
1 Introduction

Thermoplastics injection molding is a discontinuous process that allows the automatic, highly reproducible production of molded parts with complex geometry [13,2,]. Over the last couple of decades, injection molding machines have been improved with regard to both, mechanical precision and control techniques [4]. Anyway, internal and external perturbations, such as viscosity fluctuations of the melt, may negatively affect the quality of the molded parts.

Consequently, plastics processing companies are spending large efforts on quality assurance. Nevertheless, scrap production is usually detected only with delay in a sample based quality inspection, while bad parts produced between two samples may stay completely unnoticed. To overcome these drawbacks, research efforts have been made, to predict the quality of the molded parts directly from machine and process data using machine learning algorithms [511,6,7,8,9,10,].

Despite good results, these approaches did not prevail in industry to date, although corresponding products [12] are available. In the authors’ perception, this is mainly due to two drawbacks: First, because of the obligatory learning phase during which a quality prediction is not yet possible. Second, since the process of robustly building a good quality model requires many steps. These include data generation and selection, feature extraction, construction and selection as well as learning and adapting suitable models including hyperparameter-optimization, which, in the past approaches had to be carried out mainly manually and resulted in a lot of effort.

The first issue is addressed in recent research [1317,14,15,16,] dealing with the transfer of relationships learned from simulation data as well as other molded parts, aiming to shorten the learning phase of the new model. Still, there is no holistic approach that holistically analyzes, combines and automatically carries out the previously named data analysis steps (cf. Fig. 1) in the context of injection molding quality prediction. Therefore, we present such an approach for injection molding quality prediction and share some results of our research in the first three named areas.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

General framework for holistic quality prediction.

2 Methods

2.1 Data Acquisition and Preparation

The experiments were carried out on a KraussMaffei 120-380 PX fully electric injection molding machine (IMM) in a production cell with a linear robot, conveyor belt and 100% inline quality monitoring. The machine has standard sensor technology with two additional cavity pressure sensors in the mold, which are directly connected to the machine data processing system. Six different experiments were conducted: stable process, start-up process, downtime processFootnote 1, process with re-grind material,Footnote 2 process with re-grind material and adaptive process control (APC) from KraussMaffei and a design of experiment (DOE). Therein, injection velocity, the holding pressure, the holding pressure time, cooling time and the barrel temperature at the nozzle were varied (cf. Table 1), creating 43 different combinations.

Table 1. Process setup for DOE. For all other experiments, the machine setting parameters were set to the central point of the DOE.

Each experiment consists of 1000 injection molding cycles creating 1000 data samples, except the DOE with 860 cycles and 860 data samples, respectively. The weight and length of the molded parts (rectangular plate specimen, cf. Fig. 2) were measured directly after every completed injection cycle. The process and quality data were interfaced and evaluated with Matlab 2019a. In total, 48 machine and process parameters and two corresponding quality criteria were logged during each cycle.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Plate specimen used for the data generation experiments.

After the data acquisition, the data needs to be prepared for the future steps like feature selection and data modeling. In general, the data is split into two parts. The first part is used for training the model and adjusting the (hyper-) parameters. The second part, the validation set, is used to estimate the generalization error of the model. The objective is a good prediction with a low generalization error. This method is called cross-validation [21]. In this work 80% of the data is used for training and 20% for validation, which is a subgroup of cross-validation called holdout method [22].

2.2 Feature Selection

The quality of the prediction model depends on the amount and quality of the data as well as the input features used for the modeling [18]. Most often, parameters are chosen through trial and error or expert knowledge [19, 20]. Since this work pursues a holistic approach for quality prediction, the parameters are chosen automatically using state of the art feature selection methods, while the resulting model quality is compared. Feature selection algorithms can be divided into three types. The first method is called embedded method where the feature selection is part of the learning process. Wrappers are the second method where the predictor which is used as a black box is tested with different subsets of features, trying to improve the overall prediction performance. Filter methods are the last approach of feature selection which are independent of the predictor. The selection is done directly by some performance evaluation metrics (PEM). Filter methods are usually less computationally expensive than embedded or wrapper methods [18], which is why they are mainly used in this work.

2.2.1 Search Strategies

Even when using computationally efficient feature selection methods such as filters, it may still be not feasible to evaluate every possible feature subset. Therefore, search strategies are applied, which yield still good results while minimizing the required computational resources.

In a forward selection (FS) the algorithm starts with an empty feature set and continuously adds features trying to improve the PEM. In a backward elimination (BS) the procedure starts with all features and progressively deletes the feature, which is least useful regarding the PEM [18]. Although they are computationally very efficient, both suffer from the “nesting effect”. It describes the case that features which are selected through the FS, cannot be discarded later while features which are discarded in the BS cannot be re-selected [23].

