
1 Introduction

Aggregate k nearest neighbor (AkNN) retrieval is an interesting type of spatial queries, which finds k objects similar to all the specified query objects using an aggregate similarity criterion. It is useful in a variety of applications, such as resource allocation, recommender systems, etc. Here, we give two examples below.

Resource Allocation. Consider the carpooling, i.e., carpoolers want to take the same taxi to save money. An AkNN query can be utilized to help find candidate taxis for the carpoolers with smallest aggregate distances. Here, with the objective to save time, the aggregate distance summarizes all the distances from the taxi to each carpooler.

Recommender Systems. An image recommender system can generate personalized recommendations (i.e., the images that the user may be interested in) based on the images the user already reviewed. Here, the aggregate distance could be the minimum distance between the image to be recommended and the images reviewed.

Considering the wide range of data types in the above application scenarios, e.g., taxis and images, a generic model is desirable that is capable of accommodating not just a single type, but a wide spectrum. In addition, the distance metrics for comparing the similarity of objects, such as road network distance used for taxis and -norm used for images, are not restricted to the Euclidean distance (i.e., \(L_{2}\)-norm). To accommodate a wide range of similarity notions, we investigate AkNN retrieval in metric spaces, termed as metric AkNN (MAkNN) search, where no detailed representations of objects are required and where any similarity notion that satisfies the triangle inequality can be accommodated.

Table 1. Symbols and description

Most of existing works on AkNN search focus on Euclidean space or particular metric space (e.g., road network, graph), where properties of particular data (e.g., geometric property for Euclidean space) are used to improve the query efficiency. However, these properties cannot be used for the general case, i.e., these approaches cannot answer MAkNN search efficiently. Motivated by this, we develop several pruning lemmas based on the triangle inequality property of metric spaces, and present corresponding algorithms. To sum up, the key contributions of this paper are as follows:

  • We develop several pruning lemmas based on SPB-tree for sum, min, and max aggregate functions to accelerate the search.

  • We present an efficient algorithm designed for MAkNN search by integrating the designed pruning lemmas.

  • We conduct extensive experiments using three real data sets to verify the efficiency of our proposed algorithms, compared with a baseline algorithm extended from the state-of-the art MAkNN framework.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews related work. Section 3 describes the SPB-tree. Section 4 defines MAkNN search and presents corresponding algorithms. Considerable experimental results and findings are reported in Sect. 5. Finally, Sect. 6 concludes the paper with some directions for future work.

2 Related Work

In this section, we survey existing work on metric access methods, and AkNN search algorithms. Table 1 summarizes the notations frequently used throughout this paper.

2.1 Metric Access Methods

Two broad categories of metric access methods (MAMs) exist, namely, compact partitioning methods and pivot-based approaches, to accelerate query processing in metric spaces. Compact partitioning methods partition the space as compact as possible, and try to prune unqualified regions during search. Many indexes, e.g., BST [1], GHT [2], GANT [3], SAT [4], M-tree [5] family, D-Index [6], LC [7], BP [8] exist. Pivot-based methods store pre-computed distances from every object in the database to a set of pivots, and then utilize these distances and the triangle inequality to prune objects during search. Many indexes, e.g., LAESA [9], EP [10], BKT [11], FQT [12], MVPT [13], the Omni-family [14] exist.

Although pivot-based methods clearly outperform compact partitioning approaches in terms of the number of distance computations (i.e., CPU cost) [14,15,16,17], they generally have high I/O cost because objects are not well clustered on disk. Recently, hybrid methods that combine compact partitioning with the use of pivots have appeared in the literature. PM-tree [18] uses cut-regions defined by pivots to accelerate query processing on the M-tree. M-Index [19] generalizes the iDistance technique for metric spaces, which compacts the objects by using pre-computed distances to their closest pivots. SPB-tree [20] utilizes the two mapping phase to further improve the efficiency. Hence, in this paper, we use SPB-tree as the underlying index.

2.2 AkNN Search Algorithm

Aggregate k nearest neighbor (AkNN) retrieval generalizes kNN search, which considers multiple query objects. Consequently, the distances from each query object to an object must be aggregated (min, max or sum) according to an optimization goal, in order to offer the similarity measure employed to rank answered objects. Many works [21, 22] only focus on AkNN in Euclidean space, where geometric properties are used to accelerate the search. In addition, AkNN in particular metric space (e.g., road network [23], graphs [24], trajectories [25]) are also investigated. However, all these approaches cannot solve our MAkNN search problem, due to the general case we focus on.

Razente et al. [26] study circumscription-constrained aggregate similarity (CCAS) queries in metric spaces, where the region circumscribed by the query objects limits the search space. However, algorithms developed for CCAS queries can not be efficiently extended to solve MAkNN search. This is because, they utilize the circumscription-constrained region to significantly prune search space. Without the circumscription constraint, they have to scan the whole object set to obtain the final query result, which is costly. In addition, Ranzente et al. [27] also develop a framework for MAkNN search that can be adaptive to all kinds of MAMs. Flowing the framework of [27], we develop a baseline algorithm (BL) based on the-state-of-the art MAM SPB-tree.

