
1 Introduction

Super Resolution (SR) reconstruction has been a popular research area for the past few decades. The super resolution techniques aim to reconstruct Low Resolution (LR) images to High Resolution (HR) images, and while improving the quality of our life. There are many applications based on super-resolution technology, such as video reconstruction [3, 4], social security [22], medical image enhancement [14, 16],and military remote sensing [26].

With the development of deep learning techniques, super-resolution networks have achieved rapid progress in the field of single image super-resolution (SISR) for the past few years. The SRCNN [33] network was the first neural network designed for this task and showed better results than traditional methods using only three convolutional layers. Researchers later developed deeper networks like VDSR [15], EDSR [18], and MDSR, which achieved even better reconstruction outcomes. These models mostly extract information directly from low-resolution images to generate high-resolution images, but LR contain limited pixel information which makes it difficult to reconstruct higher quality image information.

Some studies have shown that incorporating prior knowledge, such as edge priors [30, 36] and texture priors [28], can provide additional pixel information and improve the reconstruction quality of images. For example, Yang et al. [32] proposed a method that combines edge maps with LR images for super-resolution (SR) reconstruction. Fang et al. [11] introduced an edge network to reconstruct image edges and learn edge features. Wang et al. [28] utilized fixed-class texture priors to effectively reconstruct the texture details in images. Although these methods have achieved good reconstruction results by leveraging prior knowledge, they often overlook the differences between textures and edges, as well as the repetitive nature of textures.

Therefore, we utilize the GLCM (Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix) to extract the most frequently occurring texture features in the image. Additionally, we employ an edge detection operator to extract fine-grained edge information. As shown in Fig. 1, the extracted edges and textures differ significantly from the binary edge operator. Although the extracted texture map contains sufficient edge information, there are some spurious edges, so we utilize a refined edge constraint reconstruction to fuse them with features. We use these extracted texture and edge maps as the target images for the edge and texture branches of our network. By incorporating loss constraints, we construct an end-to-end network. In summary, our contributions are as follows:

  1. 1.

    We proposed a novel super-resolution network consists of three branches designed to extract fine-grained edge and texture information. By fusing the extracted edge and texture information, not only the internal texture of the image can be reconstructed, but also the problem of false edges can be solved using the fine-grained edge map. Numerous experiments demonstrate that our network helps to guide the super-resolution reconstruction, thus effectively solving the difficulties of image edge blurring and internal texture reconstruction.

  2. 2.

    We have devised a novel loss function incorporating three components: image content, edge, and texture losses. This integrated loss structure guides our model to converge effectively, enabling accurate reconstruction of image edges and texture details.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The figure represents the edge map extracted by Canny, the refined edge map and the texture map used in this paper, respectively.

2 Related Works

2.1 Single Image Super-Resolution

In recent years, super-resolution techniques have been widely used in the field of single image super-resolution. The development of single image super-resolution can be divided into the following two steps:

In the early stages of super-resolution research, conventional methods relied on techniques like linear interpolation and bicubic interpolation for image reconstruction. These interpolation algorithms leveraged neighboring pixel values to estimate missing pixels. While these approaches offered simplicity and flexibility, they faced challenges in accurately reconstructing high-frequency details in super-resolution images.

Subsequently, learning-based methodologies emerged to address the LR-to-HR mapping challenge. These approaches encompassed a range of techniques, including sparse-based methods [31], neighborhood embedding methods [7, 27], random forests [23], and notably, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) [33]. With the rapid advancements witnessed in CNN research, they have risen to prominence, establishing themselves as the prevailing approach in the field. Prominent CNN models such as EDSR [18], RDN [35], SAN [8], and RFA [19] have garnered substantial attention, owing to their remarkable performance in image super-resolution tasks, thus solidifying their position at the forefront of the field.

