
1 Introduction

Population of elders is increasing with a rapid rate in most of the western countries and hence the challenges [1]. If we convert this in the form of percentage, by 2050, it will be 30% in Europe and China which is maximum globally and then 20.2% in United States of America (USA). This fact was established after a survey of WHO, that on an average, 28–35% of elderly people meet with an accident, because of falling, annually. According to WHO report, 37 million fall accidents are reported every year out of which 64.6 thousand people lose their life because of these accidents [2, 3]. In today’s modern world of nuclear families, elderly people are living alone at their homes and they are more prone to meeting with such accidents while staying at home. Hence, the study of fall detection, to improvise the science of detection, is more crucial and important [4,5,6]. In human activity recognition, to solve the existing and upcoming challenges toward activity recognition, researchers are using different techniques to beat the challenges of analysis. Based on the defined categories in different areas, methods and approaches may differ from one to another. Most commonly used cases of activity recognition is in medical and surveillance, where we talk about the devices and systems which are beneficial to humankind, in improving the life by mitigating the threats. By having a direct impact on saving lives, researchers are very keen to work in the field of video surveillance.

Human activity recognition through a comprehensive survey covers human activity recognition, i.e., 2D and 3D HAR based on RGB, depth and skeleton-based methodologies. The literature is updated with the application of recent advances field of human action recognition in Sect. 2. A structured arrangement of 2D and 3D object detection techniques has been discussed in Tables 1 and 2 highlighting different feature extraction techniques. Organization of our survey is as follows. Section 2 provides a panoramic summary of the related state-of-the-art survey works in the area of abnormal human action recognition followed by paper count analysis per year. It will help the reader to get an overview of key contributions of previous surveys done. Section 3 provides that human action recognition system is closely discussed with methodologies for detection, extractions and classification techniques evolved. Sections 4 and 5 outline recently introduced publicly available datasets used for activity recognition with challenges and applications. Finally, peculiar observations and possible directions are highlighted that need to further explore for research in the field of HAR.

Table 1 Comparison of object detection methods
Table 2 Comparison between different feature extraction methods

2 Literature Survey

Shian-Ru Ke presented trends of HAR in video signals, and article explains the three different areas in activity recognition using core technology, human activity recognition systems and applications. This article throws light on application areas like surveillance, healthcare and entertainment industry where major focus is on surveillance in healthcare including its challenges [7]. Pau Climent-Pérez’s article is based on HBA for ambient assisted living using AI. This study beautifully covers the estimation based on pose and gaze for movement identification. Later, it represents the latest work showcasing latest data tools and new datasets are described here [8]. Paul explained the techniques which are used in identification of human objects in surveillance video data with a benchmark datasets including directions for further research in living human identification and detection [9]. Fei Han represented an extensive survey of space time representations of human based on 3D skeletal data on categorization and analysis including modality, feature engineering, structure and transition including representation encoding [10]. Tej Singh explained key specifications of vision-based human activity recognition datasets which are discussed along with the algorithms according to the datasets best performance. Resolutions, actions/actors, frame rate, background and application domain are discussed in the paper [11]. Allah Bux described the image segmentation techniques and reviewed including challenges and future scope of research [12]. Athanasios Lentzas focused on the ABHAR for senior citizens. Analysis is done based on the taxonomy [13]. Michalis Vrigkas provided a comprehensive analysis of available datasets and examine the requirements for ideal datasets [14]. Tej Singh focused on the issue of benchmark datasets. Here article provide the comprehensive review to address this issue of benchmark datasets, action recognition-related RGB-D video datasets with 27 single-view datasets, 10 multi-view datasets, are provided [15], and various human activity recognition handcrafted and deep approaches are explained with 2D and 3D RGB and RGB_D dataset in this paper [16].

3 Methodology

See Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Process of human activity detection

3.1 Input Image/Video

In the general process of recording the procedure of RGB cameras, a differentiation in the activity was created to analyze the sequence of actions, but at the same time, we have the challenges related to background clarity and lightning effect of the images which leads to the complexity while working on a design of the solution [17, 18]. Afterward, there was a regular improvement in the research methods to improve the factors like capturing of the depth of action in an optimal cost and real-time with the help of infrared radiation which provided a relief to the challenges related to lightning effects.

3.2 Object Detection

Background subtraction—In this techniques, a comparison of the moving object has been done based on the difference between current frames with the background frame. This comparison is done either pixel by pixel or block to block [19,20,21].

Optical flow based—Here in this technique, detection of moving object w.r.t. time based on the characteristic of flow vector has been used. There are challenges also related to lightening effect, motion sensitivity or noise which leads to high computational time [22].

