
1 Introduction

Consumer intentions about new product development and details of the product are the main point of the topic [1,2,3]. Consumer plays the vital role in the new product development because they are the one who uses the product, and it should be in favorite of them [4, 5]. Consumer will give the main information about his requirements. If the customer satisfy with the product, then they are likely to sell [6,7,8,9]. The consumer collaboration is accepted in all parts in the new product development [10, 11]. Some practitioners state that consumers are too conservative [12, 13]. If the lack the necessary skills and knowledge about the rapid product development, then we can't sell it [14]. Consumer plays the main role in rapid product development if didn’t like the product, then we have no use of it [15, 16]. If take an example of a mobile manufacture company if they release more number of models to the market but if the people don’t like the product, then there is no use of releasing more no. of products into the market so we need to release the products what the customer likes and maintain a company if we take Motorola and Samsung as examples, where Samsung is company playing a vital role in the industry by releasing customer needed models with less cost and high cost giving space to think in benefit of both but Motorola can't sustain the competition by releasing unnecessary models which make it to loose in the completion [17]. These examples represent about the costumer integration with the rapid new product development [18]. Our approach is different and taking in consider to the previous literature reviews so we don’t make any type mistakes what they have done, and we collaborate the ideas of customer integration and the organizational view so we can make up with a strategy [19].

2 Related Work

2.1 Determining the Effects of Marketing Mix on Customers’ Purchase Decision Using the Gray Model GM (O, N)—Case Study of the Western style Coffeehouse Chains in Vietnam, Yu-Chien Chai, Ying-Fang Huang, and Hoang-Sa Dang, 2017

Café chain is blasting in Vietnam, the challenge between espresso drink providers right now additionally solid at present. Be that as it may, the Vietnamese market is assessed as an extraordinary potential market, consequently, so as to satisfy espresso consumer need just as extend the piece of the pie, providers of the café chain ought to be taken more thought on advancements exercises and the flavor of espresso drinks. Besides, results of espresso drinks with great taste and sensible cost can cause customers to have a significant level fulfillment and certainty to buy. Western style of café chain shows another market pattern for drinking business industry with more chances and difficulties in Vietnam. This examination found that Vietnamese buyers take more contemplation on advancements exercises and the flavor of espresso drinks when acquiring espresso refreshments in western style of café chains. Regardless of that results of espresso drinks with great taste and sensible cost can cause customers to have an elevated level fulfillment and certainty to buy.

2.2 Cognitive Resource Limitation on the Decision to Buy Products from Consumers: A Prospect for Event Potential, Weiwei Han, HuaBai, 2018

Considering the neural effect of dispute between personality and performance when purchaser choice is limited to qualitative assets. Hanetal. And comparison is higher for shoppers’ reckoning of share and response time in our estimation, and this means that they have much more flexibility to choose and are easier to make “purchase” decisions while buyers’ discretionary assets are limited. The purchase rate of requirements 1 and 2 was greater than that of both other causes but there was no critical distinction between conditions 1 and 2. Constrained cognitive assets were determined on clients, based more on attractiveness than results. This research explores the influence of neural conflict between attractiveness and efficiency on shopper preference if subjective resources of consumers are limited. 20 individuals were propositioned to retain a 20-digit number in 20s in order to control its philosophical assets. Updates of items with attractiveness and assassination data have been capriciously displayed at that juncture. The boosts were divided into four conditions, according to the consistency of appearance and execution (claim 1): progressively appealing and predominant execution; claim 2: increasingly attractive and incompatible execution; claim 3: fewer appeal and unrivaled execution; claim 4: fewer appeal and seco. Researchers found that situations 1 and 2 were higher than that of the other two, but the contrast between situations 1 and 2 was not significant. The results showed that conditions 1. Although the two situations 2 and 3 have collision evidence, situation 3 evoked the most significant amount of N270 conflict than specific prefrontal settings. The P2 design was also influenced by back anterior cingulate districts in all systems, although the P2 sufficiency was substantially greater than the various conditions. The scientific advances have shown that buyers have to gradually call normative funds to include a few bits of piece data if the item appears clash. In general, they would use programmed models, full of felting, over informative, intelligent ones, which contributed to a high buy rate, a littler N270 and a bigger P2 for the more appealing, but, execution pieces. P2 and N270 could thus serve as valuable neural endogenous indicators that reflect the way to deal with purchaser-elective disputes.

