
1 Introduction

The relationship between a Petri net and its reachability graph can be viewed from a system analysis or from a system synthesis viewpoint. In system analysis, a system could, for instance, be modelled by a marked Petri net whose (unique) reachability graph serves to facilitate its behavioural analysis [14]. We may get various kinds of interesting structural results for special classes of Petri nets. For example, if the given system is described by a marked graph, then its reachability graph enjoys a long list of useful properties (see, e.g., [7]). In system synthesis, a behavioural specification is typically given, and a system implementing it is sought. For example, one may try to find a Petri net whose reachability graph is isomorphic to a given labelled transition system [1]. We may get structural results of a different nature in this case. For example, [4] describes a structural characterisation of the class of marked graph reachability graphs in terms of a carefully chosen list of graph-theoretical properties.

In this paper, we investigate labelled transition systems which are finite and acyclic. The ultimate aim is to characterise, graph-theoretically, exactly which ones of them are synthesisable into an unlabelled place/transition Petri net [11]. To our knowledge, such a characterisation is difficult and has not yet been achieved in general. We begin to study the problem by restricting attention to a limited special case: non-branching, linearly ordered, transition systems having at most two edge labels. That is, we study the class of binary words, and our aim is to characterise the Petri net synthesisable ones amongst them.

Region theory [1] provides an indirect characterisation of this class by means of an algorithm based on solving systems of linear inequations and synthesising a Petri net if possible. In this paper, we describe two alternative, more direct, characterisations, and provide partial proofs in support of their validity. The first condition characterises the class of Petri net synthesisable binary words in terms of a pseudo-regular expression. The second condition characterises the same class in terms of a letter-counting relationship. Both conditions seem to be more efficient to check than by using the general synthesis algorithm.

In Sect. 2 we briefly recapitulate some basic definitions about labelled transition systems, Petri nets, and regions. Sections 3 and 4 describe our two conjectures and contain proofs that they are necessary for synthesisability. In Sect. 5, we provide sufficiency proofs for special cases of these conjectures. Section 6 reduces the problem to words of a special form, and Sect. 7 describes some pertinent results about words of such forms. Section 8 concludes the paper.

2 Basic Concepts, and Region-Based Synthesis

2.1 Transition Systems, Words, and Petri Nets

A finite labelled transition system with initial state is a tuple \(TS=(S,\rightarrow ,T,s_0)\) with nodes S (a finite set of states), edge labels T (a finite set of letters), edges \(\rightarrow \,\subseteq (S\times T\times S)\), and an initial state \(s_0\in S\). A label t is enabled at \(s\in S\), denoted by \(s[t\rangle \), if \(\exists s'\in S:(s,t,s')\in \,\rightarrow \). A state \(s'\) is reachable from s through the execution of \(\sigma \in T^*\), denoted by \(s[\sigma \rangle s'\), if there is a directed path from s to \(s'\) whose edges are labelled consecutively by \(\sigma \). The set of states reachable from s is denoted by \([s\rangle \). A sequence \(\sigma \in T^*\) is allowed, or firable, from a state s, denoted by \(s[\sigma \rangle \), if there is some state \(s'\) such that \(s[\sigma \rangle s'\). For clarity, in case of long formulas we write \(|_r\,\alpha \, |_s\,\beta \, |_q\) instead of \(r\;[ \alpha \rangle \; s \;[\beta \rangle \; q\). Two labelled transition systems \(TS_1=(S_1,\rightarrow _1,T,s_{01})\) and \(TS_2=(S_2,\rightarrow _2,T,s_{02})\) are isomorphic if there is a bijection \(\zeta :S_1\rightarrow S_2\) with \(\zeta (s_{01})=s_{02}\) and \((s,t,s')\in \,\rightarrow _1\,\Leftrightarrow (\zeta (s),t,\zeta (s'))\in \,\rightarrow _2\), for all \(s,s'\in S_1\).

A word over T is a sequence \(w\in T^*\), and it is binary if \(|T|=2\). For a word w and a letter t, \(\#_t(w)\) denotes the number of times t occurs in w. A word \(w'\in T^*\) is called a subword (or factor) of \(w\in T^*\) if \(\exists u_1,u_2\in T^*:w=u_1w'u_2\). A word \(w=t_1t_2\ldots t_n\) of length \(n\in \mathbb {N}\) uniquely corresponds to a finite transition system \(TS(w)=(\{0,\ldots ,n\},\{(i-1,t_i,i)\mid 0<i\le n\wedge t_i\in T\},T,0)\).

An initially marked Petri net is denoted as \(N=(P,T,F,M_0)\) where P is a finite set of places, T is a finite set of transitions, F is the flow function \(F:((P\times T)\cup (T\times P))\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) specifying the arc weights, and \(M_0\) is the initial marking (where a marking is a mapping \(M:P\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\), indicating the number of tokens in each place). A side-place is a place p with \(p^\bullet {\cap }{}^\bullet p\ne \emptyset \), where \(p^\bullet =\{t\in T\mid F(p,t){>}0\}\) and \({}^\bullet p=\{t\in T\mid F(t,p){>}0\}\). N is pure or side-place free if it has no side-places. A transition \(t\in T\) is enabled at a marking M, denoted by \(M[t\rangle \), if \(\forall p\in P:M(p)\ge F(p,t)\). The firing of t leads from M to \(M'\), denoted by \(M[t\rangle M'\), if \(M[t\rangle \) and \(M'(p)=M(p)-F(p,t)+F(t,p)\). This can be extended, as usual, to \(M[\sigma \rangle M'\) for sequences \(\sigma \in T^*\), and \([M\rangle \) denotes the set of markings reachable from M. The reachability graph RG(N) of a bounded (such that the number of tokens in each place does not exceed a certain finite number) Petri net N is the labelled transition system with the set of vertices \([M_0\rangle \), initial state \(M_0\), label set T, and set of edges \(\{(M,t,M')\mid M,M'\in [M_0\rangle \wedge M[t\rangle M'\}\). If a labelled transition system TS is isomorphic to the reachability graph of a Petri net N, we say that N PN-solves (or simply solves) TS, and that TS is synthesisable to N. We say that N solves a word w if it solves TS(w).

2.2 Basic Region Theory, and an Example

Let a finite labelled transition system \(TS=(S,\rightarrow ,T,s_0)\) be given. In order to synthesise – if possible – a Petri net with isomorphic reachability graph, T must, of course (since we do not consider any transition labels), be used directly as the set of transitions. For the places, \(\frac{1}{2}{\cdot }(|S|{\cdot }(|S|{-}1))\) state separation problems and up to \(|S|{\cdot }|T|\) event/state separation problems have to be solved, as follows:

  • A state separation problem consists of a set of states \(\{s,s'\}\) with \(s\ne s'\), and for every such set, one needs a place that distinguishes them. Such problems are always solvable if \(TS=TS(w)\) originates from a word w; for instance, we might simply introduce a counting place which has j tokens in state j.

  • An event/state separation problem consists of a pair \((s,t)\in S{\times }T\) with \(\lnot (s[t\rangle )\). For every such problem, one needs a place p such that \(M(p)<F(p,t)\) for the marking M corresponding to state s, where F refers to the arcs of the hoped-for net.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

\(TS_1\) and \(TS_2\) correspond to aab and abbaa, respectively. \(N_1\) solves \(TS_1\). No Petri net solution of \(TS_2\) exists.

