
1 Introduction

A robot swarm consists of small, autonomous, indistinguishable, inexpensive mobile robots. Robots in such a distributed system work cooperatively to accomplish some common task which cannot be done by a single large robot. The robots are autonomous (they work without any centralized control), homogeneous (all of them have same capabilities) and anonymous (they are indistinguishable by their appearances and nature). All of them execute the same algorithm. In general, robots lack explicit communication capability. The robots can implicitly communicate with each other by sensing the positions of other robots in the system, using endowed sensors. The system does not have any global coordinate axes. Each robot owns a local coordinate system having origin at its current position. The local coordinate systems of two different robots may have different directions and orientations of coordinate axes and unit distances. In general, the robots do not remember any piece of information of their previous computational cycles, i.e. they are oblivious.

A robot has one of the two states at any point of time: active or inactive. Initially, all robots are inactive. On activation, a robot executes its computational cycle consisting of Look–Compute–Move phases. During the Look phase, a robot takes snapshot of its surrounding environment, using its sensing capability, to obtain the positions of other robots. Considering the input from the Look phase, the Compute phase outputs a destination point for the robot. Finally, the robot moves towards the destination point during the Move phase. An idle robot remains silent without performing any course of action. Robots may be endowed with some additional capabilities or may have some common agreements in order to solve different coordination problems. The memory model assumes that the robots possess a constant amount of additional persistent memories to remember their current states. The implementation of such persistent memory is done by externally visible lights. These lights use a constant number of colours. The colours are predefined to indicate different states of the robots [3, 8]. The robots may have some agreement on the directions and orientations of local coordinate axes. They may share a common handedness or chirality (clockwise direction).

Three types of basic models are used. These models are defined according to the schedules of the operations and activation of the robots. Asynchronous (ASYNC or CORDA) model [13] is the most general one in which robots are activated arbitrarily and independently of each other. The time duration of the operations by the robots is unpredictable but finite. This implies that a robot may have done its computations on obsolete data. Due to this unpredictability, the problems become more difficult to solve in this model. The second model is the semi-synchronous (SSYNC or ATOM) [15] model. In SSYNC model, time is discretized into several rounds and the robots are activated in these rounds. A subset of robots becomes activated all together in a round and performs their operations instantaneously in that round. During movements, a robot is not observed by other robots in the system. The subset of robots activated in a round is not known in advance. In fully synchronous (FSYNC) model, all robots become activated in all rounds. This work assumes that scheduler activates each robot infinitely often, i.e. a scheduler is a fair [4].

Under these settings, a variety of geometric problems have been studied by the researchers. These problems include gathering, arbitrary pattern formation, circle formation, etc. The circle formation problem is defined in the following manner: a set of robots, occupying positions in the Euclidean plane, should work cooperatively to occupy distinct positions on the circumference of a circle not known a priory and this should be done within finite time. The constrained circle formation problem requires that while solving the circle formation problem, the maximum distance moved by any robot should be minimized.

1.1 Earlier Works

In literature, different solutions for the circle formation problem have been proposed under different schedulers and assumptions on the capabilities of the robots. The basic objective of these works is to propose solutions which minimize the sets of capabilities for the robots. The circle formation problem is solvable in ASYNC model, when robots have unlimited visibility, and the solution requires no extra assumption on the capabilities of the robots. Under limited visibility model, different solutions have been proposed with different sets of assumptions. Sugihara and Suzuki proposed a heuristic algorithm to form a circle of given radius under limited visibility [14]. Dutta et al. solved the circle formation problem for robots represented as unit discs (fat robots) under limited visibility model [7]. Uniform circle formation is another variation of the circle formation problem in which robots are asked to place themselves on the boundary of a circle such that they are equally spaced from each other. Suzuki and Yamashita proposed an algorithm for uniform circle formation for non-oblivious robots [16]. Defago and Konogaya showed that in SSYNC model, it is possible to converge towards a uniform circle [5]. Flocchini et al. solved the uniform circle formation problem when system has \(n\ne 4\) robots [9]. Mamino and Viglietta solved the problem for \(n=4\) robots [11]. Peleg was the first to proposed the idea of using externally visible lights [12]. Das et al. characterized the computational powers of the models in which robots have externally visible lights [3]. Flocchini et al. solved the rendezvous problem in two different setting: (a) the robots use the lights only for remembering its own internal state and (b) they use lights to communicate with other robots its current state [10]. In memory model, solutions for the mutual visibility problem were also proposed [6]. A solution for the circle formation problem in the obstructed visibility model (when robots are not transparent) was proposed in [6]. None of the works in the literature have considered the constrained version of the circle formation problem.

