
1 Introduction

Project was defined as: an attempt in which 5Ms i.e. Men, material, money, machinery and methods are organized in a innovative way, to undertake a distinctive scope of work, of given specification, within constraints of cost and time, to achieve constructive change defined by quantitative and qualitative objectives.

Mixed Reality viz; Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are technologies of paramount importance for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) sectors as the built environment is inherently associated to three-dimensional (3D) space and AEC professionals depend heavily on visualisation for communication. VR and AR—to a lesser degree—have been used by built environment professionals to support the visualisation of design, construction and city operations since around 1990s [1].

AR and VR are dignified to evolve towards many industries. Important research efforts are made in other fields ranging a wide spectrum from aerospace and advanced manufacturing to medical, psychology etc. These efforts should be processes and taken into consideration to upgrade future AR and VR research efforts. Research gap that identifies the requirements and work needed to make AR and VR more accessible to the AEC sectors [1].

Dunston et al. [2] investigated a VR system for design review information process of hospital patient rooms. The authors indicated that VR-enabled design reviews improve interaction and have a higher effect on design decision-making. Boton [3], re-produced a method to support constructability analysis meetings using VR environments. The method upgrades BIM-based construction simulations to be converted into a VR application for visualisations. Authors faced constraints to design support, the main constraint of using AR and VR for design review include the challenge to convert design changes to BIM models and to document the experiences and discussions that the users had within the AR and VR background. A two-way streamline and automatic communication between BIM models used for construction and AR and VR models is required. These constraints have been partially addressed by the work of [4] which proposed a set of theory and categories that enables a bi-directional connection between BIM model and VR application. Thus, this study aims to develop a modest lean based integrated framework of simulation models. The project cycle (PC) of VR/AR itself is an in-build lean construction process knowledge incorporated in early phases of operation and maintenance as given in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Project cycle (PC) for VR/AR

Development of construction project venture control might be viewed as a standout amongst the most complex effort in industry. A task, particularly for a project, has three fundamental concepts. Initially, it is unique: no task previously or after will be the same. Besides, it is attempted utilizing novel procedures: no task previously or after will utilize a similar approach. At last, it is transient: it has a start and an end. Development ventures are normally performed in a changing situation by a wide range of kinds of works [5].

Controlling the development of construction project venture has a lot of vulnerability and is liable to the impact of critical occasions. In this manner, accomplishing successful control for the construction project is exceptionally troublesome.

Specialists engaged with overseeing development manage the creation parts of understanding an office e.g., development of a petrochemical plant, a mine, or an interstate expressway. In this setting, engineers are engaged with creating and effectively planning gainful techniques and procedures for unearthing’s and banks, arrive recovery, pipe establishment, passages, streets, and other common works. At the point when ventures turn out to be substantial or complex, they turn out to be harder to oversee utilizing existing strategies. PC re-enactment procedures are exceptionally compelling in this space at giving the instruments required to outline and examine development forms paying little mind to many-sided quality or size. Utilizing PC recreation instruments, models can be manufactured that speak to the general rationale of different exercises required to develop an office, the assets engaged with doing the work groups, gear, administration, and so on., and nature under which the undertaking is being assembled e.g., climate, ground conditions, work pools, advertise circumstance, and so forth.

The models speak to the way toward building an office and also its condition, and in that capacity can be utilized to grow better undertaking designs, to upgrade asset use, to limit expenses or venture term, and to enhance general development venture administration.

Construction industry is one of the most challenging sectors and involves considerable amount of risks with respect to time, money, health and environment [6,7,8,9,10,11,12]. Construction projects are very complex in nature as it involves huge investment, large workforce, and resources and affects stakeholders which are susceptible to failures with respect to quality, budget and schedule. The challenge is to deliver the project of desired quality on time and within the estimated cost.

Controlling the development of construction project venture has a lot of vulnerability and is liable to the impact of critical occasions. In this manner, accomplishing successful control for the construction project is exceptionally troublesome.

Virtual Reality or Real Time Simulations are used majorly in research and study purpose but are not implemented in the construction industry as in manufacturing industry. Animations can only follow Critical Path Method (CPM) as it will follow the same activity flow once created and for any uncertainty it should be added as an activity. The use of CPM is far behind now to move forward is to work on simulations. The Randomness of a simulation by which we can get a new and different result every time and by some sample collection we move towards a result.

The problems solved by Simulation Games can be used to overcome the problems faced by us in our simulations and managing systems for construction industry by generating interactive construction simulation. Thus the study framework is created to develop VDC of site and formulate use of Virtual Reality to create simulations.

