
1 Introduction

Vehicular ad hoc networks is a wireless network that is formed between vehicles on demand basis and have become a popular area for both the academic research community and automobile industry, with specific attention to improving driving experience and road safety. As the vehicles change their location constantly, there is a continuous demand for information on the current location and specifically for data on the surrounding traffic, routes, and much more.

In vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, three broad categories of architecture are related, such as infrastructure-based, ad hoc networks, and hybrid. The infrastructure-based architecture takes advantage of the existing cellular networks. This network has few drawbacks as: high operation cost, limited bandwidth, and symmetry channel allocation for uplink and downlink. As infrastructure do not required in ad hoc networks, the cost of building such network will be very low and it can even operate in the events of disasters. The hybrid architecture combines these two architectures by considering vehicles as data relays between roadside base stations. This architecture also requires the function of multi-hop communication between vehicles, which is the essential part of ad hoc network architecture.

VANET consists of vehicles and road-side units as network nodes and enables inter-vehicle communication or IVC along with the road side-to-vehicle communication, i.e., RVC. Road conditions such as congestion, collisions, or constructions are shared by vehicles through VANETs. IVC and RVC can be divided into two categories, such as: safety-related applications and infotainment applications. Besides the fundamental security requirements, sensitive information, i.e., identity and location privacy should be preserved; on the contrary, traceability is required where the identity information needs to be revealed. In addition, privilege revocation is required by network authorities. V2V and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication can enable a range of applications to enhance transportation safety and efficiency as well as infotainment.

VANETs face many interesting research challenges in multiple areas, from privacy and anonymity to the detection and eviction of misbehaving nodes. Securing vehicular communication is a tough problem due to tight coupling between application and the network fabric, as well as additional social, legal, and economical consideration, which raise a unique combination of operational and security requirements. Privacy and security are important issues in vehicular networks. Users wish to maintain location privacy and anonymity, location and direction of movement of the vehicle are known only to those legally authorized to have access to them and remain unknown to anybody unauthorized. Security-related key challenges for VANETs are control access, user authentication, message authentication, message integrity, message identification, message privacy, accountability anonymous certification, group signatures, PKI: managing certificate revocation, pseudonyms, etc. In case of designing any routing algorithm for VANET, the above-discussed issues should be taken into account.

In this paper, we have introduced a new reliable communication mechanism depending on a proposed system module for VANET. This proposed scheme consists of two different steps. (1) Registration procedure has been introduced for new vehicles, and trust value has been assigned to each of the registered vehicles. (2) Communication mechanism has been presented for existing vehicles.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Comprehensive surveys of related works of different secure routing protocols for VANETs are discussed in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3, we have presented new trust-based routing for VANET. Intensive performance analysis of our proposed scheme is presented in Sect. 4. We conclude our paper with final remarks in Sect. 5.

2 Related Works

For full deployment of VANETs, two paramount issues should be resolved, namely security and privacy. The information communicated by vehicles should be secured. Many researchers have been already published number of research papers, addressing the security issue of vehicular ad hoc networks. In this section, we have discussed some of the security-related research challenges of VANET.