2 Our Contribution

This work presents a study of the constrained circle formation problem for a set of autonomous mobile robots. The contributions of this paper are in two folds. While the circle formation problem is solvable for an arbitrary set of asynchronous robots without any extra assumption, we have shown that the constrained circle formation problem for a set of asynchronous oblivious robots is not solvable even if robots have rigid movements and both axes agreements. A characterization of the set of robot configurations for which the problem is not solvable is presented. Then, we have presented a distributed algorithm to solve the problem in admissible configurations for asynchronous robots. The algorithm uses only one bit of persistent memory. The robots do not have any form of agreements in their coordinate axis systems or chirality or constrains in movement patterns. In this weak setting, we have solved the constrained circle formation problem for asynchronous robots which use only two colours starting from an admissible initial configurations. The solution ensures collision-less movements of the robots. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to study the constrained circle formation problem for asynchronous robots. One of the implications of the constrained version of circle formation problem is energy efficiency.

3 General Model and Definitions

The paper considers a set of autonomous, homogeneous, anonymous, asynchronous robots under the ASYNC (CORDA) model. The robots are considered as points in the infinite Euclidean plane. A robot can freely move on the plane. Each robot owns a local coordinate system centred at its current position. Two distinct robots may not have same directions and the orientations of the axes and unit distances. The directions and the orientations of the axes for a robot may change with positions. Furthermore, the robots do not share a common chirality. A robot uses its local coordinate systems to locate the positions of the other robots in the system. Initially, no two robots share same point. Each robot has unlimited visibility range. A robot has non-rigid movement in which it may be stopped by an adversary before reaching its destination. However, when it moves, it moves at least a distance \(\delta \) towards its destination point if it does not reach its destination where \(\delta >0\) is a constant. This assumption ensures that a robot reaches its destination within finite time. It is assumed that the robots have no knowledge about the value of \(\delta \).

  • Configuration of the robots: Let \(\mathcal R=\{r_1, r_2,\ldots , r_n\}\) be the set of n robots. Let \(r_i(t)\) be the point occupied by \(r_i\) at time t. Let \(\mathcal R(t)=\{r_1(t), \ldots , r_n(t)\}\) denote the robot configuration and \(\widetilde{\mathcal R}\) be the set of all such configurations. It is assumed that in the initial configuration \(\mathcal R(t_0)\), there is no multiplicity point (a point occupied by multiple robots).

  • The closed-line segment between two points p and q includes these two points, and it is denoted by \(\overline{pq}\). The open-line segment between p and q excludes these two points and is denoted by (pq). Let |pq| denote the distance between two points p and q. Let \(X\backslash Y\) denote the set difference of two sets X and Y. When measuring the angle between two line segments, we consider the angle which is has value than or equal to \(\pi \).

  • Smallest enclosing circular annulus: Let SECA(t) denote the smallest enclosing circular annulus of the points in \(\mathcal R(t)\) and \(\mathcal O_t\) denote its centre. Let \(C_{out}(t)\) and \(C_{in}(t)\) denote the circles forming the outer and inner boundaries respectively of SECA(t). Let \(C_{opt}(t)\) denote the circle which is equally distanced from \(C_{out}(t)\) and \(C_{in}(t)\) and the distance of \(C_{opt}(t)\) from \(C_{out}(t)\) and \(C_{in}(t)\) is denoted by \(l_{opt}\). The annular region between the circles \(C_{out}(t)\) and \(C_{in}(t)\) (excluding the circumferences of \(C_{out}(t)\) and \(C_{in}(t)\)) is denoted by ANL. When there is no ambiguity, ANL, \(C_{out}(t)\) and \(C_{in}(t)\) are used to denote the sets of robots lying within the annular region ANL, on the circles \(C_{out}(t)\) and \(C_{in}(t)\)), respectively. For each robot \(r_i \in \mathcal R\), let \(rad_i(t)\) denote the half line or starting from \(O_t\) and passing through \(r_i(t)\).