The research study of VDC construction operational project cycle (PC) for VR/AR is divided in distinct stages highlighting Sect. 1 as use of discrete event simulation and explaining simulation phases of the modules Figs. 1 and 2, Sect. 2 about Lean production and its approach for construction operation, Sect. 3 Lean Integration application Figs. 4 and 5, Sect. 4 about VR application, Sect. 5 Formulation of simple framework for VR integration and altered with adding the input and output requirements of VR/AR integration in Lean Construction Simulation environment as given in Figs. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 as the final result output.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Phases/stages of simulation model

2 Discrete Event Simulation

Discrete-event simulation can be utilized to demonstrate and break down complex development tasks. This innovation has been accessible since the 1960s and has constantly developed in capacities and programming support. The index of academic distributions identified with DES in development is significant, and numerous analysts know about the innovation. Nonetheless, critical parts of DES right up ‘till the present time are broadly misconstrued as for the idea of the tasks that can be examined. In particular, DES is proficient, and especially suited, for tasks that are perplexing. Complex activities, thusly, are hard to approve and subsequently experience issues picking up validity among specialists and chiefs.

The innovation coming about because of as of late finished up look into named DES-based virtual reality (or DES based VR). This is finished with the assistance of circumstances that is sufficiently little to be displayed in adequate detail, yet shows complexities reasonable for DES demonstrating, to represent how the innovation can essentially enhance the approval of complex models (Source: “Discrete-Event Simulation-Based Virtual Reality Environments for Construction Operations: [13]).

The developing of a simulation model framework involves four stages/phases:

  • The product brief stage specifying the product to be develops;

  • The process brief and modelling stage in which processes, resources, environment, etc., are developed to the product brief and reduced to models;

  • The experimentation stage in which the simulation is carried out and the models are experimented; and the decision-making stage as given in Fig. 3.

    Fig. 3
    figure 3

    Experimentation stage to decision stage process

    Fig. 4
    figure 4

    Existing operation cyclone system

    Fig. 5
    figure 5

    Cyclone system after application of lean

    Fig. 6
    figure 6

    Life cycle process of a software development

    Fig. 7
    figure 7

    Existing process

    Fig. 8
    figure 8

    Alternate process 1

    Fig. 9
    figure 9

    Alternate process 2

    Fig. 10
    figure 10

    Software modules

    Fig. 11
    figure 11

    MIS Flow sample module-4

Despite the fact that the arranging and control methods utilized as a part of arranging development at the task and activity levels are extraordinary, both can profit generously from dynamic three-dimensional (3D) representation. Distinctive individuals in development in this manner comprehend diverse things by the expression “perception”. Therefore, the term has been utilized as a part of the writing to allude to any sort of arrangement of successive PC outlines without thinking about their root or substance. As a result, various PC based visual exercises that can be specifically or by implication utilized for development arranging might be suitably named representation. These are not restricted to the liveliness of development plans [i.e., four-dimensional project cycle (PC) supported outline (4D CAD)], outline examination of development gear in physical re-enactment conditions (e.g., Working Model), perception of get together arrangements and continuous virtual intelligent demonstrating of development hardware (e.g., IV++), situation creation and movement for obstruction investigation (e.g., Bentley Dynamic Artist), development website show based data access over the web utilizing VRML, and dynamic 3D representation of discrete-occasion activities reproductions [14].

3 Lean Production and Integration

Activity Level versus Operations Level Construction Visualization

Representation examine endeavours at the undertaking or action level are roused by the deficiencies of conventional booking and control systems, for example, bar graphs and basic way strategy (CPM) in having the capacity to speak to all parts of development essential for venture level arranging. Perception is accomplished by connecting a 3D computer aided design display speaking to the plan of the office and a development plan. This type of perception has famously turned out to be known as 4D computer aided design. 4D computer aided design centres around the representation of the development item finished the time of its development.

As time progresses, singular parts (computer aided design components) of the office are added to the visual model in their last position and frame as directed by the timetable. 4D computer aided design models consequently pass on what physical segments are manufactured where and in which time allotment. Various research contemplates have investigated and abused such powerful undertaking level 3D perception and recorded its favourable circumstances and advantages.

Conversely, picturing development at the activities level, notwithstanding envisioning the advancing item, includes having the capacity to see the cooperation of the different assets as they assemble the item or play out a help benefit. These assets incorporate, yet are not constrained to, transitory structures, materials, gear, and work as they make the item. At this level of detail, perception of the advancing development item can be accomplished as a side-effect if the activity envisioned is of long length.

To envision an activity, it is important to see, notwithstanding the physical segments of the office, the gear, work force, materials and brief structures required to assemble it. In addition, it is important to delineate the developments, changes, and collaborations between these perception components. The developments and changes must be spatially and transiently precise. To portray smooth movement, visual components must be appeared at the correct position and introduction a few times each second. Issues, for example, directions in 3D space, speed, and increasing speed should be considered [14].