Spatio-temporal filter based—This method is used to have reduced the computational requirement and noise by using data volume spanned by the moving object in a video signal [23]. This method is called 3D spatio-temporal because it works with spatial as well as time (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Three types of human object detection

3.3 Feature Extraction

This is a technique for the reduction of data dimension in which transforms lower dimension data into a modified featured space. Researcher selects a subset of features from the superset which will meet the forecasting requirements of target labels correctly diminishing the complexity of computation of different algorithm of learnings and predictions by subtracting the cost of remaining features left in the list [24]. Out of all methods, principal component analysis (PCA) gives the most reliable results in reduction of dimensions and extraction of attributes in case of linear structures [25, 26]. On the other hand, for nonlinear structure, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) technique is used to mitigate the challenges of PCA [27]. Linear discriminant analysis is used to separate the features with the aim of establishment of a linear transformation to attain the biggest class discrimination. The traditional LDA is used to find out a standard discriminant subspace (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Types of feature extraction

3.4 Object Classification

Shape-based method—The shape data of moving regions such as points, boxes and blobs is described foremost and after that deemed as a standard pattern recognition. While using the aforementioned approach, the large number of possible impressions of the body creates chaos between a moving human and other moving objects [28, 29]. An enormous challenge with this method is that it cannot apprehend the internal motion of the object in the contour area.

Motion-based methodIn this method, we can overcome with the confusion between a moving human and other moving objects by using object motion characteristics with patterns analysis means to identify people in other moving objects, it uses the periodic property of captured images [30,31,32].

Texture-based method—Texture-based methods use intensity patterns for nearby pixels. This technique counts the gradient directions of local area of image and does calculations on a dense grid of evenly spaced cells. For better accuracy, it uses overlapping local contrast normalization.

4 Datasets

There are some important datasets.

KTH human motion dataset—This dataset contains six human actions performed by 25 subjects in four different situations. Running, jogging, walking, boxing, hand waving or clapping are performed in more than 2000 sequences. The backgrounds are homogeneous and uncluttered. Video files are classified by operation, to eliminate unnecessary operations easily [13].

Weizmann human action dataset—It uses static front-side cameras to record individual human movements from 10 subjects in different environments. Approximately 340 MB of video sequences are available. The actions performed include bending, walking, running, hand waving and different types of jumping.

HOHA—(Hollywood human actions)—HOHA dataset contains video sequences from 32 movies with annotations for eight action types: AnswerPhone, GetOutCar, HandShake, HugPerson, Kiss, SitDown, SitUp and Stand.

INRIA Xmas motion acquisition sequences—The video images of 390 × 291 pixel which is recorded from five different angles are included in these sequences. 11 actors perform 13 actions: check watch, cross arms, scratch head, sit down, get up, turn around, walk, wave, punch, kick, point, pick up, throw overhead and throw from bottom to top.

TUM kitchen dataset—This dataset aims ADLs in a kitchen scene with a low level of action. Multiple subjects perform tablet setting in different ways; transporting items one by one; and other behaviors are natural, grabbing multiple objects at once.

5 Challenges in HAR Dataset

In this section, we discuss the various current challenges in the dataset.

Background and environment conditions—In videos if there is moving object or background, it is very difficult to recognize human activity. There are so many types of background in a video signal like slow and fast, dynamic and static, airy and rainy, and crowded. Same recognition activity in environment conditions which contains various issues like rain, waves, trees and water is affected.

Similarity and Difference of actions—There are many actions that looks same in the videos like running, jogging, walking, etc. The same type of procedure affects classification accuracy. Similarity between classes of actions in datasets provides a fundamental challenge.

Occlusion—Occlusion occurs when an object is hiding the another object. The occlusion can be classified into two parts one is self-Occlusion and another one is partial occlusion. Occlusion is a greater challenge in computer vision applications such as human posture, object tracking and video monitoring.

View variations—In human identification system, any action recorded inside the video is the most crucial characteristic. Multiple views have larger facts comparetively single view which leads to fair analysis of captured perspective in dataset.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

The literature survey encloses a wide area around HAR covering different methodologies and techniques of identification, detection and limitations along with its pros and cons. It also throws light on dataset benchmark and its quality which leads to the variation in results. Numerous HAR dataset challenges discussed.

In future, HAR systems need to address specific issues related to the quality of dataset and connect it to the real-life application development. In future, researcher will need to work on the challenges relating to noise, input quality data and various process-related challenges. Some meaningful datasets to represent abnormal actions in different scenarios are still a problem. Working on deep architectures from primary CNN to RCNN, RNN, auto-encoders can be extended to enhance the parameters of recognition systems.