In VANETs, the connection between two vehicles is often intermittent due to dynamic vehicular movement. Routing in VANETs has been studied, and many different protocols were proposed. Granelli et al. proposed a motion-based routing algorithm [1] for VANET. The routing metric enables to exploit not only positioning information but also the direction the vehicles movement. Extensive evaluation outlines the advantages of MORA [1], especially in case of high mobility of vehicles and frequent topology changes. But considering these parameters are not enough for a best next hop selection in VANETs. A vehicle that is almost out the communication range should not be selected as a next hop, which cannot be guaranteed without taking into account the speed. Menouar et al. [2] proposed MOPR, taking into account neighboring vehicles movement speed additional to MORA [1]. Vehicle that is estimated to go out the communication range in a short-duration time will not be selected as a next hop. This approach helps in minimizing the risk of broken links and in reducing data loss. The performance of the scheme largely depends on the prediction accuracy and the estimate of the transmission time that depends, in turn, on several factors such as network congestion status, driver’s behavior, and the used transmission protocols. In Kumar and Rao [3] proposed a position-based greedy routing protocol, which uses the location, speed, and direction of motion of their neighbors to select the most appropriate next forwarding node. Like GPSR [4], it uses the two forwarding strategies greedy and perimeter. It predicts the position of nodes within the beacon interval whenever it needs to forward a data packet. DGRP [3] selects better next hop node than MOPR [2] as MOPR selects only those nodes for forwarding which are going to be communication range for next one second. In [3], if link stability between the forwarding node and its neighbor node is weak, possibility of packet loss is high in DGRP [3] and also prediction of position information is not reliable at all instances. Gong et al. [5] proposed a predictive directional greedy routing protocol, in which the weighted score is calculated from two strategies namely, position first forwarding and direction first forwarding. Using these strategies, the current neighbors and possible future neighbors of packet carrier are found. In PDGRP [5], next hop selection is done based on prediction and it is not reliable at all situations. In Jayasudha and Chandrasekhar [6] proposed a hierarchical cluster based greedy routing protocol. The main objective of the algorithm is to optimize the packet behavior in ad hoc networks with high mobility and to deliver messages with high reliability. We have also proposed a routing solution in [7]. In [8], J. Serna et al. proposed a geo-location-based trust for VANET’s privacy and used as an authorization paradigm based on a mandatory access model and a novel scheme which propagates trust information based on a vehicle’s geo-location. A trust-based privacy preserving model for VANETs has been presented by Ayman Tajeddine et al. [9], which is unique in its ability to protect privacy while maintaining accurate reputation-based trust. In [10], a reputation based trust model has been presented by Qing Ding et al. This is an event based reputation model to filter bogus warning messages. A dynamic role dependent reputation evaluation mechanism has been presented to determine whether an incoming traffic message is significant and trustworthy to the driver. BROADCOMM [11] is a popular broadcast algorithm for emergency situation in VANET. By exchanging Hello message to neighbor nodes, all nodes determine their own cell boundary. A cell reflector node is selected for each cell. These nodes actually relay the broadcasted message from one cell to other cell. Its’ simple to implement nature is ideal in emergency alert system.

The above discussions lead to the conclusion that is mainly cryptographic, and certificate-based techniques [12] are being preferred by the researchers for securing communication within VANETs. This leads to another problem namely, certificate revocation problem [13].Some researchers have chosen trust value-based authentication, but the parameters influential in trust value assignment of a vehicle are not properly identified. A trust based solution in this issue is also proposed by us [14]. Maintaining pseudonym [15] is another approach for achieve security. But it also leads to an extra maintenance cost. This paper aims to provide a reliable communication mechanism for vehicular ad hoc network, and the proposed solution is used to overcome performance bottleneck and channel congestion problem.

3 Trust-Based Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

In this section, we are going to propose a solution of above-discussed problem. In our proposed solution, we have distributed VANET in a layered architecture. In the lowest layer, all nodes (i.e., vehicles) present in the system. Local registration authority (LRAi) implies a road-side unit that acts as a middle layer element within the framework. LRAi is responsible for maintaining vehicles registered under it. The highest layer component, called global registration authority (GRA), is nothing but a repository having all lower layer information (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Modular diagram of the system

3.1 Registration Procedure

Here, we have assumed that all nodes in a VANET are distributed according the proposed layered architecture. On entry of a new vehicle in the system, it sends a request for a registration certificate to its LRAi, i.e., LRAi in its range and this request is termed as registered to communicate (RTC). LRAi estimates trust value of that vehicle forwards it and vehicle number to GRA. GRA generates a unique sequence number, i.e., USN for that particular vehicle. This USN acts as Veh_reg_id for the corresponding vehicle. At the registration time, LRAi do not know the behavior of the vehicle. For this reason at this time, an initial trust value is given to the vehicle.