  • Let S(t) denote one of the two sets \(C_{out}(t)\) and \(C_{in}(t)\) which contains more number of robots, i.e. \(S(t)=arg\) \(max\{|C_{out}(t)|,|C_{in}(t)|\}\).

  • Different robot configurations: We define the following sub-classes of \(\widetilde{\mathcal R}\):

    • \(\varvec{\mathcal {E}}\): A configuration \(\mathcal R(t)\) belongs to this class if \(\exists \) \(r_i(t),r_j(t)\in \mathcal R(t)\) such that either (i) \(r_i(t)\in \mathcal C_{out}(t)\) and \(r_j(t)\in \mathcal C_{in}(t)\) and \(rad_i(t)=rad_j(t)\) or (ii) \(r_i(t)\in \mathcal C_{out}(t)\cup \mathcal C_{in}(t)\) and \(r_j(t)\in \mathcal C_{opt}(t)\) and \(rad_i(t)=rad_j(t)\).

    • \(\varvec{\mathcal {SR}}:\) It contains all configurations \(\mathcal R(t)\) which are rotationally symmetric and \(|ANL|<3\) for \(\mathcal R(t)\) .

    • \(\varvec{\mathcal {CL}}:\) A configuration \(\mathcal R(t)\) belongs to this class if all the robot positions in \(\mathcal R(t)\) lie on a single line, i.e. all of them are collinear.

    • \(\varvec{\mathcal {M}}:\) It contains all configurations \(\mathcal R(t)\) which contain at least one multiplicity point.

    • \(\varvec{\mathcal H_{\le 7}}:\) A configuration \(\mathcal R(t)\) is in this class if \(|\mathcal R(t)|\le 7\) and \(|ANL|<3\).

    • \(\varvec{\mathcal {U}}:\) The class is defined by \(\mathcal U=\mathcal E\cup \mathcal {SR}\cup \mathcal {CL}\cup \mathcal M\cup \mathcal H_{\le 7}\).

    • \(\varvec{\widetilde{\mathcal R}_s}:\) The class is defined by \(\widetilde{\mathcal R}_s=\widetilde{\mathcal R}\backslash \mathcal U\).

To solve the constrained circle formation problem, we use the following results from pp. 163–167 of the textbook [1]:

Result 1

For a configuration \(\mathcal R(t)\), the smallest enclosing circular annulus SECA(t) can be computed in polynomial time [1].

Result 2

For a nonlinear configuration \(\mathcal R(t)\), the smallest enclosing circular annulus SECA(t) has finite radius [1].

Result 3

For a nonlinear configuration \(\mathcal R(t)\), the smallest enclosing circular annulus SECA(t) has any one of the following properties: (i) \(C_{out}(t)\) contains at least three points of \(\mathcal R(t)\) and \(C_{in}(t)\) contains at least one point of \(\mathcal R(t)\) or (ii) \(C_{out}(t)\) contains at least one point of \(\mathcal R(t)\) and \(C_{in}(t)\) contains at least three points of \(\mathcal R(t)\) or (iii) both of \(C_{out}(t)\) and \(C_{in}(t)\) contains at least two points of \(\mathcal R(t)\) [1].

Observation 1

The circle \(C_{opt}(t)\) of a configuration \(\mathcal R(t)\) uniquely minimizes the maximum distance from any point in \(\mathcal R(t)\) to its circumference.

The above observation implies that \(C_{opt}(t_0)\) is the unique solution of the constrained circle formation problem for an initial configuration \(\mathcal R(t_0)\).

