
1 Introduction

Emotions help us convey our intentions and form an essential part of communication that requires no language. They are universal. Our facial expressions often betray the emotions we are feeling. According to Mehrabian [12], 55% of a message pertaining to feeling and attitude is in the facial expression.

Initially studied by Ekman [3], facial features can be classified into six basic emotions—happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, surprise and anger. Therefore, emotion detection is possible via facial expressions, called facial emotion recognition (FER). FER has significant academic and commercial potential.

Our objective is to detect emotions using facial expressions to predict emotions. The scope of this paper remains limited to FER, whilst we continue to work on translating the results into real-time applications. Significant research has been conducted in the field of FER. After reviewing the current state of the art methods, we chose to experiment using two different approaches. We attempted FER using a convolution neural network (CNN) as our choice of unsupervised learning method. For supervised learning, we chose to use a support vector machine (SVM) to solve the classification problem. The two data sets that we used were the JAFFE data set [10, 11] and the CK+ data set [9].

2 Related Work

Since emotions play an essential role in the choices that humans make in everyday life (such as what to eat or whom to talk to) as well as plan the future course of action (such as what career to pursue or whom to marry), the ability to correctly recognise emotions, or FER, is an area of interest for several researchers working in the domain of computer vision. The reason for this interest is the application of FER in several disciplines:

  • In social interaction systems, facial expressions are an essential form of communication since they allow individuals to communicate their feelings in a non-verbal manner.

  • Emotion processing is a crucial part of normal brain development in humans. Thus, tracking facial expressions from childhood to adolescence may prove helpful in understanding a child’s growth [4].

  • With the increase in AI-oriented technology and robotics, FER will be essential in these automated systems, especially when used to provide services that require a good analysis of the service user’s emotional state. Examples of such scenarios would be security, entertainment, household and medicine [1].

  • For distance learning programmes, which have become increasingly popular due to the COVID-19 pandemic, FER can identify students’ understanding during the study process and, subsequently, change teaching strategies based on the data obtained [15].

2.1 Convolution Neural Network

Krizhevsky and Hinton gave a landmark publication that showed how a deep neural network works and its resemblance to the human visual cortex’s functionality [7]. With the recent advances in deep learning, CNN models have been employed for several machine learning problems and have outperformed the existing models. In the case of FER, a typical model consists of three different stages—facial recognition, feature extraction and classification. CNN models are biologically inspired and thus combine the feature extraction and classification steps. The input to a CNN model is a localised face image, and the output is classified labels. Several models have been proposed earlier—Liu et al. [8] proposed a model that uses three CNN subnets and achieved an accuracy of 65.03%; Dachapally [2] presented a model that used multiple convolution layers and achieved an accuracy of 86.38%. Shin et al. [14] proposed several other architectures that achieve \(\approx \) 60% accuracy. The architecture used by Dachapally [2] is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
A block diagram of the Dachapally model. It has multiple convolutions and fully connected layers for a 48 by 48 pixels grayscale image.

The architecture proposed by Dachapally [2]

2.2 Support Vector Machines

SVM is one of the oldest machine learning models and is still relevant in the industry. This can be attributed to the simple interpretation of an SVM model—it finds a hyperplane in an N-dimensional space that distinctly classifies data points.

SVM has been employed for the FER problem in the past. In the model proposed by Abdulrahman and Eleyan [1], the PCA + SVM model has been used on JAFFE and MUFE data sets and produces an average accuracy of 87% and 77%, respectively.

3 Data Sets

The data sets used for this study include the extended CK+ data set [9] and the JAFFE data set [10, 11]. Both data sets were divided into an 80% training set and a 20% validation set.

The Extended Cohn-Kanade Data set (CK+) [9] is a public benchmark data set for emotion recognition. It comprises a total of 327 labelled grey-scale images which have similar backgrounds. A sample of the same is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
A set of seven grayscale images of people's faces depicts various emotions. The emotions are anger, contempt, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise.

Sample images—CK+ data set [9]

The Japanese Female Facial Expression Data set (JAFFE) [10, 11] has 213 labelled images. As shown in sample images in Fig. 3, all images are 8-bit grey scale and 256\(\times \)256 pixels. 10 Japanese female expressers make up the data set with seven posed facial expressions (6 basic facial expressions + 1 neutral). This data set does not portray ‘contempt’.

