
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Cost estimationFootnote 1 has been viewed as a challenging and important part of software project management for almost 60 years. Interestingly, Benington (1956) writes of his experiences developing, what was back in the mid-1950s, a large air defense system comprising half a million lines of code (LOC). In it he tabulates what he termed ‘reasonable production costs’ and although the headings such as computer and paper costs might no longer be seen as relevant, others such as specification, coding and testing remain pertinent. The outcome was ‘the schedule slipped by a year’, something that remains distressingly familiar!

So how bad is the problem? Apart from the anecdotal, evidence is surprisingly elusive probably due to the commercially sensitive nature of poor project cost estimation. Jørgensen and Moløkken-Østvold (2006) reviewed multiple sources of evidence and concluded that a typical cost estimation error was ‘in the range of about 30 %’. Another indicator that not all is well comes from the 2005 and 2007 surveys conducted by El Eman and Koru (2008) who from a total of 388 responses found ‘the most critical performance problem in delivered software projects is therefore estimating the schedule and managing to that estimate’. An independent study by the European Services Strategy Unit of 105 large public ICT projects (Whitfield 2007) found more than half to show cost overruns with the average cost being 30.5 %, a figure very much in line with Jørgensen and Moløkken-Østvold (2006).

The question therefore arises, as to why are software project costs difficult to estimate? There are many reasons. First and foremost is complexity. Many projects are extremely large undertakings with multiple stakeholders in a setting characterised by uncertainty, inconsistency and change. Second, software development is best viewed as a design type activity and it is emphatically not concerned with production. This means the sub-tasks and activities are not routine so simple linear extrapolation is seldom a safe guide. Third, estimates are required at a very early stage when little is known and requirements are still to be discovered, arbitrated, let alone documented. Finally, there are many subtle, and not so subtle, social and political pressures upon those responsible for cost modelling. In his analysis of a wide range of projects, Flyvbjerg refers to this tendency to under-estimate costs and over-estimate benefits in order to secure funding for a proposed project as ‘strategic misrepresentation’ (Flyvbjerg 2008).

Clearly, these problems with predicting software project costs have significant ramifications. First, we see a tendency for errors in one direction, i.e., bias or a propensity for over-optimism. Second, poor cost prediction will severely hamper meaningful cost-benefit analysis and the consequent unnecessary cancellation of projects that should not have been commissioned in the first place. Conversely, under-estimation might lead to missed opportunities or sub-optimal procurement decisions.

2 A Review of State-of-the-Art Techniques

The first thing to consider is what is an estimate? Although it can easily be forgotten, it must be stressed that an estimate is a probabilistic statement (DeMarco 1982; Kitchenham and Linkman 1997), and consequently, to simply report an estimate as a point value masks important information. As an example, if a project manager makes a prediction that the Integration Testing will take 150 person-hours, we do not know with what confidence he or she makes this statement; it could be with near certainty or it could be a wild guess with almost no certainty. Thus there are two components. Jørgensen and Sjøberg (2003) recommend a simple approach based on an interval and a confidence level. Based on the Integration Testing example, the project manager (if highly confident) might state 140–160 person-hours at 90 % confidence, or (if lacking confidence) 50–250 person-hours at 50 % confidence. Note the trade-off between the interval size so it is possible to increase confidence by enlarging the interval or to decrease the confidence value and reduce the interval accordingly.

An alternative approach sometimes used in industry is derived from the critical path analysis technique Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) (Willis 1985) and is known as 3-point estimation. It is based on the idea that an estimate is actually a probability distribution, and a simple characterisation is as a triangle based on the best case, worst case and most likely case or mode.

Figure 3.1 shows an example of a 3-point estimate depicted as a triangular probability distribution. The shaded area shows the region within which the true or actual effort value will fall (assuming of course that the distribution is correctly estimated). The estimation interval is the range between the worst case (i.e., the highest possible value) for effort and the best case (i.e., the lowest possible value) for effort. In addition, the distribution shows likelihood or the probability p on the y-axis. This reveals that the highest or modal point on the distribution is the most likely, i.e., it has the greatest chance of actually occurring. The distribution also reveals another interesting property, that it is skewed or biased since the region above or to the right of the most likely value is considerably greater than the region below the mode. The implication is that even if the distribution were accurately estimated, to use the most-likely value as the actual estimate will lead to a tendency to under-estimate over time. This is a phenomenon that we observe (as noted in Sect. 3.1).

