \in \{+1,-1\}\). Similarly, \(y_{t1}\) and \(y_{t2}\) are their respective soft values. It is to be noted that for a code length of n, each trellis stage needs at least \(2^{n}\) branch metrics and they are referred as parent branch metrics [39]. Thereby, these parent branch metrics for \(n=2\) are expressed as below and their state transitions are shown in Fig. 2, which represents a trellis stage of trellis graph with eight states based on the considered encoder transfer function.

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} Y_{t}(s_{0}',s_{0})={-\frac{1}{2} \times L\left( {{U_t}} \right) + \frac{{Lc}}{2}(-{y_{t1}}-{y_{t2}})},\\ Y_{t}(s_{0}',s_{4})={\frac{1}{2} \times L\left( {{U_t}} \right) + \frac{{Lc}}{2}({y_{t1}}-{y_{t2}})},\\ Y_{t}(s_{4}',s_{2})={-\frac{1}{2} \times L\left( {{U_t}} \right) + \frac{{Lc}}{2}(-{y_{t1}}+{y_{t2}})} { \,\ } \mathrm{and} \\ Y_{t}(s_{4}',s_{6})={\frac{1}{2} \times L\left( {{U_t}} \right) + \frac{{Lc}}{2}({y_{t1}}+{y_{t2}})}. \end{array}\ \end{aligned}$$

Among these parent branch metrics, \(Y_{t}(s_{0}',s_{0})\) and \(Y_{t}(s_{4}',s_{2})\) can be expressed using \(Y_{t}(s_{4}',s_{6})\) and \(Y_{t}(s_{0}',s_{4})\), respectively, as given below

$$\begin{aligned} Y_{t}\left( s_{0}',s_{0}\right)= & {} -\left[ {\frac{1}{2} \times L\left( {{U_t}} \right) + \frac{{Lc}}{2}\left( {y_{t1}}+{y_{t2}}\right) }\right] =-Y_{t}\left( s_{4}',s_{6}\right) .\nonumber \\ Y_{t}\left( s_{4}',s_{2}\right)= & {} -\left[ {\frac{1}{2} \times L\left( {{U_t}} \right) + \frac{{Lc}}{2}\left( {y_{t1}}-{y_{t2}}\right) }\right] =-Y_{t}\left( s_{0}',s_{4}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

Reformulating the parent branch-metric expression of \(Y_{t}(s_{0}',s_{0})\) from (27), the value \(L(U_{t})=- Lc({y_{t1}}+{y_{t2}}) - 2\times {Y_{t}(s_{0}',s_{0})}\) which is substituted in the second branch-metric expression of \(Y_{t}(s_{4}',s_{2})\) from (28) and it simplifies to

$$\begin{aligned} Y_{t}(s_{4}',s_{2})= & {} Y_{t}\left( s_{0}',s_{0}\right) + {Lc}\times {y_{t2}}=-Y_{t}\left( s_{0}',s_{4}\right) \nonumber \\\Rightarrow & {} Y_{t}\left( s_{4}',s_{2}\right) = -Y_{t} \left( s_{4}',s_{6}\right) + {Lc}\times {y_{t2}}=-Y_{t}\left( s_{0}',s_{4}\right) , \end{aligned}$$

because \(Y_{t}(s_{0}',s_{0})=-Y_{t}(s_{4}',s_{6})\) from (28). Referring the reformulated equations for parent branch metrics from (28) and (29), single parent branch metric \(Y_{t}(s_{4}',s_{6})\) needs to be computed as well as stored for each trellis stage and the rest can be derived as

$$\begin{aligned} Y_{t}\left( s_{0}',s_{0}\right)= & {} -Y_{t}\left( s_{4}',s_{6}\right) , \nonumber \\ Y_{t}\left( s_{0}',s_{4}\right)= & {} Y_{t}\left( s_{4}',s_{6}\right) -{Lc}\times {y_{t2}}, \ and \nonumber \\ Y_{t}\left( s_{4}',s_{2}\right)= & {} -Y_{t}\left( s_{4}',s_{6}\right) +{Lc}\times {y_{t2}}. \end{aligned}$$

In design and implementation of MAP decoder based on conventional SWBCJR algorithm [42], it has to store 2\(^{n}\) parent branch metrics of each trellis stage for at least two sliding windows. Thereby, if \(n_{\gamma }\) represents the quantization bits of branch metric, then the MAP decoder architecture must accommodate a memory to store 2 \(\times \) M \(\times \,2^{n} \,\times \,{n_{\gamma }}\) bits for parent branch metrics alone. Unlike the conventional method, the MAP decoder based on suggested branch-metric reformulation needs to store 2\(\,\times \,\) M \(\,\times \,{n_{\gamma }}\) bits for the branch metrics. Assuming a case study where the values of \(M=32\), \(n=2\) and \(n_{\gamma }=8\) bits, the memory required for parent branch metrics using branch-metric reformulation is 75 % lesser than the memory required for parent branch metrics by conventional SWBCJR algorithm.

