
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

The demand for modeling and handling large 3D and 4D data sets has been rapidly growing during the last decades (Breunig and Zlatanova 2011; Hashemi et al. 2009; Kolbe 2012; Kolbe et al. 2011; Mallet 2002; Raper 1989). Techniques and applications such as geodesy, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), 3D city planning, geological modeling, geothermal reservoir modeling, and early warning of natural events strengthen this trend by generating large volumes of 3D data. However, the analysis of these data becomes a confusing task without the help of geo-databases, because the geo-expert has to access dozens or even hundreds of single data files. Furthermore, without documentation and long-time archiving of modeling and simulation (results) in a geo-database, many examinations become useless as soon as their authors are no longer available.

In this paper we argue that 3D geo-databases can be accessed by non-experts in a straightforward manner. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 the service-based system architecture of DB4GeO, our 3D geo-database kernel, is presented. Section 3 is dedicated to the geometric, topological, and temporal database support. Section 4 describes the support for GML data and implementation details of the REST communication interface. Section 5 presents the new WebGL interface of DB4GeO with various visualization examples. Finally, we give a conclusion and outlook on our future work concerning 3D and 4D geo-data support in DB4GeO, e.g. in the field of collaborative subway track planning.

2 System Architecture

DB4GeO (Bär 2007; Breunig et al. 2010; Thomsen et al. 2008b) has its roots in the development of GeoToolKit (Balovnev et al. 2004), an object-oriented library for 3D geometric data types for geo-databases. It has a service-based user interface and is exclusively implemented in the Java programming language. Hitherto REST (Fielding 2000) is used as communication platform, i.e., REST style web services are used to enable remote interaction of clients with the geo-database. The system architecture of DB4GeO is presented in Fig. 1. On the client side, GIS or mobile clients have access to 3D data managed by the DB4GeO server. On the server side, DB4GeO is accessed exclusively via its service infrastructure. The services are divided into simple and complex services (Breunig et al. 2010). The simple services are equivalent to basic geometric and topological operations such as the distance between 3D objects or the determination if two 3D objects intersect etc. However, also computations such as the intersection between two surfaces belong to the simple services. A typical complex service is the so called “3D-to-2D service” that has been introduced in Breunig et al. (2010). It computes a vertical profile section of a geological subsoil model by intersecting all existing surface objects with a vertical plane. Finally, it projects all wells within a specified distance onto the vertical plane. The geological model has to be bounded by a 3D bounding box. Further examples of complex services are the “4D-to-3D service", which calculates the geometry of a spatio-temporal object at a given moment in time, and a triangulation service that creates a triangle net from a set of points.

Fig. 1
figure 1

DB4GeO system architecture

The core of DB4GeO is its 3D geo-database which is based on a geometry library and the R-tree based spatial access structures. DB4GeO is implemented upon the open source object-oriented database management system db4o (Paterson et al. 2006; Versant Corp 2012).

Developed from a system designed primarily for geological applications, DB4GeO concentrates in the first place on the modeling of spatial and temporal characteristics of objects and their parts. Support of semantics has received less attention in our research so far but is expected to gain importance in our future work. Although DB4GeO has not had many users lately, we hope that extending the data model and the functionality of the geo-database will extend its user community. DB4GeO primarily aims at geoscientists who need to store and process 3D and 4D objects represented with simplicial complexes or who want to combine such data with non-simplicial geometries.

3 3D/4D Database Support

As a database management system, the main task of DB4GeO is to store and manage large sets of geo-data in an efficient way for a long period of time without loss and free of contradictions (i.e., consistent data storage). DB4GeO provides a tightly defined, extensive set of geometric, topological and spatio-temporal objects that can be stored, managed and retrieved. Data models of these objects will be presented in the following subsections.