A solution for this problem are floating search methods. The sequential floating forward selection (SFFS) starts with an empty feature set. In the first step the normal FS algorithm is applied and one feature is added to the feature set. In the second step one feature is conditionally excluded applying the normal BS. If this new subset is the best so far, the conditionally excluded feature is removed from the feature set and the algorithm starts with step 2 again. If the subset is not the best so far, the conditionally excluded feature is returned to the feature set and the algorithm continues with step 1 [24]. The sequential floating backward selection (SFBS) is the opposite of the SFFS and starts with all features in the feature set. In the first step the normal BS algorithm is applied and the least significant feature is excluded from the feature set. In the second step one discarded feature is temporarily added to the feature set applying the normal FS algorithm. If the new subset gives the best PEM, the temporarily included feature is added to the feature set and the algorithm continues with step 2. If the subset is not the best so far, the feature is not added and the algorithm continues with step 1 [23].

2.2.2 Performance Evaluation Metric

With the performance evaluation metric, the significance of a feature is evaluated. In this work the Correlation-based Feature Selection (CFS) according to HALL [25] is selected:

$$ M_{s} = \frac{{k\bar{r}_{cf} }}{{\sqrt {k + k(k - 1)\bar{r}_{ff} } }} $$

where k is the number of features in the subset, \( \bar{r}_{{_{cf} }} \) is the average of the correlations (relevance criterion) between the features and the class (quality criterion), \( \bar{r}_{ff} \) is the average feature-feature inter-correlation and MS is the resulting PEM merit [25]. According to HALL “a good feature set is one that contains features highly correlated with the class, yet uncorrelated with each other”. Other PEMs like Relief [26], minimum redundancy – maximum relevance [27] or mutual information [28] are beyond the scope of this paper. Figure 3 shows the feature selection process.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Feature selection with interactions of search strategy, PEM and relevance criterion.

2.3 Data Modeling and Hyperparameter-Optimization

Machine learning methods can be distinguished in three main classes: supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning. All machine learning methods used in this work are supervised machine learning methods. In supervised learning the predictor learns the relation between the inputs and outputs [29]. Furthermore, supervised machine learning can be separated in two classes depending on the output data type. If the output data is discrete the problem is called classification, if the output data is continuous the problem is called regression [30]. Since the weight and the length of the component are continuous, the machine learning algorithms used in this work are those suitable for regression problems. The following six machine learning algorithms are used: Artificial neural networks (ANN) [31], support-vector machines [32], binary decision trees [33], k-nearest-neighbors (kNN) [34], ensemble methods (LSBoost [35] & random forest [36]) and Gaussian process regression [37]. Furthermore, normal multiple linear regression [38] is added to the analysis to compare classical statistical methods with machine learning.

Every machine learning method has so called hyperparameters that need to be set by the user to maximize the effectiveness of the machine learning method. They are used to define numerous configurations of the algorithm affecting both learning process and the resulting model structure. Examples are the number of neurons in the hidden layer of an ANN or the number of neighbors in the kNN-method. Most frequently, hyperparameters are set via rules-of thumb, by testing sets on a predefined grid or by the default configuration of the software-provider. In this paper the hyperparameter-optimization is done by Bayesian optimization, which proved to be a very efficient method with good performance [39]. Table 2 provides an overview over the hyperparameters chosen for optimization.

Table 2. All machine learning methods tested in this work with their hyperparameters. In total 22 predictors were learnt for every experiment and both quality key figures.

3 Evaluation

3.1 Data Generation

One objective of this study is to evaluate the six different experiments, which represent possible process states occurring in real-world injection molding production. Figure 4 shows the best possible result of the 22 different predictors for the six experiments in regard of the two quality parameters. The coefficient of determination is used to evaluate the models’ prediction quality on the validation dataset.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Comparison of the prediction quality for the different experiments.

It can be seen that the DOE, the process with re-grind material and APC and the process with only re-grind material are easier to predict than the stable process, start-up and downtime. The best prediction result provides the DOE for the weight with a R2 of 0.995, i.e. 99.5% of the weight variance can be explained by the model. In general, it can be observed that the weight is easier to predict than the length. An explanation could be that the measuring accuracy of the weight measurement compared to the systematical variation of the quality criterion is higher than that of the length measurement.Footnote 3 A greater measuring effort is likely to improve the model quality for the length prediction as well. It is also apparent that process situations with a low variance in the process parameters e.g. stable process are harder to predict than process situation with high variance e.g. DOE (cf. Table 3). This might be one reason, why APC, re-grind and DOE yield better results than the stable process having the smallest standard deviations.