Fig. 3.1
figure 1

Three point estimates as probability distribution

Although thinking of an estimate as a distribution enables a far richer analysis, empirically we are hindered by the fact that we are obliged to construct the distribution from a single observation. The situation can be further complicated by the fact that projects are seldom static and so one has to be clear whether the estimates refer to a project as intended at its inception as compared with the actual project as delivered which could conceivably have functionality added or removed. These problems are further explored by Grimstad et al. (2006).

There is surprisingly little systematic analysis of what software practitioners actually do. Studies such as those by Heemstra (1992) and Hughes (1996) have reported that expert judgment is the dominant method amongst software practitioners and there is little to suggest matters have changed radically since the 1990s.

One source for identifying what is perceived as good practice is the Software engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK; Abran and Bourque 2004), which was the culmination of the work of a team of software development experts. Interestingly, the section on effort, schedule and cost estimation is relatively brief; however, a number of principles emerge:

  1. 1.

    Estimates can be derived top-down or by means of some breakdown of tasks.

  2. 2.

    For each such task the expected effort [cost] range can be derived from a cost model which needs calibration to the local environment using historical data if available. Otherwise, an alternative is needed such as expert judgment.

  3. 3.

    The individual estimates should be summed across the entire project.

  4. 4.

    Estimates need to be revised iteratively until agreement is reached amongst all stakeholders, which the SWEBOK identifies as principally software engineers and management.

In this list of steps I have italicised some key concepts, which will be explored in more detail.

The idea behind a top-down or a decomposition approach to cost estimation is that of divide and conquer. In other words, it is easier to estimate the cost of a small task than a large one. Moreover, it is easier to match a smaller task to some repertoire of previously completed tasks, than it is for a large task where the combinatorial explosion militates against this possibility. Often, the idea is formalised into work breakdown charts. The chief difficulty is the fact that some activities do not easily fit into neat hierarchical breakdowns.

The next point of note is the SWEBOK recommendation to consider representing an estimate as a range. As previously discussed, in order to view an estimate as a probabilistic statement a point value is inadequate. However, to attach additional meaning minimally, we need a confidence level in the range. Provision of 3-point estimate provides an even richer picture.

SWEBOK also recommend the use of formal models, and although no examples are specified, widely used models include COCOMO 81, which is based on a non-linear relationship between estimated LOC and effort, implying diseconomies of scale. The fundamental relationship is modified by the type of project and, initially, 14 cost drivers. This was subsequently modified and extended as COCOMO II, although, unfortunately unlike COCOMO 81, the database from which this model is derived is not in the public domain.

Although COCOMO is widely used and there are many free implementations, it has come in for criticism. Firstly, accurate estimates of LOC may not be available at an early stage of a software project. Secondly, there is mixed empirical evidence as to whether software projects exhibit diseconomies (as many commentators assert), economies or simple linearity with respect to scale (Kitchenham 2002). Third, there is limited evidence that COCOMO performs well using the off the shelf settings on data other than that with which it was developed, for example, Kocaguneli et al. (2012b) reported that the model was ranked 92 out of 102 different combinations of models and pre-processors that were evaluated in a major empirical study. Likewise Kemerer (1987) reported mean absolute relative errors in excess of 600 % for a different data set of 15 software projects. Interestingly, he found that COCOMO performed best (least badly?) in its simplest form, and additional sophistication of the model harmed its accuracy. This has led many researchers, in line with the SWEBOK, to recommend tailoring and calibration to a local environment. Gulezian (1991) describes how multiple regression analysis can be used to calibrate the weights for the various cost drivers. The systematic review by Jørgensen (2004) identified individual primary studies and the only ones that showed formal prediction systems to outperform experts involved the use of calibration. More recently, Yang et al. (2013) described a calibration procedure to handle local bias, thereby improving the usability of cross-company data sets and demonstrated this with respect to COCOMO II. The value of calibration was again highlighted by the analysis of Menzies et al. (2013). Nevertheless, despite some of the reservations COCOMO or a similar approach is often used as some form of sanity check.

