
23.1 Introduction

With the explosive development of technologies in networks and H.264/AVC video compression, the networked video application has become popular in our daily life. However, the quality of these applications cannot be guaranteed in an IP network due to its best-effort delivery strategy. The networked videos are often subject to packet loss, delay, and jitter when transmitted over the network, therefore, it is essential to employ quality evaluation of the network video for quality of service (QoS) planning or control in the involved applications [1].

Packet loss is one of the major factors which influence the perceived quality for video streaming over the IP network. A variety of objective quality assessment methods have been reported to evaluate quality degradation caused by packet loss. In [2] and [3] for example, the packet loss rate is employed to estimate the video quality. Considering burst packet loss, more accurate estimations of the related distortion, resorting to both the packet loss rate and the average burst length, have been introduced in [4] and [5]. However, due to the fact that the motion compensation scheme has been commonly used in the video codec, packet loss impacts not only the current video frame but also its successive frames by error propagation. Therefore, since only statistical parameters are considered, the detailed influence of lost packets on a specific video cannot be well captured by these models. To find a more accurate mapping between packet loss and its impact on quality degradation, the temporal complexity, representing the moving character of a video, is taken into account in [6] and [7] by using quantization parameter (QP) and motion vector (MV), respectively. However, these parameters cannot be accessed if the video streaming is encrypted and correspondingly it is difficult to obtain the temporal complexity in this situation. Therefore, how to efficiently and accurately evaluate the video quality affected by the packet loss is still left open.

Since the packet-layer model only utilizes information from packet headers, it is very efficient in quality monitoring due to its low complexity, especially suitable for real-time quality monitoring at network internodes [8]. In this paper, a novel packet-layer assessment model is proposed to evaluate the quality of networked video considering packet loss. The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows: (1) though limited information is obtained from the packet header, the motion characteristic of the video content is considered and an efficient estimated temporal complexity is introduced to evaluate the video quality affected by packet loss, (2) knowing the error position caused by packet loss, the quality of each GOP is accurately evaluated and the video quality is assessed by temporal pooling strategy. Specially, in this work it is assumed that direct packet loss always leads to frame loss, which holds true when a corrupted frame is to be discarded by the error control strategy, and is always valid for low bit-rate transmissions where a packet typically contains an entire frame.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Sect. 23.2 presents a detailed description of the frame type detection. The quality assessment model is addressed in Sect. 23.3. Performance evaluation and conclusions are given in Sects. 23.4 and 23.5, respectively.

23.2 Frame Type Detection

For a packet-layer model, the coding type of each frame is not directly available since the payload information cannot be accessed. However, due to the fact that different frames have different sensitivity to packet loss, the knowledge of the frame type information will consolidate the quality assessment model [9]. Accordingly, the analysis of the video frame distortion caused by packet loss will be more accurate than that using the packet loss rate only.

As a general principle, video coding exploits the spatial redundancy through intra-frame coding and resorts to inter-frame coding to remove temporal redundancy, where inter-frame coding modes are more efficient in redundancy removal. Accordingly, the I-frame size is always much larger than P-frame size. Therefore, a threshold is set to distinguish I-frames from the other frame types. For example, Fig. 23.1 shows the frame size of the sequence “Grandma” and “Soccer” in a Group of Picture (GOP) with I and P frame at the bit-rate of 128 kbps, where we can see that for each sequence the size of an I-frame is larger than that of a P-frame.

Fig. 23.1
figure 1

Frame size of different sequences

To identify the threshold value of the I-frame, experiments have been carried out using 10 standard QCIF sequences, i.e., “Soccer”, “Carphone”, “Foreman”, “Paris”, “Grandma”, “Hall”, “News”, “City”, “Mother-Daughter”, and “Highway”. All the sequences were encoded using x264 codec with the bit-rate ranged from 48 to 512 kbps. The GOP structure was “IPPP” with the length of 60. The length of the sliding window was set at 200 frames. By analyzing the frame size of each coding sequence, the threshold of the I-frame T I can be expressed as follows:

$$ T_{I} = r_{1} \cdot \frac{1}{{\left\lceil {r_{2} \cdot M} \right\rceil }} \cdot \sum\limits_{j\; = \;1}^{{\left\lceil {r2 \, \cdot M} \right\rceil }} {F_{\text{size}} (n_{j} )} $$

where \( \left\lceil {\;} \right\rceil \) is the top integral function. M is the length of the sliding window which is set at 200 in the experiment. F size (n j ) is the size of frame n in the sliding window which is the jth frame in descending order, r 1 and r 2 are constants obtained by the amounts of experiments through regression.