3.1 Geometry

The object model of the geometric component in DB4GeO has been discussed in detail in Bär (2007). Roughly explained, the object model can be summarized as follows: at the root of the object model, a 3D object is located (Object3D class). Part of every 3D object is one three-dimensional spatial object (Spatial3D). The spatial objects can be of one of four abstract data types, namely either a sample, a curve, a surface or a volume. Any of the mentioned abstract data types has a concrete realization in the database. Currently, these are point nets (PointNet3D) as realization of the sample type, segment nets (SegmentNet3D) as realization of the type curve, triangle meshes (TriangleNet3D) as realization of the surface type and tetrahedral nets (TetrahedronNet3D) as realization of the volume type. All of these concrete classes for spatial data types are nets of the most simple geometric constructs (or geometric elements) of the respective dimension (so-called simplices).Footnote 1 A geometric net of any of these types in turn consists of an arbitrary number of disconnected net components. A net component is a contiguous geometric object, which consists entirely of geometric elements of one of the geometric types point, segment, triangle or tetrahedron.

3.2 Topology

The topology model of DB4GeO extends its geometry model and is closely linked to it. The topology model provides an additional construct which allows to go beyond the model of simplicial complexes and to manage more complex structures. Furthermore, it enables easy and efficient navigation in the meshes. The topology model of DB4GeO is based on the combinatorial concepts of Generalized Maps (abbreviated as G-Maps) and cell-tuple structure introduced by Lienhardt (1989) and Brisson (1989), respectively. Further research on the theory of G-Maps can be found in Fradin et al. (2005); Lévy and Mallet (1999), and Thomsen et al. (2008a).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Fragment of a face net with cell-tuples shown as darts and orbits of a node (left), an edge (center) and a face (right)

The G-Map representation itself does not provide information about the spatial extent of modeled objects. The link between the topology model and the geometry model of DB4GeO is realized by constructing the topology representation on top of an already existing TriangleNet3D or TetrahedronNet3D. The created object is represented by the classes FaceNet3d or SolidNet3d, respectively. Similarly to the geometry model, it includes one or more components. Instead of points, segments, triangles and tetrahedrons of the geometry model, the topology model manages four types of cells: nodes, edges, faces and solids. The cells are not limited to simplices. A cell-tuple represents a unique combination of a node, an edge, a face and a solid. Cell-tuples that differ in only one cell are linked to each other by so-called involutions. Specific combinations of involutions form so-called orbits used to define cells and groups of cells. Cell-tuples and orbits of various dimensions are shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Classes of DB4GeO topology model used to manage face nets

Figure 3 demonstrates the principal classes of DB4GeO topology model used to manage face nets. Since the concept of G-Maps is not bound to a particular dimension, the handling of solid nets was designed similarly to the handling of face nets without great difficulties. Each component of a FaceNet3d or a SolidNet3d consists of a net level (\(C_{NL}\), class FaceNet3dCompNetLevel) and an object level (\(C_{OL}\), class FaceNet3dCompLevel). Both classes implement the interface CellNet3dCompLevel. The topology of \(C_{NL}\) exactly repeats the topology of the underlying triangle or tetrahedron net, i.e., every face or solid of \(C_{NL}\) is a simplex and points to the corresponding simplex of the triangle or tetrahedron net. Each node of \(C_{NL}\) is also linked to a particular point and can thus access its coordinates. \(C_{OL}\) describes the overall geo-object structure that is modeled by cells that are commonly composed of a large amount of simplices (so-called “big cells”). At the creation of the topological net, \(C_{OL}\) consists of exactly one cell whose boundary is identical to the boundary of the whole component. \(C_{OL}\) is linked to \(C_{NL}\) by the higher and lower attributes of their cell-tuples. The higher attribute of a cell-tuple of \(C_{OL}\) points to a corresponding cell-tuple of \(C_{NL}\), and it is null for every cell-tuple of \(C_{NL}\). The lower attribute of a cell-tuple of \(C_{NL}\) stores the link to its counterpart at \(C_{OL}\) if such a cell-tuple exists; otherwise the lower attribute is null. A special OrbitIterator allows retrieving cell-tuples of \(C_{NL}\) that are inside a particular cell of \(C_{OL}\).

Such a structure permits separating geometry from topology, which is handy e.g. for the management of temporal changes that involve the object’s coordinates but not its topology (cf. Sect. 3.3). Direct links to the geometry model enable access to the core functionality of DB4GeO at any time.

