
1 Introduction

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) [1] is a new research area with a grand vision. This paper is a contribution to formally specify resources and resource-centric services for CPS. The term resource is used in a generic sense to denote an entity that is relevant in either producing or consuming a service. In CPS, physical devices are resources, which are hence first class entities. Services may be either generated or consumed by physical devices, which might in turn be consumed by cyber computational resources, such as communication protocols. Software services may be generated by the computational resources that reside either in a static or dynamic host computer in CPS network and may be consumed by other physical devices to make changes in the environment. In general, a CPS resource might offer many services, a CPS service might require several resources, a CPS resource might use other resources, and a CPS (complex) service may be produced by combining several services and resources. Thus the service-oriented view of CPS is more complex than the service-oriented view required for traditional business applications, as discussed in SOC literature [2].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Three-tiered architecture for CPS

In [3] we proposed the three conceptual layers of CPS resources as physical, logical, and process through three-tiered approach, as illustrated in Fig. 1. In this paper, we continue our research and strive for notations that have semantic consistency across these layers. That is, we design the description language for resources, and services. The three important characteristics of the language are: (1) The published resource or service description, intended for clients, has information completeness, consistency, and correctness. (2) It should be possible to create precise formal descriptions of published service descriptions. Formalized service descriptions are not for public consumption, and are used by the service provider only for the purpose of validating the published descriptions and the demand-response model (DRM) (when their behavior models become available). (3) The service descriptions are modular, and declarative. Complex descriptions are assembled by putting together simpler descriptions, supported by strict semantics. This specification approach imposes some uniformity of resource description across CPS sites.

Throughout the paper we suggest the underlying formalism without being formal. In Sect. 2 we explain our view on service model. In Sect. 3 we discuss resource types, and a generic resource description template. This notation is suggested for modeling resources at the physical layer. The merits in our approach are brought out through a brief comparison with other resource modeling approaches. In Sect. 4 we give resource class specifications, that resemble Larch [4] specifications. A resource class specification will include a resource type description, and it is extensible. This notation is suggested for modeling resources at the logical layer. In Sect. 5 we give a template for service description, which will include the resource description classes for all resources used by the service. We explain the significance of the service description template, and how it can be analyzed for quality claims. This notation is suggested for modeling resources at the process layer. We conclude the paper in Sect. 7 with a brief summary of its significance and our ongoing work.

2 Abstract Service Model

Abstractly, the three major stakeholders in CSP are Resource Producer (RP), Service Provider (SP), and Service Requester (SR). A SP may interact with one or more RPs and one or more SRs. A RP may not be directly visible to any SR in the system. So, a SR gets to know about resources used for service composition and delivery only from the service descriptions posted by the SPs. In this abstract CPS model shown Fig. 2, every RP creates a resource model for each resource in its ownership and publishes it to all SPs who subscribe to its services. Thus, it is a comprehensive description of the physical, logical, and process layer needs. This specification will enable the SPs conduct a static analysis of published resource descriptions and request their distribution across CPS nodes in a demand-driven fashion.

Once the resource model is published by a RP, the SPs who are clients of RPs will have an opportunity to independently verify the claims made in service descriptions before selecting it for use in the services created by them.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Resource-centric abstract service model

A SP creates service descriptions for services provided by it. A service description includes the functionality of the service, its non-functional properties, a list of resources used in creating and delivering the service, and a service contract. A SP publishes service descriptions and make them available to SRs who subscribe to its services. The SP guarantees the quality of service through a list of claims, which should be validated by the SP when challenged by the SRs. A SR creates a demand model of service. This model is very much dependent upon the application.

Satisfaction Criteria

Therefore, in order to have matched CPS services the two essential conditions are

  • Provided-by \((RP_q)\) SAT Required-by \((SP_q)\)

  • Provided-by \((SP_q)\) SAT Required-by \((SR_q)\)

where Provided-by \((X_q)\) means the ‘quality attributes provided by the entity \(X\)’, Required-by \((Y_q)\) means the ‘quality attributes required by the entity \(Y\)’, and SAT is the ‘satisfaction relation’. So we posit that the resource model should include Provided-by \((RP_q)\), and the service model should include Required-by \((SP_q)\), Provided-by \((SP_q)\), and Required-by \((SR_q)\). We assume that a SP, by whichever Required-by \((SP_q)\) model it has, will select the resources in order to satisfy the relation Provided-by \((RP_q)\) SAT Required-by \((SP_q)\). We assume that a SR, by whichever Required-by \((SR_q)\) model it has, will select the services in order to satisfy the relation Provided-by \((SP_q)\) SAT Required-by \((SR_q)\). Thus, the resource description should enable a formal execution of the SAT relation. Typical SAT relations are implies (\(\rightarrow \)), and includes (subset relation \(\subset \))). These are resolved using Logic and Set Theory provers.

