
1 Introduction

In task-oriented dialog systems, understanding of users’ queries (expressed in natural language) is a process of parsing users’ queries and converting them into some structure that machine can handle. The understanding usually consists of two parts, namely intent identification and slot filling. For example, given the utterance “给我来一首谭咏麟的朋友”, the user’s intent is to play a song, and “谭咏麟” fills one slots (singer) and “朋友” fills another (song).

Intents are global properties of utterances, which signify the goal of a user. Slots, on the other hand, are local properties in the sense that they span individual words rather than whole utterances. And the words that fill slots tend to be the only semantically loaded words in the utterance (i.e., the other words are function words). In the dialog systems, each type of intent corresponds to a particular service API, and the slots correspond to the parameters required by the API. SLU helps the dialog system to call the right back-end service using the right parameters to satisfy users’ goals.

Traditionally, both of intent identification and slot filling are considered one utterance at a time by the SLU process, and the context information (including both the preceding queries in the same session and the user’s situation information) is ignored by SLU and then handled by the dialog manager. The high cost to construct and maintain corpus is the main reason why the context information is not used in the SLU process. Usually, each utterance occurs within the context of a larger discourse between a person and a dialog system. Table 1 shows some example sessions, where without the context information from previous intra-session utterances we can’t correctly do intent identification and slot filling for the utterance “取消” (utterance \( u_{2} \) in session \( s_{1} \), utterance \( u_{2} \) in session \( s_{2} \), utterance \( u_{2} \) in session \( s_{3} \)) and “蒙曼” (utterance \( u_{3} \) in session \( s_{4} \)). As the SLU process occurs in the early stage of a dialog system, well utilizing the context information can help avoid cascaded errors throughout the rest of the system.

Table 1. Example sessions, including session id SID and utterance ids UID in each session. Each utterance has an associated intent, while the corresponding slots are shown within each utterance using XML style tags.

Numerous techniques for SLU have been proposed, including traditional machine learning methods and hand-crafted features [1, 2, 4], deep learning methods [3, 5, 6], incorporating context information [1, 3], jointly optimizing intent detection and slot filling [5]. Despite this progress, direct comparisons between methods have not been possible because different datasets and domains are used in past studies.

The NLPCC 2018 Shared Task 4 (Spoken Language Understanding in Task-oriented Dialog Systems) provides a common testbed and evaluation suite for the SLU process. The shared task made publicly available a corpus of over 5.8 K sessions including 26 K utterances, which is a sample of the real query log from a commercial task-oriented dialog system. 16 teams entered the task, submitting a total of 40 SLU results.

This paper is organized as follows. First, Sect. 2 provides an overview of the task, the data and the evaluation metrics, all of which will remain publicly available to the community (NLPCC Shared Task 4, 2018). Then, Sect. 3 summarizes the results of the task. Finally, Sect. 4 briefly concludes.

2 Task Overview

2.1 Problem Statement

Spoken language understanding (SLU) comprises two tasks, intent identification and slot filling. That is, given the current query along with the previous queries in the same session, an SLU system predicts the intent of the current query and also all the slots associated with the predicted intent.

Included with the data is an ontology, which gives details of all the intents and the corresponding slots. To simplify the task, the dictionaries (e.g., singer, song, etc.) are provided for the slots with enumerable values while the slots with the non-enumerable values (e.g., phone_num, destination, contact_name, etc.) should be handled by rules or machine learning models. The textual strings, fed into a dialog system as input utterances, are mostly the transcripts translated from spoken language by ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) and thus subject to recognition errors. If the enumerable slot values contain ASR errors, the SLU system should do slot value correction against the provided slot dictionaries. The non-enumerable slots don’t need to do this for simplification. Table 2 gives details on the ontology used in this task.

Table 2. Ontology and requirement in the task.

The task studies the problem of SLU as a corpus-based task - i.e., the SLU systems are trained and tested on a static corpus of dialogs. The task is to re-run the SLU process on these dialogs - i.e., to take as input the dialogs translated from spoken language by ASR, and to output the SLU results. This corpus-based design was chosen because it allows different SLU systems to be evaluated on the same data.

2.2 Data

The dataset adopted by this task is a sample of the real query log from a commercial task-oriented dialog system, which is an in-car voice interface product. The data is all in Chinese. The evaluation includes three domains, namely music, navigation and phone call. Within the dataset, an additional domain label ‘OTHERS’ is used to annotate the data not covered by the three domains (as shown in Table 2). To simplify the task, we keep only the intents and the slots of high-frequency while ignoring others although they appear in the original data.

