1 Introduction

Let G be a group and \(\varphi \) be an endomorphism of G; we say that elements \(x,y\in G\) are \(\varphi \)-conjugate if there exists an element \(z\in G\) such that \(y=z^{-1}xz^{\varphi }\).

It is easy to check that the relation of \(\varphi \)-conjugation is an equivalence relation in G. In particular, it is the usual conjugation if \(\varphi =\textrm{id}_G\) and it is the total equivalence relation if \(\varphi =0_G\) is the zero endomorphism.

Equivalence classes are called twisted conjugacy classes or \(\varphi \)-conjugacy classes and their number \(R(\varphi )\) is called the Reidemeister number of the endomorphism \(\varphi \).

The \(\varphi \)-conjugacy class \([1]_{\varphi }=\{x^{-1}x^{\varphi }|x\in G\}\) of the unit element of the group G is a subset whose cardinality is equal to the index \(|G:C_G(\varphi )|\) of the centralizer \(C_G(\varphi )=\{x\in G|x^{\varphi }=x\}\) of \(\varphi \) in G; in what follows, we will put \([1]_{\varphi }=:[G,\varphi ]\) and we will write \([x,\varphi ]:=x^{-1}x^{\varphi }\).

If \(\varphi =\textrm{id}_G\), then \([G,\varphi ]=\{1\}\) and if \(\varphi =0_G\), then \([G,\varphi ]=G\) so, in these cases, \([G,\varphi ]\) is a subgroup of G. However, in the general case, \([G,\varphi ]\) is not a subgroup, it is not if we consider an automorphism \(\varphi \in \hbox {Aut}(G)\) and not even if this automorphism \(\varphi \in \hbox {Inn}(G)\) is inner. For instance, if \(G=S_3\) is the symmetric group of degree 3 and \(\varphi =\bar{g}\) is the inner automorphism induced by \(g=(123)\), then \([1]_{\bar{g}}=\{1, (132)\}\not \le G.\)

Notice that if \(\varphi \in \hbox {Aut}_C(G)\) is a central automorphism of a group G, that is, if \(g^{-1}g^{\varphi }\in Z(G)\) for every \(g\in G\), then \([G,\varphi ]\le G\). So, in particular, if the group G is nilpotent of class \(\le 2\), then \([G,\varphi ]\) is a subgroup for every \(\varphi \in \hbox {Inn}(G)\).

As it is easy to verify, if a group G is abelian, then not only \(H=[G,\varphi ]\le G\) for every \(\varphi \in \hbox {End}(G)\), but for every element \(x\in G\), its \(\varphi \)-conjugacy class is equal to the coset \([x]_{\varphi }=xH\), that is, \(\varphi \)-conjugation is a congruence in G.

It is possible to prove that this property characterizes abelian groups. In fact, if \(\varphi \)-conjugation is a congruence for every \(\varphi \in \hbox {End}(G)\), then in particular, conjugation is a congruence. This implies that every conjugacy class has order 1, that is, \(g^x=g\) for every \(g,x\in G\), hence G is abelian. Actually for a group to be abelian, it is enough that there exists an inner automorphism \(\bar{g}\in \hbox {Inn}(G)\) such that \(\bar{g}\)-conjugation is a congruence in G.

Proposition 1.1

A group G is abelian if and only if there exists \(g\in G\) such that \(\bar{g}\)-conjugation is a congruence in G.


We only have to show that if \(\bar{g}\)-conjugation is a congruence for an element \(g\in G\), then the group is abelian.

If \(\bar{g}\) is a congruence, then \(|[x]_{\bar{g}}|=|[1]_{\bar{g}}|=|\{h^{-1}h^g|h\in G\}|\) for every \(x\in G\). In particular, \(|\{h^{-1}h^g=[h,g]|h\in G\}|=|[g]_{\bar{g}}|\) so \(|\{[h,g]|h\in G\}|=1\), that is, \(\{[h,g]|h\in G\}=\{1\}\) since \([g]_{\bar{g}}=\{g\}\). This means that \(g\in Z(G)\) hence \(\bar{g}=\textrm{id}_G\), conjugation is a congruence and so G is abelian. \(\square \)

In the paper [1], the authors prove that every finite group G in which the \(\varphi \)-conjugacy class of the unit element is a subgroup for every inner automorphism \(\varphi \in \hbox { Inn}(G)\) is nilpotent. Anyway, it is not possible to bound the nilpotency class of such groups; in fact, in [3], the authors construct, for any integer \(n>2\) and for any prime \(p>2\), a finite p-group G nilpotent of class \(\ge n\) with this property. However, they notice that there exist automorphisms \(\phi \in \hbox {Aut}(G){\setminus } \hbox {Inn}(G)\) such that \([G,\phi ]\) is not a subgroup of G.