By using the threshold of T I , the I-frames can be distinguished from other frame types. If the size of a frame is larger than T I , the frame is predicated as an I-frame; otherwise, the frame is predicated as a P-frame. The corresponding accuracy of frame detection is 99.25 % in average, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed frame type detection method.

23.3 Estimation of Distortion Caused by Packet Loss

When a packet gets lost, not only the current video frame is subject to errors but also the subsequent frames will be affected due to error propagation. The severity of video quality degradation caused by packet loss also depends on the GOP structure and different manners of errors propagate. In this section, key factors that greatly affect the quality of the video will be discussed, based on which the quality of each GOP is estimated and then further integrated to obtain the overall video quality.

23.3.1 Effect of the Number of Impaired Frames

The impaired frame is defined as the frame which is contaminated by the packet loss or by error propagation. When a packet gets lost, the number of impaired frames is not specific since it may occur at different positions. Figure 23.2 shows the distribution of the impaired frames with different positions of packet loss. It is clear that when packet loss occurs in the front of a GOP as shown in Fig. 23.2a, the impaired frames are more than those in Fig. 23.2b which the packet loss occurs closely to the end of the GOP. Consequently, the distortion in these two situations differs.

Fig. 23.2
figure 2

Distribution of impaired frames a packet loss occurs in the front of the GOP; b packet loss occurs close to the end of the GOP

To evaluate the impact of impaired frames number, the sequences “Soccer”, “Carphone”, “City”, and “Grandma” with a lost packet in the second GOP were examined and the loss position is chosen to lead to different numbers of impaired frames. Then the second GOP is extracted for subjective test, which is described in detail in the next section. The subjective quality of the corresponding video without packet loss was also evaluated, denoted as coding quality. Figure 23.3 shows the relationship between the quality degradation and the number of impaired frames in the second GOP of each sequence at the bit-rate of 150 kbps with the GOP size of 2 s. It can be found that the quality degradation increases approximately linearly with the growth in the number of impaired frames at first, and tends to steady when the number reaching a certain value. In addition, the slope of the linear piece is different for different video sequences. Compared with a low temporal complexity sequence, e.g., “Grandma”, the quality degradation of the sequence with a higher temporal complexity, e.g., the sequence “Soccer”, is more acute.

Fig. 23.3
figure 3

Relationship between quality degradation and impaired frames number for different sequences

From the Fig. 23.3, it is clear that for different movement characteristics of the sequence, the degree of quality degradation due to the packet loss is not identical. The temporal complexity, which generally means the acuteness of changes in the temporal domain, is of great significance to evaluate the quality of a specific video. In [10], the magnitude of motion vectors is used to interpret the temporal complexity. It can also be evaluated based upon the difference between the pixel values (of the luminance plane) at the same spatial location but at successive times or frames as recommended by ITU-T P.910 [11]. However, for a packet layer model, neither the motion vectors nor the residuals are available for quality assessment. Therefore, in our earlier work [12], the temporal complexity δ T is estimated by the ratio of the frame size for coding I-frames and P-frames as follows:

$$ \delta_{T} = \frac{{a_{1} \cdot \ln \left( {BR} \right) + a_{2} }}{{\ln \left( {B_{I} } \right) - \ln \left( {B_{P} } \right)}} $$

where BR is the average bit-rate which can be calculated by the information extracted from packet header, B I is the frame size of the I-frame, B P is the average size of P-frames, and a 1 , a 2 are constants empirically obtained by experiments.

23.3.2 Quality Degradation Caused by Coding

Apart from the number of impaired frames and temporal complexity, the degree of quality degradation caused by packet loss is also varying with the video quality related to coding. To examine the impact of the video coding quality, the sequence “Soccer” was encoded at the different target bit-rates with a fixed number of impaired frames. Then the second GOP is extracted for subjective tests to measure its quality degradation. It should be noticed that the video coding quality Q c can be obtained when the number of the impaired frame is set to zero.

