
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Computing problems are called online if the input arrives gradually in consecutive time steps. An online algorithm has to create parts of the definite output while only knowing a prefix of the input in the current time step [8]. A broad subclass are online graph problems, i.e., online problems where the input corresponds to some graph that is revealed in an online fashion. In this paper, the mainly studied model reveals the vertices of an underlying graph one after the other; together with every vertex, all edges are shown that connect this vertex to all other vertices that are already known to the online algorithm. Sleator and Tarjan introduced the concept of competitive analysis to measure the performance of an online algorithm [23]. In this worst-case measurement, one compares the cost or gain of the solution produced by the online algorithm to the optimal one that could hypothetically be computed if the whole instance were known from the start. Here, one assumes that the input is produced by a malicious adversary. The ratio between the two is called the competitive ratio of the online algorithm; a detailed introduction is given by Borodin and El-Yaniv [8].

While competitive analysis is an extremely powerful and widely-used tool to assess the performance of online algorithms, it does not address the question of the essential parts of the input that the online algorithm is missing, i.e., the information content of the problem [16]. To be able to answer this question, we study the advice complexity. An online algorithm with advice has an additional resource available, the so-called advice tape, that may contain any kind of information about the instance at hand. The content of this tape is an infinite binary string called the advice, and it is written onto the tape before the computation starts by an oracle that sees the whole input in advance. The advice complexity then measures the number of advice bits that allows to achieve a certain performance.

A first model of online computation with advice was introduced by Dobrev et al. [12]. This model was then refined simultaneously by Fraigniaud et al. [14] and Hromkovič et al. [16]. The latter model, which is the one we use in this paper, was first applied to three different online problems by Böckenhauer et al. [6]. Here, in every time step, the online algorithm can query the advice tape for any number of advice bits (analogously to the model of the random tape of a randomized Turing machine). The advice complexity is the length of a maximum prefix of the advice tape that is read; this length usually depends on the input size n of the given instance.

The advice complexity has been widely applied to a large number of online problems so far including paging [6] and k-server [7, 14]. In particular, this model has recently been studied for quite a number of graph problems such as different coloring problems [3, 4, 15, 22], the independent set problem [10], the dominating set problem [9], the Steiner tree problem [2], or graph exploration [11]. Moreover, online computation with advice also has some interesting connections to randomized online computation [7, 18]. This line of research tries to answer the question of how well any additional information on the input may be exploited. The crucial part is the generality of the answer that is given: the advice may encode any information, it is not restricted to a specific problem parameter or property of the input. This way, a lower bound on the advice complexity to achieve some given competitive ratio c means that it will never be possible to obtain c-competitiveness with less information, no matter what the information will actually be.

To the best of our knowledge, the advice complexity of the minimum spanning tree problem has not been studied so far. Megow et al. [20] investigated the online minimum spanning tree problem in a model that allows an online algorithm to do some recourse actions, meaning that it can perform a certain amount of edge rearrangements. However, in this model, the algorithm has to compute a feasible spanning tree for the graph that has been presented so far in any time step. For randomly weighted graphs with edge weights that are uniformly distributed over the interval between 0 and 1, the problem was studied by Remy et al. [21]. In their model, both the algorithm and the adversary do not know the edge weights before they are presented. Tsai and Tsang investigated the competitiveness of a certain family of randomized algorithms [24]; they restricted the inputs to graphs in the Euclidean space. The minimum spanning tree problem was also considered in the setting of min-max regret [17], in which the goal is to minimize the maximal possible deviation of a given solution from optimum.

This paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we formally introduce the model of online computation with advice and the online minimum spanning tree problem. In Sect. 3, we study the advice complexity of optimal online algorithms with advice for different graph classes. In Subsect. 3.1, we give an asymptotically tight bound of \(\varTheta (n\log n)\) to compute an optimal solution for general graphs. In Subsect. 3.2, we present a linear lower bound for graphs that have three different edge weights. Here, we also study a different model of online computation where the structure of the graph is known in advance, but the edge weights appear online. The interesting point of the proof is that the optimality of this online algorithm is a consequence of the optimality of Kruskal’s offline algorithm. In Subsect. 3.4, we first study graphs with bounded degree. Furthermore, we prove that there is an optimal online algorithm that uses \(5(n-1)\) advice bits to be optimal on graphs with a Euclidean weight function. Section 4 studies the trade-off between the number of advice bits and the competitive ratio that is achievable. We prove a linear lower bound to obtain a near-optimal competitive ratio by giving a reduction from the bit guessing problem. In Sect. 5, we extend this result to randomized algorithms. Due to space limitations, some proofs are omitted in this extended abstract.

2 Preliminaries

In this paper, we only consider the objective to minimize a given cost function.

Definition 1

(Online Minimization Problem). An online minimization problem consists of a set \(\mathcal {I}\) of inputs and a cost function. Every input \(I\in \mathcal {I} \) is a sequence \(I=(x_1,x_2,\dots ,x_n)\) of requests. Furthermore, a set of feasible outputs (or solutions) is associated with every I; every output is a sequence \(O=(y_1,y_2,\dots ,y_n)\) of answers. The cost function assigns a positive real value \(\mathrm {cost} (I,O) \) to every input I and any feasible output O. For every input I, we call any feasible output O for I that has smallest possible cost (i.e., that minimizes the cost function) an optimal solution for I.

In what follows, we will simply write \(\mathrm {cost} (I) \) instead of \(\mathrm {cost} (I,O) \) as O is always clear from context, and we let \([I]_k=(x_1,\ldots ,x_k)\), for \(k\le n\), be the sequence of the first k requests in I. In the settings we study, the input always corresponds to a weighted undirected graph G with a weight function \(\omega \). Throughout this paper, the set of vertices of G is denoted by V(G), and E(G) denotes its set of edges; if G is clear from context, we simply write V and E. G is usually revealed to the online algorithm as follows. Let \(V=\{v_1,v_2,\dots ,v_n\}\); then \(v_i\) is presented in time step i together with all edges \(\{v_i,v_j\}\in E\) for which \(j<i\), i.e., edges that are connected to vertices that have already been revealed in previous time steps. After every newly revealed vertex, an online algorithm for the online minimum spanning tree problem (OMST for short) must choose some of the newly revealed edges that are part of the solution; this decision is final. Note that we do not require the set of chosen edges to be a spanning tree of the already revealed vertices in the intermediate steps. To correctly capture the online environment, the number of vertices is not known to the online algorithm in advance.

Next, we formally define online algorithms with advice.

Definition 2

(Online Algorithm with Advice). Consider an input I of an online minimization problem. An online algorithm \(\textsc {Alg}\) with advice computes the output sequence \(\textsc {Alg} ^{\phi }(I)=(y_1,y_2,\dots ,y_n)\) such that \(y_i\) is computed from \(\phi ,x_1,x_2,\dots ,x_i\), where \(\phi \) is the content of the advice tape, i.e., an infinite binary sequence. \(\textsc {Alg}\) is c-competitive with advice complexity b(n) if there exists a non-negative constant \(\alpha \) such that, for every n and for any input sequence I of length at most n, there exists some advice string \(\phi \) such that \(\mathrm {cost} (\textsc {Alg} ^{\phi }(I)) \le c\cdot \mathrm {cost} (\textsc {Opt} (I)) +\alpha \) and at most the first b(n) bits of \(\phi \) have been accessed during the computation of the solution \({\textsc {Alg}}^{\phi }(I)\). If the above inequality holds with \(\alpha =0\), we call \(\textsc {Alg}\) strictly c-competitive with advice complexity b(n). \(\textsc {Alg}\) is called optimal if it is strictly 1-competitive.

For the sake of an easier notation, we omit \(\phi \) as it is always clear from context. Moreover, we denote the binary logarithm of a natural number x simply by \(\log x\).