For example, in Fig. 1, \(TS_1\) is PN-solvable, since the reachability graph of \(N_1\) is isomorphic to \(TS_1\). Note that \(N_1\) has exactly two transitions a and b, which is true for any net solving a binary word over \(\{a,b\}\). By contrast, \(TS_2\) is not PN-solvable. The word abbaa, from which \(TS_2\) is derived, is actually one of the two shortest non-solvable binary words (the other one being baabb, its dual under swapping a and b).

To see that abbaa is not PN-solvable, we may use the following argument. State \(s=2\) generates an event/state separation problem \(\lnot (s[a\rangle )\), for which we need a place q whose number of tokens in the marking corresponding to state 2 is less than necessary for transition a to be enabled. Such a place q has the general form shown in Fig. 2. We now show that such a place does not exist.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

A place with four arc weights \(a_-,a_+,b_-,b_+\) and initial marking m. It is named p if used for preventing b and named q if used for preventing a.

In order to present this proof succinctly, it is useful to define the effect \(\mathbb {E}(\tau )\) of a sequence \(\tau \in T^*\) on place q. The effect of the empty sequence is \(\mathbb {E}(\varepsilon )=0\). The effect of a sequence \(a\tau \) is defined as \(\mathbb {E}(a\tau )=(a_+-a_-)+\mathbb {E}(\tau )\), and similarly, \(\mathbb {E}(b\tau )=(b_+-b_-)+\mathbb {E}(\tau )\). For instance, \(\mathbb {E}(abbaa)=3{\cdot }(a_+-a_-)+2{\cdot }(b_+-b_-)\). In general, \(\mathbb {E}(\tau )=\#_a(\tau )\cdot \mathbb {E}(a)+\#_b(\tau )\cdot \mathbb {E}(b)\).

If q (as in Fig. 2) prevents a at the marking corresponding to state 2 in abbaa (cf. Fig. 1), then it must satisfy the following inequalities: \(a_-\le m\), since state 0 enables a; \(a_-\le m+\mathbb {E}(abba)\), since state 4 enables a; \(m+\mathbb {E}(ab)<a_-\), since q prevents a at state 2. This set of inequalities cannot be solved in the natural numbers. Combine (0) and (2) to obtain \(0<-\mathbb {E}(ab)\); combine (4) and (2) to obtain \(0<\mathbb {E}(abba)-\mathbb {E}(ab)=\mathbb {E}(ab)\); contradiction.

2.3 Brief Estimation of the Complexity of the General Algorithm

In a word of length n, the equation system for a single event/state separation problem comprises \(n+1\) inequations, n for the states \(0,\ldots ,n-1\), which guarantee that the corresponding transition is enabled, and one for the event/state separation itself. In binary words, we have \(n+2\) such problems, one for every state \(0,\ldots ,n-1\) and two for the last state. A word w of length n is PN-solvable if and only if all \(n+2\) systems, each having \(n+1\) inequalities and five unknowns \(a_-,a_+,b_-,b_+,m\), are solvable in \(\mathbb {N}\).

Suppose that we solve this special case (with five unknowns) by Karmarkar’s algorithm [10]. It seems that, solving O(n) systems of inequalitites, we may roughly expect a running time of \(O(n^3\cdot L(n))\), i.e., cubic with a logarithmic factor \(L(n)=\log (n)\cdot \log (\log (n))\).

For the remainder of the paper, we fix \(T=\{a,b\}\).

3 A Pattern-Matching Condition

3.1 Minimal Unsolvable Words

If w is PN-solvable, then of all its subwords \(w'\) are. To see this, let the Petri net solving w be executed up to the state before \(w'\), take this as the new initial marking, and add a pre-place with \(\#_a(w')\) tokens to a and a pre-place with \(\#_b(w')\) tokens to b. Thus, the unsolvability of any proper subword of w entails the unsolvability of w. For this reason, the notion of a minimal unsolvable word is well-defined, namely, as an unsolvable word all of whose proper subwords are solvable. A complete list of minimal unsolvable words up to length 110 can be found, amongst some other lists, in [13]. Observe that in this list, every word starts and ends with the same letter. This is a consequence of (the contraposition of) the next proposition.

Proposition 1

Solvability of aw and wb implies solvability of awb

If both aw and wb are solvable, then awb is also solvable.


Assume that aw and wb are PN-solvable words over \(\{a,b\}\). If \({w=b^k}\) (for \(k\in \mathbb {N}\)) then \(awb=ab^{k+1}\) is obviously solvable, hence we assume that w contains at least one a. Let \(N_1=(P_1,\{a,b\},F_1,M_{01})\) and \(N_2=(P_2,\{a,b\},F_2,M_{02})\) be Petri nets such that \(N_1\) solves aw and \(N_2\) solves wb. We can assume that \(N_1\) and \(N_2\) are disjoint, except for their transitions a and b. Forming the union of \(N_1\) and \(N_2\) gives a net which is synchronised at a and b, and which allows all (and only) sequences allowed by both \(N_1\) and \(N_2\). We modify \(N_1\) and \(N_2\) before forming their union, as follows:

  1. (i)

    In \(N_1\), for each place p in \({}^\bullet b\cap P_1\), add another \(F_1(p,b)\) tokens; and if p in \({}^\bullet a \cap P_1\), then add the quantity \(F_1(p,b)\) both to \(F_1(p,a)\) and to \(F_1(a,p)\); otherwise, keep the arc weights unchanged. This allows an additional b in the end of the word awb. Since the last b in awb could have enabled a at the final state, we add a counting place \(q_a\) which is an input place for a with a unit arc weight and has \(\#_a(aw)\) tokens on it initially. Thus, a remains disabled in awb exactly at states in which it was disabled before the modification and becomes permanently disabled after aw.

  2. (ii)

    Modify \(N_2\) by adding to each place q in \({}^\bullet a\cap P_2\) another \(F_2(q,a)\) tokens (this allows an additional a). Further, for each place p in \(a^\bullet \cap P_2\cap {}^\bullet b\), add the quantity \(F_2(a,p)\) both to \(F_2(p,b)\) and to \(F_2(b,p)\). The new arc weights lead to the same effect of b on p but prevent premature occurrences of b in the part wb (which could have been allowed by adding the tokens in front of b in the previous step). Moreover, if there is a place p in \({}^\bullet a \cap {}^\bullet b \cap P_2\), b could have been allowed at the very beginning of awb. To prevent this, add a new place \(p'\) to \(N_2\), such that \(F_2(a,p') = F_2(b,p') = F_2(p',b) = 1\) and \(F_2(p',a) = M_0(p') = 0\). This place disables b at the beginning of awb and does not influence the behaviour of \(N_2\) after the first a.

Define N as the union of the two nets thus modified, and see Fig. 3 for an example. (The added tokens are drawn as hollow circles.) In general, N solves awb in the following way: The initial a is allowed in \(N_1\) by definition and in \(N_2\) by the additional tokens. The subsequent w is allowed in both nets, and hence in their synchronisation. The final b is allowed in \(N_2\) by definition and in \(N_1\) by the additional tokens. No premature b is allowed by the arc weight increase, and no final additional a is allowed because \(N_1\) does not allow it. All intermediate occurrences of a are regulated by the modification of \(N_1\), and the same of b by the modification of \(N_2\).    \(\square \)

Fig. 3.
figure 3

\(N_1\) (black tokens) solves \(aw{=}abab\). \(N_2\) (black tokens) solves \(wb{=}babb\). N (redundant places omitted) solves \(awb{=}ababb\). Arc weight change due to \(p{\in }a^\bullet {\cap }P_2{\cap }{}^\bullet b\).