Fig. 3
figure 3

High-level architecture of MAP decoder based on RSWMAP algorithm and branch-metric reformulation

4 Architecture and Scheduling of Decoder

In this section, an architecture of MAP decoder and its scheduling based on RSWMAP algorithm and branch-metric reformulation are presented.

4.1 Decoder Architecture

Figure 3 shows suggested the MAP decoder architecture which is based on RSWMAP algorithm and branch-metric reformulation. This design is fed with input soft values (\(y_{t1}\) and \(y_{t2}\)) and the a priori probability {\(L(U_{t})\)}. These values are processed by branch-metric computation (BMC) submodule which calculates the value of \(Y_{t}(s_{4}',s_{6})\), and it is used for computing rest of the parent branch metrics, as derived in (30). Corresponding architecture of BMC submodule is shown in Fig. 4a for computing the value of \(Y_{t}(s_{4}',s_{6})\) assuming that the value of Lc = 2, which is sufficient for the MAP decoder to deliver adequate error-rate performance [11]. Its output is routed to three separate memories: MEM1, MEM2 and MEM3 via demultiplexer, as shown in Fig. 3, and each memory stores M \(\times n_{\gamma }\) bits for M branch metrics \(Y_{t}(s_{4}',s_{6})\). Outputs from these memories are multiplexed and are fed to the branch-metric router (BMR) submodule which has an architecture, as shown in Fig. 4b. It computes rest of the parent branch metrics \(Y_{t}(s_{0}',s_{0})\), \(Y_{t}(s_{0}',s_{4})\) and \(Y_{t}(s_{4}',s_{2})\) from (30).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Logic-level architectures of a branch-metric computation (BMC) submodule b branch metric router (BMR) submodule c backward-recursion factor estimator (BRFE) submodule

Figure 4(c) shows an architecture of backward-recursion factor estimator (BRFE) submodule which computes logarithmic version of estimated backward-recursion factors \(B_{M}(s_{k})\) \(\forall \) \(k=\{1, 2, 3,\ldots S_{N}\}\) that is expressed by (23). Branch metrics are the inputs for BRFE submodule and are fed to the comparators for determining the maximum values which are then added with a constant value of \(\ln \)(1/\(S_{N}\)) from look-up-table (LUT). In Fig. 3, the estimated backward-recursion factors from BRFE submodule are fed to dummy state metric computation (DSMC) submodule, which is used for dummy back trace while decoding with suggested RSWMAP algorithm. DSMC submodule is state metric computation (SMC) unit that comprises of \(S_{N}\) add-compare-select (ACS) units for computing backward-recursion factors for \(S_{N}\) states of a trellis stage [20]. It is fed with the branch metrics from BMR submodule and the multiplexed value of its output, which is fed back, along with the estimated backward-recursion factors from BRFE submodule, as shown in Fig. 3. Outputs from this DSMC submodule are fed to backward state metric computation (BSMC) submodule, which is also a SMC unit. It computes backward-recursion factors using branch metrics and dummy backward-recursion factors obtained from BMR and DSMC submodules, respectively, for successive trellis stages during the back trace. Another SMC unit with feedback architecture is forward state metric computation (FSMC) submodule for computing \(S_{N}\) forward-recursion factors, while forward-recursion process in RSWMAP decoding, as shown in Fig. 3. During this process, the forward-recursion factors for the first trellis stage are initialized as \(A_{t=0}\)(\(s_{k=0}\))=0 and \(A_{t=0}\)(\(s_{k{\ne }0}\))=\(-\infty \) (practically very large negative number like \(-1\)). The computed values of forward-recursion factors by FSMC submodule are stored in the memory MEM4, which has a capacity to store M \(\times S_{N}\times n_{\alpha }\) bits where \(n_{\alpha }\) is the quantization of forward-recursion factor. Branch metrics obtained from BMR submodule, backward-recursion factors computed by BSMC submodule and fetched forward-recursion factors from MEM4 are fed to the a posteriori logarithmic likelihood ratio computation (APLLRC) submodule. This combinational block determines the sum of \(A_{t-1}(s_{k}')\), \(B_{t}(s_{k})\) and \(Y_{t}(s_{k}',s_{k})\) for all the state transitions and obtains respective maximum values among these sums for the transitions (\(s_{k}'\), \(s_{k}\))\(\rightarrow \)1 and (\(s_{k}'\), \(s_{k}\))\(\rightarrow \)0. Eventually, these maximum values are subtracted to give the value of \(\varGamma (U_{t}|y)\) from (24), and then the decoded bits \(V_{k}\) are obtained consecutively from (25).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Timing chart to illustrate scheduling of MAP decoding based on the suggested memory-reduced techniques