3 Optimality

In this section, we show that any online algorithm with advice that solves the OMST problem optimally on general graphs needs to read \(\varOmega (n \log n)\) advice bits. We also provide an online algorithm that achieves optimality with \(O(n\log n)\) advice bits. We will then discuss the problem for input graphs that are somehow limited (such as special graph classes, bounded edge weights, or bounded degree).

3.1 General Graphs

First, we provide an online algorithm that gets as advice the parent of every newly revealed vertex with respect to an optimal spanning tree.

Theorem 1

There exists an online algorithm with advice for the OMST problem that uses \(n \lceil \log n\rceil + 2\lceil \log (\lceil \log n\rceil + 1)\rceil \) advice bits and that is optimal on every instance of length n.


The oracle computes an optimal offline solution T. At each request v, the algorithm asks for the index of the parent of v in T (if the requested vertex is the arbitrarily chosen root of T, then the oracle encodes v itself). This takes \(n\lceil \log n\rceil \) bits of advice in total. In order to know how many advice bits it should read after each request, the algorithm needs to ask first for the number \(\lceil \log n\rceil \), which is encoded using a prefix code (such as Elias’ delta-code [13]) at the beginning of the advice string with \(2\lceil \log (\lceil \log n\rceil + 1)\rceil \) bits.    \(\square \)

Although the above online algorithm uses a straightforward approach, this upper bound is asymptotically tight; in fact, we can prove the lower bound even on a very restricted class of graphs.

Theorem 2

Any online algorithm with advice for the OMST problem on bipartite graphs needs to read at least \(\log \mathopen {}\left( \left( (n-1)/2\right) !\right) \in \varOmega (n\log n)\) advice bits to be optimal on every instance of length n.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Graph structure used in the proof of Theorem 2; gray edges denote the (unique) optimal solution.


Let \(n=2k+1\) be an odd number. We consider a bipartite graph G having vertices \(\{v_1,v_2,\dots ,v_k, u_1,u_2,\dots ,u_k, w\}\) such that, for each \(1\le i \le k\), the vertex \(u_i\) is connected to w through an edge of weight 1 and, for \(i\le j\le k\), \(u_i\) is connected to \(v_j\) through an edge of weight \(k-i+1\). Clearly, such a graph has a unique minimum spanning tree, as shown in Fig. 1. As set of instances \(\mathcal I\), we consider all online presentation of G such that first, a permutation of the vertices \(v_1,v_2,\dots ,v_k\) is presented, then the vertices \(u_1,u_2,\dots ,u_k,w\) are presented in this order. These instances differ only in the order of the first k vertices.

Suppose towards contradiction that there is an algorithm \(\textsc {Alg}\) that optimally solves OMST on any instance of \(\mathcal I\) using less than \(\log \mathopen {}\left( \left( (n-1)/2\right) !\right) \) bits of advice. This implies that there are two different instances, with two different permutations \(\sigma _1\) and \(\sigma _2\) of the vertices \(v_1,v_2,\dots ,v_k\), which receive the same advice string. Let \(v_i\) be the first vertex that is not at the same position in \(\sigma _1\) and \(\sigma _2\), say at position s in \(\sigma _1\) and position t in \(\sigma _2\). Up to and including the \((k + i)\)-th time step, the input looks the same for \(\textsc {Alg}\). However, in time step \(k + i\), \(\textsc {Alg}\) has to choose the edge that connects \(u_i\) to the vertex that was presented in time step s (t, respectively) in the case of \(\sigma _1\) (\(\sigma _2\), respectively). But since the input looked exactly the same to the algorithm so far, it cannot distinguish between these two cases, so it will not output the optimal solution for at least one of these instances.    \(\square \)

3.2 Graphs with Bounded Edge Weights

We now consider graphs with a bounded number of different edge weights. The next theorem shows that, even for only those different weights, still a linear number of advice bits is needed.

