
1 Introduction

The cloud computing worldview has turned into a standard answer for the arrangement of business procedures and applications, and it is quickly developing. It is giving people in general cloud vision, framework, stage, and programming administrations to clients and specialist co-ops on a compensation as-you-go premise. It is also modeled for enabling ever-present, suitable, on-demand network accessibility to a pool of configurable computing resources that are sharable and that can be swiftly provisioned and unrestricted by means of least management effort or service contributor interface. But, security is the major thing where we have to look onto it. Cloud Architecture: Depend on client–server services, we can divide cloud computing into three types: First, Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): Cloud providers provide a platform where clients can run the applications means cloud providers are delivered the applications to the client that they are able to run the application on their own platform. Platforms are managed by the cloud providers. Second, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): This service includes computing which is provided by cloud servers, consists of OS, coding language, database management, environment of the platform, etc. Without buying the hardware, customers can run the applications by using the resources. Third, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS): This is a tune-up of pay-as-you-go same as PaaS and SaaS including resources, storage, etc. (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Cloud deployment model

Cloud computing can be differentiated into four categories, and in all different categories, there are different security issues. Private cloud: Private cloud is used by a big institutes or societies. But this cloud will be restricted only in that organization means others organization can’t share that cloud. Public cloud: This cloud is owned by an organization but other organization also can share that cloud. Hybrid cloud: An organization buys a cloud from another cloud services and uses that cloud. After buying the cloud, only the people of those organizations can only access that cloud. So, hybrid cloud consists of personal cloud and open cloud. The public cloud: This cloud is used by other organization (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Types of cloud deployment model

Various security dangers are related with cloud information administrations, such as network eavesdropping, side channel attacks, illegal invasion, virtualization vulnerabilities, abuse of cloud, and denial of service attacks. Security issues in cloud computing: The security issues we face in cloud computing can be categorized into three types:

  • Conventional security issues

  • Availability issues

  • Third-party control-related issues.

2 Literature Review

This paper analyzes the previous works of authors done between 2014 and 2016 in order to critically summarize the current knowledge in the area of security, and new algorithms are developed using some important techniques, and also, various outcomes are discussed. Figure 3 represents the different types of techniques used for evaluating or developing new security models.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Techniques or algorithm used

However, Table 1 describes what type of dataset, Simulators, Parameters has been used to implement various new applications for security. Dataset is corpus on which the developed algorithm is implemented, and the results are observed. Simulator is software that provides a platform to execute an algorithm developed for various security issues or it is software in which algorithm designed to provide a realistic imitation of operation can be implemented. Constraints are boundaries which define the reach of a particular method or algorithm.

Table 1 Techniques/algorithms used in cloud security

3 Findings

In Table 2, we have calculated the effective citations in security domain of cloud computing by using the formula

Table 2 Effective citations in security domain of cloud computing
$${\text{EC}}_{{{\text{sd}}j(y)}} = \frac{{P_{{{\text{sd}}j(y)}} }}{{P_{j(y)} }} \times C_{j(y)}$$

where in Eq. (1)


signifies effective citations in specific domain (i.e., cloud security) journal of year y. Table 2 represents data.

P sdj(y) :

signifies total number of publications in specific domain (i.e., cloud security) journal of year y. Table 3 represents data.

Table 3 Total publications in specific domain journal
P j(y) :

implies Total Publications in journal of repute. Table 4 represents the data.

Table 4 Total publications in journal of repute
C j(y) :

depicts Total Citations in journal of repute. Table 5 represents data.

Table 5 Total citations in journal of repute

In Table 6, we have calculated the percentage of publications in security domain of cloud computing.

Table 6 Percentage of publications in security domain of cloud computing

Percentage for calculating is

$${\text{Percentage}} = \frac{{{\text{EC}}^{\# } }}{{{\text{TC}}^{\$ } }}\text{ * }100$$

The term EC means Effective Citations in security field of cloud computing in the journal of repute.


The term TC means Total Number of Effective Citations in security domain of cloud computing in the journal of repute.

4 Results

Figure 4 depicts a number of researchers who are citing the works published by Future Generation Computer System journal as it is the prestigious journal in the area of cloud computing.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Journal wise percentage of citations

5 Conclusion

From the above survey, we can conclude that there are various techniques that can be deployed to analyze the results for secured cloud data. Also, to verify results, various datasets are used that are related to user concerns, and security algorithms are proved using that. Before implementing the algorithms onto the data, data cleansing is performed, and this refines the data and makes it ready for analysis. There are also some authors who have not discussed their few parameters. On the basis of this analysis, the above-stated interpretations of result are done. This interpretation of results further provides the outcome of the analysis performed on the gathered data. Graph depicts the number of effective citations to the proportion of total number of citations in relation to a journal of repute.

6 Future Work

We will analyze some more areas where security has to be implemented that are in electronic health records and will be developing some dynamic algorithms that may work at any of the models and also at any of the platform services provided by the cloud providers. Also, we will be using static dataset to prove the results of our developed algorithms.