
1 Introduction

World Wide Web has become the most popular ammo in today’s era of innovations and technologies. Cloud computing is an Internet-based computing, which typically involves the provisioning of dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources as services over the Internet. Some of the distinguishing characteristics of cloud computing are elasticity, scalability, hardware virtualization, fast service configuration, etc. [9, 10]. In cloud computing environments, variety of services can be provided which are broadly classified as infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS) as shown in Fig. 1. These cloud services can be composed into a value-added service termed as everything as a service (EaaS) to satisfy the dynamic needs of users. Various uncertainties can affect the correctness, availability, and reliability of service composition in cloud computing environments due to the heterogeneous, autonomous, and dynamic characteristics of cloud services. Therefore, how to ensure service compositions with multi-agents in the unpredictable cloud environments needs to be urgently addressed.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Basic cloud service composition

Now-a-days, the number of cloud providers is increasing, and the services offered by cloud providers have also increased. There are also increasing demands for cloud services from consumers. There are two major challenges to address. First, anticipating all of the possible required services is extremely difficult, particularly for software services. The second challenge is in selecting the optimum required single composite services, which are provided by different service providers with different quality of service (QoS) attributes; an optimal combination for forming a complicated service must be composed. Thus, there is a need for dynamic and automated cloud service composition that can support everything as a service model capable of satisfying complex consumer requirements as they emerge and nullify human intervention by the use of agents. Literally, agent is an entity which acts on behalf of another entity. An agent is essentially a special software component that has autonomy that provides an interoperable interface to an arbitrary system and/or behaves like a human agent, working for some clients in pursuit of its own agenda. Agents are independent of problem solvers (e.g. cloud participants) that may collaborate to achieve a global objectives (e.g. service composition) while simultaneously considering both individual goals and constraints. Therefore, a multi-agent system is a collection of autonomous, interacting, and cooperative agents that react to events and may self-organize by means of interaction, negotiation, coordination, and collaboration.

The significance of this paper is that it is an effort in providing an efficient multi-agent-based approach for dealing with one-time, persistent, vertical, and horizontal cloud service compositions. This paper modernized some aspects of [1]. The rest part of this paper is distributed as follows. In Sect. 2, a literature study on cloud service composition model is discussed along with their merits and limitations. In Sect. 3, an efficient multi-agent-based cloud service composition model is proposed, along with the description of agents’ job (Sect. 3.1), algorithms for proposed agents’ behaviour (Sect. 3.2). In Sect. 3.3, the service capability tables (SCTs) for proposed model is discussed and semi-recursive contract net protocol (SR-CNP) is discussed in Sect. 3.4. In Sect. 4, implementation of the proposed model is discussed along with evaluation of both the models from speculative point of view is described. In Sect. 5, the future direction of this model is discussed along with the concluding remarks.

2 Literature Study

Several researches have been done on cloud service composition by using various approaches. In our review, we have considered the study of those papers which are related to cloud service composition.

A multi-agents-based cloud service composition model was proposed in [1, 3, 8] which is a 3-layered architecture. The positive points in [1] are as follows: (i) it is a multi-agent system that nullified the human intervention in cloud service composition, (ii) the implementation of service ontology which can be semantic or syntactic (which is another research area), and (iii) the distributive architecture of the model. Along with the above advantages, the paper lacks in some aspects like (a) service provider agents are cluster of homogeneous type of resource agents, i.e. an SPA only holds RAs of one-type services from SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS, (b) unnecessary message passing to rejected agents.

A QoS-based service composition using state transition machine is proposed in [2]. Positive point in this paper is that it composes service considering all optimal service resources, but the drawback is that it incurs more communication overhead to reach at a composite service. A QoS-based service composition considering network traffic is proposed in [4]. Though this paper considers optimal services available locally to incur less network propagation but it may lack in case of a heavy traffic arising in a particular locality resulting a bottleneck condition in a geographical area.

A QoS-based tree-pruning service composition is proposed in [5]. Though it is a QoS-based service composition technique but it is centralized approach. A QoS-based service composition based on service-level agreement is proposed in [7]. Here, agreement is done before delivering the services and the composite services are well tested. But the drawback is that a bottleneck situation may rise at cloud directory and also the testing result may vary for different trusted composition verifiers.

The basic aim of considering [1] is all its positivity as described earlier. Along with the above-discussed advantages, the paper lacks in some aspects like (a) service provider agents are cluster of homogeneous type of resource agents, i.e. an SPA only holds RAs of one-type services from SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS, (b) unnecessary message passing to rejected and/or to useless agents, and (c) inefficient implementation of consumer agent and broker agent levels which may give rise to delay. In our proposed model, we have tried to address the above issues.

3 Proposed Cloud Service Composition Model

In our proposed composition model, we have designed a 2-layered multi-agent-based cloud service composition model instead of a 3-layered model with an aim to reduce the processing time. The proposed model is given in Fig. 2. The service ontology considered here is a syntactic though semantic ontology can also be implementable as described in [6] which we will try to address in our future work. We have taken 3 agents namely (i) consumer agent (CA), (ii) service broker agent (SBA), and (iii) resource provider agent (RPA). Also we have taken an SBA of heterogeneous type, i.e. the SBA is a cluster of different types of services (i.e. RPAs). SBA will perform two tasks. Firstly, it will act as a service provider. Secondly, it will act as a broker agent if it fails to do the first task. The agents’ behaviours are summarized in Table 1.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Proposed cloud service composition model

Table 1 Agents’ behaviour

3.1 Agents’ Job Description

The agents’ job is defined from their functionality point of view, and the tasks that can be performed by agents are defined as their behaviour. Agents (CAs, SBAs, and RPAs) interact among each other to compose and manage cloud services by adopting diverse agent behaviours.

