
1 Introduction

The rapid development of techniques for both geo-positioning and mobile communication has made location aware query a necessary part in many applications. In this paper, we consider a specific type of such query called range constrained spatial keyword query, RC-SK query for short, on road networks. Concretely, a RC-SK query, specified with a spatial location and a set of query keywords, is targeted for finding all the POIs whose textual relevance to the query keywords is larger than a specified threshold and location is within a specified distance to the query location. For instance, a visitor poses a query to search for all the banks offering exchange service within 2 km from his or her current location. Here, a bank is a POI with a spatial location (e.g., longitude and latitude) and a piece of textual description about the services it offers.

Actually, there have been some works on RC-SK query in Euclidean space. In reality, however, people’s trajectories are usually constrained by road networks. Figure 1 illustrates an example of RC-SK query on a small road network which has 14 vertices \(v_i(i=1,\ldots ,14)\) and 12 POIs \(o_j(j=1,\ldots ,12)\) denoted as black grids and circles, respectively. Each edge is labeled with its length. The query \(q\), illustrated by a grey filled circle, searches for all the banks within 2 km. In Euclidean space, both \(o_2\) and \(o_4\) will be returned as the result. However, we cannot reach \(o_2\) within 2 km along the road network. Hence, it is more practicable to conduct RC-SK query based on network distance than Euclidean distance.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

An example of RC-SK query. Here, \(dis(q, o_2)=2.5\).

However, conducting RC-SK query on road networks is much more challenging than that in Euclidean space because the shortest path between query location and any candidate POI should be computed. Especially for a larger query range, we need to enumerate many POIs and compute their shortest distances to the query location.

In this paper, three approaches are proposed to deal with RC-SK query on road networks. The first one is expansion-based approach (EA), a baseline approach, which traverses the road network from the query location with the same flavor as Dijkstra’s algorithm. The second approach is Euclidean heuristic approach (EHA) which is an improvement of EA approach and employs Euclidean heuristic to accelerate query processing. As both EA and EHA have to traverse the road network vertex by vertex, they are inefficient for a large query range. To solve this problem, the third approach called Rnet Hierarchy [1] based approach (RHA) is proposed. RHA partitions the whole road network into a group of interconnected subnets and organizes them in a hierarchy structure, which greatly improves the query efficiency.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews the related work and Sect. 3 formally defines the problem. Sections 46 elaborate EA, EHA and RHA, respectively. Section 7 empirically evaluates the proposed approaches and Sect. 8 concludes the paper.

2 Related Work

Generally, there are two types of widely used spatial keyword queries [7], i.e., top-\(k\) spatial keyword query (top-\(k\) SK query) [13, 14], searching for the \(k\) best POIs based on both spatial proximity and textual relevance, and range-constrained spatial keyword query (RC-SK query) [8, 16], searching for all the POIs satisfying the required textual relevance within a specified area.

During the past decade, RC-SK query has received extensive studies in Euclidean space. The original solution [8] to RC-SK query retrieves all the POIs within the query range area and conducts a detailed examination on these POIs based on their textual relevance, which is inefficient for large-size datasets. To solve this problem, previous works try to embed traditional textual indices, such as inverted file and signature file [12] into an R-tree [9], a widely-used index structure for multi-dimensional data, or its variants. Table 1 shows major hybrid schemes that merge text index and spatial index.

Table 1. Hybrid indices.

Almost all the proposed approaches for RC-SK query in Euclidean space are based on these hybrid indices. During query processing, spatial proximity and textual relevance are computed simultaneously, which make it efficient to prune irrelevant branches as soon as possible. However, all these index structures and processing algorithms are devised for spatial keyword queries in Euclidean space and cannot be directly used for RC-SK query on road networks.

In addition, Rocha-Junior et al. [10] proposed several efficient approaches to address top-\(k\) SK query on road networks, which is the most related work to ours. The framework of their overlay approach is similar to that of our RHA. However, both the partition strategy and index structure of RHA are different from those of the overlay approach. More importantly, we aim at evaluating RC-SK query instead of top-k SK query on road networks.

3 Problem Statement

Formally, a road network is represented as an undirected graph \(G=(V, E)\), where \(V\) and \(E\) are the sets of vertices and edges, respectively. Each vertex \(v \in V\) represents a road intersection or a road endpoint; each edge \(e_{i,j} \in E(i\ne j)\) represents the road segment connecting \(v_i\) and \(v_j\) and its length is denoted as \(\left| e_{i,j}\right| \). The distance between two vertices \(u\) and \(v\), \(dis(u,v)\), is the length of the shortest path between them.

