
1 Introduction

The web is becoming a repository of data as every user is generating data, resulting in a significant boost in the amount of information available over the Internet. Because of the ease of access to the Internet, there has been tremendous growth in Internet users in the past ten years. Another reason for data generation over the web is due to social media platforms. Due to this overflow of data, a lot of effort is wasted to extract useful information. Not everybody has sufficient time to read all the information available to find the desired information. One solution to this task is to summarize the text or data which is to be read. But manual summarization also becomes difficult and time-consuming when the text is large. Automatic summarization is the task which produces a distilled version of the text where important information is captured from the document. Automatic text summarization is an activity where extraction of significant information is done from one or more sources to produce a condensed version for particular tasks [1]. Basically, text summarization is obtaining the salient features of the input document and producing an output document. Automatic text summarization is divided on the basis of type of output summary: extractive and abstractive (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Summary classification based on type of output summary

The primary focus of extractive summarization is on finding out the salient paragraph and significant sentences that altogether represent the precise summary of the document [2]. The extractive summarization technique selects essential sentences, paragraphs, etc., and concatenates them to make a smaller and distilled version of the source document. The level of importance of sentences is determined on the basis of various statistical and linguistic features of sentences. The abstractive summarization approach, contrarily, understands the text and retells the text in lesser sentences as compared to the source text. For an abstractive summary generation, linguistics methods are used to understand and redefine the text [3].

The major contributions of this work are:

  1. 1.

    This work gives a clear understanding of the summarization process to the reader.

  2. 2.

    The latest work in deep learning is discussed which gives an insight into current progress in the summarization field.

  3. 3.

    Challenges of summarization are discussed for the modern web, which can give a direction to the reader to explore the area of summarization.

2 Automatic Text Summarization

The web is filled with information, and to handle and understand this gigantic data, we need some methods that generate a summary and tell us the important information. Generating a good summary needs a good understanding of the qualities of a good summary [4, 5]. The attributes of a good summary are given in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Qualities of a Good Summary

The Summarization Process

The basic architecture of the summarization process can be given as follows in Fig. 3. It contains pre-processing, summarization, and post-processing [6].

Fig. 3
figure 3

Basic summarization process

  1. i.

    Pre-processing: This is an important task that generates a structured representation of the source document by applying various linguistic techniques such as sentence segmentation, tokenization, stop word removal, part-of-speech tagging, and stemming [7].

  2. ii.

    Summarization: In this step, the existing text summarization techniques are applied for generating the summary of the source document. The summarization approaches are discussed in 2.1.

  3. iii.

    Post-processing: The generated summary may have some structural issues; to make the summary more fluent and structured, we must reorder the sentences. Such tasks are done post-processing [7].

Based on the type of output summary, the ATS approaches are divided as extractive and abstractive summarization.

2.1 Extractive Summarization

While summarizing a document, our main focus is to generate the summary that describes the overall conclusion of the document. For this task, extractive summarization selects those sentences or paragraphs that properly describe the document's importance in precise form. Because of the approach of directly choosing the informative sentences, the method of extractive summarization is easier in comparison with the other techniques. The importance of the sentences is dependent upon the linguistic features [2]. Extractive text summarization can be divided into the following independent tasks [8].

2.2 Abstractive Summarization

Produces a summary that includes the sentences and phrases that do not belong to the input text but holds a similar meaning as to the original text. Abstractive text summarization tries to locate the significant and relevant features of the text and produces a summary by use of phrases/words that may/may not be in the original text [9].

2.3 Evaluation Techniques

Despite the fact that data should be compressed from the huge data available, it is also essential to evaluate the generated summary. The summary evaluation before the automatic evaluation was typically manual. The summaries were manually judged on some specific measures.


It refers to the measure of information gain from the summary generated. To measure informativeness, various methods are proposed. The authors [10] divided these measures into questionnaire-based and overlap-based matrices: Questionnaire-based summary evaluation is based on a questionnaire set that is designed from the original documents. Overlap-based matrices for summary evaluation are based on the similarity of the generated summary to the reference summary.

There are three common criteria for proficiency evaluation of a summarization system [10]: Recall, Precision, given by Eqs. 1 and 2, respectively:

$$ R = \frac{{\left| {S \cup C} \right|}}{\left| S \right|} $$
$$ P = \frac{{\left| {S \cap C} \right|}}{\left| C \right|} $$

where S and C are the collection of sentences/terms in reference summary and candidate summary, respectively. Another metric that is used for summary evaluation is ROUGE(Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation) was a summarization task in the Document Understanding Conference (DUC) [11]. ROUGE is based on overlap measures in comparison with the reference summary. The ROUGE matrices have several variants ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, ROUGE-N, ROUGE-L, ROUGE-S, etc.

