
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1.1 Language Learnability: Gold 1967 and Beyond

In this section, covered are: Gold’s model of child language learning (Sect. 1.1.1); criteria of success (Sect. 1.1.2); some severe constraints on successful learning (Sect. 1.1.3); some characterization results and important examples of successful learning (Sect. 1.1.4); discussion and results on potential child insensitivities to data presentation order (Sect. 1.1.5); and empirical U-shaped learning (Sect. 1.1.6) with some corresponding formal results interpreted for their cognitive science significance (Sect. 1.1.7).

1.1.1 Gold’s 1967 Model of Child Language Learning

M, below in Fig. 1.1, is an algorithmic device (machine), and, for \(t=0,1,2,\ldots \), at “time” t, M reacts only to the finite sequence of utterances \({u_0,u_1,\ldots ,u_t}\), with utterance \(u_i\) arriving from, for example, the Mother, at time i; with the (formal language) L to be learned \( = \{u_0,u_1,\ldots \}\); and with \(g_t\) the child’s t-th internal grammar computed by its M on input utterance sequence \(u_0,u_1,\ldots ,u_t\).

Fig. 1.1
figure 1

Gold’s model

This leaves open for the moment what constitutes successful learning of a formal language L. In the next section (Sect. 1.1.2) we begin to take up this interesting topic. Further below, in the second main section entitled Complexity Considerations, i.e., Sect. 1.2, additional criteria of success are explored.

As for the plausibility of Gold’s model of child language learning above, Gold [37] argued from the psycholinguistic literature (e.g., [47]) that children react to and need only positive data regarding languages L they learn—and that they really need no data regarding \(\overline{L}\).

While this model of Gold’s is clearly deficient regarding inputs to the child of semantic/denotational information and social reinforcers, I’ll, nonetheless present below what I consider to be some resultant insights for cognitive science.

My view, argued in [19] (and to some extent in [18]) is that reality, including cognitive reality, has algorithmic expected behavior.

Hence, restricting learners to being algorithmic from this point of view is perfectly reasonable. Furthermore, it is a standard assumption of the field of cognitive science that cognition is algorithmic.

1.1.2 Some Criteria of Successful Learning

Definition 1.1

  • T is a text for \(L \mathop {\Leftrightarrow }\limits ^\mathrm{def}\{T(0), T(1), \ldots \} = L\).Footnote 1

  • Depicted just below is the I/O behavior of learning machine M receiving successive text elements and outputting corresponding successive grammars.

    $$\begin{aligned} g_0, g_1, \ldots , g_t, \ldots \mathop {\longleftarrow }\limits ^{{ \text {Out}}}M \mathop {\longleftarrow }\limits ^{{ \text {In}}}T(0), T(1), \ldots , T(t), \ldots . \end{aligned}$$
  • Below are criteria from [17, 27, 37, 53] for some machine M successfully learning every language L in a class of languages \({\mathscr {L}}\) (see also [40])—where the \(g_i\)s are from the previous bullet.

    Suppose: \(\mathbb {N}= \{0,1,2,\ldots \}\); \(\mathbb {N}^+ = \{1,2,\ldots \}\); \(b \in (\mathbb {N}^+ \cup \{*\})\); and \(x\le *\) means \(x < \infty \).

    • \({\mathscr {L}}\in \mathbf{TxtFex}_b \Leftrightarrow \) \((\exists \text { suitably clever } M)(\forall L \in {\mathscr {L}}) (\forall T \text { for } L) (\exists t)\) \([g_t, g_{t+1}, \ldots \) \(\text {each } \text {generates } L \ \wedge \ \) \(\mathrm{{card}}(\{g_t,g_{t+1}, \ldots \}) \le b]\).

      We say M \(\mathbf{TxtFex}_b\)-learns (each) \(L \in {\mathscr {L}}\). \(\mathbf{TxtEx}\mathop {=}\limits ^\mathrm{def}\mathbf{TxtFex}_1\), Gold’s criterion! For example, the class \({\mathscr {F}}\) of all finite languages \(\in \mathbf{TxtEx}\) [37].

    • \({\mathscr {L}}\in \mathbf{TxtBc}\Leftrightarrow \) \((\exists M)(\forall L \in {\mathscr {L}}) (\forall T \text { for } L) (\exists t)\) \([g_t, g_{t+1}, \ldots \) \(\text {each } \text {generates } L]\). We say M \(\mathbf{TxtBc}\)-learns (each) \(L \in {\mathscr {L}}\). For example, \({\mathscr {K}}\,{=}\, \{K \cup \{x\} \mid x \,{\in }\, \mathbb {N}\} \in (\mathbf{TxtBc}- \mathbf{TxtFex}_*)\) [17], where K is the diagonal halting problem from [58]. \(\mathbf{TxtFex}_b\)-Hierarchy

Definition 1.2

Let \(W_g \mathop {=}\limits ^\mathrm{def}\) the language generated or enumerated by grammar or program g [58]. Informally: \({W_g}\) can be thought of as the [summary of the] behavior of g.

I like the use of machine self-reference arguments [16], and in the next theorem (Theorem 1.3), the classes mentioned for witnessing that one \(\mathbf{TxtFex}_b\) criterion has more learning power than another are each (finitarily) self-referential. The proof that they work is omitted but can be found in [17].

Theorem 1.3

[17] Let \(\langle \cdot ,\cdot \rangle \) computably map \(\mathbb {N}\times \mathbb {N}\) 1–1 onto \(\mathbb {N}\) [58]. Here and below \(\mathord {\mathop {\forall }\limits ^{\infty }}z\) means: for all but finitely many \(z \in \mathbb {N}\) [9]. Suppose \(n \in \mathbb {N}^+\). Let \({\mathscr {L}}_{n} = \) the set of all infinite L such that

$$\begin{aligned} (\exists e_1 , \ldots , e_n )[ W_{e_1} = \cdots = W_{e_n} = L \ \wedge \ \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} (\mathord {\mathop {\forall }\limits ^{\infty }}\langle x,y \rangle \in L)[y \in \{ e_1 , \ldots , e_n \}]]. \end{aligned}$$

Let \({\mathscr {L}}_* = \cup _{n \in \mathbb {N}^+}{\mathscr {L}}_n\). Then \( {\mathscr {L}}_{ n + 1 } \in ( \mathbf{TxtFex}_{ n + 1 } - \mathbf{TxtFex}_n ) \ \wedge \ \) \({\mathscr {L}}_* \in (\mathbf{TxtFex}_* - \cup _{n \in \mathbb {N}^+}\mathbf{TxtFex}_n)\).

