
1 Introduction

As the World Wide Web and users are maturing at a very rapid rate, the performance of web systems becomes rapidly high. Web caching is the one of the best methods for improving the performance of the proxy host. The idea behind in web caching is to maintain the most popular web log data that likely to be re-visited in the future in a cache, such that the performance of web system can be improved since most of the user requests can directly access from the cache. The main idea of web caching algorithm is the cache replacement policy. To ameliorate the execution of web caching, researchers have proposed a number of cache replacement policies Table 1. Many of these conventional replacement algorithms take into account several factors and assign a key value or priority for each web document stored in the cache. However, it is difficult to have to have an omnipotent replacement policy that performs well in all places or for all time because each replacement policy has a different structure to optimize the different resources. Moreover, several factors can influence the cache replacement policy to have a better replacement decision and it is not an easy task because one parameter is more important than the other one.

Table 1 Cache replacement policies

Due to this restriction, there is a need for an efficient method to intelligently handle the web cache by satisfying the objectives of web caching requirement. Thus the motivation, for incorporating the intelligent methods in the web caching algorithms. Another motivation to intelligent web caching algorithms is to train the availability of web access log files. In our previous surveys, the intelligent techniques have been applied in web caching algorithm. These studies typically build a prediction model by training the web log files. By progressing to use of the prediction model, the caching algorithms become more effective and adaptive to the web cache environment compared to the conventional web caching algorithms. However, these studies didn’t take into account the user design and feature request when making the prediction model. Since the users are the origin of web access, it is necessary to establish a prediction model, whether the object can be revisited in future or not. In this paper, we use the web logs file to train by the Expectation Maximization Naïve Bayes classifier (EM-NB) [1] and to classify whether the web objects can be revisited in future or not. Based on this method, we can obtain user interest web objects that can be revisited in future or not. We then proposed the semi supervised learning mechanism EM-NB to classify the web log files and then it is incorporated with traditional caching algorithm called EMNB-LRU and EMNB-GDSF to improve its web caching performance.

The organization of this paper is as follows. In the following part, we survey the related study in web caching. In Sect. 3 we give a brief introduce of Expectation Maximization Naive Bayes classifier model. Section 4 we introduce the proposed novel web proxy caching approach and show how it integrates with the caching Algorithms. Experiment Results are described in Sect. 5. Performance Evaluation is presented in Sect. 6. Finally, we conclude our paper in Sect. 7.

2 Related Works

Web caching plays a vital role in improving web proxy server performance. The essence of web caching is so called “replacement policy”, which measure the most popular of previously visited documents, retaining it in the cache those popular documents and replaces rarely used ones. The basic idea of the most common caching algorithms is to assign each document a key value computed by factors such as size, frequency and cost. Using this key value, we could rank these web documents according to corresponding key value. When a replacement is to be carried, the lower ranked web documents will be evicted from the cache. Among these key value based caching algorithms; GDSF [2] is the most successful one. It assigns a key value to each document in the cache as K(h) = L + F(h) * C(h)/s(h), where L is an inflation factor to avoid cache Pollution, C(h) is the cost to fetch, F(h) is the past occurrence frequency of h and S(h) is the size of h. Accessibility of web log files that can be used as training data promotes the growth of intelligent web caching algorithms [35].

In preceding papers exploiting supervised learning methods to cope with the matter [3, 68]. Most of these recent studies use an Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Naïve Bayes (NB), Decision tree (C4.5), in worldwide caching Table 2. Though ANFIS training might consume a wide amount of time and need further process overheads. Also Naïve Bayes, result in less accuracy in classifying the large web data sets and similarly Decision Tree also result in less prediction accuracy in training large data sets. So In this paper, we attempted to increase the performance of the web cache replacement strategies by integrating semi supervised learning method of Expectation Maximization Naive Bayes classifier (EM-NB). In conclusion, we achieved a large-scale evaluation compared with other intelligent classifier like ANFIS, Naïve Bayes, and Decision Tree (C4.5) in terms of precision and recall on different log files and the proposed methodology has enhanced the performance of the web proxy cache in terms hit and byte hit ratio.

Table 2 Summary of intelligent web caching approaches

3 Expectation Maximization Naive Bayes Classifier

One of the LU learning techniques uses the Expectation–Maximization (EM) algorithm [9]. EM is a popular iterative algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation problems with missing data. The EM algorithm consists of two steps, the Expectation step (or E-step), and the Maximization step (or M-step). The E-step basically fills in the missing information based on the current approximation of the parameters. The M-step, which maximizes the likelihood, re-estimates the parameters. This leads to the next iteration of the algorithm, and so on.

