
1 Introduction

Software Transactional memory (STM) [1] is a promising approach for concurrency control in multi-core processors environment. A transaction in STM executes a series of reads and writes to shared memory, which is grouped into an atomic action. STM guarantees that every action will appear to be executed atomically to the rest of the system.

There are several STM approaches those have worked on basic concurrency implementation for avoiding deadlock. These approaches use blocking [24] or non-blocking [58] process synchronization technique. In non-blocking process synchronization, the major challenge is reducing abort of concurrently executing transactions. A limited of works have been done in this area [7, 8]. In [7], aborting of transaction has been identified as a major limitation for STM solutions. The work in [7] is on abort- free execution for a cascade of transactions. Although, theoretical estimation shows a good performance improvement; however, the actual STM implementation was not being done to explore the actual performance improvement.

Some STM solutions explore software engineering aspects either by using realistic concurrent data [9, 10, 11] or by a theoretical study [12]. One of the major breakthroughs is the implementation of composable software transactional memory [10, 11] in Haskell.

STM Haskell [10] provides composable memory transaction, i.e., transactional actions that are defined can be combined to generate a new transaction. STM Haskell takes an action as its argument and performs it atomically by maintaining two guarantees: Atomicity and Isolation. Atomicity ensures that execution of a transaction is visible to other threads all at once. Isolation property guarantees that execution of a transaction cannot be affected by other transactions. Since its introduction, several extensions to the basic primitives have been proposed in STM Haskell. This makes STM Haskell more flexible and easy customizable implementation.

This paper describes an implementation of software transactional memory using STM Haskell, using three different concurrency control mechanisms and compares their performance.

The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents a brief description of one of the recently proposed STM solution [7] that has claimed to improve throughput in all possible scenarios. This section follows a critical observation on the said work [7] and its analysis to establish the importance of implementing STM solutions on a suitable platform towards appropriate performance analysis. Section 3 describes the implementation technique of software transactional memory using STM Haskell. Section 4 explores the performance and presents the result set. We have presented a set of observations on the advantages of STM Haskell towards implementing STM solutions. The paper concludes in Sect. 5 with a note on future direction of research for STM implementation.

2 Retrospection of an OFTM Solution Towards Abort Freedom

In [7], an interesting obstruction free implementation of STM was proposed that allows contentious transactions to execute without causing any abort to other transactions. The basic idea of this algorithm is that, a transaction, say T k , may be in active state even after the completion of update process of a transactional variable. Now if another transaction, say T m , wants to access the same transactional variable, it faces contention with T k . Thus, in conventional method, either T m will be blocked or T m will abort T k to get access of that transactional variable. In contrast, this algorithm [7] allows T m to access the transactional variable optimistically, with an expectation that T k will not update that transactional variable further, thus T m will find a consistent data value at commit time. At commit time T m will check the data consistency, i.e., transactional value at the start time is same as at the time of its commit. If data is consistent and T k is committed, then T m commits; otherwise, T m re-executes its operation after reading the last updated value of the transactional variable.

The paper elaborately explains how to execute read and write operations for two transactions in presence of contention. This procedure is also extensible for a cascade of transactions. The efficiency and performance improvement is compared with DSTM (STM for Dynamic-sized Data Structures) [5] in terms of the average execution time (AET) of the transactions. Three different cases are being considered: Where AET of two transactions are equivalent; AET of first transaction less than the second transaction, and lastly, AET of first transaction is greater than the second transaction. The result set shows the throughput of the algorithm is better or at least equivalent to the DSTM [5]. In spite of having several potentials, the algorithm in [7] suffers from some serious drawbacks.

  • the solution [7] does not ensure isolation property as transactions communicate between themselves and share the non-committed transactional data;

  • the paper [7] proposes abort-free execution, which is tailored only for two concurrent transactions. It has given only an idea on how cascade of transaction may run without any abort;

  • the algorithm [7] claims to execute in abort-free manner. However, in some specific cases, transaction either aborts its enemy transaction or backs-off for some arbitrary time;

  • authors of [7] claimed that the approach yields higher throughput in comparison to DSTM [5]. However, the actual STM implementation is not done.