3 Physical Description Layer

In this section we discuss the attributes for modeling resources in the physical layer. The model that we create is called Resource Description Template (RDT). We may assume that CPS resources are categorized so that all resources in a category are of the same type. One such classification is human resources, biological resources, natural resources, man made resources, and virtual resources [3].

In general, let \(\mathcal {RT}\) be a finite set of resource types. The semantics for each resource type is to be understood from its domain. A resource type \(T \in \mathcal {RT}\) is a finite collection of resources of that type. As an example, Metal is a resource type, and \(\{gold, platinum, iron, copper, zinc\}\) are resources of type Metal. The description of one resource \(r_T\) of type \(T\) is a RDT whose structure is shown in Table 1. The RDT table may be extended by adding more element descriptions. We are suggesting that a model-based formal specification may be attempted, given the RDT structure, the choice of its description parameters and their types. The tabular RDT format shown in Table 1 is meant for human agents. An XML version of the RDT is automatically generated from the RDT and is used for resource propagation across CPS processing sites. CPS sites will subscribe to the sites of Resource Providers (RP) in order to receive their RDTs and their periodic updates. Published resource types can be searched at service execution times, in order to get the most recent resource that best fits the service requirements.

Table 1 Resource description template

We have explained the semantics in details in [5], therefore below we explain the semantics briefly.

  1. 1.

    The Type of a resource is the resource category, as classified earlier or given in industries. We can include more resource types, such as Health (Medical) Resources.

  2. 2.

    The Attribute section is used to provide the identity and contact information of resource producer. A general yet concise description of the resource may also be included. Some examples may include human resources, biological resources, natural resources,man made resources, and virtual resources.

  3. 3.

    The Properties section might include physical properties, chemical properties, temporal properties (persistent or change with time), and trustworthiness properties.

  4. 4.

    The utility factor for a resource defines its relevance, and often expressed either as a numerical value \(u,0 < u < 1\), or as an enumerated set of values \(\{\) critical, essential, recommended \(\}\). In the former case, a value closer to \(1\) is regarded as critical. In the later case the values are listed in decreasing order of relevance. A RP may choose the representation \(\{\langle {a_{1}},{u_{1}} \rangle , \langle {a_{2}},{u_{2}}\rangle , \ldots , \langle {a_{k}},{u_{k}}\rangle \}\) showing the utility factor \(u_i\) for the resource in application area \(a_i\) for each resource produced by it. The utility factors published by a RP are to be regarded as recommendations based on some scientific study and engineering analysis of the resources conducted by the experts at the RP sites.

  5. 5.

    The semantics of Cost is the price per unit, where the unit definition might vary with resource type. For example, for natural gas the unit may be ‘cubic feet’, for petrol the unit may be ‘barrel or liter’.

  6. 6.

    The semantics of Availability is information under the three categories (1) Measured (provable), (2) Indicated (probable), and (3) Inferred (not certain).

  7. 7.

    The semantics of Sustainability is related to Reserves, Contingent, and Prospective. Reserves expresses a comparison between the measured amount of resource with the current demand. Contingent is an estimate (both amount and time period) of getting the reserves (this is a certainty). Prospective specifies the resource quantity determined, and an approximate time scale for its availability.

  8. 8

    The semantics of Renewability is related to the ‘perpetual’ or ‘migratory’ nature of the resource. For example, ‘solar power’ resource can be labeled ‘perpetual’; however ‘ground water’ resource may not be available for ever.

  9. 9.

    The terms Reuse and Recycling are well understood both in technology and in environmental applications.

  10. 10.

    The semantics of Legal Rules include the business rules of the RP, the government regulations governing the distribution of resources, and international rules regarding quality of resources.

  11. 11.

    The meaning of Other Resources in the Context of Use is to express ‘resource dependency’. Examples of dependencies may be expressed using before, during, and following temporal operators.