4.2 Decoder Scheduling

Scheduling for MAP decoding based on suggested RSWMAP algorithm is illustrated using timing chart from Fig. 5 which shows five essential processes involved in decoding: forward-recursion, branch-metric computation, dummy back trace, back trace and computation of \(\varGamma (U_{t}|y)\) performed along successive time slots of consecutive sliding windows while traversing through the trellis stages. Thereby, systematic explanation for the scheduling of RSWMAP-algorithm-based decoding is presented as follows using the timing chart from Fig. 5 for the suggested MAP decoder architecture.

  • In the time slot 0\(\,\le T \le \,\) T1, the branch metrics \(Y_{t}(s_{4}',s_{6})\) \(\forall \) 0\(\,\le t \le \,M -1\) are computed by BMC submodule for M trellis stages of first sliding window. These values are routed via demultiplexer to memory MEM1 for storage.

  • In the time slot T1 \(\,\le T \le \,\) T2, branch metrics \(Y_{t}(s_{4}',s_{6})\) \(\forall \) M \(-\)1\(\,\le t \le \,2M -1\) are computed for second sliding window and are stored in memory MEM2.

  • In the time slot T2 \(\,\le T \le \,\) T3, computation of \(Y_{t}(s_{4}',s_{6})\) \(\forall 2M -1\) \(\le t \le \,3M -1\) for third sliding window along with its storage in MEM3 and dummy back trace for the estimation of backward-recursion factors, which are used in the actual back trace of first sliding window, are carried out. This work assumes the value of \(L_{\delta }=M\); thereby, initialization of backward-recursion factor \(B_{M+L_{\delta }}(s_{k})=B_{2M}(s_{k})\) \(\forall \) k = {1, 2,...\(S_{N}\)} is first accomplished using BRFE submodule of the decoder. Subsequently, dummy back trace is performed along the second sliding window till \(t=M-1\) using DSMC submodule which is fed with the branch metrics fetched from MEM2 and routed by BMR submodule. On the other hand, forward-recursion factors \(A_{t}(s_{k})\) \(\forall \) 0\(\,\le t \le \,\) M \(-\)1 and k = {1, 2,...\(S_{N}\)} are computed by FSMC submodule using branch metrics which are fetched from MEM1 and then routed by BMR submodule.

  • In the time slot T3 \(\,\le T \le \,\) T4, actual back trace for the computation of backward-recursion factors for the first sliding window (0 \(\,\le t \le \,2M -1\)) is performed by BSMC submodule using the estimated values of backward-recursion factors from DSMC submodule and the branch metrics fetched from MEM1. These values of branch metrics from MEM1, computed backward-recursion factors of first sliding window and the forward-recursion factors those are fetched from MEM4 and are fed as inputs to ALLRC submodule of the decoder. It uses these values to compute \(\varGamma (U_{t}|y)\) from t = M \(-1\) to t = 0 for the first sliding window. It is to be noted that the memories MEM1, MEM2, MEM3 and MEM4 are dual-port random access memories (RAMs). Simultaneously, the dummy back trace for second sliding window is initiated from t = 3M and the branch metric of third sliding window is computed and stored in MEM1. Forward-recursion factors for the second sliding window is computed and then stored in MEM4.

  • In the time slot T4 \(\,\le T \le \,\) T5, actual back trace for the computation of backward-recursion factors for the second sliding window (M \(\,\le t \le \,\)3M \(-1\)) is performed by BSMC submodule using the estimated values of backward-recursion factors from DSMC submodule and the branch metrics fetched from MEM2. These values of branch metrics from MEM2, computed backward-recursion factors of second sliding window and the forward-recursion factors of second sliding window from MEM4 are fed as inputs to ALLRC submodule. It uses these values to compute \(\varGamma (U_{t}|y)\) from t = 2M \(-1\) to t = M for the second sliding window. Simultaneously, the dummy back trace for third sliding window is initiated from t = 4M and the branch metric of fourth sliding window is computed and stored in MEM2. Forward-recursion factors for the third sliding window are computed and then stored in MEM4.

