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Cellular Energy Metabolism and Oxidative Stress

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Textbook of Aging Skin


The objective of this chapter is to provide an overview of how changes to the skin’s energy metabolism systems lead to a decline in function and hence contribute to skin aging. This chapter first discusses how the skin uses energy to maintain its appearance followed by a background on energy production in cells. Defects in energy production are part of the mitochondrial theory of aging, which will be introduced next. Skin-specific examples that support this theory of aging will be given as well as evidence that questions this theory. The examples are divided into chronological skin aging and extrinsic skin aging. Recent advances in understanding how environmental stresses, such as UV radiation, especially in the regions of ultraviolet-A (UVA), visible and near infrared (NIR), contribute to skin aging will be discussed. Lastly, examples of antiaging therapies that improve or maintain metabolic functions of the skin are given.

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Cheng, S.(., Hourigan, R., Nabi, Z., Du-Thumm, L. (2015). Cellular Energy Metabolism and Oxidative Stress. In: Farage, M., Miller, K., Maibach, H. (eds) Textbook of Aging Skin. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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