  12. 12.

    The intent of Side Effects section is to list the impact and interference effects with environment.

We compare our RDT with the UML modeling approach [6], RDF [7], the Resource Space Model (RSM) [8], the entity-relationship model [9], and Service-Oriented Middleware Architecture (WebMed) [10].

  • Modeling resources with UML is the first method proposed with respect to modeling run-time resources for real-time systems. Resource properties and resource dependencies are not part of the model, however resources required for a service can be modeled. The model is service-centric and not resource centric. It might be possible to develop resource-centric UML models at all levels, but we have not attempted this. Given the distributed nature of the resources in CPS it might be hard to manage and use UML models.

  • RDF is meant to describe Web resources, which according to our classification are Virtual resources. Since RDT is meant for all types of CPS resources we expect that all Web resources can be represented as RDTs. We have not come across RDF examples which include all RDT aspects. In particular, it is not clear as to how Availability, Reuse, Legal Rules for Supply, and Context of Use can be specified in RDF.

  • The RSM method considers the resource space as multi-dimensional where each dimension is a resource type. So, essentially RSM produces a model at the logical layer, however it is oriented towards an application. RSM is not resource-centric and its models require a centralized management in order to avoid inconsistencies.

  • The Resource-Explicit Service Model (RESM) proposed in [9] is similar to an Entity Relationship (ER) diagram. They consider physical devices as resources, and model resources, the services offered by them, and the service contexts as a bundle in a single ER diagram. This approach suggests that resources and services should be modeled together although the emphasis is on resources, and services offered by the resources always match with the services required by a consumer. A soft real-time application in CPS requires an open market approach. An open CPS network is a loosely coupled system, and it is best to avoid tight coupling between resource and service models. A service provider in CPS should be free to choose the best resources in order to fulfill a service request.

  • WebMed is a early conceptual middleware designed with a service-oriented view point to support CPS applications. It enables access to the underlying smart devices and integration of its device specific functionality with other software services through five components such as WebMed node, Web service enabler, service repository, engine, and application development. WebMed tries to provide an easy interface with physical devices. However it didn’t support resource modeling and management.

Our modeling approach emphasizes separation of concerns and modularity. An RDT is created by a RP independent of a service that might be created by a Service Provider (SP). A modification to a RDT produces a new RDT which is published by the RP and can be acquired by SPs in the CPS network. The RDT notation is suitable for the physical layer. The logical and process layer modeling include the RDTs, and thus the resource specifications are modular. The Reuse section in RDF adds one more level flexibility by explicitly stating the alternate uses of a resource. The RDT notation is richer than other notations, because it allows ‘user defined types’ to be introduced with their semantics and operations. In Table 2 we show the RDT model for gasoline 97 resource, which is considered a resource for energy support from internal-combustion engine at cars.

Table 2 RDT for gasoline 97

4 Logical Layer Description

For the resource-centric CPS model we need to follow the resource-centric service approach. In our approach, the activities in the service are ordered, and the list of activities per single resource are handled taking into account resource dependencies. A specification for each resource in which the dependencies on other resources and the tasks that can be done with that resource are listed. This is the logical view and we call this specification a Resource Class Specification (RCS). To realize the resource-centric model of CPS it is necessary that every CPS site publishes the RDTs of resources owned (or produced) by it as well as the RDTs acquired from other RPs, develop a mechanism for allocating resources in different service request contexts, and create a RCS.

