
1 Introduction

For several employees, office space is more likely to be a second home as they spend most of their time in the office 8–9 h per day, which often affects an individual’s mental and physical health that eventually contributes to the success of the employee toward the job. The concept of “workplace,” is changing as digital and connected technologies redefine what is possible. The smart device helps many to have a versatile workspace and will remain a primary way to connect and communicate. New ways of working together, sharing information, and business results are provided by the convergence of the physical market with technological networks and devices. With employee wearable devices that are already here, self-driving cars that are expected to be seen on the roads within the next 3–5 years will continue to extend the boundaries of the mobile workforce. The systems have evolved over the same time, by keeping up with the latest trends and selecting the integrated and smarter. By enhancing efficiency and productivity and creating a workforce collaboration environment, interconnection with smart machines and analytical tools will transform the company. As devices continue to bind employees, they construct an atmosphere that is more than an office and develops a mutual knowledge community. Health in the workplace, productivity of workers, maintenance of resources, and the development of a comfortable environment tie together to form an ideal workplace.

The main purpose of this paper is to find out the effects of IoT apps and technologies and how their implementations would facilitate comfort and increase productivity among the user in a workplace. While several researchers have been working on effects of IoT on business, society, and global change, there have been very few researchers reporting on the impacts of IoT on the users and their environment. The key requirements for the design of an effective smart technological space would be mainly considering the users and their behaviors around the technology. This data is very useful in the design of user-friendly spaces.

Many researchers compared IoT in different aspects. Though there is similar work, the present work shows the latest use and upgradation of diverse IoT apps available in the market which could be used for multiple purposes. In the present work, “Effects of Integrating High-Tech and IoT Developments for Workplace Performance” is studied exclusively.

2 Defining Productivity

The workplace climate is the most important factor in employee productivity, while office furniture is the secondary factor affecting high-rate efficiency and productivity. Artificial and natural conditions that are appealing to humans, including factors such as decor, noise, lighting, room planning, affect their efficiency. The positive atmosphere directly affects the attitude of the worker and increases the quality of working with customers [1]. Productivity is a percentage of how well an organization (or employee, company) converts into input funds for goods and services (labor, machinery, machines, etc.) In this case, we consider output growth as when there is less absenteeism, less workers finish early and less breaks; while performance increases can be calculated by the number of products in a factory setting employees are viewed as the assets of the company as well as the product or service, a company's customer base, and may build a business or destroy it. As such, an organization should invest in its workforce but still hope to earn a return on that investment through the productivity of its employees.

3 Technology at Workplace

Internet of Things (IoT) seems to see physical objects being connected to the internet enabling people to either be remotely controlled or to retrieve and share information and communicate without having to involve a human being (Fig. 1). Throughout the workplace, IoT can encompass a variety of types of equipment and technologies such as smart objects, robotic systems, and artificial intelligence to increase efficiency and improve business performance [2]. IoT technology software allows every single product that is distinctly recognizable via its embedded software framework and that can communicate within the current network infrastructure. Recently, it has become prominent in this tech-centric corporate environment, which has sought to extend the role and impact of technology remarkably in every facet of life [3]. This allows several more touchpoints to be gathered, shared, and evaluated through the entire range of business activities. In addition, the IoT provides an unrivaled approach to data on goods, operations, and individuals. Data retrieved and collected are being analyzed to identify work mindsets for workers, user preferences, and organizations. Therefore, businesses must make strategic decisions about database management and aim to strike the right balance among belief, security, and confidentiality issues [4].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Author’s image

Workspace IoT.

3.1 Smart Office

As already stated in this report, smart office is an IoT applicability category. Originally, IoT was applied to specific traceable and compliant linked objects with RFID, technology, radio frequency identification. Further technical elements, including sensors, actuators, GPS systems, and mobile devices, were connected with IoT afterward.

There is currently a single concept of IoT as a dynamic global network system with separate set-up capabilities based on common and compliant communication protocols where identities are allocated to virtual and physical “items” with virtual personalities and physical attributes using smart interfaces while being incorporated into the information network.