Observation 2

If a configuration \(\mathcal R(t)\) has exactly one line of symmetry \(\mathcal L_1\), one can define the positive direction \(\mathcal L^+_1\) along \(\mathcal L_1\).

Following theorem is given without a proof:

Theorem 1

For an initial configuration \(\mathcal R(t_0)\in \mathcal U\), the constrained circle formation problem, in general, is not solvable, even if robots have persistent memory.

4 Circle Formation Without Persistent Memory

This section presents a study of the constrained circle formation problem under a memoryless model. We provide a negative result in this setting.

Theorem 2

The constrained circle formation problem for oblivious, asynchronous robots is deterministically unsolvable in the ASYNC model, even if robots have rigid motion.


If possible, let \(\mathcal A\) be an algorithm which solves the constrained circle formation problem for oblivious robots. Consider an initial robot configuration \(\mathcal R(t_0)\) as depicted in Fig. 1a. The circle \(C_{opt}(t_0)\) is the desired one to be formed by the robots. All the robots should move along the line segments joining their current positions to \(\mathcal O_{t_0}\). Now suppose that the robot \(r_i\) computes \(p_i(t_0)\) and moves to this point (since scheduler is asynchronous adversary only chooses \(r_i\) for movement, the movements of the robots are rigid). This movement of \(r_i\) changes the configuration to \(\mathcal R(t')\) as shown in Fig. 1b. Since the robots are oblivious, \(\mathcal A\) would consider \(\mathcal R(t')\) as a fresh initial configuration and instruct the robots to form \(C_{opt}(t')\). This would cause all the robots to deviate from their original paths and would violate the optimization criteria. Hence, the theorem is true.

Fig. 1
figure 1

An illustration of the counter-example in Theorem 2

5 Circle Formation with Persistent Memory

From observation 1, in an arbitrary initial robot configuration \(\mathcal R(t_0)\in \widetilde{\mathcal R}_s\), circle \(C_{opt}(t_0)\) is the unique solution for the constrained circle formation problem. When robots move, this circle may not remain invariant. We devise strategies in which the robots can recognize \(C_{opt}(t_0)\), even if the configuration is changed. Each robot owns a single bit of persistent memory. This persistent memory is implemented via externally visible light which assumes two different colours to indicate two disjoint states. These colours do not change automatically (i.e. persistent). The lights are used with two objectives: one to store a robot’s own state and other to broadcast its current state (both for communication and internal memory) [3]. A robot can identify colours of all the lights. Apart from the colour, all robots are oblivious, i.e. they do not carry any piece of information from previous cycles.

5.1 States of the Robots

Different colours of externally visible lights are used by the robots to indicate their states. Let \(\mathcal X\) denote the set of these colours. The robots use two colours off and on, i.e. \(\mathcal X=\{\)off\(,on\}\). The colour on indicates that a robot is in any one of the following states (i) active state and waiting for some other robots to turn their light on or to move (ii) the robot is on the circle \(C_{opt}(t_0)\). The colour off indicates any one of the remaining states.

5.2 Algorithm Move()

Let \(r_i\) be a robot, and it wants to move to the circumference of \(C_{opt}(t)\) such that the optimization criteria of the problem are also satisfied. Let UP(t) be the annular region in between the circles \(C_{out}(t)\) and \(C_{opt}(t)\) (including the boundary of \(C_{out}(t)\) and excluding the boundary of \(C_{opt}(t)\)) and LOW(t) be the annular regions in between the circles \(C_{opt}(t)\) and \(C_{in}(t)\) (including the boundary of \(C_{in}(t)\) and excluding the boundary of \(C_{opt}(t)\)). Let \(C_i(t)\) denote the circle passing through \(r_i(t)\) and having centre at \(\mathcal O_t\). Let \(p_i\) be the point of intersection between \(rad_i(t)\) and \(C_{opt}(t)\). Let \(u_i(t)\) be the intersection point between \(rad_i(t)\) and \(C_{out}(t)\). Let \(v_i\) be the intersection point between \(rad_i(t)\) and \(C_{in}(t)\). The corridor of \(r_i\), denoted by \(Cor_i(t)\), is defined as follows: (i) if \(r_i(t)\) lies in UP(t), then the corridor is the annular region between the circles \(C_{opt}(t)\) and \(C_i(t)\) (excluding the two boundaries) (Fig. 2a) and (ii) if \(r_i(t)\) lies in LOW(t), then the corridor is the annular region between the circles \(C_{opt}(t)\) and \(C_i(t)\) (including the boundary of \(C_{opt}(t)\) and excluding the boundary of \(C_i(t)\)) (Fig. 2b). We say the \(Cor_i(t)\) is free (i) for a robot in UP(t) if \(Cor_i(t)\) does not contain any robot position and (ii) for a robot \(r_i\) in LOW if all the robots in \(Cor_i(t)\) lies on the circle \(C_{opt}(t)\). Robot \(r_i\) moves towards the circumference of \(C_{opt}(t)\) in the following way:

  • \(\varvec{Cor_i(t)}\) is free: If there is no robot at \(p_i\), robot \(r_i\) moves straight towards \(p_i\) along \(rad_i(t)\). Otherwise, robot \(r_i\) moves to the destination point computed in the following way:

    (i) Suppose, \(r_j\) is the robot lying at \(p_i\). Let \(\{rad_k(t), rad_s(t)\}\) be the two adjacent rays to \(rad_i(t)\). Without loss of generality, suppose, \(\angle {r_i(t) \mathcal O_t r_k(t)}\ge \angle {r_i(t) \mathcal O_t r_s(t)}\).

    (ii) Let d and l be two distances defined as follows: (a) if \(r_i(t)\) lies in UP(t), then d and l are the two distances of \(r_i(t)\) from \(u_i(t)\) and \(p_i\), respectively; (b) if \(r_i(t)\) lies in LOW(t), then d and l are the two distances of \(r_i(t)\) from \(v_i(t)\) and \(p_i\), respectively. Let \(h=l+\frac{d}{2^x}\), where x is the number of robots in \((r_i(t), u_i(t))\) if \(r_i(t)\) lies in UP(t) or \((r_i(t), v_i(t))\) if \(r_i(t)\) lies in LOW(t).

    (iii) Let \(\hat{C}_{i}(t)\) be the circle having centre at \(r_i(t)\) and radius h. Let \(m_i\) be the intersection point between \(\mathcal C_{opt}(t)\) and \(\hat{C}_{i}(t)\) such that \(m_i\) lies in the wedge defined by the angle \(\angle {r_i(t) \mathcal O_t r_k(t)}\).

    (iv) Let \(a_i(t)\) be the point on \(C_{opt}(t)\) in the wedge defined by the angle \(\angle {r_i(t) \mathcal O_t r_k(t)}\) such that \(\angle {r_i(t) \mathcal O_t a_i(t)}=\frac{1}{3}\angle {r_i(t) \mathcal O_t r_k(t)}\). Let \(q_i\) denote the closest point among \(m_i\) and \(a_i(t)\) from \(p_i(t)\). The destination point of \(r_i\) is the middle point of the \(arc(p_i(t), q_i)\) on the circle \(\mathcal C_{opt}(t)\).

  • \(\varvec{Cor_i(t)}\) not is free: Robot \(r_i\) does nothing.

Fig. 2
figure 2

An example of \(cor_i(t)\): a \(r_i\) is in UP(t) and \(Cor_i(t)\) is free b \(r_i\) is in LOW(t) and \(Cor_i(t)\) is not free