A POI \(o\) is represented as \(o=(l,e,d,K)\), where \(o.l\) is the spatial location consisting of longitude and latitude, \(o.e\) is the edge on which \(o\) resides, \(o.d\) is the distance from \(o.l\) to the beginning vertex of \(o.e\), and \(o.K\) is a set of keywords which describe the details of \(o\).

A RC-SK query \(q\) over \(G\) is defined as \(q=(l,K,\tau ,r)\), where \(q.l\) is the query location, \(q.K\) is a set of query keywords, \(q.\tau \in (0,1]\) is a predefined textual relevance threshold and \(q.r\) specifies the query range. The answers to \(q\) are the set of POIs on \(G\) such that each of them satisfies

$$dis(o.l, q.l)\le q.r \wedge \theta (o.K, q.K) \ge q.\tau $$

where \(dis(o.l, q.l)\) is the distance between \(o.l\) and \(q.l\), \(\theta (o.K, q.K)\) is the textual relevance between \(o.K\) and \(q.K\) and defined as follows [3].

$$\begin{aligned} \theta (o.K,q.K)=\frac{\sum _{k\in q.K}w_{k,o.K}\cdot w_{k,q.K}}{\sqrt{\sum _{k\in o.K}{(w_{k,o.K})}^2 \cdot \sum _{k \in q.K} {(w_{k,q.K})}^2}} \end{aligned}$$

where \(w_{k,o.K}=1+ln(f_{k,o.K})\), \(f_{k,o.K}\) is the occurrences of query keyword \(k \in q.K\) in \(o.K\); \(w_{k,q.K}=ln{(1+\frac{|P|}{df_k})}\), where \(\left| P\right| \) is the number of POIs on \(G\), \(df_k\) is the number of POIs containing \(k\).

Although the definition above and the following approaches are based on undirected road networks, they can be extended to directed road networks with only a little modification.

4 The Expansion-Based Approach

This baseline approach processes RC-SK query in an expansion fashion like Dijkstra’s algorithm.

4.1 Index Structure

An R*-tree [2] is employed to index all edges in \(E\) as illustrated in Fig. 2 where each edge is represented as a minimum bounding rectangle that totally encloses it. With the help of the R*-tree, the edge on which \(q.l\) resides can be quickly determined with a spatial point query.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

R*-tree for edges.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Index for road networks.

Meanwhile, a \(B^+\)-tree is used to index the modified adjacent lists as shown in Fig. 3 which keeps the connectivity of \(G\). Each entry in leaf node is a triple \((v_x, Inv(v_x), P_{adj})\), where \(v_x\) is a vertex, \(Inv(v_x)\) is a pointer to the inverted file [3] (called vertex inverted file) which covers all the POIs on \(v_x\)’s adjacent edges. \(P_{adj}\) is another pointer pointing to the adjacent list of \(v_x\). Each entry in the adjacent list is a quadruple \((v_i,e_{x,i},\left| e_{x,i}\right| ,Inv(e_{x,i}))\), where \(v_i\) is a neighbor vertex of \(v_x\), \(e_{x,i}\) is the edge between \(v_x\) and \(v_i\) with length \(\left| e_{x,i}\right| \), and \(Inv(e_{x,i})\) is a pointer to the inverted file (called edge inverted file) covering all POIs on \(e_{x,i}\).

4.2 Query Processing

Initially, a priority queue \(U\) is created to store visited vertices during expansion based on their network distances to \(q.l\). Meanwhile, a list \(L\) is created to store query results. First, the edge \(e_{i,j}\) on which \(q.l\) resides is located by using the R*-tree built for edges. Then a verification is conducted on \(e_{i,j}\) to check whether it contains any POI whose textual relevance to \(q.K\) is larger than \(q.\tau \). Next, both \(v_i\) and \(v_j\) are inserted into \(U\) with their distances to \(q.l\). By obtaining vertices from \(U\) and checking their adjacent edges, we can traverse all edges within \(q.r\) from \(q.l\) and verify them in the same way as we do for \(e_{i,j}\). During the verification, POIs satisfying the textual relevance threshold are added to \(L\).