This proposition can be used for a remark on word reversal. If both aw, wb and their reversals are solvable, then both awb and its reversal are solvable. This follows directly from the previous proof. If one of the reversals of aw and wb is not solvable, however, then the reversal of awb is not necessarily solvable. Consider, for instance, \(w=abba\), \(aw=aabba\), \(wb=abbab\), and \(awb=aabbab\). Here, aw is solvable, but its reversal is abbaa, which is a subword of the reversal of awb.

3.2 A Pseudo-regular Expression for Unsolvable Words

Studying the list [13], it can first be observed that all words starting and ending with b are just mirror images of those starting and ending with a under swapping letters. More interestingly, all minimal unsolvable words starting and ending with the letter a happen to be of the following general form:


with a not being separated at the state between the \(b^*\) and the second bracket (and thus, before the first b in the second bracket, which exists because the bracket contains at least one instance of \(ba\alpha \)). For example, abbaa satisfies (1) with \(\alpha =\varepsilon \), the star \({}^*\) being repeated zero times, and the plus \({}^+\) being repeated once. Such words are generally PN-unsolvable:

Proposition 2

Sufficient condition for the unsolvability of a word If a word over \(\{a,b\}\) has a subword of the form (1), then it is not PN-solvable.


Let \(s_0\) be the state before the first a in (1), s the state before the first b in the second bracket, \(s'\) the state after this b, and r the state before the final a:

$$ \;(\;|_{s_0}\,a\;b\;\alpha \;)\;b^*\;(\;|_s\,b\;|_{s'}\,a\;\alpha \;)^+\;|_r\,a $$

For a word w having a subword of this form, we prove that such a subword cannot be solved (implying that w cannot be solved either). Because \(ba\alpha \) occurs at least once in the second bracket, \(s\ne r\), b is enabled at state s, and a is not enabled at s. Suppose that some place q as in Fig. 2 exists which separates a at s. Abbreviate \(\mathbb {E}(ab\alpha )\) to E and \(\mathbb {E}(b)\) to \(E_b\). For q, we have the following inequalities:

(0) is true because \(s_0\) enables a. (\(s'\)) is true because \(s'\) enables a. (r) is true because r enables a; and \(\ell >0\) because of the \({}^+\). Finally, (s) is true because q disables a at state s. Adding (\(s'\))+(s) gives \(1\le E_b\). Adding (0)+(s) gives \(1\le -E-k{\cdot }E_b\), and using also \(1\le E_b\) gives \(1\le -E-k{\cdot }E_b\le -E\). Adding (r)+(s) gives \(1\le \ell {\cdot }E\), contradicting \(1\le -E\) because of \(\ell >0\). The system cannot be solved, and no place q separating a at s exists.    \(\square \)

3.3 Converses of Proposition 2, and Complexity Estimation

All words of the form (1) are unsolvable, but there exist unsolvable words which are not of this form. Nevertheless, it turns out that all minimal unsolvable words not only conform to (1), but are of an even simpler shape, as expressed in the following conjectures (and as will be elaborated in later parts of this paper; the facts from Sects. 5 and 6 are the justification of their partial correctness).

Conjecture 1

First converse of Proposition 2

Suppose a word over \(\{a,b\}\) is non-PN-solvable and minimal with that property. Then it is (modulo swapping a and b) of the form given in (1).    \(\square \)

Basing on computer experiments partially supported by Proposition 5 (the fact on the existence of subwords aa and bb inside solvable words proven in Subsect. 6.2) we also feel that, without loss of generality, one can restrict (1) to \(\alpha \) containing only letters b if the \(b^*\) part is not empty. More precisely:

Conjecture 1a

Strengthened converse of Proposition 2

Each minimal unsolvable word over \(\{a,b\}\) conforms to one of the forms


(again, modulo swapping a and b).    \(\square \)

Using Conjecture 1, the problem of deciding the PN-solvability of a word v of length n can be reduced to a pattern-matching problem. Namely, we need to verify whether v contains a subword w of the form (1). Using an algorithm based on the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm [8] (utilizing strict border arrays to search for the repetitions by processing all suffixes of v), this can be done in time \(O(n^2 \log n)\). Using Conjecture 1a, subwords of the form \(ab\alpha (ba{\alpha })^\ell a\text {with}\, \ell \ge 1\) can be recognised using the same technique (KMP-like algorithm). Let us notice that in this case the partial matched subword \(u_{1}\) and the repeating subword \((u_{2})^{\ell }\) are not separated by a block of the form \(b^{k}\). Subwords of the form \(abb^{j}b^{k}bab^{j}a\) (\(j\ge 0,k\ge 1\)) can be recognised in time O(n) by counting distances between consecutive occurrences of a (at any moment we have to remember only the positions of two preceding occurrences of a). In contrast to the general case, using Conjecture 1a do not need any additional preprocessing or memory, and the solution takes time at most \(O(n^2)\).

4 A Counting Condition

4.1 An Arithmetic Criterion for Unsolvable Words

Proposition 3

Another sufficient condition for unsolvability

Suppose \(\alpha ,\beta \in \{a,b\}^{+}\) and \(w=\alpha \beta a\), where \(\alpha \) starts with a, \(\beta \) starts with b, and


Then w is unsolvable.


Let \(s_0\) be the state before \(\alpha \), s the state before \(\beta \), and r the state before the final a:

$$w\;\;=\;\;|_{s_0}\,\alpha \;|_s\,\beta \;|_r\,a\;\; $$

If a place q separates a at s and has marking m at \(s_0\), then for \(E_\alpha = \mathbb {E}(\alpha ) = \#_a(\alpha ){\cdot }E_a + \#_b(\alpha ){\cdot }E_b\) and \(E_\beta = \mathbb {E}(\beta ) = \#_a(\beta ){\cdot }E_a + \#_b(\beta ){\cdot }E_b\) we have:

Adding (0)+(s) yields \(1\le -E_\alpha \), hence (A): \({-}(\#_a(\alpha )E_a+\#_b(\alpha )E_b)\ge 1\).

Adding (r)+(s) yields \(1\le E_\beta \), hence (B): \((\#_a(\beta )E_a+\#_b(\beta )E_b)\ge 1\).