The entire data can be seen as a stream of user queries ordered by time stamp. The stream is further split into a series of segments according to the gaps of time stamps between queries and each segment is denoted as a “session”. The annotation was achieved by first running an existing SLU system over the transcriptions, and then crowdsourcing to check the labels. Finally, the authors re-checked the labels by hand. The contexts within a session are taken into consideration when a query within the session was annotated. Table 1 gives some example sessions with annotations.

The entire dataset was randomly split into training and test dataset with a ratio of 4:1 at the session dimension. The statistics of the datasets are shown in Table 3. To help participating systems correct ASR errors, this task also provides a dictionary of values for each enumerable type of slot. Note that dictionaries are pruned such that they include all the values occurring in the dataset, but do not necessarily include all the values in real world. The statistics of the dictionaries are show in Table 4.

Table 3. The statistics of the datasets, where “# of” stands for “number of”.
Table 4. The statistics of the dictionaries.

2.3 Evaluation

Depending on whether or not external resources can be used, the task can be divided into two types:

  • Close evaluation – use only the training dataset provided by the task for model training and tuning, and output the results (in the evaluation stage) based only on the provided test set, not on any other dataset or resources.

  • Open evaluation – can use any datasets and resources (in addition to the provided training dataset) for model training and tuning; and output the results (in the evaluation stage) based only on the provided test set, not no any other dataset or resources.

Besides, we divided the task into another two sub-tasks: intent identification, and intent identification plus slot filling. In addition to the close and open evaluation, we got the following four sub-tasks:

  • Sub-task 1: Intent Identification – Close;

  • Sub-task 2: Intent Identification – Open;

  • Sub-task 3: Intent Identification and Slot Filling – Close;

  • Sub-task 4: Intent Identification and Slot Filling – Open.

However, it’s very hard to do a close evaluation as the participating systems may use different Chinese word segmentor, word embedding, Name Entity Recognizer and dictionary resources. After the discussion with the participating teams, finally only Sub-task 2 and Sub-task 4 were retained in the final report, and Sub-task 1 and Sub-task 3 not.

For Sub-task 2, in order to balance the importance of each intent, we use \( F1_{macro} \) of all the intents (not including the intent OTHERS) as the evaluation metric, calculated as the following equations,

$$ P_{macro} = \frac{1}{N}\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{N} {\frac{{\# \;{\text{of}}\;{\text{queries}}\;{\text{correctly}}\;{\text{predicted}}\;{\text{as}}\;{\text{intent}}\;c_{i} }}{{\# \;{\text{of}}\;{\text{queries}}\;{\text{predicted}}\;{\text{as}}\;{\text{intent}}\;c_{i} }}} , $$
$$ R_{macro} = \frac{1}{N}\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{N} {\frac{{\# \;{\text{of}}\;{\text{queries}}\;{\text{correctly}}\;{\text{predicted}}\;{\text{as}}\;{\text{intent}}\;c_{i} }}{{\# \;{\text{of}}\;{\text{queries}}\;{\text{labelled}}\;{\text{as}}\;{\text{intent}}\;c_{i} }}} , $$
$$ F1_{macro} = \frac{2}{{1/P_{macro} + 1/R_{macro} }}. $$

For Sub-task 4, the evaluation metric is as given by the following equation,

$$ P = \frac{{\# \;{\text{of}}\;{\text{queries}}\;{\text{correctly}}\;{\text{parsed}}}}{{\# \;{\text{of}}\;{\text{queries}}}}, $$

where “# of queries” is the number of queries in the test set (including the queries with intent annotated as ‘OTHERS’). “# of queries correctly parsed” denotes the number of queries for which the predicted intent and the predicted slot values (including the corrected values if correction is needed) are both exactly same as the annotations.

3 Results and Discussion

Altogether 16 teams participated in both of sub-tasks. Each team could submit a maximum of 3 results for each sub-task (Sub-task 2 and Sub-task 4), and both sub-tasks had 40 submitted entries in total. Table 5 gives the results on the metrics for each sub-task entry. As can be seen, the best result of Sub-task 2 is achieved by AlphaGOU.entry3, \( F1_{macro} = 0.96157 \); and the best result of Sub-task 4 is also achieved by AlphaGOU.entry3, \( {\text{P}} = 94.916{\text{\% }} \).

