1 Introduction

Let R be an associative ring. If a partial order on R is contained in a total order on R, then we say that the partial order is extended to a total order. A ring is called an \(O^{*}\)-ring if each partial order is extended to a total order. This concept was introduced by Fuchs in [1], and as an open question in [1], he asked establishing ring-theoretical properties of \(O^{*}\)-rings. In [5], Steinberg provided the ring-theoretical characterization of the \(O^{*}\)-rings, and from his characterizations, the question becomes determining the \(O^{*}\)-fields [5, Theorem]. An \(O^{*}\)-field must be a subfield of \(\mathbb {R}\), the field of real numbers, and must be algebraic over \(\mathbb {Q}\), the field of rational numbers. Steinberg also pointed out that it is sufficient to determine which subfields of \(\mathbb {R}\) that is a finite extension of \(\mathbb {Q}\) are \(O^{*}\)-fields [5, p. 2557]. He proved that each real quadratic extension field of \(\mathbb {Q}\) is an \(O^{*}\)-field, and \(\mathbb {Q}[\root 4 \of {2}]\) is not an \(O^{*}\)-field. In [4], it is shown that a sequence of real quadratic extension of \(\mathbb {Q}\) is an \(O^{*}\)-field and \(\mathbb {Q}[\root 3 \of {n}]\), where n is a cubic-free positive integer, is an \(O^{*}\)-field. No other results on \(O^{*}\)-fields seem available in the literature.

In the present paper, by using the theory on the infinite primes of the number fields developed by Harrison in [2], the connection between the maximal partial orders on a number field R and the subfields of R is established, then necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for a real number field being \(O^{*}\). As a consequence, we show that, for instance, for a real number field R if \([R : \mathbb {Q}]\) is an odd integer, then R is \(O^{*}\), where \([R : \mathbb {Q}]\) denotes the dimension of R over \(\mathbb {Q}\).

We review a few definitions from partially ordered rings. Let R be an associative ring and P be a subset of R. Then P is said to be the positive cone of a partial order if \(P + P \subseteq P\), \(PP \subseteq P\), and \(P \cap -P = \{0\}\). We often just call P as a partial order on R. In this paper, we only consider partial orders on fields. By Zorn’s Lemma, each partial order is contained in a maximal partial order. We denote by \(\mathbb {Q}^{+}\) and \(\mathbb {R}^{+}\) the positive cone of the usual total order on \(\mathbb {Q}\) and \(\mathbb {R}\), respectively. For a maximal partial order P, \(\mathbb {Q}^{+} \subseteq P\) and P is division closed in the sense that for any two elements ab in the field, if \(ab > 0\) and \(a > 0\), then \(b > 0\).

For more information and undefined terminologies on partially ordered rings, the reader is referred to [1, 3].

2 Infinite primes for fields

In this section, we collect some results from [2] that will be used in the following section. Let R be a field. A nonempty subset S is called a preprime if S is closed under the addition and multiplication in R, and \(-1 \not \in S\), that is,

$$\begin{aligned} S + S \subseteq S, \ SS \subseteq S, \text{ and } -1 \not \in S. \end{aligned}$$

A maximal preprime is called a prime. By Zorn’s Lemma, each preprime is contained in a prime. A prime S is called infinite if \(1 \in S\), otherwise S is called finite. An infinite prime S of R is called full if \(R = S - S = \{a - b \mid a, b \in S\}\).

Let R be a number field that is n-dimensional over \(\mathbb {Q}\). There exist exactly n isomorphisms (or embeddings) \(\sigma _{1}, \sigma _{2}, \dots , \sigma _{n}\) of R into \(\mathbb {C}\), the field of complex numbers. Let \(\rho \) be the ordinary complex conjugate on \(\mathbb {C}\). Assume \(\rho \circ \sigma _{i} = \sigma _{i}\), for \(1 \le i \le r\), and \(\rho \circ \sigma _{i} = \sigma _{i + s}\) for \(r < i \le r + s\) with \(r + 2s = n\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} \sigma _{1}, \dots , \sigma _{r}, \ \sigma _{r + 1}, \dots , \sigma _{r + s}, \rho \circ \sigma _{r + 1}, \dots , \rho \circ \sigma _{r + s} \end{aligned}$$

are these isomorphisms, and \(\sigma _{1}, \dots , \sigma _{r}\) are called the real infinite prime divisors of R, and the sets \(\{\sigma _{r + 1}, \rho \circ \sigma _{r + 1}\}, \dots , \{\sigma _{r + s}, \rho \circ \sigma _{r + s}\}\) are called the complex infinite prime divisors of R.