Also, \(E_b\ge 1\) because q prevents a at s, but a becomes enabled after one or more firings of b. Then,

However, \(-\#_a(\beta )\ge \#_a(\alpha )\) implies \(\#_a(\beta )=\#_a(\alpha )=0\), and this is a contradiction since \(\alpha \) contains at least one a. Thus, such a place q does not exist.    \(\square \)

4.2 Converses of Proposition 3, and complexity estimation

Conjecture 2

First converse of Proposition 3

If a word is of the form \(w=\alpha \beta a\) where \(\alpha \) starts with a and \(\beta \) starts with b, and if w is minimal non-PN-solvable, then inequation (3) holds.    \(\square \)

We also believe that for sufficiently long words that are of a special (as it turns out, interesting) shape, the \(\ge \) in (3) can be strengthened to equality. More precisely,

Conjecture 2a

Strengthened converse of Proposition 3

If \(w=\alpha \beta a\) is of the form


then a is not separable at state s iff \(\#_a(\beta ){\cdot }\#_b(\alpha )=\#_a(\alpha ){\cdot }\#_b(\beta )\).    \(\square \)

The arithmetic criterion in Conjecture 2a tells us nothing about minimality. The word to be checked is assumed to start and end with the same letter. In a bad case, e.g., for \(w = ab\ldots ab\), checking needs to be repeated two times. Each maximal subword, starting and ending with the same letter, can be divided into \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) at most in \(n-3\) different ways. For every such devision we need to go through the subword of length \(n-2\) once, in order to check the criterion. This amounts to time approximately \(2(n-3)(n-2)\) and thus, time \(O(n^2)\) in total. A solvability algorithm based on Conjecture 2 was recently (end of October 2015) implemented by Harro Wimmel and compared with the general synthesis APT algorithm [6, 15]. It was briefly tested on 1024 words of length 1990. The special algorithm took about a minute to check solvability, while the general algorithm takes much longer (being general-purpose and actually constructing a solution if one exists). To our knowledge, testing only solvability with the general algorithm, without necessarily finding a solution, is only faster in the degree of the number of variables, which is constant for the separation problems.

A reasonable and possibly beneficial approach could be to use the algorithms described in Sects. 2.3, 3.3 and 4.2 in combination, depending on a particular task: The general algorithm yielding a Petri net solution if the given word is solvable; the pattern-matching algorithm checking minimal unsolvability (and possibly combinable with other efficient methods); and the counting algorithm checking solvability or unsolvability (but requiring, for minimality, several repetitions for subwords).

5 Special Cases of the Two Conjectures

In this section, we substantiate Conjectures 1 and 2 by providing partial proofs for the converses of Propositions 2 and 3. First, we prove the minimal unsolvability of words corresponding to the following two patterns, as special instances of (1):

$$\begin{aligned} a b b^{x} b^{k} b a b^{x} a \;\;\;\;\text { and }\;\;\;\; a b b^{x} b (a b^{x} b)^{d} a b^{x} a \;\;\;\;\text { with }x \ge 0, k\ge 1, d\ge 0 \end{aligned}$$

The first pattern satisfies (1) with \(\alpha = b^{x}\), the star \(^*\) being repeated k times, and the plus \(^+\) being repeated only once, while the second pattern satisfies (1) with \(\alpha =b^{x}\), the star \(^*\) being repeated zero times, and the plus \(^+\) being repeated \(d+1\) times. Due to Proposition 2, all binary words of one of the forms in (5) are unsolvable. To prove that they are minimal with this property, we provide Petri nets (with initial markings) solving maximal proper prefixes and maximal proper suffixes of these words.

The Petri net \(N_{1}\) on the left-hand side of Fig. 4, with appropriate values of parameters in the arc weights and initial marking, is a possible solution for a maximal prefix \(a b b^{x} b^{k} b a b^{x}\) of the first form in (5). Place \(p_{1}\) prevents b at the beginning, and \(p_{2}\) restricts the total number of b’s. Place q prevents a when it is necessary. This place has enough tokens on it for the initial a and for one more a after the block \(bb^{x} b^{k} b\), and it does not enable a afterwards.

The maximal proper suffix \(b b^{x} b^{k} b a b^{x} a\) can be executed by the net \(N_{2}\) on the right-hand side of Fig. 4. Initially only \(x+k+2\) firings of b are possible, which brings enough tokens on place q for a to occur. This first a adds x tokens on place \(p_{1}\), which enables b again. The total number of b’s is controlled by place \(p_{2}\). When there is no tokens on \(p_{2}\), a is enabled once more, and this last occurrence of a ends the execution of the suffix. Hence, words of the first form in (5) are minimally unsolvable.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

\(N_1\) solves the prefix \(a b b^x b^k b a b^x \). \(N_2\) solves the suffix \(b b^x b^k b a b^x a\).

The maximal proper prefix \(a b b^x b (a b^x b)^d a b^x\) of the second form in (5) can be solved by the net \(N_1\) in Fig. 5. Place q in this net enables the initial a, and then disables it unless b has been fired \(x+2\) times. After the execution of block \(b b^x b\) there are d tokens more than a needs to fire on place q. These surplus tokens allow a to be fired after each sequence \(b^x b\), but not earlier. Place \(p_1\) has initially 1 token on it, which is necessary for block \(b b^x b\) after the first a, and this place has only \(x+1\) tokens after each next a, preventing b at states where a must occur. Places \(p_2\) and \(p_3\) prevent undesirable occurrences of b at the very beginning and at the very end of the prefix, respectively.

For the general form of suffix \(b b^x b (a b^x b)^d a b^x a\) of the second form in (5), one can consider the Petri net \(N_2\) on the right-hand side of Fig. 5 as a possible solution. Indeed, place \(q_1\) prevents premature occurrences of a in the first block \(bb^x b\), and enables a only after this and each next block \(b^x b\). Doing so, it collects one additional token after each \(b^x b\), which allows this place to enable the very last a after sequence \(b^x\). The initial marking allows to execute the sequence \(b b^x b\) in the beginning, and at most \(x+1\) b’s in a row after that, thanks to place \(p_1\). Place \(p_2\) restricts the total number of b’s allowing only block \(b^x\) at the end. Place \(q_2\) serves for bounding the total number of occurrences of a, and it is necessary if \(x=0\) and \(d=0\). Thus we deduce that any word of the form \(a b b^x b (a b^x b)^d a b^x a \) with \(x,d \ge 0\) is minimally unsolvable.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

\(N_1\) solves the prefix \(a b b^x b (a b^x b)^d a b^x\). \(N_2\) solves the suffix \(b b^x b(a b^x b)^d a b^x a\).

Words of two forms in (5) correspond to two classes of minimally unsolvable words that were described in Conjecture 1a, the strengthened variant of Conjecture 1. Moreover, while the form \({abb}^{x} b ({ab}^{x} b)^{d} {ab}^{x}a\) is only a partial instance (for \(\alpha = b^x\)) of the more general form \(ab\alpha (ba\alpha )^\ell a\text { with } \ell \ge 1\) (see Conjecture 1a), pattern \(a b b^{x} b^{k} b a b^{x} a\) coincides entirely with \(abb^{j} b^{kba} b^{j} a\), where \(j\ge 0,k\ge 1\) (cf. (2)).

In support of Conjectures 2 and  2a, assume a minimally unsolvable word

$$w_1\; = \;a b b^{x}\; |_{s_1}\; b\;\ldots \; b^x\; |_{s_j} \; b \;\ldots \; b^x\; |_{s_{d+1}} \; b a b^{x} a $$

of the second form in (5) to be given, with some fixed non-negative x and d. For any \(1\le j\le d+1\) and state \(s_j\), in \(w_1=\underbrace{a b\ldots b^x}_\alpha |_{s_j}\underbrace{b\ldots a b^x}_\beta a \) we have

$$\#_a(\beta )\cdot \#_b(\alpha ) = (d+2-j)\cdot ((x+1)\cdot j)=j\cdot ((d+1-j)\cdot (x+1) + 1+x) = \#_a(\alpha )\cdot \#_b(\beta ) $$

By Proposition 3, a is not separated at such states \(s_j\). On the other hand, expression (3) is fulfilled in \(w_1\) as an equality, which corresponds to the strong variant of Conjecture 2.

