
1 Introduction

Emotions are the inherent feature of human being. The ability to express emotions and the intensity of expressing emotions depends on the stimulus given. The key challenge is to recognize the distinguished pattern and develop a robust system to identify the expressed emotions. Further, there is a need towards automating the emotion recognition system which would assist in a situation such as identifying boredom and improvising visual experience required to maintain interestingness in gaming, website and online tutorials [22].

There is a specific pattern involved while expressing emotions. Ekman, Pulchik, Parrot [1,2,3] concentrated on clustering emotions based on their expressive state, intensity and relationship among them. These were first studied and encoded in the form of AU(Action Units) and FACS [4] for images and FAP’s [5] for videos.

The face was primarily studied as a key to recognizing emotions experienced by a human being. Face images were extensively analyzed since FACS was introduced [6]. With the introduction of various face image databases in 2D such as CK, CK+  [7], 3D [8] and 4D [9], the study intensified. Apart from RGB other formats of images such as thermal [10] was also taken into account for studies. It was evident from the research that automatic face emotion recognition system with the highest accuracy failed in real scenarios. It failed due to inaccuracy in the training dataset or other factors such as regional, cultural, gender and age group dependencies. The approach broadened with the introduction of other modalities for studies such as voice [11], text [12, 14] and physiological signals [13]. The methods to recognize human emotions spanned across modalities. The multimodal approach combines different modalities to produce desired efficiency and accuracy. The combination of the modalities was done such as face and voice [13], face and physiological signal [15]. The major drawback in the available dataset is that they are acquired under an experimental environment which is quite unrealistic categorized as a posed expression.

Several works have been carried out on the dataset in wild acquired under realistic environment. Such studies are subjected to practical problems such as non-availability of the frontal face as most of these algorithms work on the frontal face. Gesture-based studies were conducted to eliminate this issue [16]. Further research is carried out towards defining a process to combine the extracted features and produce desired results in less computation time. Combining modalities is compute intensive process as the complexity increases with an increase in features.

2 Related Work

Several feature fusion approaches such as direct, early, late and sequential fusion were introduced based on correlation, synchronous or asynchronous nature of features and their availability in time.

Direct [17] fusion approach is advantageous if the dataset is a rich feature source and are correlated both in the spatial and temporal domain. Feature level fusion before training the system was experimented in early [18, 19] method but required synchronous feature source. There is a higher dimension of features leading to overfitting.

Late fusion [20] is applicable at the decision level either through polling or maximization process and can handle asynchronous data sources. But the decision needs to be taken at the initial level regarding the feature sources that are experimented for the purpose. Integration of features in sequential order is the key feature of sequential fusion [21] approach such as rule-based and is less studied. The details of fusion approaches are described in Table 1.

Table 1. Fusion approaches with different modalities and the number of emotions detected.

Further, with the introduction of different deep neural network architectures, there was a change in choice of deep neural network architecture to increase the accuracy of the system. A bimodal (video and voice) late fusion was applied on videos in which the voice channel was extracted and processed [23]. A similar study was done using 3D CNN for video and 2D CNN for voice [24]. Text and voice correlations in expressing emotions were studied using CNN architecture [25]. Feature level fusion approach was explored using LSTM architecture [26]. Hardware acceleration was used to speed up the process for reduced computation time [27].

The earlier work requires a fixed and predefined set of input sources towards building a highly accurate system. Further there no scope for inclusion of any other available data sources with rich features in the existing system. The main focus of our work is to build a dynamic system which can incorporate a classification model for various available data sources with different modalities.

3 Proposed Approach

The proposed approach provides a framework to recognize emotions based on the devices and modality of data available during the data gathering process. Initially, the available modality is used to classify the emotion. Based on the output class probability we sequentially integrate the next available data channel from a different source into the model. Then the output class probability of the modalities is compared. The process is repeated till the same class labels are acquired with output probability greater than the desired threshold.

Currently, videos recorded during conversation such as project review meeting are used to build and test the model. The selected videos contain interactions that are conducted in a realistic environment without any specialized lab setup or devices. The recorded video clips are fed to the system and the emotion is recognized and further subjected to emotional analysis. The proposed system flow diagram is depicted in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Flow diagram of the proposed system.

4 System Architecture

A deep convolution neural network (CNN) was used to train FER2013 face emotion dataset. The dataset comprises of 35887 pre-cropped, 48 × 48 size grayscale images of faces. Each face image was labeled with one of the seven emotion classes: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise and neutral. A small snapshot of images is shown in Fig. 2. Deep CNN model was trained on NVIDIA GPU system with adadelta optimizer and softmax classifier and achieved an accuracy of 61%.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

FER2013 dataset

The voice component is extracted from the video using open source audio extractor. The extracted audio was pre-processed using open source software Audacity. Noise and silence were removed. The transcript of the pre-processed voice was generated. The video clippings were fed to the system. The entire video summarized to one emotion. The system extracted frames from a video containing a face and fed to a trained deep CNN model. The output is a class probability representing six basic emotion classes. The detailed architecture is shown in Fig. 3. Frame wise detailed study was conducted to analyze the recognized emotion.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

System architecture

5 Results

The proposed architecture focuses on sequential approach towards a fusion of modalities. Table 2 summarizes the results. For experimental purpose short video of a few minutes were taken.

Table 2. Summarization of results

The numerical value depicted in Table 2 indicates the following results:

  • 0 - ‘Angry’

  • 1 - ‘Disgust’

  • 2 - ‘Fear’

  • 3 - ‘Happy’

  • 4 - ‘Sad’

  • 5 - ‘Surprise

  • 6 - ‘Neutral’

Figure 4 gives a frame-wise classification for better analysis of the results. Further short sentences extracted from the transcript were summarized and analyzed manually and observation was included. At decision level, the frame outcome and video outcome is matched based on a max count on frames.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Frame analysis with varied count values for a particular experimental video Vid_gen_2.

It was noted that frame extraction count varies due to non-availability of face region for recognition. Experiments were repeated on Vid_gen_2 with different frame count to study the effect. Table 3 and Fig. 4 shows the results for random count value.

Table 3. Frame count analysis.

6 Conclusion

Multimodal emotion is compute intensive. The purpose of this paper is to provide a framework to integrate modalities at a later stage only if there is a difference in the outcome of any two available modalities. In our current study, the outcome video emotions matched with the frame outcome and further matched with the manual opinion. Choice of modality plays a vital role and depends on the situation and device attached for data gathering. The availability of channels with required data such as face region might not be present always in a real scenario. Under such circumstances, our approach assists in proceeding towards the next available modality. Further, the experiments can be conducted with various illumination, orientation, camera quality and an initial selection of modality.

However, our work required manual conformance of results for text and audio channel. Hence it is a semi-automated system. This partial automation can be further extended to a fully automated system with minimal manual observation for conformance of results.