
1 Introduction

Scheduling is a process of comparable tasks to the resources at specific times. A scheduling algorithm (SA) is used to find out a schedule for a set of task on the bases of task’s deadline and recourse requirements specified. The prospective speedup of applications has motivated the extensive use of multiprocessors in current years [1,2,3,4,5]. In multiprocessor, scheduling algorithms developed for uniprocessor can be applied if we consider each core of the multiprocessor as an isolated core, which is a uniprocessor [6,7,8]. However, in multiprocessor scheduling the complexity of varying the execution of different tasks on multiple cores does not interfere with each other and also determining which tasks should be given to a certain core increases the complexity greatly as compared to uniprocessor scheduling. The two main approaches for SA on multiprocessors are global scheduling and partitioning scheduling [9,10,11,12]. But the point of emphasis of scheduling is always to reduce the execution time, schedule length (or makespan), and maximization of speedup. Besides this, it is clear that the multiprocessor scheduling suffers from NP-complete problem in its many variants excluding some interpreted conditions. The SA can be categorized as off-line (static or deterministic) SA and on-line (dynamic or nondeterministic) SA.

In off-line scheduling, all scheduling decisions are taken before the system starts and the scheduler has an exact knowledge of the all task properties and behaviors are therefore needed. During runtime, the tasks are executed in a predetermined order. The static task scheduling problem is known as NP-complete [2]; that is, task list is not updated with new ordering at runtime. There are two kinds of static scheduling algorithms (SSA): one is Heuristic Based (HB) and another is Guided Random Search-Based (GRSB). HB algorithm can be further subdivided into three categories: List Scheduling, Cluster Scheduling, and Task Duplication-Based Scheduling (TDBS) algorithms.

An on-line scheduling algorithm takes its scheduling decisions during the operation of the application. In other words, on-line scheduling tasks can be reallocated to other processors during runtime [3]. On-line scheduling is supple and very faster than the static scheduling algorithms. The key point of on-line scheduling is to map tasks in parallel on the multiprocessor and arrange their execution so that a minimal makespan is given in the bound of task priority necessities. Dynamic scheduling algorithm can be further subdivided into three kinds: Task-Based Scheduling (TBS) Algorithms, Processor-Based Scheduling (PBS) Algorithms, and Priority-Based Scheduling (PRBS) Algorithms (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Taxonomy of scheduling algorithms

2 Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Systems

A multiprocessor system is either homogeneous (HM) or heterogeneous (HT). Heterogeneous and homogeneous systems are explained as under.

2.1 Heterogeneous System

Heterogeneous systems (HTS) consist of different processors that are capable of performing different tasks. HTS become the latest thing in both client and cloud. Scheduling a parallel program is critical step in inefficiently harnessing the complexity power of a HTS. Heterogeneity in parallel systems introduces an extra degree of complexity to the scheduling difficulty that is variable speed of processors. The difficulty of the problem rise when task scheduling is to be done in heterogeneous nature, where the computational nodes in the system may not be equal and different amount of time to execute the same task. Heterogeneity can be proposed in two types, namely functional-level and performance-level heterogeneity [4, 5]. All tasks may not be running on all functional units. One of the key concepts of HTS is schedule problem. To achieve high performance, the efficient scheduling of the tasks of a function is needed.

2.2 Homogeneous System

Homogeneous systems (HMS) consist of the processors identical in terms of their functionality [2]. The characteristics of homogeneous multiprocessor system are replication effect, memory dominant, less performance, data parallelism, shared memory and dynamic task mapping. HMS is all exactly the identical: cache sizes, equivalent frequencies, functions, etc., while every core in a HTS may have a unlike function, memory model, frequency, etc. So, it is easier to develop software for HMS. However, in homogeneous processor, system typically requires additional registers for “special instructions” such as Single Instruction Multiple Data likes MMX, SSE, while a HTS can implement unlike types of hardware for unlike instructions/uses.

This paper is classified as follows: Sect. 2 presents HMS and HTS, and Sect. 3 reviews the dynamic scheduling algorithms. Section 4 presents comparison of algorithm with factors, and Sect. 5 presents conclusions and suggests possible avenues for future research.

3 Review of Dynamic Scheduling Algorithms (DSA)

In dynamic scheduling the decision about how to schedule tasks priorities which are either assigned dynamically or statically? Many research works investigated the DSA problem in different aspects and the problems faced in various levels of the HMS and HTS. Then important contributions of DSA in HMS and HTS are discussed in this section.

