
1 Introduction

In recent era of digital evaluation, computer-aided document processing (reading/writing) is getting more importance in our day-to-day life. Here, optical character recognizer (OCR) will be utilitarian, if developed properly. Character recognition of printed text document has achieved a great success rate following huge interest by researchers. Commercially available OCR systems like fine reader by ABBYY is one of the prime examples [1]. Various offline handwritten optical character recognition (HOCR) strategies for non-Indic scripts such as English [2], Chinese [3], Japanese [4] are already proposed by different authors but only a few stray works are done on offline Bangla Handwritten character recognition [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]. The impediments behind are inconstant variations of human writing style and similarities of distinct character shapes, overlapping and touching of neighboring characters, spatial variation of characters when combined with other characters (modified complex and compound characters), etc. [6]. Hence, an efficient Bangla OCR system needs to be developed for recognition of handwritten text.

In Indian subcontinent, Bangla is the second most popular script after Devanagari [13]. Many research works are already investigated for handwritten character recognition of different Indic scripts. Sahlol et al. proposed an OCR algorithm for recognition of handwritten Arabic characters [14], a deep learning-based large-scale handwritten Devanagari characters recognition scheme was proposed by Acharya et al. [15], Kamble and Hegadi [16] came up with an idea for handwritten Marathi character recognition, whereas Varghese et al. [17] developed a novel recognition tri-stage scheme for recognition of handwritten Malayalam characters. Some works on Bangla isolated alphabets and numerals are also proposed by Rahman et al. [12], Sarkhel et al. [9], and Wen et al. [8]. Halder and Roy [10] suggested a method for Bangla Handwritten character segmentation from words. Das et al. [7] presented a system for handwritten Bangla basic and compound character recognition. A structural composition based Bangla compound characters recognition strategy was provided by Bag et al. [6].

In this proposed work, an attempt is made for development of a tri-level (line, word, and character) segmentation scheme without any normalization. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 describes the overview of the study, methodology is presented in Sect. 3, whereas results are shown in Sect. 4 and finally, we concluded in Sect. 5.

2 Overview of the Study

A tri-level segmentation (line, word, and character) scheme which is an essential part of an OCR is proposed here in this work. In Fig. 1, a block level overview of an OCR system is depicted. The most enlightened area of this work is, during segmentation, no normalization is performed, i.e., an attempt is made toward developing a HOCR without any noise removal and skew/slant correction. In the proposed model, upto preprocessing part is implemented marked as shaded regions in Fig. 1. The remaining stages of feature extraction and classification will be applied on the segmented characters obtained from the current work.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Block diagram of the proposed HOCR system

3 Methodology

In this stage, the raw scanned RGB document images are processed to be used for segmentation. Firstly, extraction of only handwritten text is done using a text extraction technique. In this technique, first of all horizontal and vertical boundary lines are detected using histogram localization. After that, these identified boundary lines and all other unnecessary printed texts are deleted to extract only handwritten text part applying minimum bounding box. The extracted grayscale images are then stored in tif format.

3.1 Segmentation

This part consists of a tri-level segmentation as shown in Fig. 1.

3.1.1 Line Segmentation

Line segmentation is the first level of tri-level segmentation. This level itself consists of different sub-levels such as connected component (CC) analysis, Hough transform, filling, and smoothing as shown in Fig. 2. CC analysis is performed to mark word components (WCs) in the binary image. After that, the average word component height (\(WCh_{avg}\)) and average WC width and total number of WCs (\(tot_{wc}\)) are calculated. Here, we have used a condition (\(TH_{min}\le WC \le TH_{max}\)) to eliminate too large and too small WCs depending on two threshold values \(TH_{min}\), \(TH_{max}\).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Steps of line segmentation

Now Hough transform is applied on the binary image to estimate the potential text lines and their start points. To make the segmentation easier, bidirectional horizontal filling and vertical smoothing are performed by segmenting the image into \(Seg_n\) (here, \(Seg_n\) = 8 is considered empirically) vertical segments. Filling operation is used to fill the non-text areas in the image, and smoothing is applied immediately after filling, depending on some certain threshold to fill the small gaps in the filled image. Each transition is marked by two points, namely start transition (\(trans_{start}\)) and end transition (\(trans_{end}\)). The total number of transitions in the image is denoted as (t). Average line height \((WCh_{avg})\) is calculated using Eq. (1). Equation (2) represents calculation of average line gap \((LG_{avg})\) between two lines.

$$\begin{aligned} WCh_{avg}=\frac{\sum _{i=0}^{tot_{wc}-1}(WC_{height})_i}{tot_{wc}} \end{aligned}$$

where \(WC_{height}\) represents height of each word component.

$$\begin{aligned} LG_{avg}={\frac{\sum _{i=0}^{t-1}(trans_{end}-trans_{start})_i}{t}} \end{aligned}$$
figure a

The detected lines are segmented by running a separator through the interline gap between two lines of the smoothed image. Another step is employed to detect and separate the text lines that Hough transform failed to detect. The segmentation of the lines is started from their start points, and the separator moves in straight line in forward direction (from left to right) through the filled non-text area between two text lines. At that time, if the separator touches a text pixel (black) or text area (white), a decision making is performed at that point. The separator checks in upward and downward direction through which it can move forward (Fig. 3). If both of the directions are closed, the separator cuts through the text area. After completing this operation, we have a basic set of lines. Now each segmented line height is checked again. If the line height of any segmented line is greater than the threshold \(LH_{th}\), the line is checked again whether there exist multiple lines. Equation (3) is used to calculate \(LH_{th}\). This situation occurs because sometimes Hough transform fails to detect all the lines, and multiple lines are treated as a single line. To segment these lines again, same segmentation procedure is repeated. Finally, we have the segmented set of all lines. A sample segmented image is shown in Fig. 3.

