
1 Introduction

Person re-identification is a significant task for social security and video surveillance. It aims to retrieve all pedestrians in probe set from a large gallery set in different camera viewpoints. At present, person re-identification is mainly divided into two parts, image-based and video-based person re-identification, and the latter one is closer to realistic scenarios. Both of them should face challenging problems, which include pose variations, complex illumination, multi-camera viewpoints, background clutter and occlusion.

In this paper, we focus on video-based person re-identification, and aim to generate discriminative features from video data. Generating frame-level representations and aggregating them is an intuitive way to encode video date into discriminative features. There are many models show their effectiveness for generating robust frame-level features [8, 10]. Wei et al. [10] based on pose estimator to extract keypoints, and separates person into three parts. Different from coarsely divide into three parts, they get more precise partitions. Sun et al. [8] proposed a powerful baseline network. They do not directly separate part on original image, instead, they make partition on activation maps. They think the integrating part information can increase the discriminative ability of feature.

After generating features of each frame, a superb aggregation method can promote the performance of original model. Recently, aggregation method for video-based person re-identification is separated into two groups. The first group use temporal pooling to aggregate frame-level features along time. Mclaughlin et al. [6] use Recurrent Neural Network to learn temporal information, and then adopt average pooling to aggregate frame-level features. Another group use weighted average method. There are two ways to generate weights for each frame, attention mechanism and learning by network itself. Zhou et al. [12] adopt RNN hidden state to generate attention map on each frame-level feature. Liu et al. [5] use an independent branch to learn weight of each frame by the network itself. In order to get final video representation, they use temporal average pooling to aggregate weighted frame-level features.

In this paper, simple horizontal partition is adopted to generate fine representation of each person. During this process, fine-grained representations is generated, however, global information is lost. In order to preserve both global and local information, we construct an end-to-end model which combines multi-grained features. In order to preserve both global and local information, we construct an end-to-end model which combines multi-grained features. Totally, our contributions are summarized as two parts:

First, we propose a simple network named Regular Partition Network (RPN). RPN generates representations of each frame which is divided into numbers of partitions firstly, then aggregates them by using temporal pooling along time dimension. Second, we combine multi-grained features of each person, and construct a framework called Multi-grained Fusion Network (MGFN). MGFN combines differently grained features which are generated by three independent branches on spatial, and uses temporal pooling to generate final video features.

2 Proposed Method

Given an input video V contains N frames, \( V=\{I_{1}, I_{2}, \cdots ,I_{N}\} \), and \( I_{n} \) represents the n-th frame in this video sequence. Because ResNet-50 [2] has relatively concise structure and good performance, we use it as a baseline model in this paper. When a video data pass through ResNet-50 before its fully connection layer, the feature of n-th frame is generated as \( f_{n} \), where \( f_{n} \in \mathbb {R}^{D} \). After that, we use temporal pooling function TP to aggregate representation of each frame.

$$\begin{aligned} feat_{baseline}=TP(f_{1},f_{2}, \cdots ,f_{N}) \end{aligned}$$

\( feat_{baseline} \) is a feature of video, \( feat_{baseline} \in \mathbb {R}^{D} \). The subscript of \( feat_{baseline} \) shows this feature is extracted by baseline model.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Regular partition network structure.

2.1 Regular Partition Network

Regular Partition Network. Our regular partition method (Fig. 1) directly makes partitions on activation maps which is generated by ResNet-50. For a better illustration, we compact activation maps extractor and use CNN-block to represent it in Fig. 1. When a video data V pass through RPN, CNN-block is adopted to transform each frame into 3-D tensor and get \(T_{n} \in \mathbb {R}^{H_{T} \times W_{T} \times C_{T}}\) for \(I_{n}\). Then tensor \( T_{n} \) is separated into K non-overlapped partitions, the size of each partition is \( \lfloor H_{T} / K \rfloor \times W_{T} \). In next step, \( T_{n} \) is transformed into \( g_{n} \in \mathbb {R}^{ K \times C_{T} } \), where \( g_{n,k} \in \mathbb {R}^{ 1 \times C_{T} } \) represents the transformed result of \( T_{n,k} \) by using average pooling. Especially, the kernel size of average pooling is as same as the size of \( T_{n,k} \), where \( T_{n,k} \) is the k-th part of \( T_{n} \). After that, \( 1 \times 1 \) 2D-convolution is used to reduce the dimension of \( g_{n,k} \). Then we get K low dimension vector \( p_{n,k} \in \mathbb {R}^{ 1 \times d }\). Finally, \(feat_{rpn} = \theta (P_{1}, P_{2}, \cdots , P_{K})\), where \( P_{k} = TP(p_{1,k}, p_{2,k}, \cdots ,p_{N,k}) \), and \(\theta \) is concatenation operation.