Consider the query \(q\) over the road network in Fig. 1, where \(q.l\) is the filled circle, \(q.K\) = “bank”, \(q.r=2\). For presentation simplicity, we ignore \(q.\tau \) and only require that each returned POI contains \(q.K\). First, we find that \(q.l\) is located on \(e_{1,5}\) which has no desirable POIs. Then, \(v_1\) and \(v_5\) are inserted into \(U\) with \((v_5,0.5)\) and \((v_1,1.5)\), respectively. Here, we assume \(|q.l,v_1|=1.5\) and \(|q.l,v_5|=0.5\). Next, we get \((v_5, 0.5)\) from \(U\). By checking the inverted file \(Inv(v_5)\) for \(v_5\), we find that \(e_{5,4}\) contains query keyword “bank”. Then \(Inv(e_{5,4})\) is checked and \(o_4\) is inserted into \(L\). As the distance from \(q.l\) to \(v_4\) is 2, we do not search beyond \(v_4\), which is same for \(v_6\) and \(v_7\). Following that, we get \((v_1,1.5)\) from \(U\) and its adjacent edges \(e_{1,2}\) and \(e_{1,3}\) are checked, and no POIs (assume \(\left| o_2,v_1\right| =1\), we have \(dis(q.l, o_2)=2.5>2\)) are inserted into \(L\). Now \(U\) is empty and the algorithm terminates. Finally, we get the query result \(L=\langle o_4 \rangle \).

5 The Euclidean Heuristic Approach

EA is efficient enough for RC-SK queries with a small \(q.r\). However, if \(q.r\) is very large and numerous edges and POIs are covered, EA will incur a considerable overhead to obtain all desirable POIs because it has to verify the inverted files of all relevant edges (containing any query keyword). In general, however, a large portion of keywords cover only a small number of POIs. In such a situation, to check the inverted files for all relevant edges is unnecessary. To overcome this drawback, we propose the Euclidean heuristic approach (EHA).

Intuitively, Euclidean distance between any two vertices on a road network is always smaller, if not equal to, than the network distance between them. Therefore, if a POI belongs to the query result based on network distance, then it must be in the query result based on Euclidean distance. Based on this observation, we propose the EHA to first retrieve all the candidate POIs according to any state-of-the-art Euclidean distance based approach. Here we employ IR-tree [11] which augments each node of the R-tree with an inverted file. The set of edges having candidate POIs (satisfying textual relevance threshold) is recorded as \(E_q\). During the expansion process, we avoid verifying the inverted file of a particular edge by checking whether it is contained in \(E_q\). Thus, edges containing no desirable POIs are filtered. EHA is implemented based on EA by adding a SK query on the IR-tree at the beginning and an edge set check during expansion. We omit the detail here due to space limit.

6 The Rnet Hierarchy-Based Approach

Essentially, both EA and EHA expand from one vertex to another on \(G\) within \(q.r\), which makes it very expensive to evaluate RC-SK queries with a large \(q.r\). To solve this problem, we introduce the Rnet Hierarchy [1] to index road networks and further propose Rnet Hierarchy-based approach, RHA for short.

6.1 Indexing Structure

Rnet Hierarchy partitions a road network into connected subnets called Rnets (regional nets) and organizes them in a hierarchy structure as depicted in Fig. 4. An Rnet R is defined as \((V_R,E_R,B_R)\) where \(V_R\), \(E_R\), and \(B_R\) are the sets of vertices, edges and border vertices of \(R\), respectively. \(B_R\) are the vertices shared by two or more Rnets (e.g., \(v_5\)). In Fig. 4, there are four Rnets \(R_{11}\), \(R_{12}\), \(R_{21}\) and \(R_{22}\) at level 1 and two larger Rnets \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) at level 2. \(R_1\) encloses \(R_{11}\) and \(R_{12}\), and \(R_2\) encloses \(R_{21}\) and \(R_{22}\). Level 0 is the original road network. Therefore, a road network is organized as a group of connected Rnets at each level.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

An example of Rnet Hierarchy of a road network.

In order to skip over Rnets, shortcut is introduced. A shortcut is the shortest path between two border vertices of an Rnet, e.g., \(SP(v_5,v_9)\). With the help of shortcuts on different levels, a search expands quickly with different step sizes. Here, a challenge is how to partition a road network into a group of Rnets with a minimum number of border vertices. In this paper, we first consider the equal-size partition [1], which adopts the geometric approach [4] and KL algorithm [5], to partition the whole road network into Rnets of the similar size. Equal-size partition first partitions the whole road network into two parts with almost the same number of edges, and then tunes them by exchanging edges to reduce the border vertices. By doing this recursively, \(G\) is partitioned into a set of Rnets with almost the same size.

