
1 Introduction

Cloud Computing [1] is synonymous to ‘Internet Based Computing’ where users could do any type of computations if they have internet connectivity and a web browser to provide the interface. These types of computations are made possible by connecting a lot of virtual resources together and granting access to authorized users. Merits of Cloud computing includes elasticity, reliability, economical computing, pay per usage policy, global accessibility, usability and ease of maintenance.

1.1 Challenges Associated with Cloud Computing

In spite all the merits we discussed above, normal users still keep away from cloud fearing that the security and privacy needed by their data will not be met. The cloud model follows a highly dynamic environment where the data will be partitioned and stored in multiple locations. Data will be kept replicated as well. Neither the service providers nor the owners of the data will know about the details of machines where their data will be stored. Providing Fine Grained Access Control [2] is another problem to deal with.

1.2 Motivation for a Solution

To implement solutions for BigData as well as problems involving severe computations, cloud computing is the most appropriate one. But use of public cloud has resulted in a lot of security and privacy issues. Several reports [39] reveal the security breaches and data theft took place in real world scenarios.

‘Encryption of data’ seems to be a first hand solution to ensure secrecy and privacy. But encryption limits the computations that can be performed on data like retrieving a particular file containing a specific keyword or extracting features from an image etc.

There exists a trade-off between security and usability. But the solution here is to apply the security mechanism in a way that it will not limit the functionality as well. This article aims to provide an insight to some encryption schemes that can be applied to cloud system based on the specific applications.

2 Review of Existing Solutions to Enable Encrypted Data Search

Basically we identified six different ways to search on encrypted data, each based on one of the following cryptographic primitives:

2.1 Property Preserving Encryptions (PPE)

PPE schemes [10] encrypt text in such a way that it leaks certain properties of the underlying data.

Different PPE schemes are proposed based on the property that is leaked. The basic one is ‘Deterministic Encryption’ [11] in which one message always generates same cipher text after encryption. Thus by comparing the cipher text one can determine whether the messages are same. These types of encryptions are hence applicable to problems where similarity is compared.

For e.g. If ‘m1’ encrypts to ‘c1’ and ‘m2’ encrypts to ‘c2’, then by comparing the value of c1 and c2 we can determine whether m1 is equal to m2.

Order Preserving Encryption (OPE) [1216], Orthogonality Preserving Encryption etc are some variations of Property Preserving Encryption. Bellare et al. [14] proposed a method where PPE scheme can efficiently applied on securing databases.

Computational Complexity

Search complexity is O(nm), where ‘m’ is the number of documents, i.e., linear complexity. But data structures like Binary search trees can improve the speed.

Security of PPE

Since encryption on m1 always generate same cipher text security is limited since this can lead to some statistical leakages.

2.2 Functional and Identity-Based Encryption

The concept behind Functional Encryption was first proposed by Sahai and Waters in a conference and later formalized and proved to be practical by Boneh, Sahai, Waters and by O’Neill [17]. Identity Based Encryption, Attribute Encryption, Predicate Encryption etc can be considered as variations of Functional Encryption.

The working of Identity encryption can be explained by a simple real world application: Alice want to send some secret message to Bob. Alice knows that Bob works at Google.

According to Functional Encryption, Google will initialize the security system by generating a pair of master keys (msk, mpk), where one is a secret key and other is public. Google then distributes mpk together with a valid certificate to its authorized employees.

To encrypt a message ‘m’, Alice will collect Google’s Master Public key mpk, and apply the encryption algorithm on ‘m’ using mpk and Bob’s public identity, ‘’.

c=E(mpk,‘’, m).

For Bob, to decrypt the message ‘c’, Bob generates his secret key using Google’s master key and his own id.


Bob recovers the message by applying the decryption algorithm.


The advantage of this method is its simplicity. Without revealing any public key of Bob, Alice can send encrypted messages to him or any person in the organization knowing only the public key of that organization.

In case of attribute based encryption, some attributes approved by Organization will be utilized for encryption. For e.g. Consider a hospital domain. Alice needs to upload a file which can be viewed by a person if he is a ‘doctor specialized in oncology with masters degree’. Hence the attributes can be ‘doctor’, ‘MD’, ‘Oncology’ etc.

Computational Complexity

Complexity is O(nm) as the algorithms has to try to decrypt each cipher text in the Encrypted domain. But always m ≪ n, hence the time complexity needed will always be more compared to PPE.