These drawbacks can be actually verified and analyzed by implementation or at least by some proper simulation of STM. The GHC STM Haskell could be one of the suitable platforms for STM implementation due to the following reasons:

  • GHC Haskell implements some major extensions to support both concurrent and parallel programming, which is highly desirable in multi-core processor environment;

  • No new language construct has been introduced in concurrent Haskell, rather it appears as libraries. The functions are exported by these libraries;

  • In Haskell, the STM library includes various features like Atomic blocks, Transactional Variables and more importantly the composability of transactions.

All these features make STM Haskell a promising language construct for STM implementation. The algorithm presented in [7] has encouraged the authors of the current paper to discuss on implementing STM in Haskell. In next section, the implementation technique of STM using STM Haskell has been described with different concurrency control mechanism available in GHC Haskell.

3 Implementing STM Using STM Haskell

3.1 Important System Variables

The STM Haskell uses a monad to encapsulate all access operation to shared transactional variables (TVars). The operations in TVars are as follows:

  • data TVar a

  • newTVar :: a -> STM (TVar a)

  • readTVar :: TVar a -> STM a

  • writeTVar :: TVar a -> a -> STM()

Both readTvar and writeTVar operations return STM actions, which can be composed by do {} syntax. STM actions are executed by a function atomically, with type atomically :: STM a -> IO a.

This function takes memory transaction and delivers I/O action. It runs the transaction atomically with respect to all other transactions. An STM expression can also retry to deal with blocking, when a transaction has to wait for some conditions to be true.

  • retry :: STM a

The semantics of retry is to abort the current transaction and run it again. But, instead of blindly rerunning the transaction again and again, transaction reruns only when the TVar that has been read by the current transaction has changed.

Finally, the orElse function allows two transactions to be combined, where only one transaction is performed but not both.

  • orElse :: STM a -> STM a -> STM a

The operation orElse T 1 T 2 has the following behavior:

  • First T 1 is executed, if it returns result then orElse function returns.

  • If T 1 retry instead then T 1 is discarded and T 2 is executed.

3.2 Implementation

To implement STM in Haskell, we have chosen three different implementation approaches to execute a specific task. The task is to read a sharable data object, calculate the Fibonacci value, and finally write that Fibonacci value to the sharable data object. The whole job will be executed with the protection of atomically.

The first approach uses TVar s of STM Haskell. The atomically function of STM Haskell maintains a per-thread log that records the tentative access made to TVar s. Whenever atomically is invoked, it checks whether log is valid, i.e., no concurrent transactions has committed conflicting updates. If the log is valid then transaction commits; otherwise, transaction re-executes with a fresh log.

The next two approaches use TMVar s. In Haskell; MVar s, Mutable Variables, can be either empty or full. When a value is tired to remove from an empty MVar or to put a value into a full MVar , the operation is being blocked. TVar is modeled with MVar that contains Maybe a , i.e. newtype TMVar a   =   TMVar (TVar (Maybe a)) . ‘Maybe a’ is very common data type used in Haskell, where a function may or may not succeed. This data type is as follows:

The TMVar implementation is included in the Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar module of STM package in Haskell.

The second approach uses TMVar to execute as per the shortest job first process implementation. The third approach also uses TMVar to execute transactions sequentially in a first-in-first-out basis.

The first approach uses non-blocking synchronization, where as other two use blocking methodology of STM. All these three implementations guarantee atomicity and isolation properties of STM.

Finding Fibonacci Value

Haskell’s Control.Parallel module provides a mechanism to allow users to control the granularity of parallelism. The interface is shown below:

  • par :: a -> b -> b

  • pseq :: a -> b -> b

The function par evaluates the first argument in parallel with the second argument by returning its result to the second argument. The function pseq specifies which work of the main thread is to be executed first. The expression a pseq b evaluates a and then returns b . An elaborated explanation on Haskell parallelism is discussed in [13, 14].