Theorem 3

Any online algorithm with advice that solves the OMST problem on graphs with 3 or more different edge weights needs to read at least \(n - 2\) advice bits to be optimal on every instance of length n.    \(\square \)

Next, we prove a result for graphs with two different edge weights, which will come in handy when considering different graph classes. However, for the following result, the online setting differs in the following sense. The structure of the graph is known to the online algorithm in advance, and only the concrete edge weights are revealed in the respective time steps.

Theorem 4

Let \(G = (V,E,\omega )\) be a connected graph with two different edge weights a and b, where \(0 \le a < b\). For the online problem in which the structure of G is fully known to the algorithm and only the edge weights are presented online, there exists an optimal online algorithm \(\textsc {Alg}\) that uses no advice.

Proof sketch

For each instance I which is an online presentation of the graph \(G = (V,E,\omega )\), let \(m=|E|\), let \(e_i\) be the edge presented to \(\textsc {Alg}\) at time step i, and let \(w_i\) be the weight of \(e_i\). The algorithm works on I as follows: if \(w_i=a\), then \(\textsc {Alg}\) includes \(e_i\) in the partial solution if and only if \(e_i\) does not create a cycle; if \(w_i=b\), then it includes \(e_i=\{u,v\}\) in the partial solution if and only if, for all the other paths connecting u and v, \(\textsc {Alg}\) has already rejected one of the edges composing that path. The resulting graph \(T_{\textsc {Alg}}\) is clearly a spanning tree whose optimality is easy to show.    \(\square \)

Theorem 4 implies logarithmic upper bounds on the advice complexity for optimal online algorithms for complete and complete bipartite graphs. Indeed, with \(\max \{2, \lceil \log n\rceil + 2\lceil \log \lceil \log n\rceil \rceil \}\) bits, the input size can be encoded in a self-delimiting way, and an online algorithm can then treat a complete graph instance as if it were presented in the online model used in the proof of Theorem 4.

Corollary 1

For all complete graphs G of size n with edge weights in \(\{a, b\}\), with \(0 \le a < b\), there exists an optimal online algorithm with advice that solves the OMST problem for G and uses \(\max \{2, \lceil \log n\rceil + 2\lceil \log \lceil \log n\rceil \rceil \}\) bits of advice.    \(\square \)

Next, we show that the bound from Corollary 1 is essentially tight.

Theorem 5

Any online algorithm with advice that solves the OMST problem optimally for complete graphs with at least two different edge weights needs at least \(\log (\lfloor n/2\rfloor )\) bits of advice to be optimal on every input sequence of size at most n.

Proof sketch

For every even \(2\le m\le n\), we consider the complete graph instance \(\hat{G}_m\) with edge weights \(\{1,2\}\) defined as follows: \(\hat{G}_m\) has m vertices and, by calling \(v_j\) the vertex presented at time step j, each \(v_j\) with j odd (even, respectively) is connected with all vertices \(v_i\), with \(i<j\), by an edge of weight 1 (2, respectively). By using the partition tree technique introduced in [1], we can show that any algorithm needs a different advice string for each \(\hat{G}_m\) to be optimal. The intuitive idea is that any algorithm needs to know when the end of the input is reached, as only in the final time step, it has to choose an edge of weight b.    \(\square \)

With a similar technique, we can obtain an analogous upper and lower bounds for the case of complete bipartite graphs.

3.3 Ladders

We now restrict our attention to a special class of bipartite graphs, namely ladders, which can be defined as the Cartesian product of two path graphs, one of which has only one edge. Despite of this simple structure, we show that such graphs still require linear advice, even for only two different edge weights.

Theorem 6

For ladders with two different edge weights, any online algorithm with advice for the OMST problem needs at least \(\lfloor \frac{n+2}{6} \rfloor \) advice bits to be optimal on every input sequence of length n.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

An instance of the graph class \(\mathcal {G} _{22}\) that is used in the proof of Theorem 6. Dashed edges have weight 1, solid edges have weight 2. First, the four isolated squares \(S_1\), \(S_2\), \(S_3\) and \(S_4\) are presented, then the remaining vertices \(v_1, v_2, \ldots , v_6\) in this order. To find an optimal minimum spanning tree, \(\textsc {Alg}\) has to choose exactly one edge of weight 2 in square \(S_2\), which is oriented horizontally in the ladder, but no edge of weight 2 in the vertically oriented squares \(S_1, S_3\) and \(S_4\).