Does, say, Noam Chomsky, for each natural language he learns, eventually vacillate between up to 42 correct grammars in his head (but for some languages no fewer)? I.e., does he need \(\mathbf{TxtFex}_{42}\)-learning? The problem is that we cannot (yet) see grammars inside peoples’ heads. So, we don’t know if humans employ \(\mathbf{TxtEx}\)-learning, \(\mathbf{TxtFex}_2\)-learning, \(\mathbf{TxtFex}_3\)-learning, .... Hence, for now, \(\mathbf{TxtFex}_n\)-learning, for non-astronomical \(n \in \mathbb {N}\), are all not unreasonable for modeling human behavior. Discussion

In [49] a well-documented body of experimental evidence indicates Mothers’ utterances to young children are not calibrated by increasing syntactic complexity to teach children gradually (but, instead, to fit the limited attention span and processing powers of children).

These considerations are partly formally mirrored in the success criteria by the requirement that the learners eventually correctly learn a language L no matter in what order the input is presented, i.e., \((\forall T \text { for } L)\)—as long as that input contains all and only the correct sentences of the language. At this point it is important to note that \((\forall T \text { for } L)\) includes both computable and also uncomputable texts T for L! It is noted in [52] that, since the utterances of children’s caretakers depend heavily on external environmental events, such influences might introduce a random component into naturally occurring texts. Whence comes the interest at all in non-computable texts. As we shall see below in Sect., for many important criteria of success, learning power is nicely unaffected by whether we allow or disallow uncomputable texts!

Children may be insensitive to some aspects of the order of data presentation. In Sect. 1.1.5 several possibilities are considered, and some corresponding theoretical results (for some learning criteria) will be presented.

First, though, in the next section (Sect. 1.1.3), the topic of constraints on successful learning are considered.

1.1.3 Constraints on Learnability

Angluin [2] introduced the following Subset Principle for \(\mathbf{TxtEx}\)-learning. It places a severe constraint on the learnable.

Theorem 1.4

(Subset Principle [2, 17]) Suppose C \(\in \{\mathbf{TxtFex}_b, \mathbf{TxtBc}\}\) and \(M~\mathbf{C}\text {-learns } L\).

Then \((\exists \)  finite  \(S \subseteq L) (\forall L' \subset L \mid S \subseteq L')) [M \,\text {does}\)  not  \(\mathbf{C}\text {-identify } L']\).

N.B. The above Subset Principle and its depressing corollary just below (Corollary 1.5) hold even if M is not algorithmic! The proofs essentially depend on Baire Category (or Banach-Mazur Games) from Topology [51, 52] and not on algorithmicity! This is possible only because M in general cannot infer data about \(\overline{L}\). Case and Kötzing [26] studies which learning theory results depend only on topology, which on algorithmicity.

Angluin connected the Subset Principle to the machine learning problem of overgeneralization. From the proof: M must overgeneralize on (some Ts for) \(L'\), but it does not overgeneralize on L itself.

See [41, 68] for discussion regarding the possible connection between this subset principle and a more traditionally linguistically oriented one in [45].

Corollary 1.5

[37, 53] If \({\mathscr {L}}\) contains an infinite language together with all its finite sublanguages, then \({\mathscr {L}}\not \in \mathbf{TxtBc}\).

Hence, for example, the class of regular languages \(\not \in \mathbf{TxtBc}\)!

Definition 1.6

Consider the variant of \(\mathbf{TxtBc}\)-learning called \(\mathbf{TxtBc}^*\)-learning. \(\mathbf{TxtBc}^*\)-learning is just like \(\mathbf{TxtBc}\)-learning except the final grammars or programs, instead of each being perfectly correct, may each make finitely many mistakes.


Remark 1.1

[53] While \(\mathbf{TxtBc}^*\) learners can learn more than \(\mathbf{TxtBc}\)-learners, the class of regular languages \(\not \in \mathbf{TxtBc}^*\)!

In [17] there are variants of Theorems 1.3 and 1.4 for criteria which allow a few mistakes in final programs. In [5] there are variants of Theorem 1.7 and Remark 1.2 for criteria which allow a few mistakes in final programs. Success criteria allowing a few mistakes in the final programs are also considered below in Sect. 1.2.2.

1.1.4 Characterizations and Pattern Languages

In this section presented are some characterization results (Sect. and important positive learnability results based on pattern languages (Sect. Characterizations

Program p taking two inputs ix is a uniform decision procedure for a class \({\mathscr {U}}\) of computably decidable languages iff

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathscr {U}}= \{U_i \mid (\forall x)[p \text { on input } i,x \text { decides whether or not } x \in U_i]\}. \end{aligned}$$

Such a \({\mathscr {U}}\) is called uniformly decidable. Important examples are all the Chomsky Hierarchy classes, Regular, ..., Context-Sensitive [39], and, in the next section (Sect., Angluin’s important class of Pattern Languages [1]. The following important characterization of Angluin extends the Subset Principle for the cases of uniformly decidable classes.

Theorem 1.7

(Angluin [2]) Suppose \({\mathscr {U}}= \{U_i \mid i \in \mathbb {N}\}\) is uniformly decidable as above. Then \({\mathscr {U}}\in \mathbf{TxtEx}\) iff there is a computably enumerable sequence of enumerating programs for finite sets \(S_0,S_1,\ldots \) (tell tales) such that \((\forall i)[S_i \subseteq U_i \ \wedge \ (\forall j \mid S_i \subseteq U_j) [U_j \not \subset U_i]]\). The output programs of a witnessing M can be decision procedures.

Remark 1.2

From [5], uniformly decidable \({\mathscr {U}}\) as just above is \(\in \mathbf{TxtBc}\) iff the associated tell tales \(S_0,S_1,\ldots \) exist but do not have to be computably enumerable. In this context, the output programs of a witnessing M cannot, in general, be decision procedures.