  • Trust Value Initialization

In this subsection, we have been presented an algorithm for new vehicle entering in the system. Every new vehicle has to register under its local LRAi. For this reason, it sends a registration request to LRAi. In this request, each vehicle has to send their types and the unique features of it. After receiving the request, LRAi assigns a unique number and a trust value to the requesting vehicle. After initialization of trust value, it will forward to GRA and GRA keeps all this information in Vehicle_info table and the corresponding vehicle is registered under the communicating LRAi (Table 1).

Table 1 Vehicle_info table

Algorithm 1: Registration Procedure

Step 1:

New vehicle sends (vehicle_id, v_type) to LRAi

Step 2:

LRAi call Trust_init_func(vehicle_id, v_type)

Step 3:

LRAi forward that vehicle_id and TRvalue to GRA

Step 4:

GRA generates a Veh_reg_ID

Step 5:

GRA write Veh_reg_ID, TRvalue and LRAi in Vehicle_info table.

Step 6:

New vehicle is registered under LRAi

Step 7:


Vehicles are all highly mobile in nature, and within a very short-time interval, it can move from one LRAi region to another LRAi region. Once registered, all information about the corresponding vehicle is maintained by parent LRAi. Information of every registered vehicle’s is also stored in GRA, and GRA actually acts as a global repository of all registered vehicles. LRAi monitors all vehicles registered under it. When a vehicle moves out of its region, it broadcast a message consisting information about that vehicle. In this way, the new LRAi in which region the vehicle enters can know information about it. The information sends by the following message format (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Message format

In the above-message format, FMi denotes an identifier that uniquely identifies the message. Veh_reg_id, TRvalue, and Parent_LRAi denote registration identifier, trust value, and initial LRAi, respectively, for the corresponding vehicle. In this way, when LRAi found any new vehicle in its region, it also had some essential information about that vehicle. If LRAi needs more detail information, then it can query to GRA and gets required information from it.

At the execution of all the above-mentioned steps, two kinds of problem can be occurred as; performance bottleneck problem for LRAi and channel congestion problem.

  • Performance Bottleneck Problem

LRAi is busy for registering new vehicles, estimating there trust value in a certain time interval, sending frequent message to other LRAi, etc. All these jobs have done for a large number of vehicles depending locality. As a result large number of jobs may be waiting in a queue. For this reason, priority should be assigned to each job for job scheduling. In this way, high-priority job performed first and low-priority job have to wait. In this way, a starvation problem has been occurred for low-priority job. To solve this problem, aging technique can be introduced.

  • Channel Congestion Problem

For performing assign jobs, LRAi has to communicate with each other and with vehicles. Vehicles also communicate with each other for data transmission. All these communication take place using message passing through network channels. Due to this large number of data transmission, channel congestion can occur which cause to data loss. For avoiding this problem, channel availability should check at link layer. When a node wants to communicate, it sends a request to send (RTS) and waits until it received an ACK message. We can assume for this time this node become busy. On the other hand, when a node receives RTS, it also become busy until it sends ACK message. For other nodes, when RTS or clear-to-send (CTS) is received (but it is not send by themselves), they can assume that for that time period channel will be used. And, we assume this time period is a specified time period, as network transmission time (NTT). For calculation of this NTT, we can take one of the two following techniques.

  • No Persistent Technique

In this technique, messages send after a certain time interval. This interval value can be estimated depending on some network property. By a thorough survey, we have assessed that this time interval depends on maximum transfer unit (MTU) of a network. A relation between channel capacity and NTT is also found. From our observation, we can write

$$\begin{aligned} & {\text{MTU}}*{\text{CC }}\infty 1/{\text{NTT}} \\ & {\text{MTU}}*{\text{CC}} = {\text{K }}/{\text{NTT}},\quad {\text{where}}\;{\text{K}}\;{\text{is}}\;{\text{a}}\;{\text{constant}} \\ & {\text{NTT}} = {\text{K}}/{\text{MTU}}*{\text{CC}} \\ \end{aligned}$$

That means other nodes have to wait for this specified time period before starting the requesting process to access channel.