Another important part of the SWEBOK recommendations is the need to revisit any prediction. This has often been neglected by researchers who tend to see a software project as a static snapshot, which of course does not reflect the realities of (1) a growing understanding of the requirements and challenges as the software project plays out, converging upon certainty on the day of delivery and (2) the changing environment in which the project is embedded. MacDonell and Shepperd (2003a) in a rare study of re-estimation in a commercial setting found no support for the idea that there are ‘standard proportions’ of effort for particular development stages, e.g., specification and design. However, in most cases simple linear regression combined the managers’ estimates led to improvements in predictive accuracy. These results indicate that, in this organisation, prior-phase effort data is useful and revising estimates worthwhile.

3 A Review of Cost Estimation Research

Because of the need for effective software cost estimation, this has been the subject of a good deal of research. From the outset, the aim has been to replace the subjectivity of project managers and other professionals, generally referred to as expert judgment with more objective and formal approaches. This was, or still is, seen as a good thing because this provides opportunities for scrutiny, it is more repeatable and can militate against the loss of knowledge and insight if experts leave an organisation.

Early approaches tended to be based on some function between size either measured as estimated LOC or Function Points (Albrecht and Gaffney 1983) and a variant known as Mk II Function Points (Symons 1988). Generically, these take the form:

$$ \mathrm{E}= f\left({\mathrm{S}}^{\mathrm{a}}\right) $$

where E is effort or cost, S is size (typically measured by LOC or Function Points) and a an exponent representing economies or diseconomies of scale. Typically, this overall relationship is then modified by a set of productivity or cost factors. COCOMO 81 (as described in Sect. 3.2) is a good example of this approach. An interesting recent study by Kocaguneli et al. (2012a) has suggested that in many cases, the use of a size measure may be less important than previously supposed. It may be that other features act as a proxy for size, e.g., the different application types may tend to be of different sizes. Nevertheless, it is an thought-provoking point that size may be less essential than has been previously supposed.

Early models were postulated based on the beliefs of the inventor, however, the 1990s heralded a more data-driven approach to modelling. Often, multiple regression methods sometimes using a stepwise approachFootnote 2 were deployed in order to isolate the important factors, specific to some software development environment as captured by a data set of historical project data. Kitchenham and Kansala (1993) used multiple regression to re-estimate weightings for the standard values for Function Points with considerable benefit. They also reminded researchers of the dangers of constructing models when many of the components are strongly correlated, i.e., multicollinearity is present which if uncorrected leads to highly unstable models.

Given the emphasis of learning from historical data, different machine learning techniques became popular from the 1990s onwards. In all cases the underlying principle is to reason inductively from the particular to the general. For cost prediction the idea is to learn from past, completed software projects in order to predict for new, unseen projects. One technique is lazy learningFootnote 3 based on analogical or case-based reasoning (Shepperd and Schofield 1997; Keung et al. 2008) which is often referred to as Estimation by Analogy (EBA). The simplicity of the idea—that history repeats itself, but not exactly—has attracted a good deal of attention not least because to be acceptable to practitioners, prediction systems benefit from good explanatory value since decisions arising from the prediction will be of high value (Mair et al. 2000). Despite these strengths, EBA was not found by a Systematic Review (Mair and Shepperd 2005) of all available empirical studies to outperform simpler regression models with 9 studies supporting, 4 equivocal and 7 against.

Because of the relative ease of fitting regression models these are now often used as a benchmark with which to compare more elaborate methods, e.g., Mair et al. (2000) compared various machine learning methods (artificial neural nets (ANNs), case-based reasoners (CBR) and rule induction) with stepwise regression. Interestingly, the basic regression approach outperformed the rule induction algorithms although not CBR or ANNs.

The last decade could be characterised by research that has explored more advanced prediction systems. Examples include through the use of ensembles of learners coupled with some decision making logic (Minku and Yao 2013) and new approaches like Grey Relational Algebra (Song and Shepperd 2011). This has been supported by more research into such things as data pre-processing as many prediction methods are vulnerable to excessive noise, extreme outliers and missing observations. Consequently, appropriate pre-processing can have a substantial impact upon predictive performance, Strike et al. (2001), Song and Shepperd (2007), Liu and Mintram (2005).