The topology module of DB4GeO offers the possibility to manage multiple levels of detail (LoDs) by using hierarchical G-Maps also referred to as HG-Maps (Lévy 2000; Fradin et al. 2005; Thomsen et al. 2008a). In DB4GeO, all LoDs have the same geometric extent and it is possible to relate particular locations of various LoDs to each other. This approach is different from e.g. the CityGML specification where various LoDs of the same object do not correspond to each other geometrically and can even be represented by different geometry types. For instance an object may be represented by a polygon at a more detailed LoD and by a line at a less detailed LoD. Furthermore, the geometry of objects in CityGML at each LoD is regarded as one entity and it is not always possible to determine which part of a more detailed LoD corresponds to a particular part of a less detailed LoD.

Similarly to cell-tuples, LoDs in DB4GeO also point to their higher and lower counterparts. The higher attribute of the most detailed LoD is \(C_{NL}\). Note that, while a FaceNet3dComp has exactly one \(C_{OL}\), an HFaceNet3dComp can have multiple LoDs (cf. Fig. 3). \(C_{OL}\) can be regarded as one of the LoDs.

Two ways of creating a new hierarchical face net (HFaceNet3d) are available to the user. First, it can be created from an already existing non-hierarchical face net (FaceNet3d). In this case, the underlying triangle net and \(C_{NL}\) of the original FaceNet3d are copied for the new HFaceNet3d, and \(C_{OL}\) of the original net is converted to be an LoD of the new hierarchical geo-object. This permits retaining the current subdivision of \(C_{OL}\). Secondly, the user can create a new hierarchical face net from a set of triangles, similarly to the construction of a non-hierarchical net. In that case, the underlying triangle net is created first, then the net level, and finally the first LoD of the new hierarchical net with exactly one face. In order to ensure the geometric correspondence between LoDs, a new LoD can only be created as a copy of an already existing LoD. Besides, this allows the users to edit the hierarchical net more conveniently, because they can transfer already made changes to another LoD and continue editing.

The editing of LoDs in a HFaceNet3d and of \(C_{OL}\) in a FaceNet3d is possible via 3D Euler operations. DB4GeO offers methods for inserting and removing nodes and edges of a face net. Before the changes are applied on the net, a check of constraints takes place. For both types of nets, topological correctness within the edited \(C_{OL}\) or LoD has to be ensured. Hierarchical nets additionally require verifying that the hierarchy of LoDs is not violated, i.e., that every cell and every cell-tuple has its counterpart at the next more detailed LoD. If the constraints are fulfilled, the changes are carried out. Implementing 3D Euler operations and the management of hierarchies for solid nets are the objectives of future work.

3.3 Time

The modeling of time in geoscientific information systems (and in solid modelers in general) is a subject of widespread research. One of the research issues is the combination of continuous temporal geometry models with discrete temporal topology models. Polthier and Rumpf added some relevant work on this issue. In Polthier and Rumpf (1995) they propose the concept of adaptive time-dependent discretization. Thomsen and Rolfs designed a concept to handle and store the vertices of time-dependent simplex nets efficiently. This approach was termed Point Tube model (Rolfs 2005, p. 51). Another important approach in this context is the concept of Delta-Storage used by Strathoff during the development of GeoToolKit to reduce the storage volume of redundant data between two timesteps (Strathoff 1999).

In DB4GeO we implemented a combination of these three concepts to support spatio-temporal data. Therefore it is possible to create time series of 3D objects whose topology changes with time. Due to the concept of Delta-Storage and the Point Tube model, we were able to reduce the amount of required memory and increased the performance of operations such as the interpolation between time steps or the generation of snapshots at specified dates (Kuper 2010). Figure 4 shows a 4D object containing 5 timesteps with a change of the net topology at timestep 3.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Representation of a 4D object with the new 4D model of DB4GeO (Kuper 2010)