However, the partition method above ignores the road network’s semantics. In reality, POIs on road networks are often clustered [6] in some hot areas like commercial centers. For example, area around \(v_5\) in Fig. 1 has more POIs than areas around other vertices (e.g., \(v_{13}\)). Figures 5 and 6 display the POI distribution on the road network of London. Obviously, most vertices have less than 5 POIs (POIs residing on the edges adjacent to the vertex). Accordingly, we consider partitioning a road network based on the distribution of POIs, i.e., distribution-aware partition and aim to partition as many as POIs into the same Rnet. To this end, we first collect all the vertices with more POIs than a specified parameter (e.g., 10) and then merge these vertices to form larger areas based on their spatial proximity until a Rnet is generated. Meanwhile, the other areas are partitioned by using the equal-size partition.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

POI distribution of London

Fig. 6.
figure 6

POI distribution statistics

Rnet Hierarchy is organized using a \(B^+\)-tree as illustrated in Fig. 7. The \(B^+\)-tree indexes all vertices based on their identifiers and each entry in a leaf node points to an adjacent list or a hierarchy tree. Concretely, if a vertex \(v_i\) (e.g., \(v_2\)) is not a border vertex, the entry for \(v_i\) has a pointer pointing to an adjacent list just as EA. Otherwise, the entry for \(v_i\) has a pointer pointing to a hierarchy tree which records the organization of all the Rnets associated with \(v_i\) at different levels. For example, \(v_5\) is a border vertex of \(R_{11}\) and \(R_{12}\), and it has a hierarchy tree \(T_{v_5}\). The root node of \(T_{v_5}\) contains two entries \(E_{R11}\) (for \(R_{11}\)) and \(E_{R12}\) (for \(R_{12}\)) and a pointer pointing to the inverted file for them. In a hierarchy tree, each entry in the intermediate nodes also stores all the shortcuts within the corresponding Rnet while each entry in the leaf nodes points to the adjacent list of the border vertex.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Index for the Rnet Hierarchy

Fig. 8.
figure 8

IR-tree for Rnets

In addition, to utilize Euclidean heuristic to quickly find out those Rnets that contain desirable POIs, we also try to organize all Rnets at different levels into a variant IR-tree as illustrated in Fig. 8.

6.2 Query Processing

Given a query \(q\), RHA searches for POIs in an expanding fashion as detailed in Algorithm 1. If a vertex \(v_i\) is not a border vertex, it proceeds in the same way as EA. Otherwise, the hierarchy tree \(T_{v_i}\) of \(v_i\) is checked. First, we examine the inverted file for the root node of \(T_{v_i}\) to check whether it contains desirable POIs. If not, we skip over the entire Rnet through the shortcuts without checking its inner edges. Otherwise, we check its child nodes to further retrieve desirable POIs.

figure a

For example, we consider the same query in Fig. 1 with a larger \(q.r=3\). First, we verify the edge \(e_{1,5}\) on which \(q.l\) resides. Then, \((v_5,0.5)\) and \((v_1,1.5)\) are inserted into \(U\). Next, we obtain \((v_5, 0.5)\) from \(U\). As \(v_5\) is a border vertex, we evaluate \(R_{11}\) and \(R_{12}\). \(R_{11}\) contains bank and a detailed examination is conducted. Then \(e_{5,4}\) is checked and \(o_4\) is added to \(L\). Meanwhile, \((v_4,2)\) is inserted into \(U\). \(R_{12}\) contains no desirable POIs and its shortcuts from \(v_5\) to \(v_8\) and \(v_9\) go beyond the query range. Then, we get \((v_1,1.5)\) and \((v_4, 2)\) in order, and no more POIs are added to \(L\). Finally, the result \(L=\langle o_4 \rangle \) is returned.

As an expected improvement, we employ the IR-tree in Fig. 8 to accelerate query processing by getting all Rnets containing desirable POIs in advance, which avoids checking the inverted file for each Rnet.