4 Integration as Lean Application

The Cyclone Systems is a way to deal with demonstrating, investigating, and controlling or enhancing development activities depends on a basic stream charting technique that encourages displaying of redundant procedures (e.g., burrowing, black-top clearing, street building, and segmental extension development). Two-dimensional (2D) graphical models are utilized to reproduce gainful yield and to recognize potential lop-sidedness in the utilization of key assets in any given creation process [15].

Recreation activities prompt the upcoming age of PC displaying frameworks for development, where re-enactment assumes a basic part in a cutting-edge vision of mechanization. An example is shown in Figs. 4 and 5.

The above cyclone system shows the existing operation cycle of equipment’s for pile boring activity. PBM—Pile Boring Machine.

The above cyclone system shows how the existing operation cycle of equipment is for pile boring activity could be reduced to less equipment’s for the same activity, which reduces wastage in equipment, manpower and time as well as takes less amount of space on site by using Lean approach in construction operations. PBM—Pile Boring Machine later to develop the VR integrated lean approach is explained in case studies for metro project Figs. 4 and 5.

5 Virtual Realty Applications

Virtual Reality (VR) is entirely another innovation. It is all the more precisely an arrangement of more established innovations combined. These innovations are basically PC designs/shows, human PC interfaces and reproduction. Virtual the truth is additionally alluded to as Virtual Conditions.

There are various definitions for virtual reality, some of them are expressed underneath:

  • A PC was created for reproduction of this present reality.

  • The fantasy of support in an engineered domain as opposed to outside perception of such a situation.

  • A PC produced reproduction of three-dimensional condition, in which the client can both view and control the substance of that condition.

Virtual reality can likewise be portrayed as the exploration of coordinating man/people with process and data. It comprises of three-dimensional, intuitive, project cycle (PC) produced condition. These situations can be models of genuine or conjured up universe.

5.1 Virtual Reality Systems Can Be Divided into Two Main Categories

5.1.1 Desktop Virtual Reality

PC based virtual reality frameworks are normally classed as Work area frameworks. Work area virtual reality has risen up out of verified PC supported plan. With these frameworks the client sees and associates with the PC spindle to picture on a customary PC realistic screen.

5.1.2 Immersive Virtual Reality

The primary contrast between immersive virtual reality frameworks and work area frameworks is that in immersive virtual reality the PC screen is superseded with a head mounted show unit. Immersive virtual conditions can be depicted as a framework which “drenches” or encompasses the member in a domain. With this framework the client (watcher) feels as in a common habitat. Equipment and programming for this framework are more costly and more modern than immersive virtual reality. This framework requires equipment, for example, super PCs, High determination Silicon Illustrations screens, position GPS beacons, control gloves and head- mounted presentations. Programming can be reason made. For example, a pilot training program which is arranged in a room encompassed by wide edge projection screens.

5.1.3 Virtual Reality Applications

The VR will empower the task group to embrace economical practices of significant development procedures and test different execution techniques in a close reality sense, preceding the genuine beginning of development. It is critical to help the professionals to discover circumstances modelling the development procedure and to create strategies for illuminating them. VR gives a perfect domain to do those works and prepare professionals for the development business. Saying VR perfect simply has the accompanying reasons:

  • Virtual the truth is completely intuitive, where the administrators choose what will be done straightaway and how. VR requires the administrators to act and respond and all articles in VR could be effortlessly comprehended.

  • Virtual the truth is novel in its accentuation on the experience of the human member. VR centres the administrators’ consideration around the experience while suspending mistrust about the strategy for making it.

  • Operators associate with virtual reality in the way they would with this present reality. Unique aptitudes don't need to be educated for working the PC.

  • Virtual reality gives an energizing and animating instrument for preparing.

VR can be performed over and again. Along these lines, the blunder or crashes can be effectively rectified till an ideal plan is figured it out.

In the development business, late endeavours to utilize Virtual Reality focused on the procedure of outline and development. The principal utilization of VR in the development part was the advancement of walkthrough frameworks. Other conceivable applications have been distinguished in spite of the fact that at various phases of trials and advancements.

In design; Preliminary and detailed design, Space modelling, Interior design, Lighting design, Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning design, Ergonomics and functional requirements, Space selling, Fire/Safety/Access assessments, landscaping

In construction; Site layout and planning, Planning and monitoring of construction processes, Evaluation of construction scenarios, Rehearsing Erection sequence, Planning Lifting operations, Progress and monitoring, Inspections and Maintenance, Safety Training and skills.

6 Simple Framework for Integration

PC based virtual reality frameworks are normally classed as Work area frameworks. Work area virtual reality has risen up out of verified PC supported plan. With these frameworks the client sees and associates with the PC spindle to picture on a customary PC realistic screen. Thus on the live case study of metro project simple framework for integration were developed as follows:

  1. i.

    Identifying various Level of schedule for construction process.

  2. ii.

    4D Parametric simulation with respect to time.