While calculating Fibonacci value, the par and pseq monad is used to gain parallelism. The code is as follows:

Achieving Concurrency in Haskell

Haskell provides explicit concurrency features via a collection of library functions. The module Control.Concurrent provides an abstract type ThreadId to identify the Haskell thread. A new thread is created in the IO monad by calling the forkIO function, which returns IO unit.

  • forkIO :: IO () −> IO ThreadId

At the time of execution, while using TVars, the main thread in Haskell does not wait for its children threads to complete. The mapConcurrently function has been used to overcome this problem. This function is provided by Haskell’s Control.Concurrent.Async module. The function mapConcurrently ensures that main thread does not quit till all its children threads complete their operations. The detailed explanation about this module is available in [14].

STM implementation using TVar

Function transTest is created to define the task of the transaction. The block of code is as follows:

TInt is an integer type Transactional Variable. The type is defined as

  • type TInt   =   TVar Int

The function transTest has two parameters, a TVar and an integer. It calculates Fibonacci value of the given integer and writes that value to the TVar. Calculation of Fibonacci value determines the execution time of the transaction. As nFib 40 takes much more time than nFib 20, thus execution time in the prior case will be higher.

The code for function main (), is as follows:

This code executes two transactions concurrently, where first one will write Fibonacci value of 40 to the TVar n and the second one will write Fibonacci value of 20. Now question is that how the Haskell STM will execute these two transactions. As the execution time of the second transaction is less, it completes its execution earlier than first one and finds a valid log value, thus commits. As a result, first transaction will get invalid value in its per-thread log and thus it will re-execute its operation with a fresh log value.

Now suppose we want to track the commit pattern of the transactions. To do so, a list of MVar data type is to be created, where the threadIds will be stored when transactions successfully commit. The modified code is as follows:

Steps for program compilation

The command to compile the program [13] in multi-threaded environment is as follows:

  • $ ghc –o testTVar -–make testTVar.hs –threaded –rtsopts

To execute the program, we need to specify how many real threads are available to execute the logical threads in the Haskell program. The command to execute the program with two real threads is:

  • $ ./testTVar +RTS –N2 –s

The flag –s, if included, shows the actual evaluation thread executions. The portion of the actual output, while executing with two threads, is as follows:

The output shows that commit pattern of the transactions. The execution time is 4.13 s against actual 8.25 s. It also shows the 175.6 % productivity.

STM Implementation using TMVar (Shortest Job First)

In our attempt to implement this, we have used TMVar and threads together. We have created an empty TMVar and forked the job to run in the background. The main thread has been blocked until each results return. While calling Fibonacci, BangPatterns [15] is used to evaluate the Fibonacci value, so that at the time of execution, first thread to finish will have its result first.

We have taken the advantage of TMVar’s empty/full semantics to block the main thread for each of the children threads. The program code is given below. The function nFib is same as above. In this implementation also, transactions run atomically and obey the basic principles of STM.

STM Implementation using TMVar (First-In-First-Out)

The implementation is same as the previous one, but in this case transactions execute in first-in-first-out basis. Here, the second transaction waits till the first one completes its execution. In this approach, transaction variables are also accessed atomically.

In the next section, these three approaches are being implemented in multi-threaded environment to analyze result set.

4 Simulation Results

In this experiment, parallelism and concurrency both are taken care of while implementing Software Transactional Memory in STM Haskell. This case study considers that transactions perform ‘some task’, which can be executed in parallel and update the transactional variables. The whole task is to be executed atomically, i.e., either all at once or none. The execution length of transaction depends on the execution time of the task. Thus, throughput of the concurrent execution of transaction also depends on the efficiency of the parallel and concurrent execution of the task.