With the smart office concept becoming an IoT category as a rising number of companies are moving toward the smart office environment, this transition has two hampering factors. First is the energy usage issues that modern smart offices need, and secondly the privacy concerns and malicious attacks. But somehow, this does not seem to deter companies from introducing smart office environments with different features and solutions around the world [5].

Although IoT provides the second aspect, cost, and pain, while increasing efficiency, a way to reduce waste, the greatest attraction of this technology revolution is for us to lead a healthier, more productive, and better quality of life on earth [6].

3.2 IoT Apps Fall into the Following Broad Categories in the Smart Digital Workplace

  • Environmental—Includes “smart” lighting, HVAC, fittings such as automated shades, furniture, and similar systems, all of which are related to a Building Management System (BMS)

  • Security—Includes physical user access, surveillance cameras along with recording/processing equipment, fire suppression, and other monitoring and safety-related systems

  • Mobile—Includes smart apps for consumers, dedicated devices, mobile PoS, and many more

  • Application-focused—Includes Wireless markers, area occupancy monitors, digital signs, AV, collaboration as well as other user-focused tools and systems

  • Other—The ever-declining costs of highly advanced IoT devices make sure that more device types, in categories apart from the examples given, remain constantly connected.

There is also interconnectivity, transparency, and data sharing with many of the applications being brought into the IoT world, but still, the systems and devices operate on their own unmonitored networks. A perfect example of this is the traditional Physical Access Control System (PACS) which controls doors or systems. The landscape is evolving today. One of the drivers of IoT implementation and incorporation in the enterprise is the need to enhance the experiences and cybersecurity programs powered by executive management, IT, corporate real estate, HR, and other business functions [7].

4 Scope of IoT

The Internet of Things is perhaps the largest technological phenomenon that is taking place right now. Within the next five years, IoT will give us the most disruption and perhaps the most potential. IoT is set to transform and modify the world we have come to know and your career and personal life is certain. The most highly rated advantage of an IoT-enabled approach is the capacity to increase the users’ efficiency [8]. When every person wants to communicate with other items or objects, an intelligent IoT network is created. IoT technology is evolving with more creative innovations and tremendous growth for smart offices to boost living standards [9].

IoT has the ability to maximize system and process efficiency, save time for people and businesses and enhance quality of life. The technology offers us distinct opportunities like:

  • Improve business processes

  • Maintenance preparation

  • Improved utilization of assets

  • Improved productivity [8].

5 IoT's Impacts in Workplace

IoT-enabled innovations have changed industries and will continue to do so from any angle, from operations and procedures to customers and outcomes. Smart devices have made it possible for teams to be better equipped with simpler and more efficient methods and digital efficiency in the workplace [10].

5.1 Company, Economy, Work Skills, and Society Impacts

The rapid spread of connected systems and devices from one for each person today to 10 systems for each person in the future will create numerous new start-up opportunities and create an atmosphere across the IoT sector [7]. Business success is important to IT as it directly affects the processes from which they produce and receive value to earn a profit. The most critical consideration for a company that adopts technology is to control the technology's life cycle [11]. This may also contribute to the development of additional services or industries, such as IoT and smart systems manufacturing, monitoring and quantification systems, decision-making and data management systems, and security technologies, in order to ensure safe usage and to resolve IoT privacy issues [7].

Adoption of IoT will also lead to the introduction of innovations for big data and analytics that can provide a framework for realistic decision-making. More opportunities can be created by the large number of apps combined with the high volume, speed, and architecture of data sets, especially in security areas, data storage management, servers, data center networks, and data analytics. In addition to understanding industry-specific use trends, consumer preferences, and innovative marketing techniques, this implies skills such as knowledge of business science, math, and statistics, imaginative design for end-user visualization, big data applications, programming and development of large scalable systems, and awareness of devices used in IoT ecosystems would be in demand [7].

5.2 Impacts on How and Where One Works

Technology is being used to help employees to work or to oppress them. Yes, both of these results reflect the introduction of modern technology, as we must therefore see. Theoretical and psychological studies will help inform solutions to this issue.

