
1 Introduction

Micro-strip Antennas are accepted in the starting of 1970s [1]. Antenna would an irreplaceable and only modern culture, serving as the link between man and his location extending to the external space. Antennas need been around for more than a century now, Also appear will bring an infinite variety, all operating in the same fundamental principles for electromagnetic. Micro-strip Patch antenna is diminutive of antenna implemented for wireless solicitation due to their numerous benefits such as short profile, minimum weight, and relaxed assemble. Micro-strip patch antenna comprises limited restrictions such as low profile, minimum gain, deprived polarization, and minimum proficiency. The micro-strip patch antenna entails in accompanying substantial which are copper and gold. Between the published micro-strip patch antenna of numerous contours rectangular, circular and triangular patch antenna are accessible.

An enormous of micro-strip patches use in wireless solicitation has been established. In assessment to patch features, the antennas having slot alignment establish superior appearances comprising broader bandwidth, few conductor losses and enhanced isolation.

A feed procedure is a route to provide radio effect within antenna assembly. Conducting and non-conducting substantial is utilized for antenna strategy. In conducting scheme, the feed line is unswervingly related to the power of RF like as micro-strip and coaxial line. In assessment to the micro-strip patch, the conducting strip has lesser magnitude. A plane erection is acquired if the feed is engraved on equivalent substrate [1].

The parameters of the antenna are bandwidth, emission pattern and directivity is resolute with CST software and is used to propose a high frequency array of the antenna. This software is more valuable for regularity application. Electromagnetic analysis is performed using CST MICROWAVE STUDIO.

2 Antenna Designing

Structure of recommend circular micro-strip patch antenna is represented in Fig. 1 where radius is calculated by

Fig. 1
figure 1

Design of circular micro-strip patch antenna

$$ a = \frac{F}{{\left\{ {1 + \frac{2h}{{\pi \varepsilon_{r} F}}\left[ {ln\left( {\frac{\pi F}{2h}} \right) + 1.7726} \right]} \right\}^{1/2} }} $$
$$ F = \frac{{8.791 \times 10^{9} }}{{f_{r} \sqrt { \in_{r} } }} $$


a :

Radius of circular patch antenna

F :


\( \varepsilon_{r} \) :

Permittivity of antenna

h :

Thickness of the substrate.

3 Simulation Results

This circular micro-strip patch antenna was simulated on CST Software. The radiations were measured with the help of CST software in far field. The RF signals were set of connections form 1–3 GHz, simulated adaptively. The simulation results are shown in figure; in Fig. 2 demonstrates the return loss against frequency range in 1–3 GHz for the proposed dual band circular patch antenna at different frequencies. The response of this design of first return loss is −30 dB at the resonant frequency 1.489 GHz and second return loss is −40 dB at the resonant frequency. Circular patch antenna has dual band characteristics, showing at frequencies 1.5 and 2.5 GHz. Figure 3 shows the ratio for circular patch antenna (Figs. 4, 6).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Return loss simulation

Fig. 3
figure 3

Radiation pattern Simulation

Fig. 4
figure 4

Smith chart simulation

Fig. 5
figure 5

Polar plot simulation

Fig. 6
figure 6

Cartesian plot simulation

Gain and radiation pattern with dual band frequency are shown in Fig. 3 or 5, respectively, for circular patch antenna. From Fig. 5 a maximum gain of 2.87 dB is reported (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7
figure 7

Gain of circular patch antenna with dual band frequency

4 Conclusion

The design of circular patch antenna with dual band frequency is presented in this paper, first return loss is −30 dB at 1.5 GHz and second one is −4 dB at 2.5 GHz and results were analyzed (Table 2). Then the directivity of this antenna is 7.05 dBi and gain is 2.87 dB in CST studio software. The results confirm good performance of the dual bands antenna design as shown in Fig. 2. Antenna parameters such as return loss, gain, and directivity are calculated with good results. In this paper enhancement in return loss in large amount this will give the maximum output.

Table 1 Advantage and disadvantage of micro-strip patch antenna
Table 2 All dimensions of circular patch antenna is demonstrates in Table 1