
1 Introduction

Privacy is a research field which is tackled by different disciplines including computer and legal sciences. Each discipline has its own point of view on this complex topic. In computer science, privacy languages, in addition to express privacy rules, have been proposed to solve individual problem statements of privacy like informing users of the privacy settings of a website [1] or sharing and trading with (personal) data [2]. Furthermore, a privacy language is a data model of formal description which is machine-readable for automatic processing.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which will enter into force on 25th May 2018 [3, Art. 99 No. 2], is designed to standardise data privacy laws across Europe, to protect and empower all EU citizens (Data Subjects) data privacy and to rework the way organizations (Controllers) approach data privacy. Hereby, it advises to take a set of technical and organisational measures that could be summarized by two main principles, which are Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default, especially to protect Data Subject Rights.

We interpret Privacy by Design, which is an already existing concept that becomes now a legal requirement in the GDPR, as the requirement for a cross-domain definition of privacy policies which can be integrated in current business processes [4]. Therefore, privacy should be made available in all technical systems. To reach the Privacy by Default principal, it should be ensured that data access is permitted solely to persons and organizations that have the rights to access it or to which the Data Subject gives an explicit consent [3, Art. 25]. Additional legal aspects are listed in Sect. 2.1.

Our objective is to design a privacy language which aims to facilitate expressing legal requirements under the usage of privacy-preserving methodologies. With a formal definition of the privacy language we want to fulfill the principle of Privacy by Design by creating a machine-readable privacy policy for integration in technical systems. Furthermore, to fulfill the principle of Privacy by Default, we aim to cover all crucial privacy processes including the Data Subject giving its consent to the data processing, storage of personal data, transfer of personal data between Controllers, and privacy-preserving querying. Hereby, our proposed privacy language will serve as the base for a privacy-preserving framework supporting all mentioned processes. The privacy language presented in this paper allows expressing a static status of an organization, which we plan to extend by dynamic scenarios in future works.

To illustrate the purpose of our language, let’s take the example of a Data Subject who registers an account for a service of Controller C1. Based on the consent, the personal data as well as our privacy language representing the legal privacy policy will be stored. According to the agreed privacy policy, the data will be transferred to Controller C2 for statistical processing, whereas an additional privacy policy is created between both Controllers represented by our privacy language. The original privacy policy will then be appended to allow provenance for the personal data. Controller C2 is processing personal data from several sources with different privacy policies as a service. Based on the requesting entity, Controller C2 anonymizes the data according to the different individual privacy policies. Therefore, it can preserve privacy according to the legal regulations while delivering the best possible data utility. Additionally, both Controllers have to fulfill the Data Subject Rights given by the GDPR, e.g. disclosure of personal data. The legally required responses will be generated automatically based on our privacy language, reducing the workload for a Controller. To the best of our knowledge, there is no language that lets express and enforce the illustrated privacy-preserving features.

The main contribution of this paper is to present our Layered Privacy Language (LPL). A formal description of its components is given. Then a set of usage patterns illustrating how policies are enforced are presented. The main focus is hereby on the Query-based Anonymization. Our goal with LPL is to model and enforce privacy policies, so that in Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered-Systems it is possible to handle different personal privacy settings and therefore comply with the GDPR.

The remaining of the paper is structured as follows. In Sect. 2, considered aspects of privacy are listed and objectives for our proposed privacy language are derived from them. Section 3 reviews related works and positions LPL to them. Section 4 presents the formal description of LPL. Section 5 presents several usage patterns to illustrate several privacy aspects. Finally, Sect. 6 concludes and outlooks for future works.

2 Requirements

A privacy language should be able to express both legal and privacy-preserving requirements. Those requirements will be derived from the law and regulations and current state of the art of privacy-preservation methodology.

2.1 Legal View

We put the focus on the legal situation of Europe. A privacy policy or a privacy form can be translated as a set of rules describing how data has to be processed. Hereby, processing is broadly defined as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction of data [3, Art. 4 No. 2]. Data Minimisation denotes that only the minimum amount of data, which is necessary for the processing of the purpose, should be inquired from the Data Subject [3, Art. 5 No. 1 c)]. A privacy policy consists of several purposes of the processing [3, Art. 4 No. 9], describing what data is used, how it is used, when it will be deleted, who will use the data and if the data is anonymized [3, Art. 13 ]. Therefore, a privacy language has to be at least capable of modelling a set of purposes that have a set of data, set of data recipients, retention and the possibility to describe anonymized data [5]. Additionally several aspects of the European laws on privacy should be considered:

  • Consent: A user has to give his consent for the processing of its data [3, Art. 6]. Hereby, the GDPR specifies that a consent has to be given freely, specific, informed and unambiguous [3, Art. 4 No. 11].

  • Personal Data: The GDPR specifies personal data as any information that is related to an identified or identifiable natural person. This is a broad definition including among others name, location data, (online-)identifier and factors of a natural person [3, Art. 4 No. 1].

  • Purpose of the Processing: The processing of personal data is only allowed for the defined purpose for which the user gave its consent. The GDPR specifies that personal data can only be collected and processed for legitimate purpose of the processing [3, Art. 5 No. 1 (b)]. The purpose of the processing is determined by the Controller which is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body [3, Art. 4 No. 7]. Exceptions to this are also possible but will not be further discussed [3, Art. 6].

  • Retention: According to the GDPR, personal data has to be deleted when it is no longer necessary for the purpose of the processing for which it was collected, which is a part of the ‘right to erasure’ or ‘right to be forgotten’ of the data subject [3, Art. 14 No. 1]. Therefore, deletion of personal data is strictly bound to the purpose of the processing. The policy is to delete data when it is no longer necessary for the purpose of the processing or the purpose of the processing is completed. For example if the purpose of the processing is solely to use the e-mail for the newsletter, then data is revoked, once the newsletter subscription is completed.

  • Data Subject Rights: The GDPR defines several Data Subject Rights including among others the ‘right of access by the data subject’ [3, Art. 15], ‘right to rectification’ [3, Art. 16], ‘right to erasure’ [3, Art. 17], and ‘right to object’ [3, Art. 21] giving the Data Subject several rights that have to be considered. For example, if the Data Subject has given its consent for the processing of the personal data to a Controller, then the Data Subject has also the right to demand the deletion of the personal data if there is a valid reason for it [3, Art. 17].

This breakdown of the legal regulations omits further exceptions and special cases for each of the mentioned points in favour of the scope of this paper. We are further aware that the European law constraints are not compliant with other regulations like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), but similar basic concepts can also be found in these regulations [6].

2.2 Privacy-Preserving View

We will focus on Anonymization and Privacy Model Requirements, Data Storage Requirements and Personal Privacy Requirements to describe the considered requirements for our privacy language. We are aware that further requirements from other privacy research fields like database trackers [7] could be added, but those would be more relevant for a privacy framework, than a privacy language, and therefore are out of scope for this paper.

Anonymization and Privacy Model Requirements. There are several privacy models like k-Anonymity [8], l-Diversity [9] or t-Closeness [10] defining the properties a data-set must have to prevent re-identification. To explain the requirement regarding the privacy-preservation item, let’s take in this section the example of the k-Anonymity model. The properties of the privacy models are usually adjusted by one or several parameters. Illustrated on k-Anonymity, the parameter k defines for a data-set, that for each QID-group, at least k records have to exist [8]. A QID (quasi-identifier) is hereby an attribute which can, in combination with other QID attributes, be used for identification, but can by itself not used for identification.

Based upon the chosen value, the properties of the anonymized data-set in terms of utility and privacy are influenced.

Utility describes the data quality of an anonymized data-set in relation to the original data-set. The quality of the data can hereby be highly dependent on the context in which the data-set is supposed to be used. But in general utility can be measured by Accuracy, Completeness and Consistency. Accuracy measures the similarity, e.g. loss of information, between the anonymized value and the original value. Completeness measures the missed data in the anonymized data-set. Consistency measures if the relationships between data items is preserved. Based upon those measurements several methods have been developed for utility, e.g. for k-Anonymity the height metric is used [11].

A trade-off between privacy and utility has to be found which is defined by the privacy model as well as the corresponding parameters. An open question is who decides on the privacy model and its parameters. The choice of the privacy-preserving parameters defines the privacy of a data-set. Should those settings exclusively be decided by a privacy expert, e.g. a privacy officer in a company, a national authority or can this even be influenced or set by a user, is the question.

A higher value for parameter k results in higher privacy for the data-set. With increasing privacy of the data-set, the more likely it is that anonymization has to be applied on the data which has a negative impact on the utility. It has to be considered that an overestimated value will result in an undesired loss of utility. An underestimated value will result in insufficient privacy. This leads to the requirement that the definition of diverse privacy models including their privacy-preserving parameters has to be supported. This includes that data attributes have to be able to be assigned to a specified privacy group (e.g. Quasi-identifier) to enable a correct application of the privacy model. Because it is an open question which entity (privacy officer, Data Subject, or both) should influence the definition of the privacy-preserving parameters, we consider that those parameters can be influenced by both.