Training and Testing. During training procedure, we transfer identification task into classification problem. To our empirical practice, the feature of each part should be separated to do classification. The classification loss of \( P_{k} \) is formulated as:

$$\begin{aligned} loss_{k} = - \sum _{m=1}^{M}log\frac{e^{(W_{k,y_{m}})^{T}P_{k}+b_{k,y_{m}}}}{\sum _{j=1}^{C}e^{(W_{k,j})^{T}P_{k}+b_{k,j}}} \end{aligned}$$

where M is size of a mini-batch in training and C is the class number of classification task. In Eq. 2, \( W_{k} \in \mathbb {R}^{d \times C} \) and \( b_{k} \in \mathbb {R}^{C} \) is the weights and bias of classifier, and subscript \( y_{m} \) means the ground truth label of i-th sample in this mini-batch. As for the whole RPN model, loss function is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} loss_{rpn} = \frac{1}{M \times K} \sum _{k=1}^{K}loss_{k} \end{aligned}$$

where K is the number of partition. During testing period, \( feat_{rpn} \) is used as whole video representation. Using Euclidean distance as evaluation method, the distance between two person is closer, the probability of being same is higher.

2.2 Multi-grained Fusion Network

Information Complementary. In our experiments on Regular Partition Network, we divide middle representation of each frame into horizontal stripes. To our empirical practice the more stripes are divided, the finer features are extracted. Because of the increasing computation and decreasing relevance of data, the stripe should not be too thin. We consider that different partition numbers mean differently grained representation, and combining diversely grained features can keep more information. For achieving our motivation, we construct a framework which fuses global and local cues, and we call it Multi-Grained Fusion Network (MGFN). MGFN combines features with different granularities, and it makes a complementary between local and global information.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Multi-grained fusion network structure for single frame.

Structure of Multi-grained Fusion Network. Multi-grained Fusion Network has multiple branches, and different branch generate a feature with different granularity. In our model, we set branch number to 3 as Fig. 2 shows, and for each independent branch we set the number of partition to 1, 3, 6 (The number of partitions 1, 2, 3 in Fig. 2 is just for better illustration) separately. As Fig. 2 shows, the number of parts \( K_{1} \) in the top branch is set to 1, and aims to keep global information. \( K_{2} = 3 \) in the middle branch proposes to keep finer-grained information, and \( K_{3} = 6 \) in the bottom branch is expected to keep the finest-grained cues. For easy explanation, we describe the process of MGFN for each frame. Before partition, an input frame \( I_{n} \) is transfered into \( T_{n} \) by using shared CNN-block. Then in i-th branch, \( T_{n} \) is divided into \( K_{i} \) parts, and the partition rules are as same as RPN. We donate k-th part of \( T_{n}^{i} \) as \( T_{n,k}^{i} \), where \( k \in [1,K_{i}] \). After going through average pooling and \(1 \times 1\) 2D-convolution, \( p_{n}^{i} \) is generated for i-th branch, where \( p_{n}^{i} \in \mathbb {R}^{K_{i} \times C_{T}} \). Finally, we concatenate \( p_{n}^{i} \) of each independent branch, and obtain final feature \( f_{n} \) for \( I_{n} \), where \( f_{n} \in \mathbb {R}^{TK \times d} \), \( TK = \sum _{i=1}^{3}K_{i} \) and d is the value of reduced dimension. As for video feature, we also use temporal pool function TP to generate \( feat_{mgfn} = TP(f_{1}, f_{2}, \cdots , f_{N}) \).

Training and Testing. During training step, we do not combine part feature together as same as the training process of RPN. Firstly, we use temporal pool function TP to aggregate part features in the same location along time. \( P_{k_{i}}^{i} = TP(P_{1,k_{i}}^{i}, P_{2,k_{i}}^{i}, \cdots , P_{N,k_{i}}^{i}) \), where i represent the branch ID, \( i \in \{1,2,3\} \), \( k_{i} \) is part location in i-th branch, \( k_{i} \in [ 1, K_{i} ] \). We also regard identification task as classification problem, so fully connection layer is used to change the dimension of \( P_{k_{i}}^{i} \) to satisfy classification jobs. The \( loss_{k_{i}}^{i} \) is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} loss_{k_{i}}^{i} = - \frac{1}{M} \sum _{m=1}^{M} log \frac{ e^{ (W_{k_{i}, y_{m}}^{i})^{T}P_{k_{i}}^{i} + b_{k_{i}, y_{m}}^{i}} }{ \sum _{j=1}^{C} e^{ (W_{k_{i}, j}^{i})^{T}P_{k_{i}}^{i} + b_{k_{i},j}^{i} }} \end{aligned}$$

where \( loss_{k_{i}}^{i} \) represent \( k_{i} \) partition loss value of i-th branch, \( W_{k_{i}}^{i} \) and \( b_{k_{i}}^{i} \) is weights and bias of classifier for \( k_{i} \) parts in i-th branch. And M is size of mini-batch, C is the class number, \( y_{m} \) is ground truth label of the m-th sample.

$$\begin{aligned} loss_{mgfn} = \frac{1}{TK} \sum _{i=1}^{3} \sum _{k=1}^{K_{i}} loss_{k}^{i} \end{aligned}$$

TK is the total number of partition, \( TK=\sum _{i=1}^{3}K_{i} \). In testing period, we extract \( feat_{mgfn} \) for each person firstly. Then using the same evaluation method and protocol to compute the similarity between identities as RPN.