Theorem 2.1


([2, Proposition 3.5]). Let R be a number field and let \(\sigma _{1}, \dots , \sigma _{r}\) be the real infinite prime divisors of R. The sets \(\sigma _{1}^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\), \(\dots \), \(\sigma _{r}^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\) are distinct and consist exactly of all the full infinite primes of R.


([2, Proposition 3.6]). Let R be a number field. Let P be an infinite prime of R which is not full \((i.e., P - P \ne R)\). Then there exists a complex infinite prime divisor \(\{\sigma , \rho \circ \sigma \}\) of R with \(P = \sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\). If R is a normal number field, then this gives a one-one correspondence between all the non-full infinite primes of R and all the complex infinite prime divisors of R.

In the present paper, we only consider the real number fields which are subfields of \(\mathbb {R}\) and finite dimensional over \(\mathbb {Q}\). Let R be a real number field. For a subset H of R, define \(E_{H} = H - H = \{a - b \mid a, b \in H\}\). The following result shows that in a real number field, infinite primes are precisely maximal partial orders.

Lemma 2.2

Let R be a real number field.


Let H be subset of R such that \(H + H \subseteq H\), \(HH \subseteq H\), and \(\mathbb {Q}^{+} \subseteq H\). Then \(E_{H}\) is a subfield of R.


If S is an infinite prime on R, then S is a maximal partial order on R.


If P is a maximal partial order on R, then P is an infinite prime on R.


(1) It is clear that \(E_{H}\) is a subring of R and a subspace of R over \(\mathbb {Q}\). Take \(0 \ne a \in E_{H}\), define \(f_{a}: E_{H} \rightarrow E_{H}\) by \(f_{a}(u) = au\) for any \(u \in E_{H}\). Then \(f_{a}\) is a linear transformation from \(E_{H}\) to \(E_{H}\) over \(\mathbb {Q}\). Since \(f_{a}\) is one-to-one and \(E_{H}\) is finite-dimensional over \(\mathbb {Q}\), \(f_{a}\) is onto, so there exists \(b \in E_{H}\) such that \(ab = 1\). Thus \(E_{H}\) is a subfield of R.

(2) Let S be an infinite prime on R. From the proof of [2, Proposition 3.5], we have \(S \cap -S = \{0\}\), so S is a partial order on R. Assume \(S \subseteq P\), where P is a maximal partial order on R. If \(-1 \in P\), then \(1 \in P \cap -P = \{0\}\), a contradiction. Thus \(-1 \not \in P\) and P is a preprime. Since S is a maximal preprime and P is a preprime, \(S \subseteq P\) implies that \(S = P\) and hence S is a maximal partial order on R.

(3) If P is a maximal partial order, then P is a preprime. Let \(P \subseteq S\) which is an infinite prime. By (2), S is a maximal partial order, so \(P = S\) is an infinite prime. \(\square \)

Since in a real number field, the maximal partial orders and the infinite primes are the same, we freely use both names.

3 \(O^{*}\)-fields

For a field K and a subfield F of K, [K : F] denotes the dimension of K as an F-vector space. A partial order on a real number field R is called directed if each element is a difference of two positive elements. For an embedding \(\sigma \) from R to \(\mathbb {C}\), it is clear that \(\sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\) is a partial order on R.

Theorem 3.1

Let R be a real number field. Then following conditions are equivalent.


R is an \(O^{*}\)-field,


For each complex infinite prime divisor \((\sigma , \rho \circ \sigma )\) of R, \(\sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\) is extended to a total order on R,


For each maximal partial order P on R, \(E_{P} = R\),


Each maximal partial order P on R is directed,


Each maximal partial order P on R contains \([R : \mathbb {Q}]\) linearly independent vectors.


\((1) \Rightarrow (2)\) is clear.

\((2) \Rightarrow (1)\) Let P be a maximal partial order on R. We show that P must be a total order. Since P is an infinite prime on R by Lemma 2.2, Theorem 2.1 implies that \(P = \sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\), where \(\sigma \) is a real or complex infinite prime divisor of R, then P must be a total order by the assumption.

\((1) \Rightarrow (3)\) Assume that there exists a maximal partial order P on R such that \(E_{P} \ne R\). Take \(z \in R \setminus E_{P}\). Then \(z \not \in P\) and \(-z \not \in P\), so P is not a total order and R is not \(O^{*}\).

\((3) \Rightarrow (1)\) Let P be a maximal partial order on R. We show that P must be a total order. By Lemma 2.2, P is an infinite prime. Since \(E_{P} = P - P\) and \(E_{P} = R\), \(R = P - P\), that is P is a full infinite prime. By Theorem 2.1, \(P = \sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\) for some real infinite prime divisor \(\sigma \) of R. Thus P is a total order on R.

\((3) \Rightarrow (4)\) Let P be a maximal partial order. Then \(R = P - P\), so P is a directed partial order.

