
1 Introduction

Welding is the most common fabrication process typically used for joining metals [1]. It is widely used in various industries such as automotive, shipbuilding, aerospace, construction, gas and oil trucking, nuclear, pressure vessels, and heavy and earth-moving equipment [2, 3]. Structural deformation of welded structures is a natural outcome of internal stresses produced while welding due to intrinsic nonuniform heating and cooling of the joint. Nevertheless, welding deformation plays a negative role in the process having high impacts in several ways, such as constraints in the design phase, reworks, quality cost, and overall capital expenditure. Selection of welding sequence could substantially reduce structural deformation. The common industrial practice is to select a sequence by experience using a simplified design of experiments which does not guarantee an optimal sequence [4]. Welding deformation can be numerically computed through Finite Element Analysis (FEA) using thermomechanical models. FEA can provide reasonable solutions for various welding conditions and geometric configurations. However, it can be computationally very expensive and time consuming.

The optimal welding sequence can be achieved by using a full factorial design procedure. The total number of welding configurations (N) is counted by, \(N = n^{r} \times r!\), where n and r are the number of welding directions and seams (beads) respectively. This is an NP-hard problem and these possible configurations grow exponentially with the number of welding beads. As an example, the mounting bracket used in this study has eight weld seams that can be welded in two directions; hence the number of welding configurations for exhaustive search is 10,321,920. In real-life application, a complex weldment like an aero-engine assembly might have between 52 and 64 weld segments [5]. Therefore, full factorial design is practically infeasible even for simulation experiment using FEA.

Here, we develop and implement a Q-Learning based RL algorithm [6] for WSO. The technical contributions of this paper are as follows. First, a deformation based reinforcement learning significantly reduces the computational complexity over extensive search. In this experiment, we achieve the optimal solution through RL after executing 2 iterations. Second, we exploit a novel reward function for RL consisting of the inverse of the maximum structural deformation for WSO. Third, we compare our RL algorithm with both single objective [7] and multi-objective [8] Genetic Algorithm (GA) and we demonstrate that RL finds a pseudo optimal solution which is much faster than GA, in both cases.

We conduct simulation experiments for Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) process through the simulation software Simufact®. The scope of this study is limited to GMAW process. The average execution time for each simulation (welding configuration) is 30 min using a workstation with two Intel Xeon® @2.40 GHz processors, 48 GB of RAM and 4 GB of dedicated video memory. We conduct our experiment on a mounting bracket which is usually used in telescopic jib [9] and automotive industries [10, 11].

The organization of this paper is as follows. Section 2 presents literature review. Section 3 demonstrates reinforcement learning based welding sequence optimization method. Section 4 illustrates experimental results and discussions. In Sect. 5 conclusions and future directions of this work are presented. Relevant references are listed at the end of the paper.

2 Literature Review

We organize the literature review into two parts. In the first part we present a brief literature review on WSO using artificial intelligence techniques and then we briefly introduce the Q-learning based RL algorithm related to WSO.

2.1 Welding Sequence Optimization

Several optimization methods are available in literature for welding sequence optimization. Among them, GA is one of the most popular methods available in the literature for welding sequence optimization. Mohammed et al. [12] presented GA based WSO where the distortion data computed by FEA has been used as a fitness function. Kadivar et al. [13] also presented GA based solution for WSO where only the distortion is used in the objective function and they completely neglect the effect of the welding sequence on the maximum residual stress. Damsbo and Ruboff [14] incorporated domain specific knowledge into a hybrid GA for welding sequence optimization. They minimized the robot path length to minimize the operation time but neglected the effect of welding sequence on deformation and residual stress. Islam et al. [15] coupled FEA approach with GA where the maximum structural deformation was used in the fitness function and other design variables such as welding direction and upper and lower bounds of welding process parameters were taken into effect in the model. Warmefjord et al. [16] discussed several alternative approaches to GA in spot welding sequence selection method where they suggested general simple guidelines, minimize variation in each step, sensitivity, and relative sensitivity. Kim et al. [17] proposed two types of heuristic algorithms called construction algorithm and an improvement algorithm where heuristics for the traveling salesman problem are tailored to the welding sequence optimization. However, they did not consider the inherent heat-caused deformation with the aim of minimizing the time required to process the task.

Romero-Hdz et al. [18] presented a literature overview of the artificial intelligence techniques used in WSO. The AI techniques reported include GA, Graph Search, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Other popular methods are also described such as Joint Rigidity Method, Surrogate Models and the use of generalized guidelines. Some of the limitations of these studies are the lack of experimental validation in real components and ignoring some factors like residual stress and temperature which are important factors for the resulting welded quality.