It is therefore natural to ask if it is possible to bound the nilpotency class of a finite group G such that the \(\varphi \)-conjugacy class of the unit element is a subgroup for every \(\varphi \in \hbox {Aut}(G)\). In this regard, in [1], the conjecture is made that such groups could be abelian (cfr. also [5, 18.14]). This conjecture is certainly false, in fact, there exist finite non-abelian p-groups in which every automorphism is central (see for instance [2, 7]). Of course, such groups are nilpotent of class 2 but we will prove the existence of nilpotent groups of every class n with this property. So also the answer to the previous question is negative.

Our main result is the following

Theorem 1.2

(Main Theorem). For every integer \(n\in \mathbb N\) and for every odd prime p, there exists a finite p-group G, of class n, in which the \(\varphi \)-conjugacy class of the unit element is a subgroup for every \(\varphi \in \textrm{Aut}(G)\).

As we will see, these groups are abelian-by-cyclic, and this result will give a negative answer also to Problem 3 of [3].

Moreover, from Theorem 1.2, it follows the existence of an infinite non-nilpotent group G such that \([G,\varphi ]\le G\) for every \(\varphi \in \hbox {Aut}(G)\) and so Conjecture 18.14 of [5] is false.

2 The proof of the main theorem

Let n be an integer \(n\ge 2\), p be an odd prime, and \(G=A\rtimes \langle x\rangle \), where \(A=\langle a\rangle \times \langle b\rangle \simeq \mathbb Z_{p^n}\times \mathbb Z_{p^n}\), \(\langle x\rangle \simeq \mathbb Z_{p^{n-1}}\), and \(c^x=c^{1+p}\) for every \(c\in A\).

It is easy to verify that \(G'=\langle a^p\rangle \times \langle b^p\rangle \) and that G is nilpotent of class n. Moreover, for every \(c\in A\), we have that \(\langle c\rangle \) is normal in G; in particular, for every \(g_1,g_2\in G\), we have that \(\langle [g_1,g_2]\rangle \) is normal in G, then \(\langle g_1,g_2\rangle '=\langle [g_1,g_2]\rangle \) and this implies that \(\langle g_1,g_2\rangle \) is a regular p-group since its derived subgroup is cyclic ([4, III 10.2 (c)]). Therefore G is a regular p-group.

Let \(\varphi \in \hbox {Aut}(G)\) be an automorphism of G, we will prove that \([1]_{\varphi }=\{g^{-1}g^{\varphi }|g\in G\}=[G,\varphi ]\) is a subgroup.

First of all we have that

$$\begin{aligned} \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad [c,\varphi ]\in A\>\>\>\forall c\in A. \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad (*) \end{aligned}$$

In fact, if there exists \(c\in A\) such that \([c,\varphi ]\not \in A\), then either \([a,\varphi ]\not \in A\) or \([b,\varphi ]\not \in A\). Without loss of generality. we may assume that \([a,\varphi ]\not \in A\), that is, \([a,\varphi ]=yx^{\alpha }\) with \(y\in A\) and \(\alpha \in \mathbb Z\) such that \(p^{n-1}\) does not divide \( \alpha \).

Observe that \(a^{\varphi }=ayx^{\alpha }\), \((a^{\varphi })^{p^{n-1}}=(ay)^{p^{n-1}} (x^{\alpha })^{p^{n-1}}z^{p^{n-1}}\) with \(z\in G'\) since G is regular, and then \((a^{\varphi })^{p^{n-1}}=(ay)^{p^{n-1}}\) because \(G'\) has exponent \(p^{n-1}\) and, in particular, ay has order \(p^n\).