5.3 Algorithm OptCircle()

It is assumed that (i) the initial configuration \(\mathcal R(t_0)\in \widetilde{\mathcal R}_s\), (ii) each robot in the system has light off initially and (iii) \(n\ge 8\). We use result 2, result 3 and observation 1 to solve the problem. The facts stated in the result 3 are used to make \(C_{opt}(t_0)\) invariant under the movements of the robots until \(C_{opt}(t_0)\) becomes recognizable by the robots. For an initial configuration \(R(t_0)\), if ANL contains more than 2 robots, then all the robots in ANL compute and move to the circumference of \(C_{opt}(t_0)\). Once they are on the circle \(C_{opt}(t_0)\), they turn their lights on to make the circle recognizable to the other robots not on \(C_{opt}(t_0)\). Once at least three robots on \(C_{opt}(t_0)\) turn their lights on, the other robots compute the circle passing through the robots having light on, i.e. \(C_{opt}(t_0)\) and move towards the circumference of the circle. Otherwise, robots are selected from the two circles \(C_{int}(t_0)\) and \(C_{out}(t_0)\) and are moved within ANL in such way that within finite time ANL contains at least three robots. Since the robots are asynchronous and the number of persistent lights are only two, the main challenge lies in the selection and the movements of the robots so that (i) no forbidden configuration is created due to the movements of the robots before ANL contains at least three robots; (ii) no deadlock or livelock is created during the execution of the algorithm; (iii) robots do not collide during their movements; and (iv) the annulus of the initial configuration remains same.

Let \(r_i\) be an arbitrary robot in \(\mathcal R\). If there are at least three co-circular robots with lights on in \(\mathcal R(t)\), then we are done. Robot \(r_i\) computes the circle passing through the robots having lights on. If \(r_i\) does not lie on this circle, it moves towards the circumference of the circle without changing its light. Otherwise, \(r_i\) does nothing. Now suppose there are less than three robots on \(C_{opt}(t_0)\) having lights on. Depending upon the current position and configuration, robot \(r_i\) performs any one of the following actions:

  • \(\varvec{|ANL|\ge 3}\): If \(r_i\) is in ANL and \(r_i\notin \mathcal C_{opt}(t)\), robot \(r_i\) moves towards the circumference of \(C_{opt}(t)\) according to algorithm Move() and it does not change its light. If \(r_i\in \mathcal C_{opt}(t)\), all the robots not lying on \(C_{opt}(t)\) have light off and \(C_{opt}(t)\) contains less than three robots with lights on, robot \(r_i\) turns its light on and does not move. In the rest of the cases, \(r_i\) does nothing.

  • \(\varvec{|ANL|<3}\): The main strategy here is to select robots from \(C_{in}(t)\cup C_{out}(t)\) and move them within ANL so that ANL contains at least three robots within finite time and the annulus SECA(t) remains same during the process. The robots follow algorithm Move() to reach their respective destination points.

    • \(\varvec{r_i\in ANL}\): If \(r_i\in \mathcal C_{opt}(t)\), robot \(r_i\) does nothing. Otherwise, it does not change its light and moves towards the circumference of \(\mathcal C_{opt}(t)\).

    • \(\varvec{r_i\notin ANL}\): In this case, robot \(r_i\) lies on the boundary of the annulus SECA(t). Following are the possible scenarios:

      • \(* \varvec{|ANL|=2}\): If \(r_i\) has light on and there is another robot with light on, robot \(r_i\) moves towards \(C_{opt}(t)\). Otherwise, robot \(r_i\) computes S(t) and acts according to the followings:

        • \( \cdot \varvec{\mathcal R(t)}\) is asymmetric: Since \(\mathcal R(t)\) is asymmetric, the robot positions in \(\mathcal R(t)\) are orderable [2]. If \(r_i\in S(t)\), there is no robot with light on and \(r_i\) has highest order among the robots in S(t), and it moves towards \(C_{opt}(t)\) without changing colour of its light.

          Otherwise, robot \(r_i\) does nothing.

        • \( \cdot \varvec{\mathcal R(t)}\) has one line of symmetry: Suppose \(\mathcal L\) is the line of symmetry. Suppose, \(r_i\in S(t)\). If \(r_i\) lies on \(\mathcal L^+\), robot \(r_i\) moves towards \(C_{opt}(t)\) without changing the colour of its light. If \(\mathcal L\) does not pass through any robot in S(t) and \(r_i\) is one of the closest robots to \(\mathcal L^+\), robot \(r_i\) turns its light on and does not move. In rest of the cases, \(r_i\) does nothing.