  • N-persistent Technique

In this technique, messages send depending on a probability of n % success. The probability of failure is (1 − n) %.

3.2 Communication Procedure

  • Assumptions

  • All LRAi’ maintain information about their child nodes and store in a list, defined child_list \(\left\{ {{\text{Veh}}\_{\text{reg}}\_{\text{ID}},\,{\text{address}},\,{\text{TR}}_{\text{value}} } \right\}.\)

  • LRAi maintains information about vehicles in its one-hop distance.

  • All vehicles registered under LRAi, are in a one-hop distance of each other.

Communication taken place in this type of network can be categorized into two types.

  • Query Driven

This type of communication is reactive in nature. A node broadcasts the query to procure necessary information. Then, it waits for T qb time period, where

$$T_{\text{qb}} = {\text{pkt}}_{\text{size}} *{\text{ NTT }}*{ 2 }* \, T_{\text{range}}$$

The communication completes successfully if reply from any node is received within the time. If no such information is received, the LRAi of sender vehicle multicast its query to all LRAi and starts the timer for T qm time period, where,

$$T_{\text{qm}} = {\text{ pkt}}_{\text{size}} *{\text{ NTT }}*{ 2 }*{\text{ LRA}}_{\text{dist}}$$

After this specific time period, sender LRAi checks for reply. If any reply found, then it forwards to the sender vehicle node. Otherwise communication declared as a failure.

Algorithm 2: Query-driven Communication

Let V1 requires some information. So, it starts a communication session.

Step 1:

V1 broadcasts a query and waits for time Tqb periods, where \({\text{T}}_{\text{qb}} = {\text{ pkt}}_{\text{size}} *{\text{ NTT }}*{ 2 }*{\text{ T}}_{\text{range}}\)

Step 2:

If reply comes, then go to step 6


Else go to next step.

Step 3:

V1 requests it’s LRAv1 to forward it’s query.

Step 4:

LRAv1 multicasts this query to other LRAs and waits for time Tqm periods, where \({\text{T}}_{\text{qm}} = {\text{ pkt}}_{\text{size}} *{\text{ NTT }}*{ 2 }*{\text{ LRA}}_{\text{dist}}\)

Step 5:

If reply comes, then forward to V1


else sends a failure message to V1

Step 6:

Communication successful.

  • Specific Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication

This type of communication takes place when any vehicle wants to communicate with any other specific vehicle. A prerequisite of this type of communication is a logical route establishment between sender and receiver vehicle. In the beginning of the communication, sender vehicle initiates a query about address of receiver vehicle. Sender vehicle search for receiver vehicle, in LRAi child_list{Veh_reg_ID, TRvalue}. If found then directly communicate with that specific vehicle. Otherwise, sender vehicle’s parent LRAi send message to all LRAi. The receiver vehicle should be enlisted in the child list of any of the LRAi. Unavailability of reply is suggestive of either the specific node has roamed to a different node or it is temporarily down. After receiving the reply, sender node can start communicating with receiver node (Table 2).

Table 2 Data Dictionary

Algorithm 3: Routing Procedure

Let S is the sender vehicle and D is the receiver one.

Step 1:

Sender vehicle S searches in it’s LRAi child list for destination vehicle.

Step 2:

If destination vehicle found then, go to step 5

Otherwise send communication request to it’s LRAi

Step 3:

LRAi sends a request message to other LRAi for searching destination address.

Step 4:

If found, then send it back to source node, Otherwise send a failure message to sender vehicle.