Remark 1.3

Angluin [2] exhibited a uniformly decidable \({\mathscr {U}}\) with tell tales but with no computably enumerable tell tales. Hence, from [5], her \({\mathscr {U}}\) is a uniformly decidable class \(\in (\mathbf{TxtBc}- \mathbf{TxtEx})\). Pattern Languages

Next is an ostensive definition of Angluin’s important class of Pattern Languages.

Definition 1.8

(Angluin [1]) A pattern language is one generated by all and only the positive length substitutions for variables (in upper case letter alphabet) of strings (over a lower case letter alphabet) in a pattern, such as, for example, \(\mathtt{abXYcbbZXa}\).

Angluin [1] showed the class of pattern languages to be \(\mathbf{TxtEx}\)-learnable, and through further papers we have the following.

Theorem 1.9

[1, 63, 71] For each \(n \in \mathbb {N}^+\), the uniformly decidable class of unions of n pattern languages \(\in \mathbf{TxtEx}\)!

These classes are not rendered unlearnable by the severe constraint of Theorem 1.4 as are the classes in the Chomsky Hierarchy (Corollary 1.5). This, in part, is because they crosscut the classes in the Chomsky Hierarchy. Perhaps the (somewhat ill-defined) class of natural languages is like that too. For example, most linguists consider each natural language to be infinite.

Applications of unions of n pattern languages, ranging from learning in molecular biology to more general machine learning, appear in, for example, [3, 4, 11, 50, 61, 64].

1.1.5 Insensitivities to Presentation Order

In this section we first consider some possible child insensitivities to order of presentation (Sect.; then corresponding formal results are presented (Sect. Order Insensitivities’ Definitions

Children may be sensitive to the order or timing of data presentation (texts). First we present two local and, then, two global (formal) insensitivities.

Definition 1.10

  • M is partly set-driven [34, 35, 60] iff, on sequence \(u_0,\ldots ,u_t\), it reacts only to the set \(\{u_0,u_1,\ldots ,u_t\}\) of utterances and the length \(t+1\) of the utterance sequence—not to the order of the sequence. In effect, M reacts a little to timing (but not to order) of utterances.

  • M is set-driven [69] iff, when shown utterance sequence \(u_0,u_1,\ldots ,u_t\), it reacts only to the corresponding set \(\{u_0,u_1,\ldots ,u_t\}\)not to the sequence’s order and length.

  • M is weakly b-ary order independent [17] iff, for each language L on which, for some T for L, M converges in the limit to a finite set of grammars, there is, corresponding to L, a finite set of grammars G of cardinality \(\le b\) such that M converges to a subset of this same G for each T for L.

  • M is b-ary order independent [17] iff M is weakly so, but, instead of converging to a subset of G, it converges to exactly G. For \(b=1\), these two notions coincide and are essentially from [8, 52]. Order Insensitivities’ Results

Results regarding (partly) set-driveness for \(\mathbf{TxtEx}\) (the \(b=1 \text { case of } \mathbf{TxtFex}_b)\) are from [34, 35, 60]. For example, set-driveness strictly limits learning power for \(\mathbf{TxtEx}\). That, for \(\mathbf{TxtEx}\), (weakly) 1-ary order independence is without loss of learning power is essentially from [8, 34, 35]. I found the \(b>1\) cases harder to prove than the \(b=1\) case.

Theorem 1.11

[17] Any M can be algorithmically transformed into an \(M'\) so that \(M'\) is both partly set-driven and weakly b-ary independent and \(M'~\mathbf{TxtFex}_b\)-learns all the languages M does (even if M only learns for computable texts).

As noted above in Sect., [52] argues that, since the utterances of children’s caretakers depend heavily on external environmental events, such influences might introduce a random component into naturally occurring texts. This is whence comes the interest at all in non-computable texts. The just above theorem and the results below in this section (Sect. imply that for the important criteria considered in this section, learning power is nicely unaffected by whether texts are or are not allowed to be uncomputable.

Remark 1.4

[17] The preceding theorem holds with partly set-driven replaced by set-driven but with \(\mathbf{TxtFex}_b\)-identification restricted to only infinite languages.

Theorem 1.12

[17] Any M can be algorithmically transformed into an \(M'\) so that \(M'\) is b-ary order independent and \(M'\) \(\mathbf{TxtFex}_b\)-learns all the languages M does (even if M only learns for computable texts).

It is not known (it’s hard to tease out experimentally) whether children exhibit any of these insensitivities, but the formal results tell us something of how they affect learning power. It has not been investigated how the results in this section would be affected if complexity considerations were taken into account.

1.1.6 Empirical U-Shaped Learning

U-Shaped Learning follows the sequence Learn, Unlearn, Relearn. It occurs in child development [10, 46, 66, 67], e.g., verb regularization and understanding of various (Piaget-like) conservation principles, such as temperature and weight conservation and interaction between object tracking and object permanence.

Here is an example of U-shaped learning from irregular English past tense verbs. A child first uses spoke, the correct past tense of the irregular verb to speak. Then the child ostensibly overregularizes, incorrectly using speaked. Lastly, the child returns to using spoke. The major concern of the prior cognitive science literature on U-shaped learning is in how one models U-shaped learning. For example, for language learning, by general rules or tables of exceptions [10, 46, 54, 55]? With neural nets [59] and statistical regularities or statistical irregularities?

My own concern regarding U-shaped learning is whether it is an unnecessary and harmless accident of human evolution or whether U-shaped learning is advantageous in that some classes of tasks can be learned in the U-shaped way, but not otherwise?

1.1.7 Formal U-Shaped Learning

In the interest of studying whether U shapes are necessary for full learning power, it is mathematically useful to define alternatives to success criteria, including those above but in which U shapes are forbidden on the way to success.