Data Storage and Transfer Requirements. Thus far we considered privacy only for a homogeneous data-set, but privacy has also to be considered in data-warehouses, and other storage solutions, which implicates different data-sources and queries. Each query-result can be imagined as a data-set for which privacy has to be considered. Therefore, the data can be anonymized at different points in time of privacy-preserving data-warehousing. For example it is possible that the source data is already anonymized before it is integrated in the data-warehouse. Alternatively, it is also possible to anonymize the data for each query conducted on the data-warehouse. In general, the possibilities for the point of anonymization in a data-warehouse scenario are anonymized sources, pre-materialization anonymization, post-materialization anonymization and query-based anonymization. Each of the approaches has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is shown that post-materialization anonymization has significant advantages over anonymized sources and pre-materialization anonymization in terms of data quality. If an untrusted data publisher model is selected then anonymized data sources are a necessity and therefore the post-materialization anonymization approach cannot be chosen. Experiments for query-based anonymization have not been conducted and therefore cannot be compared [12]. Based upon these results, we assume that a as-late-as-possible anonymization is advantageous, which we consider as a requirement.

In (privacy-preserving) data warehousing the data is combined in a single warehouse system from one or more data-sources and queried by data-recipients. Generally speaking data will be transferred, materialized, anonymized and queried. This process may be run through several times, thus the origin of the data may be lost if it is not explicitly tracked. Therefore, it is required to store for each data record the corresponding privacy policy. Assuming that different data-sources have inherent different privacy policies, this process will lead usually to a data warehouse with diverse privacy policies that have to be considered. For example, we assume data-sources source1 and source2, whereas source1 delivers data under privacy policy policy1 and source2 under policy2. Data from both data-sources is combined in data-warehouse warehouse1 including their corresponding privacy policies policy1 and policy2. Therefore, it is a requirement that privacy policies, related to a specific data record, can be stored and transferred with the data. Hereby, the data should be stored as long as possible in its raw form to support a as-late-as-possible anonymization.

Furthermore, we are aware that sequential queries of a database have to be considered for privacy preservation. Each release can hereby contain a different set of attributes. The combination of those attributes, which are retrieved over time, may allow the identification of a Data Subject and therefore cause a privacy issue [7]. Although we are aware of this issue, we will not consider it for Query-based Anonymization within the scope of this paper.

Personal Privacy Requirements. The approach of allowing a user to set his Personal Privacy Preferences has been addressed in [13]. This approach gives the user the control over its privacy settings. To be more specific, it considers the minimum necessary anonymization of the data and therefore retains the maximum utility of the data. This approach considers Personal Privacy Preferences in the anonymization process of the data [13]. But we also consider the privacy model as part of the personal privacy settings. Therefore, an approach to find the minimum necessary privacy model and value can be derived for a data-set, which we denote as a requirement.

Additionally, we consider that it is possible that records from a data-source with personal privacy policies exist [13]. Therefore, the diversity of privacy policies that has to be considered rises. When the data is queried and transferred to a data recipient, it is possible that new privacy policies, representing additional privacy policies, of the queried data-warehouse are applied to the data-set and will be mixed up with the previous privacy policies, which can cause conflicts. This is not only restricted to a data-warehouse scenario, like mentioned before, but for every transfer of personal data. With every transfer of data it is possible, if not prevented, that the original Data Subject can no longer be identified explicitly, but its personal data is still processed. Therefore, a loss in provenance occurred. If the Data Subject wants to exercise his Data Subject Rights or the Controller has to prove the origin of the processed data it will no longer be possible. This has to be prevented. Consequently, we denote Provenance as a requirement.

This leads to the requirement of defining personal privacy within a privacy language on such a fine-grained level that each attribute may be influenced by both the privacy officer defining the maximum allowed anonymization and the Data Subject defining its own minimal privacy settings. Considering that several personalized privacy policies may be transferred and aggregated it is necessary to be able to track the origin of the data and therefore provenance has to be implemented within a privacy language.

2.3 Objectives

Based upon the legal and privacy-preserving view, we formulated the following objectives for a privacy language both representing legal privacy policies and ensuring privacy utilizing privacy-preserving methods.

It should be able to layer privacy policies to track the origin of the data and therefore enable Provenance for the personal data. Hereby, data-source and data-recipient should be differentiated to be able to grant fine-grained data processing rules. This has also to include the processing of Data Subject Rights, which are given by the law. The structure of the privacy language should match the structure of a privacy policy which is based on purposes, describing the circumstances of the data usage. Therefore, for each purpose it should be possible to describe the data that is processed, the data-recipient and retention. It is required that privacy for a data-set can be specified utilizing privacy models. But also privacy settings for single data fields are required to enable fine-grained personal privacy. Therefore, both a minimum level, defining privacy settings of the Data Subject, and maximum level, defining the upper limit for the Controller, are required. Finally, the privacy language should support the user consent on data access in a legal and human-readable way, whereas it has to considered that multiple languages are supported. Summarizing a privacy language should fulfill the following requirements:

  • Differentiation between data-source and data-recipient to enable fine-grained access-control

  • Modelling of purpose-based privacy policies with modelling of: data, retention and anonymization enabling personal privacy and privacy models

  • Layering of privacy policies to ensure provenance

  • Human-readability

In the following we will compare related works according to our requirements.

3 Related Works

We define a classification for privacy languages based on a broad literature research as well as on our previously defined requirements, which we then apply on a set of privacy languages to demonstrate a research gap.

Several privacy languages have been proposed in the literature, each with their own distinct purposes. Although they are classified as privacy languages by other works [14, 15], we do not see a strong focus on Privacy (in a legal sense) in every of them. Therefore, we developed a classification of privacy languages according to their intended purposes (see Fig. 1). Hereby, we use the Privacy for purposes in which the languages deal with legal aspects of privacy. We differentiate between five intended purposes, that we could identify by a broad literature research.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Categorizes for classification of privacy languages.

Table 1. Overview over fulfilled objectives for a privacy language combining both the legal and privacy-preserving views on privacy.

For Access Policy, policies for access control are implemented, such as XACL [16], Ponder [17], Rei [18], Polymer [19], SecPAL [20], AIR [21], XACML [22] and ConSpec [23]. For Service Level Agreement (SLA) Policy, agreements or contracts for B2B processes are implemented, such as SLAng [24, 25] and USDL [26]. For Privacy Policy Information, policies are implemented to (only) inform about their contents, such as P3P [27] and CPExchange [28]. For Privacy Policy Preferences, personal privacy settings or preferences (of e.g. users) are modelled to be matched against policies, such as APPEL [29] and XPref [30]. For Privacy Policy Enforcement, policies are modelled and implemented to enforce privacy policies, such as DORIS [31], E-P3P [32], EPAL [33], PPL [34], Jeeves [35], Geo-Priv [36], Blowfish Privacy [37], Appel [38], P2U [2] and A-PPL [39].

Additionally, we analyse if the privacy languages consider several topics, that we derived from our requirements, which will be detailed as follows. For Purpose-oriented, the purpose of the processing of data is modelled as a high-level process and not only as low-level CRUD operations. For Data-oriented, each data can modelled uniquely and not only as (pre-defined) groups of data. For Retention, rules for automatic deletion of data or data-sets based on the retention have to be modelled. The possibility of an active deletion request, issued by the Data Subject, does not fulfill this criteria. For Access-Control, mechanisms for authentication and authorization have to be enabled by the model. For Human-Readability, the model should allow a human-readable presentation, so that the Data Subject is informed about the content. For Privacy Model, the minimal privacy properties of the data-set for a specific purpose have to be modelled. For Personal Privacy, the Data Subject should be able to dissent the use of data for a specific purposes or the processing of a specific purpose. Furthermore the anonymization of data for a specific purpose should be able to be influenced. For Provenance, after data has been transferred between (multiple) Controllers the original Data Subject should still be identifiable, so that this Data Subject can enforce his Data Subject Rights.

Based on the presented classification, we analysed a broad range of privacy languages. An broad and comprehensive overview is shown in Table 1. It can be observed that most privacy languages, which categorized as Privacy Policy Enforcement, are Purpose-oriented and Data-oriented. Furthermore, most consider the topics Retention and Access-Control. Both Geo-Priv and Blowfish Privacy specify the anonymization of personal data and therefore deal with the topic Privacy Model. The topics Human-Readability, Personal Privacy and Provenance are not dealt with by any of the privacy languages categorized as Privacy Policy Enforcement. The topic Human-Readability is only dealt with by AIR and USDL.

In summary, there is a lack of the legal and privacy-preserving requirements in the design of privacy languages, that we will consider. It is also mentionable that the representation of legal privacy policies (especially according to the GDPR) has not been the intention of any of the described privacy languages and has also not been done according to our knowledge. In the following, we give a formal definition for LPL implementing the described requirements.

4 Layered Privacy Language (LPL)

In this section, we present a formal description of our Layered Privacy Language (LPL) which satisfies the requirements presented in Sect. 2. The structure and the components of the language are depicted in Fig. 2, whereas attributes are omitted. All the elements presented in the diagram are described, including their attributes, in the following subsections. For clarity of the description, Table 2 gives for each element, notations that will be used for a single element, a subset of elements and the complete set.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Overview of the structure of LPL. Attributes are omitted for better readability.

4.1 Layered Privacy Policy

The root-element of our privacy language is the LayeredPrivacyPolicy-element \(lpp_{}\), which represents a privacy policy (legal contract), e.g. between a user and a company. Only a single \(lpp_{}\) is supposed to be defined for a LPL compliant file, e.g. privacy policy. A LayeredPrivacyPolicy-element

$$\begin{aligned} lpp&= (version, name, lang, { ppURI}, upp, ds, \widehat{P}) \end{aligned}$$

is a tuple consisting of the following attributes:

  • version: Version number for future version management of LPL.