Table 3. Standard deviations (Mean values for weight and length are approximately 19.7 g and 182.7 mm respectively) of weight and length from the different experiments

In the coming sections, only the results for the weight will be shown, as the length prediction shows qualitatively comparable behavior and a complete presentation (weight and length) would exceed the scope of this paper.

3.2 Feature Selection

Figure 5 shows the coefficient of determination of the individual feature selection methods for each experiment. More precisely, the best learning method with the respected R2 was selected. E.g. the best R2 for the wrapper approach is 0.334 for the stable process which was achieved by the ensemble predictor.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Comparison of the predictive performance for the different feature selection algorithms in terms of weight.

From the comparison of feature selection methods, one can generally derive two conclusions: First, the results of the wrapper approach using multiple linear regression differs from the results of the CFS filters and second, the different search strategies only slightly affect the filters’ performances. While the wrapper yields better results on the start-up and downtime datasets, the CFS performs better on the stable process data. On the other three datasets, no significant differences occur.

The wrapper was only tested with linear regression as predictor, using the FS as search strategy. The selected features with this method were used for the other predictors acting as a filter method [18]. Figure 5 also shows that the experiments with a high variance (cf. Table 3) are easier to predict that the experiments with low variance. While the features, which are selected, vary, but the overall performance is within a similar range.

Figure 6 exemplarily shows the prediction performance of the wrapper depending on the number of features selected for the re-grind experiment. The R2 for the training dataset is most of the time higher than for the validation dataset, which was to be expected since the training data is known to the predictor while the validation set is not. The highest R2 is reached for 13 features with a value of 0.9165. For higher feature numbers, the training R2 continues to increase, while the test R2 is decreasing due to overfitting.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Prediction quality for the weight using the wrapper approach. Coefficient of determination in terms of the number of selected features for the training and validation re-grind dataset.

3.3 Learning Algorithms

After evaluating the influence of process states and feature selection algorithms on model quality, we now want to compare the learning algorithms themselves.

As it is possible to see from Fig. 7 the Gaussian process regression is the best predictor for the prediction of the weight in every experiment. The overall highest coefficient of determination is 0.995 for the DOE with the Gaussian process regression. Like the results shown in Fig. 5 the DOE, the process with re-grind material and the process with re-grind material and APC are good to predict. Furthermore, the Gaussian process regression stands out on the stable-process data, a dataset with small variance all other algorithms have trouble to predict. It might also surprise, that multiple linear regression does not perform worst at all on all datasets: despite its simple model structure, especially on the start-up and downtime data it exceeds expectations and yield above average results. Besides kNN, which yields mainly below average results, the other algorithms (ANNs, SVM, decision trees and the ensemble) have a generally comparable predictive quality.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Coefficient of determination for the different learning algorithms. The weight should be predicted.

In general, it becomes obvious, that the process state used for data generation is much more important than the learning machine, since the algorithm can only extract correlations that are present in the data.

4 Conclusion and Outlook

In this study six different experiments were done using a KraussMaffei 120-380 PX injection molding machine. The data include 48 machine and process parameters as well as the weight and the length of the molded parts as quality criteria. 1000 molding cycles (860 for the DOE) were carried out. The pre-processing of the data included cross-validation using 80% of the data for training and 20% for validation of the models. In the first step feature selection was executed, comparing a wrapper approach with four filter methods. The filter methods contained FS, BS, SFFS and SBFS as search strategies. The PEM was CFS according to HALL with the Pearson correlation coefficient. In total 22 predictor models were built and their hyperparameters were optimized using the Bayesian optimization. Six machine learning methods, including ANN, Support-vector machine, Decision trees, Ensemble, Gaussian process regression, kNN and normal linear regression were compared. The prediction performance of the different models was calculated through the coefficient of determination.

The results show, that process states with a high variance of the quality criteria, such as those based on the variation of the re-grind material fraction and the DOE provide the best base for learning good quality prediction models. The weight is better predictable then the length, with the highest R2 of 0.995 for the DOE learned by a Gaussian process regression, which yielded the best results on the other datasets as well. Regarding the evaluated feature selection methods, their influence on the model quality was rather small when comparing the different search strategies. However, the presented wrapper’s and filters’ performances differed significantly on three out of six datasets. Still, it is hard to judge which approach is better, since there is no method outperforming the others on all datasets. Additionally, other feature selection methods might perform different, so in future work different PEMs should be addressed like mutual information or Relief. Furthermore, the framework should be expanded to other machine learning methods in particular methods for classification. Also, a holistic approach has to deal with the detection and reaction to concept drift, which might negatively affect the predictive quality.