Let \([b,\varphi ]=tx^{\beta }\) with \(t\in A\) and \(\beta \in \mathbb Z\), then \(b^{\varphi }=btx^{\beta }\) and we have that also bt has order \(p^{n}\) since \((b^{\varphi })^{p^{n-1}}=(bt)^{p^{n-1}}\).

Now \(1=[a,b]=[a^{\varphi }, b^{\varphi }]=[ayx^{\alpha }, btx^{\beta }]=[ay, x^{\beta }]^{x^{\alpha }}[x^{\alpha }, bt]^{x^{\beta }}\) and this implies that \([ay, x^{\beta }]^{x^{\alpha }}=[bt, x^{\alpha }]^{x^{\beta }}.\) Therefore there exist integers \(\gamma , \delta \in \mathbb Z\) such that \((ay)^{\gamma }=(bt)^{\delta }\) because \([ay, x^{\beta }]^{x^{\alpha }}\in \langle ay\rangle \) and \([bt, x^{\alpha }]^{x^{\beta }}\in \langle bt\rangle \).

From \(\langle a\rangle \cap \langle b\rangle =\{1\}\), it follows that \(\langle a^{\varphi }\rangle \cap \langle b^{\varphi }\rangle =\{1\}\), then

$$\begin{aligned} \langle (a^{\varphi })^{p^{n-1}}\rangle \cap \langle (b^{\varphi })^{p^{n-1}}\rangle =\langle (ay)^{p^{n-1}}\rangle \cap \langle (bt)^{p^{n-1}}\rangle =\{1\}. \end{aligned}$$

This implies that \(\langle ay\rangle \cap \langle bt\rangle =\{1\}\) because the intersection between the unique subgroups of order p of the cyclic p-groups \(\langle ay\rangle \) and \(\langle bt\rangle \) is the trivial subgroup. Hence \(p^n\) divides both \(\gamma \) and \(\delta \), so \(x^{\beta }\in C_G(ay)\) and \(x^{\alpha }\in C_G(bt)\). In particular, \((bt)^{x^{\alpha }}=(bt)^{(1+p)^{\alpha }}=bt\), then \((1+p)^{\alpha }\equiv 1\, (\text{ mod } p^n)\) and, since the multiplicative order of \((p+1)\) in \(\mathbb Z_{p^n}\) is \(p^{n-1}\), we have that \(p^{n-1}\) divides \(\alpha \), that is a contradiction. From \((*)\), it follows that \(c^{\varphi }\in A\) for every \(c\in A\), and in particular, \(a^\varphi \in A\).

Now we prove that \(x^{\varphi }=sx\) with \(s\in A\) and so \([x,\varphi ]=x^{-1}x^{\varphi }=s^x=s^{1+p}\in A\). Let \(x^{\varphi }=sx^{\lambda }\) with \(\lambda \in \mathbb Z\) and \(s\in A\); from \(a^x=a^{1+p}\), it follows that \((a^{\varphi })^{x^{\varphi }}=(a^{\varphi })^{(1+p)}\), that is, \((a^{\varphi })^{x^{\lambda }}=(a^{\varphi })^{1+p}\) and \((a^{\varphi })^{(1+p)^{\lambda }}= (a^{\varphi })^{1+p}\). Therefore \((1+p)^{\lambda }\equiv (1+p)\, (\text{ mod } p^n)\), \(\lambda \equiv 1\, (\text{ mod } p^n)\) and so \(x^{\varphi }=sx\).

Since \([x,\varphi ] \in A\), we have that \([x^{\alpha },\varphi ]=[x,\varphi ]^{\beta }\) with \(\beta \in \mathbb Z\), that is, \([x^{\alpha },\varphi ]\in \langle [x,\varphi ]\rangle \) for every \(\alpha \in \mathbb Z\) and so \(V=\{[x^{\alpha },\varphi ]|\alpha \in \mathbb Z\}\subseteq \langle [x,\varphi ]\rangle \).