  • This process of decoding successively continues until all the N values of \(\varGamma (U_{t}|y)\) are obtained by MAP decoder.

4.3 Comparative Analysis of Memory Requirement

Scheduling of MAP decoder, as illustrated in timing chart of Fig. 5, has indicated that the decoder must store parent branch metric \(Y_{t}(s_{4}',s_{6})\) for three SWs. This implies that the memories MEM1, MEM2 and MEM3 need to altogether store 3\(\,\times \,\) M \(\,\times \, n_{\gamma }\) bits. Similarly, forward-recursion factors of M trellis stages where each stage has \(S_{N}\) states are stored in MEM4 which has a size of \({S_{N}}\,{\times }\,{M}\,{\times }\,{n_{\alpha }}\) bits. Thereby, the total memory required by suggested MAP decoder architecture is

$$\begin{aligned} MEM_{\hbox {decoder}}=M\times (3{\times }{n_{\gamma }}+{S_{N}}{\times }{n_{\alpha }}) bits. \end{aligned}$$

For a MAP decoder based on conventional SWBCJR algorithm with dummy backward recursion [42], the memory required for forward-recursion factors is same as that of the decoder presented in this work. However, such conventional MAP decoder has to store parent branch metrics for two sliding windows where each trellis stage has 2\(^{n}\) parent branch metrics; thereby, total of \({M}{\times }({2}{\times }{2^{n}}{\times }{n_{\gamma }}+{S_{N}}{\times }{n_{\alpha }})\) bits are necessary to be stored. Similarly, MAP decoder which is designed using SWBCJR algorithm based on border initialization, as discussed in Sect. 3.1, needs to store parent branch metrics and forward-recursion factors for only one sliding window. Thus, the memory required by this decoder is \({M}{\times }({2^{n}}{\times }{n_{\gamma }}+{S_{N}}{\times }{n_{\alpha }})\) bits; however, it delivers degraded BER performance which defers such decoder from practical applications. On the other side, the conventional-BCJR-algorithm-based MAP decoder needs to store forward-recursion factors, backward-recursion factors and parent branch metrics for the entire N trellis stages [39]. Thereby, huge memory required by such MAP decoder is \({N}{\times }({S_{N}{\times }{n_{\alpha }}+{S_{N}}{\times }{n_{\beta }}+{2^{n}}{\times }{n_{\gamma }}})\) bits where \(n_{\beta }\) is the quantization of backward-recursion factors. Thus, the hardware implementation of such decoder based on conventional BCJR algorithm is avoided in practice.

Table 1 Comparison of the memory consumed by parallel turbo decoder based on different MAP algorithms
Fig. 6
figure 6

Memory required by parallel turbo decoder architectures using branch-metric reformulation, SWBCJR- and BCJR algorithms-based MAP decoders. The plot is shown for the values \(N=6144\), \(n=3\), \(S_{N}=8\) and the quantization of (\(n_{\varepsilon }\), \(n_{\varphi }\), \(n_{\gamma }\), \(n_{\alpha }\), \(n_{\beta }\)) = (9, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8) bits

Parallel turbo decoder with multiple MAP decoders stores received probabilistic soft values of systematic and parity bits as well as the values for N extrinsic information, which are used in the iterative process of turbo decoding, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Thereby, Table 1 shows that the comparative analysis of memory required by such parallel turbo decoders based on four MAP algorithms suggested RSWMAP, dummy-backward-recursion-based SWBCJR, border-normalization-based SWBCJR and conventional BCJR algorithms. It shows that the memory required by soft values and extrinsic information of the turbo decoder is \({N}{\times }({n}{\times }{n_{\varphi }}+{n_{\varepsilon }})\) bits, which remains constant for all the parallel architectures of turbo decoder. In order to analyze the memory required by these parallel turbo decoders, plots of memory consumed (in bits) by turbo decoder with various parallel configurations of \(P= 1, 4, 8, 16, 32\) and 64 number of MAP decoders are shown in Fig. 6. Subsequently, turbo decoder using border-normalization-based SWBCJR algorithm requires nearly double the value of M, in comparison with other decoding algorithms considered in this paper, to deliver adequate BER performance. In Fig. 6, the values of M for SWBCJR algorithm based on border normalization and other decoding algorithms are 64 and 32, respectively. It can be observed that the proposed MAP-decoder-based design of turbo decoder requires the least number of bits to be stored, as compared to dummy-backward-recursion-based SWBCJR, border-normalization-based SWBCJR and conventional-BCJR-algorithms-based decoders. Subsequently, the percentages of improvements achieved by the suggested parallel turbo decoders with \(P=64\) and \(P=32\) configurations have been annotated in Fig. 6. For a turbo decoder with parallel architecture of \(P=64\), the proposed decoder with RSWMAP algorithm has shown 48.7 and 35.5 % of improvements in comparison with the decoders based on border-normalization-based SWBCJR and dummy-backward-recursion-based SWBCJR algorithms, respectively. Additionally, the suggested decoder consumes 99.5 % lesser memory as compared to decoder based on conventional BCJR algorithm, as shown in Fig. 6.

