
1 Introduction

As a consequence of rapid development in video technology and consumer electronics, the digital video has become an important part of many applications such as distance learning, advertising, electronic publishing, broadcasting, security, video-on-demand and so on, where it becomes more and more necessary to support users with powerful and easy-to-use tools for searching, browsing and retrieving media information. Since video databases are large in size, they need to be efficiently organized for quick access and retrieval. Shot detection is the fundamental step in video database indexing and retrieval. The video database is segmented into basic components called shots, which can be defined as an unbroken sequence of frames captured by one camera in a single continuous action in time and space. In shot boundary detection, the aim is to identify the boundaries by computing and comparing similarity or difference between adjacent frames. So, the video shot detection provides a basis for video segmentation and abstraction methods [7].

In general, shot boundaries can be broadly classified into two categories [3, 7]: abrupt shot transitions or cuts, which occur in a single frame where a frame from one shot is followed by a frame from a different shot, and gradual shot transitions such as fades, wipes, and dissolves, which are spread over multiple frames. A fade-in is a gradual increase in intensity starting from a solid color. A fade-out is a slow decrease in brightness resulting in a black frame. A dissolve is a gradual transition from one scene to another, in which the two shots overlap for a period of time. Gradual transitions are more difficult to detect than abrupt transitions.

The remaining part of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the review of existing models for shot detection. The proposed model is discussed in Sect. 3. Experimental results and comparison with other models are presented in Sect. 4 and conclusion is provided in Sect. 5.

2 Review of Existing Work

There are several models available in the literature for video shot boundary detection. To identify shot boundary, the low level visual features are extracted and the inter-frame difference is calculated using these extracted features. Each time the frame difference measure exceeds the threshold, the presence of shot boundary is declared. Some of the popular existing models for cut detection and fade detection are reported in the following section.

2.1 Cut Detection: A Review

The simplest way of detecting the hard cut is based on pair-wise pixel comparison [3], where the differences of corresponding pixels in two successive frames are computed to find the total number of pixels that are changed between two consecutive frames. The absolute sum of pixel differences is calculated and then compared against a threshold to determine the presence of cut. However, this method is sensitive to object and camera motions. So an improved approach is proposed based on the use of a predefined threshold to determine the percentage of pixels that are changed [22]. This percentage is compared with a second threshold to determine the shot boundary.

Since histograms are invariant to rotation, histogram based approaches are used in [22]. Whenever the histogram difference between two consecutive frames exceeds some threshold, a shot boundary is detected. When the color images are considered, some appropriate weights are assigned to the histogram of each color component depending on the importance of color space, so weighted histogram based comparison was suggested [9].

To improve the accuracy of shot identification process, low level visual features such as edges and their properties are used in some of the techniques. In [21] proposed a shot detection method by analysing edge change ratio (ECR) between consecutive frames. The percentage of edge pixels that enter and exit between two consecutive frames are calculated. The cuts and gradual transitions can be detected by comparing the ratio of entering and exiting edge pixels. The limitation of the edge based methods is that they fail to produce good results when the video sequence contains high speed object motions. To overcome this shortcoming, an algorithm for motion compensation was developed [2, 22]. The block matching procedure is used and motion estimation is performed. However, motion based approach is computationally expensive.

There are some models which use statistical features for shot detection [2, 9]. The image is segmented into a fixed number of blocks and the statistical measures like mean and standard deviation of pixels in the blocks are computed. These features are extracted from successive frames and compared against a threshold to detect a shot cut. As this type of methods may lead to false hits, more robust techniques using likelihood ratio (LHR) was proposed [9]. Even though likelihood ratio based methods produce better results, extracting statistical features is computationally expensive.

In [10] proposed a text segmentation based approach for shot detection. The combination of various features such as, color moments and edge direction histogram are extracted from every frame and distance metrics are employed to identify shots in a video scene. Gabor filter based approach was used for cut detection by convolving each video frame with a bank of Gabor filters corresponding to different orientations [17].

In [13], dominant color features in the HSV color space are identified and a histogram is constructed. Block wise histogram differences are calculated and the shot boundaries are detected. In [6], a shot segmentation method based on the concept of visual rhythm is proposed. The video sequence is viewed in three dimensions: two in the spatial coordinates and one in the temporal i.e. corresponding to frame sequence. The visual rhythm approach is used to represent the video in the form of 2D image by sampling the video. The topological and morphological tools are used to detect cuts. We can see that the combinations of various features such as pixels, histograms, motion features etc used to accurately detect shot transitions [12]. The frame difference values are computed separately for individual features to address different issues such as flash light effect, object or camera motion. For more review on shot boundary detection models see [15, 19].