The requirement \(n\ge 3\) in (4) is important. In a minimally unsolvable word \(w_2=\underbrace{a b b^x b^{k}}_\alpha |_r\underbrace{b a b^x}_\beta a \) of the first form in (5), with \(x\ge 0\) and \(k\ge 1\), we have

$$\#_a(\beta )\cdot \#_b(\alpha ) = 1\cdot (x+k+1) > 1\cdot (x+1)=\#_a(\alpha )\cdot \#_b(\beta ) $$

According to Proposition 3, a is not separated at r, but (3) is satisfied as a strict inequality.

6 Limiting the Occurrence of Factors aa or bb

In this section, we show that the problem of characterising minimal unsolvable words w can be reduced to two cases, \(w=b^{x_1}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\) or \(w=ab^{x_1}a\ldots ab^{x_n}a\) (both with \(x_1\ge 1\)). Observe that Conjecture 2a concerns the second case.

Since words in which a and b strictly alternate are easy to solve, it stands to reason to investigate the situations in which a letter occurs twice in a row. We show that in a minimal unsolvable word, the factors aa and bb are essentially limited to occur in some particular ways.

6.1 Factors aa or bb Starting an Unsolvable Word

If a word av is unsolvable and if av is minimal unsolvable, then, as a consequence of the next proposition, v definitely starts with a letter b. That is, no minimal unsolvable word can start with aa (nor with bb, for that matter).

Proposition 4

Solvable words starting with a can be prefixed by a

If a word av is PN-solvable then aav is, too.


Let \(N=(P,\{a,b\},F,M_0)\) be a net solving av. We shall construct a net which solves aav. The idea is to obtain such a net by “unfiring” a once from the initial marking of N. Since this may lead to a non-semipositive marking which we would like to avoid, we will first normalise and modify the net N, obtaining another solution \(N'\) of av, and then construct a solution \(N''\) for aav (cf. Fig. 6).

For normalisation, we assume that there are two places \(p_b\) and \(q_a\); the first prevents b explicitly in the initial phase, and the second prevents a after the last occurrence of a. They are defined by \(M_0(p_b)=1\), \(F(a,p_b)=1\), \(F(b,p_b)=\ell {+}1=F(p_b,b)\), where \(\ell \) is the number of a before the first b in av, and \(M_0(q_a)=k\), \(F(q_a,a)=1\), where k is the number of a in av. (All other F values \(=0\).)

Let \( NUF (a)=\{p\in {a^\bullet }\,|\,M_0(p)<F(a,p)\}\) be the set of places which do not allow the “unfiring” of a at \(M_0\). Note that neither \(p_b\) nor \(q_a\) are in \( NUF (a)\). Note also that for every \(p\in NUF (a)\), \(F(p,a)\le M_0(p)<F(a,p)\) – the first because a is initially enabled, the second by \(p\in NUF (a)\). That is, a has a positive effect on p. Without loss of generality, b has a negative effect on p (otherwise, thanks to the normalising place \(p_b\), p could be deleted without changing the behaviour of N).

For every \(p\in NUF (a)\) we add the quantity F(ap) uniformly to \(M_0(p)\), to F(pb), and to F(bp), eventually obtaining \(N'=(P',\{a,b\},F',M_0')\), and we show that \(N'\) also solves av. First, both \(M_0[a\rangle \wedge \lnot M_0[b\rangle \) and \(M_0'[a\rangle \wedge \lnot M_0'[b\rangle \) (the former by definition, the latter by construction). For an inductive proof, suppose that \(M_0[a\rangle M_1[\tau \rangle M\) and \(M_0'[a\rangle M_1'[\tau \rangle M'\). We have \(M[b\rangle \) iff \(M'[b\rangle \) by construction. If \(M[a\rangle \), then also \(M'[a\rangle \), since \(M\le M'\). Next, suppose that \(\lnot M[a\rangle \); then there is some place q such that \(M(q)<F(q,a)\). We show that, without loss of generality, \(q\notin NUF (a)\), so that q also disables a at \(M'\) in \(N'\). If M disables a after the last a in av, we can take \(q=q_a\notin NUF (a)\). If M disables a before its last occurrence in av, then q cannot be in \( NUF (a)\), since b acts negatively on such places.

Now, we construct a net \(N''=(P',\{a,b\},F',M_0'')\) from \(N'\) by defining \(M_0''(p)=M_0'(p)-F'(a,p)+F'(p,a)\) for every place p. By construction, aav is a firing sequence of \(N''\). Furthermore, \(M_0''\) does not enable b because of \(p_b\).   \(\square \)

Fig. 6.
figure 6

N is normalised and solves abab. \(N'\) solves abab as well. \(N''\) solves aabab.

6.2 Factors aa or bb Inside a Minimal Unsolvable Word

There can be factors aa or bb inside a minimal unsolvable word. However, the next proposition (together with the previous proposition) implies that we cannot have both – unless one of them is at the very end of the word, as in abbaa.

Proposition 5

No aa and bb inside a minimal unsolvable word

If a minimal non-PN-solvable word is of the form \(u=a\alpha a\), then either \(\alpha \) does not contain the factor aa or \(\alpha \) does not contain the factor bb.


By contraposition. Assume that \(\alpha \) contains a factor aa and a factor bb. Two cases are possible:

Case 1:There is a group of a’s which goes after a group of b’s. Let \(a^m\) and \(b^n\) be such groups, assume that \(a^m\) goes after \(b^n\) and that there are no groups of a or of b between them. Then u is of the following form

$$|_{s_0}\;\ldots \; |_q\; a b^n (ab)^k a^m\; |_r\; \ldots $$

where \(n,m\ge 2,\ k \ge 0\). Recombine the letters in u to the following form:

$$|_{s_0}\;\ldots \; |_q\;(ab)b^{n-2}(ba)^{k+1}aa^{m-2}\; |_r\; \ldots $$

Since u ends with a, \((ab)b^{n-2}(ba)^{k+1}a\) is a proper subword of u. But it has the form \((abw)b^*(baw)^+a\), with \(w=\varepsilon \), which implies its unsolvability by Proposition 2, contradicting the minimality of u.

Case 2: All groups of a precede all groups of b. In this case u is of the form

$$a a^{x_0} b a^{x_1} \ldots b a^{x_n} b^{y_0} a b^{y_1} a b^{y_2} \ldots a b^{y_m} a $$

where at least one of \(x_i\) and one of \(y_j\) is greater than 1. Consider \(\ell =\max \{ i \mid x_i > 1\}\). If \(\ell =0\), we get a contradiction to Proposition 4. Hence, \(\ell >0\). Let \(t=\min \{ j \mid y_j >1 \}\). Then u has the form

$$|_{s_0}\; a \ldots \; |_q\; b a^{x_\ell } (ba)^{n-\ell } (ba)^t b^{y_t}\; |_r\; \ldots a $$

Recombine the letters in u to the form

$$|_{s_0} \; a \ldots \; |_q\; (ba) a^{x_\ell -2} (ab)^{n-\ell +t+1} b b^{y_t-2}\; |_r\; \ldots a $$

Hence, u has a proper subword \((ba) a^{x_\ell -2} (ab)^{n-\ell +t+1} b\), which is of the form \((baw)a^*(abw)^+b\) with \(w=\varepsilon \), implying its non-PN-solvability, due to Proposition 2 with inverted a and b. This again contradicts the minimality of u.   \(\square \)

For these reasons, we are particularly interested in words of the following form:

$$\begin{aligned} \boxed {\text {either }\;\;\;\;ab^{x_1}a\ldots ab^{x_n}a\;\;\;\;\text { or }\;\;\;\;b^{x_1}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\;\;\;\;\text { where }x_i\ge 1\text { and }n>1} \end{aligned}$$

In the first form, there are no factors aa. If factors bb are excluded and the word starts and ends with an a, then we get words that are of the second form, except for swapping a and b.

