
1 Introduction

GitHub is widely-used in collaborative software development. A developer who is engaged in open-source projects tend to use GitHub to support their collaboration. According to the official website, up to June 2018, GitHub has over 28 million users and 57 million repositories, making it the largest host of source code in the world [2]. GitHub achieves collaborative development via the mechanism of pull requests. Once a developer wants to update a project, he can submit a pull request which consists of one or more code changes to the target project. A submitted pull request waits to be merged into the repository or discarded by the manager of the target project.

Due to the parallel mechanism of GitHub, it often happens that developers make different changes to the same lines of code during the same time period. This makes pull requests potentially compete with each other, i.e., competing pull requests [20]. Such pull requests may contain changes that have the same or different goals and may cause the conflicts on the structure or the semantics of code. It is complicated and time-consuming for a project manager to decide which pull request should be merged in high priority [7, 8, 23]. The existence of conflicts between changes by these pull requests exacerbates the difficulty for the merging decision. We speculate that the similarity between these pull requests may have a great impact on the difficulty that project managers have to face when they make decisions for merging pull requests.

In this paper, we conducted a preliminary study on measuring the similarity between pull requests that aim to change the same code in GitHub. We used the cosine and the doc2vec to measure the similarity of code structure and semantics, respectively. We evaluated the similarity on four open source Java projects with the most forks in GitHub. Our study contains 6,469 pairs of pull requests, each pair of which has two pull requests that contain changes on overlapped code. We explored the similarities between these pull requests via three research questions, including the similarities between pull requests, the similarity distribution, and the correlations between two measurement methods in use.

Our study shows that there indeed exists high similarity between pull requests that change the same code. In the four Java projects we studied, the average similarity between each pair of pull requests is over 0.9; the highest average similarity among these four projects is up to 0.9976. In the pull requests we measured, over 75% of the similarity between each pair of pull requests is above 0.8 and half of the similarity is 0.95 or higher. Our study shows that there is high correlation between the two measurement methods; this indicates that both the structural similarity and the semantic similarity exist between the pull requests that aim to change the same code.

This paper makes the following contributions:

  • We conducted a study of measuring the similarity between pull requests that aim to change the same code. We proposed two methods to measure the similarity of code structure and semantics on four open source Java projects with the most forks in GitHub.

  • We answered three research questions and found that there indeed exists high similarity between competing pull requests. This provides the foundational result for analyzing the conflicts between pull requests.

The remaining of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the background and the motivation. Section 3 describes two measurement methods of similarity. Section 4 presents the experimental setup, which includes data preparation, two measurement methods, and three research questions. Section 5 details the results of our experiment. Section 6 explains the threats to the validity. Section 7 lists the related work and Sect. 8 concludes this paper.

2 Background and Motivation

We introduce the background of merging pull requests and the motivation of exploring the similarity between pull requests.

2.1 Background

Collaborative platforms, such as GitHub and BitBucket, have provided high interaction between developers and code projects via pull requests. A project manager can deploy the codebase in GitHub and allows other developers to fork (i.e., clone) the project into their own account as a copy. Developers could freely make code changes to the project that has been forked in their account. Once several changes are made, a pull request that includes the changes can be submitted to the target project. A submitted pull request waits for the decision by the project manager, i.e., deciding merging this pull request into the project or discarding it.

Pull requests are the key artifacts that make developers accomplish collaborative development in GitHub. Technically, a pull request consists of one or more commits, each of which contains edits to the original source code at a particular time. Once these changes are accepted by the project manager, the pull request is merged into the original repository. Conversely, the pull request would be closed if the manager chooses not to accept these code changes. GitHub provides a free and flexible platform for developers to submit pull requests; hence, the project manager may receive multiple pull requests during a time period. In this case of multiple pull requests, it is time-consuming for the manager to decide which pull request should be merged.

2.2 Motivation

Due to the parallel mechanism of GitHub, several developers may submit different pull requests to change the same lines of code, which cause the competing pull requests [20]. This fact results in the conflict between changes because the code changes that competing pull requests have made focus on the same target. A project manager can choose one or zero among these competing pull requests and merge it into the original project.