2.2 Fade Detection: A Review

Once the abrupt transitions are identified, then it is very important to detect the gradual shot transitions such as fade in and fade outs which are present in the video for designing an effective video retrieval system. Usually, gradual transitions are hard to detect when compared to abrupt transitions.

In histogram based approaches, where the histogram differences of successive frames are computed and two thresholds [22] are used to detect the shot transitions: higher threshold \(T_{h}\) for detecting cuts and lower threshold \(T_{l}\) for detecting gradual transition. Initially, all the cuts are detected using \(T_{h}\) and then the threshold \(T_{l}\) is applied to the remaining frame difference values to determine the beginning of gradual transition. Whenever the start frame of the gradual transition is detected, the cumulative sum of consecutive frame difference is calculated until the sum exceeds \(T_{h}\). Thus the end frame of the gradual transition is found. However, there is a possibility of false positives if the thresholds are not properly set.

In [1] suggested a fade detection model by analysing the first and second derivative of the luminance variance curves. This method has a limitation of being sensitive to motion and noise. Fernando et al. [4] used statistical features of luminance and chrominance components to detect fades. Zabih et al. [21] developed a model for shot detection based on analysing edge change ratio between adjacent frames. The percentage of edge pixels that enter and exit between consecutive frames are computed. The cuts and gradual transitions can be detected by comparing the ratio of entering and exiting edge pixels. Troung et al. [16] improves the fade detection using two step procedure: detecting the solid color frame in the first step and searching for all spikes in the second derivative curve. In another approach, fade in and fade out transitions were detected using histogram spans of video frame [5], which works based on the variations of the dynamic range during fade transitions. A fade detection method was proposed based on the principle that the horizontal span of histogram should increase for fade in and decrease for fade out. Each frame is divided into four regions and the histogram spans for these regions are computed to identify the beginning and end frame of fade transitions. In [6], Guimarães et al. proposed a shot detection algorithm based on Visual Rhythm Histogram (VRH). Fade regions are identified by detecting the inclined edges in VRH image. However, if the solid color frames are not solid black or white, then it results in two cross edges in the VRH image. In [18], localized edge blocks are used to identify gradual transition detection based on the concept of variance distribution of edge information in the frame sequences.

We have seen that several algorithms are available for shot boundary detection. The proposed technique is different from the existing models in terms of the reduced dimension of feature vector, hence suitable for real time video database processing applications. In the proposed work, we focussed on detecting both hard cuts and fade transitions present in the video. The details of the proposed model are given in Sect. 3.

3 Proposed Model

The proposed model is based on the \(slope\) and y-intercept parameters of the cumulative plot of the color histogram. Given a video containing \(n\) frames, the histograms are computed for all the three channels R, G and B separately. The cumulative histograms are obtained from each histograms. We fit a straight line to the cumulative histogram as shown in Fig. 1. Then the line parameters such as slope and y-intercept are calculated. So, it results in six element feature vector for each video frame. This feature vector is subsequently used to identify the shot transitions based on the frame differences. The frame difference between two consecutive frames is calculated as follows:

$$D(n) = d(F_{n}-F_{n-1})$$


$$ d(F_{i}-F_{i-1}) = \sum^{N}_{k=1}\left\Vert F_{i}(k) - F_{i-1}(k) \right\Vert^{q}$$

where \(N\) is the length of the feature vector, i.e. \(N=6\). When \(q = 2\), \(d (i,j)\) is the Euclidean distance between the frame \(i\) and frame \(j\). The value of \(D\) indicates the change tendency of consecutive frames.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Fitting a straight line to the cumulative plot

3.1 Cut Detection

The inter-frame dissimilarity values obtained in the previous stage are analysed to perform cut detection. We have used the local adaptive thresholding [20] since using a single global threshold is inadequate to detect all the cuts present in the video. In the first stage, global threshold \(T_{g}\) [11] is calculated using global mean \(\mu _{g}\) and standard deviation \(\sigma _{g}\) obtained from the frame dissimilarity values \(D\) as follows:

$$T_{g}=\mu ^{}_{g}+\beta \cdot \sigma _{g}$$

where \(\beta \) is a constant which controls the tightness of \(T_{g}\).

In the second stage, we consider only those frame dissimilarity values where, \(D(V_{n},V_{n-1})\ge T_{g}\) for calculating the local threshold. Using a sliding window of size \(m\), the mean and the standard deviation of left side frame difference(video frames: \(1 \ ... \ \frac{m}{2}-1 \)) and right side frame difference(video frames: \(\frac{m}{2}+1 \ ... \ m\)) from the middle frame difference\((m/2)\) are computed. The middle frame is declared to be the cut if the following conditions are completely satisfied:

  1. (i)

    The middle frame difference value is the maximum within the window.

