
1 Introduction

As of now we have no system for alerting the driver and to immobilize in case subject is not wearing a helmet or if subject is under the influence of alcohol at the time of riding the two-wheeler [1]. Because of this negligence, there may be a chance for getting accidents, which costs man lives. To avoid this, we are developing this proposed system, which alerts the driver and lets the vehicle to continue to stay in immobilized state. In the proposed system, we are going to let the vehicle stay in the immobilize state when the helmet is not being worn by the driver or if the alcohol sensor is positive. In either of the case as above, there is an alert that comes in the form of buzzer sound. Which kills the power to the vehicle immediately and also, in this paper, the data of the positive sensor will be collected for future safety. It can be sent to the database of the authorities for immediate action in case of emergency situations [2]. This paper presents the detailed components used in the design of the smart helmet which is intelligent in nature to save human life.

2 Working Principle

The Design of this Helmet needs Hardware and Software for product model. Hardware consists of Arduino Nano Board, Arduino Uno Board, Power Split Board, Click Switch, Alcohol Sensor, RF Transmitter, RF Receiver, Buzzer, 9.9 V battery.

Software used to write the program is Arduino IDE 1.8.13 running on Windows 10 and this design has two modules.

  1. 1.

    Helmet Module

  2. 2.

    The Bike Module

2.1 The Helmet Module

In the Helmet module, Arduino Nano Board is used due to its size, which is just 1/4th size of the Arduino Uno Board, which is easy to be placed inside a helmet with a battery pack and also doesn’t increase the weight of the helmet by much (comparing to helmet that already exist which are brought in Indian market).

A Power Split Board is being used to split the power between the

  1. 1.

    RF Transmitter

  2. 2.

    Alcohol Sensor

  3. 3.

    Arduino Nano Board

Alcohol Sensor detects the presence of the alcohol in the air (or on the breath of the subject, who’s wearing the helmet), RF Transmitter has to transmit the output data of the Arduino Nano Board to the RF Receiver of the Bike Module [3].

2.2 The Bike Module

In the bike module, Arduino Uno Board is used as it is bigger in size and cannot be used in the helmet module. Also, the other advantages of using this is Arduino Uno Board has a DC power input which can be taken from the bike it-self without interfering it with an electric plug converter.

RF Receiver is the next component connected to the Arduino Uno Board which receives the Output ‘A’ from the Rf Transmitter that is connected to the Arduino Nano Board in the Helmet Module. Buzzer is the last component connected to the Arduino Uno Board and it has to buzz when the Arduino Uno Board gives output, when it gets input of ‘A’.

The program states that whenever the button is sensing any pressure or the alcohol sensor detects any positive signature, its output has to be ‘A’ (which is understood by the program in the Arduino in the Bike Module).

3 Program Code

3.1 The Helmet Module

figure a

3.2 Output

figure b

3.3 The Bike Module

figure c

3.4 Output

figure d

4 Result

Basically, when the subject is wearing the helmet—the switch is being press due to the weight of the helmet against the head, also the alcohol sensor should give a negative reading for the alcohol contain in the air then it is positive sign for the engine to keep running.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Prototype pictures of smart helmet

5 Conclusion

The main aim of the project is for the people to at least wear a helmet while riding the two-wheeler so that the main part of a body i.e. Brain is the well protected and the fatalities can be decrease if there is any mishap. We hope the working bodies of the government to take up this project and include it in the rules, which will be beneficial to everyone.