3 The SPB-tree

In this section, we describe the SPB-tree used as the underlying index.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Pivot mapping and space-filling curve mapping

3.1 Construction Framework

The construction framework of a SPB-tree is based on a two-stage mapping. The first stage maps the objects in a metric space to data points in a vector space using well-chosen pivots. The vector space offers more freedom than the metric space when designing search approaches, since it is possible to utilize the geometric information that is unavailable in the metric space. The second stage uses the space-filling curve (SFC) to map the data points in the vector space into integers in an one-dimensional space. Finally, a B\(^{ + }\)-tree with MBB information is employed to index the resulting integers.

Pivot Mapping. Given a pivot set P = {\(p_{1}\), \(p_{2}\), \(\ldots \), \(p_{n}\)}, a metric space (M, d) can be mapped to a vector space (\(R^{n}\), \(L_{\infty }\)). Specifically, an object o in the metric space is represented as a point \(\phi (o)=\langle d(o\), \(p_{1})\), d(o, \(p_{2})\), \(\ldots \), d(o, \(p_{n})\rangle \) in the vector space. For instance, consider the example in Fig. 1, where O = {\(o_{1}\), \(o_{2}\), \(\ldots \), \(o_{9}\)} and \(L_{2}\)-norm is used. If P = {\(o_{1}\), \(o_{6}\)}, O can be mapped to a two-dimensional vector space, in which the x-axis denotes \(d(o_{i}\), \(o_{1})\) and the y-axis represents \(d(o_{i}\), \(o_{6})\), 1 \( \le i \le \) 9.

Given objects \(o_{i}\), \(o_{j}\), and p in a metric space, \(d(o_{i}\), \(o_{j}) \ge \vert d(o_{i}\), p) – \(d(o_{j}\), \(p)\vert \) according to the triangle inequality. Hence, for a pivot set P, \(d(o_{i}\), \(o_{j}) \ge \) max{\(\vert d(o_{i}\), \(p_{i})\)\(d(o_{j}\), \(p_{i})\vert \text { } \vert \text { } p_{i} \in \) P} = \(D(\phi (o_{i})\), \(\phi (o_{j}))\), in which D( ) is the \(L_{\infty }\)-norm. Consequently, we can conclude that the distance in the mapped vector space is a lower bound on that in the metric space. For example, in Fig. 1, \(d(o_{2}\), \(o_{3})\) > \(D(\phi (o_{2})\), \(\phi (o_{3}))\) = 2.

Space-Filling Curve Mapping. Given a vector \(\phi (o)\) after pivot mapping and assume that the range of d( ) in the metric space is discrete integers (e.g., edit distance), SFC can directly map \(\phi (o)\) to an integer SFC(\(\phi (o))\). Consider the SFC mapping examples in Fig. 1, where SFC value SFC(\(\phi (o_{2}))\) = 18 for the Hilbert curve. As a default, we use the Hilbert curve for SPB-tree. If the range of d( ) in the metric space is continuous real numbers, we can partition the range of d( ) into discrete integers.

3.2 Indexing Structure

An SPB-tree used to index an object set in a generic metric space contains three parts, i.e., the pivot table, the B\(^{ + }\)-tree, and the random access file (RAF). Figure 2 shows an SPB-tree example to index the object set O = {\(o_{1}\), ..., \(o_{9}\)} in Fig. 1. A pivot table stores selected objects (e.g., \(o_{1}\) and \(o_{6})\) to map a metric space into a vector space.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Example of an SPB-tree

A B\(^{ + }\)-tree is employed to index the SFC values of objects after a pivot mapping. Each leaf entry in the leaf node (e.g., \(N_{3}\), \(N_{4}\), \(N_{5}\), and \(N_{6})\) of the B\(^{ + }\)-tree records (1) the SFC value key, and (2) the pointer ptr to a real object, which is the address of the actual object kept in the RAF. For example, in Fig. 2, the leaf entry \(E_{7}\) associated with the object \(o_{2}\) records the Hilbert value 18 and the storage address 0 of \(o_{2}\). Each non-leaf entry in the root or intermediate node (e.g., \(N_{0}\), \(N_{1}\), and \(N_{2})\) of the B\(^{ + }\)-tree records (1) the minimum SFC value key in its subtree, (2) the pointer ptr to the root node of its subtree, and (3) the SFC values min and max for \(\langle L_{1}\), \(L_{2}\),..., \(L_{\vert P\vert }\rangle \) and \(\langle U_{1}\), \(U_{2}\),..., \(U_{\vert P\vert }\rangle \), to represent the MBB \(M (= {\{}[L_{i}, U_{i}] \vert i \in [1, \vert P\vert \)]}) of the root node N of its subtree. Specifically, an MBB M denotes the axis aligned minimum bounding box to contain all \(\phi (o)\) with \(SFC(\phi (o)) \in N\), and thus, \(L_i\) and \(U_i\) represent the minimum and maximum values of \(\phi (o)\) on dimension i. For instance, the non-leaf entry \(E_{3}\) uses min (= \(SFC(\langle 0, 5\rangle )\) = 19) and max (= \(SFC(\langle 1, 6\rangle )\) = 23) to represent the \(M_{3}\) (= {[0, 1], [5, 6]}) of \(N_{3}\).