2.2 Prior Information Assisted Image Reconstruction

In the past few years, super-resolution networks based on prior information have had a great impact on the field of super-resolution. Usually, a complex image contains many edge regions, so the introduction of an edge prior will have an important impact on the reconstruction of complex images. Tai et al. [25] proposed to combine the advantages of edge-directed SR and learning-based SR. Yang et al. [32] proposed an edge-guided recursive residual network (DEGREE) that introduces image edges into a neural network model. The network uses a bicubic interpolation preprocessed LR image as input and uses existing operators (e.g. Sobel detector [10], Canny detector [6] etc.), which introduced additional noise and generates artifacts. Sun et al. [24] used a novel gradient profile prior for super-resolution reconstruction. Li et al. [17] proposed to use edge information to introduce an encoder decoder to reconstruct high-resolution images. Fang et al. [11] proposed the soft-edge information extracted by Edge-Net, which solved the problem of fake edge appearance compared to the ready-to-use edge extractor. Zhao et al. [35] proposed IEGSR to accomplish super-resolution reconstruction using the high-frequency information of the image in the edge region.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The general composition of the FETSR network consists of four parts: shallow feature extraction network (SFEN), fine texture reconstruction network (FTRN), fine edge reconstruction network (FERN) and Image Refinement Network (IRN).

3 Methodology

3.1 Architecture

The progress of the reconstruction can be divided into the following two steps in our network. As seen in Fig. 2, first, we reconstruct the rough features by the SFEN, fine-edge extraction through the FERN and the texture information extracted by the FTRN. FERN and FTRN contain mainly the MDSR module, which is capable of fully extracting multi-scale edge and texture features through convolutional kernel-size-agnostic convolution. Second, we will concatenate and fuse the fine edge, rough features and fine texture information. The fused image tensor is then fed to the image refinement network and used to recover high quality images. In detail, FETSR consists of four modules: shallow feature extraction network (SFEN), a fine edge reconstruction network (FERN), a fine texture reconstruction network (FTRN), and an image refinement network (IRN).

In the first stage, the output of these network can be described as:

$$\begin{aligned} {f_{rough}} = {F_{SF}}({I_{LR}}) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} {f_{edge}} = {F_{Edge}}({I_{LR}}) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} {f_{texture}} = {F_{texture}}({I_{LR}}) \end{aligned}$$

where \({I_{LR}}\) is the low-resolution image, \({F_{SF}}\), \({F_{edge}}\) and \({F_{texture}}\) denote the SFEN, FERN and FTRN. \({f_{rough}}\), \({f_{edge}}\) and \({f_{texture}}\) represent the shallow features, the image fine edge, and the image texture. Then they use fusion layers for merging:

$$\begin{aligned} {f_{fusion}} = {F_{fusion}}([{f_{rough}},{f_{edge}},{f_{texture}}]) \end{aligned}$$

where [] operation represents the connection of the feature maps and \({F_{fusion}}()\) denotes the fusion layer, which can achieve features for fusion. In the second stage, we train the fused image tensor using the refinement network.

$$\begin{aligned} {I_{SR}} = {F_{IRN}}({f_{fusion}}) \end{aligned}$$

where \({I_{SR}}\) is the reconstructed SR image and \({F_{IRN}}()\) represents the image refinement network. In training our network, we propose the following loss function to assist the reconstruction process.

$$\begin{aligned} {L_{loss}} = {L_{content}} + {\lambda _1}{L_{edge}} + {\lambda _2}{L_{texture}} \end{aligned}$$

where \({\lambda _1}\) and \({\lambda _2}\) are hyper-parameters, \({L_{content}}\), \({L_{edge}}\) and \({L_{texture}}\) denote the loss, and this will be discussed in the following chapters.

3.2 Shallow Feature Extraction Network (SFEN)

First, we use SFEN to extract rough image feature. As a general rule that the rough image features can be easily detected, so a convolutional layer using a \({3 \times 3}\) convolutional kernel is applied to map the image to a high dimension. Then, the low-frequency information of SR image is extracted by using five identical convolutional layers, each layer is represented as:

$$\begin{aligned} {f_n} = {w_n}*{f_{n - 1}} + {b_n}(n = 1,2, \cdots ,5) \end{aligned}$$

where \({f_n}\), \({w_n}\) and \({b_n}\) represent the feature maps, weights and biases of the current convolutional layer output, respectively. \({f_{n - 1}}\) is the output of the upper layer and it will feed into the current layer, where n varies from 1 to 5. A related study found that sufficient shallow features can be extracted with 5 layers of convolution. Finally, when \(\mathrm{{n = 5}}\), we utilize an upsample module to upscale the extracted features to the same dimension of the HR.

$$\begin{aligned} {f_{rough}} = {F_{up}}({f_5}) \end{aligned}$$

where \({F_{up}}\) denotes the up-sample module, which consist of a sub-pixel layer and employ two convolutional layers for the transition to the image refinement network. The output \({f_{rough}}\) represents the image features extracted by convolution at a shallow level.