5 Performance Analysis, Trade-Offs and Comparison

In this section, BER performance analysis of MAP and parallel turbo decoders based on the suggested RSWMAP algorithm is carried out. From an implementation perspective, estimation of overall hardware saving achieved by parallel turbo decoders based on RSWMAP algorithm and branch-metric reformulation is presented. Finally, the overall memory saving of suggested decoder architecture is compared with the reported works.

5.1 BER Performance

Figure 7 shows the BER performance of MAP decoders, with a transfer function {1, \((1+D+D^{3})/(1+D^{2}+D^{3})\)} and a code rate of 1/2, for additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel using binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation scheme. This performance analysis is carried out for the MAP decoders based on RSWMAP, SWBCJR and BCJR algorithms with \(M=32\), using max-log-MAP approximation [39]. Figure 7 shows that a MAP decoder with RSWMAP algorithm performs better than the conventional SWBCJR-algorithm-based decoder by 1.28 dB at a BER of 10\(^{-5}\). However, it has degraded performance of 0.21 dB, compared to BCJR-algorithm-based MAP decoder, at a BER of 10\(^{-5}\). Similarly, the BER performance of parallel turbo decoder, in AWGN channel environment with BPSK modulation, for six decoding iterations and a turbo block length of 6144 bits is shown in Fig. 8. It shows that the BER performance of parallel turbo decoder based on RSWMAP algorithm for \(M=24\) has a coding gain of 0.4 dB at a BER of 10\(^{-4}\) in comparison with the decoder based on SWBCJR algorithm for the same value of \(M=24\). Subsequently, Fig. 8 shows that the SWBCJR-algorithm-based turbo decoder with \(M=32\) has a similar BER performance as the RSWMAP-algorithm-based turbo decoder decoder with \(M=24\).

Fig. 7
figure 7

BER performance of MAP decoders based on three MAP algorithms for a code rate of 1/2 and sliding window size of 32

Fig. 8
figure 8

BER performance of parallel turbo decoders with \(P=64\), based on different MAP algorithms for a code rate of 1/3 and six decoding iterations

5.2 Implementation Trade-Offs

Comparative study of BER performances has shown that the parallel turbo decoder based on RSWMAP algorithm achieves an adequate BER performance with smaller value of M, in comparison with the SWBCJR-algorithm-based parallel turbo decoder. A reduced sliding window size would require lesser memory for storing branch metrics and forward-recursion factors. The branch-metric reformulation as well as the RSWMAP algorithm contributes to memory saving in a MAP decoder. From the implementation perspective, overall savings of hardware resources due to reduced-memory architecture of parallel turbo decoder, which uses MAP decoders based on branch-metric reformulation and RSWMAP algorithm, are presented here. Recently, the VLSI implementations of parallel turbo decoders with \(P=8\) [37], \(P=16\) [38], \(P=32\) [12] and \(P=64\) [29] have been reported for high-data-rate application. Thereby, the hardware savings of parallel turbo decoders are analyzed up to \(P=64\) parallel configuration. Such savings of parallel turbo decoders based on proposed algorithm are accounted in terms of complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) transistor count, and the comparison is carried out with parallel turbo decoders based on SWBCJR algorithms which is based on dummy backward recursion and border normalization. Assuming that the memory used in parallel turbo decoder is static random access memory (SRAM), it requires six CMOS transistors to store each bit [40].