Another area of concern and of some progress is developing frameworks as to how we meaningfully compare the proliferating number of cost estimation approaches. Until the empirical studies of Myrtveit and Stensrud (1999) which set out to independently compare regression modelling, EBA and the unaided human expert, it was not customary to perform any statistical testing. Subsequently, inferential test such as t-tests and Mann–Whitney U became the norm, however, methodological problems such as correctingFootnote 4 the α threshold for null hypothesis significance testing in the face of large numbers of tests and using inappropriate measures of predictive accuracy remained. Mittas and Angelis have proposed a method that is not too conservative but reduces the number of tests required by means of clustering the results into groups (Mittas and Angelis 2013). More generally, various authors have proposed remedies and strong arguments as to why to proper procedures are required in order to derive sound conclusions. For example, Shepperd and MacDonell (2012) show that inappropriate evaluation hid the fact that various published prediction techniques such as regression to the mean coupled with EBA actually performed worse than guessing!

After the event, when evaluating the quality of a prediction there are three dimensions that need to be assessed (1) error (2) bias and (3) variance or scatter. Even accuracy is often misunderstood in the software engineering community and inappropriately assessed by accuracy statistics such as Mean Magnitude of Relative Error (MMRE). Elsewhere researchers show how this is flawed both theoretically as it is merely an asymmetric measure of spread (Kitchenham et al. 2001) and empirically through Monte Carlo simulation (Foss et al. 2003). Without a clear conceptual understanding of accuracy it is difficult for the community to review or improve their prediction practice since there is no systematic basis for evaluating different approaches to cost estimation. Indeed, MMRE has the rather perverse characteristic of favouring optimistic predictions over pessimistic ones. Given the widespread use of MMRE this may be another contributor to the biases we observe in industry practice described in Sect. 3.1. Therefore, unless there is good reason to the contrary, it is recommended (Shepperd and MacDonell 2012) that researchers seek to minimise the absolute sum of the residuals, consider performance relative to guessing and be aware of the effect size. The effect size is a means of capturing the practical or real world effect of the particular intervention, for example by moving from cost estimation technique A to B what actual benefit does this yield? This is a very different question from how likely is the effect to have arisen by chance since large numbers of observations will render even small effects highly significant (Armstrong 2007; Ellis 2010).

The final development, and one that warrants a section in its own right, is the realisation that formal prediction or cost models have not succeeded in replacing humans and therefore there is a need to research into how practitioners make predictions. This section has of necessity been brief. For a more detailed overview see the mapping studies in Jørgensen (2004) and Jørgensen and Shepperd (2007).

4 The Interaction Between People and Formal Techniques

As the previous section has shown there has been no shortage of ideas or research into constructing formal prediction systems for software project costs. Unfortunately, as systematic reviews (Mair and Shepperd 2005; Jørgensen and Shepperd 2007; and simulation work Shepperd and Kadoda 2001) demonstrate, no single technique dominates. In particular, formal model performance seems closely linked with the specific characteristics of the historical data that are used to train or calibrate the prediction system (Shepperd and Kadoda 2001). This has led some researchers such as Menzies et al. to suggest that we should focus on finding prediction systems that are ‘good enough’ rather than the ‘best’ (Menzies et al. 2010). Nevertheless, Jørgensen (2004) reported that formal models do not consistently outperform their human counterparts and frequently do less well. Specifically, in his systematic review of 15 primary studies he reports that 5 favoured formal models, 5 were equivocal and 5 favoured expert judgement over the formal model. Looking in more detail, Jørgensen suggests that those studies using local calibration or where the estimators lacked expertise yielded the best results for formal models. Similarly, in a software maintenance setting, the systematic review of Riaz et al. (2009) found that ‘there is little evidence on the effectiveness of software maintainability prediction techniques and models’. Moreover, formal models do not appear to be very widely used in practice and expert judgement remains the dominant estimation technique (Jørgensen 2004). Consequently, Jørgensen and his co-workers have been exploring over the past decade why this might be so.