Step 5:

Send a success message to sender vehicle.

4 Performance Analysis

In order to implement the above-discussed proposal, the system performance needs to be tested in real life, despite the many obstacles that make this difficult such as the expense, high mobility, network complexity, and distributed environments. Simulation tools are considered the best means with which to evaluate the performance of any network type particularly wireless and ad hoc networks. For example, this method enables the user to emulate the network in terms of routing protocols, security constraints, and other factors that are similar to real-life situations, thus avoiding the difficulties resulting from the existence of obstacles.

We choose the NS2 simulator for this analysis because it realistically models arbitrary node mobility as well as physical radio-propagation effects such as signal strength, interference, capture effect, and wireless propagation delay. Our propagation model is based on the two-ray ground reflection model. The simulator also includes an accurate model of the IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function Wireless MAC protocol. Using NS2, we evaluate the performance of the proposed protocol and present the following metrics for comparing the performance with the different well-known traditional routing. The simulation model consists of a network model that has a number of wireless nodes, which represents the entire network to be simulated (Table 3).

Table 3 Simulation environment parameters

We have to examine whether the proposed routing algorithm works robustly or not. For this reason, we have compared our routing algorithm with LAR, DSR, AODV, and GPSR according to the following metrics.

  1. (i)

    Packet delivery ratio: Measures the ratio of data packets delivered to the destinations and the data packets generated by the CBR source.

Say, N is the number of packet generated by the CBR source. Among those D packets are received by destination node

$${\text{Packet}}\,\,{\text{delivery}}\,\,{\text{ratio}},\,\,{\text{PDR}} = {\text{D}}/{\text{N}}$$

This number indicates the effectiveness of a protocol.

  1. (ii)

    End-to-end delay: Measured in milliseconds, includes processing (pd), route discover latency (rl), queuing delays (qd), retransmission delay (rd) at the MAC, and propagation (pr) and transmission times (tr). This number measures the total delay time from a sender to a destination. So, we can compute

$${\text{End-to-end}}\;{\text{delay}} = {\text{ pd}} + {\text{ rl }} + {\text{ qd }} + {\text{ rd }} + {\text{ pr }} + {\text{ tr}}$$
  1. (iii)

    Normalized routing load (NRL): Measures the number of routing packets transmitted per distinct data packet delivered to a destination. Let DP is the number of data packet and for delivering these; we have required CP number of routing packet.

$${\text{NRL }} = {\text{ CP}}/{\text{DP}}$$

The routing overhead is an important metric for comparing these protocols as it measures the scalability of a protocol, and its efficiency in terms of throughput and power consumption. In our simulation study, we have performed sensitivity analysis to investigate the effect of various network parameters.

  • Effect of Speed

This study is based on 100 nodes with 10 communication sessions. We have set our simulation with zero pause time to stress the mobility in the network. To understand the effect of speed on performance, we varied the speed of the vehicles between 10 m/s (or 22 miles/h) and 25 m/s (or 56 miles/h). The simulation results are presented in Figs. 3, 4 and 5. They show performance trade-off in some techniques.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Packet delivery ratio versus speed