Fig. 3
A set of seven grayscale images of a young woman's faces depicts various emotions. The emotions are neutral, joy, surprise, anger, fear, disgust, and sadness.

Sample images—JAFFE data set [10, 11]

4 Proposed Method

Two different methods were used—convolution neural networks and principal component analysis combined with support vector machine.

4.1 Convolution Neural Networks

Based on the success of the previous publications with CNN-based models, we decided to build our model from scratch with four convolution layers, one pooling layer and one fully connected layer. The architecture is represented in Fig. 4.

Here, the input layer takes grey-scale images in 48\(\,\times \,\)48 pixel format. The first, second, third and fourth convolution layers use 6\(\,\times \,\)6 kernel size, 2\(\,\times \,\)2 kernel size, 2\(\,\times \,\)2 kernel size and 2\(\,\times \,\)2 kernel size, respectively. A max-pooling layer follows the third convolution layer. For the max-pooling layers, we have used a 2\(\,\times \,\)2 window. Finally, we have the fully connected layer and the output layer, which uses the ‘softmax’ function.

Fig. 4
A block diagram of the proposed C N N model flows from image 48 by 48 pixels grayscale, three convolution layers, max pooling, convolution layer, fully connected, and output layer.

Proposed CNN model

4.2 Support Vector Machine (SVM)

As seen in Fig. 5, we used principal component analysis (PCA) using randomised singular value decomposition for feature extraction. PCA reduces the image matrix into its principal vectors, sorted by the eigenvalues. We used the first 120–130 principal components for the SVM.

Fig. 5
A flowchart of the proposed P C A plus S V M model has three levels, dataset, Feature extraction using P C A, and S V M classification.

Proposed PCA + SVM model

5 Experimental Results and Analysis

All the experiments were performed on the system with the hardware architecture shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Hardware architecture

For both the methods mentioned in Sect. 4, we divided the data sets (CK+ [9] and JAFFE [10, 11]) into 80% training and 20% testing set. To evaluate the models, we have used accuracy as the performance metric.

5.1 CK+ Data Set

Both the models achieve an accuracy of above 80%. However, since the data set is skewed, some emotions are identified more accurately than others.

Convolution Neural Network For the CK+ data set, the CNN model gives 83.84% accuracy. The training was done for 80 epochs.

As seen in Fig. 6, the model is able to identify ‘happy’, ‘surprise’, ‘fear’ and ‘disgust’ with maximum precision, which is in accordance with human-level emotion detection. Some examples of the same are shown in Fig. 6. The model misclassifies ‘sadness’ the most. This misclassification results in an accuracy of 83.84%. The model loss and accuracy for each epoch can be seen in the graphs given in Fig. 7.

Fig. 6
A set of two images. A, A classification report results for the C N N model. B, Grayscale images of facial expressions with predicted and true emotions.

Results for CNN model for CK+ data set [9] a classification report, b sample predictions

Fig. 7
A set of two line graphs for train and test. Graph a, Model loss versus the number of epochs. The line decreases from 2.00 to 80 epoch. Graph b, model accuracy versus the number of epochs. The line increases from 0 to 80 epoch.

a Model loss versus number of epochs, b model accuracy versus number of epochs

Support Vector Machine For the PCA + SVM model, we get an accuracy of 81.81%. We used the first 120 principal components.

As can be seen from Fig. 8, the significance of the principal components decreases rapidly. In fact, after the 14th component, the significance dropped below 1%. As we wanted to retain at least 95% of the image information, we needed to use more than 80 components, as can be observed from Fig. 8. With this constraint, we then chose 120 principal components as that gave the best accuracy.

From the classification report given in Fig. 9, it is evident that the model, same as humans, can predict emotions such as ‘happy’, ‘fear’ and ‘surprise’ with greater accuracy than the other emotions. Some examples are shown in Fig. 9. ‘Sadness’ and ‘anger’ emotions are again misclassified the most, as was the case with the CNN model.