However, a restriction of the implemented model is that the topology of the net configuration of the geo-object has to stay invariant throughout all time steps–only the geometry may change. Also Polthier and Rumpf make no statement on how to model the transition between two states of the object’s topology (object level) of the same geo-object. In such a transition, the geometry generally stays unchanged, but the topology of the geo-object as a whole may change. The implementation of the space-time module of DB4GeO also excludes the issue of managing change in spatio-temporal topology. Raza and Kainz have done some relevant research in the area of spatio-temporal topology. In Raza and Kainz (1999) they propose a temporal cell-tuple structure to manage Spatio-Temporal-Attribute Objects in generic temporal GIS (TGIS). The temporal cell-tuple structure used by Raza and Kainz is also based on the cell-tuple structure of Brisson and thus is comparable to the internal model of the topology module for DB4GeO. In contrast to the concept of Raza and Kainz, we use a graph representation and not a relational approach to manage and store the cell-tuple data. We also combine the concept of temporal cell-tuple structure with our previously discussed concepts of spatio-temporal geometry and hierarchical G-Maps to manage the temporal topology of “big cells” (cf. Sect. 3.2). Figure 5 shows a simple example application sketching the intended functionality of the proposed spatio-temporal topology module for DB4GeO. This module is currently in implementation process.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Simple example of a temporal cellular network of net level (thin lines) and of object level (thick lines)

Figure 5 shows a similar case as demonstrated in Fig. 4. Both illustrations depict a geo-object that moves through time and changes its geometry (in time intervals) and the topology of its meshing (at time steps). The example of Fig. 5 consists of three time steps. The geo-object is created at time step \(t=1\). Between the time steps \(t=1\) and \(t=2\) the geometry of the spatial object changes (the object grows). At time step \(t=2\) the meshing of the object changes, while the geometry remains constant. The geometry then changes again in the period between time steps \(t=2\) and \(t=3\). In the spatio-temporal model of DB4GeO this temporal geo-object is internally managed as two sequential PointTubes (that describe the point geometry at each interval) and two sequential temporal triangle nets (TriangleNet4D) (that describe the meshing at each interval). This means that whenever a change in the meshing takes place (here at \(t=2\)), there is a break in the continuity of the spatial object. At this point, all object identifications get lost. From this point on, the evolution of the spatial object cannot be clearly traced. An unambiguous assignment of all geometric elements between the pre- and post-object of \(t=2\) would not be possible due to the changed meshing.

However, even if an unambiguous assignment of all geometric elements is not possible, still some elements can be assigned (cf. coincidences of pre- and post-objects of \(t=2\) in Fig. 5). Such conditions can be used to trace the mentioned temporal big cells. In Fig. 5, the thick lines symbolize the boundaries of two face cells (big cells) that are part of a face net component at object level \(C_{OL}\). While TriangleNet4D a ends at \(t=2\), the topology of the geo-object stays constant at the object level (cf. lifespan of FaceNetCompLevel in Fig. 5), thus the two faces can be traced throughout the whole lifespan of the geo-object.

4 Web-Based Geo-Data Access

One of the objectives of DB4GeO is to remotely provide geo-database services. Nowadays, web-based access to geo-data is closely associated with OGC standards. In the following, we discuss the handling of GML data in DB4GeO and afterwards present the implementation of the REST-based architecture of the geo-database (Fielding 2000).

4.1 Support for GML Data

Originally, DB4GeO was only capable of exchanging data in its own XML-format. However, as the OGC standards are developed and spread out among the providers and users of spatial information, the need for extending DB4GeO to offer data via OGC services is becoming more acute. To enable that, support for the Geography Markup Language (GML) is developed. This will make DB4GeO a handy tool that can at first import the results of 3D geomodeling software that does not offer OGC support, and then provide those results in a data format compatible with OGC standards. An example of such software is Gocad® (Gocad Research Group 2012), a widely used tool for 3D subsurface modeling. The geometry models of both DB4GeO and Gocad® are based on simplicial complexes making it easy to exchange data between the two. DB4GeO offers importers and exporters for various types of Gocad® geometrical objects (GObj).

A further reason to offer GML support in DB4GeO is the growing number of interdisciplinary projects with joint handling of data from different sources, e.g. of nature-formed and anthropogenic objects. While DB4GeO originated in the field of geosciences, particularly that of geology, integrating CityGML data will make the database interesting for instance for subsurface construction projects where building and infrastructure data are processed and visualized together with the information about geological structures (Breunig et al. 2011).