Proof sketch

Let n be an arbitrary natural even number. We now provide a graph class \(\mathcal {G} _n\) that contains \(2^{ \lfloor \frac{n+2}{6}\rfloor }\) graphs of size n and show that, for any two graphs in \(\mathcal {G} _n\), \(\textsc {Alg}\) needs different advice strings. We define \(\mathcal {G} _n\) as follows: For any graph \(G \in \mathcal {G} _n\), first \(\lfloor \frac{n+2}{6}\rfloor \) isolated squares \(S_1,\ldots ,S_{\lfloor \frac{n+2}{6}\rfloor }\) are presented. Then, the squares are connected to a ladder with the remaining \(n - 4 \cdot \lfloor \frac{n+2}{6}\rfloor \) vertices. All edges incident to these vertices have weight 1. Any square \(S_i\) can either be oriented horizontally or vertically in the ladder (see Fig. 2).

As there are \(\lfloor \frac{n+2}{6}\rfloor \) squares in every graph \(G \in \mathcal {G} _n\) and all squares can be oriented in two ways, there are \(2^{\lfloor \frac{n+2}{6}\rfloor }\) graphs in \(\mathcal {G} _n\), therefore it suffices to show that \(\textsc {Alg}\) needs different advice strings for any two graphs of \(\mathcal {G} _n\).    \(\square \)

Theorem 7

For ladders with two different edge weights, there exists an online algorithm with advice for the OMST problem that is optimal on every input sequence of even length \(n\ge 2\) and reads at most \(\lceil \frac{3}{4}n \rceil + 4\lceil \log n\rceil +2 \lceil \log \lceil \log n\rceil \rceil \) advice bits.

Proof sketch

The algorithm reads the size of the input, the positions of the four corner vertices, and, for each vertex, if it lies on the top or the bottom line of the ladder, if needed.    \(\square \)

3.4 Further Special Graph Classes

We now analyze our problem on graphs of bounded degree.

Theorem 8

For graphs with degree at most g, there exists an online algorithm with advice that solves the OMST problem and uses at most \((n - 1)\lceil \log g\rceil + \max \{2, \lceil \log n\rceil + 2\lceil \log \lceil \log n\rceil \rceil \}\) advice bits to be optimal on every instance of length n.    \(\square \)

For graphs with degree 3 and 4 we obtain asymptotically matching lower bounds.

We complement our results on special graph classes by showing that also in a geometric setting, where the vertices are points in the Euclidean plane and the edge weights are their distance, we can compute an optimal solution using linear advice.

Theorem 9

For Euclidean graphs, there exists an online algorithm \(\textsc {Alg} \) with advice that solves the OMST problem and uses at most \(5(n-1)\) advice bits to be optimal on every instance of length n.    \(\square \)

4 Competitiveness

In this section, we analyze the trade-off between the advice complexity and the competitiveness of online algorithms for the OMST problem. We recall that, as proved in [20], for general graphs no deterministic online algorithm can be competitive. If we have edge weights bounded by a constant k, then the greedy algorithm is clearly k-competitive on every input, since any spanning tree on a graph with n vertices has weight at least \(n-1\) and at most \(k(n-1)\). If the degree of the graph is bounded by 3, we can even prove a better competitive ratio without advice for a bounded number of edge weights.

Theorem 10

Let \(G = (V,E)\) be a graph with maximum degree 3 where \(\omega :E \rightarrow W\) is a weight function that maps edges into a bounded set W of weight values. Let a denote the minimum and b the maximum element in W. Then, the greedy algorithm \(\textsc {Greedy}\) has a competitive ratio of at most \(((a+b)\frac{n}{2} -2a+b)/(a(n-1))\) for the OMST problem on G.    \(\square \)

In Subsect. 3.4, we have shown that any online algorithm with advice needs a linear amount of advice to be optimal for the OMST problem on complete graphs with three different edge weights. We now show what an algorithm with logarithmic advice can achieve in this setting. For simplicity, we will only discuss the case with the three edge weights 1, 2 and 3. Note that similar results can be obtained using the same proof idea, and any 3 different edge weights.

