
1 Introduction

Indian industry has been observed with the frugal safety culture in past years. Despite the rules, legislations and policies imparted for the industries, it has been seen that the outcome is not at its edge. Also commitment from the top management and efforts may go in vain if there is increase in the accidents in the organization [1]. Researchers have proven that safety has been one of the key factors in the past three decades. Various aspects were introduced during the study to analyse and change the behavioural and psychological aspects of the individual in the organization. Influencing characters play a vital role in analysing the behaviour which includes the safety climate, safety management system, etc. After analysing the various industries, it was concluded that the safety management system has a vital role in industry [2].

In line of the continual improvement, it has been observed that organization learnings need to be an important factor. It is very crucial to understand the relationship between the members to analyse the learning behaviours in order to understand the psychological aspects towards safety [3]. Though the organization has the culture, debate was always there how to describe the safety culture. The previous studies done on the safety models but only key aspects were discussed for the improving the safety culture [4]. Some organization uses visual Prototyping System in which using cameras, monitoring is done but this cannot help to analyse the behaviour of the individual and can only be effective for the consequences-based analysis [5]. The work environment with positive relationship leads to the generation of positive psychology and positive behaviour and gives the experience for the satisfaction, enrichment and development [6]. A review was conducted on key trends and developments related to safety with respect to psychology, human resource management and behaviour [7]. Though researches have told that the safety climate analysis and improvements have given some good results. It has been recorded that the perceptions and exceptions by looking the actions of supervisor gives the prediction of safety to the workers. The prediction helps to judge the employees motivation to work safely. Studies have also shown that safety measures were done on employee level rather than company level. The most of the previous researchers were associated with the injury rate in the organization and few were related to the hazardous nature of the organization [8].

Identifying and analysing key elements and standard requirements have been considered as major changes in organizational behaviour. Approaches which include BBS or proactive BBS were considered with the help of employee participation (survey and interview sessions) which has brought numerous aspects to reconsider for further implementation [9, 10]. Inclusion of psychological aspect in safety culture improvement has been also introduced as an individual or among different target level of workmen and have been critically analysed for their effectiveness. The best part of it is largely accepted for cultural changes into the organization [11, 12]. A few studies were also conducted on the available evidence on ill effects of occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) applied for employee health and safety and their related economic outcomes of interventions [13]. In fact, aspects related to social determinants on workplace safety is also one of the consideration largely accepted by researcher in past and facts are proven in the favour [14]. Apart from tools and technique available, practices on guiding documents for improvement of safety culture into the organization through inculcating behaviour-based safety at site level among the employees were also done in the industries [15]. It has been seen that interpersonal risks that can lead to collective learning shows differences in psychological safety from trust and it explains how psychological safety removes interpersonal risks and provides a structured learning process [16]. Some studies focus on the safety as an activity of safety people and labour inspection and have limited their scope traditional changes in organizational safety [17], whereas some study focuses on the present analysis of interpersonal behaviour is based on two interrelated conceptions [18]. For improving process safety culture, identifying observations, generating certain typical characteristics of current situation has given directions that could lead us to solve process safety-related issues in the industries [19]. With the development of chemical industry, the complexity of system has increased along with the handling of highly hazardous chemicals. Hence, implementation of PSM practices and assessing the effectiveness of the same in regards to the minimizing fatality rate and productivity enhancement have become the major concerns [20]. Thereby, designing a framework to ensure that the OH&S managing safety has been carefully constructed and customized to the individual organization as per the requirement [21]. A number of works are included by the researches seeking the information related to incidents in process safety, mainly in pharma industry. They have analysed the consequences along with the factors contributing towards the incidents. They have identified the contributing factors include hazard awareness and their identification; operating procedures; design; safeguards and controls [22]. Work has also highlighted on the challenges coming in process safety including principles of hazard identification and risk assessment are to be reviewed and much focus should be given to include the approaches like engineering and science, life-cycle analysis (LCA), etc. The final HIRA to be conducted by applying all these aspects including the objective of sustainability [23]. These are the few components/indicators are much helpful in managing process safety effectively in major hazardous industries. It also distinguishes 2 dimensions of safety indicators; personal safety versus process safety indicators, which includes leading and lagging indicators as well [24]. Further, two other important aspects include the top management leadership and employee empowerment are considered for TQM (Total Quality Management). Various surveys were conducted in organizations to ensure the job and customer satisfaction in regards to the top management leadership and employee empowerment with improved quality products [25]. Strategies including different levels of contingencies of process industries have stressed on the introduction of organizational-level framework of climate for initiative and psychological safety by using the surveys and data collection methods and further to analyse their results [26]. Researchers have found that psychological safety climate binds the relationship between the task conflict and overall performance. Results showed that task conflict and team performance were interlinked and are associated under situation of high psychological safety [27]. Under certain circumstances, failure-based behaviours in industries were analysed which checks about the role of social capital and psychological safety in developing of failure-based learning behaviours using the help of surveys [28].