RAF is sorted to store the objects in ascending order of SFC values as they appear in the B\(^{ + }\)-tree. Each RAF entry records (1) an object identifier id, (2) the length len of the object, and (3) the real object obj. In Fig. 2, the RAF entry associated with an object \(o_{2}\) records the object identifier 2, the object length 8, and the real object \(o_{2}\).

4 Metric Aggregate k Nearest Neighbor Search

In this section, we first formalize AkNN retrieval in metric spaces, and then propose an efficient algorithm for processing metric AkNN queries based on the SPB-tree.

4.1 Problem Definition

A metric space is a tuple (Md), in which M is the domain of objects and d is a distance function which defines the similarity between the objects in M. In particular, the distance function d has four properties: (1) symmetry: \(d(q, o)=d(o, q)\), (2) non-negativity: \(d(q, o) \ge 0\), (3) identity: \(d(q, o) = 0\) iff \(q=o\), and (4) triangle inequality: \(d(q, o) \le d(q, p) + d(p, o)\). Based on the properties of the metric space, AkNN queries in metric spaces have been investigated.

Definition 1

(MAkNN Query). Given a query object set Q, an object set O, and an integer k , an MAkNN query finds k objects in O with the smallest aggregate distances \(d_{agg}(Q, o)\), i.e., MAkNN(Q, O, k) = {\( o_i \vert o_i \in O \wedge 1 \le i \le k \wedge \forall o_j (\ne o_i) \in O, d_{agg}(Q\), \(o_j) \ge d_{agg}(Q\), \(o_i)\)}. In particular, \(d_{agg}(Q, o)\) can be computed as \(f(d(q_1, o),\) \(d(q_2, o),\) \(\ldots , d(q_{|Q|}, o))\), in which the aggregate function f might be sum, min, or max.

Consider two English word sets Q = {“defoliate”, “defoliates”} and O = {“citrate”, “defoliation”, “defoliating”, “defoliated”}, for which the edit distance is the similarity measurement. Suppose k = 2, an MAkNN query MAkNN(Q, O, 2) finds the two words in O having the smallest aggregate distances from Q. If f is sum function, the query result is {“defoliated”, “defoliation”}; if f is min function, the query result is {“defoliated”, “defoliation”}; and if f is max function, the query result is {“defoliated”, “defoliating”}. It is worth noting that MAkNN(Q, O, k) may be not unique due to the distance tie. Nonetheless, the target of our presented algorithms is to find one possible instance.

4.2 MAkNN Query Processing

MAkNN search generalizes the form of MkNN queries, in which there are multiple (instead of one) query objects. Consider a running example of MAkNN retrieval depicted in Fig. 3, where \(Q ={\{}q_i \vert 1 \le i \le 3{\}}\) and \(O = {\{}o_j \vert 1 \le j \le 9{\}}\). Assume that k = 2 and \(L_2\)-norm is utilized, the result of MAkNN(Q, O, 2) is {\(o_4\), \(o_3\)} if sum function is used to compute the aggregate distance; the query result is {\(o_4\), \(o_7\)} if min function is used; and the query result is {\(o_4\), \(o_3\)} if max function is used. To solve MAkNN search, a simple method BL is to use SPB-tree and follow the framework [27] developed for MAkNN retrieval. In particular, BL traverses the B\(^+\)-tree entries in ascending order of their minimum aggregate distances to Q in the mapped vector space. As discussed in Sect. 3, the distance in the mapped vector space is the lower bound distance of the original metric space, we develop Lemma 1 below for MAkNN search, to avoid unnecessary verifications of B\(^+\)-tree entries.

Lemma 1

Given a query set Q and a B\(^+\)-tree entry E, E can be safely pruned if MIND\(_{agg}(Q, E)\) \(\ge \) curAND\(_{k}\), where MIND\(_{agg}(Q, E)\) denotes the minimum aggregate distance between E and Q in the mapped vector space, and curAND\(_{k}\) represents the current k-th aggregate NN distance from Q.