  2. (ii)

    The middle frame difference value is greater than \(max(\mu _{L}+\sigma _{L}T_{d},\mu _{R}+\sigma _{R}T_{d})\), where \(\mu _{L},\sigma _{L}\) and \(\mu _{R},\sigma _{R}\) represent mean and standard deviation values of the left side and right side of the middle frame difference value respectively. \(T_{d}\) is a weight parameter.

We have empirically fixed the values of \(\beta , m\) and \(T_{d}\) to be 1.5, 9 and 5 respectively.

3.2 Fade Detection

In order to detect fade transitions, we consider only the frame differences corresponding to non-cut frames, i.e. the fade-detection is followed by cut-detection process. Once the cuts are detected in a video segment, the associated frame difference values are not considered for further processing. The threshold selection for fade detection is done using local adaptive thresholding technique as suggested in [8]. A sliding window is placed preceding the current frame difference value. The mean \((\mu )\) and standard deviation \((\sigma )\) within the window is calculated. The thresholds \(\mu + \sigma k_{1}\) and \(\mu + \sigma k_{2}\) are used to detect the beginning and end of fade transition respectively, where \(k_{1}=2\) or \(3\) and \(k_{2} = 5\) or \(6\).

4 Experimental Results

This section presents the experimental results to reveal the success of the proposed model. We have conducted experimentation on TRECVID video database as this is one of the standard database used by many researchers as a benchmark to verify the validity of their proposed shot detection algorithms. All experiments have been performed on a Intel CORE i5 processor, Windows operating system with 4 GB of RAM. We performed experiments with several videos from the database and obtained better results for all the videos. Some of the results are given in Sects. 4.1 and 4.2.

4.1 Cut Detection Results

We have considered the first 10,000 frames for the video segment Lecture series. Figure 2 shows the pair of consecutive frames corresponding to cuts for the first 5,000 frames. The cut detection result obtained from the proposed model is shown in Fig. 3a. The sharp peaks in Fig. 3a correspond to cuts. The proposed model accurately detected all the 27 cuts present in the video segment. The cut detection result for the first 2,500 frames of the video segment Mechanical works is shown in Fig. 3b. Figure 3c shows the result for the video segment Central valley project.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Pair of consecutive frames showing cuts for the video segment Lecture series

Fig. 3
figure 3

Plot of frame number versus frame dissimilarity measure for the video segment: a Lecture series, b Mechanical works, c Central valley project

Table 1 Precision and recall metrics of the proposed model for cut detection on TRECVID video segments

The performance of the proposed model is evaluated using precision and recall as evaluation metrics. The precision measure is defined as the ratio of number of correctly detected cuts to the sum of correctly detected and falsely detected cuts of a video data and recall is defined as the ratio of number of detected cuts to the sum of detected and undetected cuts. Also we compared our results by performing similar experimentation on the same video segments using other shot detection models based on Pixel difference [2], Edge Change Ratio (ECR) [21] and chromaticity histogram [14], and the results are reported in Table 1.

4.2 Fade Detection Results

The proposed model was tested with several videos containing fade transitions and produced satisfactory results. The fade transition regions for the Tom and Jerry video segment are shown in Fig. 4a. We considered the first 1,000 frames as they contained fade transitions. Figure 5 shows the frame numbers resulted from the experiment indicating the start and end of fade transitions. The fade detection result for the video segment America’s New Frontier is shown in Fig. 4b.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Plot of frame number versus frame dissimilarity measure for the video segment: a Tom and Jerry, b America’s New Frontier

Fig. 5
figure 5

Pair of frames representing fade transition for the video segment Tom and Jerry

The performance of the proposed model for fade detection is evaluated using precision and recall measures. These parameters were obtained for the proposed model on three different video segments. In order to compare our results, we have also conducted similar experimentation on the same video segments with another fade detection algorithm called Twin comparison method [22] and results of our model and Twin comparison based algorithm is reported in Table 2.

Table 2 Precision and recall metrics of the proposed model for fade detection on TRECVID video segments
Table 3 Comparison of computation time of the proposed model with other methods

The feature extraction time taken by the proposed model and other shot detection models for a single frame are given in Table 3. It is observed from the Tables 1 and 2 that the proposed model is able to detect both hard cuts and fades. The superiority of the proposed model lies in identifying both types of shot boundaries with less computing time and produced accurate shot boundaries, and hence is suitable for video indexing and retrieval applications.

5 Conclusion

We proposed an accurate and computationally efficient model for video cut and fade detection based on cumulative color histogram. Since the dimension of the feature vector is very less, the matching time can be reduced. The proposed model produced better results for both cut and fade detection. The experimental results on TRECVID video database show that the proposed model can be used for real time video shot detection purpose.