
1 Introduction

Along with the rapid development of society and the great progress of science and technology, product design has proven to be an indispensable part of the people’s social life with each passing day. In the meantime, the social value and economic value of product design have become increasingly more obvious. The focal point of product design is to discover the potential functional demands of people, help solve the technical problems of practical functions, but simultaneously create the cultural value of products and meet the needs of users physiologically and psychologically [1].

2 The Esthetic Demands of Different People

The esthetic demands of different people have common characteristics and their own characteristics. In general, the people from different countries and regions are different in the esthetic demands; the people of different ages and genders are also greatly different in the esthetic demands. For these reasons, it is necessary for product designers to attach high importance to the common characteristics and unique characteristics of the esthetic demands of different people [2].

Besides, the pursuits of people in beauty have laws to follow, and also are influenced by many factors.

Today, the society is diverse: there are different young and old people, and different men and women; different people can be classified into the poor and the rich according to their economic foundations. In addition, there are also different cultures, different nationalities, and different customs and so on. The differences of esthetic subjects play a direct role in the esthetic orientation.

There are a certain number of laws in beauty. However, to master the creation of beauty, it is also necessary to give consideration to the personal esthetic orientations of the esthetic subjects, meet the esthetic requirements of individual groups, and make a full study on the esthetic psychologies of different groups. All these are the important bases for the creation of the beauty in products. In fact, the esthetic demands of people with different genders, different ages, and different hobbies have their own characteristics.

For example, children own the esthetic demands on lovely things, bright colors, and cartoon images. For this reason, to make a design on the products of children, it is necessary for product designers to give consideration to the characteristics of children and hence help realize the esthetic demands. The products, which are designed only in such a way, can be loved by children [3] (Fig. 95.1).

Fig. 95.1
figure 1

Decorative coat and hat hooks for children

In the design of the decorative coat and hat hooks (see the above image) of children, a full consideration is given to the gender demands of different children. That is, children can make a choice on the decorative coat and hat hooks according to their genders. The design makes the lovely and lively features and children’s simplicity highlighted, and therefore meets the psychological characteristics of children. Generally speaking, children are always happy and simple in psychology, and this directly decides that the esthetic demands of children are oriented at happiness, liveliness, and freedom from care. The style of the above decorative coat and hat hooks intuitively gives a reflection to the psychological feeling and exaggerated happy expression of children. For this reason, children can be attracted by it immediately, and subsequently their desire of owing it will be increased so as to meet their happy feeling psychologically. In the meantime, this will also make the parents of children generate a feeling of owing it [4, 5].

For example, the differences, which are produced from different genders, will also make the esthetic demands of men and women greatly different. In product design, it is also necessary to give a full consideration to the different esthetic demands of men and women, respectively. Usually, women like small, exquisite, soft, delicate, and colorful visual feelings; men like modest, generous, and fashionable visual feeling (Fig. 95.2).

Fig. 95.2
figure 2

Mobile phone for women

The appearance of the above mobile phone looks delicate and smart, and is mainly decorated with pink and also designed with curve patterns. This design keeps consistent with the beautiful appearance of the mobile phone, and also gives a vivid reflection to the characteristics of women (Fig. 95.3).

Fig. 95.3
figure 3

Mobile phone for men

The above mobile phone is specially designed for men. It has a large size and looks heavy, generous, and rich in men’s masculinity. In general, men yearn for moderateness and powerful masculine in their inner world. Therefore, the design of this mobile phone meets the esthetic demands of men, and also gives a full expression to the beauty in men (Fig. 95.4).

Fig. 95.4
figure 4

Mobile phone for elder

This mobile phone is designed very simply in appearance, and can be used easily. It has a small size and is very light. Therefore, it is very convenient to carry it anytime and anywhere. The elder can carry it with ease. In the meantime, the fonts on buttons are big, meeting the visual experience of the elder in clearly identifying them. As for the elder, the first demand is the clearness visually. Therefore, the beauty can be produced only if things can be clearly seen by the elder, because the fuzzy visual sense will make the elder painful greatly. However, the black body and white buttons of this mobile phone can generate a difference strongly in visual sense. Therefore, the elder can make a clear identification and also do the correct operations, and this will make them enjoy the communication by relying on a mobile phone happily and thus feel satisfactory and happy in the inner world.

The living environments of people from different countries and regions are different and so are their esthetic orientations. Environment plays a certain role in the esthetic demands of people.

In the modern time, the spread of information technology is really fast, and therefore the results of some material civilizations can become the common wealth of human beings rapidly. However, the dividing line among the industrial products which are under the guidance of science and technology lies in design under the same technological conditions (this is possible).

The industrial products in the developed countries have their own characteristics. Therefore, the national spirits and characters contained in these products can give a vivid reflection to the cultural traditions of their countries [6] (Fig. 95.5).

