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Optical-Tweezers-Based Microrheology of Soft Materials and Living Cells

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Handbook of Photonics for Biomedical Engineering


Optical tweezers [1] use a highly focused laser beam to form a stable trap to confine one or more micron- or nano-sized particles in three-dimensional space, enabling noninvasive manipulation, without any mechanical contact, of microscopic probe particles embedded in a sample. Since its first demonstration in 1986 by Ashkin et al. [2], single-beam optical tweezers have been used to manipulate microscopic objects such as colloidal particles [3], biomolecules [4, 5], and biological cells [6–9]. In addition, optical tweezers have also been used as pico-Newton force transducers to measure the strength of molecular bonds [10] and to determine the transmission of forces in the microscopic environment of complex fluids [11–14]. Combining the ability to manipulate microparticles with force measurement, optical tweezers have been used to study the micromechanical properties of soft materials [15, 16], such as colloidal crystals [17–20], liquid crystals [21–23], carbon nanotube suspensions [24], actin-coated lipid vesicles [25–27], living cells [28–33], cytoskeletal networks [34–37], DNA networks [38, 39], polymer solutions [40–42], collagen gels [43, 44], human erythrocyte membranes [45–49], and even individual strands of DNA molecules [5, 50].

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Wei, MT., Latinovic, O., Hough, L.A., Chen, YQ., Ou-Yang, H.D., Chiou, A. (2014). Optical-Tweezers-Based Microrheology of Soft Materials and Living Cells. In: Ho, AP., Kim, D., Somekh, M. (eds) Handbook of Photonics for Biomedical Engineering. Springer, Dordrecht.

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