Put \([x,\varphi ]=c\), that is, \(x^{\varphi }=xc\). If \(|V|=|\langle x\rangle :C_{\langle x\rangle }(\varphi )|=p^k\), then \((x^{\varphi })^{p^{k}}=(x^{p^{k}})^{\varphi }=x^{p^k}\), that is, \((xc)^{p^{k}}=x^{p^{k}}\). Hence \(x^{p^{k}}=x^{p^{k}}c^{p^{k}}z^{p^{k}}\) with \(z\in (\langle x,c\rangle )'=\langle c^p\rangle \), that is, \(x^{p^{k}}=x^{p^{k}}c^{p^{k}}(c^{lp})^{p^{k}}=x^{p^{k}}c^{(1+lp)p^{k}}\) which implies \(c^{(1+lp)p^{k}}=1\) and so the order o(c) divides \(p^k\). Then \(p^k=|V|\le |\langle c\rangle |\le p^k\) and \(|V|=|\langle c\rangle |\). So we have that \((**)\>\>V=\langle [x,\varphi ]\rangle .\)

Let \(B=\{[c,\varphi ]|c\in A\}\). From \((*)\), we have that \(B\subseteq A\) and we prove that \(B\le A\). In fact, for every \(c,d\in A\), we get \([cd,\varphi ]=[c,\varphi ]^d[d,\varphi ]=[c,\varphi ][d,\varphi ]\) and \([c^{-1},\varphi ]=[c,\varphi ]^{-1}\). Moreover, \(\langle [x,\varphi ]\rangle \le A\) since \([x,\varphi ]\in A\). Then \(B\langle [x,\varphi ]\rangle \le A,\) and we show that \(B\langle [x,\varphi ]\rangle =[G,\varphi ]\) so in particular \([G,\varphi ]\le G\).

For every \(g\in G\), there exist \(f\in A\) and \(\alpha \in \mathbb Z\) such that \(g=fx^{\alpha }\); then \([g,\varphi ]=[fx^{\alpha }, \varphi ]=[f,\varphi ]^{x^{\alpha }}[x^{\alpha }, \varphi ]=[f,\varphi ]^{\xi }[x,\varphi ]^{\eta }\) with \(\xi ,\eta \in \mathbb Z\) and so \([g,\varphi ]\in B\langle [x,\varphi ]\rangle \).

Conversely, if we consider \([d,\varphi ][x,\varphi ]^{\eta }\) with \(d\in A\), then we have that there exists \(\xi \in \mathbb Z\) such that \([d,\varphi ][x,\varphi ]^{\eta }= [d,\varphi ][x^{\xi },\varphi ]\) since \((**)\) implies that there exists \(\xi \in \mathbb Z\) such that \([x,\varphi ]^{\eta }=[x^{\xi },\varphi ]\). Let \(\beta \in \mathbb Z\) be such that \((1+p)^{\xi }\beta \equiv 1\, (\text{ mod } p^n)\), then

$$\begin{aligned}{}[d^{\beta }x^{\xi },\varphi ]=[d^{\beta },\varphi ]^{x^{\xi }}[x^{\xi },\varphi ]=[d,\varphi ]^{\beta x^{\xi }}[x,\varphi ]^{\eta }=[d, \varphi ]^{(1+p)^{\xi }\beta }[x,\varphi ]^{\eta }=[d,\varphi ][x,\varphi ]^{\eta },\end{aligned}$$

that is, \([d,\varphi ][x,\varphi ]^{\eta }\in [G,\varphi ]\) and this completes the proof.

3 Further remarks and open questions

From Theorem 1.2, it follows that for every \(n\in \mathbb N\) and for every odd prime p, there exists a finite p-group P of class n such that \([P,\varphi ]\le P\) for every \(\varphi \in \hbox {Aut}(P)\), let us denote such a finite p-group by G(np). It is possible to construct an infinite non-nilpotent group with the same property.

Corollary 3.1

There exists an infinite non-nilpotent group G such that \([G,\varphi ]\le G\) for every \(\varphi \in \textrm{Aut}(G)\).


For every \(n\in \mathbb N\), fix a prime \(p_n\) such that \(p_n\not =p_m\) for every \(m<n\) and put \(P_n:=G(n,p_n)\). The restricted direct product ([8, p. 20]) \(G:=\textrm{Dir}_{n\in \mathbb N}P_n\) is non-nilpotent and \([G,\varphi ]\le G\) for every \(\varphi \in \hbox {Aut}(G)\).

Note that, for every \(\varphi \in G\) and for every \(n\in \mathbb N\), we have that the restriction \(\varphi _{| P_n}=:\varphi _{n}\in \hbox { Aut}(P_n)\), so \([P_n,\varphi _n]\) is a subgroup of \(P_n\). We will show that \([G,\varphi ]=\langle [P_n,\varphi _n]|n\in \mathbb N\rangle \) so, in particular, it is a subgroup.