In GML, objects are modeled as features that have geometry as a property. The geometry model of GML is based on boundary representations, e.g. polygons are defined via their exterior and interior (the latter is used when polygons have holes). The exterior and interior are represented by ordered lists of point coordinates. In our work, GML 3.0 geometries only with linear interpolation between points have been considered. Those lists can include an arbitrary number of points. Planarity assumed by many GML geometries is well suited for modeling anthropogenic objects that are geometrically simple. This simplicity also allows to construct more complex hierarchies of geometries. However, nature-formed objects in most cases are more compex and far from planar, so they have often been modeled in geosciences using simplicial complexes native to DB4GeO (Breunig 2001; Balovnev et al. 2004). Because of the different assumptions of the two data models representing anthropogenic and nature-formed objects, data in most cases cannot be transferred between them without adjustments of geometry.

On the one hand, integration of non-simplex geometries of GML into DB4GeO requires a representation by simplices. A method that triangulates complex planar polygons has been implemented in DB4GeO for that purpose. On the other hand, importing GML data into DB4GeO just by triangulating non-simplicial geometric objects causes data loss and distortion. The initial structure of the data might be lost and thus the attributes related to it. For instance, if the original object with \(n\) polygons, each with the ?population density? attribute, is imported into DB4GeO, its polygons will be substituted with an even greater number of triangles, and the density attribute will lose its sense in the new geometric boundaries. Therefore, an additional construct is necessary to store the original geometric structure.

The topology model of DB4GeO provides such a construct (cf. Sect. 3.2). The G-Maps structure (Lienhardt 1989; Mallet 2002) enables managing non-simplex polygons (Thomsen et al. 2008a, 2008b). The geometric extent of the object is stored at the net level (\(C_{NL}\)) of the face net, enabling access to diverse geometric operations available in DB4GeO. The object level (\(C_{OL}\)) models how triangles of \(C_{NL}\) are aggregated to the original non-simplex geometries of GML.

Figures 6 and 7 provide examples of importing CityGML data into DB4GeO. After the data set of a part of Berlin’s downtown (Fig. 6) obtained in CityGML format was imported into DB4GeO, it is possible to export it into one of the formats supported by the geo-database. For example, the data set can be exported into the Gocad® format (.ts) and visualized in Gocad® or another 3D visualization tool, e.g. ParaViewGeo® (ParaViewGeo 2012), together with data illustrating the subsurface of the area. Figure 7 looks closer at how a building can be stored in DB4GeO. The building came as a part of a CityGML data set. Its surface is represented by the GML geometry type CompositeSurface, which is made up of 17 Polygons. In DB4GeO, the non-simplex polygons were triangulated, which resulted in 32 triangles for the whole building. Those triangles become faces of \(C_{NL}\). The 17 original polygons are represented in DB4GeO by faces of \(C_{OL}\). This enables, for instance, assigning a certain color or a texture to each wall of the building (cf. Fig. 7).

Fig. 6
figure 6

GML data (© City of Berlin, obtained from converted to Gocad® format in DB4GeO, visualized with ParaViewGeo®

Fig. 7
figure 7

Building (© Ordnance Survey Great Britain, obtained from represented by faces of the net level (left) and of the object level (right), visualized with ParaViewGeo®

While additional classes for the modeling of topology are available in GML 3.0, GML offers an alternative which is simpler and almost as powerful. GML uses the XML concept of Xlinks that reference resources via their IDs avoiding redundant data storage. For instance, if two neighboring buildings share a wall, the wall can be stored just once and then be references via an XLink from all other objects that use it. Such references carry information about the topology of the objects: first, the neighbor relationship between the two buildings is stored; secondly, the relationship between the wall and each of the buildings is defined (Krimmelbein 2011, p. 14ff). We have chosen to use the G-Maps topology concept of DB4GeO to represent non-simplex geometry types of GML rather than the less widely used GML 3.0 topology classes. In the future, we also plan to use XLinks to avoid redundancy when providing data from DB4GeO in the GML format. The implementation of G-Maps in DB4GeO already takes care of storing each node, edge, face and solid in the net just once under a unique ID, even if the original data structure stored them redundantly. The advantage of topology management is that this approach is dimension-independent, i.e., it can be applied to 0D-, 1D-, 2D- and 3D-geometries. Furthermore, topology is modeled explicitly without the semantic information of the objects.

4.2 REST-Based Access and Query Examples

DB4GeO is capable of providing its services via a RESTful web service architecture (Fielding and Taylor 2002). This architecture permits sending requests to the server via uniform resource identifiers (URIs). Each such request contains all the information necessary for the server to understand it and is independent of other requests that might have been sent to the server before. Such manner of communicating with the server is easier to interpret by humans without technical background, first, due to the familiarity of most people with URIs, and secondly, because of the isolation of requests. Furthermore, common browsers can serve as clients communicating with DB4GeO without installing additional software.