  • name: A textual representation of the privacy policy name.

  • lang: Defining the language of the human-readable description in the LPL privacy policy.

  • ppURI: A link to the legal privacy policy to assure compliance with the current law, which is implemented as a static human-readable description of the privacy policy.

Additionally, each LayeredPrivacyPolicy \(lpp_{}\) can have a reference to an UnderlyingPrivacyPolicy \(upp_{}\). Let an UnderlyingPrivacyPolicy-element be

$$\begin{aligned} upp&= (version, name, lang, { ppURI}, upp', ds, \widehat{P}) \end{aligned}$$

where \(upp'\) is another UnderlyingPrivacyPolicy-element denoting a previously consented privacy policy. The set of all \(upp_{}\) elements is denoted by \(UPP_{}\) and \(\widehat{UPP}_{}\) denotes a subset of \(UPP_{}\).

Table 2. Overview over all elements, their formal definition and a reference to their definition. Bold styled sets are tuples, which inherit an order.

This allows to create layers of privacy policies to satisfy the objective of being able to track privacy policies over multiple entities.

Let the (‘most underlying’) leaf-LayeredPrivacyPolicy

$$\begin{aligned} lpp_{leaf}&= (version, name, lang, { ppURI}, \emptyset , ds, \widehat{P}) \end{aligned}$$

be the first privacy policy for which a consent is given for. In other words, the LayeredPrivacyPolicy with no UnderlyingPrivacyPolicy is the initial privacy policy, which is usually a consent between an user and a legal entity. If an additional privacy policy \(lpp_{new}\), e.g. for a data-transfer to a third party, has to be added to an existing \(lpp_{existing}\), then the \(lpp_{existing}\) will be wrapped by \(lpp_{new}\). This results in

$$\begin{aligned} lpp_{existing}&= (version, name, lang, { ppURI}, \emptyset , ds, \widehat{P}) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} lpp_{new}&= (version, name, lang, { ppURI}, lpp_{existing}, ds', \widehat{P'}) \end{aligned}$$

which is valid for each additional added privacy policy \(lpp'_{new}\). Hereby, the data source (\(ds'_{}\)) will be the data recipient (\(dr_{}\)) of \(lpp_{existing}\) and \(\widehat{P'}_{}\) can be \(\widehat{P}_{}\) or a subset of it. The DataSource-element \(ds_{}\) and a set \(\widehat{P}_{}\) of Purpose-elements will be described in the following. The set of all \(lpp_{}\) elements is denoted by \(LPP_{}\) and \(\widehat{LPP}_{}\) denotes a subset of \(LPP_{}\).

4.2 Purpose

The Purpose-element \(p_{}\), representing a legal purpose of the processing,

$$\begin{aligned} p&= (name, optOut, required, descr, \widehat{DR}, r, pm, \widehat{D}) \end{aligned}$$

is a tuple consisting of the following attributes:

  • name: A textual representation of the identifying name, e.g. ‘marketing’. In the set of purposes there should be no duplicate names.

  • optOut: A boolean defining if the Purpose is opt-out for true or opt-in for false. Opt-out implies that the user has to actively deny this purpose. In the opposite, opt-in implies that the user has to actively accept this purpose.

  • required: A boolean defining if the Purpose has to be accepted by the user. If the user does not accept a required Purpose then there cannot be a consent for the corresponding \(lpp_{}\).

  • descr: A human-readable textual representation of the purpose expressed in the language defined by the language lang of \(lpp_{}\).

Moreover, each Purpose is linked to a set \(\widehat{DR}_{}\) of \(dr_{}\), one Retention-element \(r_{}\), optionally one PrivacyModel-element \(pm_{}\) and a set \(\widehat{D}_{}\) of \(d_{}\). The set of all \(p_{}\) elements is denoted by \(P_{}\) and \(\widehat{P}_{}\) denotes a subset of \(P_{}\). It is important to note that the set \(\widehat{P}_{}\) may be empty or consist of contradictory purposes, which is valid for the structure but illogical for a privacy policy.

4.3 Entity

The Entity-element \(e_{}\), representing persons, companies or any other entity that has processing-right on the data,

$$\begin{aligned} e&= (name, classification, authInfo, type) \end{aligned}$$

is a tuple consisting of the following attributes:

  • name: Used for authorization in access control.

  • classification: Classifies the Entity in either Person or Legal Entity.

  • authInfo: Used for authentication of the Entity, e.g. a hashed password.

  • type: Either DataSource or DataRecipient.

The set of all \(e_{}\) elements is denoted by \(E_{}\) and \(\widehat{E}_{}\) denotes a subset of \(E_{}\). The Entity-element inherits the following 2 elements, which do not add additional attributes, but are used for better readability of LPL.

DataSource. The DataSource-element \(ds_{}\) inherits from Entity, whereas the \(type\) is set to the corresponding value.


The DataSource-element describes the current authority granting DataRecipients the processing of data, based upon its own processing-rights. For example this can be the user (person) for whom the personal data is dedicated to or a company (legal entity) that has collected the personal data for a specific purpose. The set of all \(ds_{}\) elements is denoted by \(DS_{}\) and \(\widehat{DS}_{}\) denotes a subset of \(DS_{}\).

DataRecipient. The DataRecipient-element \(dr_{}\) inherits from Entity, whereas the \(type\) will be set to DataRecipient.


The DataRecipient-element represents the authority that gets specific processing-rights (defined by the Purpose) granted. This can be a person or a legal entity. For example given the DataSource-element representing the user (person) which the personal data is referring to, then this authority can grant the DataRecipient all processing-rights via \(\widehat{P}_{}\). Assuming \(ds_{C}\) represents a Controller C that has collected the data from a user \(ds_{U}\) under specific processing-rights \(\widehat{P}_{C}\) and wants to grant a third party \(dr_{T}\) processing-rights \(\widehat{P}_{T}\), then \(ds_{C}\) can only grant \(dr_{T}\) the usage within the limits of its own processing-rights \(\widehat{P}_{T} \subseteq \widehat{P}_{C}\). It has to be noted that the processing-rights of \(ds_{C}\) are a subset of the processing-rights of the user, who has all the processing-rights \(\widehat{P}_{T} \subseteq \widehat{P}_{C} \subseteq \widehat{P}_{U}\) The set of all \(dr_{}\) elements is denoted by \(DR_{}\) and \(\widehat{DR}_{}\) denotes a subset of \(DR_{}\).

4.4 Retention

The Retention-element \(r_{}\) defines when the described data has to be deleted.

$$\begin{aligned} r = (type, pointInTime) \end{aligned}$$

The element consists of the following attributes:

  • type: Describing the general condition of the retention. Possible values are Indefinite, AfterPurpose and FixedDate.

  • pointInTime: Textual representation describing the exact conditions for the retention.

Depending on the \(type\), the \(pointInTime\) has diverse meanings. The \(type\) Indefinite without a value for \(pointInTime\) defines that there is no time constrained for the deletion of the data. The \(type\) AfterPurpose defines that after the completion of the corresponding purpose \(p_{}\) the data has to be deleted within the time-frame specified by \(pointInTime\). Lastly the \(type\) FixedDate in combination with \(pointInTime\) explicitly defines the date for the deletion of the data within the corresponding \(p_{}\). The set of all \(r_{}\) elements is denoted by \(R_{}\) and \(\widehat{R}_{}\) denotes a subset of \(R_{}\).

4.5 Privacy Model

The PrivacyModel-element \(pm_{}\) specifies the privacy conditions that have to be fulfilled for the data in a data-set. This element can be given but it is not mandatory. Alternatively, privacy can also be defined by AnonymizationMethod-element, defining personal privacy, or even omitted if not necessary, e.g. when the \(p_{}\) does not describe any personal data.

$$\begin{aligned} pm = (name, \widehat{PMA}) \end{aligned}$$

The applied privacy model is defined by the \(name\), e.g. k-Anonymity [8] or l-Diversity [9]. Each privacy model can have a set of PrivacyModelAttribute-elements \(\widehat{PMA}_{}\). Currently, we limit to one privacy model \(pm_{}\) for each purpose \(p_{}\). It may be a requirement that more than one privacy model is applied to a data-set [40], which would be a possible future extension. The set of all \(pm_{}\) elements is denoted by \(PM_{}\) and \(\widehat{PM}_{}\) denotes a subset of \(PM_{}\).

Privacy Model Attribute. A PrivacyModelAttribute-element \(pma_{}\), represents the configuration of a privacy model,

$$\begin{aligned} pma&= (key, value) \end{aligned}$$

is a tuple of the following attributes:

  • key: Definition of a variable that is required by the correlating \(pm_{}\), e.g. k for k-Anonymity.

  • value: Definition of the actual variable content, e.g. for k the value ‘\(2\)’, which describes that there have to be at least two records within the same QID-set values to preserve the required k-anonymity property [8]

The set of all \(pma_{}\) elements is denoted by \(PMA_{}\) and \(\widehat{PMA}_{}\) denotes a subset of \(PMA_{}\). The decision for utilizing \(\widehat{PMA}_{}\) can be explained by the existence of privacy model (e.g. i X,Y-Privacy [41]) that support more than one variable.

4.6 Data

The Data-element \(d_{}\), representing a data field that is concerned by a purpose \(p_{}\),

$$\begin{aligned} d&= (name, dGroup, dType, required, descr, pGroup, am) \end{aligned}$$

is a tuple of the following attributes:

  • name: Distinct name for the stored data field. A duplicate \(name\) within a \(\widehat{D}_{}\) of a Purpose is not allowed. Because this could lead to discrepancies in the processing, like it is possible with P3P DATA-Elements. P3P allows to define contrary rules for the same data element within one purpose. This made the determination of the valid rule unfeasible [42].