3.3 Fine Texture Reconstruction Network (FTRN)

A prior information is often used for image reconstruction and has led to significant improvements in image quality. The texture prior is introduced in FTRN, which can reconstruct the texture details of the HR directly from the LR.

The texture information is extracted by the GLCM method. GLCM represents the joint distribution of grayscale of two pixels with some spatial position relationship. The GLCM generation process as follows:


A spot (xy) and a spot \((x + a,y + b)\) in an image form a point pair. Let the pair of spots have a gray value of \(({f_1},{f_2})\) and let the image have a gray value of at most L, then there will be a \(L \times L\) combination of \({f_1}\) and \({f_2}\).


For the whole image, the number of occurrences of each \(({f_1},{f_2})\) value is calculated, and then they are arranged into a matrix.


The total number of times \(({f_1},{f_2})\) appears are normalized to obtain the probability \({P_{({f_1},{f_2})}}\), which results in a grayscale co-generation matrix.

After obtaining the GLCM of the HR image, we utilize the properties of GLCM to extract the repeated texture details present in the image. Firstly, a \(3 \times 3\) convolutional kernel is applied to expand the channels, followed by five multi-scale residual blocks to explore features at different scales. In this part of the network, the texture feature map is upsampled to match the size of the HR image. Throughout this process, the LR image is used as the input to the network, allowing us to directly obtain the texture feature map of the LR image. The specific equations are as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {L_{texture}} = {\left\| {T({I_{LR}}) - {I_{texture}}} \right\| _1} \end{aligned}$$

where T() denotes the texture reconstruction network, \({I_{texture}}\) represents the texture of the HR extracted by GLCM, \(T({I_{LR}})\) displays the reconstructed texture and make \({L_1}\) loss with \({I_{texture}}\)

3.4 Fine Edge Reconstruction Network (FERN)

To address the issue of excessive false edges in the texture feature map generated by GLCM, we introduce the following edge extraction operator, which can produce more refined edge features:

$$\begin{aligned} {I_{Edge}} = div({u_h},{u_v}) \end{aligned}$$

where \({u_i} = \frac{{{\nabla _i}{I_{HR}}}}{{\sqrt{1 + {{\left| {\nabla {I_{HR}}} \right| }^2}} }}\), \(i \in \{ h,v\} \), h and v represent two dimensions in different directions (horizontal and vertical), \({\nabla }\) indicate gradient operation and div() indicate the divergence operation. FERN has the same network structure as FTRN, but the target images and loss function utilized are different. The loss function of FERN is shown as:

$$\begin{aligned} {L_{edge}} = {\left\| {E({I_{LR}}) - {I_{edge}}} \right\| _1} \end{aligned}$$

where the method of E() stand for the fine edge reconstruction network, \({I_{edge}}\) indicates the fine edge extracted by above methods, \(E({I_{LR}})\) displays the fine edge reconstructed by FERN and make \({L_1}\) loss with the fine edge detected by HR images.

3.5 Image Refinement Network (IRN)

For the image refinement module, we integrate the different features extracted from the aforementioned three branches. These three features enable us to capture sufficient texture details and obtain accurate edge features effectively. We fuse these three features and input them into the feature fine-tuning network. The entire process can be mathematically represented by the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} f_{rb}^n = ({w_2}*R({w_1}*f_{rb}^{n - 1} + {b_1}) + {b_2}) + f_{rb}^{n - 1} \end{aligned}$$

where \({w_i}\) and \({b_i}\) are commonly used weight parameters in neural networks of the layer i respectively, \(i \in \{ 1,2\} \), \({f_{rb}^n}\) is the output of the nth residual block. R() denotes the ReLU activation function.

In addition to the residual blocks, a long skip connection is used in these part to maintain the features at the input to the IRN and effectively limit the trouble of the disappearance of gradient. For the IRN last layer, we use a convolutional layer to convert the dimension to RGB channels, and then SR images are reconstructed. In training progress, \({L_1}\) loss function is used to reduce the gap between SR image and HR image.

$$\begin{aligned} {L_{content}} = {\left\| {{I_{SR}} - {I_{HR}}} \right\| _1} \end{aligned}$$

In summary, we have designed a model called FETSR that can effectively reconstruct SR images. Typically, the edge and texture regions of an image contain abundant information that is challenging to reconstruct. Experimental results demonstrate that by incorporating fine-grained edge priors and texture priors, the reconstructed SR images exhibit accurate edges and rich texture details.

