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Targeting Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) for Cancer Therapy

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Handbook of Oxidative Stress in Cancer: Therapeutic Aspects
  • 84 Accesses


Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are the highly reactive molecules that play vital roles in cancer progression as well as in the regulation of important cellular pathways. Interestingly, ROS also have beneficial roles such as it enhance the anti-tumorigenic signaling and increasing the cancer cell death by oxidative damage. ROS can be quenched by the antioxidant system, but these are not much effective at the time of the high level of ROS production, hence causing several pathological conditions such as tumor cell promotion and progression which affects the signaling pathways. It was observed that tumor cells generate a high level of ROS that results in increased metabolic rate, hypoxia, and mutation in the gene. Cancer cells also maintain a significant level of antioxidant enzymes that neutralize the effect of elevated ROS, indicating an intricate equilibrium of ROS is required for cancer cell survival and function. Further increase in ROS level may lead to programmed cell death (PCD). Elevated ROS levels generated by various metabolic pathways can work as Trojan horse for killing cancer cells. However, to precisely kill the cancer cells only signaling pathway that regulates diverse functions in cancer cells needs to be elucidated. This review focuses on ROS generation in tumor cells, their role in cancer biology, and the molecular mechanism of therapeutics based on altering the ROS level to treat cancer.

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Mohan, H., Vandna, Soni, S., Syed, S. (2022). Targeting Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) for Cancer Therapy. In: Chakraborti, S. (eds) Handbook of Oxidative Stress in Cancer: Therapeutic Aspects. Springer, Singapore.

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