This approach substantially ensures security since neither statistical leakages or brute force attacks exist in the system.

2.3 Fully Homomorphic Encryption

A cryptosystem that supports both addition and multiplication operations on encrypted data is called fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) and is far more powerful. Homomorphic encryption schemes process data in its encrypted form itself. No decryption is needed. Thus these types of applications are best suited for third party computations like cloud computing. Encryption does not reveal any information to external agents.

Homomorphism with respect to addition or multiplication has been made possible since the development of RSA [18] and paillier encryption [20]. They are called partial homomorphic systems. The concept of Fully Homomorphic encryption which made possible additions and multiplications over encrypted data was first proposed by Gentry [19].

Craig Gentry [19] developed lattice based cryptosystem to achieve fully homomorphic property and he was successful in evaluating arbitrary depth circuits. The scheme was also bootstrappable meaning as the circuit grows, the noise rises and ultimately the circuit will get capable of decrypting its own encrypted data i.e., the circuit gains self referential property. Hence in 2012 Gentry along with Vaikundanathan [7] proposed a variation of the original scheme using the property of ideal lattices over integers.

Let us illustrate fully homomorphic symmetric encryption scheme with an example:

Let the shared secret key be an odd number, 101. The domain consist of bits {0, 1}. To encrypt m = 1; Choose a random small prime number r = 5, and large q = 9.

$${\text{Encryption}}\, ( {\text{m)}} = {\text{c}} = {\text{m}} + 2 {\text{r}} + {\text{pq}} = 1 1+ 90 9= 9 20$$

Here cipher text will always be close to a multiple of p.

Therefore, m ≈ LSB of distance to nearest multiple of p.

$${\text{Decryption}}\,{\text{is}}\,{\text{m}} = \left( {{\text{c}}\,\%\,{\text{p}}} \right) \, \% \,2= 1 1\,\%\,2= 1.$$

Computational Complexity

Comparing Fully homomorphic encryption using integers and ideal lattices, the flatter method have exponential complexity which is not at all tolerable. Integer method is assumed to have complexity λ5. The table below describes the complexity details (Table 1).

Table 1 Complexity comparison

2.4 Oblivious RAM

Oblivious RAM concept was first proposed by Goldreich [18] as a method to implement software protection on third party servers. But at that time it seems to be irrelevant because cloud computing or third party computing were not at all in practice. But now the work has gained so much application context related to cloud storage.

An ORAM scheme basically consist of 3 stages Setup, Read and Write.

  • Setup: inputs are

    • security parameter 1K.

    • RAM (memory array) of N items.

    • Outputs: Secret key K and an oblivious memory ORAM.

  • Read: A two-party algorithm run between client and server. The client runs the Read function with a secret key K and an index i as input while the server runs the Read Function with an oblivious memory ORAM as input. At the end of the execution, the client receives RAM[i] while the server receives Ɛ, i.e., null.

    • Read((K, I),ORAM) = (RAM[i], Ɛ).

  • Write: Two party protocol executed between the client and a server. The client runs the Write function with a key K, an index i and a value v as input and the server runs the Write function with an oblivious memory ORAM as input. At the end of the protocol, the client receives nothing (again denoted as Ɛ) and the server receives an updated oblivious memory ORAM’ such that the ith location now holds the value v. We represent this as

    • Write ((K, i, v), ORAM) = (Ɛ, ORAM’).

Security of ORAM

ORAM is constructed such that server is unable to derive any information about RAM. Read and Write functions do not leak information about the index and values either.

Computational Complexity

Since FHE has to be implemented in Read and Write phase, ORAM is the slowest of all techniques mentioned above (Tables 2 and 3).

Table 2 Critical comparison of searching schemes
Table 3 Summary of major search schemes and their ability to perform certain search options

3 Conclusion

Cloud computing is gaining so much interest due to the huge amount of data generated and need for computations to be performed on these data. Security and privacy is the only factor that hinders the usability of cloud. Users of data do not trust a third party agent like cloud to store their sensitive data. The solution is encryption. But encryption limits the computability of data. To eliminate such limitations we can choose encryptions that properly match each application. This article surveys the different encryption schemes available in literature and compare them based on factors like security, complexity etc. The table below provides a short summary of all the schemes mentioned (Table 4).

Table 4 Summary of different encryption schemes