
1 Introduction

In the digital universe, due to the rapid growth, expansion of new services and number of online users on the Internet has lead to the significant increase in amount of data produced every millisecond. According to the Internet World Stats in the month of December 2017, there were 4.157 million data users, i.e., 54.4% of total world population [1]. An open-source framework named Hadoop is provided by Apache in order to handle enormous amount of data efficiently. Hadoop is a setup, and HDFS is a framework. Hadoop consists of name node and data node which will be master–slave configuration. The job trackers that run on name node accept the jobs and allocate it to the task tracker. Task tracker that runs on the data node is responsible for performing the task and reporting the completion of task to the job tracker. The input file is broken down into blocks by name node, and each of the blocks is allocated to the data node. Replicas are used to provide the fault tolerance. More than 50% of Big Data experiments are executed on Hadoop, so securing these data has become a necessity. Hadoop does not contain any security framework; a foreign user can easily attack the data and access the contents.

The Present Hadoop security level is as follows:

  1. (1)

    There is no encryption technique between host and Hadoop.

  2. (2)

    The files which are stored in text format are controlled by name node.

  3. (3)

    There is no strong security for communication between data nodes and clients.

Some of the known general procedures to provide security are Apache Knox gateway, it provides single point authentication, and main protocols used in this are HTTP or HTTPs to Hadoop cluster that provide single access point, central authentication, authorization, and hides topologies. Next level is authentication which allows identifying who the user is. It is provided by Kerberos [2] which allows nodes communicating with each other to prove their identity among themselves in much secured manner. Authorization ensures that user can access only those data for which they are entitled. Knox gateway provides authorization by evaluating user, group, and IP address. Hadoop (Highly Archived Distributed Object Oriented Programming) Hadoop actually came into, the picture in 2005 is a package that offers documentation, source code, location awareness, work scheduling.

Hadoop addresses bigdata challenge [3] which is explained below.

  1. 1.

    Hadoop framework allows user to store bigdata in distributed environment where the data is stored in blocks across the data nodes and block size can also be specified.

  2. 2.

    Extra data nodes can be added to HDFS cluster; thereby, scaling problem is resolved.

  3. 3.

    The data written once can be read multiple times since there is no predumping schema validation; hence, a variety of data can be handled in Hadoop.

Hadoop being a great tool for data processing, it was initially designed for internal use (i.e., within local cluster) without any security perimeter of organization, so they were easily hackable and exposed to threats. Hence, encryption is used to protect the data stored in Hadoop, which is must in government and finance sectors worldwide to meet privacy and other security.

Hadoop is a efficient, reliable distributed platform that provides scalable storage and computing on large datasets. Hadoop offers framework to process a large volume of data by running a large number of jobs in parallel on a cluster of machines. Organizations use Hadoop because of its ability to store and process huge amounts of data quickly. But when they started storing confidential sensitive data on Hadoop clusters, a need for strong security mechanisms to protect these data is observed.

The user data stored in the cloud is not a controllable domain, and in order to protect the important data of user, confidentiality is an issue of most concern. In traditional public encrypt mechanism, the encryption resource provider needs to obtain all relevant information of user, and it will damage the user’s privacy and requires more bandwidth and large processing overhead. The CP-ABE method has been proposed to solve the above issue.

  • The 4 Modules of Hadoop:

  • Distributed File System

The most important two are the distributed file system, which allows data to be stored in an easily accessible format, across a large number of linked storage devices, and the MapReduce, which provides the basic tools for poking around in the data. (A “file system” is the method used by a computer to store data, so it can be found and used. Normally, this is determined by the computer’s operating system; however, a Hadoop system uses its own file system which sits “above” the file system of the host computer—meaning it can be accessed using any computer running any supported OS).

  • MapReduce

MapReduce is named after the two basic operations this module carries out—reading data from the database, putting it into a format suitable for analysis (map), and performing mathematical operations, i.e., counting the number of males aged 30+ in a customer database (reduce).

  • Hadoop Common

The other module is Hadoop Common, which provides the tools (in Java) needed for the user’s computer systems (Windows, Unix, or whatever) to read data stored under the Hadoop file system.

  • YARN

The final module is YARN, which manages resources of the systems storing the data and running the analysis. Various other procedures, libraries, or features have come to be considered part of the Hadoop “framework” over recent years.

2 Hadoop Security Methodologies

This section discusses various Hadoop security methodologies.

2.1 Data Leakage Detection Using Haddle Framework

Gao [4, 5] proposed Haddle, a forensic framework that helps us to find the illegally copied and offender who stole the data. Haddle can improve the inspection of financial records of Hadoop. Haddle uses data collector and data analyzer to collect Hadoop logs, Fsimage files are sent to server, and automatic analytic method is used to find stolen data and the offender to recreate the crime scene, respectively. Investigating a big Hadoop cluster to identify the attacked node is very difficult, but this can be achieved by using automatic detection algorithm and abnormal condition can be noticed. Hadoop progger provides a lot of evidences even if Hadoop logs or Fsimage is compromised. Better techniques for collecting files are to make data contingent and reduce the performance issues. More improvement must be done on attack detection algorithm.

2.2 CP-ABE Security Access Mechanism

Zhou [6] proposed CP-ABE; it is a type of encryption where both private key and encrypted text depend on attribute. The system includes users and the intersection occurs when user and the encrypted text which is to decrypted consists pack of attributes which is greater than or equal to threshold and its user-specific key helps in regaining the original text. The proposed method prevents obtaining user information and reduces the chances of violating user rights. The approach provides data security accessing in the Hadoop throughout an area. The efficiency of implementation is yet to be achieved.