Definition 1.13

  • Depicted just below is the I/O behavior of learning machine M receiving successive text elements and outputting corresponding successive grammars.

    $$\begin{aligned} g_0, g_1, \ldots , g_t, \ldots \mathop {\longleftarrow }\limits ^{{ \text {Out}}}M \mathop {\longleftarrow }\limits ^{{ \text {In}}}T(0), T(1), \ldots , T(t), \ldots ~. \end{aligned}$$
  • Suppose \(\mathbf{C}\) is a learning success criterion, for example, one \(\in \{\mathbf{TxtFex}_b, \mathbf{TxtBc}\}\). Then, where the \(g_i\)s are from the first bullet of this definition,

    \({\mathscr {L}}\,{\in }\, \mathbf{NonU}\mathbf{C}\Leftrightarrow \) \((\exists M \text { witnessing } {\mathscr {L}}\,{\in }\, \mathbf{C})(\forall L \,{\in }\, {\mathscr {L}}) (\forall T \text { for } L)(\forall i,j,k \mid i<j<k)[W_{g_i}=W_{g_k}=L \Rightarrow W_{g_j} = L]\). Non-U-shaped learners of \({\mathscr {L}}\) never abandon correct behaviors output on texts for \(L \in {\mathscr {L}}\) and subsequently return to them.

1.1.8 Results/Question Regarding U-Shaped Learning

The results are presented first as a diagram (Sect. and, then, as a verbal summary of key points—with an important cognitive science question at the end (Sect. Diagram of Some Results

The arrow \(\longrightarrow \) above denotes class inclusion. The transitive closure of the inclusions in Fig. 1.2 below hold and no other inclusions hold [6, 12, 14, 15]. For example, from Fig. 1.2, we have \(\mathbf{TxtFex}_2\) included in \(\mathbf{TxtFex}_3\) and properly so—regarding the latter, the transitive closure of the inclusions of Fig. 1.2 has no arrow from \(\mathbf{TxtFex}_3\) to \(\mathbf{TxtFex}_2\).

Fig. 1.2
figure 2

Diagram of results

For example, from the above, there is some \({\mathscr {L}}\in (\mathbf{TxtFex}_3 - \mathbf{NonU}\mathbf{TxtBc})\)! This same \({\mathscr {L}}\) then cannot be \(\in \mathbf{NonU}\mathbf{TxtFex}_*\)—else, it would, then, be in \(\mathbf{NonU}\mathbf{TxtBc}\). The proof regarding this \({\mathscr {L}}\) does employ an interplay between general rules and (finite) sets of exceptions [12, 14]. As mentioned above in Sect. 1.1.6, some cognitive scientists, e.g., [10, 46, 54, 55], believe this interplay underpins human U-shaped learning. Main Results and a Question

In the present section we summarize key results from the previous section (Sect. and, at the end, pose and discuss a difficult question for cognitive science and the evolution of human cognition.

Remark 1.5

  • Main results:

    • From \(\mathbf{NonU}\mathbf{TxtBc}\longrightarrow \mathbf{TxtBc}\), U-shaped learning is needed for some class in \(\mathbf{TxtBc}\).

    • From \(\mathbf{NonU}\mathbf{TxtEx}= \mathbf{TxtEx}\), U-shaped learning is not needed for \(\mathbf{TxtEx}\) learning, i.e., for learning one successful grammar in the limit.

    • From \(\mathbf{NonU}\mathbf{TxtFex}_* \longrightarrow \mathbf{TxtFex}_2\), U-shaped learning is needed for some class in \(\mathbf{TxtFex}_2\) even if finitely many \((*)\) grammars are allowed in the limit but, from \(\mathbf{TxtFex}_2 \longrightarrow \mathbf{NonU}\mathbf{TxtBc}\), it is not needed if we allow infinitely many grammars in the limit.

    • From the reasoning after the previous section’s (Sect.’s) diagram, there exists \({\mathscr {L}}\in (\mathbf{TxtFex}_3 - (\mathbf{NonU}\mathbf{TxtFex}_* \cup \mathbf{NonU}\mathbf{TxtBc}))\); in particular, U-shaped learning is needed for this \({\mathscr {L}}\in \mathbf{TxtFex}_3\)—even if allow infinitely many grammars in the limit!

  • Question: Does the class of tasks humans must learn to be competitive in the genetic marketplace, like this latter \({\mathscr {L}}\), necessitate U-shaped learning? Of course we have not yet modeled human cognition and its evolution sufficiently to answer this question. As pointed out in [12], on the formal modeling level, the pattern emerges that, for parameterized, cognitively relevant learning criteria, beyond very few initial parameter values, U shapes are necessary for full learning power! This is seen in the results just above as well as in Sect. This latter section has, though, some important open questions very relevant to the emerging pattern.

1.2 Complexity Considerations

This section concentrates on computational complexity issues. Considered are: large database size and corresponding memory-limited learners (Sect. 1.2.1); unavoidable cases of complexity and information deficiencies of the programs learned (Sect. 1.2.2); and the complexity of learner updates (Sect. 1.2.3). In the present section a few, seemingly difficult, open questions are indicated. Some of them are important for cognitive science (Sect.; one pertains to Turing machine complexity (Sect.

1.2.1 Hulking Databases and Memory-Limited Learners

The Database (DB) of utterances, \(u_0,u_1,\ldots ,u_{t-1}\), prior to time t, can, for large t, become an Incredible Hulk (IH) unpleasant to handle and query. I think of this Marvel Comics character (Fig. 1.3) as metaphorically representing the problem of DBs that are too large.

Fig. 1.3
figure 3

The incredible hulk (IH) (2013 Marvel and Subs)

Furthermore, humans (including children) may not remember, even subconsciously, every utterance they’ve ever heard.

In Sects. and we begin to introduce some Memory-Limited criteria of learning success to begin to deal with these too large DB problems.

Then Sect. presents corresponding results. It indicates some results of relevance to cognitive science—as well as important, cognitive science-relevant, seemingly hard open questions. One Kind of Memory-Limited Learning Criteria

The \(\le k\) -Bounded Example-Memory Model [22, 36, 52] is without access to the complete IH DB and is depicted at time t below in Fig. 1.4.Footnote 2 At time t, M reacts only to: \(u_t\), \(g_{t-1}\) and its memory from time \((t-1)\) of \(\le k\) of the prior utterances from L.