Since the aggregate function is monotonically increasing, the aggregate distance in the mapped vector space is still the lower bound distance of that in the original metric space. Then, we can get that \(mind_{agg}\)(E, Q) \(\ge \) MIND\(_{agg}\)(E, Q), with \(mind_{agg}\)(E, Q) denoting the minimum aggregate distance between E and Q in the original metric space. If MIND\(_{agg}\)(E, Q) \(\ge \) curAND\(_{k}\), then for each o (\(\in \) E), \(d_{agg}\)(o, Q) \(\ge \) \(mind_{agg}\)(E, Q) \(\ge \) curAND\(_{k}\). Consequently, E can be discarded safely. \(\Box \)

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Illustration of MAkNN(Q, O, k)

Note that, curAND\(_{k}\) used in Lemma 1 is obtained and updated during MAkNN search. In particular, after computing the aggregate distance of an object, we can update immediately the result set and curAND\(_{k}\) if necessary. Consider the example depicted in Fig. 3 with the corresponding SPB-tree in Fig. 2. Assume that curAND\(_{k}\) = 1 and min function is used, \(E_3\) and \(E_6\) can be safely pruned as \(MIND_{agg}(E_3, M_Q)= MIND_{agg}(E_6, M_Q)=curAND_{k}\).

Since \(MIND_{agg}(E, Q)\) is computed as f(MIND(E, \(q_1\)), MIND(E, \(q_2\)), \(\ldots \), MIND(E, \(q_{|Q|}\))), it is costly (because it needs |Q| computations of MIND). Motivated by this, we build MBB \(M_Q\) (= {[\(L_{Qi}\), \(U_{Qi}\)] \(\vert \) \(1 \le i \le \vert P \vert \)}) for Q in the mapped vector space, to reduce MIND\(_{agg}\)(E, Q) computation cost. Back to the running example illustrated in Fig. 3, the thick black rectangle in Fig. 3(b) represents MBB \(M_Q\) (= {[2, 4], [2, 5]}) for Q in the mapped vector space using P = {\(o_1\), \(o_6\)}. Let MIND\(_i\)(E, \(q_t\)) be the minimum distance between E and \(q_t\) (\(\in \) Q) on dimension i (1 \(\le \) i \(\le \) |P|), and MIND\(_i\)(E, Q) be the minimum aggregate distance between E and Q on dimension i.

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&\textit{MIND}_{agg}(E, Q) \\&= f(\textit{MIND}(E, q_1), \ldots , \textit{MIND}(E, q_{|Q|})) \\&= f(max{\{}{} \textit{MIND}_i(E, q_1) \vert 1 \le i \le |P|{\}}, \\&\quad \text { }\ldots , max{\{} \textit{MIND}_i(E, q_{|Q|}) \vert 1 \le i \le |P|{\}})\\&\ge max{\{}f(\textit{MIND}_i(E, q_1), \ldots , \\&\quad \text { } \textit{MIND}_i(E, q_{|Q|})) \vert 1 \le i \le |P|{\}} \\&= max{\{}{} \textit{MIND}_i(E, Q) \vert 1 \le i \le |P|{\}} \\ \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

According to Eq. (1), the lower bound distance of MIND\(_{agg}\)(E, Q), termed as EMIND\(_{agg}\)(E, Q), can be computed as \(max{\{}{} \textit{MIND}_i(E, Q) | 1 \le i \le |P|{\}}\). To obtain EMIND\(_{agg}\)(E, Q), we only need to compute MIND\(_i\)(E, Q) on each dimension i, with the detailed computations stated below for sum, min, or max function, respectively.

Sum function. If \(L_{Ei}\) \(\ge \) \(U_{Qi}\) (as shown in Fig. 4(a)), MIND\(_i\)(E, Q) = \(\sum _{1 \le t \le |Q|}\) MIND\(_i\)(E, \(q_t\)) = \(\sum _{1 \le t \le |Q|}\) \((L_{Ei}\)\(d(q_t, p_i))\) = |Q| \(\times \) \(L_{Ei}\)\(\sum _{1 \le t \le |Q|}\) \(d(q_t,\) \(p_i)\). If \(U_{Ei}\) \(\le \) \(L_{Qi}\) (as depicted in Fig. 4(b)), then MIND\(_i\)(E, Q) = \(\sum _{1 \le t \le |Q|}\)MIND\(_i\)(E, \(q_t\)) = \(\sum _{1 \le t \le |Q|}\) (\(d(q_t\), \(p_i\)) − \(U_{Ei}\)) = \(\sum _{1 \le t \le |Q|}\) \(d(q_t\), \(p_i)\) − |Q| \(\times \) \(U_{Ei}\). Otherwise, i.e., \(M_Q\) and \(M_E\) are intersected on dimension i, MIND\(_i\)(E, Q) is estimated as 0.

