
1 Introduction

Industrial revolutions are meant to segregate man’s and machine’s work and hand over jobs to robots that are difficult and dangerous for the workforce. Due to the significant impact of machines on society, it is crucial to understand their relation [1]. The first industrial revolution can be traced back to 1780s, which started off, with the generation of power from water, steam, and fossil fuels. The second industrial revolution started in the 1870s, which led to electrification and mass production. With the arrival of electronics and information technology, the third industrial revolution started with automation in the 1970s. The development of new technologies paved the way for the fourth industrial revolution, which started in 2011 by the German Federal government but is still unknown and not yet well grown. This utilizes cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) to establish cyber-physical systems (CPS). This CPS will deploy digital twin technologies to increase the level of digitization in every industry [2]. Digital technologies are used during the COVID-19 pandemic to create significant advancements in healthcare. These technologies can digitally store the patient data, which helps for proper monitoring and treatment process [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12].

With growing technologies, another industrial revolution is bound to happen in the future, which will be the industrial revolution 5.0, better known as Industry 5.0. Researchers have already started talking about industry 5.0, based on learning human behavior with artificial intelligence (AI) [13]. Figure 1 depicts the summary of industrial revolutions, their period, and their characteristics. This paper aims to establish various technological advancements in the upcoming revolution and how these can prove beneficial to the manufacturing industry in solving their problems.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Summary of Industrial revolutions, their period, and their characteristics

2 Industry 5.0

The term Industry 5.0 was first published in an article on LinkedIn by Michael Rada on December 1, 2015. The implementation of this revolution is meant for solving industrial and social problems related to industrialization [13]. Industry 4.0 is all about increasing the process’s efficiency by automating manufacturing processes ignoring all other aspects like employment and environmental pollution. Industry 5.0 will create a smart manufacturing system and smart supply chains which will use data intelligently. Smart factories will provide greater flexibility to communicate among themselves [14]. The transition from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 will create better ideas with humans’ brainpower [15]. Industry 4.0 brought mass customization, but Industry 5.0 will bring mass personalization according to the customer’s needs. It focuses on continuous development, value-added activities, and less waste generation [16].

3 Need for the Study and Research Objectives

Today, quintillion bytes of data are created every day by technology like IoT. This has imposed many severe challenges. The need to leverage Big Data has become of utmost importance for every manufacturing industry. The unstructured data needs to be structured in order to get useful business insights. Industrial manufacturers can use this data to optimize resources’ cost and consumption by creating a digital management system driven by industry 5.0 technologies [17, 18]. These new technologies’ help can easily tackle the problem of waste generation and pollution. This paper addresses the following primary research objectives:

  • To identify major technologies of Industry 5.0.

  • To explore challenges faced by the contemporary manufacturing industries with Industry 4.0.

  • To understand the digital connectivity of manufacturing systems by using Industry 5.0 technologies.

  • To identify the application of Industry 5.0 technologies in managing manufacturing industries.

4 Advancements in Industry 5.0 as Compared to Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 focuses on mass customization and provides better coordination between machines and information technology. The main idea of Industry 4.0 is to fulfill individual customer requirements through smart manufacturing. This revolution deals with intelligent devices and systems for creating digital factories [14]. The important drivers of Industry 4.0 are the Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Cloud computing, Cybersecurity, Big Data, and Smart manufacturing [19]. Industry 5.0 will emerge as the age of augmentation when humans and machines will reconcile and work together. Unlike Industry 4.0, this paradigm will combine both humans’ strength and the Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS) [20]. This efficient relationship will solve all the problems of the economy, ecology, and social world. They will impact the environment in the field of reducing waste materials that may also reduce the material cost, thereby decreasing the social impact of industrial processes [21].

5 Major Technologies of Industry 5.0

5.1 Collaborative Systems and Other Smart Systems

Cobots are different from robots in industries as they are equipped with susceptible smart sensors for assembling products. They work alongside humans in order to enhance personalization in products. This will save time and can be produced in large quantities. Unlike industrial robots, these systems are designed not to harm the workers working along with them [22].

5.2 Digital Twin

In today's world, where everything is now on a virtual platform, manufacturers also need to adopt this concept to reduce the cost of collecting data. Its adoption requires integrating other technologies like Big Data analytics, smart sensors, and other IoT technologies. In manufacturing industries, it becomes necessary to clarify the product's specifications to optimize the final product. The solution provided by the digital twin can be used in this process [23].

5.3 Smart Manufacturing Through Exoskeletons

With increasing social distancing rules and a need for a safer work environment, an advanced robotic technology called exoskeletons can help humans assist them in various manufacturing industries activities. These are a bit different from collaborative robots as humans must be present in the environment while wearing them. Exoskeletons can be an asset to the industry if it incorporates technologies like virtual reality (VR) and machine learning (ML) [24].