Fig. 1.4
figure 4

\(\le \) \(k\)-bounded example-memory model

We say M \(\mathbf{TxtBem}_{k}\)-learns L iff, for any text of all/only the utterances of L, at some time t, \(g_{t}\) above in Fig. 1.4 is a grammar for L and \(g_{t}=g_{t+1}=g_{t+2}=g_{t+3}=\ldots ~.\) A Second Kind of Memory-Limited Learning Criteria

For The \(\le k\) -Queries Feedback Model [22] (\(k=0,1\) cases: [44, 70]) the learning machine M asks little per hypothesis update of the complete IH DB, and it is depicted at time t below in Fig. 1.5. In this model, at time t, M reacts only to: \(u_t\), \(g_{t-1}\) and the answers to only \(\le k\) queries it generates regarding membership in the eventually large IH DB of the past inputs \(\{u_0,u_1,\ldots ,u_{t-1}\}\) up through time \((t-1)\).

M is said to \(\mathbf{TxtFb}_{k}\)-learn L iff, for any text of all/only the utterances of L, at some time t, \(g_{t}\) above is a grammar for L and \(g_{t}=g_{t+1}=g_{t+2}=g_{t+3}=\cdots ~\).

For \(k=0\) the two models coincide and the resultant learning criterion is called iterative or \(\mathbf{TxtIt}\)-learning [69, 70].

Fig. 1.5
figure 5

\(\le \) \(k\)-queries feedback model Results About the Just Prior Two Models

Theorem 1.14

[22] In each model, one can learn more with strictly larger k.

Theorem 1.15

[22] For each \(k>0\), for each model, there are language classes where that model is successful and the other is not!

For each \(k>0\), for each of the two models, here is a hard open problem: does forbidding U shapes decrease learning power? For \(k=0\), the answer is no [28].

Even for \(k=0\), it is a hard open problem: does the case of adding the counter t to M’s inputs \(u_t,g_{t-1}\) affect whether U shapes are necessary?

Remark 1.6

It is known [25], for example, for each \(k\ge 3\), for the variant of \(\mathbf{TxtBem}_k\), where \(g_{t-1}\) is not available to M and where the memory of \(\le k\) utterances is replaced by memory of any one of k-objects (i.e., \(\log _2(k)\)-bits), that forbidding U shapes decreases learnability.

For \(k=1,2\) here, U shapes are irrelevant [13].

Theorem 1.16

[22] For each \(n>0\), the class of all unions of n pattern languages \(\in \mathbf{TxtIt}\)!

1.2.2 Deficiencies of Programs Learned

Independently of other complexity issues is the problem of the reasonableness of the programs eventually successfully found by a learner. This is explored in the present section for the learning of programs for total characteristic/decision functions \(\mathbb {N}\rightarrow \{0,1\}\) from complete data about their graphs. In prior sections we explored the mathematically different vehicle of learning programs for generating formal languages from positive information only about those languages. For any total function, once one has an enumeration of its graph, one can algorithmically generate all that is and only what is in the complement of its graph. We restrict our attention in the present section to data presentations of such functions f in the order: \(f(0), f(1), f(2), \ldots \)—since from any presentation order of the graph of f (i.e., \(\{(x,y) \mid f(x)=y\}\)) one can algorithmically generate the presentation order \(f(0), f(1), f(2), \ldots \) .

In Sects., the basic background material is presented. Then, in Sect., results about inherent computational complexity deficiencies in programs learned are presented. Finally, in Sect., some unexpected, inherent informational deficiencies of programs learned are laid out. Successful Learning on Complete Data Regarding Total Functions

Suppose \({\mathscr {S}}\subseteq {\mathscr {R}}_{0,1}\), the class of all (total) computable characteristic functions of subsets of N. Defined just below are criteria of success analogs of \(\mathbf{TxtEx}\) and \(\mathbf{TxtBc}\) — but regarding learning programs for characteristic functions instead of grammars for languages.

Definition 1.17

  • Depicted below is the I/O behavior of a learning machine M receiving successive values of a function f and outputting corresponding successive programs. Some later items in this definition refer to this depiction.

    $$\begin{aligned} p_0, p_1, \ldots , p_t, \ldots \mathop {\longleftarrow }\limits ^{{ \text {Out}}}M \mathop {\longleftarrow }\limits ^{{ \text {In}}}f(0), f(1), \ldots , f(t), \ldots ~. \end{aligned}$$
  • Suppose \(a \in \mathbb {N}\cup \{*\}\). a is for anomaly count. For \(a = *\), a stands for finitely many.Footnote 3

  • \({\mathscr {S}}\in \mathbf {Ex}^a\) \(\Leftrightarrow \) \((\exists \text { suitably clever } M)(\forall f \in {\mathscr {S}})\)

    \([M, \text { fed } f(0),f(1),\ldots , \text {outputs } p_0,p_1,\ldots \ \wedge \ (\exists t)[p_t = p_{t+1} = \cdots \ \wedge \ p_t \) computes fexcept at up to a inputs]].

  • \({\mathscr {S}}\in \mathbf {Bc}^a\) \(\Leftrightarrow \) \((\exists M)(\forall f \in {\mathscr {S}})\)

    \([M, \text { fed } f(0),f(1),\ldots , \text {outputs } p_0,p_1,\ldots \ \wedge \ (\exists t)[p_t, p_{t+1}, \ldots \text { each computes}\,\,f\)—except at up to a inputs]]. Examples

Below are some important example classes together with some known results about them which will help us understand the results in Sects. and on the deficiencies of programs learned.

Remark 1.7

  • For \(k \ge 1\), let \({\mathscr {P}}^k = \) the class all 0–1 valued functions computable by (multi-tape) TMs in \(O(n^k)\) time, with \(n =\) input length. Let \({\mathscr {P}}= \bigcup {\mathscr {P}}^k\), the class of polynomial time computable characteristic functions.