Okumoto [19] presented an implementation of the Q-learning based RL algorithm to optimize the welding route of an automatic machine. The machine uses a simple truck system and it moves only in one direction until a force is detected. The fitness function in this work is based on the time, because, this type of machines are moved from one joint to another manually by the welder. As the amount of welding seams increase, the total number of possible execution combinations grows exponentially. So, a bad decision can increase the labor hours that impacts on the cost and lead time. They used ε-greedy based selection method. This method stochastically adopts a lesser reward to avoid the local optima.

In this paper, we proposed a Q-Learning based Reinforcement learning algorithm where we use maximum structural deformation as the reward function that are described in the next section.

2.2 Reinforcement Learning

RL is a branch of machine learning which has been extensively used in different fields such as gaming [20], neuroscience [21], psychology [22], economics [23], engineering communications [24], engineering power systems [25], and robotics [26]. Some of the algorithms are inspired by stochastic dynamic programming like Q-learning algorithm which is the base of the proposed algorithm in this paper. RL techniques learn directly from empirical experiences of the environment. RL can be subdivided into two fundamental problems: learning and planning. While learning, the agent interacts with the real environment, by executing actions and observing their consequences. On the other hand, while planning the agent can interact with a model of the environment: by simulating actions and observing their consequences.

Figure 1 shows the basic framework of the RL algorithm. An RL task requires decisions to be made over many time steps. We assume that an agent exists in a world or environment, E, which can be summarized by a set of states, S. First, the agent receives observations from the environment \({\text{E}}\), then the agent solves the exploration-exploitation dilemma, whether to explore and get new information or act with the information it knows and trust. Then selects an action a, and then it receives an immediate reward \(r\) and then go to next state. The agent again acts repeatedly so as to receive maximum reward from an initial state to a goal state. It is an optimization technique that can manage with moderate dynamic change in the environment through learning by repeating and evaluating the action.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Basic framework of RL

In this paper, we applied Q-learning algorithm, one of the algorithms of RL for WSO. Q-learning algorithm estimates the value function Q(s, a) which is obtained by the agent’s repeating of the action by trial and error, for the environment. Q(s, a) expresses the expectation of a gain when the agent takes the most suitable action after having chosen an action in a state s. The most suitable action is defined as the action a in state s, for which the value of Q(s, a) becomes greatest among all the actions permissible in state s. The Q value is updated by the following Eq. (1) [19]:

$$Q\left( {s,a} \right) \leftarrow Q\left( {s,a} \right) + \alpha \{ r\left( {s,a} \right) + \gamma \,{}_{{a^{{\prime }} \in A\left( {s^{{\prime }} } \right)}}^{\hbox{max} } Q\left( {s^{{\prime }} ,a^{{\prime }} } \right) - Q\left( {s,a} \right)$$

where Q(s, a) is the value of action a in state s, Q(s′, a′) is the value of action a′ at state s′ after transition, α is the learning rate (0 < α < 1), and γ is the discount rate (0 < γ < 1). A number of selection methods have been proposed to solve the exploration-exploitation dilemma and choose one action executed among the many possible actions that exist. We used ε-greedy method in this study. This method stochastically adopts a lesser reward to avoid the local minima. The ε-greedy selects an action a in state s for which the value of Q(s, a) is maximum at probability (1-ε), 0 < ε < 1, as illustrated in the equation:

$$p\left( {s,a} \right) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {1 - \varepsilon , } \hfill & {{\text{when}} \;Q\left( {s,a} \right)\; {\text{is}} \,{\text{maximum}}} \hfill \\ {\varepsilon ,} \hfill & {\text{elsewhere}} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.$$

3 Reinforcement Learning Based Welding Sequence Optimization

Figure 2 shows the flowchart and pseudo-code of the Q-learning based RL method on WSO respectively. We solve the exploration-exploitation dilemma by generating a random number between 0 and 1 and if it is less than or equal to 0.2 (the value of ε is taken as 0.2), exploration is executed, on the other hand, exploitation will be performed. For exploration, we choose the second best weld seam and for exploitation we choose the weld seam with a particular welding direction that gives the minimum of the maximum structural deformation. In this WSO experiment, the agent is considered as the robot or human, the actions of the agent are the weld seams that can be placed into the workpiece along with the direction of the welding, the state is defined as the set of actions already executed. The reward is defined as the inverse of the maximum structural deformation. The most suitable action is defined as the welding weld seam along a particular direction that provides minimum of the maximum structural deformation (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Flowchart of Q-learning based reinforcement learning method on WSO

Fig. 3
figure 3

Pseudo-code of Q-learning based RL method on WSO

4 Experimental Results and Discussions

This section is organized as follows. First we describe the study case. Second, we mention the values of the parameters used in this study. Third, we illustrate the results of the FEA for the best and worst sequence found by the proposed RL method. Fourth, we demonstrate the effects of welding sequence on WSO. Finally, we show a comparative study among single objective GA [7], multi-objective GA [8] and Q-learning based RL method.