\((4) \Rightarrow (5)\) Let P be a maximal partial order on R, since P is directed, \(R = P - P\), so P is a generating set of R as a vector space over \(\mathbb {Q}\). Thus P contains \([R : \mathbb {Q}]\) linearly independent vectors.

\((5) \Rightarrow (3)\) Let P be a maximal partial order on R. Since P contains \([R : \mathbb {Q}]\) linearly independent vectors, \(P - P\) is a subspace of \([R : \mathbb {Q}]\)-dimensional, and hence \(R = P - P\). \(\square \)

The following result is an immediate consequences of Theorem 3.1.

Theorem 3.2

Let R be a real number field. If \([R : \mathbb {Q}] = n\) is an odd integer, then R is an \(O^{*}\)-field.


Let P be a maximal partial order on R and \([E_{P} : \mathbb {Q}] = k\). Then \(k \ | \ n\). Since P is a full infinite prime in \(E_{P}\), there exists a real infinite prime divisor \(\sigma \) of \(E_{P}\) such that \(P = \sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\). It is well-known that \(\sigma \) can be extended to \([R : E_{P}] = n / k\) embeddings from R to \(\mathbb {C}\), and since n/k is odd, one of those n/k embeddings must be a real infinite prime divisor of R, denoted by \(\delta \). Then \(P = \sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+}) \subseteq \delta ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\), and hence \(P = \delta ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\) since P is a maximal partial order on R. Thus R is \(O^{*}\). \(\square \)

There exist real number fields R in which \(E_{P} = R\) is not true for all the maximal partial orders P, and hence R is not an \(O^{*}\)-field. The following example is due to Steinberg.

Example 3.3

Let \(R = \mathbb {Q}[a]\) with \(a = \root 4 \of {2}\). The irreducible polynomial \(f(x) = x^{4} - 2\) has four roots: \(a, -a, ia, -ia\), where \(i^{2} = -1\). Let \(\sigma \) be the embedding from R to \(\mathbb {C}\) that sends a to ia. Then \(-a^{2} \in \sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\). If \(\sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+}) = P\) is not a maximal partial order, then \(P \subsetneq P_{1}\) for some maximal partial order \(P_{1}\). If \(P_{1}\) is not a full infinite prime on R, then by Theorem 2.1, there exists a complex infinite prime divisor \(\{\gamma , \rho \circ \gamma \}\) such that \(P_{1} = \gamma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\). However \(\{\sigma , \rho \circ \sigma \}\) is the only complex infinite prime divisor of R, so \(P = P_{1}\), a contradiction. Hence we must have \(E_{P_{1}} = R\) and \(P_{1} = \delta ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\) for some real infinite prime divisor \(\delta \) of R. Then \(\delta \) is either the identity mapping or the embedding that sends a to \(-a\). In either case, \(a^{2} \in P_{1}\). On the other hand, \(-a^{2} \in P \subsetneq P_{1}\), so \(a^{2} \in P_{1} \cap -P_{1}\), a contradiction. Thus P is a maximal partial order on R. It follows that R is not \(O^{*}\) by Theorem 3.1.

Similar to Steinberg’s example, if n is a positive integer divisible by 4, then \(\mathbb {Q}[\root n \of {2}]\) is not an \(O^{*}\)-field since the partial ordered \(P = \mathbb {Q}^{+} + \mathbb {Q}^{+}(-a^{\frac{n}{2}})\), where \(a = \root n \of {2}\), cannot be extended to a total order.

Let R be a real number field with \([R : \mathbb {Q}] = 4\). It is possible for R to be an \(O^{*}\)-field as shown in Example 3.6.

Theorem 3.4

If \(R = \mathbb {Q}[\root 2n \of {p}]\), where p is a prime number and n is a odd integer, then R is \(O^{*}\).


Let P be a maximal partial order on R and \(a = \root 2n \of {p}\), \(b = a^{n} = \sqrt{p}\). Then \(b^{2} = p\). We first show that either \(b \in P\) or \(-b \in P\). Assume \(-b \not \in P\). Define \(P' = P + Pb\). It is clear that \(P' + P' \subseteq P'\) and \(P'P' \subseteq P'\). Suppose that \(P' \cap -P' \ne \{0\}\). Let \(0 \ne w \in P' \cap -P'\). Then \(w = \alpha + \beta b\) and \(-w = \alpha ' + \beta ' b\), where \(\alpha , \alpha ', \beta , \beta ' \in P\). Then \((\alpha + \alpha ') + (\beta + \beta ')b = 0\) and \(w \ne 0\) implies \(\beta + \beta ' \ne 0\) and hence \(-b = (\beta + \beta ')^{-1}(\alpha + \alpha ') \in P\) since P is division closed, a contradiction. Thus \(P' \cap -P' = \{0\}\), so \(P'\) is a partial order. It follows that \(P = P'\) and \(b \in P\). Thus either \(b \in P\) or \(-b \in P\). Without loss of generality, we may assume \(b \in P\).