The first thing to appreciate is the nature and use of cost estimates. Software projects are generally high value and relatively infrequent events since typical durations are many months through to years. Therefore the estimate matters and in a way that predicting if a supermarket customer chooses a cabbage will they also purchase carrots, does not. The career prospects of an individual may be impacted by an estimate and the associated decision-making, e.g., to initiate/cancel a software project. In extremis the financial health or viability of the software development may be impacted. Such awareness may skew the estimation process of individuals. More than 20 years ago Lederer and Mendelow (1999) in their study of cost estimation within information systems projects observed how organisational politics can be inimical to good estimation. Flyvbjerg et al. (2003), Flyvbjerg (2008) in a study of a number of major projects—whilst not specifically related to software—found considerable evidence to support the notion of strategic misrepresentation. This typically manifests itself as a tendency to under-estimate costs and over-estimate benefits because of the desirability of the end goal. In terms of software it may be that professionals might see the potential opportunities of a new project, e.g., improved work prospects, personal development or intellectual challenge. The interesting thing is that formal models may not offer any protection against such phenomena since these models require inputs, many of which must be estimated, for instance COCOMO (as previously indicated) requires the user to estimate delivered LOC which will not normally be known at the point of prediction. Likewise many machine learning techniques are heavily parameterised with little deep theory to guide the user, thus rendering such methods rather experimental in their approach. This can encourage a ‘suck it and see’ philosophy. Jørgensen and Gruschke (2005) termed this ‘expert judgment in disguise’.

The problem of obtaining useful predictions is compounded by the strong tendency for professionals to display both over-optimism, e.g., Buehler et al. (1994) and over-confidence, e.g., Jørgensen (2010). Because these phenomena are so widespread the causes of bias have been extensively investigated by cognitive psychologists in various domains over the past three decades since the seminal work of Kahneman and Tversky (1979). This has led to the identification of a number of cognitive biases that appear to be both deeply ingrained and widespread. Four such biases are now considered.

One problem is the so-called ‘planning fallacy’ which is the tendency to under-estimate project completion times as a consequence of spending time on detailed planning aspects. Buehler et al. (1994) examined the underlying cognitive processes and found that a narrow focus on future plans for the target task led to neglect of other useful sources of information. In other words, an illusion of control leads to significant over-optimism. Therefore we might expect detailed top-down planning methods such as work breakdown to be vulnerable to this particular bias.

Another source of bias is a preference for case-specific (and recent) evidence over distributional evidence (Tversky and Kahneman 1974; Griffin and Buehler 1999). For example, data suggesting that 8 out of 10 projects are delivered late (i.e., costs and schedule have been under-estimated) might be neglected in preference to evidence suggesting this specific project will be different because staff will be motivated to work harder or because there will be reuse of some software components. This helps us understand why professionals struggle to learn lessons from the past because deep down we believe it will be different next time. The problem is the distributional or frequency related evidence says otherwise and this is usually correct!

A closely related phenomenon is the peak-end rule where the most recent experience dominates even when it is highly atypical. This has been demonstrated in many different arenas including the experiment described in Kahneman et al. (1993) where participants were subjected to modest pain (a hand in icy water) and preferred the worse (in terms of temperature and duration) experience when for the final period the water temperature was raised. In terms of software projects, professionals may recall the final experiences of getting software to work, as opposed to the lengthy previous experiences of failures and debugging. Again this bias can lead to distributional evidence being ignored or neglected and the consequent impact upon estimates.

A third, relevant cognitive theory is the dual-process theory of cognition which leads to a tendency to trust analytic justifications (explanations) over intuitive ones yet to prefer intuitive judgments over analytic ones. One implication is that this is another reason why formal prediction systems can turn into ‘expert judgment in disguise’ (Jørgensen and Gruschke 2005) as the estimator is seeking ‘objective’ evidence to support his or her intuitive judgement.

A fourth bias is known as anchoring where data in the request for an estimate can be highly influential even when the estimator is told to ignore it. An example is the experiment by Jørgensen and Grimstad (2012) where professional participants were randomly allocated to two groups, one of which was primed with a high anchor and another with a very low anchor. They were then asked to estimate the same task, namely their own productivity in LOC per work-hour over their last project. Remarkably, the difference in median response between the two groups was almost sevenfold (15 LOC per hour versus 100 LOC per hour). This stable finding—repeated by a number of independent studies—indicates just how vulnerable humans are to these biases and is clearly a major contributor to the some of the cost estimation problems reported at the beginning of this chapter.