7 Some Results About Words of the Form \(b^{x_1}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\)

Let \(w=b^{x_1}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\) be a word with \(n>1\) and \(x_i\ge 1\) for every \(1\le i\le n\), consisting of groups of letters b separated by single a’s, and starting and ending with b. With a view to (6), it seems important to understand conditions

  • for transforming solutions of w into solutions of aw,

  • and for transforming solutions of w (or aw) into solutions of wa (or awa).

In the present section, we address the first of these tasks. The aim is to modify an existing solution of w to yield a solution of aw. Similar constructions in the previous sections were typically done by transforming the places of an existing Petri net into places of a new net. The proof technique employed in this section allows to create new regions from old ones by transforming a given solution involving quantities such as m, \(a_-\), etc., into new quantities such as \(m'\), \(a_-'\), etc. This is useful as there is not always a direct intuitive (pictorial) relationship between the new and the old places.

7.1 Side-Places in Words of the Form \(b^{x_1}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\)

If a word \(w=b^{x_1}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\) can be solved, then side-places may be necessary to do it. For instance, bbabbababab cannot be solved side-place-freely. (More precisely: a side-place is needed in order to separate a at state 6.) However, we will show that in the worst case, only some side-places q around a, preventing a at some state, are necessary. Also, such side-places are unnecessary if \(x_1\) is small enough, in the sense that \(x_1\le \min \{x_2,\ldots ,x_{n-1}\}\). For example, babbababab can be solved without any side-places. The “smallness” of \(x_1\) is sufficient but not necessary. For instance, bbabbabab has a side-place-free solution, even though \(x_1\not \le \min \{x_2,\ldots ,x_{n-1}\}\).

In the following, we assume w to be of the following form (7). The states \(s_i\) (\(1\le i\le n-1\)) denote the important states at which b has to be prevented, and the states \(r_k\) (\(1\le k\le n-1\)) denote the important states at which a has to be prevented. At or after the last group of b’s, a can be prevented by a counting place, and at the final state, b can similarly be prevented by a counting place.

$$\begin{aligned} \!\boxed {w=b^{x_1{-}1}\,|_{r_1}\,b\,|_{s_1}\,a\,b^{x_2{-}1}\,|_{r_2}\,b\,|_{s_2}\,a\,\ldots \, |_{s_{k-1}}\,a\,b^{x_k{-}1}\,|_{r_k}\,b\,|_{s_k}\,a\,\ldots \,|_{s_{n-1}}\,a\,b^{x_n}} \end{aligned}$$

Proposition 6

Side-place-free solvability with few initial b ’s

If \(w=b^{x_1}ab^{x_2}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\) is solvable, then side-places are necessary, at worst, between a and q, where q is some place preventing a at one of the states \(r_k\) with \(1\le k<n-1\). If \(w=b^{x_1}ab^{x_2}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\) is solvable and \(x_1\le \min \{x_2,\ldots ,x_{n-1}\}\), then w is solvable side-place-freely.


The first claim follows from Lemmata 1 and 2 below. The second claim follows from Lemma 3.   \(\square \)

Lemma 1

side-place-freeness around b

If \(w=b^{x_1}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\) is solvable, then w is solvable without side-place around b.


We show that side-places around b are necessary neither for preventing any b (cf. (A) below), nor for preventing any a (cf. (B) below).

(A): Suppose some place p prevents b at some state \(s_k\), for \(1\le k\le n-1\). (The only other state at which b must be prevented is state \(s_n\), but that can clearly be done by a non-side-place, e.g. by an incoming place of transition b that has \(\#_b(w)=\sum _{i=1}^nx_i\) tokens initially.) Note that \(b_->b_+\), because place p allows b to be enabled at the state preceding \(s_k\) but not at \(s_k\). Similarly, \(a_-<a_+\), because b is not enabled at state \(s_k\) but at the immediately following state, which is reached after firing a. From the form (7) of w, we have


The first n inequations assert the semipositivity of the marking of place p (more precisely, its boundedness from below by \(b_+\), since p may be a side-place) at the n states \(s_1,\ldots ,s_n\). In our context, if these inequalities are fullfilled, then the marking is \(\ge b_+\) at all states, as a consequence of \(b_-\ge b_+\), \(a_-\le a_+\), and the special form of the word. The last inequality comes from \(\lnot (s_k[b\rangle )\).

We certainly have \(0\le b_+<b_-\le m\), because of \(b_->b_+\) as noted above, and because b is initially enabled. If \(b_+=0\), then p is not a side-place around b, and there is nothing more to prove (for p). If \(b_+\ge 1\), we consider the transformation

$$b_+'=b_+-1\text { and }b_-'=b_--1\text { and }m'=m-1 $$

The relation \(0\le b_+'<b_-'\le m'\) still holds for the new values. Also, all inequalities in (8) remain true for the new values: in the first n lines, 1 is subtracted on each side, and on the last line, the increase in \(-m\) is offset by the decrease in \(b_-\).

We have thus shown that subtracting one arc from b to p, one arc from p to b, and removing one initial token from p, leaves the region inequalities invariant. Thus, we get a solution preventing b with a ‘smaller’ side-place, and we can continue until eventually \(b_+\) becomes zero. This finishes part (A) of the proof.

(B): A side-place around b might still be necessary to prevent a at some state. We show next that such side-places are also unnecessary. Suppose some place q as in Fig. 2 prevents a at state \(r_k\), for \(1\le k\le n-1\). Symmetrically to the previous case, we have \(b_+>b_-\). This is true because, while q does not have enough tokens to enable a at state \(r_k\), it must have enough tokens to enable a at the directly following state (which we may continue to call \(s_k\)). But we also have (w.l.o.g.) \(a_+<a_-\). For \(k\ge 2\), this follows from the fact that if the previous a (enabled at the state \(s_{k-1}\) just after \(r_{k-1}\)) acts positively on q, then q also has sufficiently many tokens to enable a at state \(r_k\). For \(k=1\), it is possible to argue that \(a_+<a_-\) is valid without loss of generality. For suppose that q disables a only at \(r_1\) and nowhere else. (This is no loss of generality because for the other states \(r_k\), \(k\ge 2\), copies of q can be used.) Then we may consider \(q'\) which is an exact copy of q, except that \(a_+=a_--1\) for \(q'\). This place \(q'\) also disables a at state \(r_1\) (because it has the same marking as q). Moreover, it does not disable a at any other state after \(r_1\) because it always has \(\ge a_--1\) tokens, and after the next b, \(\ge a_-\) tokens, since \(b_+>b_-\).