3 Experiments

3.1 Implementation Details

We evaluate our proposed methods on three widely used video-based person re-identification dataset: PRID-2011 [3], iLIDS-VID [9] and MARS [11]. For PRID-2011 and iLIDS-VID, we use the same evaluation protocol as Wang et al. [6]. As for MARS, we follow the evaluation protocol from Zheng et al. [11]. CMC rank-1 is computed on all the three datasets, mean average precision (mAP) is adopted on MARS at the same time. We sample \(N=16\) consecutive frames as input from each image sequence, and each adjacent input has \(50\%\) overlapped frames for generating more data on training process. Image preprocessing and augmentation are also used to enlarge training set. We first pretrain the baseline model and RPN on DukeMTMC-reID [7] without temporal pooling, then fine-tune them on PRID-2011, iLIDS-VID with temporal pooling. During training process for MGFN, we use pretrained weights on RPN to initialize each branch. For RPN, we set \(K=6\) as Sun et al. [8] has proved in their work. Different from Sun et al. [8], we use \( 1 \times 1 \) convolution to reduce the dimension of \( g_{n} \) from 2048 to 256. Except baseline model image size is \(256 \times 128\), we resize the frame to \( 384 \times 128 \). Our proposed model uses batched stochastic gradient descent. And we set learning rate to 0.1 at beginning, then drop it to \(10\%\) after each 20 epochs.

3.2 Experiments Analyses

Max or Average pooling. In our methods, we utilize temporal pool function to aggregate features of each frame for generating final video representation. Widely used temporal pooling methods include temporal max pooling and temporal average pooling. Temporal max pooling aims to find out the salient value in feature vectors, while temporal average pooling attempts to dilute each value. We compare the performance of these two temporal pooling methods, and the results are summarized in the top group of Table 1. We find that temporal average pooling performs better on both PRID-2011 and iLIDS-VID. One possible explanation is that temporal average pooling method take all information into consideration, so it has a superb ability of anti-interference. So our following experiments use temporal average pooling as default, unless special notification.

Table 1. Comparison of temporal pooling method and classifier parameters shared or not. ResNet: baseline model ResNet-50. MAX: temporal max pooling. AVG: temporal average pooling. Share: classifier parameters are shared. NotShare: classifier parameters are not shared. CMC Rank-1, Rank-5, Rank-10 accuracy (%) are shown.

Share Parameters or Not Share. In Regular Partition Network, for each partition feature we utilize a classifier to determine this part belongs to which identities. There are two parameters in the classifier, W and b. The intuitive consideration is whether use shared parameters for all classifier. For clearly explanation, we donate the structure of not share parameters as NSP and share parameters as SP. We compare these two structures, and record the performance in the bottom group of Table 1. The results of experiments show SP is more inferior than NSP. For different parts, NSP uses specialized classifier which more pertinent with each part, however, SP only uses a general classifier. In intuition, specialized one must be more superior than general classifier. Even though, NSP introduces more parameters, and the increasing computation can be bared.

Table 2. Comparison of our method with state-of-the-art methods. CMC Rank-1 accuracy (%) and mAP (%) are shown. R-1: CMC Rank-1 accuracy (%)

Comparison with State-of-the-Art. Table 2 shows the performance of our methods and other state-of-the-art methods. In Table 2, using ResNet-50 as a feature extractor for each frame is able to get a competitive result. Based on this powerful feature extractor, RPN makes improvements \(16.4\%\) and \(21.4\%\) on PRID-2011 and iLIDS-VID separately. Future more, MGFN improves the results through combining diversely grained features generated by RPN with the different number of partitions. Especially on MARS, MGFN surpasses the method of Zhou et al. [12] by \(11.5\%\). Zhou et al. proposed a complex model based on six spatial RNNs and temporal attention. In contrast, MGFN is conciser on structure and easier for training. MARS is the most challenging dataset, because of distractor tracklets. Finer performance suggests that our Multi-grained Fusion Network is effective for video-based person re-identification in complex scenarios.

4 Conclusion

In this paper, we propose two methods for video-based person re-identification. One is Regular Partition Network (RPN), the other is Multi-grained Fusion Network (MGFN). RPN adopts partition cues to keep local information. Our experiments indicate RPN shows competitive performance on each video-based dataset. Based on RPN, we construct MGFN to combine differently grained information together, and aim to keep both global and local cues. According to our experiments, MGFN makes remarkable performance although in challenging scenarios.