5.4 Smart Materials

With the advent of new, advanced materials and structures, smart materials have been recently engineered. Light, reactive smart materials have the potential to be used in the 4D printing method. The use of polymeric composite materials in producing arms of cobots will increase production performance in manufacturing industries. Intelligent materials, on the other side, are more sophisticated and responsible than smart materials. Research is being carried on this topic to employ them in manufacturing industries for smarter production [25].

5.5 Advanced Implementation of AI, IoE, and Cloud Computing

As we proceed to the next industrial revolution, advancements in various technologies like IoT and AI will occur. With time IoT will transform into IoE (Internet of Everything), which will connect the physical assets and various other intangible assets. Advances in intelligent CPS will prove to be an emergent technology in the Fifth industrial revolution [26]. These technologies are also applicable in healthcare during COVID-19 pandemic. The successful implementation of these technologies is helpful to reduce the load of healthcare workers [27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35].

5.6 4D Printing

For manufacturing products that are more creative and personalized, the 4D printing technique will be inaugurated in the fifth industrial revolution, focusing on the design process. 4D printing technology will require different smart materials that are flexible and adaptable in nature, like Shape memory alloys (SMA) and Shape memory polymers (SMP) [36]. 4D printed structures can significantly reduce the volume of storage in industries. These materials can self-adapt and self-repair, which can prove advantageous to the manufacturing industries [37]. Figure 2 shows significant technologies of Industry 5.0 used to create the manufacturing system smarter and intelligent.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Significant technologies of the fifth industrial revolution to create the manufacturing system smarter and intelligent

6 Personalization in Industry 5.0

The customer’s ever-growing demands and the basic human urge cannot be neglected, which has led to personalization. Industry 5.0 will provide technologies that will enhance customers’ personalization experience, thereby increasing affordability and comfortability. Such high quality and unique products are possible because of the cyber-physical systems driven by mass customization, making them affordable. This symbiotic relationship between man and machine working together improves efficiency and uniqueness [26]. It is only possible because robots can do repetitive and tedious jobs while humans can have more out of the box thinking.

7 Digital Management System

A digital management system benefits from leveraging digital technologies to improve a physical operation’s efficiency and performance. With the increase in technologies and resources, manufacturers need to optimize their production, logistics, supply chain, and various other domains. Digital transformation will lead to disruption, which is a necessary disruption. So, the manufacturers need to automate and digitalize their management system for the upcoming changes in technology.

8 Challenges to Contemporary Manufacturing Industries

Manufacturers need to identify the technical, social, and environmental barriers which can hamper their productivity and profitability. The future of manufacturing industries depends on the decisions and actions and is thus required to provide a solution. Table 1 discusses major challenges to manufacturing Industries which are to be taken care of by Industry 5.0 technologies. These challenges need to be addressed in order to find effective ways to solve a manufacturer’s problem. Reducing the quality of the manufactured product will not help increase the manufacturing industry’s production or profit. Therefore, technologies associated with the fifth industrial revolution will help them cope with the challenges, further increase profit and production, and maintain their quality.

Table 1 Challenges to contemporary manufacturing industries

9 Significant Management Areas in Manufacturing Industries Using Industry 5.0 Technologies

The technologies associated with the fifth industrial revolution can solve various contemporary manufacturing industries’ problems in different domains [22, 50]. Figure 3 shows the interconnection of a different area where Industry 5.0 technologies are helpful in manufacturing. With proper implementation, these are used to improve the efficiency and productivity of the industry.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Areas in the manufacturing industry where Industry 5.0 technologies can be applied

Table 2 discusses the significant management areas in manufacturing industries that would be extensively using Industry 5.0 technologies.

Table 2 Significant management areas in manufacturing industries need Industry 5.0 technologies

10 Limitation and Future Scope of the Study

This study is purely theoretical, and the ideas proposed by this paper have not been practically implemented. Any reliable statistics or surveys are not available. As Industry 5.0 is yet to arrive, it is in the conceptual state; not much research is available on this topic, and manufacturing industries are trying to find solutions to their problems with the implementation of Industry 3.0 and Industry 4.0. Extensive research needs to be done on developing the right set of skills among the workforce for the upcoming transition.

The paper mainly focused on the components and technologies associated with Industry 5.0, challenges and issues associated with the manufacturing industries, and its application in manufacturing industries by creating an efficient digital management system. As the implementation of Industry 5.0 increases, new research streams should be discovered. Differences and disputes can appear between man and machines. It must be minimized in the future. Risks and challenges that may come with this new revolution have to be determined as technology comes with great power.

11 Conclusion

The Fifth Industrial revolution is supposed to bring mass personalization along with smoother production and higher efficiency. It is also expected to positively impact our environment, which is being gradually declining due to industrialization. This revolution uses smart machines with intelligence to automate manufacturing processes. The new technologies in Industry 5.0 enhance not only efficiency but also the interaction between humans and robots. Contrary to the assumption that people would lose jobs, we see that this revolution will create different roles that will indeed differ from today's workforce. The government, industry, and researchers will have to make sure that they are relevant in the future by investing in them.