Because of \(b_+>b_-\) and \(a_+<a_-\), place q also prevents a at all prior states in the same group of b’s. Moreover, in the last (i.e. n’th) group of b’s, a can easily be prevented side-place-freely. For place q with initial marking m, we have


The first \(n-1\) inequations assert the semipositivity of the marking of place q (more precisely, its boundedness from below by \(a_+\), since q may be a side-place of a) at the \(n-1\) states just after the a’s in (7). If they are fullfilled, then the marking is \(\ge a_+\) at all states after the first a, as a consequence of \(b_+>b_-\) and the special form of the word. The last inequality asserts that place q prevents transition a at state \(r_k\), hence effects the event/state separation of a at \(r_k\).

If \(b_-\) is already zero, place q is not a side-place of b. Otherwise, we may perform the transformation

$$b_+'=b_+-1\text { and }b_-'=b_--1\text { and }m'=m $$

because of \(b_+>b_-\) as noted above. The left-hand sides of the first \(n-1\) inequalities in (9) do not decrease, and neither do the right-hand sides. The same is true for the last inequality. This finishes part (B) of the proof.   \(\square \)

Lemma 2

Side-place-freeness around a, preventing b

Suppose \(w=b^{x_1}ab^{x_2}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\). If w is solvable by a net in which some place p separates b, then we may w.l.o.g. assume that p is not a side-place around a.


The equation system (8) is invariant under the transformation

$$a_+'=a_+-1\text { and }a_-'=a_--1\text { and }m'=m $$

as neither left-hand sides nor right-hand sides change their values.    \(\square \)

If some place q prevents transition a, then it may be a side-place between q and a. It may not always be possible to remove such a side-place. For instance, the word \(w=bbabbababab\) is of the form (7), and any net solving it necessarily contains a side-place around transition a. The next lemma shows that the presence of a side-place around a may be due to there being “many” initial b’s.

Lemma 3

Side-place-freeness around a , preventing a

Suppose \(w=b^{x_1}ab^{x_2}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\). If \(x_1\le \min \{x_2,\ldots ,x_{n-1}\}\) and if w is solvable by a net in which some place q prevents transition a at state \(r_k\) with \(1\le k\le n\), then we may w.l.o.g. assume that q is not a side-place around a.


For preventing a at state \(r_n\), we only need a place with no input and a single output transition a (weight 1) which has \(n-1\) tokens initially.

Suppose q prevents a at state \(r_k\), with \(1\le k\le n-1\). From previous considerations, we know \(a_+\le a_-\) and \(b_+>b_-\), and we may assume, from Lemma 1, that q is not a side-place around b, i.e., that \(b_-=0\). The initial marking m of q and the remaining arc weights \(a_+,a_-,b_+\) satisfy the following system of inequations (which is the same as (9), except that it is simplified by \(b_-=0\)):


If \(a_+=0\), then q is already of the required form. For \(a_+>0\), we have two cases.

Case 1: \(m>0\) and \(a_+>0\). Then consider the transformation

$$m'=m-1\text { and }a_+'=a_+-1\text { and }a_-'=a_--1 $$

By \(m>0\) and \(a_-\ge a_+>0\), we get new values \(m',a_+',a_-'\ge 0\). Moreover, (10) remains invariant under this transformation. So, \(q'\) serves the same purpose as q, and it has one incoming arc from a less than q. By repeating this procedure, we either get a place which serves the same purpose as q, or we hit Case 2.

Case 2: \(m=0\) and \(a_+>0\). In this case, we consider the transformation

$$m'=m=0\text { and }a_+'=0\text { and }a_-'=a_- $$

Such a transformation also guarantees \(m',a_+',a_-'\ge 0\). Also, the last line of (10) is clearly satisfied with these new values, since the value of its right-hand stays the same (for \(k=1\)) or increases (for \(k>1\)). To see that the first \(n-1\) lines of (10) are also true with the new values, and that we can, therefore, replace q by \(q'\), we may argue as follows. At any marking \(\widetilde{m}\) reached along the execution of w, we have the following:

$$\begin{aligned} \widetilde{m}(q)\;\;\ge \;\;\widetilde{m}(q')\;\;\ge \;\;0 \end{aligned}$$

These inequalities imply that the new place \(q'\) prevents a at \(r_k\), whenever the old one, q, does, and that, moreover, no occurrences of a are excluded by the place \(q'\) where they should not be prohibited.

The first of the inequalities (11) holds because it holds initially (when \(\widetilde{m}=m\), then \(\widetilde{m}(q)=m=m'=\widetilde{m}(q')\)), and because the effect of a before the transformation is \((a_+-a_-)\), and after the transformation, it is \((-a_-)\). In other words, a reduces the token count on \(q'\) more than it does so on q, while b has the same effect on \(q'\) as on q. To see the second inequality in (11), let \(x=\min \{x_2,\ldots ,x_{n-1}\}\). Then

$$a_-\;\;\le \;\;x_1\cdot b_+\;\;\le \;\;x\cdot b_+ $$

The first inequality follows because \(m=0\) and q has enough tokens after the first \(x_1\) occurrences of b in order to enable a. The second inequality follows from \(x_1\le x\). But then, since a only removes \(a_-\) tokens from \(q'\) and the subsequent block of b’s puts at least \(x\cdot b_+\) tokens back on \(q'\), the marking on \(q'\) is always \(\ge 0\), up to and including the last block of b’s.    \(\square \)

7.2 Solving Words aw from Words of the Form \(w=b^{x_1}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\)

Solving a word of the form \(w=b^{x_1}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\) side-place-freely allows us to draw some conclusion about prepending a letter a to it. In fact, we have:

Proposition 7

Side-place-free solvability of \(b^{x_1}ab^{x_2}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\)

\(w=b^{x_1}ab^{x_2}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\) is solvable side-place-freely iff aw is solvable.


Lemmata 4 and 5 for (\(\Rightarrow \)), and Lemma 6 for (\(\Leftarrow \)).    \(\square \)

Lemma 4

Preventing a in aw

Suppose \(w=b^{x_1}ab^{x_2}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\) is solvable side-place-freely. Then in aw, all occurrences of a can be separated side-place-freely.


Because a can be prevented side-place-freely in w at any state \(r_k\), the system (9) has a solution with \(a_+=0\) and \(b_-=0\) for any fixed \(1\le k\le n-1\). This refers to a pure input place q of a, which may or may not be an output place of b. In order to prevent a in aw side-place-freely, we need to consider the states \(r_k\) as before (but shifted to the right by one index position, still just before the last b of the k’th group of b’s) and a correspondingly modified system as follows:


where \(m'\), \(b_+'\) and \(a_-'\) refer to a new pure place \(q'\) preventing a at state \(r_k\) in aw. The line with \(i=0\) was added because a must be enabled initially. Consider the transformation

$$m'=m+a_-\text { and }b_+'=b_+\text { and }a_-'=a_- $$

These values satisfy (12), provided m, \(b_+\) and \(a_-\) (together with \(a_+=0\) and \(b_-=0\)) satisfy (9). The line with \(i=0\) follows from \(m'=m+a_-\ge 0\). The other lines corresponding to \(i\ge 1\) reduce to the corresponding lines in (9), since the additional \((-a_-)\) at the end of each line is offset by the additional \((+a_-)\) at the beginning of the line. The last line (which belongs to state \(r_k\) at which a is separated) corresponds to the last line of (9), because the decrease by \(a_-\) at the beginning of the line is offset by an increase by \(a_-\) in the term \(k\cdot (-a_-')\) (compared with \((k-1)\cdot (-a_-)\) as in (9)).   \(\square \)

Note 1: In order to disable a at \(r_k\), q could be replaced by a place \(q'\) obtained by duplicating q and changing the initial marking m to \(m'=m+a_-\). Intuitively, this means that \(m'\) is computed from m by “unfiring” a once.