These biases are common to many problem domains, and seem independent of individual differences, e.g., the traits of optimism and procrastination (Buehler and Griffin 2003). The limited work investigating de-biasing strategies, e.g., utilising previous experience, such as past project databases, Personal Software Process (Humphrey 2000) and lessons learned sessions, have not been all that successful, particularly in the field of software engineering prediction. Interestingly, Jørgensen and Grushka found that software professionals were better able to learn lessons for the estimates of others than for their own estimates (Jørgensen and Gruschke 2009).

There are both theoretical and empirical reasons why software practitioners make consistently sub-optimal predictions within software engineering. However, the vast bulk of the psychological research has been conducted using student participants working on problems that are not industry-related (Mair et al. 2009) and therefore Jørgensen’s work using software developers has been quite unusual. In addition, the literature has predominantly focused upon understanding factors that contribute to bias. We need to also explore factors that promote de-biasing in realistic settings. In parallel, much research has been undertaken into meta-cognition (i.e., thinking about thinking), particularly in the domain of learning. There is a considerable body of evidence showing that increased metacognitive awareness leads to increased learning and enhanced performance, e.g., Coutinho found a relationship between metacognitive awareness and educational performance (Coutinho 2007). Other researchers have shown that metacognitive skills can be taught (Borkowski et al. 1987; Dawson 2008) and these can potentially militate against some of the cognitive biases described above.

Metacognition can be divided into metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive skills. The former relates to declarative knowledge of the interactions among self, task, and strategy characteristics (Flavell 1979) that can be inaccurate and resistant to change. Clearly, this will be an inhibitor to improving prediction performance. Metacognitive skills on the other hand refer to procedural knowledge for self-regulating problem solving and learning activities and include feedback (reflection) on metacognitive knowledge. This division between metacognitive knowledge and skills is related to that of single and double loop learning popularised by Argyris and Schön (1996).

‘Single-loop learning’ occurs when goals, values, plans and rules are taken for granted and put into operation rather than questioned. It reduces risk and affords greater control, but severely limits growth and learning. By contrast, ‘double-loop learning’ involves questioning the fundamental systems that underlie goals and strategies. It results in the questioning of governing variables and may lead to fundamental changes. This double-loop learning is necessary if practitioners and organisations are to make informed decisions in changing and uncertain contexts.

Reflection is a metacognitive skill important for personal and professional development, see for example, Schön (1983), Moon (1999), and it plays a key role in both single and double loop learning. However critical reflection, as demonstrated in double loop learning, is essential for growth and change. Critical reflection demands focusing on the cognitive aspects and challenging the strategies that led to particular actions, and the outcomes and lessons learned from those actions for future application.

Unfortunately, previous studies of software project cost prediction suggest that feedback on performance and the typical methods for reflecting on experience, e.g., unaided lessons learned sessions, do not necessarily lead to improvement in accuracy or assessment of the uncertainty (Jørgensen and Gruschke 2009). The lack of training in both reflecting on one’s own thinking and the fundamental causes of suboptimal outcomes (double-loop learning) can be a major obstacle. As an illustration, in a previous study where software professionals described reasons for their estimation errors (Jørgensen and Gruschke 2009; Moløkken and Jørgensen 2004), most were shallow and corresponded to single-loop learning. In particular the participants (all software professionals) exclusively focused on reasons for their estimation inaccuracy and at the expense of their confidence. Indeed, participants only identified means to improve their accuracy (e.g., add more time for unknown events). The alternative, which would have been to change their level of confidence in the effort estimates, was not considered in terms of documented reflections. This lack of double-loop learning would seem to be a key contributor to the robust findings on over-optimism and over-confidence among software developers (Note, in contrast Chap. 7 takes a more organisational perspective to learning. It also uses the device of a decision rationale to support future learning.)

Hence it is important to consider estimation approaches that are underpinned by theories of meta-cognition and double-loop learning. Specifically, we need to better understand the impact of enhanced metacognitive awareness on the ability to improve project cost prediction and confidence (uncertainty assessment) within a software engineering context. To summarise,

  1. 1.