Note that, \(\sum _{1 \le t \le |Q|}d(q_t, p_i)\) used in MIND\(_{i}\)(E, Q) computation for sum function can be obtained and stored for reuse when building \(M_Q\). Hence, for sum function, the computational cost of EMIND\(_{agg}\)(E, Q) is O(1), which is much smaller than O(|Q|) of MIND\(_{agg}\)(E, Q) computation. For example, in Fig. 3, and assume that sum function is used on dimension x, as \(U_{E_3x}\) < \(L_{Qx}\), MIND\(_x\) (\(E_3\), Q) = \(d(q_1\), \(o_1)\) + \(d(q_2\), \(o_1)\) + \(d(q_3\), \(o_1)\) − 3 \(\times \) \(U_{E_3x}\) = 6. Thus, we can get that EMIND\(_{agg}\)(\(E_3\), Q) = max{MIND\(_x\) (\(E_3\), Q), MIND\(_y\)(\(E_3\), Q)} = 6, which is a tight lower bound of MIND(\(E_3\), Q) (= 6).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

MIND\(_i(Q, E)\) computation

Min function. If \(L_{Ei}\) \(\ge \) \(U_{Qi}\) (as shown in Fig. 4(a)), then MIND\(_i\)(E, Q) =\(\min _{1 \le t \le |Q|}\)MIND\(_i\)(E, \(q_t\)) = \(L_{Ei}\)\(U_{Qi}\). If \(U_{Ei}\) \(\le \) \(L_{Qi}\) (as depicted in Fig. 4(b)), then MIND\(_i\)(E, Q) = \(\min _{1 \le t \le |Q|}\)MIND\(_i(E\), \(q_t)\) = \(L_{Qi}\)\(U_{Ei}\). Otherwise, i.e., \(M_Q\) and \(M_E\) are crossed on dimension i, MIND\(_i\)(E, Q) is estimated as 0.

Similarity, the EMIND\(_{agg}\)(E, Q) computational cost is also reduced to O(1) for min function. Back to the example shown in Fig. 3 and suppose that min function is used, since \(U_{E_3x}\) < \(L_{Qx}\) on dimension x, MIND\(_x\)(\(E_3\), Q) = \(L_{Qx}\)\(U_{E_3x}\) = 1. Hence, we can get that EMIND\(_{agg}\)(\(E_3\), Q) =  max{MIND\(_x\)(\(E_3\), Q), MIND\(_y\)(\(E_3\), Q)} = 1, which is a tight lower bound of MIND(\(E_3\), Q) (= 1).

Max function. If \(L_{Ei}\) \(\ge \) \(U_{Qi}\) (as shown in Fig. 4(a)), then MIND\(_i\)(E, Q) =\(\max _{1 \le t \le |Q|}\)MIND\(_i(E\), \(q_t)\) = \(L_{Ei}\)\(L_{Qi}\). If \(U_{Ei}\) \(\le \) \(L_{Qi}\) (as depicted in Fig. 4(b)), then MIND\(_i\)(E, Q) = \(\max _{1 \le t \le |Q|}\)MIND\(_i\)(E, \(q_t\)) = \(U_{Qi}\)\(U_{Ei}\). Otherwise, i.e., \(M_Q\) and \(M_E\) are intersected on dimension i, MIND\(_i\)(E, Q) is estimated as 0. Note that, for the case when \(M_E\) is intersected with \(M_Q\), if E is a leaf entry (as illustrated in Fig. 4(c)), then MIND\(_i\)(E, Q) = max{d(E, \(p_i\)) − \(L_{Qi}\), \(U_{Qi}\)d(E, \(p_i\))}.

For max function, the EMIND\(_{agg}\)(E, Q) computational cost is also reduced to O(1). Back to the example depicted in Fig. 3 and assume that max function is used, on dimension x, as \(U_{E_3x}\) < \(L_{Qx}\), MIND\(_x\)(\(E_3\), Q) = \(U_{Qx}\)\(U_{E_3x}\) = 3; on dimension y, MIND\(_y\)(\(E_3\), Q) =  \(d(E_{10}, o_6) - L_{Qy}\) = 2. Thus, we can get that EMIND\(_{agg}\)(\(E_3\), Q) = max{MIND\(_x\)(\(E_3\), Q), MIND\(_y\)(\(E_3\), Q)} = 3, which is a tight lower bound of MIND(\(E_3\), Q) (= 3). For object \(o_3\), on dimension y, since \(L_{Qy}\) < d(\(o_3\), \(o_6\)) < \(U_{Qy}\), MIND\(_y\)(\(o_3\), Q) = max{d(\(o_3\), \(o_6\)) − \(L_{Qi}\), \(U_{Qi}\)d(\(o_3\), \(o_6\))} = 2. therefore, we can get that EMIND\(_{agg}\)(\(o_3\), Q) = max{MIND\(_x\)(\(o_3\), Q)), MIND\(_y\)(\(o_3\), Q)} = 2, which is also a tight lower bound of MIND(\(o_3\), Q) (= 2).

Based on EMIND\(_{agg}\)(E, Q) derived, we develop a lemma to avoid unnecessary MIND\(_{agg}(Q\), E) computations.