As a manager of an open-source project, he/she has to manually check all competing pull requests to ensure the contribution of pull requests and to decide merging which pull request. The existence of competing pull requests makes the merging decision difficult. Do competing pull requests behave similar? – An intuitive speculation is that competing pull requests are similar since they aim to update the same lines of code. Supposing the similarity between competing pull requests is low, we can surmise that directly distinguish different competing pull requests is possible; supposing the similarity is high, a semantical or further detailed analysis could help for the merging decisions. Motivated by the exploration on the similarity of pull requests, we conducted a preliminary study on the similarity between pull requests that tend to change overlapped pieces of code.

3 Measurement Methods of Similarity

There is no reliable and effective way to measure the similarity of code. In this paper, we used two measurement methods to check the structural similarity and the semantic similarity between pull requests. For the structural similarity, we employ the cosine that is designed to measure the textual similarity between sentences; for the semantic similarity, we employ the doc2vec that is developed to extract the semantics of paragraphs.

3.1 The \(\textit{cosine}\) Method

The cosine similarity is usually used to measure the textual similarity of sentences [21]. The key idea of the cosine is to count the number of co-appearance of words to reveal potential semantics [17].

We used the cosine method to measure the similarity between pull requests. The cosine similarity uses the cosine value of angles of two vectors in the vector space. Given two n-dimension vectors X and Y, the cosine similarity of two vectors is defined as follows,

$$Sim_{\cos }(X,Y) = \frac{\sum _{i=1}^n(x_i\times y_i)}{\sqrt{\sum _{i=1}^n x_i^2}\times \sqrt{\sum _{i=1}^n y_i^2}} $$

where \(x_i\) and \(y_i\) denote the element value of the ith dimension in X and Y, respectively. The closer the cosine is to 1, the more similar two vectors are.

Given two pull requests, we treat them as two pieces of code. To utilize the cosine to measure the similarity between pull requests, we convert the changed code into textual sentences based on the following two steps. First, we filter out the punctuation from the code and separate the code into tokens. For instance, giving the code assertThat(processDefinitions.getBody().getContent().hasSize(4));, we transfer the code into a sequence of assertThat, processDefinition, getBody, getContent, hasSize, and 4.

Second, we collect the frequency of tokens in two pull requests and obtain the word-frequency vectors. Then given two vectors, we leverage the cosine to calculate the similarity.

3.2 The \(\textit{doc2vec}\) Method

In addition to measuring the structural similarity between pull requests with the cosine, we employ the doc2vec to reveal semantic similarity. The doc2vec, or the paragraph2vec, is an unsupervised algorithm that can extract the vector expression of sentences or documents [11]. This algorithm is an extension of a widely-used method word2vec [12].

In the doc2vec, a large corpus is used to train a model by maximizing the conditional likelihood between words and sentences with the hierarchical softmax and negative sampling. Different from the cosine, the doc2vec generates word vectors via an unsupervised learning process. Learned vector by the doc2vec can be used to calculate the similarity between sentences or documents. The implementation of the doc2vec directly outputs the distances between two sentences and can be converted into the similarity.

Figure 1 presents the framework of using the doc2vec to obtain the similarity. To apply the doc2vec to calculate the semantic similarity of pull requests, we train the model to get the approximated likelihood of words and sentences. In each project, we extract the source code of a previous version before the submitted timestamps of pull requests. During the training, we filter out the punctuations in the source code and use all tokens in these processed source code as a training corpus. Then we employ the doc2vec to build the model with our training corpus. According to the implementation of the doc2vec, sentences that only contain tokens inside the corpus can be measured by the learned model. In each project, we use the learned model to infer the dependency of tokens in the input pull requests and use these learned vectors to calculate the similarity.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Framework of using doc2vec to measure the similarity between pull requests.