2.4 Datasets

There are plenty of datasets available; some of the most popular are mentioned in Table 1.

Table 1 List of the popular datasets

3 Deep Learning-Based Automatic Text Summarization

Advancement in deep learning methods has been beneficial for artificial intelligence and NLP. Here, we study recent development in deep learning techniques in the summarization field. We divide this section into two subsections: extractive and abstractive text summarization using deep learning.

3.1 Deep Learning-Based Extractive Summarization

Extractive summarization is basically a method where we try the sentence with some technique and then choose the most significant sentences to make the output sentence. In [24], the authors did a single document summarization using a hierarchical sentence encoder and attention-based extractor. The sentence extraction is done using supervised training. The authors used a word extractor to minimize the redundancy in the output. The dataset used was DUC2002 and Daily Mail. The sentence representation was done using a hierarchical document reader using convolutional neural network, and the selection of sentences was done by the attention-based extractor. The authors of [25] proposed a method called PriorSum, which is a multi-document summarizer which is a neural network-based technique that captures the important aspect with considering the context. Sentence ranking is based on improved CNN by obtaining context-independent features. For this work, DUC 2001, DUC 2002, and DUC 2004 were used. [23] Introduced extractive summarization as a problem of sequence classification. Here, the text is traversed sequentially to check whether the sentence should be included or not based on previous decisions made for sentences. Here, the authors use RNN-based classifier. The dataset used is DUC2002and Daily Mail.

Singh et al. [26] Introduced a bilingual (Hindi and English) multi-document summarization approach. Here, unsupervised deep learning was used. They used Restricted Boltzmann Machine. The pre-processing steps include segmentation, tokenization, stop word removal, part-of-speech tagging, and feature selection. These were done using TF-IST. [27] In this work, authors used unsupervised deep learning for single document query-focused summarization. Here, the authors used deep autoencoder for the summarization process. The model was divided into two tasks pre-training and fine-tuning. A noisy autoencoder was used for sentence representation and ranking. The sentence selection was done by applying cosine similarity on the concept vector which was generated using the encoder.

3.2 Deep Learning-Based Abstractive Summarization

In [28], the author developed an abstractive summarization approach. This work is about using the deep learning concept to generate the summary. Three encoders were used: a Bag-of-words encoder, CNN, and an attention network for decoding purposes. The author used a neural network language model as a decoder. For word generator, probability distribution was used. The experimentation was done on the Gigaword and DUC datasets. For the optimizer, the stochastic gradient descent was used.

Yao et al. [29] The author developed a deep learning-based summarization approach. Here, instead of using one encoder the authors tried to improve the process by adding a dual encoder. The secondary encoder is other than the regular encoder models in sentence score based on the history. In the primary encoder, the bi-direction GRU-based RNN was used. For secondary, the unidirectional GRU-based RNN was used. This output is fed into an attention-based decoder. The experiments were performed on CNN/Daily Mail and DUC 2004. Authors of [30] also focused on CNN encoder and RNN decoder. For optimization purposes, SGT was used as used in [28]. In [31], introduced a framework which focused on encoding the keywords to the key information representation, used CNN-Daily Mail dataset encoder was a bidirectional LSTM and decoding was done using LSTM. Authors in [32] proposed a framework fact aware summarization using reinforcement learning to enhance the factual correctness of the summary. In work [33], authors developed an LSTM-based abstractive summarization that focused on finding the key features. For this, the authors divided the process into two phases: where the first one finds the important features and the second phase generated using DL techniques.

Here, we tried to discuss the most recent work done in summarization using deep learning. Despite being this, much research in the area of summarization this field still faces some challenges that are discussed in the next section.

4 Challenges in Text Summarization

Processing the text has been always a challenging task but with emerging times the level of challenges has also increased. Now, the people on social media are talking in their own languages other than English. Processing such text can be a difficult task. Also, the text over the web is not grammatically correct, spellings are wrong, and uses of slang are very common. Processing such text can be very challenging. Producing an abstractive summary is also very challenging as it focuses on conciseness and informativeness both at the same time. In the next section, we discuss some suggestive future work in this area so that these challenges can be tackled.

5 Conclusion and Future Work

Automatic text summarization is a very important task in natural language processing and for the current situation, i.e., web is overloaded with information, summarization becomes very important. In this survey, we discussed the entire process of summarization and approaches of summary generation. This has been concluded that the area of extractive summarization is explored and researched more than abstractive summarization. In this work, we have discussed deep learning-based research in the area of summarization. Supervised methods of extractive and abstractive summarization are explored well, but still challenges are being faced. In the future, we intend to develop a good unsupervised deep learning-based algorithm for text summarization, especially for abstractive summarization.