2.3 Analysis of Factors that Influence Purchase Intention on Omni-Channel Services, Herio Susanto, Yudho Giri Sucahyo, Yova Ruldeviyani, Arfive Gandhi, 2018

Such research demonstrated the way in which digitalization preserves the digital business for companies. It has identified influences effectively affecting the desire of consumers to buy omnibus services through different channels. Three factors, including social influence, performance expectations, and perceived security, are influenced by the results. The cultural influence is the most important variable. It discusses the way in which a person can use the omni-channel (for example, family, colleagues, and other trusted individuals). The rapid development of digital and electronic media including mobile applications and social networking sites has altered the marketing strategy of department stores as well as the activity of the buyer. Such developments present new problems in handling complex platforms for businesses and retailers. Readiness and complicated maintenance are needed because each channel which has different features. It is important for customers to ensure accuracy and trustworthiness in their purchases. The purpose of this analysis is to examine the factors affecting the use of omnibus services by customers. The quantitative approach is proven with 168 respondents using PLS-SEM. As the results, variable social influence in omni-channel services becomes the most influential factor in buying intention, followed by performance expectations and perception of security. When an organization formulates plans for its omni-channel, those considerations become a priority.

2.4 Consumers’ Intention to Purchase Re-manufactured Electronic Products: An Empirical Study in China, Lijun Ma, XiaoyiSu, Can Wang, Kangqing Lin, Meiyan Lin1, 2016

A statistical model and analysis analyzing the factors affecting the purchasing preferences of customers for new electronic goods in China. Their work expands the explicative capacity of TPB, applying perceived quality to the original model, advantages and perceived information. The thesis will support researchers through a detailed analysis of the re-manufactured goods’ adoption by consumers. Restoring was defined as a critical part of the circular economy and a closed loop motor supply chain. Nonetheless, few studies focus on consumers’ desire to buy reconstructed products. They suggest a comprehensive theory of expected conduct (TPB) to improve studies into this by incorporating more explanatory variables to explore the factors that influence customer purchasing intentions on revived electronics. We gathered information and used it to check our concept through an online questionnaire poll. The empirical evidence shows that the client precedes acquisitions of re-manufactured electronic products, social mores, guessed regulations of wrongdoing, and industry expertise. However, the potential risk affects both the buying behavior and the purchasing goal. Amazingly, portrayed quality and perceived advantages influence the acquisition intent good but insignificantly, While also inherent advantages are linked to purchasing attitude negatively and insignificantly. The possible explanation can be that customers are concerned about the quality of reproduced products and are not prepared to pay a premium for reproduced products.

2.5 How Perceived Factors of Review Contents Influence Consumers’ Purchase Decision, Kang Miao, Qinghong Yang, Xing Wei, Xiaoping Du, Jianwei Zhang, 2016

The review place an positive or negative influence on purchase decision. If we have a positive review about the product, then it will help us in the marketing, and selling the product when if we have a negative review will get a bad impression about the product; then we can't market the product, and customer don’t like the product; nowadays, online shopping is increasing so we need to keep in mind about the reviews because most of the people see the reviews, and then, only they like to buy it so review place an important role in the product marketing. Different type of algorithms shows the risk in the rapid product development and purchase decision; quality of the product and all come to question mark is the product which is a legit or not service risk, and the price marking of a product is also depends up on it where if a product is a nice but its price is high; then we can't do anything that nobody will buy it. Online product review system place a vital role in the customer influence to by the product or not varies type of reviews will cause different impact on the product so we need to overcome all this to market our product. The data we got from the different type of algorithms; by analyzing the data, we can come to know the risk in the product and impact of it if it shows negative tendency, then we will be in problem but if we get positive tendency, then there we can improve it more. The conclusion of the online review system is by using the reviews we can change it accordingly to it requirements.