Note that the doc2vec is not the only way to measure the semantic similarity of two sentences or paragraphs. The Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) by Deerwester et al. [6] and the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) by Blei et al. [5] are also widely used to detect the similarity in natural language processing. Our work does not aim to find out an optimal similarity measurement; instead, the goal of our work is to show the existence of similarity between pull requests.

4 Experimental Setup

We present the steps of data preparation and the design of three research questions.

4.1 Data Preparation

We conducted a preliminary study on four pairs of open-source Java projects with the most forks in GitHub. Table 1 presents the data of four projects in our study. There are 6,469 pairs of pull requests in total. We describe the data preparation as follows.

Table 1. Data collection of four Java projects with the most forks in GitHub

First, we selected the top-5 Java projects with the most forks in GitHub. We followed Zhang et al. [20] to collect all pull requests that are submitted from January 1st to December 31st, 2017. Then we extracted all pairs of pull requests, which contain changes on overlapped code. Among the five projects, we found that one project iluwatar/java-design-patterns contains only four pairs of pull requests that change the same code, then we kept all other four projects in our study. These four are spring-projects/spring-framework,Footnote 1 spring-projects/spring-boot,Footnote 2 apache/incubator-dubbo,Footnote 3 and elastic/elasticsearch,Footnote 4 respectively.

Second, we identified the pull requests that change the same code as follows. We considered that a group of competing pull requests as all pull requests that change the same lines during an overlapping time period. For instance, if Pull request PrA and Pull request B PrB edit at-least one same line of code. We consider that PrA and PrB belong to one pair of pull requests. In this paper, we focus on the similarity between pull requests. Thus, we only identify all pairs of pull requests that change the same code, rather than groups of competing pull requests as shown in [20].

Third, we merged all changes in one pull request and collected the changed code from the original codebase. The changed code can be viewed as a combination of the added code and the deleted code. To evaluate the similarity of pull requests, we only reserved the added lines of code as the new code in a pull request. If a pull request has no added lines, we directly discarded this pull request. After data preparation, we collected 6,469 pairs of pull requests from four projects.

4.2 Research Questions

The aim of this paper is to explore the similarity between competing pull requests and to understand whether the high similarity between competing pull requests that complicates the merging decision by project managers. We designed three Research Questions (RQs) and conducted a preliminary study to find out the answers.

RQ1. How does the similarity between competing pull requests perform?

In our work, we tend to understand the structural similarity based on the cosine and the semantical similarity based on the doc2vec. We give a numerical result on the similarity between each pair of pull requests via evaluating the two measurement methods in RQ1.

RQ2. What is the distribution of the similarity between competing pull requests?

Besides the statistical values, we further study the similarity distributions on each project. In RQ2, we show that the similarity between pull requests diversifies and we could obtain a distribution of the similarity between competing pull requests.

RQ3. Is there any correlation between the two measurement methods of similarity?

Our study showed the results of two measurement methods of similarity. Thus, in RQ3, we evaluate the Pearson correlation coefficient to detect the correlation between these methods. We also leveraged the Wilcoxon signed rank test to figure out whether the two measurement behave different.

5 Experimental Results

We empirically examined the results of three RQs and presented the existence of similarity between pull requests.

5.1 RQ1. How Does the Similarity Between Competing Pull Requests Perform?

In RQ1, we present the numerical result of the study that measures the similarity between pull requests that contain changes on overlapped code of four Java projects in GitHub.

Table 2 shows the results of similarity between pull requests by measuring the structural similarity with the cosine. The similarity between pull requests measured by the cosine is high with the maximum value of 1.0. In three out of four, the average similarity is over 0.9; the value of the exceptional project is 0.8963, which could be considered as 0.9.

Table 3 shows the results of similarity between pull requests by measuring the semantic similarity with the doc2vec. In four Java projects we studied, the average similarity between pull requests of each project exceeded 0.9. Project apache/incubator-dubbo has the highest similarity, whose average value is 0.9976.