  • dGroup: A textual representation of a logical data group. No predefined values are given. The logical data group can be used to specify data in e.g. a procedure directory, which usually does not refer to each data field but groups of it [3, Art. 30]. This enables to validate procedures directories [3] with a privacy policy automatically or even create one beforehand. E.g. data elements representing title, prename and surname of a person could have the \(dGroup\)\(name\)’.

  • dType: Defines the type of data that the attribute has. Possible types are Text, Number, Date, Boolean, Value Set for a set of predefined values and Other for any data type that doesn’t fit the aforementioned types.

  • required: A boolean defining if the data \(d_{}\) to be accepted or could be neglected by the user. If the user does not accept a required \(d_{}\) then the corresponding \(p_{}\) will not be accepted. If the \(p_{}\) is required, then the whole privacy policy \(lpp_{}\) is not accepted.

  • descr: A human-readable description of the data field. Possible notes on the anonymization, that is applied, can be added for better understanding. For example, the age will be only analysed in ranges from ‘0–50’ and ‘50–100’.

  • pGroup: This is the classification of the data field in Explicit, QID, Sensitive and Non-Sensitive. The processing of the data field by the privacy models is based upon this classification. E.g. for k-Anonymity the value of a data field which is classified Explicit, has to be deleted [8].

The AnonymizationMethod-element \(am_{}\) defines the minimum anonymization for the data enabling personal privacy. The set of all \(d_{}\) elements is denoted by \(D_{}\) and \(\widehat{D}_{}\) denotes a subset of \(D_{}\).

4.7 Anonymization Method

The AnonymizationMethod-element \(am_{}\), represents the anonymization that is applied on a data,

$$\begin{aligned} am&= (name, \widehat{AMA}, h) \end{aligned}$$

is a tuple of the following attributes. The name represents the chosen anonymization method. There are several methods available, for example Deletion, Suppression or Generalization. Additionally each AnonymizationMethod has a set of AnonymizationMethodAttributes-elements \(\widehat{AMA}_{}\) and optionally a Hierarchy-element \(h_{}\). The set of all \(am_{}\) elements is denoted by \(AM_{}\) and \(\widehat{AM}_{}\) denotes a subset of \(AM_{}\).

Anonymization Method Attribute. An AnonymizationMethodAttribute-element \(ama_{}\), represents the configuration of a anonymization method,

$$\begin{aligned} ama&= (key, value) \end{aligned}$$

is a tuple of the following attributes:

  • key: Definition of a variable that is required by the correlating \(am_{}\). Additionally, defining a maximum and minimum Anonymization Level is possible.

  • value: Definition of the actual variable content.

The key ‘Minimum Level’ defines the minimum Anonymization Level that is applied to the actual data when used for a specific purpose. This allows to anonymize as-late-as-possible. The key with the value ‘Maximum Level’ defines the maximum level of anonymization that is applied and therefore gives the creator of the privacy policy the possibility to define requirements for the anonymization. The set of all \(ama_{}\) elements is denoted by \(AMA_{}\) and \(\widehat{AMA}_{}\) denotes a subset of \(AMA_{}\).

Hierarchy. The Hierarchy-element \(h_{}\), saving all possible pre-calculated values for one data field and the correlating anonymization method. The hierarchy \(h_{}\) will be used during the anonymization both for the Minimum Anonymization, enabling personal privacy, and the Application of the Privacy Model.

$$\begin{aligned} h&= (\mathbf {\widehat{HE}}) \end{aligned}$$

Each \(h_{}\) consists of a tuple of HierarchyEntry-elements \(\mathbf {\widehat{HE}_{}}\), representing each entry in the hierarchy. We denote h.length as the amount of \(he_{}\) elements in \(\mathbf {\widehat{HE}_{}}\).

$$\begin{aligned} h.length&= |\mathbf {\widehat{HE}}| \end{aligned}$$

The tuple of all \(he_{}\) elements is denoted by \(\mathbf {HE_{}}\) and \(\mathbf {\widehat{HE}_{}}\) denotes a sub-tuple of \(\mathbf {HE_{}}\). We decided for the calculation and storage of the possible anonymized values within the privacy language over the calculation of the anonymized value per query. The hierarchy is optional as not every AnonymizationMethod, e.g. Deletion, will have several possible values. Additionally it may also not be suitable for all use cases to store pre-calculated values. The set of all \(h_{}\) elements is denoted by \(H_{}\) and \(\widehat{H}_{}\) denotes a subset of \(H_{}\). Next section presents several usage patterns of LPL privacy policies.

5 Usage of LPL

In this section we present the life-cycle of LPL. Furthermore, we present Query-based Anonymization, Provenance and Retention based on LPL.

For the sake of clarity and to avoid redundancy, for each usage pattern we will define progressively the elements examples of LPL that are mandatory for the illustration. Each previously defined element could be referenced in further usage patterns if required. Only the relevant attributes will be instantiated for better readability.

5.1 Life-Cycle

For LPL, we present the life-cycle steps through the following scenario: A company \(e_{C1}\) wants to create a new web-service which collects and uses personal information. Therefore, \(e_{C1}\) creates a legal privacy policy that a user \(e_{U1}\), using the service, has to accept. In this case \(ds_{U1}\) is the ‘DataSource’ and \(dr_{C1}\) is the ‘DataRecipient’. Optionally, the data that is collected by \(e_{C1}\) could be transferred to a third party \(e_{C2}\) for a specific usage. Therefore, a contract between \(e_{C1}\) and \(e_{C2}\) has to be concluded for the data transmission, whereas \(ds_{C1}\) is the ‘DataSource’ and \(dr_{C2}\) is the ‘DataRecipient’.

figure a

The usage of LPL in this scenario can be separated into the following steps (see Fig. 3):

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Life-cycle of LPL.

  1. 1.

    Creation: Company \(e_{C1}\) converts the legal privacy policy to an LPL privacy policy \(lpp_{raw}\). Hereby \(e_{C1}\) defines which Purpose- and Data- elements are necessary for the usage of the web-services as well as all other elements. In this case, a privacy policy will be transferred describing personal data to be used by \(dr_{C1}\) and \(dr_{C2}\) for the purpose ‘\(Marketing\)’. This includes the anonymization for ‘\(postal\text {-}code\)’, but not for ‘\(salary\)’.

    figure b
  2. 2.

    Negotiation: The privacy policy \(lpp_{raw}\) is presented to the user \(e_{U1}\) via a user-interface, enabling an informed and voluntary consent. The user-interface should also give \(e_{U1}\) the possibility to dissent with defined parts of \(lpp_{raw}\) and still be able to form a contract with \(e_{C1}\), whereas a personalized privacy policy \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\) is created. This leads to the insertion of \(ds_{U1}\). If no consent is found the user cannot use the web-service and no data nor privacy policy of \(e_{U1}\) will be stored.


    A user-interface that allows to personalize the LPL privacy policy has been developed and evaluated. It focuses on the consent or dissent to purposes. Further features, like the personalization of minimum anonymization for specific data or the consent or dissent to specific data, are planned for future work.

  3. 3.

    Pre-Processing: In this step, the \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\) is processed and validated. This step is conducted before the data values or the privacy policy is stored. For example if the privacy policy is modified by the user and stored, then it has to be re-validated to prevent malicious alterations.

  4. 4.

    Storage: Assuming consent is given by \(e_{U1}\) and therefore a contract between \(e_{C1}\) and \(e_{U1}\) is formed, the (personalized) privacy policy \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\) will be saved along with the data of \(e_{U1}\). Therefore, \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\) is not intended for storing the actual data but to reference it.

  5. 5.

    Transfer: If \(e_{C1}\) transfers the data to \(e_{C2}\) the contract formed between those two entities is also converted into a LPL privacy policy \(lpp_{ds_{C1}\text {-}dr_{C2}}\). And the existing personalized privacy policy will be added as an underlying privacy policy \(upp_{}\).


    This allows a tracking of the data to its origin privacy policy. A (legal) privacy-aware usage is also possible, because each legal usage of data is defined by LPL and can be traced to the first consent between \(e_{U1}\) and \(e_{C1}\). This step may be repeated several times if needed.

  6. 6.

    Usage: Whichever entity (in this scenario \(e_{U1}\), \(e_{C1}\) or \(e_{C2}\)) wants to use the data it has to be verified that the entity is authenticated and authorized to query the data. If this is successful the data can be anonymized according to the corresponding purposes.

Summarizing a LPL privacy policy \(lpp_{}\) should represent and ensure legal privacy policies utilizing the steps Creation, Negotiation, Pre-Processing, Storage, Transfer and Usage.

5.2 Query-Based Anonymization

In this step, LPL enables a query-based anonymization of the data of the Data Subject on purposes which have been consented to and expressed by the LPL privacy policy. Therefore, a query

$$\begin{aligned} q&= \{e_{req}, p_{req}, \widehat{D}_{req}\} \end{aligned}$$

is assumed as a request consisting of the following elements:

  • \(e_{req}\): The requesting entity. A \(e_{req}\) should be first authenticated and authorized to have access to the data.

  • \(p_{req}\): The purpose for which the data is requested. Data is only allowed to be used for designated purposes which are either consented to or given by the law.