Table 5. Results of the evaluation.

Table 5 also lists the metrics \( F1_{micro} \) and \( F1_{macro} \) for Sub-task 2. We could see that the metric \( F1_{macro} \) is always less than the metric \( F1_{micro} \) for all the entries. CVTE_SLU.entry2 gets the least gap between \( F1_{micro} \) and \( F1_{macro} \), which is 0.00291. DeepIntell.entry1 gets the greatest gap, which is 0.30801. The F1 metrics of all the intents for the two entries are shown in Fig. 1. In our released dataset, the example size of different intents is very different, and the maximum size is 895 times of the minimum. Because macro-averaging weights the metric toward the smaller classes, Teams should optimize the model performance for smaller classes (e.g. intents music.prev, navigation.start_navigation, and phone_call.cancel in Sub-task 2).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Intent identification results of Sub-task 2 from CVTE_SLU.entry2 and DeepIntell.entry1, and the sample size (including both of train and test datasets) for each intent. The F1 metrics for intents music.prev, navigation.start_navigation, and phone_call.cancel are all 0, and the sample size for these intents is 9, 37, and 40, respectively.

Figure 2 shows the results on slot filling (not combining the step of intent identification) of Sub-task 4 from AlphaGOU.entry3, which achieved the 1st place of Sub-task 4. Only the slots, whose sample size is larger than 100, are shown. One reason for the high performance of ‘singer’ and ‘song’ slots is that we released the slot dictionaries including all the values occurring in the dataset. The rich training data and obvious features is the main reason for the high performance of the destination slot. The main reason for the relative low performance of the contact_name slot is that, firstly we didn’t release the users’ contact name lists because of the privacy protection, secondly the ASR performance of contact names is very poor.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Slot filling results (not combining the step of intent identification) of Sub-task 4 from AlphaGOU.entry3, where P stands for Precision, R for Recall, and \( {\text{F}}1 = \frac{2}{1/P + 1/R} \). The results are computed from the utterances whose intent identification is correct.

Figure 3 shows the results on slot value correction (not combining the steps of intent identification and slot filling) of Sub-task 4. We can see a big difference for the performance. The top right 3 points are given by the 3 entries of Team 1, who has achieved a precision of around 0.75 and a recall of around 0.76. 18 points lie in the bottom left corner (0, 0), which means that 18 entries from 8 teams didn’t correct slot value errors.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Slot value correction results (not combining the steps of intent identification and slot filling) of Sub-task 4, where one point represents one entry result. P stands for Precision, and R stands for Recall.

3.1 Some Representative Systems

In this section, some representative systems will be briefly introduced. While most of the systems use the neural networks, the 1st places of the two sub-tasks are achieved by the AlphaGOU system using the traditional techniques.

AlphaGOU system is a hybrid of context-independent model and context-dependent rules; the former is a pipelined framework which includes slot boundary detection, slot type classification, slot correction and intent classifier. Although all the used techniques are very traditional, the system achieved promising results.

Learner system uses a hierarchical LSTM based model. The dialog history is memorized by a turn-level LSTM, which is used to assist the intent identification and slot filling.

ISCLAB system proposes a neural framework, named SI-LSTM model, which combines intent identification and slot filling together, and the slot information is used for determining the intent while the intent type is used to rectify the slot filling deviation.

4 Conclusion

In this paper, we present the overview of the NLPCC 2018 Shared Task: Spoken Language Understanding in Task-oriented Dialog Systems. The dataset adopted by this task is a sample of the real query log from a commercial task-oriented dialog system, which is an in-car voice interface product. The data is all in Chinese. The contexts within a session are taken into consideration when a query within the session was annotated. The entire dataset was randomly split into train and test dataset with a ratio of 4:1 at the session dimension. In the evaluation, two sub-tasks are designed. Sub-task 2 is intent identification, and Sub-task 4 is intent identification and slot filling. Both sub-tasks had 40 submitted entries in total. The best result of Sub-task 2 is achieved by AlphaGOU.entry3, \( F1_{macro} = 0.96157 \), and the best result of Sub-task 4 is also achieved by AlphaGOU.entry3, \( {\text{P}} = 94.916{\text{\% }} \).