Theorem 11

There exists an online algorithm \(\textsc {Alg} \) with advice for the OMST problem on complete graphs with edge weights 1, 2 and 3 that reads \(\max \{2, \lceil \log n\rceil + 2\lceil \log \lceil \log n\rceil \rceil \}+1\) bits of advice on an input of length n and achieves a strict competitive ratio of \((5 - \sqrt{5})/2 \approx 1.382\).

Proof sketch

For each instance of size n, the oracle encodes n on the advice tape with \(\max \{2, \lceil \log n\rceil + 2\lceil \log \lceil \log n\rceil \rceil \}\), then uses an additional bit to suggest one of the following two strategies:

  1. 1.

    in the first \(n-1\) steps, choose greedily all edges of weight 1 which do not close a cycle, then in the last step choose the cheapest edges needed to connect all the currently separated components in the partial solution,

  2. 2.

    in the first \(n-1\) steps choose greedily all edges of weight 1 and 2 without closing cycles, then connect the components in the last step with the cheapest possible edges.

Given the solution T obtained with strategy 2, consider the tree \(T'\) constructed in the following way: whenever there exists an edge \(e_1\) of weight 1 in the input graph that would create a cycle in T that contains an edge \(e_2\) of weight 2, replace \(e_2\) with \(e_1\). We call suboptimal all the edges of weight 2 removed in this process. The oracle suggests the second strategy if and only if the number of suboptimal edges chosen with this strategy is less than \(p(n-1)\), for a suitable \(0<p<1\).    \(\square \)

We now provide a linear lower bound that even holds for the case that the maximum degree is 3. To this end, we use a general technique, namely reducing the bit guessing problem with known history, which was introduced by Böckenhauer et al. [5], to the OMST problem.

Definition 3

(Bit Guessing with Known History). The bit guessing problem with known history (BGKH) is the following online minimization problem. The input \(I=(n,d_1,d_2,\dots ,d_n)\) consists of a natural number n and the bits \(d_1,d_2,\dots ,d_n\), that are revealed one by one. The online algorithm \(\textsc {Alg}\) computes the output sequence \(\textsc {Alg} (I)=y_1y_2\dots y_n\), where \(y_i=f(n,d_{1},\dots ,d_{i-1})\in \{0,1\}\), for some computable function f. The algorithm is not required to respond with any output in the last time step. The cost of a solution \(\textsc {Alg} (I)\) is the number of wrongly guessed bits, i.e., the Hamming distance \(\mathrm {Ham}(d,\textsc {Alg} (I)) \) between \(d=d_1d_2\dots d_n\) and \(\textsc {Alg} (I)\).

We start by formally describing the reduction on a specific class of instances for the OMST problem.

Lemma 1

Let s be any BGKH instance of length \(n'\). Let \(\delta \in \mathbb {R}\) with \(1/2 \le \delta \le 1\) be such that any online algorithm with advice for BGKH reading b advice bits can guess at most \(\delta n'\) bits of s correctly. Then, no online algorithm \(\textsc {Alg} \) with advice for the corresponding OMST instance \(G_s\) reads b advice bits and achieves

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm {cost} (\textsc {Alg} (G_s)) < \mathrm {cost} (\textsc {Opt} (G_s)) + (1 - \delta )n', \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathrm {cost} (\textsc {Opt} (G_s)) \) is the cost of an optimal minimum spanning tree of \(G_s\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Graph construction used in the proof of Theorem 1. Edges that depend on s are dashed.