3.1 The Earliest Time First (ETF) Algorithm

This algorithm is alike to the Modified Critical Path Algorithm; it considers fixed node priorities and assumes only a limited number of processors. Yet, a node with superior priority may not automatically obtain scheduled earlier than the nodes with inferior priority [13]. After the computation of earliest begin times (EBT) for all the prepared nodes at each step, ETF algorithm selects the one with the lesser begin time, which is calculated by investigating the begin time of the node on all processors thoroughly. The ETF is stated below.

  1. 1.

    At every node, static b-level is calculated.

  2. 2.

    In the starting, the group of prepared nodes contains only the admission nodes. Repeat.

  3. 3.

    At every processor, for every node in the prepared group, the EBT is calculated.

  4. 4.

    Finally, joint the new prepared nodes to the prepared node group. Till all nodes are scheduled.

3.2 Dynamic Level Scheduling (DLS) Algorithm

This algorithm is alike to the Mobility Directed Algorithm; its uses as node priorities dynamically through allocating an attribute called dynamic level (DL) to unscheduled nodes at every scheduling step. The stepwise description of the DLS is given below.

  1. 1.

    At every node, static b-level is calculated.

  2. 2.

    In the beginning, the group of prepared contains only the admission nodes. Repeat.

  3. 3.

    The EBT is calculated at each processor for every node.

  4. 4.

    Pick the node processor couple that gives the biggest DL. All nodes are scheduled to the equivalent processor.

  5. 5.

    Finally, joint the new prepared nodes to the prepared group. Till all nodes are scheduled.

3.3 The Earliest Deadline First (EDF) Algorithm

EDF is a DSA that helps real-time operating systems in placing processes in a precedence line. When a scheduling incident arises the processor searches the line for finding out the process nearest to its limit. This process succeeds to be scheduled for execution. EDF is the finest scheduling algorithm on preemptive uniprocessor, in the following way: if a group of free jobs, each having its own arrival time,execution necessity and a limit, can be programmed in a manner that ensures all the jobs complete by their limit, the EDF will schedule this group of jobs so they all complete by their limit. With scheduling periodic processes that have limits equal to their stages, the utilization limit of EDF is 100%.

3.4 Online Scheduling of Dynamic Task Graph (OSDTG)

This algorithm stated that the OSDTG is more practical compared to conventional schemes and task graphs are subject to variation at execution time and interprocessor communications (IC) of static number (SN) of channels. Broadcast and point-to-point communication is applied in online scheduling. The key point of this algorithm is to decrease scheduling length [6].

3.5 Dynamic Load Balancing Using Task-Transfer Probabilities (DLBTTP)

This algorithm is based on the recent position of the system load; task move probabilities were calculated for every node in the system. These probabilities, represented by P nm , are between a node n and each other node m. The computation and adjustment of the task move probabilities later than the move of every recently arrived task are at done at the end of every periodic interval [14].

3.6 Dynamic Task Scheduling (DTS) Algorithm

This algorithm has been proposed with a lower time complexity for homogeneous environment. This algorithm is based on DAG model, and the plan makes the entire parallel task complete at the feasible initial time; that is, response time (RT) of this parallel task is smallest [7].

3.7 DLS Algorithm with Genetic Operators (DLSAGO)

Dynamic Level Scheduling Genetic Algorithm (DLSGA) proposes to overcome the excess time for schedule. DLSGA uses a quantity known as dynamic level, which is the dissimilarity between the maximum total of calculated costs from task to a way out task, and the earliest begin run time on processor [8]. No tasks are scheduled between two earlier scheduled tasks by DLSGA. To reproduce offspring, the most favored and the fittest are selected.

3.8 Dynamic Task Graph Scheduling with Fault-Tolerant (FTDTGS)

An approach has been proposed to fault-tolerant execution of dynamic task graphs scheduled using work stealing. The work-stealing-based algorithm is applied when the data and metadata corresponding with a task get corrupted; then a task graph is mounted to enable recovery [10]. The algorithm was shown to be asymptotically optimal for graphs whose degree can be bound by a stable. In the lack of faults, the fault-tolerant edition was shown to not incur significant overheads compared to the non-fault-tolerant version.