Figure 23.4 shows the relationship between the quality degradation and the number of the impaired frames at different coding bit-rates 48, 80, 128, and 150 kbps, corresponding to different values of coding quality Q c1 , Q c2 , Q c3 and Q c4 . When a packet loss occurs at a high bit-rate, even a slight error due to packet loss will be rather visible, while it may not be very noticeable in a sequence of low quality due to quantization [6]. It can be seen that there is a linear piece in each curve in Fig. 23.4 when the number of impaired frames is less than 30. Figure 23.5 gives the relationship between the slope of the linear piece and the video coding quality.

Fig. 23.4
figure 4

Relationship between the quality degradation and the number of impaired frames at different bit-rates, e.g., “Soccer”

Fig. 23.5
figure 5

Relationship between the slope of the linear piece in Fig. 23.4 and the coding quality

Based on the analysis above, the quality degradation of the GOP introduced by packet loss, i.e., D g , can be predicted by the number of impaired frames, the video coding quality, and the temporal complexity, as follows:

$$ D_{g} = \left\{ \begin{aligned} &a_{3} \cdot \delta_{T} \cdot \frac{{N_{\text{err}} }}{30} \cdot Q_{c} \, N_{\text{err}} 30 \\ &a_{3} \cdot \delta_{T} \cdot Q_{c} \, N_{\text{err}} \ge 30 \\ \end{aligned} \right. $$

where N err is the number of the impaired frames. Here a 3 is the parameter determined through training. Moreover, compared with the GOP which is not contaminated, the GOP with severe distortions affect the overall video quality much more. Thus, the sequence distortion D s can be estimated by the following equation:

$$ D_{s} = (\frac{1}{N} \cdot \sum\limits_{k\; = \;1}^{N} {(D_{g} } (k))^{P} )^{\frac{1}{P}} $$

where N is the number of the GOP, D g (k) is the distortion of the kth GOP, and P equals to 2. Therefore, the video quality Q s can be calculated as follows:

$$ Q_{s} = Q_{c} - D_{s} $$

where Q c is the coding quality which can be obtained as described in [12].

23.4 Experimental Results

All the experiments in this paper used the x264 encoder and the sequences are all QCIF format at 30 frames per second (fps). In simulations, the RTP/UDP/IP protocol stack is employed to packet the encoded data. The parameters defined in the metric were empirically obtained through the least square error fitting, where r 1  = 0.81, r 2  = 0.02, a 1  = −0.38, a 2  = 1.43, a 3  = 0.32.

In order to verify the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed model for video quality assessment, standard test sequences were employed including “Hall”, “Paris”, “Mother-Daughter”, “Highway”, and “Football”. The bit-rates were set at 64, 96, 128, and 150 kbps, respectively. In addition, the packet loss rates used in the experiments were set to 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 %, respectively, where a random packet loss model was employed to simulate packet loss distribution in IP networks.

Then a subject test was carried out using the Single Stimulate Method (SSM) specified by the Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG). The Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) of reconstructed sequences is obtained by the Absolute Category Rating (ACR) with a 5-point scale from bad to excellent. There were 24 nonexpert observers that rated the quality. The G.1070 model was used for comparison purposes, and the proposed model outperforms G.1070 by getting an increment about 0.015 in PCC and a decrement about 0.049 and 0.007 in RMSE and OR, respectively, as shown in Table 23.1. The scatter plots of the objective scores versus the subjective scores are shown in Fig. 23.6, where the same conclusion can be drawn that the proposed model is very accurate in quality evaluation.

Table 23.1 Performance comparison of proposed model and G.1070
Fig. 23.6
figure 6

Scatter plot of MOSs vs objective scores, a G.1070 Model; b Proposed Model

23.5 Conclusions

An accurate packet-layer model is proposed to evaluate the video quality. The impairment of packet loss has been evaluated, based on which the quality degradation of a specific video due to packet loss can be estimated using the number of impaired frames in each GOP. The proposed packet-layer model enables real-time and nonintrusive quality monitoring for networked video streaming.