Let \(g\in G\), then \(g=g_{n_1}\cdots g_{n_t}\) with \(t, n_1,\ldots ,n_t\in \mathbb N\), and \(g_{n_i} \in P_{n_i}\) for every \(i\in \{1,\ldots , t\}\). So \([g,\varphi ]= [g_{n_1}\cdots g_{n_t},\varphi ]= g_{n_t}^{-1}\cdots g_{n_1}^{-1} (g_{n_1}\cdots g_{n_t})^{\varphi }= g_{n_1}^{-1}g_{n_1}^{\varphi _{n_1}}\cdots g_{n_t}^{-1}g_{n_t}^{\varphi _{n_t}}=[g_{n_1},\varphi _{n_1}]\cdots [g_{n_t},\varphi _{n_t}]\) and \([G,\varphi ]\subseteq \langle [P_n,\varphi _n]|n\in \mathbb N\rangle \).

Conversely, if \(y\in \langle [P_n,\varphi _n]|n\in \mathbb N\rangle \), then \(y=y_{n_1}\cdots y_{n_k}\) for some \(k, n_1,\ldots ,n_k\in \mathbb N\), \(y_{n_i}=[z_{n_i}, \varphi _{n_i}]\in [P_{n_i},\varphi _{n_i}]\) and, as before, it is easy to see that \(y=[z_{n_1}\cdots z_{n_t}, \varphi ]\in [G,\varphi ].\) \(\square \)

If \(n=2\), Theorem 1.2 gives an example of an abelian-by-(cyclic of order p) p-group that is a conterexample to Problem 3 of [3] for every odd prime p.

Regarding the case where \(p=2\), in [2], there is an example of a 2-group of class 2 such that \([G,\varphi ]\le G\) for every \(\varphi \in \hbox {Aut}(G)\), is it possible to have such a 2-group of class \(>2\)?

Remark 3.2

Notice that if we consider the 2-group \(G=A\rtimes \langle x\rangle \), with \(A=\langle a\rangle \times \langle b\rangle \simeq \mathbb Z_{2^n}\times \mathbb Z_{2^n}\), \(\langle x\rangle \simeq \mathbb Z_{2^{n-1}}\), \(n>1\), and \(c^x=c^3\) for every \(c\in A\), then there exists \(\varphi \in \hbox {Aut}(G)\) such that \([G,\varphi ]\not \le G\).

In order to define such an automorphism, first of all, we prove, by induction, that for every \(c\in A\) and for every \(t\ge 1\), we have that

$$\begin{aligned} (xc)^{2^t}=x^{2^t}c^{2^{t+1}h}\>\>\text {for some}\>\> h\in \mathbb N. \end{aligned}$$

For if \(t=1\), then

$$\begin{aligned} (xc)^2=xcxc=x^2c^xc=x^2c^4. \end{aligned}$$

Suppose that, for some \(t\in \mathbb N\), we have

$$\begin{aligned} (xc)^{2^t}=x^{2^t}c^{2^{t+1}h}, \end{aligned}$$

then \((xc)^{2^{t+1}}=((xc)^{2^{t}})^2=x^{2^{t+1}}(c^{2^{t+1}h})^{x^{2^t}}(c^{2^{t+1}h})=x^{2^{t+1}}(c^{2^{t+1}h})^{3^{2^t}}c^{2^{t+1}h}=x^{2^{t+1}}c^{2^{t+1}h(3^{2^t}+1)}= x^{2^{t+1}}c^{2^{t+2}k}\) since \(3^{2^t}+1\) is even.