In truth, the acceptance and implementation of technology in the workplace are determined by at least four factors. Next, are they comfortable to use, and natural? The human-to-technology interface, which can be measured in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, and user satisfaction, is affected by functionality.

If technology is to motivate workers at work, it should promote self-motivation and well-being, key elements of the principle of self-determination; enhance productivity; and promote satisfaction in the workplace, organizational engagement, and habits of employee citizenship. When technology leads to a loss of power, dignity, and interdependence, there are feelings of injustice. That, in turn, leads to stress, demoralization, and negative activities in the workplace.

5.3 Impacts on Jobs

Computer technology, of course, is not necessarily the very first technology to have an effect on jobs. Technology has long replaced humans, often creating new and increased skill jobs in its course, from steam engines to robotic welders and ATMs. Affected workers with outdated qualifications are still affected, but the total number of jobs has never declined over time.

6 Key Developments of Work and Organization in Technology

In the course of human history, the effects of technology are well established. Based on their respective core technological infrastructures, the growth and advancement of society can be divided into three eras: the agricultural period, the industrial age, and the digital era. The drive to learn new ideas and skills was greatly affected by the development of these periods. Nevertheless, these have all been required and permitted by new economic structures, revolutionary revolutions, cultural transformations, and working models [12]. Therefore, the future smart workspace will include everything from fundamental tasks, such as turning the coffee machine on whenever the office door is opened, to more complex ones [13].

People are based on an infrastructure containing new technology and communications in the digital age. That is, because of the properties of digital goods, the unit cost of nominal or incremental output steadily decreases, whereas the sum of most other manufacturing factors remains constant. When uploading, accessing, transmitting, and storing online technology, regardless of location or time, boundaries and geographical distances are no longer as relevant as they have ever been, and entirely new, invisible digital spaces are now open [12]. Smart lighting systems or automated windows and doors allow you to monitor the light's strength and color, as well as to maximize the amount of waste. When there is one in the bed, the lights turn off automatically [14].

7 Case Study-Industrial Basis

The Edge Headquarters, Amsterdam.

The workspace combines technology, sustainability, and well-being, focused on the digital infrastructure of “Edge” that links controls of the indoor spaces via a unified system of the iCloud. Several ideas culminated in a “no-office” idea, which would shape the office into an “unconventional garden” giving priority to user productivity. Employees can configure anything from lighting to temperature via the Edge app, find their peers and recognize available working space. The work of designer, Fokkema & Partners had to be a mirror of this hyper-personalization inside. The outcome is a room that facilitates a “personal user journey” through the three zones” of nooks and corners. The first (Fig. 2) is a “home space” for relaxing and lounging. The second (Fig. 3) is a biophilic “living room” for reflection and reading. And the last one an “urban zone,” complete with two board rooms and a tech playground. It is proposed that staff make their way to the bar for meetings or a game of foosball [21].

Fig. 2
figure 2

“Urban zone” space [21]

Fig. 3
figure 3

Bar counter leading to meeting rooms

8 Changes in Smart Office Environment

It had not been that convenient at all to move from a conventional old-fashioned workplace to a modern office. Among all the challenges faced by organizations is the struggle to gain consumer acceptance and approval of emerging technologies, and the question of how to sustain an optimal level of productivity and results. Since technology may be fresh and unfamiliar to some non-technology-updated workers, some workers may be a misfit with the introduction of new technology and may feel uncertain about their employment. This also leads to alienation from work and resistance to improvements, making it more difficult to embrace technology [15].

Technology impacts profoundly on the essence of office work. Using technology, the normal tasks performed by hand are already executed. Technology removed the original hiring process through the use of technology applications and software such as Ltd.’s Resumix6 program. This reduced recruiting expenses by more than 50%. Whereas, this does not indicate that technology has minimized the need for further jobs. The technology generates far more work than it does away with. Regardless of the sectors, the advent of the technology industry has produced millions of “digital employments” for workers in ICT industries and advanced users in workplaces [16].

9 Draws Backs of IoT in the Workplace

9.1 Security

Protection is the biggest concern associated with the production of IoT by far. The total attack surface is far greater than a conventional network architecture, as each system is linked to a larger edge computing network. Many devices move between different networks to make matters worse, likely picking up malware along the way that lets cybercriminals circumvent those security measures.

