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Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Epoxy/Synthetic Fiber Composites

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Handbook of Epoxy/Fiber Composites


This chapter presents the analysis of the dynamic mechanical properties of the epoxy/synthetic fiber-reinforced composites. It has highlighted the significant advantages of those composites, including low density, high mechanical and creep strengths, and different processing options for various sizes and complex shapes. These composites are extensively used in the automotive, aerospace, energy, and other production industries. The mechanical properties of single fiber-reinforced polymer composites can be enhanced through the carbonization process. The chapter also explains that the combination of high elongating fibers can enhance the epoxy/synthetic fiber composites’ dynamic mechanical properties. On the other hand, the dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) tests exhibit a shift in the synthetic carbon fibers composites’ glass transition temperatures, which may be useful for these fiber-reinforced high-temperature applications of composites.

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Alarifi, I.M., Khorami, M., EL-Bagory, T.M.A.A., Asmatulu, R. (2022). Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Epoxy/Synthetic Fiber Composites. In: Mavinkere Rangappa, S., Parameswaranpillai, J., Siengchin, S., Thomas, S. (eds) Handbook of Epoxy/Fiber Composites . Springer, Singapore.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-981-15-8141-0

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