2 Methodology

Based on the outcome of the research, the interface will help the organization to analyse the individual behaviour (Top to Bottom) in the organization towards safety (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1


A critical analysis of their work place behaviour is done by using available methods. This has given a way out to develop the tool named as Analysing Interpersonal Conduct of Individual for Organizational Safety (AICOS). Towards achieving the outcome, role of primary and secondary data are very important and for that a set of questionnaire includes the level of employees are taken into consideration. In this, their personal behaviours are assessed for organizational safety aspects. Identifying the need of this work and development of tool, it is important to consider the role of line management starting from the CEO or chief of the organization to a common worker who contributes for organizational success. These questionnaire are based on the references available globally in interpersonal behaviours along with standards available. Concluding the fact of the findings at workplace, interaction with the help of developed tools is done at various stages avoiding errors and assessed results are verified at workplace based on the current situation available. Assessing the need and its efficacy of interface tool, different organizations are selected for completing the survey and validation.

3 Discussion

3.1 Management Role

Management plays an important role in implementing the BBS at organization level and it is being reflected in organization through reactiveness of the safety management system. As a part of good culture, some companies have positive traits in their management level and do have decisive management talks towards in establishing better work culture and have also given priority for the safety with the production goals [29]. These kind of commitment gives a thought for various dimensions, which are important in developing the safety culture. The trust developed in working environment helps management deems, as safety is important and provides the sense of satisfaction for the employee working.

3.2 Behaviour Based Safety (BBS)

Interestingly, work place behaviour has direct impact not just on the organizational safety culture but it also impacts on the productivity or entire organizational growth. Almost 50% of the unsafe behaviours leading accident in the organization and these facts are known and therefore stressed enough to bring changes to improve the existing condition in last two decades. In fact, behavioural aspects have become a part of standard requirements and witnessed in the guidelines of ISO 45001: 2018. The purpose of these requirements or inclusion into standard requirements are just because of gaining morale and witnessed the changes into the system towards safety system improvements. In fact, these standards are much more helpful in employee participation and sharing their approaches, consultation towards developing a new culture [30]. The good part for the BBS is, it provides a structural and quantitative approaches for prolonged safety culture in the field of psychology and the process relates to reinforcement [10].

3.3 Psychological Safety

Psychological safety helps to reflect the characteristic which resolves the task conflict in contrast to improve the team performance. It can be seen that psychological safety refers to the common belief shared by everyone in the team that they are confident to take the risk. Psychologically safe environment introduces more creativity and decision making without damaging the overall performance. Psychology safety climate helped the way conflict is taken and is managed by the team [10].

3.4 Safety Culture

The culture which the organization persists and needs to be continued towards the safety is the safety culture. Safety attitude is the contribution of management attitude and the communication to make the safety climate. It has been seen that with proper climate, safety can be increased with the reduction of the injury rate which in increase in the participation and compliance. The safety culture is defined as the top down approach used to by the organization approaching the safety management.