  • Let \(\mathrm{slow}\) be a fixed slow-growing unbounded function \(\in {\mathscr {P}}^1\), e.g.,  \(\le \)  Ackermann\(^{-1}\) [31]. Let \({\mathscr {Q}}^k = \) the class all \(\{0,1\}\)-valued functions computable in \(O(n^k\cdot \log (n)\cdot \mathrm{slow}(n))\) time, again with \(n =\) input length. We have,

    $$\begin{aligned} \underbrace{{\mathscr {P}}^k \subset {\mathscr {Q}}^k}_{\text { Tightest known separation [38, 39]}} \subset {\mathscr {P}}^{k+1}. \end{aligned}$$
  • \({\mathscr {P}}\in \mathbf {Ex}^0\). \({\mathscr {P}}^{k} \in \mathbf {Ex}^0\) too (with each output conjecture running in k-degree poly time); \({\mathscr {CF}}\), the class all characteristic functions of context-free languages, \(\in \mathbf {Ex}^0\) [37].

  • \(\mathbf {Ex}^0 \subset \mathbf {Ex}^1 \subset \mathbf {Ex}^2 \subset \cdots \subset \mathbf {Ex}^* \subset \mathbf {Bc}^0 \subset \mathbf {Bc}^1 \subset \cdots \subset \mathbf {Bc}^*\) [29]. Hence, more anomalies tolerated in final successful programs entails strictly more learning power.

  • Harrington in [30]: \({\mathscr {R}}_{0,1} \in \mathbf {Bc}^*\). Basic Notation

Next is some basic terminology important to the statements of results in Sects. and

Definition 1.18

  • \({\mathscr {C}}\mathrm{of}= \{f \in {\mathscr {R}}_{0,1} ~|~ (\mathord {\mathop {\forall }\limits ^{\infty }}x)[f(x) = 1]\}~(\subset {\mathscr {P}}^1\) and \({\mathscr {REG}}\), the class all characteristic functions of regular languages). As will be seen, \({\mathscr {C}}\mathrm{of}\) is important as a nice example of a particularly trivial, easily learnable class of (characteristic) functions.

  • \(\varphi ^\mathrm{TM}_p = \) the partial computable function \( \mathbb {N}\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) computed by (multi-tape) Turing machine program (number) p.

  • \(\varPhi ^\mathrm{TM}_p(x) = \) the runtime of Turing machine program (number) p on input x, if p halts on x, and is undefined otherwise.

  • \(\varPhi ^\mathrm{WS}_p(x) = \) the tape work space used by Turing machine program (number) p on input x, if p halts on x, and is undefined otherwise.

  • \(f[m]\) \(=\) the sequence \(f(0), \ldots , f(m-1)\); for \(m=0\), \(f[m]\) is the empty sequence.

  • \(M(f[m])\) \(=\) M’s output based on \(f[m]\). For the results herein, we may and will suppose without loss of generality that \(M(f[m])\) is always defined.

  • M(f) denotes M’s final output program on input f, if any; else, it is undefined. Complexity Deficiencies of Programs Learned

First is a simple positive result which, in effect, is part of the third bullet in Remark 1.7 in Sect. This result will contrast nicely with the theorem just after it.

Proposition 1.19

[20] For each \(k \,{\ge }\, 1\), \(\exists M\) witnessing \({\mathscr {P}}^k \,{\in }\, \mathbf {Ex}^0\) such that \((\forall f)(\forall m)[\varPhi ^\mathrm{TM}_{M(f[m])}(x) \in O(|x|^k)]\).

Theorem 1.20

([20], tightens [65]) Suppose \(k \ge 1\) and that M witnesses either \({\mathscr {Q}}^{k} \in \mathbf {Ex}^*\) or \({\mathscr {Q}}^k \in \mathbf {Bc}^0\) (special case: M witnesses \({\mathscr {Q}}^{k} \in \mathbf {Ex}^0)\).

Then: \((\exists f \in {\mathscr {C}}\mathrm{of})(\forall k\text {-degree polynomials } p)\)

\((\mathord {\mathop {\forall }\limits ^{\infty }}n)(\mathord {\mathop {\forall }\limits ^{\infty }}x)[\varPhi ^\mathrm{TM}_{M(f[n])}(x) > p(|x|)]\).

Idea: if one ups the generality of a learner M from \({\mathscr {P}}^k\) to \({\mathscr {Q}}^{k}\), then the run-times of M’s successful outputs on some trivial \(f \in {\mathscr {C}}\mathrm{of}\) is worse than any preassigned k-degree polynomial bound, a complexity deficiency.

Of course, since \({\mathscr {REG}}\) is defined in terms of finite automata [32, 39], no Work Space is needed to compute the functions in \({\mathscr {REG}}\) (which includes the trivial functions in \({\mathscr {C}}\mathrm{of}\)), but:

Theorem 1.21

[20] For \(k \ge 1\) and M witnessing \({\mathscr {CF}}\in \mathbf {Ex}^*\) (special case: M witnesses \({\mathscr {CF}}\in \mathbf {Ex}^0)\), \((\exists f \in {\mathscr {C}}\mathrm{of})(\exists x)[\varPhi ^\mathrm{WS}_{M(f)}(x) \ge k]\).

Idea: learning \({\mathscr {CF}}\) instead of \({\mathscr {REG}}\) produces some final programs on some trivial functions in \({\mathscr {C}}\mathrm{of}\) which do require some work space, another complexity deficiency. Information Deficiencies of Programs Learned

First is a positive result which will contrast nicely with the theorem just after it.

Theorem 1.22

[20] \(\exists M\) outputting only total poly-time conjectures and witnessing both \({\mathscr {P}}\in \mathbf {Bc}^*\) and \({\mathscr {P}}^1 \in \mathbf {Ex}^0\) such that \((\forall f \in {\mathscr {P}}^1)[\varPhi ^\mathrm{TM}_{M(f)}(x) \in O(|x|)]\).

In the next theorem f.o. PA is the version of Peano Arithmetic expressed within first order logic [48, 58]. PA is a well-known formal theory in which one can express and prove all the theorems in an elementary number theory book.

For a sentence E expressible in PA, \({ \ll E \gg }\) is some natural translation of E into the language of PA.

In the next theorem, the example

$$\begin{aligned} E = {\varphi ^\mathrm{TM}_{M(f[m])} \text { is computable}^* \text { in } O(|x|^k) \text {time}} \end{aligned}$$

contains what would, without explanation, be a mysterious \(*\). This E is meant to be an abbreviation of the clearer, but longer sentence: any total, finite variant of the function computed by the TM-program output by M on \(f[m]\) runs in time \(O(n^k)\), where \(n =\) the length of this program’s input.