Overcome: Organizations should design their networks to protect against possible threats to establish protocols of security and authentication that subject device to rigorous inspection and refuse them automatic access to potentially sensitive information.

9.2 Technical Requirements

It must function as a single, unified system in order for an IoT network to provide value to a company. The truth, from a technological point of view, is that the IoT is often fragmented and lacks interoperability.

Overcome: Platforms must be able to work across devices, regardless of the brand, manufacturer, or industry, to combat this. A major IoT hurdle is overcoming compatibility problems, but emerging businesses are beginning to allow increased interoperability through open-source growth.

9.3 Constraints of Time

It can be a lengthy and expensive undertaking for corporations to roll out IoT ventures. Rapid technological shifts mean that businesses run the risk that every new technology system will become outdated even as it is being installed.

Overcome: Businesses need to try to remove as many of the stumbling blocks as possible from the business development phase in order to benefit from the advantages of a new IoT system in order to allow a quick and effective implementation. They must also ensure that they collaborate with competent service providers who are able to meet their expectations for technology and make agile solutions possible.

10 Smart Office IoT Systems

Smart office approaches together with a security system can save your staff time and energy on day-to-day activities such as room management, visitors, and asset management.

10.1 R307 Sensor with Fingerprint

This system includes visual fingerprint scanners such as biometric identification security systems, high-performance DSP devices, high-speed fingerprint matching technology, high-dimensional Display chips as well as other features like, image processing, scan storage. The scanner reads the unique fingerprint of every employee whenever it is time to log in or out.

10.2 LDR Sensor

It is essentially a photocell that operates entirely on the belief in photoconductivity. Characteristically the passive component is a resistor whose resistance rate decreases as the light asset decreases. Usually, this optoelectronic system is integrated into light fluctuating sensor circuits and switching circuits that are light and dark [17]. Smart lighting is increasingly evolving and has the possible additional business effect of providing management with a strong understanding of space usage, in addition to energy savings [18].

10.3 Temperature & Moisture Monitor DHT11

A very low-cost digital temperature and humidity monitor. To test the ambient air, a capacitive humidity sensor, as well as a thermistor, are used and a digital signal is sprayed on the data pin [17]. The ability of workers to change their temperature in the workplace reduces temperature problems and increases the effectiveness and efficiency of employees [18].

10.4 ESP32 Slot (Wireless Chip System)

It is a special wireless dual-core chip device. Bluetooth 2.4 GHz and Wi-Fi composition chip fitted with TSMC extreme 40 nm low-power technology. It is intended to achieve the finest power and RF efficacy, seeing longevity, flexibility, and reliability in a wide range of applications and power circumstances. To ensure that data use is ethical and compatible with the specific objective of data collection, specific processes, protocols, and communications must be in place [17].

10.5 Automated Office Facilities

The futuristic smart workspace would also provide an idea of communications, workflows, and resources requiring physical and information equipment for staff scripting. Varied computer machines and software for digitally producing, gathering, processing, manipulating, and relaying the office information required to perform basic functions [18].

There is an increasing variety of different devices (notepads, tablets, smartphones, and smartwatches) that people use in their everyday working lives and bring to their workplace too. There are a variety of ways that leaders in the digital world can exploit this phenomenon by bringing these issues together in the digital and physical workplaces [18]. To be able to discharge sufficient employees, a smart office must be built with one thing in mind [17]. Employees would also like the similar digital experience as users always do. Also, workers feel comfortable challenging technology limits into their personal lives, playing with things like smartwatches, health monitoring software, and other smart devices [19] (Table 1).

Table 1 Comparative analysis table of smart office IoT systems

11 Co-Working Office Space Layout with IoT Integrated Technologies

In the last century, the design of offices has bounced between rigid structures and dynamic layouts, each with limited success. However, the office has moved from a place of development to a place of engagement with the emergence of a new autonomous workforce. Coupled with this are techniques of spatial computation that measure spaces with a more human approach. With the construction of a new-built collective workspace, the combination of the two gives rise to a new office typology illustrated.