Since \(\mathbb {Q}[b]\) is a subfield of R and \(\mathbb {Q}[b] \subseteq E_{P}\), \(2 \mid [E_{P} : \mathbb {Q}]\), so \([E_{P} : \mathbb {Q}] = 2k\), where k is a positive integer and \(k \ | \ n\). It follows that \([R : E_{P}] = n / k\) is an odd integer. By a similar argument of Theorem 3.2, each real infinite prime divisor of \(E_{P}\) is extended to a real infinite prime divisor of R, so P must be a total order. \(\square \)

In the following we collect some conditions that make a real number field being \(O^{*}\). Let R be a real number field. By Primitive Element Theorem, R is a simple extension over \(\mathbb {Q}\), that is, \(R = \mathbb {Q}[a]\) for some \(a \in R\).

Theorem 3.5

Let R be a real number field.


Suppose that \(R = \mathbb {Q}[a]\). Let \(f(x) \in \mathbb {Q}[x]\) be the irreducible polynomial such that \(f(a) = 0\). If each root of f(x) is a real number, then R is an \(O^{*}\)-field.


Let R be a real number field. If for each complex infinite prime divisor \(\{\sigma , \rho \circ \sigma \}\), \(\sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\) is not prime, then R is an \(O^{*}\)-field.


Let R be a real number field and \(R = \mathbb {Q}[a]\) with the minimal polynomial f(x) of a over \(\mathbb {Q}\). If f(x) has a pure imaginary root, then R is not an \(O^{*}\)-field.


(1) Let P be a maximal partial order on R. If P is not a full infinite prime, then, by Theorem 2.1, \(P = \sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\) for a complex infinite prime divisor \(\{\sigma , \rho \circ \sigma \}\), a contradiction since the minimal polynomial f(x) of a has only real roots. Thus P is full and \(E_{P} = R\).

(2) Let P be a maximal partial order on R. Then P is an infinite prime by Lemma 2.2. So, by Theorem 2.1, \(P = \sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\) for some real infinite prime \(\sigma \) by the assumption, so P is a total order on R.

(3) Suppose that \(z = ib, b \in \mathbb {R}\) is a root of f(x). Then there exists an embedding \(\sigma \) from R to \(\mathbb {C}\) that sends a to ib. Let \(P = \sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\). Then P is a partial order on R. Since \(\sigma (-a^{2}) = -(ib)^{2} = b^{2} \in \mathbb {R}^{+}\), \(-a^{2} \in P\), so P cannot be extended to a total order and R is not \(O^{*}\). \(\square \)

As an application of Theorem 3.5, we determine all the \(O^{*}\)-fields R with \([R : \mathbb {Q}] = 4\).

Example 3.6

Let R be a real number field with \([R : \mathbb {Q}] = 4\). Assume that \(R = \mathbb {Q}[\alpha ]\), where \(\alpha \in \mathbb {R}\) is a root of an irreducible polynomial f(x) of degree 4 over \(\mathbb {Q}\). We consider following cases.


f(x) has 4 real roots. By Theorem 3.5(1), R is \(O^{*}\).


f(x) has 2 real roots and 2 pure imaginary roots. By Theorem 3.5(3), R is not \(O^{*}\).


f(x) has 2 real roots and 2 complex roots with nonzero real part. Let \(\{\sigma , \rho \circ \sigma \}\) be the complex infinite prime divisor of R. Let \(E = \sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R})\). Then E is a subfield of R, so \(E = R\), \([E : \mathbb {Q}] = 2\), or \(E = \mathbb {Q}\). Let r be a real root of f(x) such that \(\sigma (r)\) is a complex root of f(x). Then \(r, -r \not \in E\), so \(E \ne R\). If \(E = \mathbb {Q}\), then \(\sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+}) = \mathbb {Q}^{+}\) is not a prime. Assume that \([E : \mathbb {Q}] = 2\). Then \(E = \mathbb {Q}[\beta ]\) for some \(\beta \in \mathbb {R}\). Then \(\sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+}) = E \cap \mathbb {R}^{+}\) or \(E \cap -\mathbb {R}^{+}\), and hence \(\sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+}) \subsetneq R \cap \mathbb {R}^{+}\) or \(R \cap -\mathbb {R}^{+}\), respectively. Thus \(\sigma ^{-1}(\mathbb {R}^{+})\) is not a prime. By Theorem 3.5(2), R is \(O^{*}\).