Manipulating resources using REST is possible via four commands: GET (retrieving a resource), POST (adding a new resource), PUT (updating an existing resource), and DELETE (removing a resource). DB4GeO uses two of them: GET and PUT. The latter can be used e.g. to add a new surface created by triangulation to the geo-database.

By default, when a request is sent to the geo-database, the response comes back in the DB4GeO-XML format and can be viewed in a browser. In DB4GeO, it is also possible to export the objects into other formats, e.g. the Gocad®, GML and VRML formats. In order to obtain an object in a certain format, the user should add the extension .vrml, .gml, .ts, .vs, .so, etc. at the end of the URI used to retrieve the object.

The REST-based services of DB4GeO are accessible from a web browser, via a Java application or an OpenJump plugin. In our future work, we plan to extend the number of operations available to the database users via the RESTful service and to create a user-friendly web interface to replace the XML-based representation in the browser.

Below are some examples of URIs used to query data from DB4GeO:

  1. (1)


  2. (2)


  3. (3)


  4. (4)


  5. (5)

    http://server/projects/GeolProj/StructGeolSpace3D/TestSurfaces ?intersects(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2)

  6. (6)

    http://server/projects/GeolProj/StructGeolSpace3D/TestSurfaces ?3dto2d(CuttingPlane)

  7. (7)


Sets of objects in DB4GeO are managed by grouping them into spaces and projects. Spaces aggregate objects with the same dimension (e.g. 3D or 4D spaces), same coordinate reference, constraints, thematic information, etc. A project may contain multiple spaces. There is a defined way this hierarchical structure can be navigated via URIs. For example, the URI (1) returns information about the project GeolProj. That information includes the names of spaces that belong to the project. The user can easily add one of those names to the URI to access information about the corresponding space, like in the URI (2). In the same way, the user can go over to the object information in the XML format [(URL (3)]. If the object is to be retrieved in the Gocad® format for further processing in Gocad®, this is done by adding the extension .ts after the object name [(URI (4)].

Furthermore, it is possible to define operations to be carried out on objects via a URI. Operations include querying an object of a lower dimension, such as obtaining a 3D object for a certain point in time [(URI (7)] or the cross-section of a 3D object with a plane using the 3D-to-2D service of DB4GeO [(URI (6)]. Other operations include intersecting a given object with another object or a minimum bounding box [(URI (5)], projecting objects onto a plain and triangulating point sets.

5 Visualization with WebGL

Usually the visualization of 3D geodata takes place in various 3D modeling or visualization tools such as Gocad® or ParaViewGeo®. The user is responsible for the selection of one of these clients. For an alternative we developed a direct visualization of 3D database query results in a web browser based on WebGL (Khronos Group 2012).

WebGL (Web Graphics Library) is the mapping of OpenGL ES (Open Graphics Library for Embedded Systems) for web browsers and is now supported by almost all current browsers without installing an extra plugin. Since the graphical calculations runs directly on the hardware of the client, a high performance compared to traditional solutions such as VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) and X3D (Extensible 3D) is provided. Thereby the user does not need to install any additional software apart from a modern web browser.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Structure of the HTML file generated by DB4GeO calling WebGL

Thus with the help of our WebGL viewer it is possible to visualize geo-objects of the geo-database directly in a browser in 3D including lighting, colors, and controls.

For the visualization in WebGL we are using the free library Three.js (Three.js 2012). This JavaScript based library provides various types of cameras, lights and various shading concepts (e.g. Flat, Gouraud, Phong). We developed an exporter which creates a 3D scene by using the geometry of the DB4GeO database. The following criteria were relevant for this intent:

  • A suitable lighting.

  • An intuitively controllable camera to view around the 3D object.

  • Suitable shaders, colors, etc.

We decided to use THREE.DirectionalLight lights and a THREE.PerspectiveCamera camera. The DB4GeO WebGL Exporter creates an HTML file that executes JavaScript code with the use of Three.js. Within the JavaScript code different Three.js objects are created, adapted and transferred from the geometries of the spatial database into a format suitable for Three.js. For the DB4GeO objects Point3D and Triangle3D we use THREE.Vertex and THREE.Face3, respectively.