As shown in Tables 2 and 3, the maximum value of the similarity is 1.0 regardless of any project or method. This shows that there indeed exists high similarity between pull requests that aim to change the same code. Meanwhile, the average value behave similar. For instance, the project with the maximum value of average similarity by the cosine and by the doc2vec is the same while the project with the minimum value is the same. This leads to the guess on the correlation between two measurement methods. We will further examine this correlation in Sect. 5.3.

Table 2. Structural similarity between pull requests measured by the cosine on four projects
Table 3. Semantic similarity between pull requests measured by the doc2vec on four projects

We notice that among four projects, the minimum similarity between pull requests of several projects is relatively low, such as 0.0 in Project elastic/elasticsearch when measured with the cosine and 0.3899 when measured with the doc2vec.

Based on the above findings, we can conclude that the similarity between pull requests is generally high, but there is still low similarity between several pull requests. This results in the diversity of similarities. On the one hand, RQ1 shows the evidence that it is difficult for project managers to decide which pull request should be merged into the codebase because of the high degree of similarity between pull requests. On the other hand, project managers need to spend much time in figuring out the semantics of these pull requests because of the diversity of similarity. This exacerbates the difficulty of the merging decision.

5.2 RQ2. What Is the Distribution of the Similarity Between Competing Pull Requests?

In RQ2, we show the distribution of similarity between pull requests of four Java projects. The similarity values are calculated by the cosine and the doc2vec.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Box-plots of similarity between pull requests measured by the cosine on four projects

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Box-plots of similarity between pull requests measured by the doc2vec on four projects.

Figure 2 presents the box-plots of similarity measured with the cosine between pull requests from Table 2; Fig. 3 presents the box-plots of similarity measured with the doc2vec between pull requests from Table 3.

For each of the four projects, no matter which method is used for measurement, three-quarters of pairs of pull requests have a similarity of 0.8 or higher; half of pairs have a similarity of 0.95 or higher. These results indicate that between pull requests that contain changes on the overlapped code, both structural similarity and semantic similarity exist.

To sum up, we find that the similarity between the majority of pull requests is high. This fact undoubtedly adds the difficulty to project managers for the merging decision in GitHub.

5.3 RQ3. Is There Any Correlation Between the Two Measurement Methods of Similarity?

In RQ3, we show the correlation between the similarity by the two measurement methods. To conduct the evaluation, we used the Pearson correlation coefficient to detect the probability of correlation [14].

Table 4 shows the Pearson correlation coefficient and the p-value based on the Wilcoxon signed rank test. The absolute value of the Pearson correlation coefficient indicates the correlation. An absolute value over 0.7 could be considered as high correlation; We use the Wilcoxon signed rank test to explore how different are two measurement methods [14]. If the p-value is less than 0.05, we consider that there exists statistical significance between the similarities by the cosine and the doc2vec.

Table 4. Pearson correlation coefficient and the Wilcoxon signed rank test between the structural similarity and the semantic similarity

As shown in Table 4, the result explores the effect of two measurement methods on the similarity values. The values of Pearson correlation coefficient show that the two measurement methods reach high correlation with the maximum value of 0.86. This indicates that the structural similarity by the cosine and the semantic similarity by the doc2vec share many options on the similarity. Although the cosine and the doc2vec estimate the similarity in different ways, it is possible that many pieces of structural similarity are also contain the semantic similarity.

All the p-values are less than 0.05. This fact shows that the two measurement methods behave statistically significant differences on the pairs of pull requests in all the four projects.

We conclude the answers to RQ3 as follows. The two measurement methods, the cosine and the doc2vec, show statistically significant results. However, the result by these two methods is different but similar. This fact may indicate the overlap between the structural similarity and the semantic similarity.

6 Threats to Validity

We list the threats to the validity of our work in three categories.

Construct Validity. In our study, we only used pull requests of four open-source Java projects with the most forks in GitHub, which contains 6,469 pairs of pull requests. A large study on more pull requests may reveal more findings about the similarity between pull requests. Our experiment contains two measurement methods for the calculation of structural similarity and semantic similarity between pull requests; our result shows there exists diversity among the similarity. Our study has not covered many typical methods of measuring the similarity, such as the LDA method of topic models. The study in our work can be viewed as a preliminary result for counting the similarity between pull requests. The goal of our study is to motivate the exploration of solving merging conflicts.