$$\begin{aligned} LH_{th}= (2\times (WCh_{avg}+ LG_{avg}))\times 0.8 \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 3
figure 3

Lines in a segmented image

3.1.2 Word Segmentation

In the proposed scheme, word segmentation is performed based on CC analysis. Before applying CC analysis, morphological erosion, and dilation are performed depending on erosion and dilation threshold. In the previous section (line segmentation), CC analysis is already discussed. Here, each WC of a line is treated as a word. As in Bangla script, “matra” or “shirorekha” is mostly used to connect the characters of a word; therefore, words can be recognized easily by identifying the CCs. The CCs of a line are shown using bounding boxes which represent the words in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Segmented words from a line

3.1.3 Character Segmentation

Zone segmentation is required to segment the characters properly as Bangla words contain character parts (modifiers) in upper and lower zones along with middle zone. In this scheme, busy zone, headline, and baseline information are used to separate three zones. After segmenting the three zones of a word, character segmentation of the base characters of the middle zone is necessary for proper segmentation. Middle zone segmentation is performed by using the interspace between two characters and vertical projection profile method. After identifying the segmentation points, the characters of the middle part are vertically segmented using those segmentation lines. The details about this character segmentation technique can be found in [10] (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

a Original image (b) Segmented upper zone (c) Segmented middle zone (d) Segmented lower zone

4 Results

The current study of three-level segmentation is employed on a dataset of 50 Bangla unconstrained handwritten text documents from same number of individuals. No restriction is posed on the type of writing instruments used. The dataset contains wide variation of distinct writing style because the writers are of different age, gender, educational qualification. The collected datasets are scanned and stored in 300 dpi RGB mode. Currently, no ground truth data is available, so we have calculated segmentation accuracy manually.

4.1 Performance of Line Segmentation

Table 1 shows line segmentation performance of the current work. Here out of total 482 lines 436 are properly segmented while the others are under segmented. No case of over-segmentation has occurred during the segmentation. An average accuracy of 90.46% was obtained for line segmentation.

Table 1 Line segmentation result of all the documents

4.2 Performance of Word Segmentation

The result achieved for word segmentation is shown in Table 2. Here we have considered total 200 lines out of 436 lines as the manual checking was very time-consuming and difficult to check all the lines manually. Out of 1640 words from 200 lines, 1477 words are properly segmented having accuracy of 90.06%.

Table 2 Word segmentation result of segmented lines

4.3 Performance of Zone and Character Segmentation

Here we have considered a set of 500 words for manual checking. The detail result of zone segmentation is shown in Table 3. The accuracies achieved for upper zone, middle zone, and lower zone are 66.56%, 98.80%, and 75.97%, respectively. In Table 4, one can see that out of 3015 characters, 1524 are properly segmented obtaining an average accuracy of 50.55%.

Table 3 Zone segmentation result of segmented words
Table 4 Character segmentation result of segmented words

4.4 Error Analysis

In this proposed method, it is found that the line segmentation and word segmentation accuracies are encouraging enough to be used in Bangla OCR. In case of word segmentation, erroneous situations are occurred when word components of a same word are written with significant distance between them which leads to over-segmentation, similarly when two words are touching each other then under segmentation occurs. The character segmentation accuracy is not as high as the existing results due to the fact that segmentation of handwritten text has various challenges that are discussed earlier in Sect. 1. Apart from those, it should also be noted that in this proposed method any kind of correcting measures like skew and slant corrections are not considered. In Fig. 6, erroneous character segmentation of two sample words is presented. In Fig. 6a, the word is multi-oriented creating a multi-level skew with irregularly placed characters at different zones, along with this the characters are also touching which leads to improper character segmentation result. The similar multi-level skew can also be observed in Fig. 6b.

Fig. 6
figure 6

ab Some different word examples which causes the errors of character segmentation

5 Conclusion

In this paper, line, word, and character segmentation of unconstrained handwritten Bangla text, document is presented. The segmentation is one of the most essential and preliminary tasks for many document image processing works. The task is more challenging when it needs to be developed on unconstrained handwriting. The proposed approach of line segmentation is a hybrid approach to improve line segmentation accuracy compared to existing methods. A simple yet effective word segmentation procedure is presented based on connected component analysis. Character segmentation is performed on a relatively large number of words set using an existing zone and character segmentation method. The prime factor of low accuracy for the proposed work is due to existence of skew, slant, touching/overlapping components, and lack of connections between two consecutive characters of a word. Here, no attempt is made to correct and normalize this natural randomness of writing to make the method simple, so that it becomes easier to be incorporated in most of the OCR systems. The main drawback of this technique lies in word and character segmentation area where it fails to reduce over-segmentation.

In future, to deal with these touching and overlapping writing we will introduce combination of different approaches which will improve the segmentation accuracy. Further, these segmented characters will be used for feature extraction and classification to observe character recognition results in recent future. We have planned to use chain code-based features, histogram gradient-based features, and local binary pattern (LBP) for feature extraction. Different renowned classifiers like MLP, SVM will be tested in future along with combination of classifiers.