Therefore, if \(c\in A\) has order \(2^n\), then xc has order \(2^{n-1}\) and we may consider \(\varphi \in \text {Aut}(G)\) such that \(y^{\varphi }=y\) for every \(y\in A\) and \(x^{\varphi }=xc\). We have that \([x,\varphi ]\in A\) and, by induction, \([x^{\alpha },\varphi ]=[x,\varphi ]^{x^{\alpha -1}}[x^{\alpha -1},\varphi ]\in A\) for every \(\alpha \in \mathbb N\). Therefore \([G,\varphi ]=[\langle x\rangle , \varphi ]\) because for every \(g=x^{\alpha }y\in G\) with \(\alpha \in \mathbb N\) and \(y\in A\), we have that \([g,\varphi ]=[x^{\alpha }y, \varphi ]=[x^{\alpha }, \varphi ]\in [\langle x\rangle , \varphi ]\). This implies that \(|[G,\varphi ]|=|[\langle x\rangle , \varphi ]|=|\langle x\rangle :C_{\langle x\rangle }(\varphi )|\le 2^{n-1}\). Now \(x^{-1}x^{\varphi }=c\in [G,\varphi ]\), so \([G,\varphi ]\not \le G\) since c has order \(2^{n}\).

Remark 3.3

Also every dihedral 2-group \(G=D_{2^n}=A\rtimes \langle x\rangle \) with \(A=\langle a\rangle \simeq \mathbb Z_{2^{n-1}}\) and \(\langle x\rangle \simeq \mathbb Z_2\) \((n>2)\) has an automorphism \(\varphi \in \text {Aut}(G)\) such that \([G,\varphi ]\not \le G\). In fact, if we consider the automorphism \(\varphi \) defined by \(a^\varphi =a\) and \(x^{\varphi }=xa^{-1}\), then we have that \([G,\varphi ]=[\langle x\rangle , \varphi ]\) so \(|[G,\varphi ]| \le 2.\) But \(a^{-1}=x^{-1}x^{\varphi }\in [G,\varphi ]\), then it is not a subgroup because \(a^{-1}\) has order \(2^{n-1}>2\).

Notice that, in particular, if \(n=3\), that is, \(G=D_8\), then \(\varphi _{|Z(G)}=\textrm{id}_{Z(G)}\) because \([a,x]^{\varphi }=[a,xa^{-1}]=[a,x]\).

Also the quaternion group \(Q_8=\{1,-1,i,j,k,-i,-j,-k\}\) has an automorphism \(\varphi \) such that \([Q_8,\varphi ]\not \le Q_8\) and \(\varphi _{|Z(Q_8)}= \textrm{id}_{{Z(Q_8)}}\). Actually, if we consider the automorphism \(\varphi \), defined by \(i^{\varphi }=i\) and \(j^{\varphi }=k\), then we have \([Q_8,\varphi ]=\{1,-i\}\).

Indeed, it is possible to prove the following result:

Proposition 3.4

For every prime p, if G is an extraspecial p-group, then there exists \(\varphi \in \textrm{Aut}(G)\) such that \([G,\varphi ]\not \le G\).

In order to show this proposition, first of all, we recall that a group G is the central product of two subgroups H and K if \(G=HK\), \([H,K]=1\), and \(H\cap K=Z(G)\). Then we prove the following two lemmas.

Lemma 3.5

Suppose that a group G is the central product of two subgroups H and K; if there exists an automorphism \(\phi \in \textrm{Aut}(H)\) such that \(z^{\phi }=z\) for every \(z\in Z(G)\) and \([H,\phi ]\not \le H\), then there also exists \(\varphi \in \textrm{Aut}(G)\) such that \([G,\varphi ]\not \le G\).


The group G is the central product of H and K, hence for every \(g\in G\), we have that \(g=hk\) with \(h\in H\) and \(k\in K\).

Let \(\phi \in \text {Aut}(H)\); if the restriction \(\phi _{|Z(G)}=\text {id}_{Z(G)}\), then \(g^{\varphi }:=(hk)^{\varphi }=h^{\phi }k\) defines a map \(\varphi :G\rightarrow G\). In fact, \(hk=h_1k_1\), with \(h,h_1\in H\) and \(k,k_1\in K\), if and only if \(h_1^{-1}h=k_1k^{-1}\in Z(G)\); so \((h_1^{-1})^{\phi }h^{\phi }=(h_1^{-1}h)^{\phi }=(k_1k^{-1})^{\phi }=k_1k^{-1}\), that is, \(h^{\phi }k=h_1^{\phi }k_1\).

