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Soy Protein Biopolymer

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  • First Online:
Handbook of Biopolymers
  • 35 Accesses


The use of polymers based on biological materials, rather than those that are based on petroleum, to create ecofriendly biologically degradable materials has gained popularity in recent years. Since they are less expensive and easier to produce than natural polymers, synthetic polymers are widely used. But they cause environmental contamination and are not biodegradable. Therefore, scientists advised choosing polymers that are naturally eco-friendly. This idea explains why soy protein, a cheap, easily accessible, and biodegradable ingredient, is so popular. It has superior biocompatibility, biodegradability, and better processing qualities and is 90% protein. Another appealing aspect of it is its use in numerous industrial fields. The aim of this chapter is focused on discussion of history of soy protein, composition, physicochemical properties, abiotic factors involved in improving the mechanical properties of soy protein, soy product production methods, and bio-nanocomposites. Moreover, some applications of soy protein polymer are also discussed.

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Subi, B.S., Shabanamol, S. (2023). Soy Protein Biopolymer. In: Thomas, S., AR, A., Jose Chirayil, C., Thomas, B. (eds) Handbook of Biopolymers . Springer, Singapore.

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