3.5 Safety Management System

It has been seen that safety management system is defined as the way organization imparts the safety culture. The change in the top leadership or revised safety management can increase the safety. But it has been seen that impact of the safety management has been ignored in the last years. To assess the quality of the management system, regular auditing needs to be done to identify the gaps.

3.6 Process Safety Management

The PSM is one of the critical aspects in the industry which needs to be covered in pre or during industry changes. The PSM covers small but critical parts of the process which when neglected can cause fire, explosion or toxic release leading to catastrophic event. The PSM checklist will ensure that all necessary safety checks have been done prior starting the process, with a coverage to all the 14 elements of process safety management. Through checklist, the NC’s can be easily tracked which can be fulfilled easily and results can be shown to the top management easily rather than going for step by step.

3.7 Heinrich Triangle

Heinrich’s expressed that “psychology in accident prevention is a fundamental of great importance”; he believed that psychology lies at root of accident causes and a total of 88% of all industrial accidents are caused by the unsafe acts of persons (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Heinrich triangle

He originally stated that in a unit group of 330 accidents, 300 result in no injury, 29 result in minor injury and 1 results in a major or lost time case.

3.8 Analysing Interpersonal Conduct for Organizational Safety (AICOS)

Assessing the BBS and its implementation are the key areas where one can impart the safety. One of the major challenges faced by the organization is to maintain their assets for the long term so as to implement the successful BBS at the organization. Also, organization faces certain issues which include the commitment, communication, guidelines etc. It also acts as a barrier when there is a continuous breach in implementation. Sometimes, it has been seen that organization commits towards the safety but in ground, things are totally different. Sometimes the procedures are there but they are lack in the implementation phase.

The proposed interface will be effective in analysing the BBS in the organization and to identify the gaps with the recommendations. It will help the organization to prepare themselves for the audits like 45,001: 2018. The Quantification analysis will tell the organization about their current status on BBS. Also, the cross verification methodology will help to check from top management and the bottom management. Based upon the assessment, suitable suggestions will be given which will be acting as a catalyst for implementation. The interface also gives the flexibility by choosing the key areas which are required for the BBS at the site. It also enhances the promotion for the participation and consultation by assessing from top management and the bottom management. It will assess on the basis of various checklist to check the behaviour of people in the organization. Based upon the review done, the score will be generated.

The interface can be used for the yearly review and progress in the organization. Based upon the review, the organization can set their goals accordingly. It is user-friendly and is applicable for various industries. The rating generated by the checklist will make the final scoresheet of the assessment and will also help the organization to prepare for the audit accordingly. The major advantage of the interface that all critical aspects are covered in one place which will help the organization to set their targets and goals. Data for analysing the performance of organization based on incident/accident analysis from the Heinrichs triangle dataset.

3.9 Details About the Links

The links involve three stages of assessment for all areas which includes the initial level, advanced level and final level assessment which include questionnaires in which for each questions, answers will be given based upon proofs. Also at the same levels of checklist, crosschecking with other checklist will also be done to ensure it is under compliance or not. Once the link is filled by the candidate using google forms, it will be analysed and based upon this, result will be concluded.

4 Result and Discussions

The proposed questionnaire-based interface AICOS is intended to judge the analysis of the individual and the organization towards the psychological and behavioural safety. After studying from previous incidents and research works, we tried to do a quantitative analysis by generating relevant questionnaire and assessing them based upon the feedback. Analysis of safety culture and behaviour towards safety was checked with the help of various questionnaire developed; incorporated in the form of an interface. The links to different area questionnaire were circulated so as to gain feedback. The collected responses were analysed basis the inputs as per the rating scale, and the outcome was that the psychological based-questionnaire plays vital role in judging the safety culture and to find the noncompliance at the site at various level of the organization. Based on the input parameters, an idea about where the organization stands can be inferred from the numbers (Table 1, Fig. 3).