  3. iii.

    Generating Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality scenario for the project life cycle.

  4. iv.

    Conceptualize the architecture of the software which could be used in a project.

Cases are taken from real scenarios of life cycle process of software development is shown how the issues could be solved using VR/AR in Fig. 6.

6.1 Software Modules

The whole software was divided into 4 Modules Fig. 10.

  1. 1.


  2. 2.


  3. 3.

    Schedule/Planning and Simulation

  4. 4.

    Real Time Simulation.

6.2 VR Simulation Construction Application on Metro Project

This can be used in all phases of construction Conceptualisation, Designing, Planning, Execution, Management, Handover/Close-out and Operations and Maintenance Stage. Which current digitization and automation can’t do.

6.2.1 Integrated Concurrent Engineering

All the models of Architecture, structure MEPs, permanent machines and equipment’s are modelled on the same platform by which the whole building component’s gets integrated.

6.2.2 Client Goals and Project Objective (Case Description-Metro Project)

An observation done at Metro-Link Express for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad (MEGA), East-West Corridor (Thaltej Gram to Commerce Six road), Pier Casting at Gurukul Junction. Data Collection in consultation with project manager.

According to the existing process and creating alternate simulation process 1 and 2 by Cyclone System chart is prepared in Figs. 7, 8 and 9 which also shows alternate process 1 and 2 for the same activity by changing the operations by Lean approach as explained in Table 1.

Table 1 Case assessment: pier casting process

Alternate Process 1 the results as by using conveyor plugin transit mixer with 7 cum drum capacity will take 25 min to take position, align, empty concrete and move out of position and more than 1 transit mixer can pour concrete to it, let us suppose 2 transit mixers will pour concrete at same time by standing on either sides of the casting location. So 14 cum concrete will be poured in 25 minutes. For 1 pier concrete round taken will be = 81.68/14 = 5.84 nos. Alternate Process 2, gives us results as by using piping system directly by batching plant in nearby location of approx. 30 cum per hr with a discharge pump of 100 cum per hr. Time taken to cast the pier = 81.68/30 = 2.72 h. Solution depicts less no of resources (equipment) are required for concrete casting. So the final output of pier casting existing process time taken of 10 hours the alternate process 1 and 2 reduction time taken is 2.43 h and 2.72 hours respectively.

6.3 VR Simulation Integrated Software Modules

See Figs. 10 and 11.

7 Conclusions

This study shows that VDC construction operational project cycle (PC) for VR/AR can be used in various ways throughout the entire project life cycle of a built asset; which have been formulated in a 5 stage simple framework with use case of metro project: highlighting stage-1 as use of discrete event simulation and explaining simulation phases of the modules Figs. 1 and 2, stage 2 about Lean production and its approach for construction operation, stage 3 Lean Integration application Figs. 4 and 5, Sect. 4 about VR application, stage-5 Formulation of simple framework for VR integration and altered with adding the input and output requirements of VR/AR integration in Lean Construction Simulation environment as given in Figs. 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 as the final result output. Despite the low levels of adoption, there is an indication that construction companies have a high interest in investing in AR and VR technologies.

The true meaning of simulation for construction projects is to reach the maximum level of schedule with respect to the level of development of model from conceptual phase to the closeout phase and even in operational and maintenance period of the project (Fig. 10).

The 4D parametric simulation has many variables like in real world like uncertainties which gives the idea of actual execution work which is to be done on site in its prior phases so that the constructability of model can be attain and the planning and scheduling can be done accordingly, and every single component gets its values which is going to be the part of project (Figs. 3 and 4, Table 1 case assessment). The results According to the existing process and creating alternate simulation process 1 and 2 by Cyclone System chart is prepared in Figs. 7, 8 and 9 which also shows alternate process 1 and 2 for the same activity by changing the operations by Lean approach as explained in Table 1. Solution depicts less no of resources (equipment) are required for concrete pier casting. So the final output of pier casting existing process time taken of 10 h the alternate process 1 and 2 reduction time taken is 2.43 h and 2.72 h respectively. So similar simulations can be done for Issues of safety, site layout, material and equipment management and management information system etc.; can also be easily solved as they are also the part of model, they also have their planning, and schedule a sample of MIS flow of module-4 is shown in Fig. 11.

Lean can be easily applied on operations of an activity and can be benefited to contractors with the help of cyclone charts as discussed in table-1 and also in Figs. 4 and 5, which gives a reduction in wastes like time, equipment, manpower, space etc.

This study also establishes that AR and VR are not explored in the construction industry and requires research and development. This study presents an predominant research agenda that can be helpful to practitioners on the best way to prepare exploring their control and monitoring efforts to simulation game development. Also, it presents a fundamental lean construction operation simulation concept that sets the direction for exploring necessary research to enable the successful adoption of AR and VR in the construction industry.