Proof sketch

For every bit string \(s = s_1 s_2 \ldots s_{n'}\) of length \(n'\), which is an instance of the BGKH problem, we construct a corresponding instance \(G_s\) for the OMST problem as follows: for every bit \(s_i\) of s, we build a component as illustrated in Fig. 3a, where the edge \(\{b,c\}\) has weight 1 if and only if \(s_i\) has value 0 and weight 3 otherwise. Then, we complete these \(n'\) components to a connected graph by adding edges of weight 1 between the vertices \(d_i\) and \(d_{i+1}\), for all \(1 \le i < n'\). As an example, the graph \(G_{110}\) is shown in Fig. 3b. The vertex presentation order is \(a_1, b_1, c_1, d_1, a_2, \ldots , c_{n'},d_{n'}\).    \(\square \)

Using Lemma 1, we can now proceed to prove the following lower bound on the advice complexity for any c-competitive algorithm for OMST.

Theorem 12

There is no online algorithm with advice that is strictly c-competitive, \(1 \le c\le 11/10\), for the OMST problem on graphs with maximum degree 3, maximum edge weight 3 and n vertices, \(n = 4n'\) for some \(n'\in \mathbb {N}\), that reads less than \((1+(5c-5)\log (5c-5)+(6-5c)\log (6-5c))\frac{n}{4}\) bits of advice.    \(\square \)

In the case of unbounded edge weights, we can extend the linear lower bound from Theorem 12 to consider competitive ratios up to \(\frac{5}{4}\) as follows: Instead of the edge weights 1, 2, and 3, we choose weights \(1, k + 1\), and \(2k + 1\), for arbitrarily large k. Then, Lemma 1 can be proven analogously and we get that \(\textsc {Alg}\) has to read at least \(\mathrm {cost} (\textsc {Opt} (G_s)) + k \cdot (1 - \delta )n'\) bits of advice. With the same calculations as above, we can show that the competitive ratio of \(\textsc {Alg}\) is \(c\ge 1+(1-\delta )\cdot \frac{k}{2+2(k+1)} \mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{k\rightarrow \infty } 1+(1-\delta )\frac{1}{2}\). As a result, we get the following corollary.

Corollary 2

In the case where edge weights are unbounded, there is no online algorithm with advice that is c-competitive, \(1 \le c\le \frac{5}{4}\), for the OMST problem on graphs with maximum degree 3 and n vertices, \(n = 4n'\) for some \(n'\in \mathbb {N}\), that reads less than \((1+(2c-2)\log (2c-2)+(3-2c)\log (3-2c))\frac{n}{4}\) bits of advice.    \(\square \)

5 Randomized Online Algorithms

In this section, we give a lower bound on the competitive ratio achievable by any randomized online algorithm. Our proof is based on the following result.

Lemma 2

(Böckenhauer et al. [7]). Consider an online minimization problem U, and let \(\mathcal {I}(n)\) be the set of all possible inputs of length n and \(I(n) := |\mathcal {I}(n)|\). Furthermore, suppose that there is a randomized online algorithm for U with worst-case expected competitive ratio at most E. Then, for any fixed \(\varepsilon >0\), it is possible to construct an online algorithm with advice that uses at most

$$\begin{aligned} \log {n}+2\log {\log {n}} + \log {\left( \log {I(n)}/\log {(1+\varepsilon )}\right) }+c \end{aligned}$$

advice bits, for a constant c, and achieves a competitive ratio of \((1+\varepsilon )E\).    \(\square \)

In Theorem 12, we constructed, for each integer n, a set \(\mathcal {I}(n)\) of \(2^\frac{n}{4}\) instances (depicted in Fig. 3) such there is no \(\frac{11}{10}\)-competitive online algorithm that uses o(n) advice bits. This, together with Lemma 2, implies the following result.

Theorem 13

For arbitrarily small \(\delta >0\), every randomized algorithm (using an arbitrary number of random bits) for the OMST problem on graphs with maximum degree 3 and maximum edge weight 3 has a worst-case expected competitive ratio of at least \(\frac{11}{10}(1-\delta )\) on sufficiently large instances.    \(\square \)