  • The full compliances are highlighted in green colour, the moderate compliances are highlighted in amber colour and the major noncompliances are highlighted in red colour.

  • A total of 25 questions were assessed in stage 1, followed by 25 questions in stage 2 and 20 questions in 3rd stage of assessment.

  • All the major noncompliances shall be addressed with utmost priority and resolved to full compliances followed by the moderate level compliances. Organization can set up an acceptable score level separately for different stages and combined too.

Table 1 AICOS checklist details
Fig. 3
figure 3

Comparitive analysis of response received

4.1 Response Comparison 1st Case

Safety Officer 1; Organization 1 (Fig. 4).

  • After quantitatively analysing the response received for stage 1 assessment, it was evident that the 4 ID of major noncompliances (24%); 14 ID of moderate compliance (56%); and 5 ID of full compliance were there (20%).

  • After quantitatively analysing the response received for stage 2 assessment, it was evident that the 1 ID of major noncompliances (4%); 5 ID of moderate compliance (20%); and 19 ID of full compliance were there (76%).

  • After quantitatively analysing the response received for stage 3 assessment, it was evident that the 5 ID of major noncompliances (25%); 8 ID of moderate compliance (40%); and 7 ID of full compliance were there (35%).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Response _ SO 1_O1

Safety Officer 2; Organization 1 (Fig. 5).

  • After quantitatively analysing the response received for stage 1 assessment, it was evident that the 11 ID of major noncompliances (44%); 11 ID of moderate compliance (44%); and 3 ID of full compliance were there (12%).

  • After quantitatively analysing the response received for stage 2 assessment, it was evident that the 5 ID of major noncompliances (20%); 13 ID of moderate compliance (52%); and 7 ID of full compliance were there (28%).

  • After quantitatively analysing the response received for stage 3 assessment, it was evident that the 7 ID of major noncompliances (35%); 9 ID of moderate compliance (45%); and 4 ID of full compliance were there (20%).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Response _SO 2_O1

Upon comparison of the response mapped, for the very same organization, the number of noncompliances, moderate compliances and full compliances were differencing from far percentages; so as to maintain uniformity of information or floor level implementation of the administered or to be administered safety aspects; the concept of IITS (Information, Instruction, Training, Supervision) must be followed.

The output generated in form of charts gave the organization a clear idea, about the gap identification i.e., at what point they lack and what points are fully complied; hence they can chose upon what best practices can be put through to improve safety culture of the industries. The different stages of questionnaire developed helped in grasping a major loopholes and provide with a stringent outcome and helps to ensure that individuals are not giving the fake details as with each details proof must be attached. The Questionnaire in one way or another emphasizes on the roles and responsibility of the individual from top management to bottom management helps to widen the minds of the individual towards their contribution for safety.

5 Conclusion

This work is helpful in checking the safety behaviour, psychology, culture and attitude of the individual towards safety. Also, where the organization is lacking can be easily understood from the response received. After studying and analysing the feedback revived, it can be seen that the questionnaire is one of the key tools identified to do the compliance at the site and help in irradiating the noncompliance or conflict on different points. The rating system also helps to quantify the score of the industry and gives the area of improvement which can increase the score of the site. The questionnaire also helps to resolve the conflict on certain situation where the top management feels that it is under compliance. Also, it helps the organization and the individual to assess the gaps found and to track them timely. The interface will also give suggestions to remove the non-conformity.

These interface has covered all the aspects related to the safety and at different levels of people perception related to safety at work in the organization. The best part of these interface is, the questionnaire is especially designed to counter check the different aspects for a full proof analysis of individual perception at different levels. This analysis is going to help in change in behavioural aspects of safety for an individual or an organization which could able to change the safety vision of a particular organization. This interface has also given a scope for continual improvement towards and also for robust and easier to usage by an user.