3.9 DTS with Load Balancing (DTSLB)

DTSLB proposes to schedule a heterogeneous tasks dynamically on to corresponding processors in a distributed setup and load balancing which is a main problem in task scheduling is also measured. The nature of the tasks is free and non-preemptive. To determine the efficiency of the scheduling algorithm, a number of different tests have been performed [11]. The unique approache of this algorithm is solving the DTS using Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization (HPSO).

3.10 Dynamic Load Balancing Using Genetic Algorithms (DLBGA)

DLBGA have been proposed for a static number of tasks; each having a task number and a length is arbitrarily generated and located in a task group from which tasks are allocated to processors [15]. As load balancing is performed by the centralized Genetic Algorithm (GA)-based method, begin with initializing, a population of probable solutions [16]. By using the sliding window technique it is achieved.

3.11 Parallel Genetic Algorithms for Heterogeneous (PGAH)

This PGAH engages a central scheduler, which has the processor lists and the task queue. The processors are heterogeneous in distributed system. The available network resources vary over time between the processors in distributed system. The possibility of every processor can vary over time. In distributed system the task which are indivisible, independent of all other tasks, arrive randomly and can be processed by any processor [17].

3.12 Global Scheduling for Mixed-Critically (GSMC)

In the context of multiprocessor mixed-criticality system, the fixed-priority algorithms can be applied globally [18]. The global Fixed-priority (FP) scheduling of mixed-criticality task sets (MCTS) are on HM multiprocessors. In this paper, there are two main ways in which an algorithm must be selected. Particularly, a priority assignment strategy to individual tasks and a feasibility testing given a specific priority assignment must be selected.

3.13 The Response Time Analysis of Global Fixed-Priority (RTAGFP)

This algorithm states a new analysis that improves over current state-of-the-art (SOA) response time analysis (RTA) by reducing its pessimism. Finally, how to improve the new response time analysis method by empirical tests with arbitrarily generated task sets [19, 20]. The RTA with Limited Carry-in (RTA-LC) [21] is the most accurate algorithm for RTA of global FP scheduling on multiprocessors. In this paper, first propose a new formula to bound the workload of carry-in jobs.

3.14 New Response Time Bounds for Fixed Priority (RTBFP)

This algorithm improves analysis precision response time for sporadic tasks on multiprocessor systems where the limits of tasks are within their periods and task systems with random limits, allowing tasks to have limits beyond the end of their periods [22]. In this paper, there are two main contribution folds such as: (1) The analysis precision has been significantly improved against previous work, and (2) To my knowledge, this is the first work to rectify the RTA problem of arbitrary-deadline systems on multiprocessors.

3.15 Load-Based Schedulability Analysis of Certificate Mixed-Criticality System (LBSCMCS)

It is apriority-based algorithm for scheduling such mixed-criticality systems on preemptive uniprocessor platforms. This paper shows that this algorithm is strictly better to prior algorithms that have been used for scheduling mixed-criticality systems needing certification [23]. The conventional real-time scheduling theory does not address the certification consideration which give rise to fundamental new resource allocation and scheduling challenges (Table 1).

Table 1 Existing dynamic scheduling algorithm

4 Comparison of Dynamic Scheduling Algorithms on HMS and HTS

A Comparison of aspects influencing the homogeneous and heterogeneous environment has been done and different algorithms are discussed. Out of which, ETF and DLS were applied on homogeneous setting while OSDTG and DLBGA were applied on heterogeneous setting, although their objective were same, i.e., to minimize the execution time and makespan. DTS algorithm may be adding fault-tolerance, whereas DLSGA can be homogeneous in future. FTDTGS is useful for recovery from faults without global coordination, while DTSLB is pre-emptive and dependent in nature, yet both use HTS. The goal of RTAGFP and RTBFP improves the response time but cannot be applied on same system. The objectives, merits, and future enhancement of the algorithm have already been discussed. This review is mainly focused on the parameters such as makespan, running time, resource utilization load balancing, speedup, efficiency, and high performance.

5 Conclusion and Future Work

The paper gives a short review of DSA for HMS and HTS. In this study, we found that dynamic scheduling algorithm is important to scheduling. It helps in answering questions such as: how to minimize the execution time and makespan, how to load balance on each processor, how to manage selection of task, and how to improve performance utilization and efficiency of system. It is also analyzed that load balancing issue in HMS was found easier compare to HTS in essence of load capacity. The appliance of the dynamic scheduling algorithm is a rapidly developing research area.

Hence, on the basis of this study in future will propose a novel dynamic scheduling algorithm for homogeneous as well as heterogeneous system to better performance.