3 System Analysis

Review makes important contributions to rapid new product development and the customer integration where there should be no gap in between their knowledge so they will be in one path which makes it easy to create a new product with less time, and by taking the reviews into the consideration, we can make change the so it will be helpful to clear with the requirements of the customer and create it with his needs; by doing this, we can save the time, and the rapid new product development will be success because it was liked by the customers and where it will show the importance of the collaboration customer integration and the organizational integration [20, 21].

4 System Architecture

System architecture is the conceptual model which defines a system’s structure, behavior, and more views. A description of an architecture is a systematic description and representation of a system, structured in a manner that facilitates thinking about mechanisms and attitudes in software [22]. A system architecture will consist of system components and established sub-systems that will work together for the overall system implementation. To order to explain system architecture, efforts have been made to formalize languages; collectively these are called languages of description of architecture (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

System architecture

4.1 Scraping Data for Consumer Intension (Module-01)

We have to scrape Flipkart website using data miner extension to extract price, name, laptop ranking, and so on. So, we are inspecting the page to see where the data under which we want to scrape is embedded. To inspect the page, extract the size, name, and rating that is nested, respectively, in the ID tag. You should save it in a file after the data has been collected. The extracted data will be stored in comma separated value (CSV) format.

4.2 Data Validation and Preprocessing Technique (Module-02)

Importing the library packages with loading given dataset. To analyze the variable identification by data shape, data type and evaluating the missing values, duplicate values. A validation dataset is a collection of data held back from your model training, used to provide an overview of model competencies while tuning models and procedures that can be used to make the best use of validation and test datasets when testing your models. In order to analyze the uni-variate, bi-variate, and multi-variate method, data cleaning/preparation by renaming the given dataset and dropping the column, etc. Data cleaning is primarily aimed at identifying and eliminating errors and anomalies to increase the value of data in analytics and decision making.

4.3 To Train a Model by Given Attribute with Visualization (Module-03)

Data visualization is an important skill in applied statistics and machine learning. Statistics actually concentrates on objective data explanations and forecasts. Visualization of data provides a significant suite of tools to achieve a contextual understanding. This can be useful when researching and studying a dataset and can aid in detecting patterns, corrupting results, outliers, and more. Data visualizations can be used with a small amount of domain [10] knowledge to convey and explain key relationships in plots and charts that are more interactive and stakeholder than association or significance tests.

4.4 Performance Support Vector Classifier Measurements (Module-04)

A classifier that categorizes the set of data by setting an optimum hyper plane between the data. I chose this classifier because the number of different kerneling functions that can be implemented is incredibly versatile, and this model can provide a high predictability rate. Support vector machines are perhaps one of the most common and talked about the algorithms in machine learning.

4.5 Web-Based Application of Customer Intension by Php (Module-05)

Consumers intention is a type of sentiment analysis. Where we use support vector machine to automate the algorithm, and it will help us to analyze the date and classify the data into three different ways positive, negative, and neutral; by this information, we can state that he like the product or not we can show the data by using php. By this, they will know about the product and what is the review given. Whoever the consumer be, they can understand the analysis, and they can get the product with their requirements.

5 Results

See Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Training data

Fig. 3
figure 3

Confusion matrix result

Fig. 4
figure 4

Acceptance graph

Fig. 5
figure 5

Login page

Fig. 6
figure 6

The figure represents about the result of prediction with comparing rating and number of reviews it received

Fig. 7
figure 7

We can get specifications filter of over product

6 Conclusion

This systematic review of the literature makes three major contributions to the theory of customer integration. First, it removes the difference in user type definitions, customer view of perspectives explaining the drawbacks, and requirements of the consumer in the rapid new product development at early stage so we can change it. Second, it represents the important of the consumer integration by showing the imperial findings about the new product development. Third, it indicates gap between the knowledge of the consumer intention and the rapid new product development, where the consumer should be fast able to represent his requirements, where rapid new product development is about creating a product in less time and facing the consequences whether it is positive or negative.

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