In this case study three different approaches, as stated in Sect. 3.2, are being considered. The first one is STM Haskell by using TVar, second one (SJF) uses TMVar while execution shortest job first, and third one (FIFO) also uses TMVar but execution pattern is in first-in-first-out basis. The performance of these implementations varies due to these execution policies although all of them ensures STM properties.

The experimental results are summarized by varying execution length of the transaction. To do so, a set of transactions with different execution length are being considered while they are executing concurrently and sharing a common resource. Each set of transaction is formed up with five write transactions. Depending on the AET, transactions are segregated into three groups. In the first group, the AET of transactions is comparatively lower. In the second group, AET is comparatively medium and in third group the AET of transactions is comparatively higher.

In order to investigate scalability, the said three approaches are being executed on these three different groups of transactions. While executing the program, the number of threads is varied from 1 to 5 to observe the efficiency of each method in terms of parallel and concurrent execution.

This implementation is performed on Intel Core i7, 64 bit processor with 8 GB memory, and 2 MB L2 cache, running on Linux and GHC 7.8.3.

4.1 Case-I: Lower Average Execution Time

When transactions have lower execution time, SJF performs best up to three threads. Although, with a higher number of threads, STM Haskell has the slightly better throughput. Table 1 and Fig. 1 show these scenarios.

Table 1 Performance of the said approaches with lower average execution time
Fig. 1
figure 1

Performance graph of the said approaches with lower average execution time

4.2 Case-II: Medium Average Execution Time

In the case of medium length transactions, performance varies with number of threads, same way as stated in previous case, i.e., with higher number of threads STM Haskell performs better. Table 2 shows the result and Fig. 2 depicts the performance graph.

Table 2 Performance of the said approaches with medium average execution time
Fig. 2
figure 2

Performance graph of the said approaches with medium average execution time

4.3 Case-III: Higher Average Execution Time

When transactions are too lengthy, STM Haskell outperforms others, except in single-threaded execution. The result set and corresponding graph are shown in Table 3 and Fig. 3 respectively.

Table 3 Performance of the said approaches with higher average execution time
Fig. 3
figure 3

Performance graph of the said approaches with higher average execution time

4.4 Productivity Improvement with Parallel Execution

Figure 4 shows the average productivity improvement in elapsed time while executing transaction with a varying number of threads. Higher number of threads shows higher productivity.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Productivity improvement on elapse time with increasing number of threads

4.5 Summary of Results

The shortest job execution policy has minimum waiting time, which implies low turnaround time for processes. For this reason, in single-threaded environment, our implementation performs better with shortest job first execution policy. In multi-threaded environment, the parallel activities, i.e., scheduling the job for multi-cores, switching between threads etc. are managed by Haskell compiler and OS. Under this scenario, our STM implementation with TVar performs better than other two approaches. When transactions’ execution length is higher, this approach performs best while executing in multi-threaded environment. In our third implementation, where transactions execute in first-in-first-out basis, transactions’ average waiting time becomes higher, which results in high turnaround time and a lower throughput.

5 Conclusions

In this paper, we have critically described one of the recently proposed STM solutions to establish the importance of STM implementation for appropriate performance analysis. We have also implemented STM in Haskell using three different approaches. The first implementation uses TVars (STM Haskell) to access transactional variables concurrently. Each transaction maintains a log and depending on its validity transaction re-executes with a fresh log. In second implementation, we have combined TMVar and bang-pattern for strict evaluation, which enables transactions to execute any job in the background. Using this technique, we implemented shortest job first execution policy. The third implementation executes transactions as per their initiation order in first-in-first-out basis.

In all these implementations, we have executed task of the transactions in parallel and observed the performance impact of different execution policies. The experimental results show variations in performance depending on number of threads and transactions’ execution length. Transactions with smaller execution length perform better in shortest job first implementation when number of threads is less. When number of threads is increased, the STM Haskell performs better. On the other hand, when transaction execution length is high, STM Haskell performs better, irrespective of number of threads available.