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Genetically Obese Animals

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Drug Discovery and Evaluation: Pharmacological Assays
  • 595 Accesses


A long history of research in both rodents and humans strongly argues that energy, stored in the form of fat in adipose tissue, is homeostatically conserved. Energy homeostasis is a very complex long-term process composed of multiple interacting homeostatic and behavioral pathways, including glucose homeostasis, lipid homeostasis, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, short-term satiety, and other macronutrient pathways that together act to maintain constant levels of energy stores. Obesity, anorexia, cachexia, and failure to thrive are some of the syndromes that result from mutations in genes critical to energy homeostasis.

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References and Further Reading

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Herling, A.W. (2014). Genetically Obese Animals. In: Hock, F. (eds) Drug Discovery and Evaluation: Pharmacological Assays. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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