4 Experiments

4.1 Datasets

The DIV2K [1] is a common used dataset in super resolution reconstruction tasks, which contains 1000 images of various scenes, 800 of them are used for training, 100 can be used for validation, and 100 can be used for testing. As same as the previous works, we use a training dataset consisting of 800 images from DIV2K to train our model and meanwhile use the validation images from DIV2K to validate our model. During test our model, we employ the following datasets: Set5 [5], Set14 [34], BSDS100 [2] and Urban100 [13]. All of these test datasets are commonly used in super resolution and contain a variety of scenarios that are convincing enough to fully evaluate our model.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

A comparison of our model with other models shows that our model is able to reconstruct better visual effects and finer texture details.

4.2 Implements Details

In training our network, we set the patch size to 48 as the input image block size and the batch size to 16, and constrain our training process by \(L_1\) loss, edge loss, and texture loss, and set the weights to 1, 0.1, and 0.001, respectively. Since the pixel values of texture maps range from 0 to 255, we need to constrain it to the same dimension as the edge loss. The parameters of the optimizer are set to \({\beta _1} = 0.9,{\beta _2} = 0.999\), respectively, and the epoch is set to 600, and our residual block is finally set to 40. All code is based on the pytorch framework and is trained on 2 TITAN Xp GPUS.

4.3 Qualitative Comparisons and Discussion

As shown in the Fig. 3, we selected different images from the test dataset and reconstructed them with the available super-resolution. When compared with other super-resolution methods, our network is able to reconstruct not only more accurate texture information, but also sharper edges. In the first image, our reconstructed image has a better visual effect and a clearer reconstruction for some fine textures. In the second image, we reconstructed more accurate texture details. The third image clearly shows that the reconstructed image of our model highlights the edge line part of the floor.

4.4 Quantitative Comparisons and Discussion

As shown in Table 1, our model is compared with other neural network models. PSNR and SSIM are common metrics for judging the quality of reconstruction in super-resolution domains. Other methods have difficulty in reconstructing high quality images by learning the own features of LR images. Our model is able to effectively reconstruct the edges and textures of the images by using the prior generated from HR images, and is higher than other models in both PSNR and SSIM metrics.

Table 1. Quantitative analysis with existing CNN-based models for super-resolution reconstruction Highlighted indicates the best result.
Table 2. On scale x4, experimental results generated by different a prior information. Highlighted indicates the best result.
Fig. 4.
figure 4

Comparison chart of the ablation experiment, w/o indicates that the prior information is not introduced, w indicates that the prior information is introduced.

5 Analysis and Discussion

5.1 Effectiveness of the Prior Information

It is a very important issue that how to use the effective prior information to aid the super-resolution reconstruction, so we conducted an experimental analysis of the factors affecting the super-resolution reconstruction. When we introduce only texture prior, we can see from Table 2 that the reconstruction of the image is not very good. If only fine edge prior information is introduced, the reconstruction effect is not very good for high frequency regions with regular pixel points and textures. As shown in Fig. 4, when we introduce both fine edge prior information and texture prior information, we can reconstruct the details of the image better.

Table 3. For the study of \({\lambda }\)

5.2 Study of \(\lambda \)

During the training process, the setting of hyper-parameters also has an important influence on the reconstruction effect. \({\lambda _1}\) and \({\lambda _2}\) are set to adjust the edge loss and the texture loss respectively. To weigh the influence of fine edges and textures in the reconstruction process, we set \({\lambda _1}\) to 0.1 and \({\lambda _2}\) to 0.001, thus controlling the texture loss and edge loss in the same dimension. From Table 3 We can see that different super parameter settings lead to different reconstruction effects.

6 Conclusion

In this article, we introduce a novel super-resolution network using fine edge and texture priors. The network consists of four components: a shallow feature extraction network, a fine texture reconstruction network, a fine edge reconstruction network, and an image refinement network. Our model uses fine edge and texture prior to not only reconstruct the internal texture details in the image, but also effectively avoid reconstructing the wrong edge information.