Theorem 1.23


Suppose theory T is any true, computably axiomatized extension of f.o. PA (so, T is a safe, algorithmic information extractor). Suppose \(k \ge 1\) and M witnesses \({\mathscr {Q}}^{k} \in \mathbf {Bc}^*\). Then: \((\exists f \in {\mathscr {C}}\mathrm{of})(\mathord {\mathop {\forall }\limits ^{\infty }}m)[\mathbf{T} \mathrel {\not \,\vdash }{ \ll \varphi ^\mathrm{TM}_{M(f[m])} \text { is computable}^* \text { in } O(|x|^k) \text { time} \gg }]\).

It is particularly interesting to apply the preceding theorem (Theorem 1.23) to the case of a learner M from Theorem 1.22 earlier: while the programs learned by this M for functions in all of \({\mathscr {C}}\mathrm{of}\) are perfectly correct and do have excellent, linear-time run-times, some of these programs learned will be informationally deficient—since we cannot prove in T from them even considerably weaker upper bounds on the run-times of any total finite variants of the functions they compute!

1.2.3 Complexity of Learner Updates

This section begins with a general discussion of the important and well-investigated subject of learner update complexity (Sect. Then an automata-theory-based paradigm is chosen for both illustration and since it may be new to the Grammatical Inference community as well as interesting to it (Sects. Complexity-Restricted Updates of Learners Generally

There has been tremendous interest in the Grammatical Inference community, e.g., [33], in polynomial time updating of each learned output conjecture, where the polynomials are typically in some measure of the size of data used to obtain the conjecture.

For example, the Pattern Languages are polytime \(\mathbf{TxtIt}\)-learnable [43]—but at the interesting, apparently necessary cost of intermediate conjectures which do not generate some of the data on which they are based!

Pitt [56] notes that it’s possible to cheat and always obtain (meaningless) polytime updates: Suppose q is a polynomial, and M on finite data sequence \(\sigma \) delivers its correspondingly conjectured program within time \(q(|\sigma |)\). Pitt notes M can put off outputting conjectures based on \(\sigma \) until it has seen much larger data \(\tau \) so that \(q(|\tau |)\) is enough time for M to work on \(\sigma \) as long as it needs. He notes that this delaying trick is unfair—since it allows as much to be learned as in the case of no time bound on the learner updates.

Finding mathematical conditions to guarantee no Pitt delaying tricks can be used seems very difficult [24]. For a time I believed polytime \(\mathbf{TxtFb}_k\)-learning is fair—until Frank Stephan provided me a counterexample. I currently believe polytime \(\mathbf{TxtBem}_k\)-learning is reasonably fair—provided output conjectures are not padded up too much to carry over extra information from one update to the next. Reasonably fair such padding was employed for \(\mathbf{TxtIt}\)-learning of some mildly context-sensitive classes in [7]. Most published polytime update learning algorithms I’ve seen seem quite fair, e.g., the \(\mathbf{TxtEx}\)-learning of somewhat different mildly context-sensitive classes in [72] and, of course, the polytime \(\mathbf{TxtIt}\)-learnability of the Pattern Languages mentioned above.

Next are presented, for example, some recent results about the use of learning functions whose graphs are regular (i.e., finite automata-acceptable). These are called automatic learning functions and are defined more formally later in Sect.

Perhaps this material will be new to the Grammatical Inference community and of some interest to them. We believe finite automata are not smart enough to do Pitt tricks. Automatic Structures

The study of automatic structures (defined below) began with the Program of Khoussainov and Nerode [42]: replace TMs by finite automata in computable model theory.

Below we provide some basic definitions regarding automatic structures which will lead, for example, to Remark 1.8 in Sect. in which we are able to define automatic learning function and present a few results.

Definition 1.24

  • The automatic 1-ary relations are the regular (i.e., finite automata accepted) languages \(\subseteq \varSigma ^*\), for some finite (non-empty) alphabet \(\varSigma \).

  • For our next defining automatic binary relations R over a finite alphabet \(\varUpsilon (\supseteq \varSigma )\), we need be able to submit a pair \((\alpha ,\beta ) \in (\varUpsilon ^* \times \varUpsilon ^*)\) to a finite automaton.

  • If we feed \(\alpha \) and, subsequently, \(\beta \), the finite automaton will have trouble remembering much about \(\alpha \) upon receiving \(\beta \), so we use convolution to submit \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) together—details next.

  • Suppose \(\llcorner \!\!\lrcorner \) is a “blank” symbol \(\notin \varUpsilon \). We provide next an ostensive definition of \(\mathrm{conv}(\alpha ,\beta )\).

    Example: \(\mathrm{conv}(ab,bba) = (a,b)(b,b)(\llcorner \!\!\lrcorner ,a)\). Idea: these pairs are each new single alphabet symbols to be sequentially read by a finite automaton.

  • We say a binary relation R is automatic iff \(\{\mathrm{conv}(\alpha ,\beta ) \mid R(\alpha ,\beta )\}\) is regular—over the alphabet \(((\varUpsilon \cup \{\llcorner \!\!\lrcorner \})\times (\varUpsilon \cup \{\llcorner \!\!\lrcorner \}))\).

    The concept obviously generalizes to k-ary relations, and we consider it to be so generalized. Automatic Classes and Functions

Remark 1.8

  • \({\mathscr {L}}\) is said to be an automatic class iff each \(L \in {\mathscr {L}}\) is a subset of \(\varSigma ^*\), and, for some regular index domain I and some automatic \(S \subseteq (I \times \varSigma ^*)\),

    \({\mathscr {L}}=\{L_{\alpha } \mid \alpha \in I\}\), where (the then regular) \(L_{\alpha }=\{x \mid (\alpha ,x) \in S\}\).

    Idea: such a \({\mathscr {L}}\) is uniformly regular.

  • Automatic classes are the automatic analog of the uniformly decidable classes, e.g., from Angluin’s characterization theorem, Theorem 1.7 from Sect. The analog of the index domain above for the uniformly decidable classes is just \(\mathbb {N}\).

  • An automatic function M is an automatic, single-valued relation.