  1. a.

    Consumer Agent Job: Consumer agents are interfaces to remote users with the composition system. It also provides a single virtualized service to cloud consumers.

    1. i.

      Receiving and mapping consumer requirements.

    2. ii.

      Submitting service composition requests to SBAs.

    3. iii.

      Selecting an optimal SBA.

    4. iv.

      Handling (receiving) services and making single virtualized service.

    5. v.

      Submitting update requests.

  2. b.

    Service Broker Agent Job: service broker agents manage cloud resources by controlling and organizing RPAs and interacting with other SBAs to accomplish composition if needed.

    1. i.

      Directing and delegating consumers’ requirements to RPAs.

    2. ii.

      Keeping track of available resources.

    3. iii.

      Leasing cloud resources to CAs.

    4. iv.

      Managing parallel agent conversation.

    5. v.

      Execution of concurrent and parallel RPAs.

  3. c.

    Resource Provider Agent Job: resource provider agents arrange Web services and control the access to them. RPAs receive requests to resolve requirements from service brokers. Then, RPAs handle the requests via their associated Web service, returning the output to the SBAs.

    1. i.

      Arrange Web services and control access to them.

    2. ii.

      Process received requests from SBAs.

3.2 Algorithm for Agent Behaviour

We have defined about sixteen algorithms for these agent behaviours. Two of these algorithms are given in Tables 2 and 3 for readers’ interest and rest are not given for the implementation point of view.

Table 2 Algorithm for SR-CNPinitiatorCA
Table 3 Algorithm for SR-CNP participant SBA

3.3 Service Capability Tables

SCTs are used by agents to register and consult information about other cloud agents. The records of SCTs are composed of (i) agent address, (ii) requirements fulfilled by agent, and (iii) last known status of the agent/service. The SCTs are (a) dynamic: because agents can be removed or added to the table, (b) exact: because agents’ address and functionalities are well known, and (c) incomplete: because agent may unaware of the full list of existing agents. The SCT parameters for different agents are tabled in Tables 4 and 5.

Table 4 SCT for CA
Table 5 SCT of SBA

3.4 Semi-recursive Contract Net Protocol

A problem whose solution can be obtained from the solution to smaller instances of the same problem is a recursive problem. A semi-recursive (i.e. to some extent recursive) agent interaction protocol is a protocol that attains its design objective (e.g. composing a set of cloud consumer requirements) by re-instantiating its communication pattern within itself to solve smaller instances of its design objective (e.g. composing a subset of the cloud consumer requirements). The SR-CNP follows a divide-and-conquer strategy. Agents in the CNP have two roles, i.e. initiator and participant. Here, CAs and SBAs can adopt the SR-CNP initiator role, but only SBAs and RAs can take the role of participant. Figure 3 shows the interaction of these agent behaviours among each other.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Interaction of agent behaviours

4 Implementation and Speculative Evaluation

To implement our framework, we have used Java Agent DEvelopment (JADE) platform. JADE is a very powerful middleware framework built with Java to design a multi-agent systems-based architecture. Consumer agents, service broker agents, and resource provider agents are created with JADE as shown in Figs. 4, 5, and 6. Figure 4 shows a JADE environment which consist of 3 proposed agents namely consumer agent, service broker agent, and resource provider agent with their agent IDs. Figure 5 shows a consumer interface which will give a composite service, and Fig. 6 shows a resource interface to register a resource.

Fig. 4
figure 4

JADE framework for proposed cloud service composition

Fig. 5
figure 5

Consumer agent interface

Fig. 6
figure 6

Resource provider agent interface

To measure the complexity of agent behaviours, we have considered two performance measures which are number of messages exchanged by agents and processing time of request at each agent level. Section 4.1 gives a speculative evaluation on number of message exchanged, and in Sect. 4.2, the speculative evaluation on the processing of request is discussed.

4.1 Evaluation of Number of Message Exchanged

The number of message sent by an agent is dependent upon its connectivity. For both the models, we have considered similar test bed. The agents involved in evaluation were as follows: (i) for previous model, 25 CAs, 25 BAs, 30 SPAs, and 4,500 RAs (ii) for our proposed model, 25 CAs, 30 SBAs, and 4,500 RPAs. Both RAs and RPAs are randomly distributed to SPAs and SBAs, respectively. Weak connection has up to 33 % connectivity to next layer. Similarly, moderate has up to 66 % connectivity and strong has up to 100 % connectivity to next layer. The comparison shows a reduction of message passing by half through our proposed model which holds for each layer. A description on the speculative evaluation between the two approaches is discussed in Table 6. Figure 7 shows the evaluated number of message exchanged by previous model, and Fig. 8 shows the same for our proposed model.

Table 6 Comparative Speculative Evaluation
Fig. 7
figure 7

Number of message exchanged by previous model

Fig. 8
figure 8

Number of message exchanged by proposed model

4.2 Evaluation of Processing Time of Request

To evaluate the processing time for each request, we have considered similar conditions, i.e. for sending a message 0.2 ms time is considered, and 1 ms time is considered for processing a request for both the models. Figure 9 shows the overall processing time needed to process single instance of a request by both the models, where CA, BA, and SPA belong to the previous model, and CA and SBA belong to our proposed model.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Overall processing time of agents by both models

5 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we have focused on demonstrating the effectiveness of adopting agent-based techniques for cloud service composition by implementing the desirable property that our agents can autonomously and successfully deal with changing service requirements through self-organization and collaboration. As an extension to the current work, we intend to incorporate the semantic ontology to our proposed model. We hope that our multi-agent-based framework can become more practical in real-world applications with full-phase implementation.