Fig. 9
figure 9

Hardware savings in terms of CMOS transistor counts for parallel turbo decoders based on the proposed and the SWBCJR-algorithm-based MAP decoders

Referring the expressions from Table 1, the parallel turbo decoders based on proposed algorithm and conventional SWBCJR algorithm which is based on dummy backward recursion consume \(6{\times }\{{N}{\times }({n}{\times }{n_{\varphi }}+{n_{\varepsilon }}) + {P}{\times }{M}{\times }({3}{\times }{n_{\gamma }}+{S_{N}}{\times }{n_{\alpha }})\}\) transistors and \(6{\times }\{{N}{\times }({n}{\times }{n_{\varphi }}+{n_{\varepsilon }}) + {P}{\times }{M}{\times }({2^{n+1}}{\times }{n_{\gamma }}+{S_{N}}{\times }{n_{\alpha }})\}\) transistors, respectively. Similarly, conventional SWBCJR algorithm based on border normalization consumes \(6{\times }\{{N}{\times }({n}{\times }{n_{\varphi }}+{n_{\varepsilon }}) + {P}{\times }{M}{\times }({2^{n}}{\times }{n_{\gamma }}+{S_{N}}{\times }{n_{\alpha }})\}\) transistors. Figure 9 shows the overall hardware savings in terms of CMOS transistor count for various parallel configuration of the decoder. From the previous BER analysis, it has been seen that parallel turbo decoder based on RSWMAP algorithm can deliver optimum BER performance for \(M=24\) rather than for \(M=32\), which is required by SWBCJR algorithm based on dummy backward recursion. On the other hand, parallel turbo decoder using SWBCJR algorithm based on border normalization would require at least \(M=64\) to deliver adequate BER performance. Thereby, Fig. 9 shows the CMOS transistors consumed by turbo decoders based on suggested MAP decoder for \(M=24\), SWBCJR-algorithm-based MAP decoder using dummy backward recursion for \(M=32\) and SWBCJR-algorithm-based MAP decoder using border normalization for \(M=64\). The percentage of hardware saving for different values of P, such as 16, 32 and 64, are shown in Fig. 9. Thereby, maximum of 52.25 and 44.14 % hardware resources are saved due to the reduction in memory in parallel turbo decoder for \(P=64\). However, decoder which uses SWBCJR algorithm based on border normalization is rarely used due to its degraded BER performance and poor hardware utilization.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Comparison for the state branch memory savings (SBMSs) of proposed and reported MAP decoder architectures w.r.t conventional MAP decoder: Arch-1 [33], Arch-2 [34], Arch-3a [17], Arch-3b [17] and Arch-4 [24]

5.3 Comparisons

As discussed in Sect. 3.2, memory saving of 75 % has been achieved by MAP decoder in this work, for the storage of branch metrics, in comparison with conventional SWBCJR-algorithm-based MAP decoder [42]. The overall saving of hardware resources in MAP decoder, due to reduced-memory architecture for forward/backward recursion factors and branch metrics altogether, is referred as state branch memory saving (SBMS). Figure 10 shows the percentages of SBMSs achieved by proposed and reported MAP architectures. Architecture Arch-1 presented in [33] has achieved a saving due to reduced memory required for forward-recursion factors, and its SBMS is 50 %. Similarly, the MAP decoder kernel Arch-2 designed in [34] has achieved a SBMS of 26 %. Low-power and reduced-memory architecture proposed in [17] has shown SBMSs of 24.9 and 19.6 % for radix-2 (Arch3a) and radix-4 (Arch3b) architectures, respectively. The state-metric-compression-based architecture Arch4 of MAP decoder [24] has a SBMS of 50 %, as shown in Fig. 10. Thus, the memory-reduced architecture presented in this work has shown better SBMS in comparison with the reported architectures.

6 Conclusion

This paper has highlighted a new method of estimating backward-recursion factors to initiate the back trace for successive sliding windows in MAP algorithm. Another contribution was the mathematical reformulation of branch-metric equations, and this aided MAP decoder to store only single branch metric in each trellis stage. Based on these methods, architecture and scheduling of the MAP decoder were presented. Thereafter, comparative study on BER performance of parallel turbo decoders based on the proposed and conventional methods was carried out, and the former had a coding gain of 0.4 dB at a BER of 10\(^{-4}\). The parallel turbo decoder with proposed MAP decoders has resulted in better coding performance and reduced-memory design. Finally, an overall hardware saving of this decoder was analyzed in terms of CMOS transistor count and it has shown that a saving of 44.14 % is possible for the case of 64 parallel MAP decoders. For the next generation wireless communication, higher data rates are needed and such hardware-efficient parallel turbo decoders are required to maintain the application of turbo code for evolving wireless communication standards.