Fig. 8
A set of two-line graphs has a number of components on the X-axis. Graph A has explained the variance ratio on the Y-axis and exhibits downtrends. Graph B has the sum of explained the variance ratio on the Y-axis and exhibits uptrends.

a Explained variance ratio, b sum of explained variance ratio

Fig. 9
A set of two diagrams. A, A classification report results for P C A plus S V M model. B, Grayscale images of facial expressions with predicted and true emotions.

Results for PCA + SVM model for CK+ data set [9] a classification report, b sample predictions

5.2 JAFFE Data Set

Both the models give accuracy above 85%; however, the PCA + SVM model beats the CNN model on the JAFFE data set [10, 11].

Convolution Neural Network When CNN is performed on the JAFFE data set, we get an accuracy of 87.50%. The training was done for 80 epochs.

As seen in Fig. 10, the model can identify ‘happiness’, ‘anger’ and ‘fear’ with extremely high precision, whilst ‘disgust’ has the least precision value. Examples of the model’s predictions are shown in Fig. 10.

The model loss and accuracy for each epoch can be seen in the graphs shown in Fig. 11.

Fig. 10
A set of two images. A, A classification report results for C N N model for J A F F E data set. B, Grayscale images of facial expressions with predicted and true emotions.

Results for CNN model for JAFFE data set [10, 11] (a) Classification report (b) Sample predictions

Fig. 11
A set of two line graphs for train and test. A, Model loss versus the number of epochs and exhibits downtrends. B, model accuracy versus the number of epochs and exhibits upward trends.

a Model loss versus number of epochs, b model accuracy versus number of epochs

Support Vector Machine For the PCA + SVM model, we get an accuracy of 95.35%. We used the first 130 principal components.

As can be seen from Fig. 12, the significance of the principal components decreases rapidly. In fact, after the 15th component, the significance dropped below 1%. We wanted to retain at least 95% of the image information; therefore, we needed to use more than 80 components, as can be observed from Fig. 12. With this constraint, we then chose 130 principal components as that gave the best accuracy.

The model only struggled with ‘neutral’ and ‘fear’ emotions, as can be interpreted from Fig. 13. The high accuracy of the model is evidenced by the few examples shown in Fig. 13.

Fig. 12
A set of two-line graphs has a number of components on the X-axis. Graph A has explained the variance ratio on the Y-axis and exhibits downtrends. Graph B has the sum of explained the variance ratio on the Y-axis and exhibits uptrends.

a Explained variance ratio, b sum of explained variance ratio

Fig. 13
A set of two images. A, Classification report result of PC A plus S V M model for JAFFE data set. B, Grayscale images of facial expressions with predicted and true emotions.

Results for PCA + SVM model for JAFFE data set [10, 11] a classification report, b sample predictions

5.3 Against Other Comparable Architecture

Our proposed PCA + SVM model performs best on the JAFFE data set [10, 11] and beats several other proposed methods. As can be seen from Table 2, many methods have been proposed to extract features from the images, namely SNE [6], GPLVM [5], NMF [16] and LDA [13], after which SVM is used to classify the images. However, using PCA followed by SVM gives the best results with 95.35% accuracy. Abdulrahman and Eleyan [1] also used PCA followed by SVM; however, our model beats their performance. Our PCA + SVM model also beats the CNN model for the JAFFE data set [10, 11]. For the CK+ data set [9], the CNN model beats the PCA + SVM model marginally. Due the to PCA + SVM model being much less complex than the CNN model, we believe that the PCA + SVM model will be more efficient in real-time computing.

Table 2 Proposed models versus other comparable models

6 Conclusions

This paper tried to address the facial emotion recognition problem using two popular methods—CNN and PCA with SVM. The proposed models were then tested on two different data sets—the CK+ data set and the JAFFE data set. The accuracy of the models is higher than the human level and can easily detect everyday emotions. With the increase in computer vision tasks, FER models will play an important role in evaluating user engagement for various commercial products. The source code of this work has been made publicly available at GitHub.Footnote 1

Future work for this paper shall include employing these models for real-time emotion detection, which can be used by e-learning platforms to understand students’ engagement. Another extension of the task attempted in this paper is to use multiple CNN networks instead of one and compare the accuracy of the same to a single CNN model.