      • \(* \varvec{|ANL|=1}\): Suppose there are two robots on \(C_{out}(t)\cup C_{in}(t)\) with lights on. If \(r_i\) has light on, it moves towards \(C_{opt}(t)\). Otherwise, it does nothing. If there are no two robots on \(C_{out}(t)\cup C_{in}(t)\) with lights on, robot \(r_i\) computes S(t) and acts according to the followings:

        • \( \cdot \varvec{\mathcal R(t)}\) is asymmetric: If \(r_i\in S(t)\) and it has highest order or the second highest order among the robots in S(t), it turns its light on and does not move. In the rest of the cases, robot \(r_i\) does nothing.

        • \( \cdot \varvec{\mathcal R(t)}\) has one line of symmetry: If \(r_i\in S(t)\), \(r_i\) does not lie on \(\mathcal L\) and it is one of the closest to \(\mathcal L^+\), robot \(r_i\) turns its light on and does not move. Otherwise, \(r_i\) does nothing.

      • \(*\varvec{|ANL|=0}\): Robot \(r_i\) computes S(t). First, suppose there are two robots with lights on. Let \(A=\{r_j,r_k\}\) be the two robots with lights on. Let \(S_2(t)=arg\) \( max\{|C_{out}(t)\backslash A|,|C_{in}(t)\backslash A|\}\). If \(r_i\) has light off and \(r_i\in S_2(t)\), it does any one of the followings: (a) \(\mathcal R(t)\) is asymmetric and \(r_i\) has highest order among the robots in \(S_2(t)\), it moves towards \(C_{opt}(t)\); (b) \(\mathcal R(t)\) has one line of symmetry and \(r_i\) is one of the closest robots to \(\mathcal L^+\), among the robots in \(S_2(t)\), it moves towards \(C_{opt}(t)\). In both the cases, \(r_i\) does not change its light. Otherwise, it does nothing. Next, suppose there is at most one robot with light on. If \(r_i\) has highest order or second highest order among the robots in S(t), it changes its light to on and does not move. In rest of the cases, it does nothing.

5.4 Correctness of OptCircle()

We prove that OptCircle() solves the constrained circle formation problem within finite time.

Lemma 1

Algorithm Move() provides collision-free robot movements during the execution of OptCircle().


During the execution of Move(), robots first order themselves and then move towards \(C_{opt}(t_0)\) according to that order. Thus, the robots lying on the same ray do not collide. The destination of a robot \(r_i\) lies on the \(\frac{1}{3}\) section of the wedge defined by the larger angle with the neighbouring \(rad_i(t)\). Thus, two robots on two different rays also do not collide. This implies that the robots have collision-free movements. Also, the destination point of a robot \(r_i\) lies within the circle having radius \(l_{opt}\) and centre at \(r_i(t)\). This implies that the optimization criteria of the circle formation problem is satisfied by the movements of the robots. \(\square \)

Lemma 2

Suppose, in a configuration \(\mathcal R(t)\in \widetilde{R}_s\), \(t\ge t_0\), \(|ANL|<3\). During the execution of OptCircle(), there exists a time \(t'\ge t\) such that \(|ANL|\ge 3\) in the configuration \(\mathcal R(t')\) and the circle \(C_{opt}(t')\) is same as \(C_{opt}(t)\).


Consider a configuration \(\mathcal R(t)\) with \(|ANL|<3\). We prove the lemma analysing each case separately. Note that if the annulus remains same during the movements of the robots, so does \(C_{opt}(t)\).

  • \(\varvec{|ANL|=2}\): In this case, at least one and at most two robots from S(t) move inside the annulus SECA(t). Thus, within finite time, ANL contains at least three robots. Since \(n\ge 8\) and \(|ANL|=2\), the set S(t) contains at least three robots. Thus by result 3, the removal at most two robots from S(t) does not change the annulus SECA(t).