    Formal prediction systems are not consistently reliable or superior to the unaided human expert. Moreover, their inputs and parameters must be manipulated by humans with a consequent loss of their raison d’être, i.e., objectivity.

  2. 2.

    There is a strong tendency for professionals to display over-optimism and over-confidence. A number of experiments and empirical studies help us to understand the cognitive basis for this bias.

  3. 3.

    De-biasing strategies based upon utilising previous experiences, such as lessons learned sessions, have not led to noticeable improvement in prediction accuracy or the realism of uncertainty assessment.

  4. 4.

    There are opportunities to apply recent results from metacognition research to counteract this natural bias and consequently improve performance.

It is therefore evident that more attention needs to be paid both by researchers and practitioners into the cognitive aspects of cost estimation. To ignore this aspect is to severely limit the reach and impact of any initiatives to improve cost estimation practice. As has already been noted, formal models such as those based on machine learning algorithms have their place, but they still depend upon inputs and parameters supplied by, and outputs utilised by, software professionals who are subject to the same cares, concerns and biases of all human beings.

5 Practical Recommendations

Thus far, this chapter has noted the importance of effective cost estimation for software projects and contrasted this with the widespread challenges that are faced. In particular, endemic over-optimism has led to costs being systematically under-estimated and over-confidence, causing estimators to believe they are more accurate than they really are. We have then reviewed the problems that are currently being experienced in terms of cost estimation, most notably the tendency to be over-optimistic (i.e., under-estimate costs) and to be over-confident (i.e., be less accurate than anticipated). This has triggered a good deal of research to try to overcome these problems, in particular through proposing formal prediction systems or models. After initial work based on the idea of generally applicable models such as COCOMO (Boehm 1984) and COCOMO II (Boehm et al. 2000), the dominant idea driving formal models has been to derive them from historical data either through statistical analysis such as regression modelling or through induction using one of the many machine learning techniques available. Despite this activity, it is not possible to strongly recommend any one formal technique, for the simple reason of a lack of consistent evidence. Thus, any recommendations must be grounded in the understanding that human judgement plays a substantial contribution.

Whilst not intended to be exhaustive, the following is a list of six practical recommendations that are supported by empirical evidence and could usefully be deployed in real-life projects:

  1. 1.

    Data driven

  2. 2.

    Sensitivity analysis

  3. 3.

    Multiple techniques

  4. 4.

    Group estimates

  5. 5.

    Training and reflection

  6. 6.

    Estimation and confidence

Data-driven estimation requires the availability of historical data on previously completed projects. Such data can be useful in three different ways. First, for analogical reasoning that can be formalised as case-based reasoning (Shepperd and Schofield 1997) or used more informally. Second, local historical data can be used for calibration purposes since there is widespread evidence to indicate that off-the-shelf approaches are problematic and that general purpose models benefit from calibration to the specific or local problem domain (Cuelenaere et al. 1987; Jeffery and Low 1990; Gulezian 1991; Yang et al. 2013). Third, for direct predictive model building, relevant, local data is necessary for training, i.e., inductive learning purposes. Naturally, the question arises about the situation when no local data is available. This might be because the software development organisation is new or because no relevant past data exists. Is the assumption that global data is inferior to local data well founded? This has vexed researchers for some time and two systematic reviews (Kitchenham et al. 2007; MacDonell and Shepperd 2007) have concluded that the evidence is mixed, and from primary studies available no definitive answer is possible. In some ways, the question of local vs. global data is somewhat artificial and more relevant is how relevant is the global or cross-company data? However, a recommendation is to inform any cost estimation with local data, including past estimation performance data wherever possible. If circumstances do not allow this, then global data, after careful consideration of its relevance, is the next best option.

Sensitivity analysis is not common practice, yet in the face of uncertainty, it is a very useful means of determining the vulnerability of an estimate to particular assumptions and the level of confidence that can be placed in that estimate. Such analysis can be highly sophisticated (Saltelli et al. 2000) or use simple Monte Carlo methods (Fishman 1996). Wagner (2007) illustrates how these ideas can be deployed using a COCOMO model and finds that the code size estimate dominates the effort prediction, but less obviously that there are significant second order effects between the different cost drivers due to the multiplicative nature of the model. This kind of analysis can also be valuable when the uncertainty surrounding an estimate is unacceptable, thereby helping the estimator identify the most important sources of variability and could then take steps to reduce this uncertainty through further investigation, simulation, etc. of the key parameters or inputs.