Fig. 9
figure 9

WebGL viewer of DB4GeO with colored mesh (left) and wireframe representation (right)

An overview of such an HTML file is shown in Fig. 8 and the result of an export in the Chrome® browser is shown in Fig. 9.Footnote 2 The viewer supports zooming, panning, and the possibility to rotate the object. The implemented WebGL viewer also shows the numbers of triangles for the visualized object. For instance the object demonstrated in Fig. 9 has 98,740 triangles.

The whole 3D model is transmitted from the database at the start of the viewer. Even larger amounts of data (test data sets with up to 2.5 million points) are represented efficiently due to the use of WebGL. In order to avoid further loading while viewing the model, caching is dispensed. To reduce the amount of data to be transferred, we plan to optionally provide a reduced 3D model.

As one of the additional spatial operations the distance function has been implemented. In the future, various operations and queries should be directed back to the geo-database. After their executions, the results should again be displayed visually in the browser.

6 Conclusion and Outlook

In this contribution we have presented our last steps advancing DB4GeO, our service-based geo-database architecture. Besides the new object model for spatio-temporal data, new features are the support for GML data (implementation started) and the WebGL-interface (implementation completed) enabling direct geo-database access and visualizing 3D objects via a standard web browser without installing any additional software.

In our future work we intend to query geo-database operations directly from the WebGL viewer. Our focus here is on a BBox query, the query of meta-data, and the comparison of different time steps of a 4D object. Therefore we need to develop some additional spatio-temporal operations in DB4GeO and extend our WebGL viewer. Additionally we intend to examine how DB4GeO can be accessed via extended OGC services.

Finally, we intend to develop a new branch of DB4GeO supporting spatio-temporal data used for multi-scale subway track planning.

In the research group “Computer-Aided Collaborative Subway Track Planning in Multi-Scale 3D City and Building Models" (Breunig et al. 2011) a spatio-temporal database will be used to store several states and versions of building plans. As DB4GeO by now has been used to store geological data in 3D and time, it should be enhanced to support a data model that is commonly used to describe building models (Eastman 1999). Such parametric models stand in contrast to the simplicial complexes which are a core concept of DB4GeO. Re-using the simplicial model would lead to a loss of data when converting the parametric data into the discrete triangle nets which can be stored by DB4GeO. Converting and storing the data in higher resolution would only increase the memory consumption, but not decrease the data loss in an equal manner. We will test two solutions. First, we intend to implement a hybrid model, which means that the database will convert the parametric geometries into discrete triangle nets handled by DB4GeO and we store the original file-based data linked to these converted geometries. By doing this we will be able to use the high performance queries of DB4GeO and its topology module. This does not cause any data losses, because both the parametric data is stored in the database and changes are simultaneously made on the converted geometries. Secondly, we intend to implement a complete new data-structure keeping the core concepts in mind. Therefore, we do not need to build the database from scratch and can use an already stable and proven system.

Another issue in advancing DB4GeO within the research group is the usage of spatio-temporal data within the database. In the geosciences, spatio-temporal data often consists of moving objects. Construction plans, however, may be modeled in two different ways. First, the temporal axis can show the construction progress of a building, i.e., it can be modeled which part of a building will appear at first and which one will appear later on. Therefore, the geometry of an object will not change in time, but only appear at a certain time step and may disappear later. Secondly, if several people develop a plan, there will be different versions of that plan, but it is unlikely to have one definite plan all the time. These different versions should be stored in the database in order to compare them with each other and re-use them later on, if needed. By using two qualities of time, valid-time and transaction time, we need to extend DB4GeO with a Bi-Temporal model (Worboys 1994). Experiences gained in handling the two qualities of time might be useful to integrate further time dimensions in DB4GeO later in the future. In order to perform efficient spatio-temporal queries, we also need to implement an efficient indexing technique. At first, we will extend the R*-Tree (Beckmann et al. 1990), which also is used in DB4GeO, to a Spatio-Temporal R-Tree (Saltenis and Jensen 1999). After that, we will concentrate on suitable and efficient query techniques (Snodgrass 1995).