Fig. 95.5
figure 5

Dodge car

For example, the body structure of the above “Dodge” car designed in the United States is oriented at spaciousness and comfort. Therefore, the car looks very grand. In the meantime, the high-power engine, low chassis, and high speed device reveal the richness and generousness of Americans and the attitude of Americans in pursuing an enjoyment of life and high-quality life. Besides, the design of this car keeps a consistent with the image that the United States own a vast territory, smooth and flat roads, and rich and generous life. Therefore, it is in line with the esthetic pursuits of Americans (Fig. 95.6).

Fig. 95.6
figure 6

Audi car

The rationality, simplicity, conciseness, and integral style of the “Audi” car of Germany in design give a vivid reflection to the characteristics (attaching high importance to rationality, actual effect, and intellectual enquiries) of the Nordic. In appearance, the streamline design makes the multiple edges and corners eliminated, thus producing a very calm sense. However, the big car body also suggests its characteristics such as richness, generousness, and combination of inflexibility and yielding. In the meantime, the inside decoration is very luxury but soft in colors. Therefore, it looks delicate but does not lose moderateness, reaching high quality both inside and outside. The skillful design from multiple aspects makes the grade of the car increased, thus meeting the esthetic psychologies of many people and winning more users. As a result, the popularity of the car can be increased without a stop, and the automobile manufacturing standards of Germany are displayed all over the world (Fig. 95.7).

Fig. 95.7
figure 7

The FIT car of Honda brand

The exquisite and pragmatic characters of Japanese nation are reflected in the cost-effective, energy conservation, novelty, and smart design styles of cars. For example, the FIT car of Honda brand is more light and smarter than general cars in design, and realizes the highly-efficient energy conservation and high quality and inexpensive effects when the cost of manufacturing is reduced. In the exterior design, its liveliness is vividly reflected in the head lights or logo, which can give a good expression to the harmonious consistency of beautifulness, smartness, and exquisiteness. In the interior design, the width is kept moderately, pursuing no “big” but attaching high importance to the “fine” and “practical” effects. This gives a good explanation to the moderation thought that is a unique characteristic of the eastern world. Therefore, the careful idea and reasonable design lay a solid foundation for Japanese cars to survive in the world.

Regional environment also plays an influence on the esthetic psychologies of people. In the vast countryside of China, the life pace of people is slow, and the living environment is very quiet. Therefore, the vision of people is very broad generally, making them like bright colors. This is because that the living environment in rural areas is very gloomy and monotonous in color and also the luminous beams are insufficient at night. In the Spring Festival or major festivals, in order to increase the happy expression or atmosphere for the festival, bright and exaggerated colors will be primarily selected. The colorful scene will bring about a bright and happy feeling for people visually. This is closer to the inner happy feeling of people and harmonious with happy expression or atmosphere, meeting the esthetic demands of people living in the rural areas. On the contrary, in China’s cities, the life pace of people is very fast, and people often show a busy expression on face and are very noisy in the minds. Therefore, these people need to pursue quiet, easy, and comfortable environment and generate an esthetic demand on pursuing elegance, freshness, and quietness, and then choose the simple and concise colors for making up the feeling in their inner world.

There is a distinct contrast between the esthetic orientations of people in rural and urban areas, and this can be reflected from the important influences of living environments of different regions on the esthetic orientations of people (Fig. 95.8).

Fig. 95.8
figure 8

The big-flower pattered cloth

For example, the big-flower pattered cloth that is popular in China’s rural areas is shown above. It is a specific expression to the rural people’s enjoyment of life (Fig. 95.9).

Fig. 95.9
figure 9

The bedding supplies

In cities, the pure, fresh, and simple furniture meets the esthetic psychological demands of people. Therefore, the bedding supplies give top priority to clean and elegant colors, which have to the lighter colors, patterns, or dark flower in the same type of colors. The design and colors are very simple and gentle. In general, the simple, generous, and solemn visual experience can attract the people with the rapid life place in the urban areas, to allow them to be away from the busy life and seek a peaceful and serene esthetic psychological demand. The plain and neat bedding supplies design mirrors the whole room like a harbor, bringing people a comfortable, free, relaxed and free feeling, and reflecting people in urban areas to yearn for a sweet home. The design of this type of bedding supplies gives a full expression to the feeling of urban people in yearning for a home through the skillful collocation of light and elegant colors. Therefore, it is natural for this type of bedding supplies to be loved and pursued by the people in urban areas.

3 Conclusions

The design of product forms can become valuable only if it can meet the esthetic psychological demands of consumers. Therefore, in the design of product forms, it is necessary to give full consideration to the differences of consumers, but not to make any subjective judgment. In the meantime, it is necessary for the design to be based on full market research and investigations, and also have a clear target. Based on a target, the creation of the unique beauty of product forms and cultural quality of the design of product forms can be realized. Thus, the esthetic psychological demands of consumers can be satisfied, and the social value and market value of product design can be realized.