Lemma 2

Given a query set Q and a B\(^+\)-tree entry E, E can be safely pruned if EMIND\(_{agg}(Q\), E) \(\ge \) curAND\(_{k}\).


Since EMIND\(_{agg}(Q, E)\) \(\le \) MIND\(_{agg}(Q, E)\), if EMIND\(_{agg}(Q, E)\) \(\ge \) curAND\(_{k}\), then MIND\(_{agg}(Q, E)\) \(\ge \) curAND\(_{k}\). Hence, E can be safely pruned due to Lemma 1, which completes the proof. \(\Box \)

Consider the example depicted in Fig. 3 with the corresponding SPB-tree in Fig. 2. Assume that sum function is used and curAND\(_{k}= 5\), \(E_3\) can be safely discarded due to EMIND\(_{agg}(E_3, M_Q)\) > curAND\(_{k}\).

Lemma 2 utilizes MBB to reduce the computational cost in the mapped vector space. In order to further reduce the computational cost of the aggregate distance \(d_{agg}(Q, o)\) between the object o and the query set Q, we can also build a minimum bounding circle (MBC) for Q in original metric space. The MBC \(C_Q\) is centered at \(C_Q.o\) with the radius \(C_Q.r\) equaling to the maximum distance \(d(q, C_Q.o)\) (\(q \in Q\)). Consider the example illustrated in Fig. 3(a), the thick black circle, centered at object \(o_4\) with the radius \(C_Q.r\) = \(d(o_4, q_3)\), denotes the MBC for Q. With the assistant of MBC, we can get the lower bound \(ed_{agg}(Q, o)\) of \(d_{agg}(Q, o)\), with the detailed derivation stated as follows for sum, min, and max function, respectively.

Sum function. According to the triangle inequality,

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&d_{agg}(Q, o)\,=\,\sum \limits _{1 \le t \le |Q|} d(o, q_t) \\&\quad \ge \sum \limits _{1 \le t \le |Q|} |d(o, C_Q.o) - d(C_Q.o, q_t)| \\&\quad \ge |\sum \limits _{1 \le t \le |Q|} (d(o, C_Q.o) - d(C_Q.o, q_t))| \\&\quad = |d(o, C_Q.o) \times |Q| - \sum \limits _{1 \le t \le |Q|}d(C_Q.o, q_t)| \\ \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Hence, \(ed_{agg}(Q, o)\) can be computed as \(|d(o, C_Q.o) \times |Q| - \sum _{1 \le t \le |Q|} d(C_Q.o, q_t)|\) for sum function. Note that, \(\sum _{1 \le t \le |Q|} d(C_Q.o, q_t)\) can be computed and stored for reuse when building MBC \(C_Q\). For example, in Fig. 3(a), suppose that sum function is used, \(ed_{agg}(Q, o_6)\,=\,3 \times d(o_6, o_4) - \sum _{1 \le t \le 3} d(o_4, q_t)\,=\,9 - d(o_4, q_1) = 7.2\), which is a lower bound value of \(d_{agg}(Q, o_6) \ (= 5\,+\,d(q_1, o_6) = 10)\).

Min function. Based on the triangle inequality,

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&d_{agg}(Q, o)= \min \limits _{1 \le t \le |Q|} d(o, q_t) \\&\quad \ge \min \limits _{1 \le t \le |Q|} |d(o, C_Q.o) - d(C_Q.o, q_t)| \\&\quad \ge \min \limits _{1 \le t \le |Q|} (d(o, C_Q.o) - d(C_Q.o, q_t)) \\&\quad = d(o, C_Q.o) - \max \limits _{1 \le t \le |Q|}d(C_Q.o, q_t) \\&\quad = d(o, C_Q.o) - C_Q.r \\ \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Thus, \(ed_{agg}(Q, o)\) can be computed as \(d(o, C_Q.o) - C_Q.r\) for max function. Back to the example shown in Fig. 3(a), and assume that min function is used, \(ed_{agg}(Q, o_6) = d(o_6, o_4) - C_Q.r = 2\), which is a tight lower bound of \(d_{agg}(Q, o_6)(=\,2)\).

Max function. According to the triangle inequality,

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&d_{agg}(Q, o)= \max \limits _{1 \le t \le |Q|} d(o, q_t) \\&\quad \ge \max \limits _{1 \le t \le |Q|} |d(o, C_Q.o) - d(C_Q.o, q_t)| \\&\quad = max{\{}\max \limits _{1 \le t \le |Q|}d(C_Q.o, q_t) - d(o, C_Q.o), \\&\quad \quad \text { } d(o, C_Q.o) - \min \limits _{1 \le t \le |Q|}d(C_Q.o, q_t){\}} \\&\quad = max{\{} C_Q.r - d(o, C_Q.o), d(o, C_Q.o) - \\&\quad \quad \text { } min{\{}d(C_Q.o, q_t) | 1 \le t \le |Q|{\}}{\}} \\ \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, \(ed_{agg}(Q, o)\) can be computed as max{\(d(o, C_Q.o) - C_Q.r\), \(d(o, C_Q.o) - min{\{}d(C_Q.o, q_t) | 1 \le t \le |Q|\)}} for min function. Note that, min{\(d(C_Q.o, q_t) | 1 \le t \le |Q|\)} can be computed and stored for reuse when building \(C_Q\). Back to the example depicted in Fig. 3(a), and suppose that max function is used, \(ed_{agg}(Q, o_6)\,=\,d(o_6, o_4) - d(o_4, q_2)\,=\,3\), which is a lower bound value of \(d_{agg}(Q, o_6) (= d(q_1, o_6)\,=\,5)\).