4.1 Study Case

Figure 4 illustrates some sample geometries of the mounting brackets available in the market. These geometries are typically used in heavy equipment, vehicles, and ships. Figure 5 demonstrates a mounting bracket which we chose as a study case in our experiment as well as the engineering drawing with all specifications.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Mounting brackets available in the market as an example of welded parts

Fig. 5
figure 5

Engineering drawing of the mounting bracket with 8 weld beads

4.2 Parameters Used

Table 1 illustrates values of the parameters of the Q-learning based RL algorithm used in the simulation experiment. We conduct the RL algorithm up to two iterations to find the pseudo optimal solution. Moreover, Table 2 shows the welding simulation and real experiment parameters.

Table 1 RL parameters used in this experiment
Table 2 Welding simulation and real experiment parameters

4.3 Discussions About the FEA Results

The best sequence found was [−5, −8, +6, −7, −1, +3, +2, −4] with maximum structural deformation 0.93 mm. On the other hand, the worst sequence found is [−3, +4, −7, +6, +5, −1, +8, −2] and the corresponding maximum structural deformation is 2.76 mm as shown in Fig. 6. We conduct the RL experiment for two iterations. We select ε-greedy algorithm strategy where we choose the value of ε as 0.2. This indicates that the RL allows exploration 20% time and exploitation 80% time of the actions chosen. Since the value of our reward function at any stage in terms of maximum structural deformation cannot be computed by summing the value of the reward function of the previous stages, the value of the learning rate and discount factor are inapplicable in our application.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Comparison between best (left column) and worst (right column) sequence and their deformation patterns

4.4 Effects of Welding Sequence on Welding Process Optimization

Normalized frequency of the structural deformation and effective stress values on the mounting bracket used in this study are shown in Fig. 7. If we consider the deformation value of the worst sequence as 100%, RL algorithm reduces about 66% maximum structural deformation over worst sequence (maximum structural deformation of best and worst sequence are 0.93 and 2.76 mm respectively). These results clearly demonstrate that welding sequence has significant effect on welding deformation. However, welding sequence has less effect on effective stress. These results are consistent with the results reported in the literature [7, 8].

Fig. 7
figure 7

Normal distribution of deformation and effective stress for best and worst sequence

4.5 Comparative Analysis: Reinforcement Learning Versus Genetic Algorithm

We compare the proposed RL method with the GA methods widely used in the WSO. In order to due this comparison, we have used the same parameters for GA reported in our previous work [7]. The structural deformation of the mounting bracket for the best sequence found by the single objective, multi-objective and RL are demonstrated in Fig. 8. Table 3 illustrates the comparative analysis among single objective [7] and multi-objective GA [8] and RL method. Table 3 shows that though RL yields a bit more structural deformation, however, RL converges much faster than GA. RL finds a pseudo optimal solution in only two iterations whereas single objective and multi-objective GA require 115 and 81 simulations respectively. Since the average time required for each welding simulation experiment needs 30 min, RL method for our study case takes 30 h whereas single objective and multi-objective GA method take 57.5 and 40.5 h respectively to converge the algorithm. Figure 9 shows the search space (tree) for the best sequence explored by the RL algorithm.

Fig. 8
figure 8

From top to bottom: single objective GA, Multi-objective GA and RL algorithm

Table 3 Comparative analysis among single objective genetic algorithm, multi-objective genetic algorithm and reinforcement learning
Fig. 9
figure 9

Search space for the best sequence explored by Q-learning based RL algorithm

5 Conclusions and Future Works

Structural deformation plays an important role to measure the quality of the welded structures. Optimization of the welding sequence reduces the deformation of the welded structures. In this paper, the maximum structural deformation is exploited as the reward function of a proposed Q-learning based RL algorithm for WSO. RL is used to reduce significantly the search space of the exhaustive search. Structural deformation is computed using FEA. We conduct a simulation experiment on a mounting bracket which is typically used in vehicles and other applications. We compare our RL based welding sequence optimization method with widely used single objective and multi-objective GA. Proposed RL based WSO method significantly reduces the search space over GA and thus RL finds the pseudo optimal welding sequence much faster than GA by slightly compromising the welding quality. Welding quality could be enhanced by incrementing the number of iterations of the RL method.

This work opens up different avenues for WSO research. In the near future, we would like to develop a more robust multivariate reward function including structural deformation, residual stress, temperature, and robot path time for welding sequence optimization. Information of the deformation, residual stress and temperature after welding each seam in a sequence needs to be investigated for achieving better reduction of welding deformation and residual stress.