It is easy to check that \(\varphi \in \textrm{Aut}(G)\), moreover \([G,\varphi ]=\{g^{-1}g^{\varphi }|g\in G\}=\{k^{-1}h^{-1}h^{\phi }k|h\in H, k\in K\}=\{h^{-1}h^{\phi }|h\in H\}=[H,\phi ].\) \(\square \)

Lemma 3.6

Let p be a prime, and G be a group of order \(p^3\). If G is non-abelian, then there exists \(\varphi \in \text {Aut}(G)\) such that \(z^{\varphi }=z\) for every \(z\in Z(G)\) and \([G,\varphi ]\not \le G\).


If \(p=2\), then either \(G\simeq D_8\) or \(G\simeq Q_8\) and the claim is true, as we have seen before. So we may suppose that p is odd and in this case we have that either \(G=\langle x,y,z|x^p=y^p=z^p=1, [x,z]=[y,z]=1,[x,y]=z\rangle \), that is, \(G=H\rtimes \langle y\rangle \) with \(H=\langle x,z\rangle \simeq \mathbb Z_p\times \mathbb Z_p\), \(\langle y\rangle \simeq \mathbb Z_p\), and \(x^y=xz\), \(z^y=z\), or \(G=\langle x,y|x^{p^2}=y^p=1, x^y=x^{1+p}\rangle \), that is, \(G=\langle x\rangle \rtimes \langle y\rangle \) with \(x^{p^2}=1\), \(y^p=1\), and \(x^y=x^{1+p}\). Observe that in both cases, G is nilpotent of class 2, then for every \(n\in \mathbb N\) such that \(n\ge 2\), we have \((yx)^n=y^nx^n[x,y]^{n(n-1)\over 2}\), that is, \((yx)^n=y^nx^nz^{n(n-1)\over 2}\) in the first case, \((yx)^n=y^nx^nx^{p{n(n-1)\over 2}}=y^nx^{n+{p{n(n-1)\over 2}}}\) in the second case (see [8, 5.3.5 p. 137]).

In the first case, we may consider \(\varphi \in \text {Aut}(G)\) defined by \(x^{\varphi }=x\) and \(y^{\varphi }=yx\) and we have that \(z^{\varphi }=[x,y]^{\varphi }=[x,yx]=[x,y]=z\), that is, \(\varphi _{|Z(G)}=\textrm{id}_{Z(G)}\). Moreover, if we consider \(g=y^tx^nz^m\in G\) with \(0\le t,n,m\le p-1\), then we have that \(g^{\varphi }=(yx)^tx^nz^m=y^tx^tz^{{t(t-1)\over 2}}x^nz^m= y^tx^{t+n}z^{{t(t-1)\over 2}+m}\) and so \(g^{-1}g^{\varphi }=(y^{-t}x^{-n}z^{nt-m})(y^tx^{t+n}z^{{t(t-1)\over 2}+m})=(x^{-n})^{y^t}x^{t+n}z^{nt+{t(t-1)\over 2}}=(xz^t)^{-n}x^{t+n}z^{nt+{t(t-1)\over 2}}= x^tz^{{t(t-1)\over 2}}\) with \(0\le t\le p-1\). Then \([G,\varphi ]=\{x^tz^{{t(t-1)\over 2}}|0\le t\le p-1\}\) and this set is not a subgroup of G.

In the second case, we may consider the automorphism \(\phi \in \text {Aut}(G)\) defined by \( y^{\phi }=y\) and \(x^{\phi }=yx\); since \([x,y]^{\phi }=[yx,y]=[x,y]\), we have that \(\phi _{|Z(G)}=\textrm{id}_{Z(G)}\). Moreover, if we consider \(g=y^nx^m\in G\) with \(0\le n\le p-1\) and \(0\le m\le p^2-1\), then we have that \(g^{\phi }=y^n(yx)^m=y^{n+m}x^{m(1+p{(m-1)\over 2})}\). Therefore \(g^{-1}g^{\phi }=y^{p-n}x^{p^2-m(1+p)^{p-n}}y^{n+m}x^{m(1+p{(m-1)\over 2})}=y^mx^{m(1-(1+p)^m+p{(m-1)\over 2})}\) and the set of these elements, with \(0\le m\le p^2-1\), is not a subgroup of G. \(\square \)

For every prime p, an extra-special p-group is the iterated central product of non-abelian groups of order \(p^3\) (see for instance Lemma 2.2.9 of [6]), then, from the two previous lemmas, Proposition 3.4 follows.