Note 2: Place q should not be removed as soon as \(q'\) is added, because q could also be preventing a at some other \(r_k\). In that case, a new place \(q''\) must be computed from q for this different value of k. We may forget about q only after all the relevant indices k have been processed.

Lemma 4 does not, by itself, imply that aw is solvable. We still need to consider the separations of b. Thus, consider an input place p of b in a side-place-free solution of w and suppose that p prevents b at state \(s_k\). Suppose that we want to solve aw. If p is not also an output place of a, then it can simply be retained unchanged, and with the same marking, prevent b at corresponding states in aw and in w. However, if p is also an output place of a, “unfiring” a in the initial marking may lead to negative tokens on p. This is illustrated by the word babbabb which has a side-place-free solution, as shown on the left-hand side of Fig. 7.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Solving babbabb (l.h.s.), (almost) ababbabb (middle), and ababbabb (r.h.s.).

The places \(q_1,q_2\) can be treated as in the above proof, that is, by changing their markings by “unfiring” a, yielding new places \(q_1',q_2'\) with marking \(\{(q_1',3),(q_2',3)\}\). If we allowed negative markings, then a new place \(p'\) with initial marking \((p',-1)\) (and otherwise duplicating p) would do the job of solving ababbabb (as in the middle of the figure). However, we shall need a more delicate argument in order to avoid negative markings.

Let \(p'\) be a general new place which is supposed to prevent b at state \(s_k\) in aw. In order to check the general solvability of aw if w is side-place-freely solvable, we consider a general transformation

$$m'=m+\mu \;\text { , }\;b_+'=b_++\beta _+\;\text { , }\;b_-'=b_-+\beta _-\;\text { , }\;a_+'=a_++\alpha _+\;\text { , }\;a_-'=a_-+\alpha _- $$

where \(\mu \ge -m\), \(\beta _+\ge -b_+\), \(\beta _-\ge -b_-\), \(\alpha _+\ge -a_+\) and \(\alpha _-\ge -a_-\), as well as a new inequation system:

This system has to be compared with a restricted form of (8) (setting \(b_+=a_-=0\), since the solution of w is pure). Doing this by line-wise comparison, we get the following inequation system for the new value differences:


The lines with i must be solved simultaneously for every \(1\le i\le n\) while the line with k must be solved individually for every \(1\le k\le n-1\), in order to get a place preventing b at state \(s_k\). This leads to the following lemma.

Lemma 5

Solving aw from w

Suppose \(w=b^{x_1}ab^{x_2}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\) is solvable side-place-freely. Then aw is solvable.


Suppose that a pure place p with parameters \(b_-\) (arc into b), \(a_+\) (arc from a) and m (initial marking) is given and suppose it separates b from \(s_k\) in w. This place solves (8) for that particular k. We distinguish two cases:

Case 1: \(a_+\le m\). In this case, the place p can essentially be re-used for the same purpose in the solution (that we construct in this way) for aw, since (13) is solved by putting

$$\mu =-a_+\;,\;\beta _+=\beta _-=0\;,\;\alpha _+=\alpha _-=0 $$

Hence, a place \(p'\) which differs from p only by its initial marking (\(m'=m-a_+\) instead of m) separates b at \(s_k\) in aw.

Case 2: \(a_+>m\). In this case, (13) can be solved by

$$\mu =-m\;,\;\beta _+=\beta _-=a_+-m\;,\;\alpha _+=\alpha _-=0 $$

That is, we may replace p by a place \(p'\) with zero initial marking and adding uniformly the value \(a_+-m\) to the incoming and outgoing arcs of b, creating a side-place around b.    \(\square \)

For instance, in the solution of babbabb shown on the left-hand side of Fig. 7, the place p from a to b satisfies \(m{=}1\), \(b_-{=}1\), \(b_+{=}0\), \(a_-{=}0\) and \(a_+{=}2\). (13) is solved by \(\mu =-1\), \(\beta _-=2\), \(\beta _+=0\), \(\alpha _-=0\) and \(\alpha _+=3\). Hence with \(m'{=}m-1\), \(b_-'{=}b_-+2\), \(b_+'{=}b_+\), \(a_-'{=}a_-\) and \(a_+'{=}a_++3\), the net shown on the right-hand side of Fig. 7 is a pure solution of ababbabb. (Place \(p'\) prevents b not only in states \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) but also in the initial state and in the final state.) There exist words such as bbabbababab, however, which can be solved but for which aw is not solvable. We have a converse of Lemma 5:

Lemma 6

Solving w side-place-freely from aw

If \(w{=}b^{x_1}ab^{x_2}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\) and aw can be solved, then w has a side-place-free solution.


Suppose that aw has a solution in which some place \(q'\), preventing a, is a side-place around a. Because \(q'\) prevents a, \(a_-'>a_+'\) (unless it is the first a, but then we don’t need \(q'\) in solving w). Because a is enabled initially, \(m'\ge a_-'\). But then, the transformation \(a_-''=a_-'-a_+'\), \(a_+''=0\), \(m''=m'-a_+'\) yields another place \(q''\) which is not a side-place around a but serves the same purpose as \(q'\). The rest of the proof follows because the above transformations (removing side-places around b, or side-places around a which prevent b) do not introduce any new side-places around a.    \(\square \)

8 Concluding Remarks

In this paper, the class of Petri net synthesisable binary words has been studied in depth. We have motivated, presented, and substantiated two conditions stating how such words could be characterised and how different algorithms could be devised for them. These algorithms can check solvability considerably more quickly than a general synthesis algorithm could. This has been confirmed both by the theoretical estimates contained in this paper and by experimental validation.

Several other facts are known about the class of two-letter PN-synthesisable words. It is easily seen that if a word is solvable side-place-freely, then so is the reverse word. Also, if a binary word is solvable, then it is solvable using places having exactly one outgoing transition. (This property is not shared by words with three or more letters, a counterexample being abcbaa.) Moreover, PN-solvable words are balanced in the following sense. Referring to \(w=b^{x_1}ab^{x_2}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\), call w balanced if there is some x such that \(x_i\in \{x,x+1\}\) for all \(2\le i\le n-1\). We can prove that if \(w=b^{x_1}ab^{x_2}a\ldots ab^{x_n}\) is PN-solvable, then w is balanced, and moreover, \(x_n\le x+1\). Presenting these, and other, properties of PN-solvability must however be left to future publications.

Once the conjectures are (hopefully) proved, it would be interesting to consider extensions and ramifications. For example, we know of no results characterising PN-solvable simple cycles, or PN-solvable acyclic labelled transition systems with few branching points, or with some other regular structure. The work described in [4] is an exception, a reason being that the cyclic structure of marked graph reachability graphs is particularly harmonious.

The present work could well be of interest in a wider context, as it might entail nontrivial necessary conditions for the solvability of an arbitrary labelled transition system. If the latter is solvable, then finding a PN-unsolvable structure in it may have a strong impact on its structure or shape. Also, words are persistent in the sense of [12] and tractable by the method described in [3]. However, they form (in some sense) a worst case and still lead to many region inequalities. It could therefore be interesting to check more closely whether the work described here can be of any benefit in enhancing the method described in [3].