According to Eqs. 2–(4), it only needs one distance computation for \(ed_{agg}(Q\)o) calculation, instead of |Q| distance computations for \(d_{agg}(Q\), o) calculation, which reduces significantly the computational cost. Thus, we develop a new lemma based on \(ed_{agg}(Q, o)\) derived, to avoid unnecessary computations of \(d_{agg}(Q\), o).

Lemma 3

Given a query set Q and an object o, o can be safely pruned if \(ed_{agg}(Q, o)\) \(\ge \) curAND\(_{k}\).


As \(ed_{agg}(Q, o)\) \(\le \) \(d_{agg}(Q, o)\), \(d_{agg}(Q, o)\) \(\ge \) curAND\(_{k}\) if \(ed_{agg}(Q, o)\) \(\ge \) curAND\(_{k}\). Hence, o can be safely pruned due to the definition of the aggregate kNN query, which completes the proof. \(\Box \)

Consider the example shown in Fig. 3 with the corresponding SPB-tree in Fig. 2. Assume that max function is used and curAND\(_{k}\) = 5, object \(o_6\) can be safely discarded due to EMIND\(_{agg}(o_6, M_Q)\) > curAND\(_{k}\), without any further verification.

figure a

To achieve the strongest pruning power of Lemma 3, i.e., the lower bound \(ed_{agg}(Q, o)\) must approach to \(d_{agg}(Q, o)\) as much as possible, we need to tight the MBC. In other words, we need to choose an MBC center to obtain the minimal MBC radius. A simple way to obtain the optimal center is to perform an MAkNN(Q, O, 1) query using max function. However, it is costly to perform an additional aggregate NN query. Therefore, we can update the center of MBC using the object o (\(\in \) O) during MAkNN search when verifying whether o is contained in the final result.

Based on Lemmas 1 to 3, we present an efficient Aggregate kNN Algorithm (AkNNA), with the pseudo-code depicted in Algorithm 1. To begin with, AkNNA sets curAND\(_{k}\) to infinity, and initializes the MBC \(C_Q\) and min-heap H to empty. Then, it computes \(\phi (q)\) for each q \(\in \) Q using P, and obtains the MBB \(M_Q\) in the mapped vector space. Next, the algorithm pushes the root entries of a B\(^{ + }\)-tree into H. In the sequel, a while-loop is performed until H is empty (lines 4–17). In every while-loop, AkNNA de-heaps the top entry E from H, and stops searching if MIND\(_{agg}\)(Q, E) is no smaller than curAND\(_{k}\) by Lemma 1. If E is a non-leaf entry, the algorithm pushes all the qualified sub entries of E into H according to Lemmas 1 and 2 (lines 8–11). Otherwise (i.e., E is a leaf entry), if \(C_Q\) exists, AkNNA computes \(ed_{agg}\)(Q, e.ptr) and prunes object e.ptr without any further verification using Lemma 3 (lines 13–14). Thereafter, if \(d_{agg}\)(Q, e.ptr) is smaller than curAND\(_{k}\), the algorithm inserts e.ptr into the result set MAkNN(Q, O, k) (line 16), and updates curAND\(_{k}\) and \(C_Q\) if necessary (line 17). In the end, the final query result set MAkNN(Q, O, k) is returned.

