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Na+/H+ Exchange

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Drug Discovery and Evaluation: Pharmacological Assays


Na+/H+ exchange was first described by Murer et al. (1976) in a study of intestinal and renal brush-border vesicles. The plasma membrane Na/H exchanger is an ubiquitous pH-regulating cellular ion transport system. It is driven by the Na+ gradient and extrudes protons from the cytosol in exchange for extracellular Na+ ions (Aronson 1985; Frelin et al. 1988; Fliegel and Dyck 1995; Orlowski and Grinstein 1997; Wakabayshi et al. 1997; Dibrov and Fliegel 1998). Six mammalian Na+/H+ exchangers, NHE1, NHE2, NHE3, NHE4, NHE5 (Attaphitaya et al. 1999; Szabo et al. 2000), and NHE6, have been described (Tse et al. 1994; Orlowski 1999; Counillon and Pouysségur 2000).

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References and Further Reading

Inhibition of Na+/H+ Exchange

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Inhibition of Na+/H+ Exchange in Thrombocytes

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NHE Subtype Specificity

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Gralinski, M., Neves, L.A.A., Tiniakova, O. (2015). Na+/H+ Exchange. In: Hock, F. (eds) Drug Discovery and Evaluation: Pharmacological Assays. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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