Table 3 Syntax for RCS

The structure of RCS, shown in Table 3, resembles a Larch trait [4]. The semantics of Larch is adapted to give semantics to the different clauses in a RCS. Thus, the meaning of the different clauses in it are as follows: (1) The clause Resource Class introduces the name \(RC\) of the specification. (2) The includes clause states that the RDT defining resource\(r\) is specified in \(RC\). The effect is that all the information in the included \(RDT\) is exported to this specification. (3) The requires clause specifies a list of the resources that are packaged together with \(r\). These resources are necessary to make \(r\) operational. This list may be empty, in which case the resource \(r\) is self-sufficient and will be exported to service execution phase. If the list is not empty, the resource \(r\) together with all the resources included in this list will be exported as a package to a service. Note that, the resources included in the section “Other Resources in the Context of Use” of the RDT \(r\) are required for a service that requires \(r\), in addition to the resources listed in the requires clause. (4) The clause consumed-by lists the tasks or resources for which \(r\) may be needed. Each task listed in this clause is an atomic activity belonging to at least one application domain listed in the Utility section of the RDT \(r\). (5) The constraints clause lists resource constraints, compatibility constraints, and dependency constraints. Resource constraints are dependent upon the type of resource \(r\) and the context of its use. They may include minimum and maximum units of resource \(r\) that will be available in specific contexts, and a list of byproducts arising from the use of resource \(r\). The compatibility constraint is a relationship between the resource \(r\) and the tasks consumed by it. That is, resource\(r\) is compatible with two tasks \(\tau _1\) and \(\tau _2\) if they can share the resource, therefore, both these tasks can be concurrently processed. The dependency constraint can be a relationship between two resources listed in requires clause or it can be a relationship between two resource class specifications. In the former case we include the dependency constraints, written \(\tau _i \ll \tau _j\), in the constraints clause. To describe the later case let us assume that \(RC_1\) and \(RC_2\) are resource class specifications for resources \(r_1\) and \(r_2\). Suppose there exists a context \(c\) in which the resource \(r_1\) should be used before resource \(r_2\) is used, then the class \(RC_2\) is dependent on class \(RC_1\). That is, all tasks listed in \(RC_1\) must be completed before starting the tasks in \(RC_1\). We use the notation \(RC_1 \xleftarrow {c} RC_2\) to show class dependency and include it in constraints clause of \(RC_1\). Class dependencies are local to a site where resources are produced. A class specification for robot RDT (Table 2) is shown in Table 4.

Table 4 Gasoline 97 resource class specification
Table 5 Engine CCS

5 Process Layer Model

In our resource-centric service model, resource class specifications are included in configuring and composing service specifications. The first step for SP is browsing the sites of those RPs, examining the RDTs published by them, and then selecting the RCSs published by them. The second step is that the SP selects the RPs from whom the RCSs can be bought. The final step for SP is to create services that can be provided by putting together the atomic tasks in the RCSs. We introduce the CyberConfiguredService (CCS) notation for this purpose. In CCS the service with its contract, quality assurances, and other legal rules for transacting business are included. Such configured services are published in the site of the SP. We define a CyberConfiguredService (CCS) is a service package that includes all the information necessary that a service requester in CPS needs to know in order to use that service. It will include (1) service functionality, (2) a list of resources used to create the service, together with resource specifications, (3) nonfunctional attributes of service, (4) quality attributes of the service, and (5) contract details. Legal rules, context information on service availability and service delivery, and privacy guarantees are part of contract details. The service and contract parts are integrated in CCS, and consequently no service exists in our model without a contract. The contract part in CCS includes QoS contract Provided-by \((SP_q)\) as well as the QoS contract Provided-by \((RP_q)\). These contracts must be resolved at service discovery and service execution times. The structure of CCS for Engine CCS is illustrated in Table 5.

Complex CCS Representation We take the energy support from internal-combustion engine as an example and illustrate the CCS specification accordingly. In reality the energy support system from internal-combustion engine in vehicle is a extremely complex service. For simplicity, we model the service involving fuel supply, air supply, working engine to convert energy, electrical system to help engine and get energy from engine, related manufactures to transfer fuel, air, heat and electricity, sensors and agent system to measure and make decision, and protection system to deal with error. So, there are eight services required for the energy support. The SP who offers the energy support service creates the eight configured service specifications including FuelCCS, AirCCS, EngineCCS, SensorCCS, ElectricalCCS, AgentCCS, TransferCCS and ProtectionCCS and puts them together as shown in Table 6. The semantics of the specification in Table 6 is the following: In the includes clause the CCSs that are necessary for the complex service are listed. The extensions clause will include additions to the non-functional and trust attributes of the included CCSs. The modifications clause will list changes and additions to the contract part of the included CCSs. We emphasize that no change will be made to the functionality of the included configured services and the resources used to produce them. In essence, the syntax in Table 6 is intended to be used by SPs in the service execution layer.