Example 1. We illustrate AkNNA using the example depicted in Fig. 3 with the corresponding SPB-trees shown in Fig. 2. Assume that k = 2 and sum function is utilized. First of all, curAND\(_{k}\) is initialized to infinity, and \(C_Q\) and the min-heap H are set to empty. Then, AkNNA computes \(\phi (q_1)\) = \(\langle \)2, 5\(\rangle \), \(\phi (q_2)\) = \(\langle \)3, 3\(\rangle \), and \(\phi (q_3)\) = \(\langle \)4, 2\(\rangle \) using P, obtains MBB \(M_Q\) = {[2, 4], [2, 5]}, and pushes the root entries into H (= {\(E_{1}\), \(E_{2}\)}). Next, it performs a while-loop. In the first loop, AkNNA pops the top entry \(E_{1}\) from H. Since \(E_{1}\) is a non-leaf entry, the algorithm pushes its qualified sub entries \(E_3\) and \(E_4\) into H (= {\(E_{4}\), \(E_{2}\), \(E_{3}\)}), due to EMIND\(_{agg}\) and MIND\(_{agg}\) of \(E_3\) and \(E_4\) from Q are smaller than curAND\(_{k}\). Similarly, in the second loop, AkNNA pops \(E_{4}\) and pushes the qualified sub leaf entries into \(H (= \){\(E_{9}\), \(E_{10}\), \(E_{2}\), \(E_{3}\)}). Then, AkNNA pops the leaf entry \(E_{9}\) and inserts \(o_{4}\) into MAkNN(Q, O, 2) as \(d_{agg}(o_{4}\), Q) < curAND\(_{k}\). After that, \(C_Q.o\) and \(C_Q.r\) are set as \(o_4\) and 2, respectively. In the sequel, it pops and evaluates entries in H similarly until MIND\(_{agg}\)(\(E_3\), Q) > curAND\(_{k}\), after which MAkNN(Q, O, 2) = {\(o_{4}\), \(o_{3}\)}. Finally, AkNNA stops and returns MAkNN(Q, O, 2) as the final result set. \(\Box \)

5 Performance Study

In this section, we experimentally evaluate the performance of MAkNN retrieval algorithms based on the SPB-tree. We implemented the algorithms in C++. All experiments were conducted on an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.93 GHz PC with 3 GB RAM.

Table 2. Statistics of the datasets used

5.1 Experimental Setup

We employ three real datasets, namely, Words, Color, and DNA, as depicted in Table 2. WordsFootnote 1 contains proper nouns, acronyms, and compound words taken from the Moby Project, and the edit distance is used to compute the distance between two words. ColorFootnote 2 denotes the color histograms extracted from an image database, and \(L_{5}\)-norm is utilized to compare the color image features. DNAFootnote 3 consists of 1 million DNA data, and the cosine similarity is used to measure its similarity under the tri-gram counting space.

Table 3. Parameter ranges and default values

We investigate the efficiency of MAkNN retrieval algorithms under various parameters, which are listed in Table 3. Note that, in every experiment, only one factor varies, whereas the others are fixed to their default values. The main performance metrics include the number of page accesses (PA), the number of distance computations (compdists), and the CPU time. Each measurement we report is the average of 500 queries.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

AkNN query performance vs. k

5.2 Results on AkNN Queries

We verify the performance of our proposed algorithms (i.e., BL and AkNNA) in answering MAkNN queries in metric spaces. BL is a baseline method directly extended from MkNN framework [27] using SPB-tree. We inspect the influence of various parameters, containing (1) the area of query set \(A_Q\), (2) the cardinality of query set |Q|, and (3) the value of k, i.e., the number of aggregate NNs required.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

AkNN query performance vs. query set area \(A_Q\)

Fig. 7.
figure 7

AkNN query performance vs. query set cardinality |Q|

Figures 56, and 7 show the experimental results w.r.t. k, \(A_Q\), and |Q|, respectively. The first observation is that, AkNNA achieves better performance in terms of the number of distance computations and the CPU time, but has similar number of page accesses as BL. This is because, AkNNA employs Lemmas 2 and 3 to save the distance computational cost and avoid unnecessary distance computations, while BL only uses Lemma 1. However, the I/O cost of MAkNN search is related with the search region. In other words, the I/O cost is mostly related with the distribution of the query set and the dataset, which can hardly be reduced by Lemmas 2 and 3. Thus, BL and AkNNA have similar I/O cost. The second observation is that, the query cost increases with \(A_Q\) and k, due to the growth of search space. Note that, the query cost of AkNNA, including the number of distance computations and the CPU time, approaches to that of BL as \(A_Q\) grows. The reason is that, with the growth of \(A_Q\), the minimum bounding box and minimum bounding circle for the query set becomes larger, and thus, the pruning power of Lemmas 2 and 3 decreases. In addition, the number of distance computations and the CPU time increase with |Q|. This is because, the aggregate distance computation needs more distance computations and becomes more costly as the number of query objects |Q| ascends. Nevertheless, the I/O cost drops as |Q| grows, since the search region decreases due to the dropping k-the aggregate NN distance (\(AND_k\)) value for min and max functions, and \(AND_k/|Q|\) value for sum function.

6 Conclusions

Metric aggregation k nearest neighbor (MAkNN) search is useful in many areas of computer science, such as multimedia retrieval, resource allocation, and so forth, because it can support various data types and flexible similarity measurements as long as the measurements satisfy the triangle inequality. To answer MAkNN efficiently, we develop several pruning lemmas that utilizes the triangle inequality and present efficient algorithms based on SPB-tree. Extensive experiments show that, our MAkNN search algorithm is more efficient than the baseline algorithm extended from the state-of-the art MAkNN search framework. In the future, we plan to extend the MAkNN search algorithms to various distributed environments.