  • \(D_{req}\): The requested data attributes are given to prevent undesirable access.

Hereby, the processes denoted as Entity-Authentication, Purpose-Authorization, Entity-Authorization, Data-Authorization, Minimum Anonymization and Application of Privacy Model will be conducted in the given order to allow a query-based anonymization (see Fig. 4).

Before the denoted process will be described in detail in the following, supportive data structures will be introduced.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Processes of the query-based anonymization.

Supportive Data Structures. For processing the LPL privacy policies, additional data structures are assumed available for a Controller. These are Entity-Hierarchy, Entity-Lookup Table \(\widehat{E}_{lookup}\) and Purpose-Hierarchy including Regulated Purposes, which will be presented in the following. The usage of both Entity-Hierarchy and \(\widehat{E}_{lookup}\) will be shown in the following sections for Entity-Authentication and Entity-Authorization. The usage of Purpose-Hierarchy and Regulated Purposes is shown during Purpose-Authorization process.

Entity-Hierarchy. The Entity-Hierarchy allows to define Child-Entities that inherit the rights of the Parent-Entity (see Fig. 5). We assume that a privacy policy defines general data recipient roles e.g. a company, but for further control of the processing, which is defined in method descriptions, more fine-grained roles, e.g. a marketing department or even individual employees, have to be defined. This will be enabled by Entity-Hierarchy. Only the unique \(name\), which specifies roles of \(e_{}\), is needed. This enables the \(lpp_{}\) creator to define \(ds_{}\) or \(dr_{}\), e.g. ‘The user \(ds_{U1}\) accepts that the data is used by company \(dr_{C1}\) and \(dr_{C2}\).’. If \(e_{U1}\) accepts this then \(dr_{C1}\) is granted the right to process the data according to the defined purpose. To limit the usage within \(dr_{C1}\) to a sub-set of employees, additional entities have to be defined to inherit the rights. It is also possible that a Child-Entity inherits from two Parent-Entities. This represents the use case when several users allow a company to use their data.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Possible structure of Entity-Hierarchy.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

General structure of \(\widehat{E}_{lookup}\).

Entity-Lookup Table. The \(\widehat{E}_{lookup}\) is the set of all entities (\(ds_{}\) and \(dr_{}\)) that exist within all stored \(lpp_{}\) and additionally all entities that are defined in Entity-Hierarchy. Each entry of \(\widehat{E}_{lookup}\) has to define the \(name\) and \(authInfo\) (see Fig. 6). The \(authInfo\) resembles the value that is authenticated against, e.g. the public key if a public/private key authentication is used or the hashed password if a username/password authentication is used. We introduce it to have the possibility to look up entities during the authentication process and potentially other processes without traversing the Entity-Hierarchy.

Purpose-Hierarchy and Regulated Purposes. We introduce the Purpose-Hierarchy for the Purpose-Authorization. The Purpose-Hierarchy is a data structure that consists of several trees of purposes. For each purpose it is possible to define Child-Purposes that inherit the rights of the Parent-Purpose (see Fig. 7). Therefore, only the unique \(name\) of \(p_{}\) is needed which specifies purposes. This enables the \(lpp_{}\) creator (e.g. \(dr_{C1}\)) to define a \(p_{}\) in general in the first step, e.g. ‘The user accepts that the \(d_{postal}\) and \(d_{salary}\) is used for ‘\(Marketing\)’.’, and in the second step the privacy officer can define fine-grained inherent processes matching the requirements of a method description.

We do not assume that it is possible that a Child-Purpose inherits from two Parent-Purposes.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Purpose-Hierarchy showing a possible inheritance hierarchy.

Additionally, we introduce Regulated Purposes that are given by law and regulations and don’t have to be described by \(lpp_{}\). For example for the basic right for disclosure of confidential information [3, Art. 15] we denote the purpose ‘\([disclosure]\)’. Those purposes allow entities to have access to data based upon the laws and regulations. For example a government agency might have the right to access specific data for a Regulated Purpose or a user is allowed to access its own data based upon the introduced Regulated Purpose\([disclosure]\)’.

Entity-Authentication. LPL will not be restricted to an access control solution by itself but builds upon existing access control methodology that we split into Entity-Authentication and Entity-Authorization.

Entity-Authentication is necessary to identify an entity \(e_{req}\) that requests the usage of data. In the following we will focus on the Authentication of an entity \(e_{}\) against a privacy policy \(lpp_{}\). We will show how the previous structures will be used during the LPP life-cycle.

Creation. In the Creation step of a privacy policy \(lpp_{}\) the \(dr_{}\) entities will be defined. Assuming we have a privacy policy \(lpp_{raw}\) from Eq. (22). The purpose \(p_{1}\) from Eq. (23) allows \(dr_{C1}\), representing the company \(e_{C1}\), to use the data \(\widehat{D}_{1}\). For each \(dr_{}\), the corresponding \(publicKey_{}\) will be added as the value for \(authInfo\). For the Creation, we assume that the key pair, consisting of \(publicKey_{C1}\) and \(privateKey_{C1}\) for \(dr_{C1}\), has been created beforehand.

Negotiation. During the Negotiation step it would be possible to add the \(ds_{U1}\) to \(lpp_{raw}\), but the user still could deny the privacy policy which would make the generation of the public/private key pair obsolete. Therefore, the generation of \(publicKey_{U1}\) and \(privateKey_{U1}\) for \(ds_{U1}\) has to be conducted during the Pre-Processing step after consent is found.

Pre-Processing. During the Pre-Processing step, the set-up for the \(ds_{}\) is conducted resulting in \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\), whereas the \(ds_{U1}\) from Eq. (18) is added to \(lpp_{raw}\). Additionally, for each available \(e_{}\) of \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\) including the corresponding \(publicKey_{}\) will be saved in the \(\widehat{E}_{look\text {-}up}\), if not available already. This cannot be done during the Creation because the user \(ds_{U1}\) has not been specified yet. Therefore, the \(\widehat{E}_{look\text {-}up}\) will consist of \(ds_{U1}\), \(dr_{C1}\) and \(dr_{C2}\).

$$\begin{aligned} \widehat{E}_{look-up}&= \{ds_{U1}, dr_{C1}, dr_{C2}\} \end{aligned}$$

It is important to note that \(\widehat{E}_{look\text {-}up}\) may be extended by additional entities, e.g. departments or employees, by the corresponding privacy officer.

Usage. During the Usage step an entity \(e_{req}\) requests data protected by the privacy policy \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\). To ensure that \(e_{req}\) is allowed to use the data, it has to be authenticated first. We assume the following scenarii:

  1. Scenario 1:

    The employee \(e_{req1}\) of company C1 requests data concerned by \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\).

  2. Scenario 2:

    The user \(e_{req2}\) requests data concerned by \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\).

The requesting entities have the following configuration

figure c

where \(e_{req1}\) is an employee using the authentication credentials from company \(e_{C1}\) and where \(e_{req2}\) represents the user \(e_{U1}\) from which the data protected by \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\) originates.

In general, we assume the following authentication process for our scenario. The \(\widehat{E}_{look\text {-}up}\) is traversed to identify matching entities to the requesting entity \(e_{req}\). We define that two entities match for our scenario if the following is valid.

$$\begin{aligned} e_{requesting}.name&== \end{aligned}$$

If a matching entity \(e_{match}\) is found then the \(publicKey_{match}\) is used to encrypt a nonce and sent to \(e_{req}\).

$$\begin{aligned} encryptedMessage_{match}&= encrypt(nonce, publicKey_{match}) \end{aligned}$$

To successfully authenticate \(e_{req}\) the computed \(encryptedMessage_{match}\) has to be decrypted with the \(privateKey_{requesting}\) and sent back.

$$\begin{aligned} decryptedMessage&= decrypt(encryptedMessage_{match}, privateKey_{requesting}) \end{aligned}$$

The requesting entity will be authenticated if the decryptedMessage equals the nonce.

$$\begin{aligned} message&= decrypt(encrypt(message, publicKey), privateKey) \end{aligned}$$

With this authentication mechanism we will describe the given scenarii. For scenario 1, the requesting entity is \(e_{req1}\). In \(\widehat{E}_{look\text {-}up}\) the matching entity is \(dr_{C1}\) with both \(name\) values are ‘\(C1\)’. In the next step it will be evaluated if \(e_{req1}\) can authenticate as the \(dr_{C1}\) utilizing the public/private key authentication shown before

$$\begin{aligned} nonce&= decrypt(encrypt(nonce, publicKey_{C1}), privateKey_{C1}) \end{aligned}$$

which results in the authentication success for scenario 1.

In scenario 2, the requesting entity is \(e_{req2}\). In \(\widehat{E}_{look\text {-}up}\) the matching entity is \(ds_{U1}\). Therefore, the authentication will be executed with \(publicKey_{U1}\) from \(ds_{U1}\) and \(privateKey_{U1}\) from \(e_{req2}\).

$$\begin{aligned} nonce&= decrypt(encrypt(nonce, publicKey_{U1}), privateKey_{U1}) \end{aligned}$$

This successful authentication will result in the authorization of \(e_{U1}\) as \(ds_{}\) of \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\), which allows the requesting entity to have all processing-rights authorized for the described data in \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\) as shown in the following.