    I.e., a function M is automatic iff the relation \(\{(\alpha ,\beta ) \mid M(\alpha )=\beta \}\) is automatic.

  • In the later, learnability portion of this section, we are interested in modeling learners as automatic and, also, as more general functions M. Although more general functions can learn more, and

  • Case et al. [21] notes there are significant automatic classes based on erasing regular patterns which are learnable by mere automatic learners.Footnote 4 TM Input/Output of Automatic Functions

A finite automaton accepting (the convolutions of) all/only the ordered pairs in the graph of an automatic function M is not at all the same as computing the value of M(x) from each x in domain(M). However:

Theorem 1.25

[23] Suppose M is an automatic function. Then there is a linear-time bounded, one-tape, deterministic TM which computes M where each input x is given on the tape starting from the marked left end and output M(x) starts from this same left end.

This theorem has a strong converse as follows.

Theorem 1.26

[23] Suppose a linear-time bounded, one-tape, non-deterministic TM computes M such that each input x is given on the tape starting from the marked left end; on each non-deterministic path the output is M(x) or?, where at least one path has output M(x); and outputs M(x) or? start from this same left end. Then M is automatic. (Left end I/O is provably crucial.) Relevant General Learnability Definitions

We are next interested in the learnability (general or otherwise) of automatic classes. The next definition begins to explore how to handle this.

Definition 1.27

  • As above, a text T for \(L \subseteq \varSigma ^*\) (in automatic class) \({\mathscr {L}}\) is a sequence of all and only the elements of L.

  • A learner employs output hypotheses \(\mathrm{hyp}_t \in I\) (I, the corresponding index set) and a sequence of long-term memories \(\mathrm{mem}_t\) (each \(\in \Gamma ^*\)).

  • A learner has initial long-term memory \(\mathrm{mem}_0\) (and initial hypothesis \(\mathrm{hyp}_0\)).

    Think of each \(t = 0,1,\ldots \) as a time/cycle. Then learner \(M: (T(t),\mathrm{mem}_t) \mapsto (hyp_{t+1},\mathrm{mem}_{t+1})\).

  • \({\mathscr {L}}\) is learnable by M: \((\forall L \in {\mathscr {L}})(\forall T \text { for } L)(\exists t) (\forall t' > t)[\mathrm{hyp}_{t'}=\mathrm{hyp}_{t} \ \wedge \ \mathrm{hyp}_t\) is correct for L].

Remark 1.9

  • With unrestricted memory and Ms TM computable, the preceding learnability criterion (for automatic classes) is equivalent to \(\mathbf{TxtEx}\) (but with hypotheses restricted to I).

  • Curiously: learnability of automatic classes does not change even if the Ms can also be uncomputable, and Angluin’s Characterization can in this case omit computable enumerability of tell tales. Linear Time Learners Suffice!

We explore next how efficiently the general learning of automatic classes can be done. First we introduce a relevant TM model.

Definition 1.28

Our \((k+1)\)-Tape TM Model:

  • Tape 0 (base tape): At the beginning of cycle t, it contains \(\mathrm{conv}(T(t),\mathrm{mem}_t)\) (with \(|\mathrm{mem}_t| \le \) longest text datum seen so far \(+\) a constant).

    At end of cycle t, it contains \(\mathrm{conv}(\mathrm{hyp}_{t+1},\mathrm{mem}_{t+1})\) (with \(|\mathrm{mem}_{t+1}| \le \) longest text datum seen so far \(+\) a constant). Marked left end I/O too.

  • Additional Tapes \(1,2,\ldots ,k\): normal work-tapes, with contents and head position not modified during change of cycle.

  • Each cycle of the machine runs in the linear-time in the length of the longest text datum seen so far.

Theorem 1.29

[23] Every learnable automatic class has such a linear-time TM learner employing only \(k =\) two additional work-tapes.

The two work tapes can be replaced by two stacks or, instead, one queue—a queue with non-overtaking, one-way heads to operate each end!

Open problem: does only \(k=\) one additional work tape suffice?

1.3 Summary Including Open Problems

We briefly summarize what’s been done in the present chapter.

As noted above, the chapter is about Gold’s 1967 model of child language learning and selected highlights of the theory appearing since Gold’s 1967 paper. It is divided into two major sections. The first concentrates on results that are independent of computational complexity considerations; the second concentrates on relevant complexity issues.

In the first major section are treated: Gold’s Model; criteria of successful learning (with hierarchy results); reasonableness and weaknesses of the general model; provable severe constraints on learnability; related characterizations and the important example of Angluin’s Pattern Languages; two local and two global formal insensitivities of learning to order of presentation of data with corresponding formal results, with no available conclusions about how these do or do not apply to human children; and the cognitive science empirically observed phenomenon of U-shaped learning with mathematically defined formal analogs, and corresponding interpreted formal results that suggest the U shape may be necessary for full human learning power. Also presented are some hard questions for the state of the art in empirical cognitive science: do some humans, after successfully learning at least some natural languages, vacillate between multiple grammars. Is U-shaped learning necessary for those humans who succeed in the genetic marketplace?

In the second major section on complexity considerations are treated: the problem of learning based on infeasibly large amounts of data, and presented are two formal models of data memory-limited learners, accompanied by corresponding formal hierarchy results; surprising results showing that some slight increases in learning generality inexorably lead to both complexity and information deficiencies in the programs that are learned for some very simple objects to be learned, but with no such Deficiencies appearing for the less general learning cases; and the important feasibly computable learner updates where it is noted that sometimes the feasibility of updates can be a cheat, and detailed results are given about both the use of finite automata accepted learning functions (where it is ostensibly difficult to cheat) and the learnability of uniformly finite automata accepted classes. Also presented are some seemingly difficult open mathematical questions (the first two are of relevance to cognitive science, the third to complexity theory): For each \(k > 0\), for each of the two data memory-limited models of Sect. 1.2.1, does forbidding U shapes decrease learning power? For each \(k \ge 0\), for these two models, does the case of supplying the counter t to M in addition to its inputs \(u_t, g_{t-1}\) affect whether U shapes are necessary? For Theorem 1.29 in Sect., does only \(k=1\) additional work tape suffice?