7 Experimental Evaluation

7.1 Setup

The performance of proposed approaches is evaluated on four real datasetsFootnote 1 which are road networks of Dublin, London, Australia, and British Isles, respectively. Table 2 displays some statistics of the four datasets. For each dataset, we randomly generate 500 locations within the road network area as query locations and 500 sets of keywords of size 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, separately. Table 3 lists the parameters used in the experiments and marks their default values in bold. Experiments run on a PC with a 3.1 GHz Intel processor and a 4 GB RAM. The index structures of the three approaches are disk-resident and the buffer is set at 4 MB.

Table 2. Statistics of datasets.
Table 3. Parameters in experiments.

7.2 Experimental Results

Varying q.r. Figure 9(a) illustrates the response time while varying \(q.r\). EA performs well for queries with a small \(q.r\). With the increase of \(q.r\), however, the response time increases rapidly because EA has to expand all the edges within \(q.r\) from \(q.l\). Compared to EA, EHA performs better because it avoids checking the inverted file for every edge that contains any query keyword. This differs from the conclusion in [17] that network expansion algorithms performs better than Euclidean distance heuristic based algorithms, because EHA just uses Euclidean heuristic to avoid unnecessary edge examination. However, both EA and EHA expand vertex by vertex, which inevitably incurs a high overhead. RHA performs much better than EA and EHA because it bypasses the Rnets containing no desirable POIs and avoids a detailed examination on their inner edges. Additionally, with the help of different layers and different size of Rnets, RHA works well with different \(q.r\).

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Response time while varying \(q.r\), \(q.\tau \), and \(\left| q.K\right| \)

Varying \(\varvec{q.\tau }\). Figure 9(b) shows the response time while varying the textual relevance \(q.\tau \). A smaller \(q.\tau \) covers more POIs and it consumes more time to evaluate these POIs. Both EA and EHA cost more than 3 s to evaluate a RC-SK query while varying \(q.\tau \) from 0.3 to 0.9. As for RHA, only about one second is required. Because no textual relevance is computed, Boolean query (\(q.\tau =1\))Footnote 2 takes less time than other queries.

Varying \(\varvec{|}{\varvec{q.K}}\varvec{|.}\) Figure 9(c) presents the response time while varying the number of query keywords \(\left| q.K\right| \). With the increase of \(|q.K|\), both EA and EHA have to verify more POIs relevant to \(q.K\), which leads to an increase in query time. Although RHA also needs more time to evaluates RC-SK queries with more keywords, the increase of response time is very slow because RHA computes the textual relevance between an Rnet and \(q.K\), and there is no detailed examination if the relevance is less than \(q.\tau \). Therefore, increasing query keywords affects only a small portion of Rnets and the other Rnets are still skipped through shortcuts.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Response time, expanded edges and index size for different datasets

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Response time using ERHA, response time and expanded edges while varying partition strategies

Different Datasets. Figure 10(a) shows the response time for different datasets. RHA evaluates RC-SK queries on the four datasets of different size in about one second. We can find that the response time on Australia network is smaller than that on London network. This is because the London network is denser than Australia network. In general, given the same query range, London network usually has more POIs and edges than Australia network. This can also be seen from Fig. 10(b), which illustrates the number of edges expanded during query processing.

Index Size. Figure 10(c) shows the index size of the three approaches on different datasets. EHA has a larger index size than EA because it constructs an IR-tree for all POIs on the road network. RHA and EHA have all most the same index size.

Euclidean Heuristic Based RHA. Figure 11(a) presents the response time of the Euclidean heuristic based RHA (ERHA) that indexes all Rnets with an IR-tree as illustrated in Fig. 8. As RHA indexes a road network in a hierarchy and is already able to prune unrelated Rnets, RHA and ERHA have no much difference in response time.

Partition Strategy. Figure 11(b) and (c) illustrate the response time and number of expanded edges while distribution-aware partition (called RHA-D) is adopted. Compared to RHA using equal-size partition (RHA-E), RHA-D has a better performance. By partitioning a road network based on POI distribution, some Rnets have more POIs than others and accordingly have more keywords. Besides, areas containing few POIs can be partitioned into Rnets of larger granularity. Hence, this partition strategy makes RHA-D more advantageous in pruning unrelated Rnets than RHA-E.

8 Conclusion

In this paper, we define the RC-SK query on road networks and devise three approaches, i.e., EA, EHA and RHA, to deal with this problem. Both EA and EHA are suitable for RC-SK queries with a small query range while RHA also works excellently for RC-SK queries with a large query range.

In the future, we will consider some temporal spatial keyword queries over road networks because it is quite important for a city with heavy traffic.