In general, the authentication process for an entity requires the name of the requesting entity (\(entityName\)) as well as a \(secret\) to verify the identity. The calculation of the \(secret\) depends on the individual implementation of the authentication process which is based upon the \(authInfo\). If a private/public key pair is used like in the aforementioned scenarii then the secret will be the decryptedMessage that has to be verified against the nonce. Additional steps for setting up the encryptedMessage and transferring it to the \(e_{req}\) would be necessary.

Purpose-Authorization. In the scenarii for Purpose-Authorization, we assume that the requesting entity \(e_{req}\) is authenticated and therefore only focus on the verification of the purpose \(p_{req}\) given in the query. The query is rejected if the purpose is invalid.

We assume that a purpose can have Child-Purposes, which are stored in the Purpose-Hierarchy. We assume the set-up of \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\) from Eq. (31). Moreover, we assume that the purpose ‘\(Marketing\)’, as well as its child-purpose ‘\(Newsletter\)’ and the purpose ‘\(Development\)’ are available in Purpose-Hierarchy, next to the Regulated Purposes given by law and regulations, which we restrict to [disclosure] in the Purpose-Hierarchy (see Fig. 8). Therefore, we will describe the following scenarii for our set-up:

  1. Scenario 1:

    Entity \(e_{req1}\) requesting the \(\widehat{D}_{1}\) protected by \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\) for the purpose ‘\(Newsletter\)’.

  2. Scenario 2:

    Entity \(e_{req2}\) requesting the \(\widehat{D}_{1}\) protected by \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\) for the purpose ‘\([disclosure]\)’.

In scenario 1, the entity \(e_{req1}\) requests data for the purpose of ‘\(Newsletter\)’. The data is protected by \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\) containing only purpose \(p_{U1}\) which \(name\) is ‘\(Marketing\)’ defining the authorized purpose. Because we consider a Purpose-Hierarchy, where every Child-Purpose of the authorized purpose is also authorized, a set of Authorized Purposes has to be generated. Therefore, the requested purpose ‘\(Newsletter\)’ will be identified in the Purpose-Hierarchy (see Fig. 8) and all its Parent-Purposes as well as the purpose itself will be returned . Then, the purpose is considered as an authorized purpose as its name behaves to the calculated purpose set.

In scenario 2, the entity \(e_{req2}\) requests data for the ‘\([disclosure]\)’ purpose. The corresponding set of Authorized Purposes consists therefore of \(\{\text {[disclosure]}\}\). The purpose cannot be found in \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\), because this is a Regulated Purpose defining a special case and a new purpose has to be crafted for it during runtime automatically. For ‘\([disclosure]\)’ a new purpose \(p_{disclosure}\) will be computed

figure d
figure e

containing all \(d_{}\) of the corresponding \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\) and the \(ds_{U1}\) is transformed to the \(dr_{}\) of \(p_{disclosure}\). Hereby \(d'_{postal}\) and \(d'_{salary}\) will be created by removing the respective \(am_{}\) if existent. The authorization of \(e_{req2}\) will be executed according to the Entity-Authorization. Therefore, \(e_{req2}\) is requesting an authorized purpose.

In general, the authorization process for a purpose requires the \(name\) of the purpose and the corresponding \(lpp_{}\) (see Listing 1). The authorization is successful if the \(name\) of the requested purpose or any of the corresponding Authorized Entities matches any of the \(p_{}\) of the \(lpp_{}\) or if a Regulated Purpose is requested.

Entity-Authorization. In the following, we will focus on the Entity-Authorization. An entity \(e_{req}\) is authorized to use the data if the \(dr_{}\) or \(ds_{}\) \(name\) of the \(lpp_{}\) matches the \(name\) of \(e_{req}\), whereas \(name\) can either specify a role or a specific user. We assume the employees \(e_{req3}\) and \(e_{req4}\) respectively from the marketing departments M1 and M2 of company C1 and C2.

figure f
Fig. 8.
figure 8

Purpose-Hierarchy for the Purpose-Authorization scenarii. The Regulated Purposes are separated for better understanding.

We assume the set-up of \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\) from Eq. (31). User \(e_{U1}\) gave its consent on the usage of its personal information for the purpose of ‘\(Marketing\)’ for company \(e_{C1}\), which is encoded in \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\). No further agreements exist between user \(e_{U1}\) and company \(e_{C1}\). Company \(e_{C1}\) has a marketing department ‘\(M1\)’. Company \(e_{C2}\) has a marketing department ‘\(M2\)’. Company \(e_{C1}\) grants \(e_{M2}\) from company \(e_{C2}\) access to the \(e_{U1}\) data for the purpose of ‘\(Marketing\)’ encoded in \(lpp_{ds_{C1}\text {-}dr_{M2}}\).

figure g

Company \(e_{C1}\) and company \(e_{C2}\) exchange their data in a privacy conform way. We will present the following scenarii:

  1. Scenario 1:

    The employee \(e_{req3}\) of the marketing department ‘\(M1\)’ requests personal information of user \(e_{U1}\) for the purpose of ‘\(Marketing\)’.

  2. Scenario 2:

    The employee \(e_{req4}\) of the marketing department ‘\(M2\)’ requests personal information of user \(e_{U1}\) for the purpose of ‘\(Marketing\)’.

  3. Scenario 3:

    The user \(e_{U1}\) makes use of him being entitled to the disclosure of confidential information [3, Art. 15], which is the basis for several additional interests, towards company \(e_{C1}\). Therefore, \(e_{req2}\) requests its personal information for the purpose of ‘\([disclosure]\)’.

For authorization we assume a role-based access control (RBAC) system [43] with the roles in Fig. 9. The permission is provided by the LPL privacy policy.

In scenario 1, the employee \(e_{req3}\) has the role ‘\(M1\)’. Based upon the (underlying) privacy policy \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\) the role ‘\(C1\)’ is granted to use the data for ‘\(Marketing\)’. ‘\(M1\)’ is a child-role of ‘\(C1\)’ inheriting the permission to use the personal data of \(e_{U1}\). Furthermore, the stated purpose in the LPL privacy policy ‘\(Marketing\)’ matches the purpose of the requester. This concludes that \(e_{req3}\) is authorized to access the personal information of \(e_{U1}\) in scenario 1.

In scenario 2, an employee \(e_{req4}\) of company \(e_{C2}\) requests to access the personal data of \(e_{U1}\). The value ‘\(M2\)\(e_{req4}\) matches the data recipient \(dr_{}\) of \(p_{C1}\). The purpose ‘\(Marketing\)’ matches the purpose defined in \(p_{C1}\) and therefore \(e_{req4}\) is authorized to access the data.

In scenario 3, the requesting entity \(e_{req2}\) matches the DataSource-element and therefore \(e_{U1}\) is authorized to request the personal data of itself.

In general, the authorization process for an entity requires the \(name\) of the \(e_{req}\) as well as the purpose for which it should be verified against (see Listing 2). The authorization is successful if the \(name\) of \(e_{req}\) or any of the corresponding Parent-Entities matches any of the \(dr_{}\) of the purpose. This process has to be conducted after the Purpose-Authorization has been executed to consider special cases that are defined by the law and regulations as shown in scenario 3.

figure h

Data-Authorization. We assume that \(e_{req}\) is authenticated, authorized and uses an authorized purpose for the following scenarii. Hereby, the requested data \(\widehat{D}_{req}\) has to be verified against the described data within the authorized purposes. If the verification is not successful, then the query will be rejected.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Example roles for the Entity-Authorization scenarii. The {} denotes a default role without any processing-rights.

For the following scenarii we assume that an entity \(e_{req1}\) is querying different sets of data \(\widehat{D}_{q1}\) and \(\widehat{D}_{q2}\). Those requests are validated against \(p_{U1}\) of \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\). It is important to notice that \(p_{1}\) only allows access to \(d_{postal}\), \(d_{salary}\) and \(d_{age}\).

figure i

Additionally, we assume that the value of the \(name\) identifies a data-field and no additional matching between the \(name\) and the stored data-fields is necessary. This may change in a real world scenario but will not change basic behaviour that will be described in the following scenarii for this set-up:

  1. Scenario 1:

    Entity \(e_{req1}\) requesting the \(\widehat{D}_{q1}\) from \(p_{U1}\) of \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\).

  2. Scenario 2:

    Entity \(e_{req1}\) requesting the \(\widehat{D}_{q2}\) from \(p_{U1}\) of \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\).

In scenario 1, the entity \(e_{req1}\) requests \(\widehat{D}_{q1}\) for the purpose of ‘\(Marketing\)’. In this scenario the requested set \(\widehat{D}_{q1}\) is a sub-set of the data-set \(\widehat{D}_{1}\) defined in \(p_{U1}\). This means that all requested data-fields are defined in the authorized purpose and therefore the usage of the data is authorized. In scenario 2, the entity \(e_{req1}\) requests \(\widehat{D}_{q2}\) for the purpose of ‘\(Marketing\)’. In this scenario, the requested set \(\widehat{D}_{q2}\) is evaluated against the data-set \(\widehat{D}_{1}\) defined in \(p_{1}\). Each in \(\widehat{D}_{q2}\) defined entry has to be also defined in \(\widehat{D}_{1}\) and return an invalid result as the requested data ‘\(age\)’ is not a member of \(\widehat{D}_{1}\). Therefore, the usage of the data ‘\(age\)’ is not authorized and the whole query will be rejected.