The ability of EM to work with missing information is exactly what is needed for learning from labelled and unlabelled examples. The web document in the labelled set (denoted by L) all have class labels (or values). The web document in the unlabeled.

Set (denoted by U) can be considered as having missing class labels. We can use EM to estimate them based on the current model, i.e., to assign probabilistic class labels to each document di in U, (i.e., Pr(cj|di)). Subsequently a number of iterations, all probabilities will converge. Notice that the EM algorithm is not really a specific “algorithm”, but is a framework or strategy. It only carries a base algorithm iteratively. We will use the naïve Bayesian (NB) algorithm as the base algorithm, and run it iteratively. The parameters that EM estimates the class prior probabilities (see Eq. 1). In this paper, we use a NB classifier in each iteration of EM, (Eqs. 1 and 2) for the E-step, and (Eq. 3) for the M-step. Specifically, we first build a NB classifier f using the labeled examples in L. We then use of to classify the unlabeled examples in U, more accurately, to ascribe a probability to each class for every unlabelled example (i.e., Pr(cj|di)), which takes the value in [0, 1] instead of {0, 1}.

Let the set of classes be C = {c1, c2 … c|C|}. That is, it assigns di the class probabilities of Pr(c1|di), Pr(c2|di), …, Pr(c|C||di). This is different from the example in the labelled set L, where each web document belongs to only a single class c k (i.e. \( \Pr \left( {{\text{c}}_{\text{k}} |{\text{d}}_{\text{i}} } \right) = 1({\text{Revisited}}\;{\text{again}})\;{\text{and}}\;\Pr \left( {{\text{c}}_{\text{j}} |{\text{d}}_{\text{i}} } \right) = 0({\text{Not}}\;{\text{Revisited}}\;{\text{again}})\,{\text{j}} \ne {\text{k}} . \)

3.1 Implementation of Expectation Maximization Naive Bayes Classification Algorithm

3.1.1 Training Phase


Collection of training documents; Set of target values (categories, topics)


Files containing the probabilities of Pr(c j ) and Pr(w r |c j )

4 Proposed Novel Web Proxy Caching Approach

The proposed system will present a framework (Fig. 1) for novel Web proxy caching approaches based on machine learning techniques [35]. In Our Proposed work we use the semi supervised mining algorithm for classifying the datasets that can be revisited again or not in the future. The mining steps consist of two different phases for classifying the data sets; in the first phase (Fig. 1) we preprocess to remove the irrelevant information in the proxy log data sets, Different techniques are given at the preprocessing stage such as data cleansing, data filtering and information consolidation. Once this task has been accomplished, the proxy data sets have been trained in the second phase (Fig. 1). By the classifier EM-NB, which predicts whether the web objects that can be revisited once more in the future or not. In the third phase (Fig. 1), the Predicted web object has been integrated to the traditional web proxy caching algorithm like LRU and GDSF for replacement strategies in order to improve the hit and byte hit ratio of the conventional replacement algorithm.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Working flow of web proxy caching approach based on Expectation Maximization Naïve Bayes classifier

4.1 Expectation Naïve Bayes Classifier—Greedy Dual Size Frequency

The main advantage of the GDSF principle is that it executes well in terms of the hit ratio. But, the byte hit ratio of GDSF principle is too reduced. Thus, the EM-NB classifier is integrated with GDSF for advancing the performance in terms of the hit and byte hit ratio of GDSF [2]. The suggested novel proxy caching approach is called (EM-NB)—GDSF. In (EM-NB)—GDSF, a trained EM-NB classifier is used to predict the classes of web objects either objects may be re-visited later or not. After this, the classification, assessment is integrated into cache replacement policy (GDSF) to give a key value for each object in the cache buffer; the lowest values are removed first. The proposed (EM-NB)—GDSF.

4.2 Expectation Naïve Bayes Classifier—Least Recently Used

LRU policy is the most common web proxy caching scheme among all the Web proxy caching algorithms [10]. But, LRU policy suffers from cache pollution, which means that unpopular data’s will remain in the cache for a long period. For reducing cache pollution in LRU, an EM-NB classifier is joint with LRU to form a novel approach Called (EM-NB)—LRU.

4.2.1 Algorithm for Greedy Dual Size Frequency—Least Recently Used

5 Experimental Results

5.1 Proxy Log File Collection

We received data from the proxy log files of the Web object requested in some proxy Servers found in UC, BO2, SV, SD, and NY nearby the United States of the IR cache network for 15 days [11]. An access proxy log entry generally consists of the consequent fields: timestamp, elapsed time, log tag, message protocol code, size, user identification, request approach, URL, hierarchy documents and hostname, and content type.