2.3 Data-at-Rest Security Using SDFS

Petros Zerfos [7, 8] proposed a method in which data at rest is provided security by using Hadoop in the cloud service by developing a new Hadoop file system called secure distributed file system (SDFS). The performance bottleneck that arises from the key distribution lowers the storage requirement for the secure data by using secret sharing and information dispersal technique. End-to-end security and controlled access of the data stored in enterprise are provided by SDFS which is used to minimize computational overhead and cost.

2.4 Modified RC4 Technique Using MapReduce

Jayan [9] proposed a method which uses parallel sections and modified RC4 algorithm to encrypt the data. The input is split into blocks and applied the encryption algorithm. The output is combined to get text in non-readable form. The algorithm is made parallel by combining the keys with the number of threads. This enhances the security. The key scheduling part and the random number generation part are executed parallel. Because of the parallel generation of keys, modified RC4 algorithm shows better performance and is more cost-effective than the MapReduce algorithm. Although modified RC4 algorithm is parallel, it is not capable of performing according to the expected level.

2.5 Cloud Disk Security Based on the Hadoop

Jing [10] proposed cloud disk storage which upholds the confidentiality. The encryption is done by the symmetric encryption algorithm and RSA algorithm which are operated on Hadoop cluster, and cloud is used for storage of data to give security. Performance was evaluated by comparing the expenditure and the files loaded into storage. The security provided by the cloud is not efficient enough.

2.6 Data Security Based on Hash Chain Technique

Jung [1113] proposed a system which introduces an additional hash chain with one-way hash function. The hash function h of the PK scheme is utilized, and the output of h is again hashed; it takes only one hash value; thus, two values are required for the operation. It provides improved performance compared to PK scheme. PK scheme is based on one-time token method and prevents vulnerability of the block access token, which acts as a proof of user access rights on the data blocks. If a block access token is exposed to an attacker during its usage, the token cannot be used in a replay attack. It also offers high fault tolerance and high availability.

2.7 Security in G-Hadoop

Jam [14, 15] proposed the technique G-Hadoop that runs on many collections in a grid working area. G-Hadoop uses Secure Shell protocol between the client and the Hadoop cluster, it uses Globus Security Infrastructure (GSI) for providing security. GSI is one of the standards which is used for the grid security. Setting up GSI architecture provides security to each Hadoop cluster. It provides single sign on process, many other authentication mechanisms and upholds the integrity of messages sent over the grid. With the help of SSL hand shaking mechanism, communication between job node and the data node is securely established. The above approach provides better scalability.

2.8 Fully Hamomorphic Encryption

Jin [15] proposed work uses two technologies, namely fully homomorphic encryption technology and authentication agent technology. Former allows many users to experiment on data in form of unreadable format with different operations and yields same result as the data had been unlocked. Homomorphic encryption technology encrypts data first and then stores in data storage and latter combines many access control mechanism. The main drawback is the large increase in data and high complex computation.

2.9 Hadoop Security in Public Cloud

Yu [12] proposed SEHadoop [16, 17] model; this is developed to make Hadoop recover quickly from any malicious attack. This can be achieved by isolating Hadoop components, limit the range of data that can be accessed and gives entry license for each process. Setup for security was made on name node resource manager Kerberos using SE block token. In SEHadoop, there is no over usage of authenticated key, and it provides access control with minimum expenditure. SEHadoop includes SEHadoop block and delegation token, where SEHadoop block token does not possess any heavy burden or depreciation, whereas SEHadoop delegation token shows very limited accomplishment impact on existing Hadoop.

2.10 OTP Authentication Technique

Somu [18] proposed one-time pad technique that prevents the transfer of password in between servers by using one-time pad algorithm. It involves two steps:

  1. 1.

    Registration process,

  2. 2.

    Authentication process.

In the registration process, user enters the username and password. The password is encrypted two times using the OTP algorithm and mod 26 operation and stored in the registration server. Once again the password is encrypted using the symmetric cipher technique and sent to the backend server along with the username. In authentication process, the user needs to enter the username, and the backend server sends the cipher to the user via the registration server. Registration server decrypts with the key returned by the user. The registration server compares username stored in the backend with the username entered by the user. If it matches, authentication of the user is successful. This technique helps to store the process data related to the credit cards and healthcare. User must register and obtain OTP as the security code to access the resource on Hadoop. The OTP is not much secure which makes the outsider to get it easily and get access to the individual system.

2.11 Hadoop-Based Cloud Data Security Using Triple Encryption Scheme

Chau Yang proposed a method which combines HDFS file encryption using DEA and data key encryption with RSA and encrypts the user RSA private key using IDEA. The hybrid encryption consists of choice against two forms of encryption. The proposed system uses DEA and RSA algorithm to encrypt the data and get the data key and then encrypts the data key. The private key is kept with the user in order to decrypt the data key. It increases the performance through parallel processing of encryption and decryption using Hadoop. The performance factor is calculated by comparing the speed of writing and file size which is given as input to the HDFS system. The future work aims to achieve the parallel processing using MapReduce framework.

Table 1 gives a detailed survey of various security methods for Hadoop.

Table 1 Survey of different Hadoop security methodologies

3 Conclusions

In any storage environment, protection of data is of almost importance. The above-listed methodologies provide various levels of security on Hadoop. The above-listed methodologies do not provide security measure at a very large scale. The techniques specified in this paper yield the performance which is not feasible to the expected level. In future, there is a need of producing and implementing a variety of powerful security measure to tackle the problem of danger or threat for data loaded in Hadoop and let the enormous data to be in a state of feeling safe.