In general, the authorization process for data requires the \(name\) of the data of the corresponding purpose \(p_{}\) (see Listing 3). The authorization is successful if the \(name\) of the requested data matches any of \(d_{}\) from any AuthorizedPurpose. This process has to be conducted after the Purpose-Authorization has been executed.

figure j

Minimum Anonymization. The AnonymizationMethod-element is introduced to specify (personalized) privacy settings for each Data-element. Only the relevant elements and attributes will be described for better understanding in the following three steps - Negotiation, Pre-Processing and Usage. We denote the anonymization of the data during the Usage step as Minimum Anonymization which is conducted after the Data-Authorization. We assume the following scenario (see Fig. 10).

The personal data \(\widehat{D}_{}\) of an user \(e_{U1}\) is requested by a company \(e_{C1}\). The data is requested for the purpose ‘\(Marketing\)’. The corresponding purpose protecting the data is \(p_{U1}\) which is described by \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\) from Eq. (31). We focus only on the personal data for postal-code \(d_{postal}\) with the value of ‘\(94032\)’ (for Passau in Germany). The configuration of \(am_{1}\) from Eq. (26) describes the anonymization method ‘Suppression’ with the replacement character ‘*’ starting from the last character ‘backwards’. The minimum and maximum suppression levels are given.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Relevant elements and attributes for the anonymization scenario in the state during the Negotiation and after the Pre-Processing step.

Negotiation. In the Negotiation step it has to be verified if the, possibly from the user personalized, privacy policy is valid. The privacy policy is valid if, among to other conditions, the value of Minimum Level is not greater than the value of Maximum Level. Initially the value of Maximum Level and Minimum Level will be defined by \(e_{U1}\), whereas Maximum Level defines the maximal usable anonymization for \(e_{U1}\) and the value of Minimum Level is an initial recommended proposal for the privacy requirements. This asserts the validity of the privacy policy before it is stored. We assume that the integrity of the value of Maximum Level is preserved.

Pre-Processing. In the Pre-Processing step a Hierarchy-element \(h_{}\) will be created for each anonymization method \(am_{}\). This step is conducted after the consent of the user for the privacy policy is given and before the data and the privacy policy are stored. In the AnonymizationMethod-element the \(name\) specifies the method applied on the data value. In our scenario, we assume that the anonymization method chosen by the user is Suppression. The set of AnonymizationMethodAttributes \(ama_{}\) is utilized for this process. The \(ama_{1}\) describes the character that is used for the replacement during the suppression, which is ‘\(*\)’ in this scenario. The \(ama_{2}\) describes the variation of the anonymization method. Thus, current scenario suppresses the value with ‘\(*\)’ starting with the end of the postal-code. According to this configuration the Hierarchy-element will be created, which contains an ordered list of values, and added to the \(am_{}\). In our scenario the hierarchy \(h_{1}\) for the postal-code ‘\(94032\)’ will contain \(\mathbf {\widehat{HE}_{1}}\).


We denote that the first value is at Level\(0\)’ and the last element, in this case, is at Level\(5\)’. This Level will be referred to by the \(ama_{}\) with Minimum Level and Maximum Level. The hierarchy \(h_{1}\) will be added to \(am'_{1}\) replacing \(am_{1}\).

figure k

Therefore, the \(h_{1}\) holds all possible anonymized values for the data value. The values are ordered in an hierarchical way from the least to most anonymized value.

Usage. In the Usage step we assume \(e_{req1}\) is requesting the data of \(e_{U1}\) for the purpose ‘\(Marketing\)’. The corresponding \(p_{1}\) for the request will be processed and therefore the defined anonymization method \(am'_{1}\) has to be applied to achieve the Minimum Anonymization. In this step only the \(ama_{}\) with the \(key\)\(Minimum Level\)’ and \(h_{}\) are required to determine the anonymized value (see Listing 4). In our scenario \(ama_{3}\) specifies the Minimum Level of ‘\(2\)’, which means that the value on Level\(2\)’ of \(h_{1}\) has to be selected. This results in the anonymized value of ‘\(940**\)’ for the postal-code.

figure l

Application of Privacy Model. The functionality of the PrivacyModel-element and its corresponding PrivacyModelAttribute-element will be explained in the following.

In general, a privacy model describes the probability of a record in a data-set to be identified or de-anonymized [41]. For each record in a data-set, a privacy model can be defined utilizing \(pm_{}\) and \(pma_{}\) of LPL. The \(pm_{}\) will be processed after the Minimal Anonymization has been conducted during the Usage step. To avoid computational overhead, we decided to compute the minimum required privacy model \(pm_{min}\) and apply it on the data-set. We specify the minimum required privacy model \(pm_{min}\) as the privacy model with the highest privacy requirements to guarantee that no initially given privacy constraints are violated. Therefore, the set of all defined privacy models has to be substituted. We decided to consider the attacks which are mitigated by the privacy models for a classification. Table 3 represents such a classification. Based upon this classification, a rule-set for minimizing the used privacy models can be created beforehand which we denote as Privacy Model Substitution Table. According to the classification, l-Diversity, which is the direct successor to k-Anonymity [9], covers all attacks of k-Anonymity, namely Record Linkage and Attribute Linkage [41]. Therefore, the set of privacy models ‘\(k_{i1}\text {-}Anonymity\)’ and ‘\(l_{i2}\text {-}Diversity\)’ will be substituted to ‘\(l_{r1}-Diversity\)’. The value for the parameter ‘\(l_{r1}\)’ of the resulting ‘\(l_{r1}\text {-}Diversity\)’ has to be calculated that it fulfills the privacy requirements of all prior privacy models. Both values can be treated equivalent because l-Diversity and k-Anonymity use similar definitions for the privacy. Therefore, ‘\(l_{r1}\)’ will have the maximum value of both ‘\(k_{i1}\)’ and ‘\(l_{i2}\)’ resulting in‘\((l_{r1},max(k_{i1},l_{i2}))\)’. According to the properties of t-Closeness, the minimum of the parameters will be used for the substitution of two t-Closeness privacy models [10]. The substitution with k-Anonymity or l-Diversity results in no reduction, because t-Closeness does not cover all the attack models of the other privacy models. Additional rules will be created by this scheme resulting in the Privacy Model Substitution Table.

Note that it is possible that another privacy model exists which covers all attack models which would be more suitable for a substitution, but we limit our example only on k-Anonymity, l-Diversity and t-Closeness.

Table 3. Excerpt of mitigated attack models by privacy models [41].
Table 4. Privacy Model Substitution Table for the scenarii used in Sect. 5.2.

The computation of \(pm_{min}\) and the application on the data-set will be described in the following. For the scenarii we use the Privacy Model Substitution Table shown in Table 4. We assume records for \(e_{E1}\), \(e_{E2}\), \(e_{E3}\) and \(e_{E4}\) representing entries in a database table. For each record we assume that the record contains the postal-code \(d_{postal}\) and the salary per year \(d_{salary}\). The values for each record are summarized in Table 5 for each \(e_{}\).

Table 5. Values for the \(d_{postal}\) and \(d_{salary}\) for each record.

We assume the privacy models 2-Anonymity \(pm_{1}\), 3-Anonymity \(pm_{2}\) and 2-Diversity \(pm_{3}\).

figure m

Only \(d_{postal}\), which is classified as ‘\(QID\)’, will be considered in the anonymization process of k-Anonymity [8]. The specified \(d_{}\) and \(pm_{}\) are combined in the corresponding \(p_{}\) individually for each record.

figure n

Explicit and non-sensitive attributes have been omitted for the following scenarii. For \(e_{E1}\) and \(e_{E2}\) the privacy model 2-Anonymity \(pm_{1}\) is defined, for \(e_{E3}\) 3-Anonymity \(pm_{2}\) is defined and for \(e_{E4}\) 2-Diversity \(pm_{3}\) is defined.

  1. Scenario 1:

    Data of \(e_{E1}\), \(e_{E2}\) and \(e_{E3}\) are queried, the corresponding purposes are \(p_{E1}\), \(p_{E2}\) and \(p_{E3}\).

  2. Scenario 2:

    Data of \(e_{E1}\), \(e_{E3}\) and \(e_{E4}\) are queried, the corresponding purposes are \(p_{E1}\), \(p_{E3}\) and \(p_{E4}\).

We assume the same purpose ‘\(p\)’ for each query and will describe the computation of \(pm_{min}\) and the outcome for each scenario in the following.

In scenario 1, the data of the entities \(e_{E1}\), \(e_{E2}\) and \(e_{E3}\) is queried. The \(name\) of the corresponding privacy models in \(pm_{1}\), \(pm_{1}\) and \(pm_{2}\) are all the same. Therefore, the \(value\) of the corresponding attributes \(pma_{1}\), \(pma_{1}\) and \(pma_{2}\) have to be compared, which show different configurations. The computation of the \(pm_{min1}\) results in the value ‘\(3\)’ for \(k\), because no additional conflicts occur. The process will be executed in two steps. First \(pm_{1}\) and \(pm_{1}\) will be substituted the resulting \(pm_{}\) will then be substituted with \(pm_{2}\) to compute \(pm_{min1}\) finally. Therefore, for scenario 1 the valid privacy model for the data-set is 3-Anonymity.


Considering the corresponding values of Table 5 the data-set will be anonymized. The initial table T will be anonymized to table T’, whereas the postal-code will by suppressed to ‘\(9403*\)’ for all records to achieve 3-Anonymity (see Table 6).