5.2 Web Pre-processing

Web pre-processing is a usage mining technique that involves transforming web log data into a structured format. WWW log information is frequently incomplete, inconsistent and likely to contain many errors. Web preprocessing prepares log data for further classification using machine learning classifier. It takes three different steps such as Parsing, Filtering and Finalizing. After the pre-processing, the final format of our Web log files consists of a URL-ID, Timestamp, Delay Time, and Size as presented in Table 3.

Table 3 Sample of pre-processed dataset

5.3 Training Phase

The training datasets are prepared the desired features of Web objects are taken out from pre-processed proxy log files. These features comprise of URL-ID, Timestamp, Delay Time, size. The sliding window of a request is that the period, a far and later once the demand were created. In additional, the sliding window ought to be about the signify time that the information usually stays during a cache (SWL is 15 min).

Once the dataset is prepared Table 4, the machine learning techniques (MNB) is applied depending on the concluded dataset to categorize the World Wide Web objects that will be re-visited or not. Each proxy dataset is then classified into training data (75 %) and testing data (25 %). Therefore, the dataset is normalized according into the series [0, 1]. When the dataset is arranged and normalized, the machine learning methods are applied using WEKA 3.7.10.

Table 4 Sample of training dataset

5.4 Web Proxy Cache Simulation

The simulator WebTraff [12] can be modified to rendezvous our suggested proxy caching approaches. WebTraff simulator is used to evaluate distinct replacement Policies such as LRU, LFU, GDS, GDSF, FIFO and RAND policies. The trained, classified datasets are integrated with WebTraff to simulate the suggested novel World Wide Web proxy caching approaches. The WebTraff simulator receives the arranged log proxy document as input and develops file encompassing performance measures as outputs.

6 Performance Evaluation

6.1 Classifier Evaluation

Precision (Eq. 4) and recall (Eq. 5) are more suitable in such applications because they measure how accurate and how complete the classification is on the positive class (re-visited object). It is convenient to introduce these measures using a confusion matrix Table 5. A confusion matrix contains information about actual and predicted results given by a classifier.

Table 5 Confusion matrix for a two-class problem

Based on the confusion matrix, the precision (p) and recall (r) of the positive class are defined as follows:

$$ {\text{Precision}}\, ( {\text{p)}} = \frac{{\text{TP}}}{{\text{TP}}\,+\,{\text{FP}}} $$
$$ {\text{Recall}}\, ( {\text{r)}} = \frac{{\text{TP}}}{{\text{TP} \,+\, \text{FN}}} $$

In words, precision p is the number of correctly classified positive examples divided by the total number of examples that are classified as positive. Recall r is the number of correctly classified positive examples divided by the total number of actual positive examples in the test set. From the (Fig. 2) apparently displays that the EMNB accomplishes the best Precision and recall for all datasets.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Comparison of recall and precision

In summation, the computational time for training EMNB is faster than NB and C4.5, ANFIS for all datasets Table 6. Thus, we can conclude that the applications of EMNB in web proxy caching are more valuable and effective when associated with other machine learning algorithm.

Table 6 The training time (in seconds) for different datasets

6.2 Evaluation of Integrated Web Proxy Caching

6.2.1 Performance Measure

In web caching, hit ratio (HR) and byte hit ratio (BHR) Table 7 are two commonly utilized metrics for assessing the performance of web proxy caching strategies [2, 4, 9].

Table 7 Examples of performance metrics used in cache replacement policies

HR is well-defined as the ratio of the number of demands served from the proxy cache and the complete number of demands. BHR denotes to the number of bytes assisted from the cache, riven up by the complete number of byte assisted. The results in Fig. 3 Specify that EMNB-GDSF increases GDSF performance in terms of HR and EMNB-LRU over LRU is in terms of HR and in terms of BHR.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Hit ratio and byte hit ratio for different dataset

7 Conclusion

This work proposes two new web proxy caching approaches, namely EMNB-LRU, and EMNB-GDSF for improving the operation of the conventional World Wide Web proxy caching algorithms. Primarily, EMNB discovers from World Wide Web proxy log file to forecast the categories of objects to be revisited or not. Experimental results have revealed that EMNB achieves much better Precision and performance much faster than the other classifiers. In addition, in future we can consider incorporating the clustering approach to process web logs, so that a more accurate user interest model could be obtained by the EMNB and other intelligent classifiers.