Fig. 4
figure 4

End-to-end delay versus speed

Fig. 5
figure 5

Control packet per data packet versus speed

Though AODV, LAR, and our proposed algorithm deliver almost similar number of packets irrespective of mobility, AODV and LAR have high end-to-end delay and control packet overhead. In a highly mobile scenario, links tend to break frequently. In such situation, these two algorithms need to send more route discovery message. LAR also suffers from inaccurate prediction of the request zone, which leads to network-flooding problem. DSR performs similar to our proposed protocol in terms of end-to-end delay and number of control packet transmitted per data packets. However, it gives poor result with respect to packet delivery ratio. This is because DSR has to rediscover routes more frequently as vehicle speed increases. In case of GPSR, high-control overhead is caused by maintaining neighbor location, and high end-to-end is caused by the outdated neighbor information. This causes GPSR to forward to non-existing neighboring nodes. From these results, we can conclude that connection-oriented approaches either drop a large amount of data packets (for example, DSR) or require a large number of control packet to keep routes up-to-date (for example, AODV and LAR) and neighboring nodes information (for example, GPSR). In our proposed one, all vehicles’ information is stored in vehicle_info table. This is maintained by a centralized authority, GRA. From this any vehicle’s location is accessible. In addition, when a vehicle leave a region of an LRAi (because of its’ speed) and enters another LRA’s region, then through frequent messaging 2nd LRAi becomes aware about this particular vehicle. For this reason, despite of speed increase proposed protocol gives a consistence result.

  • Effect of Network Density

In this case, we assumed node mobility is 25 m/s. For testing the effects of network density, we simulated with 50, 100, 150, 200, and 400 nodes. The results of analysis are plotted in Figs. 6, 7 and 8. In terms of packet delivery, AODV and LAR perform initially better than our proposed protocol. From our simulation result, it is clearly visible that with the increase of network density our protocol starts to perform better than AODV and LAR. If we compare on the basis of end-to-end delay obviously our proposed protocol perform best than others. Due to increment of number of nodes, number of control packets also increases for AODV and LAR. DSR is not performed well. For GPSR, increasing number of nodes means more number nodes to maintain. So, route selection procedure becomes more time-consuming. This situation is reflected in the following figure. Though there is a centralized repository maintained by a centralized authority, the total responsibility of routing is actually distributed among LRA’s. The LRA’s are distributed locationwise. Thus, increases in the number of nodes are not going to reflect very much in case of proposed protocol.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Packet delivery ratio versus number of nodes

Fig. 7
figure 7

End-to-End delay versus number of nodes

Fig. 8
figure 8

Control packet per data packet versus number of nodes

From the above different comparisons we can see that the proposed routing protocol provides the better result than traditional well-known routing.

We have also examined our protocol’s functionality with respect to BROADCOMM [11], a routing protocol specially aimed at vehicular communication. BROADCOMM [11] is chosen due to its’ easy-to-implement features which have made it a popular choice for routing in VANET. The metrics for comparison between our proposed technique and BROADCOMM are as follows: packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay, and routing load (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9
figure 9

Packet delivery ratio versus number of nodes

It has been observed that performance of BROADCOMM [11] is better than the proposed technique. The reason is BROADCOMM does not involve any checks on the trust worthiness of the vehicles involved in communication. Our algorithm has to perform certain mandatory checks and that adds to the delay in packet delivery ratio. Thus, in an ideal situation, BROADCOMM [11] proves to be a better performer (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10
figure 10

End-to-end delay versus number of nodes

The performance of our proposed logic is much better than that of BROADCOMM [11] as far end-to-end delay is concerned. In BROADCOMM [11], communication takes place using pure flooding mechanism. This is the cause of additional delay in routing packets from source to destination. In TBRVN algorithm, use of selective forwarding technique helps to reduce the end-to-end delay (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11
figure 11

Control packet per data packet versus number of nodes

In case of BROADCOMM [11], flooding causes an exponential incrimination of control packets. In our proposed logic, selective forwarding mechanism is used for routing which limits the number of control packets to a linear order. This result is to reduce control packet for delivery of data packet.

5 Conclusions

In this paper, we have presented a reliable routing protocol for vehicular ad hoc network. Here, we have proposed a trust-based registration mechanism to provide the reliability. A layered structure has been presented for the authenticate vehicles communication. Performance bottleneck and channel congestion problem also have taken care consideration in this proposal. The results show that proposed routing protocol provides better result compared with the existing well-known routing protocol. We have also compared our proposed routing algorithm with BROADCOMM, a routing algorithm specially aimed at VANET environment. Results proved that TBRVN has less delay and routing overhead as compared with existing routing protocols.