11.1 Intelligent Interiors for Co-Working Space Design

  1. (a)

    Solar shading systems for front facade

    Natural sunlight and passive solar heat are better used by buildings with large areas of glazing. Solar shading louvers can be oriented to increase natural light levels while mitigating glare, providing the building with optimum natural light quality during the daylight hours throughout the year and reducing the need for artificial lighting as much as possible.

    Application: This technology would help the co-working space move toward minimizing energy usage, optimizing the use of natural light without the problems of glare or excessive solar heat gain as well as making the indoor habitat live in the correct amount of sunlight.

  2. (b)

    Switchable electric glass

    Smart glass or switchable glass is glass or glazing whose properties of light transmission change when voltage, light, or heat are applied (Fig. 4).

    Fig. 4
    figure 4

    Functioning of switchable glass

    Application: These switchable glasses would be used in meeting rooms and private working cubicle spaces to provide complete privacy to the users. Also serving as an HD working screen which would help in simultaneous working or discussions reducing the need for traditional whiteboards and making the aesthetic of the space stand out.

  3. (c)

    Space management software

    Workspace optimization is possible through the study of data on the occupancy of workspaces and meeting rooms. Sensors record occupancy at various times and days and monitor the users’ movements. The room grid offers an overview of up to nine room resources by showing details about each room's current occupancy status, location and room name, and the time before the occupancy status changes.

    Application: As the potential of co-working space increases (Figs. 5 and 6), it becomes much more important to be able to gain insights into space usage, increase employee efficiency and satisfaction, and be smarter about building management.

    Fig. 5
    figure 5

    Touch operating smart panel

    Fig. 6
    figure 6

    Smart panel with additional features

  4. (d)

    Smart water controller (Fig. 7)

    Fig. 7
    figure 7

    Smart water control leak net that navigates to the damage

    A more resilient and effective water supply system can be created by smart water management systems, minimizing costs and improving sustainability. Digital meters and sensors, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, and geographic information systems provide high-technology solutions for the water field.

    Application: It will be applied in the landscaping areas with plants and trees that cannot be handled manually so smart systems can provide reliable and up-to-date information that enables water managers to make informed and systematic, rather than ad hoc, decisions. These will automate duties and reduce criteria for staffing.

  5. (e)

    Building environmental control systems

    If someone works with a manual thermostat in an office, then they will know how hard it can be to reach the perfect room temperature.

A thermostat is a feature that forms part of the controls of space, helping to maintain a predetermined, steady temperature. The room automation stations and room controls are composed of room temperature controllers. Regulation of the air conditioning system is taken over by users as shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Smart control panel to operate temperature of different rooms

Integrated room temperature sensors compare the actual measured room temperature with the specified set points and, by heating or cooling, change the temperatures to the demand.

Application: This technology shown in Fig. 9 can be applied in all commonly shared spaces like co-working, co-creating, lounge, and training rooms that require individual comfort while working. Making it more easily usable by installing the automated control system apps on their phone.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Author’s image

Smart technology integrations in co-working space.

12 Discussions and Conclusion

Technology is crucially important in every field. Organizations need to adopt and implement technology at all levels in order to compete effectively. Employees are every organization's most valuable asset. Organizations should make plans that make it easier for their workers to do their job; it will lead to increased customer service and improved productivity. Investment in modern technologies will have a positive effect on employee performance; it will increase their quality and productivity. IoT-driven solutions would allow management and employees to work more in far less time. Such IoT-enabled software and devices could also be linked to a centralized network that allows a business to monitor the workplace and its workflows more easily. Controlling lighting and temperature, smart devices, and services help workers find silent spaces to think about and demonstrate ways to communicate collaboratively with employees. While IoT’s effect has started to evolve and achieve definitive results in areas such as industrial and manufacturing services, choosing smart devices at the office is an ideal option for smooth business. If it comes to incorporating some technologies into the workspace, however, it is better to pick something that will give you the best value for money. Start low, and then grow. Technology is strong and can at first be intimidating because of all the knowledge and data that it has to offer.