  • \(\varvec{|ANL|=1}\): In this case at least two and at most three robots from \(S(t)\cup S_2(t)\) move within ANL. This makes \(ANL|\ge 3\), in finite time. Since \(n\ge 8\) and \(|ANL|=1\), the set S(t) contains at least four robots. At most, two robots from the set S(t) are removed. Thus, the result of 3 implies that \(C_{opt}(t)\) does not change, during the movements of these robots.

  • \(\varvec{|ANL|=0}\): In this case, at least three and at most four robots from \(S(t)\cup S_2(t)\) are selected and moved inside SECA(t). This makes \(ANL|\ge 3\), in finite time. Since \(n\ge 8\) and \(|ANL|=0\), each of the sets S(t) and \(S_2(t)\) contains at least four robots. By the same arguments as above, the circle \(C_{opt}(t)\) remains intact during the movements of these robots.

Hence, the lemma is true. \(\square \)

Lemma 3

Suppose, in a configuration \(\mathcal R(t)\in \widetilde{R}_s\), \(t\ge t_0\), \(|ANL|\ge 3\). During the execution of OptCircle(), there exists a time \(t'\ge t\) such that \(C_{opt}(t)\) contains at least three robots with lights on, in the configuration \(\mathcal R(t')\). Furthermore, \(C_{opt}(t)\) is the unique circle in \(\mathcal R(t')\) containing at least three robots on its circumference with lights on.


Let \(r_i\) be a robot in ANL in the configuration \(\mathcal R(t)\). When \(r_i\) becomes active, if it finds itself on \(C_{opt}(t)\), it takes any one of the following decisions (i) there is at least one robot not on \(C_{opt}(t)\) with light on or there are at least three robots on \(C_{opt}(t)\) with robot light on, robot \(r_i\) does nothing until the robots having lights on reach \(C_{opt}(t)\), and (ii) all the robots, not lying on \(C_{opt}(t)\), have lights off and \(C_{opt}(t)\) contains less than three robots with lights on, robot \(r_i\) turns its light on. If \(r_i\) is not on \(C_{opt}(t)\), it moves towards \(C_{opt}(t)\). Thus, if \(C_{opt}(t)\) contains less than three robots, within finite time, it will have at least three robots on its boundary. This implies that there exists a time \(t'\ge t\) such that \(C_{opt}(t)\) contains at least three robots with lights on, in \(\mathcal R(t')\). The second part of the lemma follows from the case (i) and case (ii) above. Hence, the lemma is true. \(\square \)

Lemma 4

Given an initial configuration \(\mathcal R(t_0)\in \widetilde{R}_s\), algorithm OptCircle() solves the constrained circle formation problem for a set of asynchronous robots.


By Lemma 2 and 3, there exists \(t>t_0\) such that in \(C_{opt}(t_0)\) is the unique circle in \(\mathcal R(t)\) containing at least three robots on its circumference with lights on. Once this is done, the circle \(C_{opt}(t_0)\) is uniquely recognizable by the robots even when all the robots move towards it. The robots simply compute the circle which contains at least three robots with lights on and then move towards it using algorithm Move(). Algorithm Move() assures collision-free robot movements. Also, during the movements, the robots satisfy the optimization criteria of the problem. Thus, within finite time all the robots reach \(C_{opt}(t_0)\) satisfying the optimization criteria. Hence, the lemma is true. \(\square \)

From above results, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 3

The constrained circle formation problem is solvable in the ASYNC model for an initial configuration \(\mathcal R(t_0)\in \widetilde{R}_s\), when robots have externally visible lights with only 2 distinct colours.

6 Conclusion

This paper presents a study of the constrained circle formation problem for asynchronous autonomous mobile robots. For oblivious robots, it is proved that the problem is not solvable under ASYNC model even when the robots have rigid movements. For robots having persistent memory, the initial robot configurations, which the problem is not solvable, are identified. For rest of the configurations, an algorithm is proposed which solves the problem for asynchronous robots which have exactly one bit of persistent memory. Following are the possible future directions of the problem: (i) relaxation of the exact optimality in the constrain considered in this work; (ii) study of the problem when robots develop faults; and (iii) the extension of the problem to the three-dimensional Euclidean space.