Using more than one estimation method or multiple techniques is another important consideration. Although an obvious recommendation for practitioners, this has not been widely researched and the evidence base is quite limited. Kitchenham et al. (2002) conducted an empirical study of 145 projects at a large software house where estimators were required to use a minimum of two techniques and then select one estimate to be the basis of client-agreed budget. The advantage, over simply using the mean is that if one estimate is misleading it will not ‘contaminate’. MacDonell and Shepperd (2003b) explored a similar question and also found that not only was no one technique best but using the mean was also sub-optimal. By selecting one technique, or perhaps investigating more deeply, requires more consideration and discussion than the formulaic application of an averaging technique.

Group estimates should also be considered as a practical estimation technique. Again, surprisingly considering they have been promoted since Boehm’s seminal Software Engineering Economics (Boehm 1981) described a wideband Delphi process, but there has been limited research and therefore evidence. Taff et al. (1991) proposed a related approach that they termed Estimeetings, however, little empirical support is offered in terms of their effectiveness. Passing and Shepperd (2003) investigated the impact of group discussion and iterated estimates and found that both checklists and group discussions significantly contribute to improved estimation. The limitation of this study was that it involved Masters students rather than professionals and was in an artificial setting. Reporting similar results, Moløkken and Jørgensen (2004) found a significant and substantial effect in terms of the tendency for group estimates to be less optimistic both for group decisions and the individual post-group discussion decisions to be less optimistic than the original estimates.

The lack of systematic training and reflection is another improvement opportunity. As Jørgensen puts it ‘the focus on learning estimation skills from software development experience seems to be very low’ (Jørgensen 2004). The challenges are that the various cognitive biases described in Sect. 3.4 are deeply ingrained and de-biasing strategies not necessarily effective. Consequently, emphasis should be given to reflection but structured in order to guide estimators beyond the shallow reflections that some researchers have found, such as ‘the estimate was too low because insufficient time was allocated’! Researchers have also found that emphasising metacognitive skills can also significantly improve performance.

Finally, practitioners need to keep in mind that because an estimate is a probabilistic statement, it has two dimensions (the estimate and confidence) and therefore, it is not well represented by a single point value even if this is required as the final outcome of the decision making process, e.g., the bid value. To give an example, estimating 1,000 person-hours ± 10 person-hours is a very different proposition to 1,000 person-hours ± 500 person-hours. Even this may not be adequate since it is unclear whether it means that an actual effort of 1,510 person-hours is deemed impossible or merely very unlikely. Moreover such a formulation imposes a symmetric distribution which may not properly reflect the estimator’s beliefs. Jørgensen recommends a confidence value in a range, e.g., 80 % confidence between 500 and 1,500 person-hours. This allows some simple trade-offs between precision and confidence to be exploited. A richer picture still is obtained by describing the estimate as a probability distribution, e.g., as a 3-point estimate and a triangular distribution. Either way, failing to regard estimates as probabilities indicates a failure to appreciate their true nature and therefore the opportunity to learn and improve.

The above list contains some simple, practical, general and evidence-based recommendations for software cost estimation. It is not a panacea, and there are many other challenges that have not been fully addressed. Nevertheless, given the importance of software, software projects and effective cost management, they may offer some useful steps forward.

6 Follow-Up Sources of Information

There are several comprehensive systematic reviews on research into cost estimation. Jørgensen and Shepperd (2007) gives general coverage of the different research activities being undertaken and Simula have continued to update the database of sources subsequent to its publication.Footnote 5 A second, more specialised on the role of human experts, and slightly older systematic review is by Jørgensen (2004). The review by Riaz et al. (2009) focuses on cost estimation in a software maintenance context.

Cost estimation generally takes place in the wider setting of a software project. There are many good textbooks, such as Hughes and Cotterell (2009) on project management and Sommerville (2010) on software engineering and the set of guidelines published as the SWEBOK (Abran and Bourque 2004).

In terms of making sense of published empirical research comparing different formal models, and for designing new experiments, Shepperd and MacDonell (2012) set out a framework based on three research questions that need to be addressed.