Internal Validity. We used doc2vec to calculate the similarity between competing pull requests via learning a model from a corpus of previous source code. However, a learned model is usually limited by the scale of the corpus. In general, a corpus in natural language processing is much larger than the source code used in our work. Thus, it is possible that the corpus in use has already hurt the measurement in our work. A straightforward resolution is to involve more projects to form a corpus.

External Validity. Our study has only explored the similarity between pull requests in Java; meanwhile, the measurement of similarity is also conducted on Java source code. There exists a threat that the Java code is naturally more similar than code in other languages. In addition, is the detected similarity by the cosine or the doc2vec really similar? This is a bias between automatic measurement and program comprehension. A study on the opinions of developers could help understand the bias.

7 Related Work

We presented the related work in two parts, change merging and text similarity measurement.

7.1 Change Merging

In collaborative development, the modification of source code is implemented via merging changes. The main methods for change merging can be divided into three categories: unstructured merge, structured merge, and semi-structured merge.

The unstructured merge mixes different versions by using the largest common subsequences matching of textual lines. This method is fast, but can result in the disorder among changes [13]. The diff tool [1] is a typical technique using unstructured merge. The structured merge transfers the code into abstract syntax trees and combines the code among these trees. The process of combination is limited by the grammar of programming languages. A tool of structured merge is JDime, proposed by Apel et al. [3]. The semi-structured merge represents programs as program trees and uses an abstraction of the structure of the document to provide information on how the commits are merged, such as the tool FSTMerge by Apel et al. [4].

The process of merging changes into the codebase may be delayed by various factors. Yu et al. [18, 19] have explored the factors of evaluation latency for pull requests and recommended reviewers for pull requests. Jiang et al. [10] have conducted a study on the inactive yet available assignees in GitHub. Xuan et al. [15] split test cases into small changes and refactored test cases to assist program repair. Zhu et al. [22] have studied the patterns of using folders to understand the project popularity. Xuan et al. [16] proposed a sampling strategy to learn the configuration from changes. Jiang et al. [9] studied the content and reasons of forking behaviors in GitHub.

7.2 Text Similarity Measurement

The measurement of text similarity has been widely studies. A typical approach is the vector-based similarity method. These methods, such as the cosine in this paper, transfer the original text objects that associates with a weight of importance into term vectors and then use a function to measure these vectors to calculate the final output similarity. The vector-based method is efficient, but cannot recognize the semantics of the text. Many methods are proposed to solve this problem. Blei et al. [5] proposed Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a typical method using generative topic models. This method samples words of two textual paragraphs and infers the similarity based on probability distributions of hidden topics. Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) by Deerwester et al. [6] is a method based on linear projection, which identifies term-vectors from a low-dimensional space of a learned matrix.

A word2vec method is a family of modeling algorithms for generating word embeddings [12]. The word2vec model uses two-layer neural networks to train from linguistic contexts of words. The doc2vec [11] used in this paper is an extension version of word2vec and doc2vec supports the inference of document embeddings.

In this paper, we leverage both the structural similarity (i.e., the cosine), and the semantic similarity (i.e., the doc2vec) to identify the similarity between pull requests. We aim to examine the similarity and then understand the collaborative development behaviors.

8 Conclusion

In this paper, we conducted a study to find out whether there exist high similarity between pull requests that contain changes on the same code. We employed two measurement methods to calculate the similarity between pull requests and evaluated these methods on four Java projects with the most forks in GitHub. Our study has covered 6,469 of pull requests. We explored the similarity via answers to three research questions. Experimental results show that there indeed exist high similarity between pull requests, which may result in the difficulty of merging pull requests to project managers. The results also indicate that there exists shared opinions by two measurement methods, the cosine and the doc2vec.

Our future work is to conduct a large study on the similarity between code changes with the same target. We plan to examine and understand the reasons behind the similarity in this study.