Table 6 Syntax for creating energy support from internal-combustion engine CCS

We decide to develop them separately. One rationale is reuse potential, in that each CCS can be used individually in other service creations. For example, there are many different kinds of fuels used in different kinds of environments while the fuel supply service might be quite similar. The service structures can be used in same way but different places by just relying on different resources. Second, they can be combined in many ways dynamically, as and when a service provision context arises. In the case of the energy support system in vehicle from internal-combustion engine, all the eight CCSs are required. In another situation when energy support system is required at aircraft perhaps these eight CCSs are not sufficient. The SP may need to add more modules such as BalancingCCS and CoolCCS into the entire energy support system. Thus the SP can create a complex service using the two additional BalancingCCS and CoolCCS together with the eight CCSs, by modifying the contract part of the structure. Furthermore, EngineCCS, SensorCCS, ElectricalCCS, AgentCCS, TransferCCS, ProtectionCCS and other specific CCSs can be included to model and specify some other CPS systems like intelligent irrigation system, robots rescue systems, intelligent Manufacturing systems etc.

6 Toolkit Implementation

The semantic basis is necessary for developing tools. We are currently developing a Graphical Resource Editor (GRE). The goals are (1) to provide assistance to developers in creating the specifications at the three layers, (2) to automatically generate XML files that can be shared by CPS nodes, and (3) to enable a formal resolution of \(SAT\) claims by providing links to other verification tools. The GRE tool that we have completed enables the creation of RDTs and their XML versions.

According to the formal definition and semantics for resources that we proposed, we implemented a graphical user interface (GUI) at each CPS site for humans and systems to interact, share, and yet securely manage resources across CPS [11]. The rationale for GUI is that humans who manage resource will find it user-friendly, and the mechanism that we build behind RDT will faithfully transform resource information in languages that can be shared and communicated securely across the CPS. A Framework for GUI which supports RDT has been discussed in  [11]. However Resource management is a multi-step activity. The implementation is only the first step. We may consider Resource Discovery, Resource Acquisition, Resource , Resource Publication, and Resource Allocation as the distinct layers in resource management. Therefore a complete GUI should be implemented to fulfill resource management.

Some of the benefits and key features in the design of GUI are as follows:

  1. 1.

    Comprehensive and complete visibility of resource availability, resource requests, and resource allocation is possible for the business enterprise.

  2. 2.

    Local and global pool of resources can be assessed for a project, regardless of physical location.

  3. 3.

    Within GUI, it is possible to view and manage resource utilization by graphical plug-ins.

  4. 4.

    Modifications to resource bookings can be monitored and dealt with by real-time reallocation of resources to other projects.

  5. 5.

    Security settings of key aspects of resource knowledge can be distributed across the multiple layer.

7 Conclusion

In this paper we proposed a model-based language to specify resource and resource-centric services through three-tiered approach. The RDT table structure, given its semantics, can be turned into a lightweight formal description. We import the RDT specifications within resource class specifications which are written in Larch style. Cyber configured service specifications are also declaratively written in Larch style. Thus RDT, RCS, and CCS all have set theory and logic semantic basis. Moreover context formalism is also founded on relational semantics. Therefore, the semantic basis in a tier is consistent with the semantic basis in all tiers below. Consequently formal validation of service claims are possible if they are stated in first order logic. Thus a claim verified in a tier is not contradicted in higher tiers. We have suggested rigorous methods for evaluating three kinds of \(SAT\) relations [3]. We are still working on this aspect. To validate the quality claims made for resources themselves we would need scientific evidence and engineering analysis of their respective resource types. For example, the precision and accuracy of energy consumption in a vehicle would need an analysis based on the mechanics behind the design of the energy support system. So, validation issues are hard to tackle; however, the specifications suggested in this paper will enable the claims to be stated formally, a first step towards validation. Clearly, verifying resource claims is a broader challenge which needs investigation by domain experts. Since all the quality claims of resources may not verifiable using software, a tight coupling exists between what experts can do and what machines can be made to do.

Protecting resources, assuring confidentiality in service provision, and privacy of CPS clients are the three challenges to be faced in making CPS survive attacks. In the three-tired architecture that we have proposed these three issues can be addressed separately at each tier. Importing a secure lower layer into the next higher layer enables security verification compositional. As a prerequisite to service layer confidentiality, resource models must be protected. As a simple first step solution the tool enforces access control rights for RPs and SPs. The intent is to ensure the integrity of resource information. SPs can use, but not modify RDTs, and resources allocated to the service bought by a SP are assured to be the resources included in the CCSs viewed by the clients. Thus, deception attacks can be detected, if not prevented, at source. Currently we are working on resource protection issues for other layers.