In scenario 2, the entities \(e_{E1}\), \(e_{E3}\) and \(e_{E4}\) are queried. The \(name\) of the corresponding privacy models \(pm_{1}\), \(pm_{2}\) and \(pm_{3}\) differ in this scenario. There exists a conflict between the privacy models ‘\(k\text {-}Anonymity\)’ and ‘\(l\text {-}Diversity\)’. For the computation of the \(pm_{min2}\) both the correct privacy model and the corresponding value has to be determined by substituting first \(pm_{1}\) and \(pm_{2}\) and then substitute the result with \(pm_{3}\). According to the Privacy Model Substitution Table the \(name\) for \(pm_{min2}\) will be ‘\(l\text {-}Diversity\)’ with the \(value\)\(3\)’ for ‘\(l\)’.

figure o

Considering the corresponding values of Table 5 the data-set will be anonymized. The initial table T will be anonymized to table T’ (see Table 7). We assume for this scenario that the salary per year will be generalized to ‘\(50.000\)’ and the postal-code will be suppressed to ‘\(9403*\)’ to match the conditions of 3-Diversity. In the scenarii we only showed the examples resulting in one privacy model. But it is also possible that the result contains several privacy models after the substitution has been conducted (see Listing 5).

figure p
Table 6. Transformation of table T to table T’ for the given k-Anonymity privacy model. Column Postal-code is a QID and Salary is a Sensitive Attribute.
Table 7. Transformation of table T to table T’ for the given k-Anonymity and l-Diversity privacy model. Column Postal-code is a QID and Salary is a Sensitive Attribute.

5.3 Provenance

The UnderlyingPrivacyPolicy is introduced in LPL for Privacy Policy Provenance. This means that LPL enables to distinguish between different privacy policies and their origin. In this example we will show how the provenance is preserved during the Transfer and Usage step (see Fig. 11). Assuming we have the scenario based on \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\) and \(lpp_{ds_{C1}\text {-}dr_{C2}}\). Hereby, \(ds_{U1}\) agrees that the \(d_{postal}\) will be used by \(dr_{C1}\) and \(dr_{C2}\) for the purpose of ‘\(Marketing\)’.

Transfer. After the user \(e_{U1}\) has agreed on providing the postal-code to \(e_{C1}\) under \(lpp_{ds_{U1}\text {-}dr_{C1}}\), \(e_{C1}\) can form a contract with \(e_{C2}\) for outsourcing the ‘\(Marketing\)’ task creating \(lpp_{ds_{C1}\text {-}dr_{C2}}\). Therefore, \(e_{C1}\) ensures the correct usage of the personal data by transferring the corresponding privacy policy with the personal data to \(e_{C2}\). To ensure the provenance of the personal data, the privacy policy of the data-source will be added to the privacy policy of the \(dr_{}\). This represents the Transfer step, which can be repeated several times.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Relevant elements and attributes for the layered privacy policy scenario visualizing the different privacy policy layers when the data is transferred.

Usage. We will demonstrate following scenarii after the transfer of the data from \(e_{U1}\) to \(e_{C1}\) and from \(e_{C1}\) to \(e_{C2}\) has been executed. Hereby \(e_{req5}\) representing \(e_{C2}\) and \(e_{req2}\), the original data source, will be compared as requesting entities as follows, demonstrating Provenance.

  1. Scenario 1:

    Request of \(d_{postal}\) from data-warehouse \(e_{E3}\) by \(e_{req5}\) for ‘\(Marketing\)’.

  2. Scenario 2:

    Request of \(d_{postal}\) from data-warehouse \(e_{E3}\) by \(e_{req2}\) for ‘\([disclosure]\)’.

We show for each scenario if the request is successful and which source for the data can be identified. Therefore, we assume the Entity-Authentication, Purpose-Authorization, Entity-Authorization and Data-Authorization have been conducted successfully.

In scenario 1, the \(lpp_{ds_{C1}\text {-}dr_{C2}}\) has to be considered. UnderlyingPrivacyPolicies are considered successively. For \(lpp_{}\) the purpose ‘\(Marketing\)’ will be authorized successfully according to \(p_{U1}\). The request will be successful and the data will be anonymized to the value ‘\(940**\)’ according to \(am_{1}\). For \(lpp_{ds_{C1}\text {-}dr_{C2}}\), it is possible to identify \(e_{U1}\) as source when the UnderlyingPrivacyPolicies are traversed utilizing the algorithm from Listing 6.

For scenario 2, the purpose ‘\([disclosure]\)’ will be authorized successfully as a Regulated Purpose and \(p_{disclosure}\) will be created. Due to the missing \(am_{}\) of \(d_{postal}\) the value ‘\(94032\)’ will be returned. The source for the data is identified as the same like in scenario 1. For scenario 2, the \(ds_{}\) could be identified successfully despite the original data has been transferred several times already and the original value ‘\(94032\)’ was returned for \(e_{req2}\). The UnderlyingPrivacyPolicies of LPL therefore enable the Provenance for the data source.

In general, to determine the source of a data in LPP it is necessary to firstly identify the data by the \(name\) within a purpose (see Listing 6). If the \(lpp_{}\) has no \(upp\) then the \(ds_{}\) of \(lpp_{}\) is the source. If \(upp\) is available it has to be checked for all \(p_{}\) of it, if the \(name\) is contained. If so the process is repeated till no \(p_{}\) with \(name\) is found or no \(upp\) is available.

figure q

5.4 Retention

The Retention-element \(r_{}\) provides the information when the data for a specific purpose \(p_{}\) has to be deleted. With Retention a planned deletion of data is denoted, which has to be differentiated from an action-based deletion, e.g. like it is denoted by the right to erasure [3, Art. 17 No. 1 (b)] [3, Art. 17 No. 1 (c)] in which the user actively withdraws or objects. The retention process is executed during the Usage step.

There are three basic options that are used to define when the data has to be deleted for a specific purpose.

For the \(type\) Indefinite there is no designation point in time for the deletion of the data, so the data will not be deleted after a specific time.


For the \(type\) AfterPurpose the deletion of the data depends on the completion of the purpose \(p_{}\) itself, which will have to be managed separately within an encapsulating framework.


After the purpose the data for this purpose has to be deleted within “3 months”.

The last \(type\) is FixedDate which defines exactly the deletion.


Defining that on the 01.01.2018 the data of the corresponding purpose has to be deleted. The way the processing of data deletion based upon a rule \(r_{}\) differs. One possibility is an automatic data deletion system. Within the system the data will be deleted exactly at the point in time when the \(r_{}\) of the privacy policy defines it. The deletion checking has hereby to be done regularly. Further research on the requirements of an automatic data deletion system based on LPL is part of future work.

6 Conclusion and Future Works

This paper presents LPL, a privacy language that takes into account both legal and privacy-preserving requirements. After deriving the main objectives, we have given a formal definition of our privacy language. Later on, we describe the life-cycle of LPL as well as a usage pattern for Query-based Anonymization utilizing Entity-Authentication, Purpose-Authorization, Entity-Authorization, Data-Authorization, Minimum Anonymization and Application of Privacy Model. Additionally, we outline how Provenance, Retention is enabled. LPL does not cover all privacy aspects, which are partially already discussed by other works. Furthermore, LPL is an extensible language and can easily let new security and privacy concepts be integrated.

We consider LPL as a work in progress which we will extend in future works, hereby we will cover additional aspects of the GDPR by LPL.

First of all, there is an ongoing implementation work of LPL behind which we aim to validate experimentally a privacy-preserving framework based on LPL to allow an automatic query-based anonymization for data-storages, like data-warehouses. Not only anonymization, but also pseudonymization will be covered in future work and the impact of personal privacy and privacy models on privacy, utility and the performance will be evaluated.

To support privacy-aware applications (e.g. web-applications), which are based on such data-storages, it is necessary to optimize the response time for a query, by minimizing the computational overhead of LPL, so that common usage of applications is not hindered by privacy. We project a set of optimizations along the process steps. As examples we could cite the calculation of the minimum required privacy model or the authorization against every purpose for a requesting entity, because in both cases the execution time depends on the amount of processed privacy policies. Additionally we will extend our Query-based Anonymization to consider sequential queries and releases to avoid a privacy breach, were we will also consider logical interference.

Furthermore, we project to implement an user-friendly interface that enables the Data Subject to express simply its consent and have a fast overview over the privacy policy. Also personal privacy should be facilitated, allowing the user to refuse predefined purposes or adjust the privacy settings.

We assume that especially the combination of personal privacy and privacy models will influence the utility of the resulting data-set. Hereby, different factors, like the amount of personalized privacy policies or the properties of the data-set, will be investigated with the aim to identify all factors influencing the trade-off between privacy and utility.

Additionally, diverse Regulated Purposes have to be identified and implemented by our privacy-preserving framework to support the Data Subject Rights of the GDPR. On one hand this may relieve the Controller from burdensome manual responses and on the other hand this allows the Data Subjects to rely on a lawful execution of their requests.

Another future work concerns conflict detection between different privacy policies expressed in different LPL files. Those might occur during the transfer and aggregation of distinct data sources. Assuming the data sources origin from conflicting legal spaces, further investigations for the resolution of conflicts in terms of both legal and technical requirements and capabilities have to be executed. It is imaginable that Provenance has to be omitted in such a scenario for the sake of privacy. Therefore, scenarii with trusted and untrusted Controllers have to be considered in future works to assess under which circumstances Provenance can be provided.

Concluding we want to state that there is a various amount of open challenges in the field of privacy that arise from the GDPR from which LPL focuses on enforceable privacy policies.